The meaning of the name Blokhin. Small growth of the ancestor


Origin of surnames
on the example of two villages of the Sergach district

My parents both come from villages that, before the revolution, were part of the same Sergach district of the Nizhny Novgorod province. The father was born in the village of Pokrov (now the Gaginsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region), and his mother was born in the village of Starinskoye (now the Pilnensky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region). Sergachsky district was quite extensive. The distance between the villages is about 70 km in a straight line. In both villages there has always been a purely Russian population, although there are many villages and villages surrounded by Pokrov with a Mordovian population, and surrounded by Starinsky with a Tatar population, but this factor did not have any effect on the formation of surnames in the villages.

It must be said that in the Sergach district, the names of the peasants were not written in the documents until late. With the exception of the peasants taken into recruits. All retired soldiers in the documents have surnames. In the village of Pokrov, surnames appear only after 1872, and in the village of Starinsky even later. But this does not mean that surnames did not exist at all. Each family knew its own family name.

Studying archival documents for both villages, I identified one pattern of the origin of surnames. In the village of Starinsky, almost all surnames were formed from male proper names, i.e. on behalf of the ancestors - the Sidorovs, Kuzmins, Varlamovs, Fedotovs, Fedoseevs. And very rarely from nicknames, Khruleva, for example. Even such seemingly unusual surnames for these places as Lupanov and Apollon are formed from the male names Lupp and Apollo, respectively.
The surname Khrulev is derived from the nickname Khrul. According to one version, the nickname was based on the common noun "khrul", i.e. a kind of wide awl, a flat hook for weaving bast shoes. Most likely, this nickname refers to the so-called "professional" names containing an indication of human activity. Therefore, it is likely that the founder of the Khrulev family was a lapotnik. In addition, Khrul was often called a man of small stature. Khrul, eventually received the surname Khrulev.

In the village of Pokrov, surnames have a very wide variety. Alyaevs, Atopshevs, Blokhins, Bystrovs, Bubnovs, Gryaznovs, Denisovs, Zobovs, Komarovs, Korolevs, Kurylevs, Lonskovs, Oreshkins, Peshcherovs, Puzankovs, Sukhanovs, Chekhovs, Yashins.
There are a lot of surnames that came from clearly nicknamed names: Bystrov (from the nickname Fast), Gryaznov (Dirty), Puzankov (Puzanok). Of course, there are many surnames derived from male proper names, such as Denisovs, Yashins.

The history of the emergence of the surname Atopsheva (in the old days Otopsheva) is interesting. The history of its origin was told to me by Lidia Alekseevna Blokhina (Atopsheva), whom she heard from her grandfather. The worn-out bast shoes were called otopyshki. And the family that was engaged in the restoration (repair) of worn-out bast shoes received the name of the Otopshevs.

The history of the emergence of my grandmother's surname, Kurylev, is very diverse. In the village there were two similar surnames Korolyov and Kurylev (in the metric books of the 19th century they sometimes wrote “Korylyovs”). I think it's the same last name, just spelled differently. A lot depended on the education of the deacon who wrote down the names in the register of births at birth, marriage and death. He could be very educated, or he could have graduated from a parochial school, or just young.

In the metric books for 1858, for the first time, the surname of the retired soldier Ivan Eliseevich Evstigneev (GANO f. 570, op 559b, d. 1653) is found, but the surname of his grandfather Vasily Fedotovich in the metric book of 1852 is recorded, apparently by ear, as Stegneev. Now the discrepancies in surnames become clear.

Since the surname was recorded by ear, it was possible to see a great variety of the same surname. In our case, we can say unequivocally Korolev, Korylev and Kurylev are the same surname. But its origin may be different.

It is possible that one of my grandmother's ancestors was nicknamed the King and the surname came from him. But in the “Arzamas Local Acts” I came across the nickname Koroul, which means a person who guards, i.e. guards. It is quite possible that the surname Kurylev could also come from this nickname. Try saying "Koroulev" out loud! Now it is clear?

The surname Lonskovy is not at all as simple as it seems. In one of the parish registers, I came across the spelling of this surname as Lonskoy, and this is already a noble surname.
The second version of the origin of this surname is as follows: In the Tula and Voronezh dialects, lan is a field. Thus, lanovoy, lanskoy is the same in meaning as field. Lanskoy also means last year.


No less interesting and confusing is the history of the emergence of the name of my ancestors, Blokhin, in the village of Pokrov. By the way, my grandparents also spoke their last name with an accent on the second syllable - Blokhiny.

