Creepy stories of Hitler's mistresses.


It is unlikely that any psychiatrist will ever be able to accurately diagnose all of Hitler's mental illnesses and combine them into a sufficiently capacious and comprehensive formulation. There were so many deviations in the psyche of the German dictator that they simply do not fit into the standard diagnosis for ordinary patients.

The future dictator was mercilessly beaten by his father

The roots of mental illness are usually sought in childhood patients. Therefore, of course, psychiatrists did not disregard Hitler's childhood either. His sister Paula told them how his father had severely punished little Adolf, leading to the opinion that Hitler's aggressiveness was the result of an oedipal hatred of his father.

The dictator's father, Alois Schicklgruber (he changed his surname to Hitler at the age of 40), was known as an insatiable voluptuary. His many connections on the side were sometimes not enough to fully satisfy his lust. Once he savagely raped his wife, who refused him intimacy, in front of the young Adolf. Perhaps this incident left its mark on the entire sexual life of the future dictator.

Mother Clara pathologically loved her boy (before him she had lost three sons), and he responded to her in the same way. Of the six children of Alois and Clara, only two survived - Adolf and the feeble-minded Paula. Hitler called himself a sissy all his life. Pathological love for his mother and hatred for his father became the cause of many negative features of his psyche.

Blinded with fear

If you believe Hitler, then in the First World War he was a brave soldier and honestly earned his reward - the Iron Cross. Only a gas attack by the British in 1918, due to which he temporarily lost his sight, interrupted his military career. However, recently, the British historian Thomas Weber, on the basis of archival documents, letters and diaries of Hitler's fellow soldiers, managed to dispel this legend about the heroism of the gallant corporal in the trenches of the First World War.

The historian discovered the correspondence of the famous German neurosurgeon Otfried Förster with American colleagues. In one of the letters, he mentioned that in the 1920s, Hitler's medical record accidentally fell into his hands and he read the diagnosis that the doctors had given him.

It turned out that Hitler temporarily lost his sight not because of the gas attack, but because of hysterical amblyopia. This rare disease occurs with mental stress, for example, due to a strong fear of military action. The brain, as it were, refuses to perceive terrible pictures of reality and ceases to receive signals from the optic nerves, while vision itself remains in order.

A brave soldier simply could not have such a disease, but Hitler was not one. He served as a signalman at the headquarters and was far from the front line, fellow soldiers even called him "rear pig". However, Hitler knew how to please his superiors, for which, according to Weber, he received the Iron Cross.

Hitler was treated for blindness with the help of hypnosis sessions. Therapeutic hypnosis at the hospital was handled by professor of neurology Edmund Forster from the University of Greifswald. It was to him that the blind corporal Hitler came. For about two months, Forster tried to find the key to the subconscious of this man who lost faith in his future. Finally, the professor found out that his patient had an extremely painful pride, and understood how, thanks to this, he could influence the patient's psyche during a hypnosis session.

In a completely dark room, Forster put Hitler into a hypnotic trance and told him: “You are actually blind, but once every 1,000 years a great person is born on Earth, who is destined for a great destiny. Perhaps it is you who is destined to lead Germany forward. If so, then God will restore your sight right now.”

After these words, Forster struck a match and lit a candle, Hitler saw the flame ... Adolf was simply shocked, because he had long said goodbye to the hope of someday seeing the light. It never occurred to the doctor that Hitler would take his words about his great destiny too seriously.

According to the psychiatrist and historian David Lewis, who wrote the book The Man Who Created Hitler, it was thanks to Forster that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis great destiny was born in Hitler's head. Subsequently, Forster himself realized this. When Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, the professor risked his life to have his case file sent to Paris, hoping it would be published.

Unfortunately, the publishers did not dare to publicize this case history: Germany was located too close, and Hitler at that time already had long arms. This is evidenced at least by the fact that this demarche of Forster did not remain a secret for the leader of the Nazis. Two weeks after the attempt to publish Hitler's medical history, the professor died ...

As Weber found out, everyone who knew about Hitler's true illness was destroyed, and his medical cards disappeared without a trace.

Nightmare lover

With his speeches, Hitler brought women literally to ecstasy. He had many admirers, but as soon as some of them reached their cherished goal - intimacy with the Fuhrer, their life turned into a real hell.

Susie Liptauer hanged herself after spending only one night with him. Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, told a friend: "Hitler is a monster ... you will never believe what he makes me do." Until now, Geli's death is shrouded in mystery. It is known that she died from a bullet. At one time, there were rumors that Hitler shot Geli during a quarrel, while the official version of the Nazis said that she committed suicide.
German movie star Renata Müller achieved intimacy with the Fuhrer, which she immediately regretted.

