The meaning of the beautiful name Melissa. "Melissa" - the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, mascot stones


There are many beautiful names in the world. So parents always have a choice and the torment associated with it also rarely bypasses them. In this article we will talk about such a wonderful female name as Melissa.

Melissa: name, origin, meaning

Unlike many other names marked with the seal of antiquity, the origin and meaning of this name is reliably known. The female name Melissa comes from Ancient Hellas, that is, Greece, and it translates as "bee." But this is not just the name of an insect - this name hides an extensive mythological layer. The fact is that according to ancient Greek legends, Melissa was the name of the goddess-progenitor of all bees. These insects for the ancient Greeks were sacred animals, which they treated with reverence and reverence. They believed that each of the bees contained the soul of a nymph. So, in its origin, this name is very ancient, but in essence it is pagan and the Greeks forgot about it after the spread of Christianity. Therefore, the name Melissa is absent in Orthodoxy.

Characteristics of the child

Since childhood, the baby has been distinguished by such character traits as sociability, sociability and charm. She is also not devoid of impulsiveness and emotionality, therefore she often demonstrates irascibility - “shows her teeth” and “releases her claws”. A lively disposition distinguishes the girl from many peers. Melissa is a name that is also reflected in the fact that the girl is especially obedient, she fulfills all instructions from her parents without whims and with pleasure. At the same time, he does it with all responsibility and even pedantry. This child will not get what he wants through whining, as moodiness is not Melissa's style at all. The baby, however, has a tendency to imitate her mother, therefore she can often demonstrate a wide variety of character traits, both bad and good. Therefore, mothers need to take special care of themselves and not set a bad example for their daughter. Melissa is a name that makes its owner a rather predictable person. This means that in similar situations, she tends to act in the same way, and over time these habits hardly change at all. Therefore, the first years of life, when the character of the child is formed, are especially important. And if parents make any mistakes or flaws in raising their child, then correcting them will then be incredibly difficult and problematic.

Youth, youth and maturity

Incredible perseverance and perseverance - this is what the name Melissa means in the adult life of a girl. She is quite temperamental and stands out from the background of others with her unusualness and extravagance. He builds relationships with people on the basis of mutual sympathy and sincere friendliness. This means that Melissa is a name that makes her mistress a reliable, honest person who will not use people for her own selfish interests and selfish purposes. In public, social life, the girl manifests herself as an extremely active and energetic person. For a girl, it means a lot that life does not stand still, but constantly moves, changes and develops. Accordingly, boredom and periods of stagnation affect the girl extremely negatively, up to the development of depression. Therefore, she always tries to surround herself with active, sociable, interesting people who would not let her get bored. She loves new acquaintances and meetings at which a large number of people gather. At the same time, clubs and restaurants are far from the only places that Melissa visits. The meaning of the girl's name makes her a rather versatile person, and therefore she can often be found in various museums, theaters, and thematic meetings. Very scrupulous Melissa approaches such a matter as the choice of close friends. She is surrounded by a huge number of friends and girlfriends, but far from all are included in the inner circle. The girl first tests people in order to trust them to the end. But at the same time, she is not one to limit her trust to two or three best friends - Melissa has an order of magnitude more. All of them are just like her - cheerful, cheerful and sociable. The girl values ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship very much and supports her, even at a considerable distance.


Melissa is a name that endows its owner with a lot of positive qualities. Firstly, it is not killed life optimism, which allows her to easily cope with all difficulties. A girl in the most desperate situation looks to the future with hope and this gives her strength to deal with troubles in the present. She never compromises with fate and does not go with the flow, but she creates her own destiny. In addition, Melissa is a very reliable person who can always be relied upon for everything. The girl is not deprived of such a feeling as compassion and empathy. She easily knows how to delve into other people's problems and emotionally help people, comforting and encouraging them. If Melissa is not a hostage to circumstances, then she almost never experiences depression. And striving for her goal, she demonstrates incredible diligence, perseverance, perseverance, determination and tremendous faith in the result. For a person who in one way or another is weaker than her, she can become a good friend and support. The girl is by no means arrogant, does not like to demonstrate her superiority and always tries to maintain the format of communication on an equal footing. She is sensitive to the self-esteem of other people, so she tries not to infringe on him or offend him under any circumstances. Melissa categorically does not tolerate monotony and routine in anything. While doing something, he tries to immerse himself in it with his head and acquire as many sensations, impressions and knowledge as possible. He does everything to make every day filled with positive emotions. Melissa pays great attention to her own appearance, and therefore she is often a regular at sports halls and sits on various diets. As for sports, in general, as a rule, this is a very serious hobby in Melissa's life, which can bring her fame if she chooses this as her life's work.


