Winter landscape children's drawings with paints. How to draw a winter landscape with colored pencils


How to draw a magical winter with children? Very simple and interesting winter pattern. The ability to create integral artistic images does not come to kids right away. Even a child who subtly perceives the beauty of the world around him cannot always convey it to, let alone those kids for whom the desire to move and have fun comes first ...

Therefore, before you draw a drawing on the theme of winter in, school or some kind of competition, you need to set the baby on the appropriate wave. To do this, you can take a short walk - it’s good if there is a beautiful frosty or snowy winter day in the yard.

First, tell the child that Draw the child's attention to the trees, the sky, the earth. If everything around is still covered with a layer of freshly fallen snow, then notice what shades are inherent in it. As a rule, children believe that snow should be painted in white and are surprised to see that in fact the winter cover has many shades.

Having started creating a picture, the first thing you can do is show your kid how to draw a winter tree. To do this, use a white wax crayon. We explain that the thicker part of the tree is its trunk, and the thin lines extending to the sides are the branches, which become thinner and shorter the further they are located from the trunk. We can tell the child a little more about. Drawing with white chalk on a white sheet, we can hardly see the trees we have drawn. But that is not all.

After we have drawn a tree with crayons, fill in the background. We draw with paints directly on top of the tree drawn in crayons. The ink settles on the paper, leaving the chalk areas unfilled. The outlines appear on their own. Try it - it's a magical and bewitching process!

If the baby depicts the evening time of the day, the main tone will be blue, and if the day is blue. In this case, the difference between the shades of the sky and the earth depends on how clear the day should be in the picture. We make the sky filled with snow clouds darker than the earth. A clear sky is brighter.

White or darker paint can depict houses, animals - whatever the child wants. The main thing is that in the process of this work his stereotypes will change, and he will understand that snow does not always have to be white, and wood - brown. Now you can invite the child to show their creativity with

Winter is a truly magical time of the year. White, crackling snow underfoot, patterns on the windows, warm hats with pom-poms, snowball fights, New Year's holidays - this is not a complete list of all the wonders of the winter season. And if you want to keep a little of this magic for yourself, then learning how to draw a winter landscape is what you need.

Landscape with mountains and a river

Twilight in the forest

simple drawing

Draw a rural winter landscape

Although winter can fill even large cities with the atmosphere of a fairy tale, it is rural views that acquire special charm and comfort at this time of the year. We will demonstrate all the beauty of the snow-covered village houses when we learn how to draw a winter landscape in stages.

First, with a pencil, outline the outlines of one Christmas tree and one house. The Christmas tree will be wide, spreading.

And then - two more houses and another Christmas tree. The houses will have triangular roofs characteristic of many villages.

Let's add more Christmas trees and a palisade. This fence, of course, is rather conditional - in the villages people know each other and do not build high fences.

Now, according to the sketch, we will draw the drawing with paints. The trees will be a juicy green, the houses will give off a warm shade of unpainted wood, and the snow will be a little blue. To make the picture look alive, we will seat three birds on the fence.

That's it, the drawing is finished.

Hills and snowfall - draw a winter landscape

Let's continue the theme of rural beauties. This time we will depict the very outskirts of the village - a forest will be visible in the background. And the snowfall will be in full swing. Don't worry, it's not difficult at all - this example is great for practicing and painting a winter landscape for beginners.

First, let's outline the largest forms - in our case, these are hills.

Then we will depict three spruces in the foreground, and in the background we will make a house, a snowman and the sharp tops of smaller trees. Do not forget about the path leading to the house.

Let's fine-tune all the contours. We will also “give” a snowman and a top hat and depict snowflakes falling from the sky.

Let's color the drawing. Our landscape will be at night, so we will make the sky dark, grayish (after all, it will be covered with clouds). And, of course, you can not do without a gorgeous full moon. The house will be made in warm colors: the walls will be yellow, the roof will be red, and the doors will be brown.

This concludes - we did a great job.

Magic winter night

Despite the fact that untouched snow even during the day, the smoke from the chimneys of rural houses and the pointed tops of the Christmas trees look fabulous, the true magic lies in winter nights. This is exactly what we will show when we figure out how to paint a winter landscape with gouache.

We will not immediately take up gouache - first you need to make a pencil sketch. Let's start with the general outlines of a hilly area, a house and three trees near it.

Then we will draw another smaller house, a path leading to it and add more trees, coniferous and deciduous. In the very foreground there will be a birch with thin branches lowered down.

