The life of the participants in the show "Weighted People" after the project: who managed to keep the results? "Weighted and happy": after participating in the project, people die When the weighted and happy people begin.


Timur Bikbulatov received 2.5 million rubles as the person who lost the most weight. During the 16 weeks of the project, he lost 54 kg. Participation in the show about losing weight radically changed Timur not only externally, but also internally. He spoke about the show, relations with the participants and how he managed to overcome the "psychology of a fat man" in an interview with AiF-Kazan.

Non-Random Accidents

Daria Khodik, AIF-Kazan: Timur, how did you get into this project?

Timur Bikbulatov: Once I was visiting my best friend Artem Filippov, and the first season of “Weighted People” was on TV. And Artem drew attention to the program, said that it would be nice for me to get on this show. I say, not bad, of course, but after all, the casting, how many thousands of people dream of getting into it, and it’s generally not clear whether there will be a second season. Several months pass, a normal working day, and suddenly Artem calls: “You have a few hours to come to such and such an address. But he doesn't say why. "Man, I'm at work," I tell him. “Have I ever let you down or deceived you in my life? I would go if I were you." The intrigue was great. I arrived ... at the Kazan office of STS. I managed literally at the last moment. We filled out the questionnaire, we were photographed and sent the data to Moscow. A few days later I received an e-mail asking me to come to the second stage of the casting in the capital. Here the psychologists of the project talked to us. Then they called me and said that I had passed the second stage, after which it was necessary to undergo a medical examination and take tests. And already on August 24 was the first shooting day in Gorky Park.

The show "Weighted People" is the Russian analogue of the world-famous reality project The Biggest Loser. 18 participants from all over Russia who suffer from excess weight get a chance not only to radically change their lives, getting rid of annoying kilograms, but also to compete for 3 million rubles. Under the guidance of trainers and nutritionists, participants go through physical tests, diets and competitions. The host of the project is Yulia Kovalchuk, the coaches are Denis Seminikhin and Irina Turchinskaya.

- Didn't it bother you that the whole country would see you?

At the start of the project, Timur weighed 148 kg. Photo: STS pr-service

No, I decided that the accidents in our lives are not accidental. So I came to the casting: there is a door in front of me. You can not open it and come to terms with your condition, or use this chance. Of course, the desire to change yourself outweighed. Moreover, at that time I was in a state of another attempt to lose weight. At the start of the project, I weighed 148 kg, and back in May (2015) I weighed 164 kg. My son influenced me. Once he dropped the phrase: "You can't lose weight." These words hit me hard. I decided to prove that I can.

- Have you always suffered from obesity?

Since childhood. In the company one was fat. As a 14-15-year-old teenager, I was engaged in freestyle wrestling and already then competed in the weight category over 83 kilograms (now, by the way, I weigh 84). Of course, there were attempts to lose weight, which did not lead to anything. Weight left and returned with a margin. Eventually, I stopped trying to lose weight on my own. From the age of 27, I counted down my life, although, it would seem, it should have been the other way around. There was fatigue from everything, some actions, movements. My knees and back began to hurt, sports injuries began to worsen. There were problems in communicating with the opposite sex.

Burned bridges

- How did the family react to the fact that you will drop out of life for a few months?

When I realized that I would get into the project, I tied up with work (I was engaged in construction), dismissed all the workers so that there was nothing left that connected me with my past life. I had to sacrifice a lot, but I do not regret anything. After the project, many people from a past life stopped communicating with me and, on the contrary, many new friends appeared. As the psychologist of the project told us, many people communicate with fat people and even pretend to be friends in order to subconsciously assert themselves at their expense. And as soon as a person changes, comes into shape, they break off relations.

Timur with family. Photo: From the personal archive

- With whom on the project did you have the warmest relations?

I treated all the participants well. It takes a lot of strength to undress and show your “ugliness” to the whole of Russia, realizing that you will be cited as a bad example. This also needs to be crossed. They are all great, they are strong people. I treated everyone well, but I had the warmest relationship with Sasha Podolenyuk from Chelyabinsk, with Jan (Samokhvalov) at first, and at the end of the project I was very surprised by Alena Zaretskaya. This is the only person who really supported me. When I returned, I was met negatively, and Alena said: "You did not deserve this." And this explains my act, when I gave her the kilogram earned at the competition at the pre-final weigh-in (more precisely, minus a kilogram. - Approx. Aut.).

With the finalists of the show and the coaches. Photo: STS TV channel press service

The turning point came when the team voted against you, the captain of the blue team. The audience did not understand why this happened.