Hitler began to crawl at her feet and asked to give him a kick ... He shouted: “I am vile and unclean! Hit me! Bey! Renata was in shock, she begged him to get up, but he crawled around her and moaned. The actress had to kick and spank him anyway ... The movie star's kicks led the Fuhrer into extreme excitement ... Shortly after this "intimacy" Renata committed suicide by throwing herself out of the hotel window.

Eva Braun, who lasted the longest next to Hitler, tried to commit suicide twice, ultimately she had to do it for the third time, already as the wife of a dictator ... Many psychologists and sexologists doubt that Hitler was capable of normal intercourse.

Animal sense of danger

According to various estimates, from 42 to five dozen serious attempts were made on Hitler's life. Professional bodyguards and aces of special services cannot explain at all how the German dictator managed not only to save his life, but also not to get a single serious injury. In their opinion, this is no longer just luck, but a real mysticism. Usually, 2-3 well-prepared assassination attempts are enough (and most often one!), To at least, if not kill, then seriously injure a person and take him out of the game for a long time.

The most interesting thing is that Hitler often managed to save his life due to a literally bestial instinct for danger. For example, in 1939, during the assassination attempt of Elser, who organized the explosion in a Munich pub, Hitler unexpectedly left the meeting place of party veterans unexpectedly early, and this saved him from death. Subsequently, he said to one of his close associates: “I was seized by a strange feeling that I must leave immediately ...”

Once Hitler said: "I escaped death several times, but by no means by chance, an inner voice warned me, and I immediately took action." Hitler believed in this inner voice until the end of his life.
The rearmament of the German army, the occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland, the annexation of Austria, the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia, the invasion of Poland - any of these actions between 1933 and 1939 were to lead to war with France and Great Britain, a war in which Germany had no no chance of winning. However, Hitler seemed to know that the Allies would be inactive, and boldly gave orders, from which the generals of the Wehrmacht were covered with sticky sweat. It was then that the mystical faith in the prophetic gift of the Fuhrer was born among Hitler's entourage.

Did Hitler really see pictures of the future? J. Brennan, author of The Occult Reich, believes that the Fuhrer, like shamans, entered into a special ecstatic state that allowed him to see the future. In a fit of rage, Hitler often became almost insane.

In a person in this state, as biochemical analysis shows, the content of adrenaline and carbon dioxide in the blood rises sharply. This can lead to changes in the functioning of the brain and access to new levels of consciousness. “Intoxication of this kind brought Hitler to the point,” writes J. Brennan, “that he could throw himself on the floor and start chewing the edge of the carpet - such behavior was observed among Haitians who surrendered to the power of spirits while performing magical rituals. This led to the fact that the nickname Carpet Eater stuck behind him.

Germany under hypnosis

For the rest of his life, Hitler's school teacher remembered the strange look of the teenager Adolf, which made the teacher tremble. Many of the Fuhrer's entourage spoke of his outstanding hypnotic abilities. Whether they were congenital or Hitler took hypnosis lessons from someone is unknown. The ability to subjugate people greatly helped Hitler on his way to the heights of power. In the end, almost all of Germany was hypnotized by the former corporal.

Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, told a friend: "Hitler is a monster ... you will never believe what he makes me do."

Here is what General Blomberg wrote about Hitler's hypnotic gift: “... I was constantly influenced by a certain force that emanated from him. She resolved all doubts and completely excluded the possibility of objecting to the Fuhrer, ensuring my complete loyalty ... "

Professor H. R. Trevor-Roper, a former intelligence officer, wrote, "Hitler had a hypnotist's gaze that overwhelms the mind and feelings of all who fall under his spell." J. Brennan, in The Occult Reich, describes a striking case. One Englishman, a true patriot of Britain, who does not know the German language, listening to the speeches of the Fuhrer, involuntarily began to raise his hand in a Nazi salute and shout "Heil Hitler!" along with the electrified crowd...

"Infernal Cocktail"

So many mental deviations were mixed in Hitler that any, even an experienced psychiatrist, would have been clearly confused, trying to unravel the composition of the “hellish cocktail” that was seething in the head of this nondescript man, a madman who intended to conquer the whole world in his time. Explicit sexual deviations, the ability to exert a hypnotic effect on people, as well as an animal instinct for danger, which allows us to talk about certain clairvoyant abilities, are far from all that Hitler differed from other people.

Erich Fromm, for example, noted in him a clear tendency to necrophilia. As confirmation, he cited the following quote from Speer's memoirs: “As far as I remember, when meat broth was served on the table, he called it “corpse tea”; he commented on the appearance of boiled crayfish with a story about a dead old woman whom close relatives threw into a stream as bait to catch these creatures; if they ate eels, he did not forget to mention that these fish love dead cats and are best caught on this particular bait. In addition, Fromm draws attention to a strange mine on the Fuhrer's face, which is visible in many photographs, it seems that the Fuhrer constantly smells some disgusting smell ...

