The meaning of numbers in our life. magic numbers


Fundamentals of numerology - the meanings of numbers and their interpretation

Numerology is the study of numbers, or, literally, "the science of numbers." It is fundamentally different from a science such as mathematics, in which numbers are used only as a way to count. Numerology is often called the magic of numbers - in this science it is assumed that all numbers have not only quantitative, but qualitative characteristics, with the help of numbers, one can determine his character by the date of birth of a person. Therefore, quite rightly, numerology is considered closer to astrology than to the exact sciences like mathematics, and they also consider numerology as part of astrology.

Nowadays, there are many areas of numerology, but the foundations of the teachings were laid by the ancient civilizations of India, Tibet, China and Egypt. The modern European numerological school continues the traditions of ideas that arose under the influence of the ideas of Pythagoras, who designated the paramount importance of numbers from 1 to 9. Geometry and topology have become important in numerology, and any numerological view of the "surrounding world", including the so-called "life world" of a person , naturally refers to geometric constructions and fractal constructions.

Since ancient times, numerology has developed in various schools that acted independently of each other, thanks to which, as a result, several areas of this field of knowledge have developed.

Pythagoras, followers and his students reduced all whole numbers to single digits, from 1 to 9. In Pythagorean numerology, these numbers are considered initial, all the rest can be obtained from them.

Twenty centuries later, Cornelius Agrippa in 1533, in his treatise Occult Philosophy, deciphered the meaning of these numbers.

"1" - this number is associated with the idea of ​​the material world, as the ultimate creation of the Absolute. The main characteristic of the essence is the unit - equality and unity, the number "1" contains the active principle and the form of everything material. Having a relationship with the unit, all things become equal to themselves.

"1" plays the role of the essence underlying the understanding of the word "number". The unit is absolute, non-polarized, vectorless energy. In numerology, it is believed that the unit does not apply to either even or odd numbers, since if it is added to an even number, it converts it to an odd number, and vice versa! What does it mean that the number "1" unites all the opposites of both even and odd numbers, as well as all other opposites throughout the world.

The unit closes in itself the creative beginning. This closure in "1" is immanent in contrast to the number "3", for example. The unit is a potential reality, thought and energy, its quality and quantity in the released state cannot be determined in advance.

At the lowest level, manifestations of the unit can be represented as freedom and the energy of evil or the positioning of active involutionary and chaotic principles. In the Unit, impenetrability and unpredictability always predominate of all its qualities.

“1” is the target number, it is aggressive and ambitious!

The second characteristic of the essence is the number "2". It expresses absolute inequality, uncertainty and opposition. The number "2" is obtained by the sum of a unit and its image, i.e., a unit that is not equal to itself. So "1" and "2" contain the main characteristics of any entity.

"2" is the basis of dual theoretical systems, meaning the struggle of two principles at the lowest level, and their synthesis and the birth of a new quality at the highest level. The number "2" is connected with doubles and twins, personifies reflection and opposition, and is also considered the personification of the feminine and is associated with such phenomena as the moon, water, darkness.

"2" forms polarized energy. Two is a concept with the property of polarity, defined as “one” and “other”, it is a unit in a polarized state. The calculation of pairs of opposites is an important point in understanding the world. To comprehend the human psyche, the opposites of a man and a woman, good and bad, sad and cheerful, day and night, truth and lies are very important. Every pair that exists is an aspect of the fundamental principle of polarity.

Attaching quality to "1" (+1) metaphysically means going beyond the line, the main manifestation of the potency that exists in the unit, the manifestation is rough, it initially follows the path of negation. At a low level, "2" binds antagonistic dualism, this is the position of opposition, the denial of assistance. The "two" is often mistaken in that it depletes the potential of the one, and this error of a magical nature is difficult to overcome.

The difference between a two and a closed unit is that a two is absolutely open, it attracts particles of absolutely any charge to itself, since it has two poles. At a low level, the deuce personifies the disintegration into evolutionarily lower elements; at a high level, the number "2" personifies the result of throwing between opposite states, but nevertheless, from the outside, this situation looks, on the contrary, quite stable.

"Two" is absolutely inharmonious. The antagonism of the two can be alleviated, but it is impossible to completely eradicate. Two is attractive, open, rather tense and completely incomplete. Even numbers begin with "2", displaying the evil and feminine, and therefore it is considered the number of vice. The characteristic features of the "two" are softness, tenderness, modesty, obedience. People born under the number "2" achieve the goal by diplomacy and persuasion, in a commercial business, the 2nd number is a good day to increase income.

"2" maintains balance, embodying positive and negative qualities. An echo of evil and cruelty is introduced into the nature of "2" due to the fact that the deuce is associated with the devil. "Two" is considered the most sinister, and all bifurcated objects personify the devil, since "2" is the first number that has fallen away from the Absolute. “One” is considered the number of God, “2” is the number of His main enemy. In the Middle Ages, the Jews were convinced of the danger of a secondary action - for example, it was dangerous even to take fire from the hearth twice if there was a sick person in the house.

Trinity is the third characteristic of essence. In "3", as the Pythagoreans believed, the unit achieves its reality and completion. The Trinity is based on the totality of the one and the many, where "1" creates unity with the indefinite multitude of the duality. The whole essence of the world is conditioned through the trinity, since any thing is related to equal and unequal. In the number "3" the symbol of the main synthesis of opposites is expressed, the conflict marked by binary systems is exhausted. "Three" - the number of the universe, consists of three spheres, the vertical axis of the world tree gives the number "three".

3=2+1. In “3”, overcoming the main problem of confronting the two means the birth of the third, which qualitatively changes the picture of interaction. A synthesis takes place, the result of which is a tripartite union. "Three" is displayed as a flat triangle, which either does not notice or ignores the rest of the space, "3" is self-sufficient and stable. Unlike the deuce, the “troika” is closed, but has a characteristic attractive harmonious quality, absorbs harmony from the surrounding world, appropriating it for itself, rearranging it for better assimilation.

The number "3" is credited with creation, design and destruction, which means the full cycle of the existence of an object. In general, "3" is the main characteristic of the time dimension.

The number "3" represents instability, integrates a person's abilities and manifests vitality in himself.

Trinity is often found in appeals to deities. The number "3" is often used when referring to places where the deity was especially revered. Three in general was a number that carries happiness in itself.

"4" represents stability and strength. The reliability of the four is displayed by the square - the sides of the Cosmos, the seasons and the elements of "fire", "earth", "air" and "water", such is the interpretation of Cornelius Agrippa.

"4" as an understanding of the essence reflects the doubling of the pure difference of the binary, "3" reveals the material in the number "4". "1" is thought, "2" is science, "3" is opinion, and "4" is sensory experience. The number "4" personifies the material world, natural forms, the four symbolizes a rational organization. The horizontal axis of the world tree is associated with the number four, there are four elements and four cardinal points. "4" is a number that determines the period of existence of the universe.

The number "5" characterizes the risk. There is absolutely no stability in the five, on the one hand, this risks leading to uncertainty, but, on the other hand, this number is considered the happiest, but also the most unpredictable.

"Five" in the Western tradition means bodily health, love itself and the erotic beginning, there is a place to be the idea of ​​the "fifth essence" as the "soul of things." The number "five" reflects the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of the human body from five parts, since it consists of four limbs and a head; in addition to all this, the "human content" of this number is determined by the undoubted fivefold model of the anatomy of the limbs, for example, the number of fingers on each hand and foot. There are five main senses and organs of perception. In ancient times. "Five" was associated with the sacred marriage of earth and sky, which laid the foundation for creation.

The number "6" personifies the symbol of perfection, the conclusion of a cycle, complete harmony, corresponds to the six directions of space, and, of course, it was in 6 days that the world was created according to the Bible.

Six is ​​the embodiment of reliability, it exists in complete harmony with nature. “6”, oddly enough, is an ideal number, it is divisible by both an even (2) and an odd number (3), it has elements of each of them, as well as an element of even and odd in general.

The number "6" is an unearthly, cosmic number of the material world. It was chosen by the Egyptians to symbolize space and time.

"Seven" belongs to harmony and perfection, the personification of spiritualized matter. "7" is a dynamic number, it contains creation, the passage of time, cyclicality. According to the understanding of the ancients, there were only 7 planets in the universe. The number "7" displays the number of directions in space.

Numerologically it is represented as the sum of numbers 3 + 4 = 7, the seven convicts the union of two principles, which means the unity of the divine and human nature. In the future, knowledge about the number "7" was enriched by the traditions of Christians - the seven deadly sins, the seven virtues, the seven sacraments.