After that, we will start working with paints. First of all, with dark tones, we will depict the sky and the forest in the background. You can also grab three spruces near the big house. Do not forget to make a month in the sky - for now it will be very thin, young.

Now foreground. We will make the snow a little bluish, the trees green, and the walls of the houses light brown.

Small details remained - the light in the windows, smoke pouring from the chimneys, snow on the paws of the Christmas trees, the trunk and branches of a birch. And many stars in the night sky.

Now we can safely say - the drawing is over.

Winter landscape with mountains and river

Winter in the mountains is amazing. The forest, which has become harsh and dark, clean rivers, thick snow - all this looks so pristine, clean, untouched that you can admire this beauty for hours. But you also need to add a touch of comfort - a small, but solid and neat village house is perfect for this purpose. So we will learn how to draw a beautiful winter landscape.

First, let's deal with the first plan - there will be two trees with thin branches.

On the right side of the picture, we will depict a house of a peculiar shape and the tops of the Christmas trees in the background.

And now you can take up pencils or paints. In the background we will make mountains - they will be completely covered with snow. The house will be made of wood, and the bridge will be made of bricks. You also need to draw transverse stripes on nearby trees - these are birches. Pay special attention to the windows - they should glow, because this is a sure sign that someone lives there.

That's it, we've finished the picture.

Twilight in the winter forest

In addition to night, the most interesting time of day in the winter forest is twilight. The stunning shade of the sky and falling asleep nature merge into a marvelous ensemble. Using the example of such a miracle, we will learn how to paint a winter landscape with paints.

First, let's deal with the sky and the general tone of the snow. To do this, we will use watercolor or gouache to get beautiful stains. You need to wet the paper, and then apply paint with plenty of water and tilt the sheet. The paint will flow down, forming these beautiful patterns:

Then we will depict a tree in the foreground. try to make the branches thin enough. Moreover, the brush must be drawn from the base of the branch to its tip.

By the same principle, draw three small bushes.

Then - two Christmas trees. They should be drawn with thick, saturated strokes of a dark green hue.

We sprinkle trees and bushes with snow. And we will also decorate the front bush with juicy red berries.

Now the picture is complete.

Multi-colored house, bunny and snowflakes - fun winter

Winter is the time for fairy tales, which is why it is often depicted in cartoons. In this section, we will also begin to work in a cartoon manner - at the same time we will learn how to draw a winter landscape with a pencil.

First, we outline the house and the bunny looking out the window. All outlines will be very smooth, rounded, without sharp edges.

Then we will finish the Christmas trees (they will be just as smooth and rounded) and the snow falling from the sky.

Now let's paint everything in the brightest colors. But the snow, of course, must be made blue. And the trees are green.

Everything, a cheerful house is ready.

The article will tell you about how easy it is to draw a winter landscape on your own.

Drawings depicting winter landscapes have a special attractive magic: you want to look at them and hang them on the wall in a recreation area (hall, bedroom, office). Images of snow-covered trees and roofs of houses instill in the human soul a sense of comfort and tenderness, fairy tales and magic, which is present at New Year's time.

Drawing winter landscapes is not difficult. Main - choose the right paper and colors. Approximately 50% of the success of the entire work depends on the selected paper. When drawing with paints, you will need thick cardboard from the Kraft category. You can also use colored matte cardboard, for example, blue or black, on which white paint, pastels and pencils look particularly contrasting.

Thinking about what you can draw in a winter landscape, the first thing that comes to mind is a house. The house has been present in the human mind since childhood, since the first time a child sees a fairy tale about Morozko or forest animals. It doesn’t matter what kind of house you represent, the main thing is to draw it correctly.

We suggest you depict a cozy forest house:

  • Choose a perspective, i.e. approximate location of the house on a piece of paper.
  • It is best if the house is in the center of your image, or not far from the center. So it will attract attention and be the main storyline.
  • You can use a ruler to draw an even and proportional house with a roof, but then be sure to trace the house template by hand so that the drawing does not look angular.
  • After you draw the main lines: walls, roof, windows, threshold, etc., proceed to detailing.
  • Do not rush to draw snow. Only when the house is completely drawn, with the help of white paint or chalk, literally “cover” the house with a “snow cap”. If you draw only with a simple pencil, an eraser will come in handy.

Step by step drawing:

House in the forest: drawing in stages

House, winter landscape: step one "basic lines"

Once the main lines are drawn, sketch snow on all surfaces.

