An evil Disney parrot is the main servant of the Vizier Jafar. Parrot from Aladdin name: characters of the cartoon cycle "The Adventures of Aladdin


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Othello (twin brother)

Relationships with other characters

Jafar (temporary friendship, enmity), Aladdin (temporary enmity, friendship), Tandra (lover), Abu (ambiguous and controversial friendship)


Will Finn

original voice acting


Actor Gilbert Gottfried said in an interview that his voice acting career began with this character, on which he worked in the 1992 cartoon: “It was the turning point from which my career began - working on Iago opened up many doors."

Gottfried's voice acting for this character has become so popular that he is often referred to as "Iago the Lad" or similar nicknames.



Film and television:


  • 1993 - Disney's Aladdin (Capcom) / Disney's Aladdin (Capcom)

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  • Online IMDB.Com

An excerpt characterizing Parrot Iago

The staff officer and Prince Andrei mounted their horses and rode on.
Having left the village, constantly overtaking and meeting the marching soldiers, officers of different teams, they saw to the left the fortifications under construction, reddening with fresh, newly dug up clay. Several battalions of soldiers in only shirts, despite the cold wind, like white ants, swarm on these fortifications; shovels of red clay were constantly thrown out from behind the rampart by invisibly by someone. They drove up to the fortification, examined it and drove on. Behind the very fortification they stumbled upon several dozen soldiers, constantly changing, running away from the fortification. They had to pinch their noses and trot their horses to get out of this poisoned atmosphere.
- Voila l "agrement des camps, monsieur le prince, [Here is the pleasure of the camp, prince,] - said the officer on duty.
They went to the opposite mountain. The French were already visible from this mountain. Prince Andrei stopped and began to examine.
- Here is our battery, - said the staff officer, pointing to the highest point, - that same eccentric who was sitting without boots; From there you can see everything: let's go, prince.
“I humbly thank you, now I’ll pass alone,” said Prince Andrei, wanting to get rid of the officer’s headquarters, “please don’t worry.
The staff officer lagged behind, and Prince Andrei rode alone.
The further he moved forward, closer to the enemy, the more decent and cheerful the appearance of the troops became. The strongest confusion and despondency were in that wagon train in front of Znaim, which Prince Andrei circled in the morning and which was ten miles from the French. Some anxiety and fear of something was also felt in Grunt. But the closer Prince Andrei drove up to the chain of the French, the more self-confident the appearance of our troops became. Lined up in a row, soldiers in overcoats stood, and the sergeant major and the company commander counted people, poking a finger in the chest of the last soldier in the squad and ordering him to raise his hand; scattered throughout the space, the soldiers dragged firewood and brushwood and built booths, laughing merrily and talking to each other; clothed and naked sat around the fires, drying their shirts, undershirts, or mending boots and overcoats, crowding around the boilers and cookers. In one company, dinner was ready, and the soldiers with greedy faces looked at the smoking cauldrons and waited for the sample, which was brought in a wooden cup by the captain of the officer, who was sitting on a log opposite his booth. In another, happier company, since not everyone had vodka, the soldiers, crowding, stood near a pockmarked, broad-shouldered sergeant major, who, bending a keg, poured into the lids of the manners, which were alternately substituted. Soldiers with pious faces brought the manners to their mouths, knocked them over and, rinsing their mouths and wiping themselves with the sleeves of their overcoats, with cheerful faces, moved away from the sergeant major. All the faces were so calm, as if everything was happening not in the mind of the enemy, before the case, where at least half of the detachment was supposed to remain in place, but as if somewhere in their homeland, waiting for a quiet stop. Having passed the chasseur regiment, in the ranks of the Kiev grenadiers, valiant people engaged in the same peaceful affairs, Prince Andrei, not far from the regimental commander's tall, different booth, ran into the front of a platoon of grenadiers, in front of which lay a naked man. Two soldiers held him, and two waved flexible rods and rhythmically hit his bare back. The punished man screamed unnaturally. The fat major walked in front of the front and, without ceasing and paying no attention to the cry, said:
- It is shameful for a soldier to steal, a soldier must be honest, noble and brave; and if he stole from his brother, there is no honor in him; this is a bastard. More more!
And all the flexible blows and a desperate, but feigned cry were heard.
“More, more,” said the major.
The young officer, with an expression of bewilderment and suffering on his face, moved away from the punished man, looking inquiringly at the passing adjutant.
Prince Andrei, having left for the front line, rode along the front. Our chain and the enemy's were on the left and on the right flank far apart, but in the middle, in the place where the truce passed in the morning, the chains came together so close that they could see each other's faces and talk among themselves. In addition to the soldiers who occupied the chain in this place, on both sides stood many curious people who, chuckling, looked at strange and alien enemies.
From early morning, despite the prohibition to approach the chain, the chiefs could not fight off the curious. The soldiers standing in chains, like people showing something rare, no longer looked at the French, but made their observations of those who came and, bored, waited for a change. Prince Andrei stopped to examine the French.
“Look, look,” one soldier said to a comrade, pointing to a Russian musketeer soldier who, with an officer, approached the chain and talked something often and passionately with the French grenadier. “Look, he mutters so cleverly! Already the guardian does not keep up with him. Well, what are you, Sidorov!
- Wait, listen. Look, smart! - answered Sidorov, who was considered a master of speaking French.
The soldier pointed out by the laughers was Dolokhov. Prince Andrei recognized him and listened to his conversation. Dolokhov, together with his company commander, entered the chain from the left flank, on which their regiment stood.
- Well, more, more! the company commander incited, leaning forward and trying not to utter a single word he did not understand. – Please, more often. What he?
Dolokhov did not answer the company commander; he was involved in a heated argument with a French grenadier. They talked, as they should have, about the campaign. The Frenchman argued, confusing the Austrians with the Russians, that the Russians had surrendered and fled from Ulm itself; Dolokhov argued that the Russians did not give up, but beat the French.

