The meaning of the name Esther. The meaning of the beautiful name Esther


Biblical names have been common throughout the Christian world for many centuries.

Some of them are more popular in Russia and the CIS countries, others are widely used abroad, but are almost unknown here. The last group includes the beautiful and mysterious name Esther, translated from Hebrew - “star”.

In order to understand what the name Esther means, it is worth looking into the culture of Judaism, analyzing the sound composition of the name, and also mentioning the influence of a rare name on its owner. Cultural energy is, as it were, "sealed" in a certain name, because once it was born in unique conditions and had to correspond precisely to them.

Sounds, on the other hand, affect our emotional state, awaken fears or calm anxieties, inspire us to a feat or deprive us of strength. Unraveling the mystery contained in the melody of names will allow us to get closer to understanding their influence on the fate of people.


Esther's name has a rich history. True, we are more familiar with another form of the name Esther - Esther. The legend of how a brave girl stood up for her people formed the basis of the Jewish holiday Purim.

Briefly, the story of Esther is as follows: once a relative of Esther - Mordecai - saved the life of the Persian king, later the king chose Esther as his new wife. After that, many began to grumble and plot, because the Jewess was brought closer to power, and through her, her relatives.

Then the insidious courtiers decided to destroy the Jews, convincing the king to issue a decree on their extermination. But Esther acted very boldly for that time: despite the threat to her position and even her life, she herself came to the king and was able to convince him to protect her people. As a result, not only were executions averted - the king gave the Jews the right to defend themselves.

The meaning of the name Esther is determined not only by history, but thanks to her, the name has firmly entered the cohort of names of heroic women. It has become associated with qualities such as:

  • Bravery.
  • Persistence.
  • Wisdom.
  • Independence.
  • Joy for the fate of others.

In addition, Jewish culture is usually associated with high intelligence, erudition, vitality, the search for perfection and one's destiny.

However, not only the origin of the name can help in determining its meaning: if you delve into the analysis of its sound content, then Esther can be described as an inquisitive and insightful girl. Esther will do her best to express herself in art or social activities.

In addition, she is not alien to risk-taking and self-confidence. This addicted nature is only looking for a reason to show her inclinations, and you should not prevent her from choosing her own path.

Personal portrait

The girl gains independence very early. It is not in her nature to obey someone or follow someone. She is philosophical about the blows of fate and any failures, most often finds positive moments in them and uses them for her own benefit. She is not embarrassed by obstacles and warnings, thanks to insight and analytical thinking, she can find a solution to many seemingly insoluble difficulties.

Esther does not like to flaunt her feelings too much, although she is a rather sensitive person with a rich inner world.. In people, he appreciates endurance, stamina, rigor and moderation. The ability to correctly assess people and situations, leadership qualities, intuition and creativity make her a wonderful leader.

The girl is very responsible, so even monotonous and meaningless work always performs perfectly, but in this case, her enthusiasm will quickly disappear. Therefore, Esther is best to choose areas in which you need to constantly learn, as well as those where there is a practical result from time to time. Medicine, politics, law are great for her.

As for the romantic side of a girl's life, love experiences are not the center of her attention. A fighter by nature, she desires a safe harbor, a cozy home where she can relax. At first, her marriage looks like a struggle, Esther certainly wants to take the reins in her own hands, but over time, the girl begins to understand that the house is a place of rest from the battle.

The artistry of your nature suggests a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite in line with your friendly, open nature. It is only important to observe the measure, not to go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is rather ephemeral.

Esther name compatibility, manifestation in love

Esther, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to show your feelings in such forms that they can’t but cause a reaction. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades. But although you often endure the break itself easily, memories of it remain rather painful for you for a long time, because you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. So quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It is good if you have enough prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards its achievement. It is bad if you are trying to "chase two birds with one stone", not wanting to give up even a small chance of success. In this case, you run the risk of wasting all your spiritual potential for nothing, “spraying” it, letting it go to the wind. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He does not care about external brilliance, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic natures. Therefore, it is it that at the right time will tell you the only right decision. Try to "hear" it.

Hebrew origin - "star".

The name is known from biblical texts. It is known from the Old Testament texts that Esther was the adopted daughter of Mordecai in Susa. She was chosen by the Persian king Xerxes as his wife and prevented the extermination of the Jews in Persia.