Start detailing the drawing, depict nature: trees, Christmas trees, paths and other little things

Erase extra lines with an eraser

Start coloring the picture with paints

How to draw children in winter with a pencil and paints?

To decorate a drawing depicting winter, you can complement the fun children. Such a drawing will certainly evoke pleasant emotions and associations with childhood. This idea is also good for drawing New Year cards and pictures for contests and exhibitions.

How to draw:

  • Plan the storyline in advance: how your characters will be depicted, where and what they will do: dance, play snowballs, build a snowman, sled, spin around the Christmas tree, and so on.
  • Schematically depict the figures of children. You have to choose a position for everyone: someone raised their hands up, someone sits on a sled, someone covers their ears or tickles a friend.
  • After depicting the figures of children, you can begin to detail them and create a winter landscape.

How to portray children:

Children are sledding Snowball games, snowman

Winter fun: kids Making a snowman, playing snowballs

Finished drawings:

Paint drawing: winter fun

Sledding: painting with paints

Drawing of winter with the image of children having fun

How to draw animals in winter with a pencil and paints?

Winter is a “fabulous time”, which means that even animals at this time of the year enjoy the lush snow, wait for the New Year and have fun. You can draw a landscape depicting any "forest inhabitants": a wolf, a fox, a squirrel, a bear, a hedgehog, a hare and others.

What animals can be drawn:

Step by step drawing of a wolf Step by step drawing of a hedgehog Step by step drawing of a squirrel Step by step drawing of a woodpecker Moose drawing step by step Step by step drawing of a hare Step by step drawing of a bear

How to draw a winter landscape with children and animals with a pencil and paints?

In order for the drawing to turn out to be rich, interesting and positive, depict several storylines at once. For example, in the forest or in the clearing, children have fun with winter fun together.

Drawing Ideas:

Forest animals, kids: "winter" drawing

Animals: winter fun

Animals celebrate the New Year

Children and animals in winter

New Year's winter drawing Children and animals: winter

Winter activities for animals Feeding animals in winter

Drawings about winter with children and animals for beginners and children for sketching: photo

If you are not strong in independent drawing, sketches will always help you. You can draw the template through glass or by attaching a sheet of white paper to a computer monitor (it is advisable to do this in the dark). Adjust the size and location of the pattern yourself.

I found an interesting collection on the Internet. (the most interesting, for me, at the end))

1. Winter drawings. "3D Snow Paint"

If you mix PVA glue and shaving foam in equal volumes, you get a wonderful airy snow paint. She can draw snowflakes, snowmen, polar bears or winter landscapes. For beauty, you can add glitter to the paint. When drawing with such paint, it is better to first mark the outlines of the drawing with a simple pencil, and then paint it with paint. After some time, the paint will harden, and you will get a three-dimensional winter picture.

2. Winter drawings of children. The use of electrical tape in children's creativity

If there is snow outside the window, then you can depict it with a cotton swab.

Or with a brush put snow on each branch.

11. Winter drawings. Drawings on the theme of winter

An interesting idea on the theme of children's winter drawings was proposed by the author of the blog Homeschool Creations. She painted snow on transparent film with putty. Now it can be applied to any winter pattern or appliqué, imitating falling snow. They put a film on the picture - it began to snow, they removed the film - the snow stopped.

12. Winter drawings. "Christmas lights" We want to tell you about one interesting non-traditional drawing technique. To draw a New Year's garland as in the photo, you will need a sheet of dark-colored thick paper (blue, purple or black). You will also need ordinary chalk (the one that is used to draw on asphalt or a blackboard) and another light bulb stencil cut out of cardboard.

On a sheet of paper with a thin felt-tip pen, draw a wire and bulb holders. Now apply the stencil of the light bulb in turn to each cartridge and boldly circle it with chalk. After that, without removing the stencil, smear the chalk on the paper with a piece of cotton wool or directly with your finger to make it look like rays of light. You can replace the chalk with crumbs of colored pencil graphite.

You don't have to use a stencil. You can simply paint over the light bulbs with chalk, and then gently rub the chalk in different directions to make rays.

Using this technique, you can also draw a winter city, for example, or the northern lights.

13. Drawings winter fairy tale. Winter forest drawings

On the site mentioned above you will find an interesting master class on drawing winter landscapes using templates. You only need one base color - blue, a coarse bristle brush and a white sheet to paint on. When cutting templates, use the cut-out method from paper folded in half. Look at what a magnificent drawing of a winter forest the author of the picture turned out to be. A real winter fairy tale!