Hitler had an amazing memory, he had the ability to preserve in it a photographically accurate reflection of reality. It is believed that only 4% of children have such a memory at an early age, but as they grow older, they lose it. In Hitler's memory, both minor architectural elements of buildings and large pieces of text were perfectly imprinted. The dictator amazed the highest generals of the Reich, citing from memory numerous figures concerning the armament of both the German army and its opponents.

The Fuhrer was an excellent imitator. As Eugen Hanfstaengl recalls: “He could imitate the hissing of geese and the quacking of ducks, the lowing of cows, the neighing of horses, the bleating of goats ...”

The dictator's acting skills were also at their best, he even knew how to influence his autonomic nervous system with the help of self-hypnosis, for example, he made himself cry without any problems, which is given to few professional actors. Tears from the eyes of the Fuhrer had a magical effect on the audience, enhancing the effect of his speeches. Knowing about this gift of Hitler, Goering at the very beginning of the Nazi movement in critical situations literally demanded: "Hitler must come here and cry a little!"

Admiral Doenitz believed that some kind of "radiation" emanated from Hitler. It had such a strong influence on the admiral that after each visit of the Fuhrer, Doenitz needed several days to recover and return to the real world. Goebbels also noted the clear impact of his patron, he said that after talking with Hitler, he "feels like a recharged battery."

In many ways, Hitler's actions were determined by a very deep factor - an inferiority complex, described by Alfred Adler. The dictator constantly compared himself to the great conquerors of the past and tried to surpass them. According to Alan Bullock, "a huge role in Hitler's entire policy was played by the strongest feeling of envy inherent in him, he wanted to crush his opponents."

There is no doubt that Hitler developed Parkinson's disease, which is caused by an organic brain lesion. True, the dictator managed to pass away before this illness had a serious impact on his health and psyche. In 1942, Hitler's left hand began to tremble, and in 1945 facial expression disorder began. In the last months of his life, Hitler, according to the recollections of others, resembled a ruin and moved with great difficulty. It is known that Parkinson's disease disrupts logical thinking and the patient tends to more emotional perception of reality. From 1941, Hitler's unique memory began to fail more and more often.

So, Hitler was such a strange and abnormal person that the existence of such a "mental anomaly" is even difficult to imagine. Therefore, the dictator practically did not fit into the tight diagnostic schemes of various psychological and psychiatric schools, and it was not possible to give him a comprehensive diagnosis, although there were still such attempts.

Among the documents in one of the law libraries, a secret psychological portrait of Hitler, compiled back in 1943 by psychiatrist Henry Murray from Harvard University, was discovered several years ago. It was ordered to Murray by the leadership of the US Office of Strategic Services (the predecessor of the CIA). The American military and intelligence officers wanted to know more about the character of Hitler in order to be able to predict his actions in a given military-political situation.

Staff at Cornell University have published this 250-page analysis of Hitler's psyche, which is, in fact, one of the first attempts to study the dictator's personality. "Despite the fact that psychology has come a long way, the document provides an opportunity to see some of the features of Hitler's personality," said Thomas Mills, a researcher at the university's library.

This curious document has the following title: "Analysis of the personality of Adolf Hitler with forecasts regarding his future behavior and recommendations on how to deal with him now and after the surrender of Germany."

It is clear that Murray did not have the opportunity to personally examine such a dangerous "patient", so he was forced to conduct psychoanalytic studies of the dictator in absentia. All the information that could be obtained was used - the genealogy of the Fuhrer, information about his school years and military service, the dictator's writings, his public speeches, as well as testimonies of people who communicated with Hitler.

What kind of portrait did an experienced psychiatrist manage to draw? Hitler, according to Murray, was an evil, vindictive man who did not tolerate any criticism and despised other people. He lacked a sense of humour, but he had plenty of stubbornness and self-confidence.

In the Fuhrer, the psychiatrist believed, the female component was quite pronounced, he never went in for sports, physical labor, had weak muscles. From a sexual point of view, he describes him as a passive masochist, suggesting the presence of repressed homosexuality.

Murray believed that Hitler's crimes were partly due to revenge for the bullying he suffered as a child, as well as a hidden contempt for his weaknesses. The psychiatrist believed that if Germany lost the war, Hitler could commit suicide. However, if the dictator is killed, then he can turn into a martyr.

Murray's diagnosis includes a whole bunch of diseases. In his opinion, Hitler suffered from neurosis, paranoia, hysteria and schizophrenia. Although modern experts find a number of misinterpretations and inaccuracies in this psychological portrait of the dictator, due to the level of development of psychiatry in those years, the discovered document is undoubtedly unique.