"7" is a symbol of peace. There are seven musical notes, seven colors of the rainbow, and so on.

"7" is a sacrament, a way of studying the unknown and invisible. Seven unites the integrity of the "one" with the ideal "six" and thus forms its own symmetry.

"Seven" contains the development and growth, the seven underlies the universe of the cyclical aspects of the universe. It is the number seven, as well as multiples of seven, that are used to explain the sequence of evolution.

The number "8" characterizes rebirth. Eight as the first cube (two to the third degree) brings the third dimension into numerology, thanks to it there is an understanding of the volume of things. Pythagoras considered love and friendship inseparable from "8", and Plutarch considered reliability and stability. In the Christian understanding, "8" had a symbol of rebirth. "8" is the symbol for infinity. In the East, "8" is indisputably associated with cosmogonic themes.

"Eight" contains material success. "8" is improved reliability, as it is represented by a double square. If 8 is divided in half, it has equal parts (4 and 4). And if it is further divided, then the parts will still remain equal (2, 2, 2, 2), proving a quadruple equilibrium.

“Nine” is a symbol of a completed cycle, a symbol of completeness. In the number "9", as in "7", there is a cosmogonic constant characterizing various technical parameters of the universe. The number "9", obtained as a result of the triple repetition of the three, is compared with "3" in the interpretation of the understanding of symbolism and is often considered as an image of the three worlds.

The number "9" is like a symbol of success, it is the largest of the elementary numbers. The nine contains the characteristics of the whole group, which makes it a controlling factor if developed to its full extent. As a "threefold number of 3" 9 becomes unstable in aspirations.

“9” is the number of the beginning, similar to birth, since the digits that make up the product of nine by any number also add up to nine (3? 9 = 27 and 2 + 7 = 9 or 6? 9 = 54 and 5 + 4 =9 etc.).

For the convenience of understanding numerological information, it is useful to use graphic symbols of numbers.

In astrology, numerology, the principle of unity, is graphically represented by a dot or a vertical line. Duality is usually depicted as a symbol of two parallel lines.

"3", as we have already said, is graphically represented by a triangle. There are three levels of deciphering in this triangle. In the classical inscription, when the base is below, it denoted fire, the aspiration, characteristic of all things, towards a higher unity, the aspiration to the top.

But, for example, in a right-angled triangle with sides 3, 4, and 5, Plutarch saw the "triangle of life." The symbol "triangle" became the foundation of the alchemical symbol of water - a triangle without a top, earth - a triangle with a truncated top, air - an inverted triangle, with the top down.

The principle of quaternary graphically displays a square. The shape of a square on a psychological level evokes a feeling of strength and stability, which is why the square symbol is so common as a symbol of construction.

The value of strength and stability squared, as opposed to odd numbers, is added to all even numbers and shapes.

The pentagram, graphically a five-pointed star, is a geometric expression of the five-pointed symbol. In the basic sense, the pentagram symbolizes a perfect person, in a mediocre one - a black sorcerer. If it is compared with a square, then the pentagram carries the nature of movement and activity. In esotericism, they write about the protection function of the pentagram, about its unearthly energy field, which, thanks to it, is created around a person. This energy field seems to be able to protect from magical blows and protect from occult influences.

The six-pointed star, or, as it is called in another way, the hexagram, obtained as a result of the superposition of two triangles, the first in the usual position, the second inverted, means a graphic expression of the six-fold principle. The hexagram symbolizes the human soul, freedom of will and choice.

The principle of septenary is graphically depicted by superimposing a triangle and a square (a triangle is drawn inside the square, or vice versa).

The graphic expression of the octal symbol is an octagon, or in another way an eight-pointed star. The structures formed on the octagon represent spiritual rebirth.

And the last, debinary, is graphically displayed as a circle.

Large numbers and operations with them are described in ancient Indian writings, Buddhist monuments, speaking about the Laws of Manu. Most of these numbers are also endowed with a sacred, mystical meaning.

It is not enough for a scientist of numerology to simply reveal the meaning of numbers, he needs to understand how they are interconnected with each other, since the symbolism of their relationship is deeply sacred - the numerological “distance” separating 0 from 1 is equal to the distance from 1 to infinity. If we talk about the ratio of numbers, and their consideration of numerical ratios forms the basis of any numerological forecast, it is important to understand how these numbers are interconnected.

The main role in numerology is played by the problem of the ratio of the numbers "3" and "4", (which will be discussed below).

E. Blavatsky in her work "The Secret Doctrine" claims that the numbers "3" and "4" mean male and female principles, spirituality and matter, that all this in combination symbolizes eternal life. The relationship of these numbers changes the geometry of the world, which is also confirmed in the writings of the alchemists: “When Three and Four kiss each other, the Square adds its middle nature to the nature of the Triangle (or Trinity, that is, the face of one of its planes becomes the middle face of the other) and forms Cube; then only he (the unfolded Cube) becomes the receptacle and the number of Life, the Father-Mother of the Seven.

It is also undeniably important to give the ratio of the numbers "1" and "3". In the esoteric doctrines of Europe, as in Theosophy, it is believed that the numbers "1" and "3" form a unity in their divinity, they remain "3" in "1" and "1" in "3". But still, if this unity is violated, the numbers are split up from “1 to 3” and as a result the formula “1 and 3” is obtained, which is numerologically identical to “4” (since in an equilateral triangle you can see four smaller equilateral triangles hidden inside , the same “inner secret” is also found in the number “7”).

Also, the number is considered a measure of time. All cosmic cycles, such as the periods of rotation of the planets, rhythm and symmetry, all the principles on which all astrological forecasts are based, are based on numbers.

The special properties of numbers in the times of two millennia were used in architecture, construction, design, music, and poetry.

Various systems have been created to reduce large numbers to elementary ones. The simplest method is to add all the digits of a number, and finally, when it's 10 or more, add those digits too. This addition must be continued until a number from 1 to 9 is obtained.

For example, to understand the principle of addition, let's take the number "135". We lay it out like this: 1+3+5=9. This means that the number symbol "125" will represent the number "9".

Like the number "13" will eventually be represented in 4 (1 + 3), also 31 (3 + 1). They will have no other meaning than the value of the number "4".

For example, dates can also be shortened into vibrating numbers by adding the day, month, and year numbers. For a numerological interpretation of the historical date July 4, 1776 (US Independence Day), add up the numbers of the 4th day, 7th month, 1776: 4+7+1+7+7+6=32=3+2=5 .

In historical numerology, the symbol of the number of an event correlates with a description of an exciting event (of course, such a correlation is not without subjectivity). In the case of the considered example of a historical event, a transcript of the number “5” is attached, it is associated with the political qualities of the number, in this case it is a risk, as we remember, the main meaning of the “five”. Because of this, it is argued that it was the five who were able to accurately express the risk and uncertainty that followed with the signing of this important document.

Decisions as to whether the numerological interpretations of historical dates will be favorable or threatening, to a large extent, of course, depend on the nature of the goal, as well as in what circumstances these decisions are made.

The reverse example, November 11, 1918, the end of the First World War, add up all the numbers and as a result we get 5: 1+1+1+1+1+9+1+8=23=2+3=5. Which means: danger and uncertainty are also characteristic in this case, which is reflected in the meaning of the historical event. Indeed, instead of seeing the truce as a step towards a fundamental victory for the world, it was accepted as a temporary truce. Which means: he became a victim of insecurity, which is contained in the characteristics of the number "5". But no matter how fascinating the study of history is, the main goal of numerology is human life.

We are interested precisely in how the characteristic influences inherent in numbers act on each person. And how can he use them to his advantage.

There are dates that are in connection with the vibrating numbers of the individual. The most understandable and at the same time the most important of them - person's birthday number. This is the main "numerological" passport of an individual.

In order to assess how successful a day will be for you, use numerological equivalent of a date. For example, the nearest number is 25. (25=>2+5=7) - this means that the day will be successful for people whose number- "7".

But do not forget that the main role in such an assessment can be played by both the month and the year.

In order to determine name number, the sum of the numbers corresponding to each of the letters of the person's name is found, after which the sum of the numbers is again brought to the primary number.

As a name, we advise you to use such a variant of it that is as suitable as possible for the issue under study. For example, in order to analyze relationships with friends, the best name, or perhaps a nickname, by which a person is known in a friendly company, is best suited. And, for example, in order to analyze the official parties, you need to apply the full name according to the passport - first name, patronymic and last name.