The fact is that the village of Pokrov (then the village of Pokrovskoye) at the beginning of the 17th century was part of the Zalesny camp of the Arzamas district and was located beyond the Zasechnaya line, or rather, behind its Shatkovsky Gate. From the 1580s, the children of the boyar Blokhins served on this notch line and received estates not far from their places of service.
Even from my grandmother, I heard the phrase that the Blokhins are service people. I think that she repeated this phrase more than a dozen times, remembering it from her girlhood. Although, none of the Blokhins, except for my grandfather, served in the army before the revolution. Only very rare ones were recruited, but that was a very long time ago.

The first version of the origin: By the end of the 17th century, the Arzamas serif line had lost its defensive significance. Part of the noble children of the Blokhins were transferred to the Atemar and Pezensky notches. The servants were impoverished. Already by the 1650s, the Blokhins had estates in the Arzamas district, but there was not a single peasant household in them. There was no one to cultivate the land. The Blokhins who remained in the Arzamas district, in order to feed themselves, had no choice but to take up the plow. They went to free lands, including beyond the notch line. Someone went to the other side of the notch, deep into Russian territory. So, for example, there are a lot of Blokhins in the village of Kovaksa of the present Arzamas region.

Version two: My ancestors were serfs of one of the service people, the landowner Blokhin (I don’t know which one). There are many cases when all the peasants of one landowner were given his last name. Maybe it's the same case.

Since, according to my research in Pokrov, surnames began to be written in church registers of births starting in 1872, it can be assumed that the Blokhins had a surname in everyday life, but was not recorded. Previously, only the names of the soldiers who received them in the army and brought them to their native villages and villages were written. This is the third version of the origin of the name Blokhin in Pokrov. Maybe one of my ancestors, while in military service, once received the surname Blokhin from the nickname Bloch?

But according to the records in the parish registers, I found out that my ancestor Pyotr Prokofievich (born 1821) had the surname Blokhin, just like his brothers Philip Prokofievich (by the way, a soldier), Grigory Prokofievich and Ivan Prokofievich. So their father, Prokofy Kharitonovich (born 1763), also bore this surname. So, as it is reliably known that Prokofy Kharitonovich was a peasant (it was necessarily written about retired soldiers in revision tales), we can conclude that the family name - the surname of Blokhin is much older.

And the last, fourth version: Blokhin is a simple nickname surname, again from the nickname Bloch, so named for restlessness.

All versions have the right to exist. I have an exciting task ahead of me - to find out the correctness of one of the versions, and possibly a completely different interpretation of the origin of the Blokhin family in Pokrov.


I really enjoyed your research. I know four Blokhins, two comrades from the Tomsk region from the north, two from Siberia nearby, we are southern Siberians. South is relative to north. Minus five on a clear day, I'm worried that I opened the grapes, there are 13 vines, I'm a little worried, but I believe in them. These are just experiences along the way. Many other families are found here. Maybe just scattered, most likely a coincidence, who knows.
You write very well, you can go further both historical and ironic. After all, you don’t just dig in the archives, but from our people, you can hear a lot. Filter in your head, yes or no to write. You will please your countrymen, and then how will it go.

Remembering from childhood, we repeat it throughout our lives as something once and for all given and very significant. From ancient times, the Slavs had a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The following could be used as sources: an indication of the features of the character or appearance of a person, the name of the nationality or locality from which the person came. In most cases, nicknames that were originally attached to baptismal names completely replaced names not only in everyday life, but also in official documents.

In "Onomasticon" S.B. Veselovsky mentions Ivan Ivanovich Blokha Anichkov, 1495, Novgorod; The name Blokhin has been known since the 15th century.

The Blokhins are a Russian noble family, according to legend, descended from the Golden Horde prince Berka (in holy baptism Anikey, the direct ancestor of the Anichkov nobles), who arrived in 1301 to the Moscow Grand Duke Ivan Kalita. Ivan Yakovlevich Blokhin was governor in Kologriv in 1617-1618. His son, Ivan Ivanovich, was a solicitor, and his grandson, Artemy Ivanovich, was a steward and owner of estates in Tver, Staritsky and Uglich counties. The Blokhin clan is recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the provinces of Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Penza and Kaluga. The coat of arms of the family is included in Part 12 of the General Armorial of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire.

Among the most famous namesakes are Oleg Vladimirovich Blokhin, an outstanding Soviet Ukrainian football player, the author of many USSR football records; football coach. Among the records of Soviet football set by Blokhin, the achievement of the mark of 200 goals stands out. A significant event happened on August 21, 1985 in Kharkov, during the Metalist - Dynamo (Kyiv) match. Bloch, eventually received the name Blokhin.