If we talk about the disadvantages of Melissa's character, then the first thing to note is excessive self-confidence, which periodically manifests itself and destructively affects the girl's affairs and her relationships with other people. It is around this fundamental quality that all other unpleasant traits of Melissa's personality are formed. Therefore, it is very important for a girl to develop restraint in herself and sometimes listen to other people.

Personal relationships

Regarding love relationships, emotions are something that Melissa is completely subordinate to. The meaning of the name in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife is manifested in the fact that a girl, having fallen in love, loses all common sense, reason and control over herself. That is why her youth is often dotted with many stormy, vivid, but tragic novels, incredible in terms of the strength of emotions and a series of total mistakes.


Melissa will certainly marry out of love and attaches great importance to the warm emotional atmosphere in the house. This means that the girl seeks to avoid conflicts with all her might. The place of the leader gives way to her husband, and she herself manifests herself as a wise, caring wife and mother.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Melissa is a detailed description of the origin and features of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Melissa. Mel, Melly, Mell, Liss, Lissy, Mel, Lissa, Lily.
Synonyms for Melissa. Melissa.
Origin of the name Melissa The name Melissa is Greek.

The name Melissa is of Greek origin, meaning "bee". In Greek mythology, bees were considered divine creatures, and the ancient Greeks believed that bees were nymphs. One of the nymphs - Melissa - became the ancestor of bees. That was the name of the priestesses of the goddess Demeter. Therefore, the name is also given the interpretation of “hardworking”, “successful”.

The diminutive treatment Mel (Mell, Melly) is also used for other names. For example, Melanie, Amelia, Carmela. And affectionate Liss is also an appeal in Germany and northern European countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway) to Elizabeth.

The name Melissa is not mentioned in Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Melissa prefers independence, she is a responsible girl, constantly proving to herself and others that she is a perfectionist. Scrupulousness is one of her traits, with which she cannot part either in family life or at work. At the same time, it is easy to communicate with her, she is not a bore at all, but a sociable girl. Accuracy in small things can even be the source of her creative talent. Melissa has a high permeability of the atmosphere in which she develops, is intuitively sensitive and receptive to it. Her emotional and creative abilities are equally well developed, and she often flees into this world of wild and fantastic dreams in order to escape reality, which can sometimes be cruel to her.

As a child, Melissa is an adorable little girl who fills her life with the joy and happiness she feels. Parents must teach her responsibility, however, at the same time, they must be very careful not to go too far, not to make the girl feel guilty. Melissa is able to evade her duties, she would like to be more creative. In order to encourage her to develop her artistic potential, talent, she should be given this opportunity in childhood. Especially because in the future, Melissa is likely to choose this activity as the main profession, which will allow her to earn a living, in the future, doing what she loves.

This woman values ​​her emotional and family achievements above all else. Melissa is often dependent on her parents, and they can even influence her choice of profession. If the choice is left to her, then, most likely, she will be interested in public professions, such as childcare, medicine, obstetrics, nutrition, pharmaceuticals. It is also possible that she will focus on a specialty related to art or aesthetics (actress, singer, beautician, stylist, manicurist, designer, decorator), or on professions that require manual dexterity and skill. It will not leave unattended public work in the field of ecology, as well as professions that require attention to detail and precision.

Notable people named Melissa

  • Melissa Panarello ((born 1985) Italian writer)
  • Melissa Mars ((born 1979) French singer and actress)
  • Melissa Hart ((born 1976) American actress, starred in such films as "Clarissa Knows Everything", "Whisper of the Island", "Melissa and Joey" and in the TV series "Sabrina the Teenage Witch")
  • Melissa Ponzio ((born 1972) American television actress, starred in serials and television shows)
  • Melissa Etheridge ((born 1961) American rock singer, won Oscar and Grammy figurines)
  • Melissa Errico ((born 1970) American actress and singer, songwriter)
  • Melissa Morrison ((born 1971) American track and field athlete (hurdling), twice Olympic bronze medalist)
  • Melissa Egan ((born 1981) American actress, known for her roles in the soap operas The Young and the Restless and All My Children)
  • Melissa Reeves ((born 1967) American actress, starred in the soap opera Santa Barbara, has been starring in Days of Our Lives for almost 20 years)
  • Melissa Ellen Gilbert ((born 1964) American actress, began her career as an actress as a child. She starred in such films as The Christmas Miracle, Punishment Phase, Zoe, From Dusk Till Dawn 3, Hollywood Wives ”, “Blood Relation” and others, and is also known for the TV series “Little House on the Prairie”.)
  • Melissa de Sauce ((born 1967) American actress, took part in the films "Miss Congeniality", "Bikers", "The Ron Clark Story", "Locked Up" and others, and the television series "Married ... with Children", "ER" , "One on one")
  • Melissa Laus (Russian actress)
  • Meaning: bee, industrious, successful