"Mysteries and mysteries" May 2013

But the most interesting thing is that most of the heroines of his novels not only did not consider the preacher of Nazism a monster and a murderer, but also called him a bright and attractive personality, an interesting man and a gallant gentleman. Even after he threw them.

Surprisingly, there have always been many young women among the fans of the Great and Terrible, and it was they who were his most ardent admirers, even in those days when the phrase Adolf Hitler did not say anything not only to the world, but also to professional politicians.

The Fuhrer himself has always been known as a very gallant man - the chronicles are full of shots of kisses and kisses in, so to speak, a working environment.

Well, there were simply legends about how Hitler was adored by actresses and cabaret singers. In the photograph, the Fuhrer is at a meeting with the troupe of one of the Berlin theaters - note that pretty young girls surrounded Adolf in a dense joyful ring. What can we say about the women to whom Hitler somehow turned his attention.

So it is safe to say that the magnificent Marlene Dietrich became the only woman in the world who refused Adolf the courtesy of being his official mistress.

was his favorite actress, and Hitler was never shy about talking about it. Well, did you succeed?
the Fuhrer to drag his pet into bed will forever remain a mystery.

According to the official version, the Fuhrer primarily admired her dramatic performance, but the contemporaries of the dictator mentioned from time to time that Hitler spoke most often about the legs of the actress.

Dietrich became an American citizen in 1937. But her ardent admirer until the last wanted her to return to Germany. However, even Rudolf Hess, who secretly met with Marlene, failed to persuade the actress to move to her homeland.

Moreover, in 1939-1945, Marlene took an active part in anti-fascist propaganda, performing as a singer in front of American soldiers. So much so that the Reich Minister of Propaganda Goebbels declares radio warfare on Dietrich. Of course, the role of a brave anti-fascist woman only added glory to her star name, but ... But the actress returned to her native Germany only in a coffin - she was buried in a Berlin cemetery.

And this is far from the worst fate of the "fuhrer who liked it." What did the female sex do because of Hitler! For example, Eva Braun tried to commit suicide twice.

Her acquaintance with Hitler took place in 1929, when she was 17 and Adolf 40 years old.
According to contemporaries, she was "the sweetest girl with a beautiful figure."
The drawings of Hitler himself only confirm the above. She lived with him from 1932 until their joint suicide in Hitler's bunker in Berlin. And this life can not be called too pleasant ...

The existence of the Fuhrer's permanent concubine was not advertised, in the minds of the Germans he was single, and Hitler received a huge number of letters from girls who dreamed of marrying him.

So in his estate "Berghof" she occupied only the humiliating role of a simple "girlfriend". Nevertheless, she wrote in her diary: "I am the beloved of the greatest man in Germany and the world!"

The body of Eva Braun (after she had taken the poison) was burned at the same time as Hitler's body in the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin.

However, from time to time publications appear in the world press that Hitler and his wife (Eva married

Adolf the day before his death) managed to escape from Germany. For example, in Argentina. Eat

Even a photograph of the house in which the Hitler couple allegedly lived for a long and
happy life.

All this could be considered wild speculation, if not for one "but" ... In 1945, the American FBI quite seriously adhered to a similar version and even distributed among its employees photographs of Hitler's possible transformation.

Magda Goebbels can be considered another victim of Hitler's charm. She personified the ideal of a German woman in the Third Reich. Beautiful and educated, a staunch supporter of the ideas of National Socialism, she shared the views and convictions of her husband, German Propaganda Minister and Berlin Gauleiter Joseph Goebbels in everything.

She simply could not help but become the Fuhrer's favorite. And she became her.

Nazi propaganda called Magda "the German supermother", she gave birth to seven children. According to contemporaries who knew well the high society of Germany at that time, it was Magda Goebbels who undoubtedly played the role of the first lady of the Third Reich. At official receptions and meetings, there was not a single woman as close to Hitler as she was. And on the sidelines they whispered that not all of her children could consider dear Josef to be the father.

Yes, Hitler was very friendly with his propaganda minister, but this did not change anything, but only made the situation more piquant. So the "first lady" of the Third Reich, the very personification of an Aryan and an aristocrat, quite sincerely wrote: "I love my husband, but my love for Hitler is stronger, for him I would be ready to die! .."

Indeed, when the collapse of the empire was confirmed, she killed her six children with her own hands and died herself.

The seventeen-year-old niece of the Fuhrer Geli Raubal committed suicide because of her uncle. Contemporaries claim that only Hitler truly loved her. They first met in 1925, and Hitler was immediately fascinated by the fair-haired girl with a pleasant quiet voice.