Parrot Iago

First appearance
Last appearance

Othello (twin brother)

Relationships with other characters

Jafar (temporary friendship, enmity), Aladdin (temporary enmity, friendship), Tandra (lover), Abu (ambiguous and controversial friendship)


Will Finn

The character's animator, Will Finn, confirmed that when working on Iago's appearance and mannerisms, he tried to copy what he saw in Gottfried - "eternally half-closed eyes" and "always protruding teeth."



Film and television:


  • 1993: Disney's Aladdin (Virgin Interactive) / Disney's Aladdin (Capcom)
  • 2001: Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge
  • 2004: Aladdin's Chess Adventures



  • Iago on site IMDB.Com

Iago (English Iago) - a reasonable talking parrot. Always loyal to Aladdin and his friends. His main assistant is the evil talking parrot Iago, who later switched to the side of Good and joined Aladdin and his friends.

For the first time, Iago appears in the cartoon "Aladdin" as an assistant to the main antagonist - the vizier Jafar. He helps Jafar in every possible way to take possession of the lamp with the Genie in order to seize power in Agrabah.

As a result, through the fault of Iago, Jafar manages to capture Aladdin's friends, and the young man himself, as a result of an insidious plan, is sentenced to death for the murder of the Sultan of Agrabah. He is 18 years old. In love with Jasmine, with whom he has a very warm and sincere relationship. Despite the fact that Abu and Aladdin no longer need to steal, nevertheless, Abu sometimes draws on thieves' pranks, to which Iago often pushes him. Likes to eat delicious food.

In The Return of Jafar, he became Aladdin's friend, but cravenly betrayed Aladdin when Jafar was released from captivity. His first name is unknown, however, in one of the episodes, his grandfather from the Underworld mentions his nickname "Little Bobo" (eng.Little Bobo). The Sultan's ancestors have reigned in Agrab since its foundation.

I met Aladdin in the Cave of Wonders. Intelligent but unable to speak. Jafar is the vizier and chief adviser in Agrabah. In the dungeon, Jafar pretended to be a weak old man and suggested that Aladdin go for treasure. After the events in the Cave of Wonders, Aladdin nearly died after giving the lamp to Jafar.

Ultimately, Iago, having a guilty conscience, came to the aid of his friends and threw the lamp into the lava, thus destroying both her and Jafar.

But the cunning Aladdin thought of everything - along with Jafar's strength, he also received fetters, becoming a prisoner of his lamp, which was thrown far into the desert. Abis Mal (English Abis Mal) - one of the main enemies of Aladdin, a fat and greedy robber.

Abis Mal and his gang find a lamp in a well that imprisoned Jafar.

However, all attempts to defeat Aladdin end in failure for Jafar, and he becomes a prisoner of the lamp after being turned into a genie. He returns to Agrabah where he meets Aladdin. Aladdin (English Aladdin) - the protagonist of the series, a former homeless child. He prefers to spend the night in his old modest dwelling, however, being on good terms with the Sultan, he sometimes spends time in the palace.

After being released, the genie's magical abilities were reduced from "phenomenal and cosmic" to "semi-phenomenal and almost cosmic", remaining, in any case, more than impressive.

He often competes with Carpet in various games and loses to him all the time. He admits to sometimes being powerless against powerful spells or powerful magical beings. Abu (English Abu) - a little monkey, a true friend of Aladdin. After a little adventure that ends up capturing the trio in the Stone of Destiny, Abu decides to stay with Aladdin.

Being a monkey, yet Abu is intelligent, unlike ordinary monkeys, he is able to speak. Former assistant to Jafar. Prone to deceit, often deceives Aladdin, but soon repents. In love with the beautiful bird Tandra, the mistress of the weather from the Forest of Rains. Sultan (English Sultan) - Jasmine's father, the ruler of Agrabah. In one of the episodes, he went to rescue his daughter from the captivity of the Amazons, and Queen Gipsodedes herself fell in love with him.