Version 2. The history of the origin of the name Blokhin

In ancient times, our ancestors gave each other nicknames, aptly emphasizing a certain character trait, whether it be dignity, for example, Truth, or a disadvantage: Thunderstorm - hot temper, Flea - an annoying harmful person. From these nicknames came the names of Bloch, Blokhin, Blokhintsev, Bloshkin, Voshka, Voshkin, Groza, Groznin, Groznov, Grozny, Grozov, Pravdivtsev, Pravdin. Pravdin's "namesake" should be considered Yustov, since this is a direct translation into Latin of this surname - for euphony, as they thought in seminaries, where they were engaged in such word creation.

How to spell the surname Blokhin in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Blokhin in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Your version of the meaning of the name Blokhin

What does the name Blokhin mean in other origin if you know then please suggest.
And we will publish it!


In ancient times, our ancestors gave each other nicknames, aptly emphasizing a certain character trait, whether it be dignity, for example, Truth, or a disadvantage: Thunderstorm - hot temper, Flea - an annoying harmful person. From these nicknames came the names of Bloch, Blokhin, Blokhintsev, Bloshkin, Voshka, Voshkin, Groza, Groznin, Groznov, Grozny, Grozov, Pravdivtsev, Pravdin. Pravdin's "namesake" should be considered Yustov, since this is a direct translation into Latin of this surname - for euphony, as they thought in seminaries, where they were engaged in such word creation.

Encyclopedia of surnames. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BLOKHIN in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BLOKHIN in the Encyclopedia of Russian surnames, secrets of origin and meanings:
    In ancient times, our ancestors gave each other nicknames, aptly emphasizing a certain character trait, whether it be a virtue, for example, Truth, or a disadvantage: ...
    BLOKHIN Oleg Vl. (b. 1952), Ukrainian athlete, Ph.D. (1975). Forward of the Dynamo team (Kyiv, 1972-87). The best football player in Europe (1975). Cup winner...
  • BLOKHIN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BLOKHIN Nick. Nick. (1912-93), surgeon-oncologist, acad. (1960) and pres. (1960-68, 1977-87) Academy of Medical Sciences, acad. RAS (1979), Hero of the Social. Labor (1972). Offered …
  • BLOKHIN in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    Alexey Alexandrovich (1897-1942), Russian petroleum geologist, professor (1937). Conducted geological research on the Kerch Peninsula, the western slope of the Urals and in the Urals. …
    (b. 1952) Ukrainian athlete, Honored Master of Sports (1975). The best football player in Europe (1975). European Cup Winner (1975, 1986) and ...
  • BLOKHIN NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1912-93) Russian surgeon-oncologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1979), academician (1960) and president (1960-68, 1977-87) of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Hero of the Socialist ...
  • BLOKHIN ALEXEY ALEKSANDROVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1897-1942) Russian oil geologist, professor (1937). Conducted geological research on the Kerch Peninsula, the western slope of the Urals and in the Urals. Opened (1932) the first ...
    Nikolai Nikolaevich [b. 21.4 (4.5). 1912, Lukoyanov, Nizhny Novgorod province], Soviet surgeon-oncologist, academician (1960) and president (1960-68) of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Member of the CPSU with ...
  • BLOKHIN ALEXEY ALEKSANDROVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Alexey Alexandrovich, Soviet petroleum geologist, professor (1937) In 1929 he graduated from the Moscow Mining Academy. …
  • BLOKHINS in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    The Blokhins are a Russian noble family, according to legend, descended from the Golden Horde prince Berka (in holy baptism Anikey, the direct ancestor of the Anichkov nobles), ...
  • 1985.08.21
    Forward of Kyiv "Dynamo" Oleg BLOKHIN the first in the history of Soviet football to score 200 goals in the championships ...
  • 1972.07.16 in Pages of History What, where, when:
    Oleg BLOKHIN makes his debut in the USSR national team (friendly match with ...
  • BLOKHINA OPERATION in Medical terms:
    (N. N. Blokhin, born in 1912, Soviet surgeon and oncologist) surgical transplantation of the ureters into an isolated loop of the sigmoid colon, ...
  • PLASTIC SURGERY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    plastic, reconstructive surgery, a branch of surgery that studies the problems of operative restoration of the function and shape of partially or completely lost organs, correction of congenital ...
  • FOOTBALL in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (English football, from foot - foot and ball - ball), a sports team game in which athletes, using individual dribbling and ...
  • PHYSICS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    I. The subject and structure of physics Ph. v is a science that studies the simplest and at the same time the most general laws of natural phenomena, properties ...
  • THE USSR. LITERATURE AND ART in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    and art Literature Multinational Soviet literature represents a qualitatively new stage in the development of literature. As a certain artistic whole, united by a single socio-ideological ...
  • THE USSR. NATURAL SCIENCES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Sciences Mathematics Scientific research in the field of mathematics began to be carried out in Russia since the 18th century, when L. ...
  • SPECTRAL ANALYSIS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    X-ray analysis, elemental analysis of the material composition of materials by their X-ray spectra. Qualities. S. a. R. perform according to the spectral position ...
  • SPECTRAL X-RAY INSTRUMENTS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    x-ray equipment, equipment in which x-rays are excited in the substance under study, decomposed into a spectrum and recorded. Precision S. a. R. …
  • X-RAY SPECTRA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    spectra, emission and absorption spectra of X-rays, i.e., electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range from 10-4 to 103. …
  • X-RAYS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    rays, X-rays, electromagnetic ionizing radiation occupying the spectral region between gamma and ultraviolet radiation within wavelengths from 10-4 ...
  • X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    spectroscopy, obtaining x-ray emission and absorption spectra and their application to the study of the electronic energy structure of atoms, molecules and solids. …