We also note that after the exclusion of the letters “fita”, “izhitsa”, “and decimal” and “yat” from the Russian alphabet, discrepancies appeared in determining the characteristics of names. Below we have presented the correspondences most commonly used today.

Classical interpretation of the Latin alphabet:

Modern interpretation of the Latin alphabet:

Classical interpretation of the Russian alphabet (period before the reform of the alphabet):

Modern interpretation of the Russian alphabet

In addition to the Pythagorean school, the Chaldean and Kabbalistic traditions have survived in the modern world (three schools have common Egyptian roots).

Chaldean numerology has long developed along with Kabbalistic astrology, in many respects it is similar to Pythagorean numerology, but it also has its own elements. Consider an example, Chaldean numerologists focus on sounds, and not on writing letters, considering the name of the person of interest.

The number "9" among the Chaldeans has nothing to do with any of the letters of the alphabet, since it is sacred. But still, if the "nine" is found in the results of the calculations, then it is subject to interpretation.

And also, the Chaldean numerological teaching is distinguished by a special distribution of the alphabet (“C” corresponds to the number “3”, if it is read like the Russian “C”, if it is read like the Russian “K”, then it corresponds to the number “2”).

Chaldean interpretation of the Latin alphabet:

The Chaldean school did not become widespread on the territory of Russia, since in its interpretation there is no justified correspondence between the numbers and the letters of the Russian alphabet.

Numerology has a strong relationship with astrology. Astrology uses numerical correspondences between planets (see the description in the "Secrets of Elementary Numbers" section).

Number "1" (Sun)

"1" is the number of strength and power, individuality and creation. People of this number are endowed with leadership qualities. They are characterized by such qualities as activity, aggressiveness and ambition, they want to have primacy in everything, they can be absolutely ruthless and sacrifice everything for the sake of their career, they do not skimp on relationships with people around them. One is the number of winners and tyrants. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "1" is Sunday.

Number "2" (Moon)

Number 2 people are often sensitive, artistic and overly charming, easily adapting to new circumstances. Often they are characterized by a certain passivity and detachment. They are closer to the propensity to think than to action. They are characterized by ingenuity and intuition, but still, they do not often achieve their goals. These people are depressed. People of the number "1" often become good friends with them. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "2" is Monday.

Number "3" (Jupiter)

The number "3", as we have already said, is the number of the trinity. These people are energetic, talented, disciplined, which allows them to achieve success in their goals. They never stop at small things. By nature, they are characterized by pride and independence, they enjoy when they control the situation, command, give orders. They develop pleasant relationships with those people whose number is "3", such as "6" or "9". The lucky day of the number "3" is Thursday.

The number "4" (Uranus, in Vedic astrology - Rahu)

"4" - the number of seasons, elements and cardinal points. People with the number "4" basically look at everything from their point of view, this gives them the opportunity to find details hidden from everyone. At the same time, this quality becomes the reason for their disputes and clashes with most of the people around them. Material success is of little interest to them; being not particularly friendly, they tend to be lonely. Possible friendly relations are established with people of numbers "1", "2", "7" and "8". The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "4" is Sunday.

Number "5" (Mercury)

The number "5" is the number of feelings. People with this number are too sensitive. They are very impulsive and frivolous, prone to risk, love pleasure. Often these people are easily excitable and easily prone to nervous disorders. Business is a favorable environment for people of the number "5", and most often, they succeed in it, but just as quickly recover from failures. Excellent relationships are formed with people of the same number. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "5" is Wednesday.

Number "6" (Venus)

It is believed that the number "6" is the happiest, as it is the sum of its divisors: 6=1+2+3. People of the number "6" are harmonious and reasonable, trusting, but often overly stubborn. They are romantic natures and very amorous, as a rule, their interests are focused on home and family. They have excellent taste, they easily win over and converge with other people.

The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "6" is Friday.

The number "7" (Neptune, in Vedic astrology - Ketu)

The number "7" is an indisputable symbol of good luck, as well as occult knowledge. People with this number often become philosophers and thinkers. They are often immersed in their thoughts and therefore somewhat detached from the world around them. They also have an interest in travel. In their goals, they usually succeed. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "7" is Monday.

Number "8" (Saturn)

"8" is a rather strange and difficult number. At one point, it can be expressed as the sum of 4 + 4 and characterized as people of the number "4". But at another point, the number "8" is endowed with its own properties. Here, for example, it can mean both grief and sadness, and at the same time success, perhaps even world significance. People of the number "8" are distinguished by impressive willpower and a pronounced individuality, in communication they are characterized by external coldness, although in life they are capable of manifesting the most ardent feelings. The lucky day of the week for people born under the "8" is Saturday.

Number "9" (Mars)

The number "9" is considered the main number of numerology with a special, sometimes even sacred meaning. This is explained by the fact that when multiplied by any number, nine reproduces itself: 9? 4 = 36 => 3 + 6 = 9. People of the number "9" are endowed with strong characteristics, they are born fighters, courageous and purposeful, and thanks to this they win. But at the same moment, people of the number "9" find themselves in various unpleasant situations. These people are capable of the most wonderful feelings towards their loved ones. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "9" is Tuesday.

Numerologists often deal with deciphering historical events and predicting the future. But first of all, those who are fond of numerology are interested in how to use the relationship between the meanings and properties of numbers, the relationship between numbers and planets to predict the character of a person and his fate, to evaluate auspicious dates, to obtain a forecast of the fulfillment of an event of interest.

In numerology, various methods are used to obtain information about the individual character traits of a person. The numerologist takes the main initial data from birthday numbers, which receives dates of birth from the digits, summing them up according to a certain method.

Birthday number, in other words, “personality number”, is compared with astrological data, which allows not only to interpret the main characteristic of a person by date of birth, but also to find out the nature of the influence of one or another name on a person.

All letters of the alphabet are associated by their numerical value with one of the nine planets: since all names consist of a specific set of letters, the set of letters in each name is also a specific set of planets that have a favorable or unfavorable effect on the bearer of the name (in accordance with the astrological characteristic planets).

Planetary influence is manifested in the following: if the planets that make up the name are in a strong position in the horoscope of the date of birth and interact harmoniously with each other, then the name will help its owner, attract good luck to him, and influence his successful advancement in life. But if the planets are in a weak position and negatively aspected, then this name will become an obstacle for the carrier, which creates difficulties in realizing life goals, in which case it is better to change the name.

Also, the chosen name can have a strong influence on the character and fate of a person through compatibility with the date of his birth. Any date of birth is connected in a certain way with the corresponding ruling planet. To understand which planet it is, the date of birth is summed up in a numerological way to a simple number. The planet attached to this number is considered ruling for that date. If this planet is compatible with all the numbers (which is rare) included in the digital code of the name, then the astrological correspondence of the name to the person is allowed, that is, the name is in absolute harmony with the owner.

The planets that are part of the name of one person may or may not be combined with the planets that are part of the names of other people (in this case, they speak of synastric compatibility of names (name + name). Harmony in name compatibility is as important as the compatibility of birth horoscopes, such compatibility can have an impact on relationships between people, on certain areas of life and joint activities of people.

The birthday number is unchanging, it is constant in a person's life and represents a vibrating influence that has existed since his birth. It is believed that two people with the same birthday number can be similar to each other in many ways. However, this happens very rarely (especially since numerology brings the date of birth of any person to nine base numbers).

Through this "numerological analysis" of all the letters of the full name in the form in which it is written on the birth certificate, the number of fate is determined. The number of fate is used in divinatory practice to determine the characteristics of a person's personality.

The numerological meaning of the name comes from the fact that the name distinguishes each person from other people, so the name turns out to be the bearer of individual personality traits. It is difficult to decipher each meaning of the name, since there are a large number of different names. The task of analyzing all the names seems hopeless unless they are reduced to a reasonably limited number of species. In numerology, all names are converted to numbers from 1 to 9 (sometimes with the addition of the numbers 11 and 22), this operation provides an opportunity to reduce the entire variety of names to a small number of categories that allow for a successful interpretation.

Birthday number takes precedence over the number of the name. Since the former takes into account more fundamental personal characteristics, a person acting contrary to natural inclinations will meet obvious obstacles in those areas that are numerologically disharmonious with his name.

The most advanced numerological methods are based on the compilation of general or special numerological matrices and the analysis of the interactions between the numbers that make up this matrix.

Numbers in numerology are a system of nine signs that describe nine interconnected phenomena (phenomena) of the world. We can say that the world is divided into nine parts and is designated by numbers, through which phenomena are systematized.