There were several moments when I opposed my opinion to the opinion of the team. When I became the captain, I had to think not only about myself, I had a goal: I wanted to bring the main part of the blue team to the individual fight. For example, I tried to study even before the arrival of the film crew. I wanted to set an example not with words, but with actions. But, apparently, not everyone understood this.

- How did you build your life after you left the project and until the moment you return?

I dropped out of the filming process, but not from the project itself. I had the opportunity to compete for the second prize (500 thousand rubles). Several times a week I talked with coach Denis Semenikhin, they selected various training programs for me. Plus, I myself experimented with different loads. I read various literature, listened to coaches, talked to sports doctors. I picked up a program for myself, adapted to my everyday life, which will allow me to exercise in such a way that I lose not muscle mass, but fat. I didn't know I'd be back. Sport leads not only to an improvement in physical activity, but also to an improvement in the blood supply to brain cells, and an improvement in the state of the psyche. He helps me become strong in every way.

Timur was assisted by his coach Denis Seminikhin. Photo: STS pr-service

- And how did you take the news that you are returning to the project and did the reaction of the team disappoint you?

It was a pleasant shock. They asked me: “Well, have you already unpacked your suitcases?” I assumed that I would not be welcome. Although I did not expect such a reaction from everyone who stayed there. Well, that gave me strength.

The team took your return negatively also because you spent time at home, and they haven’t seen their families for a long time ...

At home it is more difficult, it is necessary to artificially create conditions for yourself. There are temptations everywhere - you need to buy cottage cheese, and for this you need to go past the department with pastries that smell. And after the show, all the receptors, sense of smell, scent became aggravated. Each time I had to control myself, passing by the same McDonald's. On the project, we were physically deprived of such an opportunity. I don't think it was easier for me.

- What moments do you remember the most?

Loads and moments associated with food, especially in the first two weeks. I couldn't adapt. What was my diet at home? Bread, meat, pasta. There were no vegetables, he did not recognize greens, he did not consider zucchini and eggplants for food. And then I came to all this "straw" and it turned out that without it it would not work. There has been a shift in the concept of "normal" food.

I remember the competition associated with the buggy (the participant had to pull a car weighing more than half a ton). It was terrible, Ian was still sitting in the buggy with a weight of 170 kilograms. I remember that at 4-5 weeks I really wanted to talk with my family, to see her.

Do not be shy!

- You received 2.5 million rubles for winning the competition, what will you spend it on?

I'm going to buy exercise equipment for myself. Now I work out in the open air with a group, I force them to fight with their complexes. I am preparing a joint program with a fitness center, we want to launch group classes for overweight people. I want to connect my life with this, promote sports, healthy lifestyles, proper nutrition. 80% of fat people stay at home and don't want to go to the gym. But there is no need to be ashamed of mistakes, clumsy movements. You have to be ashamed of your inaction.

How has your life changed since the show? Attacked on social media?

They attack. So many people ask me: describe your diet, how much you ate and how you trained. I must say right away: this mode is not suitable for ordinary life. At the end of the project, we were eating 600-800 calories a day, while in normal life, breakfast should be 600 calories. But we still need to perform other functions, and all this requires energy. The body needs to be taught to convert fat into energy. And the body needs to be taught to part with fat for a long time. After an emergency weight loss, the problem of weight retention arises. After all, the body is used to the bad, and it strives back to its old weight in giant leaps. The smoother we come to the result, the more likely it is that the body will be able to adapt.

Timur lost 80 kg in a year. Photo: From the personal archive

- After such weight loss, stretch marks, excess skin may appear. How to solve this aesthetic problem?

Well, I'm not a girl to pay attention to. There are many different means up to plastic surgery. Of course, there is an aesthetic problem, but it is insignificant compared to what I experience and how I live now.

- After the victory, you continued to lose weight. Now you weigh 84 kilograms, have you already lost too much weight?

After the victory, when I weighed 94 kilograms, I came home, took off my T-shirt and said to myself: "I'm not satisfied." When I reached 85, I changed my training program, began to do more strength exercises in order to replace fat with muscle.

About life after the show

- Do you communicate after the show with the participants?

Yes, we communicate with Yan (Samokhvalov - ed.) from time to time. I have a very warm relationship with Alena Zaretskaya, with Yasha (Yakov Povarenkin from Izhevsk), who took second place. I would like to compete with him in the final. He continues to lose weight and is also promoting a healthy lifestyle. All of us this project is simple « plowed » . Fat people often suffer from consumerism. They cannot afford nice clothes, but they can afford any food. These consumer moments are completely gone for me.