Esther has a kind of restless strength of character, somewhat close to fanaticism. Balanced, even in anger does not lose control over herself. But self-confidence borders on arrogance and arrogance. Takes defeats and failures calmly. Obstacles overcomes endurance and patience. Everything evaluates according to its own criteria. Not influenced by others. The decisions made do not change. Esther has a cold, calculating mind, guided by logic in everything. She lacks imagination, inspiration and human warmth. She has a negative attitude to weaknesses, sentimentality, violent expression of feelings. Strictly adheres to generally accepted norms of morality.

Becomes independent early. Achieves professional success in medicine, politics, leadership at all levels, in business, jurisprudence. Esther has a heightened sense of responsibility. She is sociable only out of necessity and when required by political, religious or other circumstances.

The totem plant is an olive, the totem animal is an ostrich, and the talisman stone is jade.

Strengths of the name Esther

The desire for prosperity, love for the family, independence, ingenuity, firmness, disinterestedness, rationality.

It is characteristic of its own, clear attitude towards the world and society. With proper self-education, Esther's character rewards its owner with the highest moral strength. With outward coldness and impassivity, she is very receptive and sensitive. This is a man - an ascetic, a hermit, a philosopher, endowed with very great perseverance and patience. Having set a goal for herself, Esther is able to go towards it for a long time. An outside authority with an arbitrarily high-profile name does not matter to her in the slightest. In herself and in others, she values ​​above all the inner wholeness and beauty of the spirit.

Weaknesses of the name Esther

Stubbornness, suffering, hysteria, demonstrativeness, irresponsibility, greed.

Low aspirations give rise to a cruel, selfish, gloomy character. Such a person despises everyone, strives to achieve power over others, and he does not care at all about the price of this power. Such Esther becomes a complete cynic, next to her people experience longing, boredom and loneliness. At the end of her life, she may be all alone.

Esther's Sexuality

Sex is taboo for her, she does not allow anyone to interfere in her intimate life. She rules the family, keeps all loved ones in a tight rein, household work is distributed among all family members, the family budget is in her hands, and there is strict discipline in everything. Not every husband is able to withstand this for a long time.

Loyal, sensitive. But romance is alien to her, she despises love flirting and manifestations of passion. The materialistic attitude to life in family relationships is very harmful to her.

The influence of the name Esther on fate

She is drawn to everything secret, unknown. He has a passion for esotericism, is very actively interested in this field of knowledge. Esther's talents can fluctuate between eccentricity and genius. She is an inventor and researcher by nature, eager to explain the unknown. If Esther does not oppose her nature, she can become a pioneer in any field of the level of Columbus.

The well-being of the family for Esther comes first. She is smart, intelligent. You can rely on it, as it is obligatory and reliable. Can be gentle, but romantic - never.

The meaning of the name Esther is "guiding star". It endows its owner with strength of character, a cold and prudent mind, and self-confidence. Esther gains independence early, succeeds in everything she undertakes. To overcome obstacles, endurance and patience help her.

What is the meaning of the name Esther for a girl

What can you tell about its little owner? The meaning of the name Esther for a girl affects her behavior. This child is reluctant to make contact with strangers. Little Esther will refuse to climb into a chair and entertain guests with poetry readings. She strives to do everything in defiance, prone to maximalism.

Esther's strong inner core makes itself felt already in childhood. This girl is not a slave, because of which she may have conflicts with her peers. It is not easy for her to show emotions, she rarely cries. It is unlikely that Esther's trust can be earned by someone who once offended her.


What happens when she enters adolescence? The meaning of the name Esther, the character and fate of its owner are still connected. At school, the girl studies well, she knows the subjects that interest her best of all in the class. The strong energy of the name pushes its owner to sports. She can choose swimming, tennis, athletics.

Already in adolescence, it is clear that Esther does not belong to the number of romantic natures. She can be friends with a boy, but she will be very surprised if he tries to take the relationship to another level. During this period, her devotion to family and friends makes itself felt. Esther is capable of any sacrifice for the sake of her loved ones. Her inner circle is very narrow.


The meaning and origin of the name Esther is a question about which historians have no disagreement. It has Hebrew roots, translated as "guiding star". The name came to us from biblical texts. That was the name of the adopted daughter of Marhodai. This girl was chosen as a wife by the Persian king Xerxes. It was she who was destined to prevent the extermination of the Jews in Persia.