In numerology, numbers differ from the usual mathematical signs, as they have philosophical, psychological and other non-mathematical meanings. But still, numbers express the laws of mathematics, and therefore different values ​​can be considered numerical mathematical ratios.

Using the laws of mathematics, you can calculate the ratio of quantities that exist in the world, and numerology allows you to describe the properties that quantities have. In essence, from the point of view of mathematics and numerology, the phenomena of the world are quantities that can be calculated.

The universal scheme of ratios of numbers in numerology is " magic square", or numerological matrix(Fig. 1). This form of data representation is considered fundamental in the numerological traditions of the ancient peoples of the world, where only such was known.

Rice. 1. Pythagorean numerological matrix

The numbers in the magic square are arranged in a specific order and enter into regular mathematical relationships: the sum of the numbers in all verticals, horizontals and diagonals of the square is the same.

Next to the numbers in the cells of the magic square are the names of the corresponding gods of Greek mythology.

In addition to the gods, numbers in numerology can correspond to many scientific or everyday concepts that describe the philosophical or psychological phenomena of the world, but in any case, the ratios of all kinds of concepts will correspond to the regular relationships and relationships that numbers have in the structure of the magic square, if the concepts are correctly classified and compared with numbers.

The modern mathematical term "matrix" comes from the Indian word, which in ancient times was called magic squares. The term "magic square" was coined by medieval alchemists.

In the magic square, numbers form pairs (double combinations), which symbolize the combination of numerical values ​​(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Relationships between the numbers of the numerological matrix.

The first diagram (a) shows the relationship of numbers that are located in the magic square in adjacent cells: 16/61, 18/81, 38/83, 34/43, 49/94, 29/92, 27/72, 67/76, 17/71, 13/31, 39/93, 79/97, 56/65, 58/85, 45/54, 25/52, 15/51, 35/53, 59/95, 57/75.

The second diagram (b) shows the relationship of numbers, which in the structure of the magic square are located in cells opposite vertically, horizontally or diagonally: 68/86, 37/73, 24/42, 26/62, 19/91, 48/84, 46/64, 28/82.

The third diagram (c) shows the relationship of numbers, which in the structure of the magic square are located in diagonally shifted cells: 12/21, 89/98, 69/96, 14/41, 78/87, 23/32, 36/63, 47 /74.

In total, there are 36 double combinations of numbers in the structure of the magic square, they form relationships that are horizontally adjacent (for example, 16/61), vertically adjacent, diagonally adjacent (56/65), horizontally opposite (24/42), opposite in verticals (48/84), diagonally opposite (46/64), offset (for example, 12/21).

Double combinations of numbers in the magic square allow you to analyze the relationship of meanings and concepts that are compared with numbers, and also allow you to analyze the relationship of mythical gods. This makes it possible to compare the characteristics of the gods with the psychological characteristics of people and thus analyze the personal relationships of people.

Suppose, if the psychological characteristics of one person are comparable to the numerological number 1, and the psychological characteristics of the second person are comparable to the numerological number 9, then perhaps the relationship of these people is ideal and harmonious, since the gods Ares and Aphrodite corresponding to these numbers are sympathetic to each other.

In the same way, the remaining combinations of numerological numbers in the structure of the magic square symbolize the relationships that exist among the Olympian gods and exist among people.

If modern numerology is forced to make psychological portraits of its clients in a roundabout way, then in ancient times the problem was solved simply - the psychological type of the client was correlated with the archetype of one of the famous deities, whose biography and psychological portrait were well known.

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2. Secrets of numerology

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Meanings of figures and numbers I give you the basic values ​​​​of prime and two "majority" numbers. You need to have an idea about these values ​​\u200b\u200bin order to figure out what date something is worth starting and what not; how much to buy certain items; what number of guests is better

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Fundamentals of numerology - the meaning of numbers and their interpretation Numerology is the study of numbers, or, literally, "the science of numbers." It is fundamentally different from a science such as mathematics, in which numbers are used only as a way to count. Numerology is often called the magic of numbers - in

Have you ever thought at least once about the meaning of numbers in a person's life, about the meaning of numbers in our life with you? .. What is hidden in ordinary plain numbers? And why are any encodings carried out using numbers? In fact, it is not in vain that there is a whole science of numerology, which studies the influence of numbers on our lives. Let's try to understand the basics of number theory.

Although numerology has gained great popularity relatively recently, this science was born in ancient times. Previously, people used numbers not only for counting, but also as a way to communicate with each other.

The value of each number can be divided into three types:

  1. Opportunities - the value of the number in the field of serving people, realizing one's own talents, self-realization.
  2. Inclinations and talents - the value of the number in the field of business, career and personal growth.
  3. Human relations - the meaning of the number for family relationships, marriage, health, "weak" and "strong" sides of the human personality.

Numerology identifies nine main numbers and associates each number with an impact on a person's life. That is, each person has his own number that directly affects his personal life.

Consider the nine basic numbers and their meaning.

Unit (1)- this number implies the concept of individuality, "Ego", that is, I am alone. This is the concept of exclusivity, separating oneself from others. If events in your life are often intertwined with this number, then you should overcome selfishness and pride, work on these qualities so that they do not prevail in your life.

Couple (2)- manifests itself in the form of harmonious relations between men and women, the unity of relations. Frequent "twos" in your life indicate that your life is always accompanied by a faithful companion, with whom you decide everything and everything one and together.

Troika, spirituality (3)- the number comes from the Holy Trinity: Father-Son-Holy Spirit. The creation of two produces a third or a third. If triples prevail in your life, then this means that you are striving for creativity, unity with God, for the harmony of soul and body.

Four or material goods (4)- earthly life. The predominance of the number "four" in life speaks of the desire to earn as much money as possible, material wealth, enrichment, household and domestic issues are most of all occupied.

Five (5)- Mark of distinction! The predominance of fives in life speaks of your luck, of the harmony of the material and spiritual, that everything is fine and calm in your life.

Six (6) is the negative number. If there are a lot of sixes in your life, then this indicates the predominance of anger and anger, pride and irritability. Holders of sixes must reconsider their lives in order to stimulate the flow of positive numbers.

Seven (7)- manifestation of harmony, luck, luck in life, existence, projection of the spiritual onto the material.

Eight (8)- the number of infinity, which always enhances the influence of other numbers. The predominance of eights in life indicates that you are striving for development in infinity, trying to understand the laws of the Universe and moving in the right direction in life.

Nine (9)- the number of the ideal, in other words, "God, Ideal, Good." In life, this is the number of grace and divine love, peace and tranquility. Nines prevail in the life of a happy person who lives with God, in harmony and harmony.

Thus, it becomes clear that we are accompanied in life not just by numbers, but by signs of fate that can and should be used. Understanding the laws of numerology, you can correct and correct many life situations, be guided by the influence of signs in your activities.

The value of numbers in a person's life is difficult to overestimate, because even the name and surname are encoded using certain numbers, deciphering which you can understand the fate of a person. In other words, the number is a mirror image of the internal state of a person, a hint of the desired direction of development. By learning to understand numbers, you can make them true friends and life partners.

The science of numbers is called numerology. It is one of the most ancient sciences. With its help, you can find out what awaits you in love, career, success or failure awaits you.

The universe moves according to its own laws, and nothing happens in it just like that. Numerology is the key to the secret gates of the world and often it is the Universe itself that wants to warn or tell us about something with the help of numbers. The laws of the universe are based on numbers from 1 to 9. 9 is the final number. With the help of numerology, you can track your life schedule, and if a recession appears on it, then it is better not to plan any important events for this period and wait for better times. But if the numbers indicate a prosperous period in life, then it's time to start meaningful undertakings in any area of ​​life.

Definition of a life numerical code

In the date of birth of each person, his fate is hidden, and if you calculate the numbers correctly, you can learn a lot about yourself. How to do it? For example, your date of birth is July 09, 1985, you need multiply the number of the day, month and year. So, we multiply 9 by the number of the month - this is 7, equals 63. Now we multiply 63 by the year 1985, it turns out 125055. This number is your life code, now it remains only to look at the values ​​of the numbers.