Now Timur himself teaches others the right way of life. Photo: From the personal archive

What hobbies have come into your life?

In addition to "sports addiction" I want to return to auto racing. I am drawn to extreme sports - ATVs, motorcycles. My dream is to go to Sochi and repeat the jump from 200 meters. I want vivid emotions not from things, but from actions (Timur's Instagram).

Timur dreams of repeating the jump he made on the project. Photo: From the personal archive

Before that, my wife and I tried for three years to have a baby, and as soon as the team kicked me out of the project, we succeeded. Now we are expecting a third child (the couple has two sons, 14 and 9 years old. - Author's note). See how things have changed?

The coaches for the fourth season are: Natalia Lugovskikh, Sergey Parkhomenko And Sergey Badyuk.

Project leader - Anfisa Chekhova

Weighted people. All season winners

Weighted people season 1 - winner Pyotr Vasiliev
Weighted people season 2 - winner Timur Bikbulatov
Weighted People Season 3 - Winner Boris Baburov
Weighted and happy people season 4 - Anton Avduevsky

Weighted and happy people 4. Participants

Weighted and happy people 4. All issues

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 16 release 06/02/2018 FINAL and WINNERS

The show was won by Anton Avduevsky. His prize is 2.5 million rubles. Anton dropped 82 kilograms during the project (from 167 kg to 85 kg).

The second winner among the eliminated participants is Andrey Shlyakhov. His prize is 500 thousand rubles. Andrei managed to lose 73 kilograms (from 157 kg to 84 kg)

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 15 release 05/26/2018

Anfisa Chekhova met with project participants in the Olympic Park. This is the last week in Sochi. Weighted people will have to pass three tests, two of which are in Olympic disciplines, and the final test will give the winner immunity and automatic access to the final. The first training and test with Paralympic athlete Vadim Alyoshkin was to run for a while around the stadium with a vest that weighs as much as the weight the participants lost during the project. First place went to Polina Piskareva, she earned an extra 10 seconds in the final test. Second place went to Alexander Povagin (+5 seconds), third place went to Anton Avduevsky (+3 seconds). The second training and test took place in the pool, the coach is the Paralympic Yaroslav Svyatoslavsky. It was necessary to swim a distance of 500 meters. First place went to Anton Avduevsky, second place to Polina Piskareva and third place to Anna Lezhneva. Bonus seconds were also given out for prize-winning places. In the final test, you had to climb the structure by lifting yourself up with the help of climbing equipment. The winner received immunity. The first was Anna Lezhneva, the second was Anton Avduevsky, the third was Polina Piskareva. The results of the final weigh-in: the weight of Anna Lezhneva has not changed, Polina -1.18%, Alexander +1.08%, Anton -5.41%. In the voting, opinions were divided, and since Polina lost more weight, Alexander Povagin left the show. Finalists: Anna Lezhneva, Anton Avduevsky and Polina Piskareva.

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 14 release 05/19/2018

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 13 release 05/12/2018

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 12 release 05/05/2018

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 11 issue 04/28/2018

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 10 release 04/21/2018

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 9 release 04/14/2018

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 8 release 04/07/2018

Anfisa Chekhova announced to the project participants that they would be living in the mountains for the whole week. Before moving on to a new location, they must leave one member of each team weighed and happy in the house. They chose Elena Sadikova, Evgeny Khaitkulov and Irina Cheremnykh. Who from this trio will lose the most weight by the end of the week will bring his team +1 kg at the final weigh-in. They will also earn healthy food for their team through trials. In the chalet where the rest of the participants arrived, a table was set with junk food and alcohol. Many have succumbed to temptation. Igor Koshelev refused to eat and drink and went to bed. Katerina Nikitina went overboard with alcohol and began to run into Anna Lezhneva because of her friendship with members of another team. Anton Avduevsky and Anna Lezhneva slept in the same bed. The next day, trainers arrived at the chalet and arranged a workout without exercise equipment. The participants who remained in the house of the Weighted and Happy were tested, Irina Cheremnykh won in both. She brought the black team +2 kg at the final weigh-in. Yevgeny Khaitkulov, in turn, let the team down and brought -2 kg at the weigh-in. Anfisa Chekhova took Irina Cheremnykh to the shopping center for a psychological training "Monument to myself". Irina needed to speak loudly in front of the crowd all the bad words that she had ever heard in her address. Final weigh-in results: red team -2.8%, blue team -2.1%, black team -3%. Katerina Nikitina used immunity to save herself. Only Yevgeny Khaitkulov voted and he voted against Anna Lezhneva. Anna Lezhneva left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 7 release 03/31/2018