In 1929, Hitler rented a huge apartment in Munich and moved Raubal there. He took her everywhere with him - to rallies, conferences, cafes and theaters. Geli passionately wanted to become an opera singer and hoped for the help of her uncle in this.

When Geli heard rumors that Hitler intended to marry Winifred Wagner (the bride in front of you in the photo), the widow of the composer Richard Wagner's son Siegfried Wagner, her despair knew no bounds. In turn, Hitler suspected Geli of a secret love affair with his bodyguard Emil Maurice.

In the summer of 1931, Geli, who was tired of Hitler's despotism and constant frenzied jealousy, was about to move to Vienna. Hitler, who was leaving for Hamburg on September 17 to conduct an election campaign, categorically forbade her to do this, and on September 18 she was found shot to death in Hitler's own apartment. The mystery of Geli Raubal's death has never been solved.

It was rumored that Hitler himself killed her in a fit of jealousy. According to another version, Heinrich Himmler made sure that no one distracted the Fuhrer from party affairs. There was also a version about the suicide of Geli, who learned that since October 1929 Hitler had met with Eva Braun. However, according to contemporaries, Hitler was very upset by the loss of his beloved.

The most talented actress and director, the beauty Leni Riefenstahl. This sophisticated beauty, having visited one of Wolf's performances, was so fascinated by his performance that she wrote him a letter asking for a personal meeting. Hitler could not pass by this amazing, energetic, masculinely demanding woman.

Among her contemporaries, she was a real black sheep - she flew on planes, dragged herself through the seas and deserts, and filmed, filmed, filmed. Even on the frames of the stingy official chronicle, it is clear that "these two crazy people" were fine with each other. Of course, according to the official version, they met only "at work" ...

An innovative film director and Hitler's personal cameraman. These definitions remained next to the name Leni. Critics around the world unanimously agreed that although Mrs. Riefenstahl did not

was a member of the National Socialist Party, thanks to her

films in
thousands of people joined the ranks of the Nazis.

So for the rest of her life, she proved that she only wanted to make films, that she was interested in "pure art." But one way or another, it was Leni who created the artistic symbol of fascism - the film "Triumph of the Will". The symbol is so convincing that they wanted to demonstrate at the Nuremberg trials as an illustration of Nazi ideology. Many years later, when asked if she was proud of this, Riefenstahl said: “What are you, I regret that I took it off: if I knew what it would bring me, I would never have done it!”

After the end of World War II, Riefenstahl found herself behind bars several times and even spent two years in a lunatic asylum. In the end, all accusations of complicity with Nazism were dropped, and Riefenstahl was no longer prosecuted. Nevertheless, the entire world cinema turned away from the "chief director of the Nazis." None of her post-war projects (in which such stars as Anna Magnani, Brigitte Bardot, Jean Cocteau, Jean Marais participated) were completed. She died at 102 years old.

Red-haired Swede with a low, exciting voice, Tzara Leander. Officially, she met Hitler only twice. How many of these meetings were in fact, today no one will tell you. "Nazi Greta Garbo", as her European colleagues called her.

By the mid-thirties, she was already a star in Scandinavian cinema and cabaret, receiving invitations not only to various European film studios, but also to Hollywood. But remains in Europe. And in 1936 he received a contract at the Ufa film studio in Berlin, where, after Marlene Dietrich's refusal to return from the United States, a superstar position was vacant.

Tzara turned out to be a real businessman, bargaining for influence on film production and high fees. The dumbfounded Minister of Propaganda Goebbels calls her "the enemy of Germany" in the middle of the day, but the Fuhrer intervenes in the situation.

Her musical recordings were broadcast over loudspeakers even in concentration camps, making her a favorite of both prisoners and their jailers. Which allowed some historians to claim that in fact Tzara was a Soviet spy. For the rest of her life, she refused to get involved in politics, insisting that her job was to entertain,

but ... In Germany, she was branded a "traitor"

And her films were banned, and in Sweden her name was associated with the Nazi
propaganda. The actress died in 1981 in Stockholm.

Olga Chekhova. As you know, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov married the Moscow Art Theater actress Olga Leonardovna Knipper, and shortly before this significant event, a girl named after her aunt was born in the family of the actress's brother, Konstantin Leonardovich. Young Olga from childhood amazed others with her beauty, intelligence and self-control. The girl could get any education, but from childhood she dreamed of becoming an actress.

And now this brilliant student of the Russian school of theatrical art becomes the "film star No. 1" of Hitler's cinema. Her closest friends were Eva Braun, Magda Goebbels, Leni Riefenstahl, she talked with Goering's wife, actress Emmy Sonneman. But most importantly, the Fuhrer himself loved Olga Chekhova, who put her above the recognized actresses Marika Rokk and Tzara Leander. In Russia, films with her participation have never been shown.