The meanings of the numbers in the life code

  • 0 is a very bad value. This meaning of death - relatives or oneself, also means a serious illness. If 0 is located at the end of the code, then it means death from a serious illness. 0 in the middle indicates sudden death in the prime of life. But do not be afraid, if 0 is in your code, this does not mean that this is waiting for you, but there is a possible scenario for such a development of events.
  • 1 - the whole scale of numbers begins with it. And nothing good comes with it. If 1 is located in the middle, this means that its owner will face a blow of fate, illness among loved ones and moral degradation of the individual. When this figure is at the beginning, it says a lot - birth in a dysfunctional or poor family, moral or physical childhood trauma, that is, 1 carries inherently poor conditions from birth.
  • 2 - the figure of constancy. Owners of such a number in the code will have a permanent job, one partner. But they do not develop development, having reached a certain level of development, such people often stop there.
  • 3 - speaks of a love of work, but without enthusiasm. People with 3 move towards the goal in the easiest way. But they can achieve a lot if they overcome themselves - they learn to discipline and hard work.
  • 4 - speaks of high diligence. People with 4 in the code often have outstanding talents, work hard. But of the minuses is that such people rarely become bosses and mostly work for someone. But there is a way out of this situation, the main thing for such people is to be more decisive and learn to say “no”.
  • 5 - a sign of curiosity. People with the number 5 in the code will not be able to live in the same house or apartment all their lives, it will weigh them down. These people love traveling, learning new things, communicating with interesting people. The big minus of such people is inconstancy, they often live like lone wolves, without friends and family.
  • 6.7 - family sign. People who have this figure will be an excellent husband or wife, you can rely on them. In their life there will certainly be children, and their soulmate will be happy next to them.
  • 8, 9 - numbers of careerists. These numbers have the highest energy potential and people who have these numbers in the code are distinguished by wisdom, intelligence, wealth, but usually they do not have happiness in their personal lives.

In the code, there may be numbers whose meaning contradicts each other, for example 5 and 7 - this means that everything is in the hands of the person himself and what he will focus on will prevail in his life.

The magic of numbers in human life

The magic of numbers was used in ancient times when conducting magical sacraments and rituals. All information about the numbers was carefully stored and passed on by magicians by inheritance. They will be useful to you not for rituals, but in the most ordinary life situations.

  • Are you late for an important meeting or event? Start saying the number to yourself along the way. twenty. The number 2 speeds up and increases your actions, and 0 removes all obstacles in your path. You will not even notice how miraculously all the traffic jams will dissolve, and time will drag on more slowly.
  • If you want to get rid of something in your life - from a thing, a boring job, a protracted useless relationship, then imagine in your head what you want to get rid of, and say the number to yourself forty four. These numbers have unique properties, they resemble lightning bolts in their appearance, and besides, one square is 4 plus one more square (4) already 8 corners and this destroys any stable structure. And the figure eight, as you know, is a sign of infinity, so it turns out that with the number 44 we release the situation into infinity.
  • If, on the contrary, you want to increase or increase something, then imagine what exactly you want to increase and repeat to yourself forty magpies. This combination of numbers can multiply a lot, so even in Moscow many years ago they called a lot of churches - forty forties.
  • repeating a number twenty one will bring you happiness, good luck and ease in any endeavors. According to one of the digital values, the number 21 stands for happiness.
  • If you need to add some item, such as the amount of clothes in the wardrobe or the amount of money in the wallet, then imagine it colorfully in your head and say it to yourself seven plus one. The number 7 carries a magical effect, 1 is the meaning of achieving the desired and adding energy, and 7 + 1 = 8, and 8 is infinity.
  • If you want to reduce something in your life, for example, you want to lose weight, then visualize yourself slim and thin, repeating to yourselften minus one. This combination also brings positive changes, since 10 - 1 \u003d 9, and 9 is the number of changes.

For us, numbers are just numbers or mathematical values, but things are not so simple. Even our date of birth has a certain meaning, everything starts from it.

In everyday life, we never think about the meaning of certain numbers that always surround us. What are they hiding? There is such a science as numerology, which studies the meaning of numbers in our lives.
Previously, people communicated with each other using numbers, it was something like a code. Values ​​can be divided into three groups:

  1. Opportunities - means self-realization, the discovery of one's hidden talents.
  2. Inclinations - these numbers are more related to career growth and the growth of oneself as a person.
  3. Human relations - determine the strengths and weaknesses of a person, but play a big role in family relationships.

All people have their own unique number that affects their entire life. Let's clarify the meaning of the nine main numbers and find out their influence:

  1. The number one (one) is selfishness, that is, this person always defines himself higher and more important than others. If this figure is often found in your life, try to cope with selfishness, otherwise it will begin to prevail over you.
  2. Number two (two) - the relationship between a man and a woman, that is, a couple that decides everything together. If this figure is often found in your life, then there will be harmony in love relationships.
  3. The number three (three) is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. If you have a lot of triples, then this means that your ideal is close to harmony.
  4. Number four - the predominance of the four in your life may indicate that your goal is to earn a lot of money, but most of all you think about life and home values.
  5. The number five (five) - the predominance of this figure indicates that you are a lucky person, everything is quiet and calm in your life, everything is going as planned and luck accompanies everywhere.
  6. The number six (six) is not a very good number, if this figure is present in your life in excess, control the outbursts of anger and anger that will prevail over you. This is always negative, try to set yourself up positively, think more about the positive, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with this further.
  7. The number seven (seven) - is manifested by unexpected luck, such people are considered to be quite lucky, their side is always positive.
  8. The number eight (eight) - a sign of infinity, enhances the value of all the numbers that are nearby. People whose life is dominated by this figure strive to learn as much as possible and move in the right direction in life.

9. The number nine (nine) is an ideal number, peace and quiet reign in life, peace. If the nine prevails in your life, then you can safely consider yourself a happy person.

There is a numbering of houses and apartments in numbers, thus our houses are assigned a certain aura. For comparison, you can notice the fact that when you enter an apartment, your mood can change dramatically for better or worse. After all, this or that atmosphere has already developed in your home. If you really noticed a change in your condition, this only proves the influence of numbers on our ordinary life.

The impact of numbers on the atmosphere:

  1. There will be creative energy in the house and you will enjoy life, attract the attention of others.
  2. People who are nervously unstable can have frequent tantrums. In such apartments there are usually a lot of mirrors.
  3. You need to avoid quarrels and conflicts so that as little negative energy as possible accumulates in your home.
  4. The residents of this house are creative personalities, they have a desire to go somewhere.
  5. Often you want to walk or travel, the purple color suits the apartment.
  6. This apartment has a good atmosphere, warmth and comfort reign, you want to relax and have fun.
  7. A place to study or learn a new profession, in order not to get bogged down in this routine, give your home more positive and optimistic.
  8. It is freedom, the desire to meet friends.
  9. There is a heavy atmosphere, people often start to get sick and suffer from insomnia.

Such a science as numerology, as well as astrology, in a certain way can determine what kind of character a person has, find out the future, direct decisions on the right paths and predict the outcome of a transaction. Numerology can still help when choosing a married couple.

If you imagine the Russian alphabet and replace each letter with a number, then it is quite possible to decipher your name, namely it leads us through life. The name is given to us for a reason. There are times when a person does not like his name, but he cannot explain why. This can only mean one thing, this name does not reveal him as an individual and creates some discomfort. Such people often experience nervous shocks and unjustified fears.

How to find out your number?

In order to find out your personal number that will accompany you through life, you need to take the date of birth, namely the day, month and year. Then add up all the available numbers and you get a single number. But do not think that people with the same date of birth will have the same fate and one path through life, this is a delusion. After all, you were born at different times, in different places and conditions, which already changes the course of events quite a lot.

With the help of numerology, you can recognize your hidden talents, it depends on how much you can fulfill yourself in this life.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that in our life we ​​are haunted not just by numbers, but by certain signs of fate that we need to listen to, perhaps thanks to these signs, something can be changed for the better. Even the greatest skeptics, delving into this science, will be able to change their mind. So many coincidences and supporting facts simply can not be.

Friends, the days of the month, like people, have their own character. Therefore, at different times, a person suddenly experiences joy. And sometimes nothing seems to portend trouble. And they are crowding on the threshold, and until the day is over, they do not want to leave. Since ancient times, the connection of numbers with the fate of people, the significance of numbers in human life has been noticed.

The meaning of numbers in human life and the calendar

What is the best day to start a new business?

People have noticed for a long time that it is impossible to start a new business on the first day of each month, because failures will begin. The same applies to getting a job. To make the work a joy, postpone its design until the next date, the same applies to

Repair, too, should not be started exactly the first, then it will end quickly and go as planned.

The second is dangerous because it is on this day that scammers are activated and because of them you can lose a large amount. You should not agree to some very dubious transactions - it is not known how they can end.