The participants were again divided into teams of red, blue and black. On the first day, a letter from Anfisa Chekhova awaited them: they need to pack their things in suitcases and arrive at the railway station in Adler. Challenge of the week: In each team, you need to choose a person who will go home for a few days to see his family. During this time, the fitness bracelet will count the steps. The team that completes the most steps wins. The prize for the first place is a trip to the dolphinarium and swimming with dolphins, for the second place - a visit to the spa, for the third place - a low-calorie dessert. Igor Koshelev went home from the black team, Alexander Povagin from the blue ones, and Polina Piskareva from the red ones. As a result, the first place was for the reds, the second for the blacks, and the third for the blues. Alexander and Polina tried to stick to a healthy diet, and Igor got drunk on the very first evening. Also, the team whose participant dropped more kilograms was given +1 kg at the weigh-in.

The training of the blue and red teams was conducted by Sergei Parkhomenko. Natalia Lugovskikh caught a cold. Seryoga arranged a paintball tournament. The blue team won. The red team had to squat 300 times as a loss. Sergey Badyuk returned to the project and gave Igor a debriefing due to drunkenness. As punishment, he gave his team increased training.

The final test took place in the mountains at an altitude of more than 2000 m. Team members climbed into inflatable boats tied to a snowcat. The snowcat rode up and the boats were in an inclined position, and the participants held themselves and the boat, holding the rope with their hands. The task is to hold out as long as possible and not move down. The prize for the winners is +2 kg at the weigh-in, for the losers -2 kg. The black team won, since their team had three people - Anastasia Idrisova fell ill. The red team lost.

The results of the final weigh-in: blue -2.7%, black -1.3%, red -1.7%. Anastasia Idrisova and Irina Cheremnykh lost the least weight in a week on the black team. The votes of Christian and Igor were divided equally, the final decision was made by the team captain - he left Irina, and Anastasia Idrisova left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 6 release 03/24/2018

Army week on the project. The participants were divided into two platoons and dressed in camouflage uniforms. Green team: Andrey Shlyakhov, Igor Koshelev, Christian Bodrov, Evgeniy Khaitkulov, Elena Sadikova, Irina Cheremnykh. Their coach is Natalya Lugovskikh, and the platoon captain is Andrey Shlyakhov. Gray team: Polina Piskareva, Anton Avduevsky, Katerina Nikitina, Alexander Povagin, Evgeny Vorobyov, Anna Lezhneva, Anastasia Idrisova. Their coach is Sergey Parkhomenko, and their captain is Anton Avduevsky.

The next day, the new teams had a joint training session that lasted three hours. The coaches took turns giving tasks to the teams in order to reveal the strength of the spirit. The losing team had to clean the house. The first task: the whole team to hold a huge tire above them. Both teams did well. The second task: which of the participants stays in the plank longer, the team will win. Katerina Nikitina stood the longest. The third task: go the distance, turning over a huge tire with the whole team. The green team won. The last task: running a race with clasped hands. The gray team won. In the evening, the greens washed the house.

New challenge of the week: two members of different teams must pass from one side of the pontoon bridge over the pool to the other. The team with the most number of participants will win. An opponent can and should be thrown into the water with the help of a given weapon. The winner will choose a participant from the opposing team whose weight will not be taken into account at the final weigh-in. The gray team won.

The final test took place in the military unit of Sochi. Participants had to go through a 400-meter long test strip with many physically demanding tasks. The winners will be given +3 kg at the weigh-in. The Greens expelled Anton Avduevsky from the gray team in order to have an equal number of participants in both teams. In the end, the green team won.

Final weigh-in results: gray team -2.1%, green team -2.3%. Least of all in the gray team, Anna Lezhneva and Evgeny Vorobyov lost weight. Captains did not use immunity. Most of the participants voted against Evgeny Vorobyov and he left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 5 release 03/17/2018

The morning began with breakfast in bed - everyone got their favorite dish, only in a healthier and more useful way. Then everyone went to the market - there the participants were waiting for a quiz on nutrition. The prize for the winners is video letters from relatives. Quiz questions:

1. What should be the percentage of meat and fish in the diet of a losing weight person? Answer: 30% meat, 70% fish

2. What should I drink on an empty stomach to activate the digestive tract? Answer: mineral water

3. Which fruit is the safest for a person who is losing weight: banana, grapes or persimmon? Answer: persimmon.

4. Which drink is less harmful to the figure? Answer: soda with sweeteners.

5. How many hours before bedtime should the last meal be? Answer: 3 hours

6. Which of the foods stimulates metabolism more: cayenne pepper, cucumber juice or coffee? Answer: cayenne pepper.

The red and blue teams won. The black team was also given a chance to see the video messages - for this they had to eat what they had left on the table with junk food, which they threw away after each correct answer. Videos from relatives caused an ambiguous reaction among some participants, and someone was completely left without greetings from relatives.