14. Winter drawings. Drawings on the theme of winter

You are probably very eager to find out how the wonderful "marble" Christmas tree was drawn in the photo below? We tell everything in order ... To draw such an original drawing on the theme of winter, you will need:

Cream (foam) for shaving
- watercolors or green food coloring
- a flat dish for mixing shaving foam and paints
- paper
- scraper

1. Apply shaving cream in an even, thick layer on a plate.
2. Mix paints or food coloring in different shades of green with a little water to make a rich solution.
3. Using a brush or pipette, drip paint onto the surface of the foam in random order.
4. Now, with the same brush or stick, beautifully spread the paint over the surface so that it forms fancy zigzags, wavy lines, etc. This is the most creative stage of the whole work, which will bring pleasure to children.
5. Now take a sheet of paper and carefully place it on the surface of the resulting patterned foam.
6. Put the sheet on the table. All you have to do is scrape off all the foam from the sheet of paper. For these purposes, you can use a piece of cardboard.

Simply amazing! Under a layer of shaving foam, you will find stunning marble patterns. The paint has soaked into the paper quickly, you just need to let it dry for a few hours.

15. How to draw winter. How to draw winter with paints

Finishing our review article on winter drawings for children, we want to tell you about another interesting way to draw winter with paints with your child. To work, you will need any small balls and a plastic cup (or any other cylindrical object with a lid).

Insert a sheet of colored paper inside the glass. Dip the balls in white paint. Now put them in a glass, close it on top with a lid and shake well. As a result, you will get colored paper with white streaks. Similarly, make colored paper with white streaks of other colors. From these blanks, cut out the details of the appliqué on a winter theme.

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

Already drawn +5 I want to draw +5 Thank you + 31

Winter is a very cold season. It cannot be said that it is not as beautiful as spring, summer or autumn. Winter has its own characteristics and beauty. Snow-white snowdrifts, crisp snow underfoot and small snowflakes that fall directly from the sky. Well, isn't it lovely? Today we will be in the village in the winter season. A frozen river, roads covered with snow, small houses stand in the distance, and behind them the silhouettes of a winter forest. This lesson will answer the question of how to draw a winter landscape.
Tools and materials:

  • White sheet of paper;
  • Eraser;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Black pen;
  • Colored pencils (orange, brown, blue, blue, dark brown, green, dark yellow, gray).

Draw a winter village landscape

  • Step 1

    In the middle of the sheet we draw two houses. It is worth considering that they will be in the background, so we make them small. On the right, the house will be larger than on the left, and has a window. They will stand in the snow, so we draw the line of the earth a little wavy.

  • Step 2

    Silhouettes of bushes and trees are visible on the sides of the houses. To the right of the house there will be two trees on a tall and thin trunk. We make the horizon line wider.

  • Step 3

    In the background, add silhouettes of trees. We make them different, but the edge of the height of the trees should decrease. Let's draw a little foreground, making a small indentation.

  • Step 4

    In the recess in the middle we draw a small fence, covered with snow. We add snowdrifts on the sides. A river will be placed in the center, so snowdrifts should decrease in this area. And in the very center of the river (and leaf) there will be a large stone.

  • Step 5

    In the foreground, trees will be visible on the sides from the snowdrifts. They will be completely bald, that only the trunk and branches are visible.

  • Step 6

    With a black pen, draw the outlines. We do not select with a black pen only the background of the drawing, on which the forest is located (behind the houses).

  • Step 7

    We make the front of the houses orange. Draw the side part and under the roof with a brown pencil.

  • Step 8

    Draw snow under the house in blue and blue, adding a frosty tint to the drawing. The middle of the pattern will be blue and the edge will be blue.

  • Step 9

    Trees, stumps and a fence need to be drawn in brown and dark brown. On the right side of the trees, add an orange tint.

  • Step 10

    We make the river in the middle blue, and closer to the ground - blue. The snow in the foreground will be drawn in gray to give it volume.

  • Step 11

    We will draw the forest against the background of the picture in three colors - gray, dark yellow and green. We apply the color without specifying the contours. Since the trees are in the background, they will be slightly blurred.

  • Step 12

    We finalize the drawing by adding blue color to the sky. Now we know how to draw a winter rural landscape.