Reveal the secret of the surname BLOKHIN(in Latin transliteration BLOHIN) looking at the results of the calculation in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that you do not know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter B of the surname BLOKHIN will tell about the character

Undemanding in love, but find it with great difficulty. This category of love needs considerable time, prudence and caution. An understanding partner (sha) will fully know how infinitely affectionate and gentle you are. However, beware of your inherent desire for possessiveness in relation to your partner.

Characteristic features of the surname BLOKHIN

  • constancy
  • penetration abilities
  • capacity for great feelings
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • artistry
  • great resourcefulness
  • logics
  • pettiness
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • great emotionality
  • mysterious unrest
  • law-abiding
  • inconstancy of feelings
  • sexual problems

BLOKHIN: the number of interaction with the world "7"

People under the influence of the seven are less likely than others to be correctly understood by others. Often they are considered arrogant snobs, not inclined to communicate and have little contact with anyone, but this is not at all the case; it's just that in this case, behavior, especially in a circle of unfamiliar people, corresponds to the inner essence to a very small extent. So, the "seven" is not at all a gloomy beech, which is just waiting for others to make a mistake or put themselves in a ridiculous light; in fact, he is endowed with love for the world and all its representatives, as well as the soul of a tireless seeker, whose curiosity is limitless.

"Sevens" themselves choose with whom they communicate, and usually prefer loneliness to boring society and empty conversations, but they sensitively listen to the words of everyone in the hope of finding a reasonable grain in them. Prone to change and inconstancy, the person of the seven understands better than others that one cannot enter the same river twice - but he believes that people change for the better, and is always ready to give the once guilty a second, or even a third chance. Self-development is an essential attribute of the life of the Sevens, and in order not to stand still, they need freedom and the absence of restrictions, including internal ones. That is why, growing up, they first of all try what was forbidden by their parents for a long time, they do not behave as they were taught, but, freed from guardianship, they begin to form their own personality.

It is not difficult to win the favor of the "seven" since such a person is usually generous with emotions, but it is almost impossible to maintain his affection for a long time. This is possible only for those who are ready to work on themselves, not to reveal themselves to the end, to slip away and hide; the one in whom there is no unpredictability and mystery, the “seven” will quickly get bored.

The personal life of the people of the seven is not easy. They have a series of marriages, frivolous and serious relationships, and with them - painful breaks, scandals, mutual claims. Such is the payment for the right not to belong to the end to anyone but oneself.

"Sevens" often strive for the unattainable and usually know this very well. In their struggle, even if doomed to failure, they gain invaluable experience they need to move forward. These people have a strong inclination towards philosophy and metaphysics; often it is the knowledge of the occult sciences that helps them not to lose heart.

BLOKHIN: the number of spiritual aspirations "8"

Eight is the number of aspirations of the soul, giving a person a great desire for independence. There are no authorities for such people. Their own thoughts and idealistic ideas about the world make them outcasts and renegades. However, great determination and the ability to dictate their own rules lead the G8 people to recognition and deserved leadership in the team.

The lust for power, wealth and fame abounds. Wishing to provide a decent standard of living for his family, a person of number eight can set foot on a dangerous path, but natural caution will not allow him to suffer from his own indiscretion. The sooner such a person finds the most suitable business for himself, the sooner he will gain authority, and the more measured his life will be.