If the number is three on the calendar, you can’t borrow even a small amount for anyone. It is noticed that, basically, the owner will not return.

You need to live together on the fourth day of every month. If a scandal breaks out or a small quarrel starts, then for a long time everyone will be offended by each other, forgiving with difficulty.

For some reason, the number five in the calendar loves accidents, disasters, violation of transport schedules. Try not to use the services of cars and trains, so as not to get stuck on the way.

Business negotiations, important dates should be postponed on the sixth, otherwise even minor misunderstandings can ruin a big relationship.

On the seventh day, the authorities are very harsh towards their subordinates. Therefore, you should be at your workplace quietly and not ask for a raise or bonus.

On the 8th, nothing will particularly please, even a new outfit bought that day. This is the time of prohibitions: you can’t get involved in adventures, start risky business. It is better to postpone for a better time. Sharp objects should be kept away or handled with care.

On the following days of the month, to find out what can happen, you should add the numbers. For example: we divide the 26th day of the month into numbers 2 and 6, then add them up - 2 + 6 = 8

Tip: take Red pencil and mark the dates that are “dangerous” for you on the calendar and the negative will be much reduced.

Numerology of numbers is an ancient science that tells about the connection of a person's life with the date of his birth and all the numbers that arise and repeat on the path of life. The founder of numerology, Pythagoras, developed a unique calculation method that people use to this day.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

Each number, according to numerology, has its own unique meaning. Brief decoding of numbers:

  • 0 - the beginning of everything, a symbol of non-existence and intangible things that are beyond the bounds of conventional understanding
  • 1 - the personification of masculinity and courage, a symbol of the masculine principle. In personality characteristics, it indicates incredible stamina and willpower, the desire to achieve goals and succeed.
  • 2 - a symbol of the feminine. Indicates qualities such as femininity and softness, the ability to improve and harmonize the space around him. A person whose numerological map is dominated by units is endowed with incredible flexibility and strives for partnerships.
  • 3 - the personification of creativity. This is a symbol of an extraordinary, bright person who dreams of the recognition of others and glory.
  • 4 - indicates such qualities as diligence, the ability to organize and manage processes, people. It is characteristic of patient and consistent people who strive for stability and stand steadily on their feet.
  • 5 - the ability to adapt to a sharp change in circumstances, environment. People with fives in the card are inquisitive and curious, they are interested in everything. They love to look for new things and share knowledge with others.
  • 6 - the number of harmony and love, a happy, calm lifestyle. The desire for family and romance, the creation of a warm, spiritual hearth
  • 7 - the number of people with high intelligence. It is they who make discoveries in science, become philosophers, scientists, researchers. This is a person capable of introspection and one who knows how to penetrate into the very essence of things and phenomena.
  • 8 - a symbol of the material world and everything connected with it. The number of wisdom and self-confidence, love and acceptance of the world around in all its splendor. Ability to seek and find compromises in any situation
  • 9 - the number of people incredibly sociable, social. They do not represent life alone, they strive to surround themselves with friends and fans. They rejoice at new events and impressions. Communicative and able to find a common language with anyone

To understand which of the numbers corresponds to your personality, you need to make a numerological calculation and determine which numbers prevail in it.

Method of calculation

To create your own numerological chart, it is enough to know the date of your birth. The calculation method is quite simple and is based on the sequential addition of numbers.

It's very simple: for example, your date of birth is October 16, 1991. Add up: 1+6+1+9+9+1. We get: 27. Repeat the addition: 2 + 7 = 9. Nine will be the main number of your card.

There are a few exceptions. If your number turned out to be 11, 22, 13, 14, 16 or 19, they do not need to be reduced to one digit, but consider special values:

  • 11 is a very powerful number that is endowed with great magical meaning. A person whose life is affected by this combination is endowed with incredibly strong energy from birth. If this quality is developed, he may well become a psychic, a telepath, or discover other supernatural abilities in himself.
  • 22 is a symbol of a very rational person. Logic and reason always come first. Strictly follows the law, moral principles and obeys social norms. Weak side - a tendency to obey, fawning over the powers that be

13, 14, 16 and 19 are those that indicate negative manifestations of character:

  • 13 - extreme degree of selfishness. A person lives and acts only for the sake of his own desires and needs, he does not give a damn about others and does not take into account their interests. Egocentrism is the basis of life and the formation of principles
  • 14 - a person devoid of a sense of responsibility. Not from evil, but he constantly harms the people around him. Because of him, someone constantly suffers - suffers financial losses or moral harm. Tendency to dominate, lack of craving for spiritual development and indifference to others
  • 16 - a person who is his own law and authority. Complete contempt for social, moral, legislative norms. Refuses to be held responsible for misdeeds and committed actions that harm people and the world. Not able to control himself and limit in something. A life that is continuously connected with working off heavy karmic debts
  • 19 - a tendency to self-abasement, low self-esteem, a complete lack of self-love and self-acceptance. Self-esteem is completely absent. It’s scary if such a person gets power - he can cause tremendous harm by abusing his powers.

Watch a video about the meaning of numbers in terms of numerology:

Key concepts of numerology

In addition to the main number, by date of birth, you can calculate several more main numbers that characterize the personality and the main karmic moments:

  1. Life path number. Indicates the karmic destiny of the soul that exists in the current incarnation of a person in the physical world
  2. Birthday number - indicates the ways in which the destination can be successfully fulfilled. The shortest way to realize the mission of the soul
  3. The number of the Soul - shows the sources of filling with energy that are most correct for a particular person
  4. The number of appearance - reflects how the environment perceives you

Knowing how numbers affect your life, you can correct the negative aspects and shift the focus to the development of the strengths of the personality.

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Numbers surround us everywhere: important dates, phone numbers, houses, roads we travel on. Literally everything around us is measured, calculated, from height and weight to distances - we live in a world of digital values. For example, you can find out to what number this or that name, surname belongs. It is very simple to do this: it is enough to carry out the numerological addition of all the numbers, and to find out which letter belongs to the number, you need to make a table from 1 to 9 and substitute it under the usual alphabet.

Let's start with the fact that each person has his own set of lucky numbers. The first and probably the most important is the date of birth. The next step is to take a look at your life. You often noticed numbers that you constantly met in everyday life, remember them too. You can combine the sequence of these numbers, and not get hung up on one. Usually auspicious dates, figures are produced for the start of the event. For example, you can create your resume one day and send it to an employer the next when it works best. Dates 13, 21, 25, 28 are suitable for making deals, contracts and starting your own business, but try to avoid the numbers 15, 16, 17. They will adversely affect your business, so be careful.

If we are talking specifically about the main numbers, then here you have to choose for yourself what is closer to you.

1 - symbolizes purpose, aggression, pressure, leadership. Such a person always achieves what he wants, and nothing can stand in his way. This number characterizes a leader, a person who is used to leading, achieving goals.

2 - equality of the whole world, dualism. Two is a pair, balance, partnership. We can say that such people are always in harmony. Such people are more in need of family values, support than those who, for example, are more patronized by a unit.

3 - symbolizes unstable unity. For such a person, the connection between the past, present and future is important. Three is the Trinity, which symbolizes the spiritual realm. For a person who chooses three as his lucky number, spiritual aspects always come first, he is patronized by higher powers. Often such people in life are accompanied by a change in the status of life - for example, an unexpected departure for others into spirituality.

4 - on the one hand, this number represents strength, balance, stability. Remember, for example, such a geometric figure as a square, each face of which is able to complement each other and give harmony. At the same time, the four carries a certain negative: the whole point is that in many countries of Southeast Asia, in China, in Japan, the hieroglyph for death and the number 4 are the same. The four symbolizes the reverse side of life: if the unit is the beginning of the cycle, then 4 is the final stage.

5 is a lucky number, a symbol of the five elements, symbolizes the whole system of the world, the achievement of a result. No wonder there is a five-point grading system in school. Five is one of the favorite numbers in China, even the flag of this country has 5 stars. Islam favors this figure. The number of prosperity, well-being.

6 is one of the most insidious numbers. Many people are wary of it because it has a bad meaning and carries a deliberately negative connotation. The bible says: "He that has a mind, count the number of the beast 666." Six is ​​also called the "Number of Creation" because it is said that God created the world in 6 days. In the sacred esoteric sense, the number 6 is very variable. On the one hand, balance and fertility, on the other hand, it symbolizes the union of the feminine and masculine principles. This figure is good for businessmen and people working with money, as it carries the meaning of good income and dividends. Many risky people also prefer to choose this figure as a kind of amulet, but they must understand that it also has the opposite pole.