How to draw a simple winter landscape with a pencil step by step

Draw a winter landscape with a Christmas tree and a snowman

  • Step 1

    First, using light pencil lines, mark the approximate location of all objects on a piece of paper;

  • Step 2

    Start painting the winter landscape in more detail. To do this, first outline the birch branches, and then draw the outlines of the forest in the distance. Draw a house, depicting a roof, a pipe and windows for it. Draw a path going into the distance;

  • Step 3

    Draw a small Christmas tree next to the birch. And on the other side of the road draw a snowman;

  • Step 4

    Of course, having understood how to draw a winter landscape with a pencil, you should not stop there. You need to color the picture. Therefore, outline the landscape with a liner;

  • Step 5

    Using an eraser, delete the original sketch;

  • Step 6

    Color the Christmas tree with a green pencil. Shade the birch trunk in gray. Paint the stripes on the birch, as well as its branches, with a black pencil;

  • Step 7

    Paint the forest in the background green, and the house with brown and burgundy pencils. Color the windows yellow. Shade the smoke with a gray tint;

  • Step 8

    Color the snowman using pencils of various tones for this;

  • Step 9

    Stroke the snow with blue-blue crayons. Shade with yellow those places where the light from the windows falls;

  • Step 10

    Fill in the sky with gray pencils.

  • Step 11

    The drawing is complete! Now you know how to draw a winter landscape! If desired, it can be painted with paints. For example, gouache or watercolor is perfect for this purpose! Also, a similar drawing can be drawn with a simple pencil, using hatching. True, in this case it will not look so bright, festive and spectacular.

Draw a winter landscape with a lake

How to draw a winter forest landscape

Every season the forest is transformed. In spring, it begins to come to life, covering the trees with young foliage and melting snow. In summer, the forest is fragrant not only with flowers, but with ripe berries. Autumn paints the trees of the forest in various warm colors, and the sun warms palely with its last rays. Winter, on the other hand, exposes the branches of trees and covers them with a white blanket of snow, freezing the rivers. It is difficult to resist not to convey this beauty in the illustration. Therefore, today we will choose the last time of the year and learn how to draw a winter forest landscape using colored pencils.
Tools and materials:

  • Simple pencil;
  • White sheet of paper;
  • Eraser;
  • Black helium pen;
  • Black marker;
  • Colored pencils (blue, orange, blue, gray, green, light green, brown, dark brown).
  • Step 1

    We divide the sheet into four parts. First, draw a horizontal line in the middle of the sheet. Draw a vertical line in the middle of the horizontal line.

  • Step 2

    Let's draw the background part of the picture. On the horizontal line we draw two mountains (the left one will be larger than the right one.) And in front of them we will make the silhouettes of trees.

  • Step 3

    We retreat from the horizontal line a small section down (there will be a river here). With the help of a curved line, draw the earth, or rather, a cliff.

  • Step 4

    We retreat further down and draw pine trees. Their peculiarity is in the long trunk and thin branches. At the base of the trunk, add small snowdrifts. The trees on the left have some foliage.

  • Step 5

    In the foreground, draw a deer. The animal should not be too detailed, because the main task of the drawing is to show the winter landscape. Let's add more snowdrifts in the foreground.

  • Step 6

    Outline the outlines of the drawing in the foreground with a black pen. There will be snow on the branches of the trees.

  • Step 7

    We begin to draw with color from the background part (top). We determine that there will be a sunset, so between the mountains we apply orange, then we add blue and blue. We make the transitions between colors smooth, applying from the bottom up. The mountains will be gray, but adjust the contrast with pressure. We make the trees in front of the mountains uniformly green.

  • Step 8

    For the river, we use the usual blue and blue colors. Closer to the mountains, we add green and gray to the water to make it look more picturesque.

  • Step 9

    The trunk needs to be drawn using orange, brown and dark brown. The trees on the left have some leaves, which we will make green.

  • Step 10

    Add a shadow from the trees with a gray pencil. Let's add some coldness to the drawing by drawing the foreground in blue.

  • Step 11

    The deer's body is covered with brown fur. And between the snowdrifts add blue. So we learned how to draw a winter forest landscape.

How to draw a winter mountain landscape step by step

You can often see incredibly beautiful mountain landscapes on postcards or find something similar on the Internet. Bewitching stone giants covered with snow. At their foot stand blue firs, frozen from the cold. And there is not a soul around, only a blue snow shimmer. Is it possible to resist not to go to the lesson and learn how to draw a winter mountain landscape with a pencil in stages? The lesson is perfect for beginner artists who will be able to depict this beauty of the icy mountains the first time if they carefully follow the steps.
Tools and materials:

  • White sheet of paper;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Black marker;
  • Blue pencil;
  • Blue pencil.

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