The next day, Anfisa Chekhova took the team captains for a mini-test. They had to randomly select bonuses and punishments for their teams. Igor Koshelev from the black team got: handcuff one of the participants for a week (he chained Christian) and call home for 5 minutes (divided into all participants for 15 seconds who have children). Bonuses of Katerina Nikitina from the blue team: +1 kg at the weigh-in for the opposing team and -1 kg for her own team. Anton Avduevsky from the red team got: deprive one of the team members of training with a coach for a week (Andrei Shlyakhov agreed) and wear weights all week (Anton wore them himself).

Team training: the blacks practiced qigong with Sergey Badyuk via Skype, the reds (except Andrey Shlyakhov) did cycling as usual in the gym. The Blues talked about life and received name tokens from Seryoga Parkhomenko.

The last test of the week: the participants were brought to the pits. Each team has 4 people. One stands on a rotating platform and catches sandbags, the rest throw these bags and run back and forth. Winners receive +2 kg at the weigh-in. Losers -2 kg. The blue team won, the red team was second.

Final weigh-in results: red team -3%, blue team -3.6%, black team -3.1%. Least of all in the red team lost weight: Anton Avduevsky and Anna Khalyavka. The majority voted against Anna Khalyavka and she left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 4 release 03/10/2018

It's time to determine the strongest team of the season. In the first test, the heaviest team members competed among themselves: Alexander Povagin from the blue team, Evgeny Vorobyov from the red team and Christian Bodrov from the black team. They had to go through an obstacle course on a 50 m long bridge for a while. The winner receives an additional kilogram at the weigh-in. Evgeny Vorobyov won with a score of 2 minutes 47 seconds.

The second test of the week is the captains contest. They had to climb as quickly as possible up the stairs 500 m long and consisting of 300 steps. The red team won again - Anton Avduevsky was the first and received a prize kilogram.

The third test took place in the mountains. Team members had to show how they learned to feel and support each other. They had to cross a 500 m long track on skis while holding on to the poles. The black and blue teams fell far behind the red team due to the fall of the participants. The red team got the third prize kilogram and their team became the strongest by the results of the week.

Team training took place in different locations: the black team with Sergey Badyuk trained in the fight club in the ring, the blue team with Sergey Parkhomenko swam in the pool, and the red team with Natalia Lugovskikh traditionally worked out in the gym. The first relationship appeared on the project: Anton Avduevsky and Andrey Shlyakhov from the red team laid eyes on Anna Lezhneva from the blue team.

The results of the teams at the final weigh-in: red -2.1%, black -1.8%, blue -1.7%. Katerina Nikitina and Anastasia Spiridonova lost the least weight in the blue team. Katya refused to use her immunity to vote. 2 out of 3 team members voted against Anastasia Spiridonova and she left the project.

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 3 release 03/03/2018

Ambulances arrived for the project participants. They were given 10 minutes to get ready, and then they were taken by ambulance to the forest. There dug graves were waiting for them, Anfisa Chekhova in mourning and doctor Roman Fishkin. The theme of the test is the impact of excess weight on health and life expectancy. Obese people live much less. Participants were given medical cards with diagnoses they were given after the examination at the beginning of the project, and they were also determined their biological age. Everyone was afraid of their diagnoses, and someone clearly realized that he would not be able to have children until he lost weight. The last medical card was issued to Evgeny Vorobyov - his biological age was 62 years. Roman Fishkin offered him the method of being buried alive so that he would experience his own rebirth. The assistants brought a huge box where Eugene lay down, after which the rest of the participants closed the lid and carried him to the dug graves. Everyone then buried their cards in the ground in the hope that they would get rid of future health problems this way. The black team had a training session with their mentor Sergei Badyuk. The main exercise is static-dynamic squats. Sergey worked most of all with Igor Koshelev, as he promised to make him a normal conscript who would be taken to serve. In the evening, the blue and red teams had a showdown with the black team because of the mess they had made. After a showdown and swearing, the black team was given a two-room suite.