    The meaning of the name Melissa - interpretation

    The name Melissa came to us from the Greek language, where it means "bee" or "honey". The ancient Greeks believed that bees are divine creatures, tiny nymphs. According to legend, one of the nymphs - Melissa - was the ancestor of bees. The name is wonderfully combined with Russian patronymics and surnames, thanks to which it has taken root in our territories and gained popularity. Mila and Lisa are more commonly used as shortened forms.

    Melissa name in other languages

    Years later

    Mila is an extremely stubborn child who has her own point of view on everything. Brings a lot of trouble to parents. The girl’s natural courage also causes problems - she calmly approaches strangers, starts a conversation with them.

    Adults have to explain to the baby a lot of nuances related to politeness and safety. In the process of such explanations, one should be as calm and patient as possible. If you shout at Melissa, she will immediately stop listening and hearing the interlocutor.

    From an early age, the girl learns to deftly maneuver through life's difficulties. A good upbringing, a stable psyche and a good intellect contribute to this in no small measure. Therefore, peers often ask her for advice and are satisfied.

    Melissa appears to have a fragile, sophisticated nature that often deceives people. If you need to stand up for yourself or for someone, this airy princess will not hesitate to rush into the fray. Anyone who gets to know a girl better will be very surprised at her inner strength.

    Mila calmly takes on difficult cases, knows how to lose with dignity. If something doesn’t work out for her, she will take the situation as an experience and move on. She is not inclined to feel sorry for herself, to complain about life, to shift her problems onto others.

    Over the years, Melissa does not lose confidence that it is necessary to be guided primarily by her own opinion. The young lady has many friends, is always happy to relax in a cheerful company and is the real soul of the team.

    A woman named Melissa is a successful, accomplished person with a good job and a decent environment. She has a certain weight in society, is in good standing with the management or owns her own business.

    In adulthood, the owner of this name retains kindness in herself, but disguises it more carefully. She is ready to help only those who really need it, but will not lend a helping hand to a lazy or irresponsible person.

    Mila's character can be unraveled endlessly. She constantly opens up new frontiers. But the more years the owner of this name has, the more positive traits she has. People who are nearby are becoming more and more comfortable.

    Melissa's character

    This is a person who goes through life with clear goals. She knows how to pull herself together, to become organized when needed. For his loved ones, he becomes a reliable support in various matters. From Mila comes a wonderful worker who sets and solves problems, calmly copes with the work received.

    But it is not recommended to build long-term plans for such a woman. She rarely can predict the consequences, calculate all possible moves. Melissa perfectly adapts to different situations, finds a common language with almost any person.

    Often insisting on her opinion, she becomes stubborn, although this is not required in a particular case. Can suppress a weaker person, but does not do it on purpose. Melissa is one of those people who are easily carried away by a new idea, throw themselves into the pool with their heads, and then very quickly cool down to this idea.

    As a result, she has behind her a huge number of cases left halfway. Although this usually does not happen in serious cases - more often this character trait simply concerns hobbies or some insignificant plans.

    Melissa's fate

    Life can throw this woman a lot of different surprises: both pleasant and not very joyful. But she copes well with all the difficulties and goes her way with dignity. This is accompanied by both adventure and misadventure - in large numbers. But in old age, she always has a lot of interesting stories that she gladly tells her grandchildren.

    and money

    and family

    and love


    and hobbies

    Career, business and money

    A woman with this name is able to make a career in any field. The perseverance inherent in her, allows you to understand very complex things. But it is important for Mila that her work is adequately rewarded, otherwise she will not spend a lot of energy on it.

    He loves money and knows how to earn money, but he will not be able to greatly increase his savings through business. It is better for such a woman not to risk large sums.

    Marriage and family

    Melissa can have several marriages - but, like in any other life situation, she takes it as a good experience. As a result, she begins to understand what she needs, and therefore finds a chosen one with whom she will live happily until her old age. And although she puts her opinion above everything in everything, she respects her own husband and does not try to suppress it.