However, at the crucial moment, Iago sacrifices himself, saves his friends and defeats Jafar. Gradually, the parrot manages to win the trust of the young man and his friends, but the unexpected release of Jafar forces Iago to choose which side he wants to be on.

What are the names of the characters from Aladdin?

    Aladdin cartoon characters

    Aladdin- the main character of the cartoon, a merry fellow, a rogue, stealing food, but in the fairy tale Aladdin is an honest and fair guy.

    Princess Jasmine- Aladdin's girlfriend, the princess of Agrabah, a proud and beautiful girl.

    Abu- Aladdin's monkey, helps Aladdin steal.

    Genie- the slave of the lamp, a magical creature, constantly changes its appearance, obeys only the owner of the lamp, but very kind.

    Iago- parrot, Jafar's assistant, comedian.

    Jafar- the Grand Vizier of Agrabah, a cunning, cruel man, enjoys the trust of the Sultan, hypnotizes everyone with a magic staff.

    Sultan- Father Jasmine, Sultan of Agrabah.

    Rajah- tiger Jasmine, he is as tall as Jasmine.

    magic carpet- this is not just a carpet or a thing, this is a reasonable creature, although Genie's old friend cannot speak, at first he will quarrel with Abu, but then they will become friends.

    Aladdin is a cartoon from my childhood, this is a fascinating fairy tale story about a boy named Aladdin, a mysterious Genie and a little monkey named Abu.

    Even in this cartoon there is a beautiful princess named Jasmine.

    Aladdin's girl's name is Jasmine is an oriental female name.

    The monkey's name is Abu.

    parrot - Iago.

    An irreplaceable hero in this cartoon - Gin, he helps his comrades with his magical transformations.

    Evil and envious Jafar- the ruler, always trying to harm friends.

    Jasmine the tiger's name Rajah.

    In fact, everyone knows Aladdin, but they don’t remember who was next to him, well, let’s refresh our memory a bit:

    Genie - a genie in person

    Jafar - evil ruler

    Jasmine - the princess around which all the fuss

    Abu the monkey

    Iago - parrot

    Raja - tiger

    Rasool - Minister of Defense

    A very popular cartoon from childhood, I always liked the character Jin, he is always funny and constantly comes up with some cool things that did not belong to the period of life of the characters in the cartoon. Of course the hero is Aladdin, a tramp and a thief who turns into a prince. His princess Jasmine. Eternally grumbling Iago and monkey Abu. I also remember Princess Raja's tiger. Here are the most important characters of your favorite cartoon.

    The main character is Aladdin, also his little monkey Abu, Genie from the lamp who can change his appearance, the princess of Agrabah Jasmine, the parrot Iago, the Sultan-father Jasmine, the magic carpet, Raja is the court tiger of Princess Jasmine.

    Characters from the cartoon Aladdin:

    • Aladdin- a poor man who once found a magic lamp that dramatically changed his whole life
    • Jasmine- Princess of Agrabah, who is good at martial arts
    • Abu- Aladdin's monkey, which gets into various troubles
    • Iago- a parrot that first served Jafar, and then went over to the side of Aladdin
    • Sultan- cute fat man, head of Agrabah
    • Genie- a faithful friend of Aladdin, ready to help. He was freed by Aladdin and remained to serve him as a thank you
    • Jafar- A villain who wanted to subjugate Agrabah. Was turned into a Genie and imprisoned in a magic lamp
    • Tiger- pet cat Jasmine, who sleeps most of the time
    • magic carpet- was found by Aladdin. He does not speak, but everyone understands him perfectly)

    These are the unusual characters in the cartoon Aladdin. Each one is unique and interesting in its own way.

    One of the best cartoons of that time, which many are reviewing to this day.

    Aladdin also has enemies.

    1) There is also such a character as Rasul, who is the head of the Sultan's guards.

    2) Two professional villains Ashen Bad and Gurod.

    3) Sadir's girl leading a homeless lifestyle.

    4) Umnikus engineer mechanical monster creator

    5) Ayyam-ogly a gloomy guest of the underworld

    6) Egyptian cat Mirage

    7) Khalib Mozenrath and his eel

    The cartoon about Aladdin is a multi-part animated film, that is, an animated series, so there are a lot of heroes in the cartoon. The main characters are called

    there is also Abu, Iago, Sultan, Carpet, Raja.

    I really like Abu, a funny, ready to play prank monkey. This is a true friend, but like all monkeys, it is restless, which often causes laughter when watching a cartoon. And Princess Jasmine, which little girls look up to.

    The characters from the cartoon Aladdin are called - this is the hero Aladdin himself with the monkey Abu, this is Jin, who flies out of a magic lamp, the beautiful princess Jasmine with the tiger Raja and her father Sultan, Iago the parrot, Rasul is the guardian of the Sultan, Mirage is a cat from Egypt, Umnikus- engineer, evil Gurod and Ashen Bad.

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