Life priorities - in action! How to prioritize in life.


Of course, everyone knows what “priority” is ... This is a concept that determines importance, primacy. So, try to prioritize the following 5 categories: your work, yourself, your children, your partner (beloved man or woman) and your loved ones (relatives, friends).

For convenience, it is advisable to present these categories in the form of a table and indicate a number from 1 to 5 opposite each criterion in order of priority:

I myself (myself) __________ place
Work ________________ place
Children (child) _______ place
Husband (Wife) ____________ place
Parents, friends ______ place

If today you do not have children, this does not mean that you do not give them some place in your life. The same is true if you are single, because hypothetically you still imagine what place a loved one will take in your life when he appears. You must answer sincerely and honestly.

Now let's see what it actually looks like.

At the first place: Regardless of gender, you yourself should always be (both men and women). If a person is in order, then the other person next to him will be fine. Otherwise, it is the psychology of the victim to put someone above himself. As a rule, it manifests itself as “dependence” in relationships and this condition is more typical for women.

In second place: A woman should have a beloved man or husband. As soon as someone else gets between a woman and a man, get ready for the fact that problems may immediately appear. If you, dear ladies, really want intimacy and warm relations, then there should not be anyone between you and a man, not even children! If your husband puts between you, for example, his mother, then it is necessary to correctly and patiently, with love, explain to him that this is not constructive for your relationship.

A man should have a job in second place. Yes, just like that and nothing else. A woman or children should not be more important for a man than work. And if a woman lacks his attention, then you need to take care of yourself and make your life more interesting, respectively, she will immediately become interesting to her man. In the nature of a man, the desire to achieve and obtain results. And in fact, he tries for his family, so that the family does not need anything and is proud of him. Being proud of a man is very important!

On the third place: Of course, a man has a beloved woman. Not his mother, not his children from his first marriage. If this place is occupied by someone else, then it is necessary to gently and patiently explain that there can be only one adult next to the man. Otherwise, harmonious relations will not work.

The woman has children in third place. If a woman has the right priorities and children are not a priority value compared to a man, then children in such a harmonious atmosphere will be easy and comfortable.

In fourth place: And here the man's children occupy an honorable fourth place. And children from a previous marriage, too. Very often, men do not divide children at all into their own and not their own. They are all his.

The woman is in fourth place relatives. This is, first of all, the parents and parents of the husband, too. An important duty of a woman is to build good and respectful relations with her husband's parents, as well as, if possible, smooth out all conflicts.

In fifth place: The man has friends and family. If friends become paramount, look for problems and problems in your relationship. Because the duty of a woman in relation to her man is to become his closest friend.

A woman has a job in fifth place. Ideally, a woman should go to work to rest, since her biggest workload and main job is in the family. And if there is a man next to her who takes care of her, then the work most likely takes on the form of a hobby. If the work is necessary to replenish the family budget, then the woman does not work well in the family and does not inspire her man enough to achieve so that he can take good care of her.

Ask yourself, what do you really want in life? You can even write down your desires on a piece of paper, then analyze them. Desires may be different, but they have one thing in common - having achieved your goals, you will feel truly happy.

It is happiness that is the main goal of any person - even if he himself does not realize this. Therefore, the prioritization in life must necessarily take this moment into account. If what you are doing right now is not bringing you closer to happiness, something needs to change in your life.

The mentioned point is very important. The road to happiness is hard and there is not much time. Therefore, every step should lead to your goal. Everything that takes you away from the chosen path, moves you away from the goal, must be discarded. Or at least relegated to the background.

Other people's interests

For many people, the most important priorities in their lives are the happiness, health and well-being of loved ones. At a minimum, many will say that they have everything the way it is. However, this is a mistake. Yes, people should take care of their parents, brothers and sisters, children. They must be ready, if necessary, to give their lives for them. At the same time, you need to understand that even the people closest to you cannot, have no right to deprive you of your dream - whatever it may be.

A person can live for others - if this is his way, his choice. If it makes him happy. But if, because of a sense of duty, responsibility, a person deprives himself of his dream, this is already wrong. People come into this world to be happy. To deprive yourself of happiness means to live life in vain.

That is why do not let anyone, including people close to you, manipulate you. You have your goals, your path. Help loved ones, take care of them. But don't let them deprive you of your dreams.


Some people have a list of priorities with many items. This is wrong - you can not embrace the immensity. If you've made such a list, cross off all but the top three items. Which items to leave is up to you. But there shouldn't be more than three. It is on these three priority goals that you focus all your attention.