The next day, the teams had to find new captains. The test was conducted by the winner of the second season of the show "Weighted People" Timur Bikbulatov. First, the participants who wanted to become the captain had to be the first to reach two balls with the color of their team, and then in a duel to inflate the balloons, find out which of them is worthy of leading the team further. The team captain is granted immunity, which can be spent on yourself or one of the team members. Anton Avduevsky became the captain of the red team, Igor Koshelev of the black team, Katerina Nikitina remained the captain of the blue team. In the evening, the teams trained: the reds had a circular training of 5 exercises, the blues had a sumo wrestling in the ring.

At the end of the week, Anna Khalyavka returned to the project. The final challenge of the week is to run three laps behind a quad bike. The blue team won and earned 2 kg at the weigh-in.

At the final weigh-in, the results were as follows: blue team -2.1%, red team -2.2%, black team -1.3%. Andrey Mishkin and Irina Cheremnykh lost the least weight. Team captain Igor Koshelev gave immunity to Irina. The project was left by Andrey Mishkin.

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 2 release 02/24/2018

Sergey Badyuk took the members of his team to a secret base for training. He promised that he would dream of them in nightmares. The task of the secret team is to use the time as efficiently as possible in order to lose weight. Participants were accommodated in a house without central heating, with simple furnishings and outdoor facilities. After the first week of training, the black team was able to lose 5.25% of the total weight and therefore none of them left the project.

The first task of the week for the red and blue teams was voiced by the project's nutritionist Yulia Bastrigina. She showed the participants their usual diet, voiced the number of extra pounds of fat and how many calories they need to burn to get rid of excess weight. The task of the teams is to complete a daily marathon under the guidance of trainers, during which it is necessary to burn the amount of calories equal to half of the usual daily calorie intake. The results are recorded using fitness bracelets. The winning team will receive 2 kg lost at the weigh-in. In the red team, Elena Sadikova was expelled from the marathon so that the number of marathon participants was the same in both teams.

The marathon of the blue team led by Sergei Parkhomenko was held in a calm and positive manner. In the evening there was a run with a total length of 16 km, the next morning exercises with weights on the seashore and another evening run, which only the female half of the team reached. The marathon of the red team was psychologically tense: Natalia Lugovskikh spared no one and yelled a lot at the team members. First, they worked out on simulators and did exercises on shells in the gym, the next morning they ran along the coast and completed the marathon by dancing in a hotel room. As a result, Anna Lezhneva and Anastasia Spiridonova worked their calories in the blue team, and in the red team, all participants burned a given number of calories, including Elena Sadikova. The red team won. All participants were also given food diaries and glucometers. The training of the black team took place in a mountainous area - they passed the “evacuation of the wounded” test: in a pair on a stretcher, heavy bags had to be carried uphill.

The second test took place in the swimming pool of the Zhemchuzhina Hotel. The teams had to build a raft, swim 50 meters on it and return back, collecting bags with puzzle pieces along the way. The winner is the one who completes the puzzle first. Participants who fall into the water are excluded from the competition. The red team won - they removed 2 kg from their opponents during the weigh-in.

At the final weigh-in, the red and blue teams were in for a surprise - they were introduced to the black team of Sergei Badyuk. Weigh-in results: Reds lost 2.2% of their total weight, Blues lost 1.7%, Blacks lost 1.6%. Igor Koshelev and Elizaveta Laletina lost the least weight in a week. Most of the members of the black team voted against Lisa and she left the project. Anfisa Chekhova told Anna Khalyavka that her mother had died.

Weighted and happy people STS 4 season 1 release 02/17/2018

The project participants flew to Sochi. Right at the airport, a public weigh-in was waiting for them to fix their starting weight, and they met with trainers - rapper Sergey Parkhomenko (blue team) and fitness trainer Natalya Lugovskikh. After weighing, everyone was taken to the seashore - there they were waiting for the first test: it was necessary to get to the house of the “Weighed and Happy” as quickly as possible (about 2 km away). The first two people choose their mentor and recruit a team of their choice. Only 12 people will move into the house (2 teams of 6 participants), the rest will go where they came from. Katerina Nikitina was the first to run - she chose the blue team. Andrey Volzhsky came running second, he got the red team. As soon as all the participants reached their destination, Katerina and Andrey made their choice. Anastasia Idrisova, Andrey Mishkin, Igor Koshelev, Irina Cheremnykh, Christian Bodrov and Elizaveta Laletina left the project. However, on the way home, these participants were picked up by a KAMAZ with Sergey Badyuk - they became members of a secret black team.