Having no support, not knowing the German language, the beautiful and smart Russian first becomes one of the stars of German cinema, and then the "state actress" of the Third Reich. The sentimental German public not only recognized, but also fell in love with Olga. True, in 1930, Chekhova had a rival, Marlene Dietrich, who, however, quickly disappeared in overseas Hollywood.

By the way, Olga was also invited there, but she quickly returned to Germany. With the coming to power of Hitler, this act was appreciated. And here is what she wrote about meetings with the Fuhrer: "My first impression of him: timid, awkward, although he behaves with ladies with Austrian courtesy. It is amazing, almost incomprehensible, his transformation from a ranting bore into a fanatical instigator." In the end, Adolf gives her his photo with the inscription: "Frau Olga Chekhova - frankly delighted and surprised."

After the war, Olga Konstantinovna Knipper-Chekhova practically did not act in films. She died in 1980 at the age of 83 from brain cancer in Europe. Already after her death, two stunning news appeared: the first said that the famous Amber Room was hidden in Hitler's bunker in Thuringia with the code name "Olga", and the second - that the actress worked all her life for the NKVD. And immediately a lot of evidence was found and a lot of documents were declassified, indisputably proving this.

Even though today he is considered the embodiment of absolute evil, Adolf Hitler had his own romantic stories. During his life, he had affection (or so the rumors say) for several women. The most famous among them, of course, was his long-suffering mistress, who remained so for a long time and hardly spent a day in the status of his wife, Eva Braun (pictured), who, together with him, committed suicide shortly after the wedding. But - she was just one of Adolf Hitler's women ...

1. In the photo - Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun on their wedding day, which became the day of their death.

2. Mitzi Reiter: early love. Maria "Mitzi" Reiter was sixteen years old when she entered into a relationship with the thirty-seven-year-old Hitler, who drew attention to her in 1926. Adolf Hitler promised her marriage and "fair-haired children", but later, citing the fact that he had a mission in life, which he must first complete. Desperate for his constant neglect of her, she tried to hang herself, but survived and eventually became the wife of an SS officer. Hitler's sister Paula later said that Reiter was the only person who could stop Hitler from turning into a monster.

3. Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece. If the existing evidence is to be believed, Hitler's greatest love was incestuous. He was in love with Angela "Geli" Raubal, his half-sister's daughter. Presumably, their relationship began when she was seventeen years old. Hitler was a powerful uncle and a powerful lover, in fact he kept her under lock and key in his apartment in Munich or in his villa near Berchtesgaden. Many believe that Raubal never returned his feelings.

4. The love of Hitler's life. In 1931, at the age of 23, Raubal was found dead in Hitler's Munich apartment with a gunshot wound to her chest. Her death was declared a suicide, but many believe that the future German dictator may have killed her as a result of a quarrel sparked by her plan to move to Vienna. The bullet was fired from Hitler's personal "Walter". Researchers believe that after the death of Raubal, Hitler became much tougher and henceforth did not let people get as close to him as he did with Raubal. "It was this death that planted the seeds of inhumanity in his soul," Hitler's personal photographer later mentioned in his memoirs.

5. Erna Hanfstaengl: Sister of a friend of Hitler. After the failed Beer Putsch in 1923, Hitler is rumored to have entered into a brief affair with Erna Hanfstaengl, the older sister of his friend Ernst Hanfstaengl. Other sources, however, claim that she did not take Hitler's rather clumsy advances seriously at all. In the photo - Hitler, his personal pilot and Ernst Hanfstaengl (right) during the election campaign in 1930.

6. Renata Müller - the Aryan ideal. Increasingly popular with the Nazis was the German actress Renata Müller, whom they called the ideal of the Aryan woman and who was a worthy replacement for the non-Nazi Marlene Dietrich, who moved to Hollywood. However, the actress was not eager to act in films promoting Nazism. Rumor has it that she was pressured to leave her Jewish lover.

7. Random masochistic connection. In 1937, Müller fell out of a hotel window - it is not known whether it was an accident, suicide or murder. She was thirty-one years old. According to German director Adolf Seissler, Müller confessed to him that she had a brief love affair with Hitler. The German dictator, she said, writhed on the floor at her feet, demanding that she beat him - only this caused him sexual arousal. Her flight out of the window took place a few days after that. Eyewitnesses claim that immediately before this, Gestapo agents entered the hotel building, from the window of which the actress fell out.

8. Inga Ley - another suicide. Hitler was a great admirer of Inga Ley, the wife of one of the Nazi Party officials, Robber Ley. Rumors spread throughout Germany that Hitler and Inga Ley were having an affair. Again, rumor has it that Hitler had a nude portrait of Ley that hung in the living room of one of his apartments. However, there is no irrefutable evidence of the existence of sexual relations between them. Lei committed suicide in 1942, possibly due to depression caused by drug use, which she became addicted to due to a difficult birth.