Why only three points and not more? Because these are the realities - a person cannot effectively work on more than three tasks at the same time. If there are more of them, work efficiency drops sharply, as a result, it is not possible to achieve a good result anywhere. So something has to be sacrificed. Learn to discard the superfluous for the sake of the main thing.

Change of priorities

It is important to note that priorities may change over time. This is normal - a person grows up, his values ​​\u200b\u200bare changing. At the same time, a change of priorities, if it occurs, must be of an evolutionary nature and correspond to the spiritual growth of a person. And it is very bad when a person just rushes through life, not knowing what he really wants. In this case, you need to go back to the very beginning and ask yourself: what do I need to be happy?

Never forget happiness. You can acquire a huge fortune, and at the same time be a deeply unhappy person. Money provides opportunities, but cannot replace happiness. Therefore, consider them as a tool, nothing more. Do not chase prestige, career, fashion - look for your own path. The one on which you will feel inspired, full of strength and energy. If you are happy to meet every new day, if you clearly see the goal and go towards it, no matter what, then you have set your priorities correctly and are on the right track.

Hello friends! Let's talk again about priorities. Consider the features of the arrangement of life priorities. concept "life priorities" closer to the field of psychology and philosophy than to time management. But they certainly have common ground.

Life priorities- a universal category that reflects the importance for a person of certain areas, or key areas, of his life. Why universal? Because the spheres of life are known and have the same meaning for many people.

The main areas of human life

There are 4 main areas: image, family, love, work. Spheres of life, they are supports, resources - sources of strength, energy. Such an understanding of the spheres of life gives a lot of advantages for the development and disclosure of all the possibilities inherent in a person. Developing this or that sphere of life, you can draw energy, inspiration, motivation for the development of other spheres in it.

  • Family: personal relationships, children, relatives
  • Work: profession, skills, colleagues, career
  • Study: vocational education, self-development
  • Hobbies/leisure: hobbies, interests, travel
  • Health: healthy lifestyle, health-improving methods and systems
  • Friends/society: close friends, acquaintances, neighbors, associates
  • Image: your external expression, your body, facial expressions, gait, style.

What influences prioritization in life?

Age. For young people, in descending order, the priority areas of life will be studies, careers, friends, family, hobbies, and health.

For older people, the sequence is likely to be: health, family, leisure, friends.

Some areas of life may disappear from view if they lose their meaning for a person.

Life events. For example, the birth of a child will certainly affect the lifestyle of new parents. For a mother during maternity leave, child care will be a priority, work and career will fade into the background.

Problems in any area of ​​life. For example, while there are no problems, health for most people is not a priority area of ​​life. As soon as health problems appear, this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife becomes the main one. How much - depends on the nature and duration of the disease.

Problems at work will make it a priority for this period of time. It is the same with studying - the time of the session changes the priorities characteristic of the carefree student life “from session to session”.

As you can see, the spheres of life are a mobile, dynamic system in which events can occur that change the degree of importance of a particular sphere for a particular person. It must be understood that such changes occur at a superficial level and are usually temporary. Thus, after the birth of a child, women with a high priority in the “work / career” sphere quickly return to work and continue their career growth.

The inner "core" of priorities, if properly defined, remains the same for a very long time.

How to prioritize life

The way you prioritize your life is different than the way you prioritize your work.

Many people do not think about this issue. For many of them, life is already developing successfully, they are satisfied and happy with everything. And it's great!

But even more people, not knowing, suffer from lack of realization, misunderstanding, psychological discomfort, experience anxiety and depression. Therefore, if you are thinking about what is important for you in life, it is very important to find the right answer.

Memoir. Main event of the day

The simplest and most effective way is described in his book Time Drive: How to Live and Work in Time. And the method was invented by Vitaly Korolev, a member of the time management community.

The method of setting life priorities is as follows. Select a notebook or notebook in which you will write memoir. You can keep a memoir in a diary. For example, in each page there is a separate column for this.

Set aside a few minutes of quiet time each evening. Take a mental look at the past day: scroll through in your memory its main events, from morning to evening, work and events outside of work.

Define for yourself main event of the day. Do not specifically look for something global, some kind of achievement or result. The main event of the day can be going to kindergarten for a child, watching the sunset, talking with a neighbor in the stairwell ... Anything! How to understand that this event is the main one? It can be both positive and negative. Remembering it, you will definitely react: smile, breathe a sigh of relief, feel how your muscles relax and it becomes easier to breathe - if the event is positive. The event of the day with a negative connotation will be accompanied by sadness, regret, difficulty breathing.