The next day, the participants had to defend the right to their personal belongings, which were taken from them before checking into the hotel. The training of the red team took place in the gym. An important condition: if at least one person fails, none of the team will receive their things. Exercises: plank with a ball, 30 twists on the press and a bear walk. The blue team practiced outdoors. Suitcases with things were used as inventory. It was necessary to sit down 10 times in three sets, do the pull of the suitcase to the chin and stand in the plank for 60 seconds with the suitcase on the back. In the end, everyone got their things back.

The second test of the week took place in the mountains. The teams had to move snowmobile all-terrain vehicles weighing 14 tons over a distance of 40 meters with the help of a cable and arm strength. The winners put an extra 3 kg on the bowl with the weight of the losers. The blue team won.

At the final weigh-in, the red team showed the best result - they were able to lose weight by 6%, and the blue team only by 4.6%. Katerina Nikitina and Maxim Akimov lost the least weight in the blue team. By majority vote, it was decided that the show "Weighted and happy people" leaves Maxim Akimov.

"Weighted People" is one of the most popular Russian reality shows dedicated to reducing the critical excess weight of the participants. A similar project has been successfully going on in the USA for a long time, where the problem of obesity is considered the scourge of the nation, but as practice has shown, this topic is also close to the Russian audience. The main prize is an impressive amount, as well as the opportunity to start a new life in a new body.

Any resident of Russia who believes that his weight interferes with him and harms his health can become a member. There are only two restrictions - the age of the contestant must be over 18 years old and the figure when weighing must exceed 100 kilograms.

The winner is the one who not only folds more, but reduces the maximum part of his initial state. Not only diet and active actions in the trials will lead to victory, but also willpower - participants will constantly be tempted by forbidden food and the opportunity to be lazy.

Obesity in Russia is a problem for both sexes and the show "Weighted People" clearly proves this.- among the men and women who came to the castings and got into the project, there are approximately the same number. But since the weight of the stronger sex usually decreases more actively, and the ladies less often decide to look unattractive on the screen, the former are still a little more.

Important point - there are not so many fat people weighing more than 200 kilograms in the show, 1-2 for each season. This suggests that all the same methods in the form of active physical activity, which are mainly used on the show, are especially difficult for such participants or are not available for medical reasons.

Produced by White Media. The main prize - 2,500,000 rubles - went to 28-year-old Anton Avduevsky from Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), who achieved the best result in the entire history of the project and set a new record, dropping half of his initial weight - 82 kilograms. The second prize of the show - 500,000 rubles - was received by 28-year-old Andrey Shlyakhov from the city of Volzhsky (Volgograd region), who showed the best result in the fight against excess weight at home after leaving the project. The hero managed to lose 73 kilograms, which is 46.49% of his original weight. In total, in the fourth season, 18 participants from all over Russia fought for a new life, who lost a total of 875 kilograms.

Anton Avduevsky, winner of the show:

I proved, first of all, to myself that I am a very strong person. Of course, I'm glad that at one time I got the idea to participate in the casting of the project, because after that my life changed dramatically. Moreover, I am not going to stop, but go further - my plans are to pass the triathlon standards, which are running, cycling and swimming.

Anton plans to spend his winnings on repaying a mortgage loan, and for the remaining amount he wants to go on a trip with a reality TV finalist, 28-year-old Muscovite Anya Lezhneva, with whom he began a romantic relationship in the project. The second winner, Andrei Shlyakhov, who left the project on the 11th week, also fought for the girl’s heart.

Andrey Shlyakhov:

When I returned home, the most difficult thing was to hold back and continue the path that I started in the project. Still, coaches and nutritionists looked after us there, the daily routine was clearly built: now you need to eat, then training awaits. And at home I am my own coach, nutritionist, and controller.

The fourth season of the most popular reality show about weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, Weighted and Happy People, was filmed in Olympic Sochi. Anfisa Chekhova became the host of the project, and the coaching staff included rapper and fitness instructor Seryoga, Miss Olympia, Russian, European and world champion in bikini fitness Natalya Lugovskikh and the legendary athlete, TV presenter and famous actor Sergey Badyuk.

Anfisa Chekhova:

For me, each participant is a superhero worthy of being in the final. Everyone fought, gave all the best to the last, overcame themselves, turned on willpower, the existence of which they had not even suspected before. But the most important thing is that no one has ever framed or betrayed anyone, none of the participants has gone over their heads. It's a unique season in which everyone has been kind to each other."