If this does not happen, then the "eight" plunges into the fight against stereotypes, prejudices, norms and seeming injustice. The eternal battle deprives people of the number eight of strength and vigor, as well as the likelihood of finding their happiness. "Eights" often have the ability of an entrepreneur, but do not risk their money. Their business is successful, and partners and investors are honest.

Good luck accompanies the people of the eight only when the right direction is chosen for self-expression and realization. Life only with its own interests leads to melancholy, despondency and loneliness, but selfishness fades away as soon as the understanding comes that the more you give, the more you gain.

Number eight people have great ambitions, but do not always find the strength to realize them. The ability to convince, to captivate others opens up considerable opportunities for associates, however, an overly difficult choice of a leader is punished by his own like-minded people with a stab in the back. Resourcefulness helps to navigate in a difficult situation, and speech, supported by sound arguments, inspires unlimited confidence.

The worst version of the Eight is impatient, devoid of prudence, capricious and incredibly picky in love relationships, but even this one always listens to the voice of reason and reconsiders his actions if he is convinced that this is necessary to fulfill his plan.

BLOKHIN: the number of true features "8"

The number eight was not in vain on a special account among many peoples. Strong vibrations emanate from it, giving its bearers power, extraordinary abilities and fearlessness. If such people are capable of experiencing fears, they will never admit it.

Eights are programmed to succeed. The word "boredom" is not in their vocabulary. As a rule, they do not have time to feel it. On the contrary, they often do not have enough time to fulfill all their plans. They love to learn and absorb new knowledge with great zeal.

In an effort to succeed in life, they are not afraid to go the most difficult paths, looking down on all the dangers encountered on the way and enthusiastically bypassing the pitfalls. Mistakes, both their own and those of others, are considered not a failure, but an experience. Having made them, they will not stop, but, after analyzing, they will rush into business with redoubled energy.

From the outside, it may seem that defeats are unknown to them, but this is absolutely not the case. They, like all active natures, have plenty of difficulties. However, the "eights" love to overcome them. Problems only make them mobilize all their forces. When meeting with them, hunting instincts awaken in such people, excitement appears.

The presence of a worthy opponent also affects them. They need such people no less than true friends. Competition drives them to do even more, give all the best and discover new abilities, sometimes even supernatural ones.

Eights are made for big things. They are able to think big, but the little things and details rarely interest them. Therefore, they feel best in leadership roles. Their job is to lead a dangerous expedition or lead a risky project.

Often, their thirst for success and the constant search for new adventures leads to sad consequences. These qualities are used by scammers with pleasure, luring them into fake projects with promises of fame and money. However, sooner or later the "eights" will be able to get out of any, even the most confusing story.

However, a quiet life does not disgust them. They will always find something to do with all their free time. Although maximum success will be achieved on the most difficult road.

People who are patronized by the number eight are characterized by pride. They often oppose themselves to the crowd. Being a part of it is a real torment for them. They strive to be different from others, always have their own opinion and are ready to defend it to the end. Alas, sometimes it turns against their loved ones. With truly brilliant abilities, they nevertheless cannot consider that some of their words and actions hurt those around them.

Remembering from childhood, we repeat it throughout our lives as something once and for all given and very significant. From ancient times, the Slavs had a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The following could be used as sources: an indication of the features of the character or appearance of a person, the name of the nationality or locality from which the person came. In most cases, nicknames that were originally attached to baptismal names completely replaced names not only in everyday life, but also in official documents.

In Onomasticon S.B. Veselovsky mentions Ivan Ivanovich Blokha Anichkov, 1495, Novgorod - the name of the Blokhins has been known since the 15th century.

Blokhin is a Russian noble family, according to legend, descended from the Golden Horde prince Berka (in holy baptism Anikey, the direct ancestor of the Anichkov nobles), who arrived in 1301 to the Moscow Grand Duke Ivan Kalita. Ivan Yakovlevich Blokhin was governor in Kologriv in 1617-1618. His son, Ivan Ivanovich, was a solicitor, and his grandson, Artemy Ivanovich, was a steward and owner of estates in Tver, Staritsky and Uglich counties. The Blokhin clan is recorded in the VI part of the genealogical books of the provinces of Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Penza and Kaluga. The coat of arms of the family is included in Part 12 of the General Armorial of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire.

Among the most famous namesakes is Oleg Vladimirovich Blokhin, an outstanding Soviet Ukrainian football player, the author of many USSR football records, a football coach. Among the records of Soviet football set by Blokhin, the achievement of the mark of 200 goals stands out. A significant event happened on August 21, 1985 in Kharkov, during the match Metalist Dynamo (Kyiv). Bloch, eventually received the name Blokhin.

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