7 - the basis of stability. The number of mystical knowledge, secrets, fairy tales and ancient treatises. It is not for nothing that the number seven occurs to us much more often than other numbers: seven planets, seven colors of the rainbow, seven days in a week, seven notes in a scale, etc. Seven is the "number of the group": a team of seven people is a team of like-minded people in which a single brainstorm is provided, if there are more of them, then the community will break up into smaller groups. Seven is a number that unites.

8 is the luckiest number, even if things didn’t work out at first, then under the sign of the eight it can bring positive results that were not even expected. On the 8th, it is better to appoint marriages, postpone birthdays, celebrate something. This is a magic number that only has a positive charge. People who are patronized by this figure are often subject to success and material well-being.

9 is the most powerful and largest prime number. Usually endows people with a strong will, fame and wealth. The nine is good, it's perfect, it's the best of the best, but it can be tricky, turn over and become a six. Nine should not be chosen in cases involving risk.

Separately, I would like to note the number "zero", which is capable of weakening or, conversely, giving strength: it all depends on which side of the number it is located. Even on the example of mathematics, it is clear that 0.1 and 10 are completely different values.

Every person in his life met with such numbers as rulers or karmic ones, but few people understood what their peculiarity is and why they are so strong. How they manifest themselves in everyday life and what can be expected from them.

First, I would like everyone to understand what control numbers are. These are two-digit numbers written in the same digits, for example: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, etc. It is highly likely that you often meet them in everyday life or in calculations. As you can see, a single-digit number is repeated twice, therefore, the number affects a person with a vengeance. Moreover, it is worth noting that people in whom these numbers are found quite often, not only the spiritual component is enhanced, but also creativity, practicality, courage and other innate qualities. There is even such a philosophical law: quantity turns into quality. Although in this case, it says that twice the strength of the number goes to a higher level.

All control numbers make it possible to receive and combine spiritual information, but this also means that you will have to go through twice as many trials, checks, stressful situations. But it is worth remembering that where strength increases, vulnerability in another increases. Therefore, you need to think about whether you are ready for the tests that the control numbers can prepare for you.

The magical concept of numbers, date of birth and fate.

From time immemorial, people have always endowed numbers with some magical power in such a way that they tried to run into the past and into the future with their support, used them in various methods of predicting fate.

Numbers rule the world, our ancestors thought so, convinced that each number has its own cherished meaning, and can influence the fate of a person in a certain way, showing its strength.

Our ancestors, both in antiquity and at present, use the alphabet, which consists of ancient Greek characters.

There is an opinion that our ancestors borrowed the number system from the Egyptian priests. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagoras (580-497, respectively, AD) owns the formula: "All things can be represented as a number." Ancestors believed that only numbers carry a secret meaning and only they can encrypt the wisdom of everything in the world, that quantity is a code that is given to us at birth and it is the basis of all visible and invisible phenomena. There are negative numbers that predetermine us to some negative actions, strain us and thereby destroy our destiny. And there are positive ones, which, on the contrary, encourage good actions and deeds and contribute to the ordinary balance of our life. Numbers are the basis of everything, they give certain character traits, and intertwine our destinies.

Numbers, as is commonly believed, are vibrations, the subtlety of our sacred and astral world. Numerology reveals the vibration of numbers and with their help the character of a person, how a person with the greatest benefit for himself can use the information encoded in numbers. The basis of numerology's interest is human life.

The purpose of this science is to help you discover your inner capabilities, find a field of activity in which you can express yourself most fully. Assist and warn a person against frivolous and pre-prepared negative events in his life.

Numerology uses only nine numbers. Zero is not used, as a rule, zero means the end of a certain cycle and the onset of the next period in a person’s life, and as practice indicates, the next cycle is of a higher level. There are only exceptions in the so-called Ruling numbers 11 and 22. However, with such numbers, few people have every chance to habitually coexist, they really feel their disposition towards them and hear their call. Numbers illuminate and give information about the main aspects of human life.

Such manipulations with numbers as subtraction and division make their effect less strong, therefore, as a rule, specialists in this field use only addition and multiplication of numbers, so as not to lose the effect of their magical power on a person.

With the help of numbers, you can delve into the essence of any process, characterize any event or person (country, city) and determine what vibrations they give. With the help of the number, you can understand, as well as choose a favorable period for undertakings.

Any date by addition can be reduced to a single number and understand the essence of the event or the character of a person, decipher his fate. With the help of numbers, you can predict the fate of a person, understand his abilities, inclinations, and the level of his future well-being. You can understand whether the city in which he lives, the apartment is suitable for a person, even figure out what the number of his car or phone says. Having calculated the meaning of the name, you can choose for yourself the name that suits you best, enhance your best character traits and bring good luck. You can read more about this in the article:

If we compare numerology with astrology, then these two sciences are very similar. Astrology is a horoscopic comparison, and numerology is comparable to digital values, however, calculation in astrology is also done using numbers.

This article provides calculations and interpretations of certain digital combinations, a characteristic of the owner of a certain numerical value.

Numerology, as a certain kind of discipline, will undoubtedly help and tell you what to do in certain circumstances, contribute to the typical solution of some problems, and also give you the opportunity to reproduce the past and predict the future. It will give you the chance to understand which people you know and which ones you should avoid. With the support of numerical compositions, it is allowed to find your own opportunities, how to better realize yourself in life, increase your own potential.

The secret meaning of the numbers themselves

The meaning of the number 1 in numerology

The owners of this number are ruled by the Sun. These are extremely principled, functional, positive, creative, fearless, strong, intelligent people. However, they are characterized by selfishness, vanity, fear, aggressiveness, impotence, perseverance and inconstancy. They care about the impression they can make on the people around them. They are lucky in life. Do not suffer from envy, anger and dissatisfaction with life.

The meaning of the number 2 in numerology

The planet of this number is the Moon. This is the number of inequality. It's like two opposite sides of the same coin. The owners of this number are distinguished by good imagination, susceptibility, artistry, they are balanced and harmonious. They are always cooperative, friendly, overly kind, charming, patient and tactful. They are also very shy, indifferent, sometimes indifferent, sentimental and curious. They tend to fantasize, which is often perceived by others as a deception. They often suffer from self-doubt.

The meaning of the number 3 in numerology

The number three is a kind of pendulum, which, in constant pursuit, is trying to find balance. The number three is the number of creation. The owners of this number are very talented, optimistic, they have a rich imagination, they have a great ability to inspire, lightness in character, and a good sense of humor. They are boastful, loud, talkative, very inattentive, restless, boring and shy. The owners of this number are very jealous, impatient. The trinity is inherent in the triplicity of nature; the past, the present and the future are connected in them. Magicians and hypnotists often have a predominance of the number three in the date of birth.

The meaning of the number 4 in numerology

But the number 4 transforms the square. This is vitality and bone strength. This quantity will form 4 directions of the world, 4 sides of the year, 4 main priorities that form the world. These are earth, flame, air and moisture. The owners of this number are incredibly strong, they have excellent organizational skills, accuracy, prudence, diligence, reliability, usefulness. They are extremely harsh and pessimistic. They may take on additional obligations.

The meaning of the number 5 in numerology

The number 5 is considered one of the most fatal numbers. The owners of this number are in constant search, instability, unpredictability. It is believed that the owners of such a symbolic number are often completely alone, without a stable life partner. This is the number of sacrifice above yourself. They are freedom-loving, psychologically unstable, independent, sociable, inquisitive. They have a great love for sensationalism, contradiction, slow, intemperance for alcohol, completely dissolute. The owners of this number should pay close attention to themselves and try to somehow get around the sharp corners.

The meaning of the number 6 in numerology

But it’s not surprising, however, the number 6 is the number of a couple (2 times according to 3), this is the amount of reliability and measure, freedom, love for home, reliability of family ties, attractiveness, comprehension, stability, balance. Firmness, loyalty. Bad aspects of this number, perseverance, stupidity, interference in extraneous matters, disposition to depression. They are jealous, suspicious and cynical.

The meaning of the number 7 in numerology

The number seven is the number of wisdom and knowledge. They have an analytical mind, restraint, and not verbosity, ingenuity. They are able to discover something new and analyze their results, but they are dominated by measured nervousness and embarrassment, they are cunning and resourceful, two-faced and secretive.