Figures and facts

  • 16 weeks conducted by project participants in the Olympic Sochi. The heroes had at their disposal a house and a campus located on the territory of a hotel complex with an area of ​​30 hectares. The “weighted” fought for a new life against the backdrop of Olympic facilities, in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana, on the Black Sea coast, in an open quarry for extracting stone, on the territory of a closed military unit, in a dolphinarium and an arboretum, in national reserves and on the territory of such sensitive facilities, like airport and railway station.
  • In the STS project, the heroes had to carry 14-ton snow groomers at height 2200 meters, go to 50 meters dilapidated bridge, overcome 50 meters obstacle course, raise yourself to a height 30 meters using a climbing facility, roll 20 kg balls on the track, hold 200 liter barrels filled with sand, and cross-country run along the Sochi autodrome.
  • The heaviest participant in the entire history of the project, Alexander Povagin, a truck crane driver from Ivanteevka, fought courageously with his 250 kilograms and entered the final four. The hero set a personal record, losing more than a third of his weight, - 84 kilograms.

About the winners:

Anton Avduevsky, 28 years old, Achinsk, starting weight - 167 kg.

Everyone in Achinsk knows Anton as a bright, cheerful guy who organizes and leads events. The profession obliges him to smile, but he is sure that this is a mask, and he himself is an "unsociable dwarf." No one is waiting for him at home, except for a snake named Zoya - a pet. He began to gain weight after the death of his father - that day Anton flew to his birthday, but ended up at the funeral.

Andrey Shlyakhov, 28 years old, Volzhsky, starting weight - 157 kg.

In the ninth grade, Andrei fell in love for the first time, but the girl did not reciprocate the guy, who at that time already weighed 100 kilograms. Only at the age of 28 Andrei thought that he needed to lose weight. He had already made attempts to lose weight, but the eating habits of the family and the lack of an example before his eyes made it difficult to cope with his problem on his own. According to Andrei, once in his childhood he was sent to his grandmother for the summer, and he returned already "kolobok".

On the project, Peter showed a strong-willed character, dropping 57.9 kg (initially, the young man weighed 155 kg). It should be noted that Peter went in for sports in his youth, so great physical exertion was not new to him.

According to him, the hardest thing was in the first two weeks of the show, when you had to completely change all your habits, preferences, daily routine. But it turned out to be quite easy to maintain the result after the project:

- After the project, I became interested in crossfit, at recent competitions in Kaliningrad I showed the 8th result among 15 people. The plans are to undergo specialized training at a medical university in order to become a professional trainer, - says Peter.

Now he weighs 104 kg, but this is no longer fat, but muscles. The young man is actively engaged in order to keep himself in shape.

As for appearance, he admits that due to the sharp weight loss, he encountered sagging skin on his stomach and arms. I solved the problem with body wraps and massage.

Season 2 winner - Timur Bikbulatov

30-year-old Kazan came to the show with a weight of 148 kg. His path was not easy: despite the fact that he was the captain of one of the teams, the participants voted for his expulsion. Timur managed to return and prove that his rivals were not in vain afraid of him: in 16 weeks he threw off 53.7 kg.

Upon returning to Kazan, Timur did not abandon training. He devoted cardio and strength training for 3 hours 5 days a week - and achieved a result of 92 kg. After Timur restored the muscular frame and stabilized his weight, he decided to undergo a skin tightening operation.

- I do not understand people who refuse to lose weight, referring to the fact that the stomach and chest will then look ugly. With rapid weight loss, the consequences with the skin can be avoided, however, even if problems appear, they are easily eliminated, given the high level of modern plastic surgery. Excess weight is killing us, and all appearance problems are secondary compared to this.

Timur spoke in detail about the operation on social networks and even posted photos and videos from the operating room. According to him, he is very pleased with the results and has already returned to training. By the way, now Timur works as a personal trainer and offers long-term weight loss courses, including training, an individual diet and, if necessary, plastic surgery.

Vice-champion of the first season - Alexey Uskov

Alexey did not reach the final of the show, however, according to the rules, he got the opportunity to come to the final weigh-ins. His result - minus 63.5 kg - allowed him to take second place in the first season of "Weighted People" and receive a prize of 500,000 rubles.

However, the participant failed to save the result. In his own words, in just a year he gained 50 kilograms, refusing to train. On social networks, Alexei admitted that he wants to take on himself and lose those extra pounds again. He did not exclude the appeal to plastic surgeons.

Vice-champion of the second season - Yakov Povarenkin

32-year-old Izhevsk resident Yakov Povarenkin managed to lose even more weight after the end of the project. Returning home, he continued training and worked out in the gym for 8-10 hours.

As a result, after losing 56.9 kg on the show, he lost another 20 kg. This allowed the man to radically change his life. Today he trains in functional training and crossfit and "leads" more than 30 people.

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