However, a small number of researchers prefer to believe in a different version of the origin and meaning of the name Esther. They suggest that it could be formed on behalf of the Sumerian-Akkadian goddess Ishtar, who, according to legend, guards fertility.

general description

The name endows its owner with a restless strength of character. She is balanced, even in anger retains the ability to think soberly. Esther is self-confident, but her confidence can flow into arrogance and arrogance. She is not hurt by failures and defeats. Esther easily overcomes obstacles, armed with patience and endurance.

Giving an assessment to this or that event, this woman is guided by her own criteria. She is not subject to someone else's influence, she is not inclined to change the decisions made. Esther is the owner of a prudent and cold mind, her actions are guided by logic. Often this woman lacks inspiration, imagination. She despises sentimentality and weakness, avoids people who violently express their feelings. Of great importance for Esther are the generally accepted norms of morality, she tries not to go beyond them.


Knowing the meaning of the name Esther, it is easy to determine the strengths of this woman. She strives for prosperity, is distinguished by firmness, independence. Esther is characterized by rationality, ingenuity. She loves her family very much, devoted to a few friends who managed to win her trust. This woman is capable of selfless good deeds.

Esther is endowed with the highest moral strength. She takes morality very seriously. Also, this lady is distinguished by purposefulness, she is able to go for a long time towards her dream. For her, authorities do not matter, she lives by her own mind. Esther understands people perfectly, appreciates the beauty of the spirit and inner integrity.

Weak sides

Esther can be unusually hard-nosed. It is not easy for her to adapt to changing circumstances. The owner of the name despises people who show weakness. She can be too demanding, which repels others. This can lead to her being all alone at the end of her life journey. There is also the danger that Esther will become a complete cynic.

sexuality, marriage

The meaning of the name Esther affects the attitude of its owner towards sex. This topic is a taboo for her, she does not tolerate someone else's interference in her intimate life. Esther is alien to romance, she despises manifestations of passion, does not like flirting. Interest in the opposite sex wakes up in her quite late. The guy who claims her attention must first of all be smart. The owner of the name will not communicate at the level of primitive emotions. Its strongest side is logic.

Esther is deprived of rose-colored glasses, so it is not easy for her to start a family. Most candidates fail her exam. She will allow only a faithful, reliable, firmly standing man to approach her. She is devoted to her husband and children, but her household may suffer from a lack of affection. Esther seeks to control family members, keeps everyone in a tight rein. It is she who becomes the main one in the house, prefers to manage the family budget herself.


Esther is drawn to the unknown, the secret. This woman is actively interested in esotericism, magic. Her talents can fluctuate between genius and eccentricity. By nature, Esther is a researcher and inventor. She is convinced that it is she who will be able to explain the unknown. From Esther you can get the second Columbus, she is able to become a pioneer in some area.

The well-being of the family is always in the foreground for her. You should not expect tenderness and romance from her, but she loves the household in her own way, is devoted to them.


The meaning of the name Esther also affects the choice of profession. She can choose the business of her life for a long time. Diligence, endurance, reliability, stubbornness are the qualities that help this woman to succeed in "male" professions. She can opt for medicine, law, politics. Esther is reliable, she has a heightened sense of responsibility. She is physically strong and rarely gets sick. Employers value her for these qualities.

Esther cannot be called a sociable person. She does not like to contact strangers, she does this only because of necessity. This factor is important for her to consider when choosing a career.

Esther has a kind of restless strength of character, something close to fanaticism. Balanced, even in anger does not lose control over herself. But self-confidence borders on arrogance and arrogance.

Takes defeats and failures calmly. Obstacles overcomes endurance and patience. Everything evaluates according to its own criteria. Not influenced by others.

The decisions made do not change. She has a cold, calculating mind, guided by logic in everything. Esther lacks imagination, inspiration and human warmth.

She has a negative attitude to weaknesses, sentimentality, violent expression of feelings. Strictly adheres to generally accepted norms of morality.

Becomes independent early. Achieves professional success in medicine, politics, leadership at all levels, in business, jurisprudence. Esther has a heightened sense of responsibility.

She is sociable only out of necessity and when required by political, religious or other circumstances.

Sex is a taboo for her, she does not allow anyone to interfere in her intimate life. Rules the family.

She is a powerful housekeeper, she keeps all her loved ones in a tight rein, household work is distributed among all family members, the family budget is in her hands, and there is strict discipline in everything. Not every husband is able to withstand this for a long time.

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