Defined main event of the day? Now write next to the event the area to which this event belongs.

At the end of the week, from the main events of the day, select main event of the week. At the end of the month, also select main event of the month from the main events of the past weeks.

In a month you will see a clear picture of your life values ​​- priority areas of life. The longer you keep a memoir, the more accurate the picture of your life priorities the easier it will be in the future to set the right goals and achieve them. And most importantly, these values ​​and goals will be yours, native, not imposed from outside by society and its stereotypes. Find out what is truly important to you. Write in the comments what event was the most important for you today.

In one of the following articles, we will consider the features and methods of placement work priorities.

If the question of how to prioritize correctly is relevant for you, first of all you need to stop confusing yourself with several things at the same time, otherwise you risk losing a sense of control, and this is already fraught with deterioration in physical and mental health.

How to cope with all the accumulated cases in order to remain in emotional tone and do everything in time? Let's figure it out.

Priorities: how to set them and why it matters

Before you start prioritizing, you need to be able to take control of the current situation and time. To do this, you need to analyze all the events that occur in life.

Take a pen and notepad. Write down on paper all the things that you have done during the last week. How much time do you devote to each area?

If you can answer this question, you will immediately be able to understand how to prioritize your life.
Then think about whether you are satisfied with your pastime.

How much time do you devote to the most important areas of your life. We are talking about career, self-development, health, love and family relationships.

Rate each area on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means complete indifference and 10 means vital. Then evaluate progress in a particular area. Are you spending enough time on each of them?

Keep referring to the scale from 1 to 10.

After you have analyzed your life, pay special attention to those areas that have been rated from 8 to 10.

Make Lists

Knowing how to prioritize will help you complete a large list of important tasks. It is extremely important for you to find out what actions and actions in your life are not present. Read the list of questions below and write down the answers to them in a notebook:

What is of value to you right now?
What area would you like to devote more time to?
What does not deserve such close attention in your life?
What areas require your attention today? (e.g. health, family, finances).

You need to write down all your actions in the order that is especially important. This way you will have a new list of priorities in hand, according to which you can proceed further.

Attack your brain with this important information and soon you will see what role the ability to prioritize plays in life.

If you want to be a happy person, you need to correctly prioritize your life. What are priorities? This is the arrangement of things in your life according to their importance, that is, what is primary for you and what is secondary. Each person has their own priorities in life. Your future depends on how correctly you arrange them for yourself.

Do not confuse priorities in life with desire. What is the difference between these concepts. Priorities reflect human needs, the satisfaction of which is necessary for full happiness.

Life priorities

They are laid down in childhood. we set ourselves based on our priorities. And if they are correctly placed, then you are guaranteed. And our desires can change every minute and depend on the mood. Try to be the master of your desires and do not allow the opposite situation. Otherwise, you will lose yourself, becoming a slave to your desires, and with it all priorities in life will disappear. A very vivid example of when people passionately desire to have a lot of money and at the same time become like zombies. They can't just talk about anything else. They hid all their life priorities deep inside themselves. Such money will not bring happiness.

First of all, you need to decide on the main priority in life without which you cannot imagine your existence. As a rule, there is often a dilemma between family and career. Here you should listen only to your heart, despite the fact that someone will persuade, drawing bright perspectives.

If you agree to persuasion, even if it is your parents, you will choose their priority, not yours. As a result, you will lose time, not gain it. As a result, in your declining years you will have the feeling that you have lived someone else's life. Even if this happened, never be afraid to drastically change your life, and give the opportunity to break through to your inner "I".

In our time, many people have the belief that happiness can only be if you have money in life. If you measure everything with money and treat them very painfully, you will lose them sooner or later, and this can become an irreparable blow to your psyche and, as a result, a deep depression. You should not prioritize life based on prestige. Today we have one considered prestigious, and tomorrow another. Life flows and everything changes. With such a choice, you will get completely confused and lose yourself as an individual.

So, to summarize, when choosing priorities, listen to your heart and be guided by love in life. Feelings such as envy, self-doubt, guilt, a sense of duty will lead you to the wrong choice. If you are like this, right off the bat, you can’t understand what is more important to you and what is less important, do the following.

Write down on a piece of paper all the priorities that you think must be in your life, do not forget about yourself. Then take the first item on your list and, thinking about it, draw a circle on another piece of paper. It is important not to think about its significance, but just think about it without straining. Label this circle with the name of this priority. Do the same with everyone else. At the end, compare the sizes of these circles and it will immediately become clear what is primary for you and what is secondary. Now you can start building your happy life.

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