The meaning of the number 8 in numerology

And regarding the number eight, we can say that this is a sacred number, this is the number of justice and harmony. It is generally accepted that this number symbolizes death, but in astrology this number is closely associated with the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is known to be the eighth house of the sign. But the figure eight is also a symbol of the infinity of life. The owners of this number are constantly striving for success, self-disciplined, with a strong character, organizers, leaders, they can foresee and they are good managers. They are ambitious, they have a very difficult character, intolerant and slow. They are distinguished by a bad character, greed, and very often tend to express themselves with the help of foul language.

The meaning of the number 9 in numerology

Nine, these are 3 threes, they themselves form a triangle according to themselves. Nine means stubbornness, courage, steadfastness. This is one of the most fundamental and massive numbers. They are characterized by compassion, altruism, goodness, ardor, enthusiasm, seductiveness, and unselfishness. They are also capable of selfishness, intemperance, impracticality and instability. The negative side of this figure is acrimony, gloominess, meanness, extravagance.

The meaning of the number 11 in numerology

But the owners of this number serve the population of the earth. They are dominated by such character traits as religiosity, inspiration, reason, mysticism, skill, intricacy, charm. However, one should not forget that this number is connected with the fall, it threatens to violate the law, a threat. Since the number 10 is an absolute number, but 11 is, as it were, a conclusion beyond the unacceptable. The number 11 creates a balance between good and evil, and which side a person chooses depends on him.

The meaning of the number 22 in numerology

Twenty-two is no less difficult and not everyone can withstand it. It is often associated with illusions and dreams, thereby leading to misfortune. The owners of this number are very proud, honest, practical, hasty and boastful. But despite all this, they can occupy the highest positions of a builder leader, director, manager. It is highly likely that people with the number 22 will have problems with money all their lives. They are vulnerable and suspicious.

Numerology is a very interesting science, not yet fully explored. One has only to think how many numbers surround us? We now and then want it or not, but we are faced with numbers, date of birth, the value of time, the money that we keep records of has digital symbols, the mass and height of our body, and much more. Each of us thought that all these figures every now and then have something to do with our lives. Knowing the exact date of birth, up to the time of birth, you can tell with great accuracy what fate has prepared for us, even then, as soon as we breathed the first breath of air.

There is even some belief that if you see some kind of digital meaning in a dream, it means that it brings us some foreshadowing of future events. This is a typical caveat outside. Our ancestors also interpreted the number of 666 as the number of a demon. It is like 1 six means two pairs of 3, and 3 is a pendulum, instability. So this particular pendulum has something fragile as an astral invention into the supernatural world. And as it is customary to believe that this world is of the lower levels, sinners. You can discuss this topic indefinitely, but this is in subsequent articles.

According to the ancient teaching, the meaning of numbers in numerology shows the character of the individual, her skills and talents. Each code has its own characteristics. You can find out the talisman number using a simple method of summing up the digits of the date of birth.

Basic postulates of numerology

The magic of numbers is related to astrology. It is based on the energy of a certain moment in which a person is born. Everyone has their own unique, predetermined destiny. Numerology is based on this principle, which describes the nine main numbers as a code of a person's life.

Numerology makes codes not only by date of birth, but also by the name of a person. Together, these indicators give an accurate forecast. It takes into account only significant moments that can affect the life of a man or woman. The numbers of the entire date of birth are affected (if units prevail, the person is strong-willed, if nines, he is looking for harmony). Each feature of the code is additional information.

What is a digital code for?

A numerological number is the main characteristic of a person, an indication of its explicit or hidden qualities.

What gives a numerological prediction:

  • allows you to see the strengths of character;
  • discover talents;
  • improve the quality of life and give up everything that burdens.

The interpretation of each figure is an opportunity to understand one's own nature and accept it. If a person feels insecure in his abilities or is afraid to show his talents, such a forecast will give him more determination.

The power of talisman numbers

A simple method of predicting fate is suitable for beginners. It is necessary to write down the date of birth and add up all its numbers. The sum is simplified until a single digit is obtained. There are 9 basic numbers in numerology that describe a person.

The meaning of numbers in numerology depends on what positive or negative qualities a person has brought up in himself. Circumstances and living conditions are also important, since all these factors do not change the nature of the individual, but affect its development and self-expression and mean a lot for the overall prognosis.


One means the beginning. It personifies what always exists in a person - aggression, a thirst for life. People born with this digital code are bold and radical. Whatever they think, they stubbornly strive for it. From birth, "units" express their opinion without regard to someone else's. These are strong-willed people with a tough, uncompromising character. The value of such a number covers all spheres of life: at work, a unit is a boss, strong, despotic, and at home the same manager, but without the corresponding rights. Because of this nature, units often suffer from loneliness, but even in this state they cannot accept their own defeat. These are fighters for the truth, but they care little about its necessity. Units always know better what they need: such people put their principles above the opinions of others.


Two in numerology means delicacy. This is a slight insecurity, which only plays into the hands of women, and creates problems for men. Twos are very sensitive. They think a lot about the world, about themselves, but at the same time they are not proud enough. The duality of nature is manifested in everything: the designation of such a code suggests extremes that do not allow people to achieve harmony.

The owners of such a figure suffer from frequent mood swings. They are suddenly happy, then immediately very sad. They fail to cope with emotions - innate sensitivity adds imbalance. Even in a good relationship, the deuce can hardly withstand difficulties.


Creative personalities are born under the numerological triple.

She gives her owner:

  • flexible thinking - such people do not rest on the accepted canons, they are ready to open their minds to something new and exciting;
  • pronounced creative abilities - from birth, the child shows talents, it is difficult to hide them, and even without development, the personality remains gifted;
  • developed fantasy.

Numbers such as three have a strong focus - people born with such a code cannot do anything else. They are fixated on creativity: everything they do, what they devote their time to, is connected with the object of mania. Other areas of life suffer from this obsession.


Four means balance. Its symbol - a square - is a figure with corners, each of which symbolizes a natural element. Thanks to the four, a person easily finds harmony. She successfully combines both professional and personal life. This is a person with a calm disposition, which is difficult to unbalance. Often fours show piety: their faith is not amenable to criticism or doubt. Whatever a person does, his actions are natural: they are fueled by an innate self-confidence. The meaning of the numbers suggests diplomacy, this is the most important character trait of the four.


The value of five is both positive and negative. The owners of such a numerological code tend to experience crises (their world often shakes, after which they have to completely rethink their lives). Five brings destruction: numerology describes such a sign as a force that cannot be resisted. But no matter how negative it may seem, its results are beneficial. The Five always endures danger. She is not just going through another crisis, but takes something important out of it. The experience described by the five is priceless. If a person learns to use it, he can achieve any success. The value of numbers, like five, symbolizes the forced, but necessary beginning of a new life.


Six means harmony. This is a special code that goes to people with a complex character. These are analysts. They know how the world works, why positive and negative events occur in it. At the same time, they are dreamers, filled with endless faith that everything will get better soon. The duality of nature does not harm, but is beneficial. A person can find himself in any field of activity. She is responsive and easy to communicate with.

Often people are gifted with a special talent. If they are writers, their works amaze souls, singers - their music is able to save people. Solving the mystery of the six is ​​very difficult. If such a figure belongs to a woman, she always remains a mystery to her partner. In a relationship, the bearer of the number gives more and does not require anything in return. It is difficult for a person to get off the path of life, because fate gives important signs.


The decoding of the seven is simple. People with a philosophical mindset are gifted with such a code. They think a lot, but do little. These are lazy, dreamy people. If they do not have a mundane profession, it will be difficult for them to cope with constant doubts.

Number meaning:

  • suspiciousness;
  • variability in principles;
  • weakness of character;
  • closeness, alienation.

If a person feels that he is not accepted, he may withdraw. In solitude he finds salvation.


The best value for the material sphere of life at the eight. It symbolizes incredible luck. Its bearers are endowed with ambition. These are people capable of great things. They work hard, so they get a lot. Numerology calls the eights lucky. Whatever field of activity they decide to do, they are lucky.


The meaning of the last sign is collected from the positive qualities of all other codes. Numerology describes nines as people who are aware of their own desires. They are free from restrictions and are free to do whatever they want. These are cheerful, freedom-loving and laid-back personalities. Any activity brings them pleasure.


Each number in numerology means certain character traits. If this is a unit, then the person is aggressive and purposeful, a two adds doubts, and a three helps to realize oneself in creativity. The value of the number 4 is balance, fives are the necessary destruction. The six helps to find the meaning of life, and the seven speaks of the difficult fate of a person. Eight and nine are strong, favorable numerical codes in numerology.

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