9. Unity Mitford - English rose of the Fuhrer. English socialite Unity Mitford moved to Munich in the mid-1930s and quickly entered Hitler's inner circle. Her middle name was "Valkyrie" and Hitler was crazy about Scandinavian myths. He would later call her "the perfect specimen of the Aryan woman".

10. Eve's rival. Eva Braun was beside herself with jealousy because of the close relationship between Hitler and Unity Mitford. “She is known as the 'Valkyrie' and looks the part, especially her legs. I, the mistress of the greatest man in Germany and the whole world, have to put up with the fact that everyone laughs at me, ”wrote Eva Braun in her diary. Hitler began to pay more attention to her after she tried to commit suicide. In the photo - Unity Mitford (left) with her sisters, 1932.

11. Romantic betrayal. When Britain declared war on Germany, Mitford was so upset that she fired a bullet into her temple with a pearl-handled pistol given to her by Hitler. She survived and returned to England, but never fully recovered. In 1948, she died due to complications caused by a bullet that was never removed, too deeply seated in her head. Pictured: Unity Mitford (second from left) at a Christmas party at the German Embassy in London hosted by the Anglo-German community in 1938.

12. Mother of Adolf Hitler's child? In 2007, an article appeared in the English magazine The New Statesman alleging that Mitford was pregnant by Hitler and gave birth in a hospital in the UK upon her return there. This child, according to the author of the article, was given to foster parents. Pictured: Unity Mitford and her sister Diana Mitford (also a fascist and anti-Semitic) with Diana's two children, 1935.

In the photo - Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun on their wedding day, which became the day of their death.

Mitzi Reiter: early love. Maria "Mitzi" Reiter was sixteen years old when she entered into a relationship with the thirty-seven-year-old Hitler, who drew attention to her in 1926. Adolf Hitler promised her marriage and "fair-haired children", but later, citing the fact that he had a mission in life, which he must first complete. Desperate for his constant neglect of her, she tried to hang herself, but survived and eventually became the wife of an SS officer. Hitler's sister Paula later said that Reiter was the only person who could stop Hitler from turning into a monster.

Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece. If the existing evidence is to be believed, Hitler's greatest love was incestuous. He was in love with Angela "Geli" Raubal, his half-sister's daughter. Presumably, their relationship began when she was seventeen years old. Hitler was a powerful uncle and a powerful lover, in fact he kept her under lock and key in his apartment in Munich or in his villa near Berchtesgaden. Many believe that Raubal never returned his feelings.

The love of Hitler's life. In 1931, at the age of 23, Raubal was found dead in Hitler's Munich apartment with a gunshot wound to her chest. Her death was declared a suicide, but many believe that the future German dictator may have killed her as a result of a quarrel sparked by her plan to move to Vienna. The bullet was fired from Hitler's personal "Walter". Researchers believe that after the death of Raubal, Hitler became much tougher and henceforth did not let people get as close to him as he did with Raubal. "It was this death that planted the seeds of inhumanity in his soul," Hitler's personal photographer later mentioned in his memoirs.

Inga Lei is another suicide. Hitler was a great admirer of Inga Ley, the wife of one of the Nazi Party officials, Robber Ley. Rumors spread throughout Germany that Hitler and Inga Ley were having an affair. Again, rumor has it that Hitler had a nude portrait of Ley that hung in the living room of one of his apartments. However, there is no irrefutable evidence of the existence of sexual relations between them. Lei committed suicide in 1942, possibly due to depression caused by drug use, which she became addicted to due to a difficult birth.

Unity Mitford - English rose of the Fuhrer. English socialite Unity Mitford moved to Munich in the mid-1930s and quickly entered Hitler's inner circle. Her middle name was "Valkyrie" and Hitler was crazy about Scandinavian myths. He would later call her "the perfect specimen of the Aryan woman".

Eve's rival. Eva Braun was beside herself with jealousy because of the close relationship between Hitler and Unity Mitford. “She is known as the 'Valkyrie' and looks the part, especially her legs. I, the mistress of the greatest man in Germany and the whole world, have to put up with the fact that everyone laughs at me, ”wrote Eva Braun in her diary. Hitler began to pay more attention to her after she tried to commit suicide. In the photo - Unity Mitford (left) with her sisters, 1932.

Romantic betrayal. When Britain declared war on Germany, Mitford was so upset that she fired a bullet into her temple with a pearl-handled pistol given to her by Hitler. She survived and returned to England, but never fully recovered. In 1948, she died due to complications caused by a bullet that was never removed, too deeply seated in her head. Pictured: Unity Mitford (second from left) at a Christmas party at the German Embassy in London hosted by the Anglo-German community in 1938.

Mother of Adolf Hitler's child? In 2007, an article appeared in the English magazine The New Statesman alleging that Mitford was pregnant by Hitler and gave birth in a hospital in the UK upon her return there. This child, according to the author of the article, was given to foster parents. Pictured: Unity Mitford and her sister Diana Mitford (also a fascist and anti-Semitic) with Diana's two children, 1935.

10-12-2015, 13:00  12425   

With all the negative attitude towards this person, Hitler was also a person (if I may say so ...), who was characterized by ordinary human emotions and feelings. He also had women whom he loved, with whom he had a romantic relationship.
The most famous is Eva Braun, who was Hitler's mistress for a long time. She became a wife almost a few hours before her death, they committed suicide together. But besides her, there were other women ...

1. Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler on their last day: both weddings and deaths

2. First love - Maria "Mitzi" Reiter. She was 16, he was 37 in 1926. Adolf promised to marry her and provide her with many "fair-haired children." In general, an ideal family would turn out, they would read in the evenings, play music, if television had been invented by that time, they could watch My Fair Nanny online for free. Fortunately, now we can all safely review online all the series of our favorite series. But all this was to happen later, when he fulfilled his mission in life. The girl suffered from his inattention, tried to hang herself with grief, but unsuccessfully. Although she later married an SS officer. Later, Hitler's sister, Paula, said that only Mitzi could change Hitler's character and possibly keep him from losing his humanity.

3. Angela "Geli" Raubal was next. She was the daughter of Hitler's half-sister and was his niece. This love was considered the most significant in Hitler's life. It is believed that they began a relationship when she was 17. Hitler acted as an overbearing uncle and lover. The girl was kept under lock and key in a Munich apartment or in his villa near Berchtesgaden. True, many authors note that Geli had no feelings for Hitler.

4. In 1931, Raubal, at the age of 23, was found dead in an apartment owned by Hitler in Munich with a gunshot wound to her chest. Her death was declared a suicide. True, many say that Hitler most likely killed her as a result of a quarrel caused by a plan for her to move to Vienna. The bullet corresponds to Hitler's personal "Walter". Researchers note that after Geli's death, Hitler became much tougher and no longer let people get close to him, as Raubal, Hitler's personal photographer, said in his memoirs that it was this death that sowed the seeds of inhumanity in his soul.

5. Passionate passion - Erna Hanfstaengl. After the failed Beer Putsch in 1923, Hitler entered into a brief relationship with Erna Hanfstaengl, who was the older sister of his friend Ernst Hanfstaengl. Although, according to other sources, Erna did not take Hitler's advances seriously

6. Renata Muller, actress. Müller was very popular among the Nazis, she was perceived as the ideal of an Aryan woman. Renata replaced Marlene Dietrich in German cinema, who went to Hollywood from the Nazis. Renata, according to testimonies, also did not want to act in propaganda films

7. In 1937, Renata fell out of a hotel window. She was then 31 years old, and suicide or murder. Interestingly, director Zeissler talked about Muller's confessions. According to her, she had a connection with Hitler, and a masochistic one. Hitler crawled at her feet, begged him to beat him, all this was the only thing that could excite him. But her flight took place just a few days after this story, and before that, Gestapo agents entered the hotel

8. Another death - Inga Lei. Inga was the wife of Nazi Party official Robber Lay. According to rumors, she had an affair with Hitler, her nude portrait hung in his apartment. And again, she committed suicide in 1942. Although it may have been due to the drugs and depression associated with the difficult birth.

9. Unity Mitford is an English socialite who moved to Munich in the mid-1930s and quickly entered Hitler's inner circle. Hitler was crazy about Scandinavian myths, and her middle name was "Valkyrie", he called her the ideal of the Aryan woman.

10. Eva Braun was terribly jealous of Hitler for Unity Mitford. Eva complained in her diary that she, Hitler's "official" mistress, was laughed at, that Unity looked like a real "Valkyrie, especially her legs." In frustration, Brown attempted suicide, and Hitler began to pay more attention to her.

11. Like almost all of Hitler's beloved women, Milford also attempted suicide. True, the reason this time was the declaration of war by Great Britain on Germany. She shot at the temple with a pistol given by Hitler, a pistol with a handle adorned with pearls. True, this suicide was not entirely successful, Unity survived and returned to England. She could not recover until 1948, the bullet went deep into the head and could not be removed, complications led to the death of a woman.

12. In 2007, an article appeared in the English magazine The New Statesman, which indicates that Mitford was pregnant by Hitler at the time of her return to Britain and gave birth to a child in the hospital. This child, according to the author of the article, was given to foster parents.
Pictured: Unity Mitford with her sister Diana Mitford and nephews, 1935.

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