    If a man loves, provides comfort and stability, Mila is quite ready to put up with the role of a supporting heroine in the family. He starts children late, because he takes this decision very responsibly. Melissa will make a caring (sometimes crazy) mother who knows how to instill good character traits in her heirs.

    Sex and love

    Being fond of nature, Melissa is able to marry only the man whom she sincerely loves. At this point, she does not listen to common sense or the warnings of others at all. This often becomes the reason for the wrong choice - Mila can be disappointed several times, but quickly forgive insults and move on.

    In sex, this is a passionate lover, a bright nature who craves everything new and unusual. She needs an appropriate partner with whom she will never be bored in her intimate life.


    This is a sickly girl who needs to carefully monitor her condition. Especially many problems are associated with the gastrointestinal tract, and poisoning of varying severity can also occur.

    Mila needs to be careful what she eats. It is best to contact a nutritionist, who will certainly advise her to eliminate excess foods from the diet.

    Interests and hobbies

    Melissa's hobbies change with frightening regularity. She tries to grab a piece of every activity that really interests her.

    Realizing that he does not want to become a professional in a particular business, he receives basic knowledge and elementary experience, and then sets off to explore the world further.

    Everyone who is engaged in gardening or knows a lot about medicinal herbs knows the word "melissa" - this is the name of a fragrant plant. But not everyone knows that Melissa is also a beautiful female name. What does the name Melissa mean, where did it come from, what are its features?

    The origin of this name, the researchers lead from ancient Greece, and in ancient Greek it means "bee". In ancient mythology, Melissa was the name of one of the nymphs who fed the supreme god of Olympus - Zeus. Some researchers translate the name Melissa as "honey" and even "hardworking", attributing to him all the positive "bee" characteristics.

    In Russia, this name is rare, despite its origin and the fact that many names of Greek origin are used in Russia. However, girls are called Melissa in European countries - Germany and Denmark, Sweden and Norway, as well as in the UK. Despite this, in recent years there has been an opinion that Melissa is a Muslim name. There are some reasons for this: the name is very popular in Turkey.

    Having a Greek origin, it then “migrated” to neighboring Turkey, and from there it began to spread to other Muslim countries or to territories densely populated by Muslims in various states. Therefore, the opinion arose that Melissa is a Muslim name, although in fact it is international and exists "on equal rights" both in the West and in the East.

    What does the name Melissa mean for its owner? What should the parents of a girl pay attention to before calling her by this name? Of course, on the main characteristics that the child will receive:

    • How will the character of Melissa develop in her childhood?
    • Will it change as the girl grows up?
    • What will Melissa be interested in in life?
    • Will she be happy in personal relationships and marriage?

    Practicality and Leadership

    Little Melly is an active and mobile girl, besides she is very inquisitive, courageous and independent. This character of the girl will require great tact and patience from her parents in the process of her upbringing. But such costs will be justified: if the child is given a lot of time and attention, Melissa will grow up to be a wonderful person.

    Little Liss is happy to help her mother and grandmother around the house, especially if the baby is interested in some new business, presenting it in a new light, still unknown to the child. Already in childhood, the girl shows perseverance and a desire to do everything as best as possible. If she wants to get something from the elders, she will not be capricious and throw tantrums, but will prefer to agree: the thing she needs in exchange for help with the housework.

    Such a businesslike approach distinguishes Mellie's character in terms of studying at school: she studies well in those subjects that she believes will be useful to her later in life. On the rest, during the lesson, she can be restless and simply skip information that is not interesting for herself “by the ears”. Therefore, parents should pay attention to this feature of their daughter and help her apply her diligence to all subjects of the school curriculum.

    Melissa maintains a good relationship with her peers, she has many friends, besides, she is able to become the center of attention and the "engine" in any team. Leadership qualities allow the girl not only to maintain friendly relations with her peers, but also to earn authority in their eyes.

    The character of an adult Melissa changes slightly - she remains very active and retains the ability to captivate other people. Self-confidence is of great importance for Melissa - thanks to her, a woman is able to bring even the most difficult task to a successful result.

    Change of priorities

    Another of the characteristic features of Melissa is honesty and decency. She does everything to confirm the reliable reputation of her own name, and always keeps her promises. However, sometimes the desire to "do everything at the highest level" and fulfill the promise leads to the fact that a woman overestimates her own capabilities and is included in risky projects.

    Therefore, she simply needs a friend, partner, companion, or at least a reliable deputy with a “cold head”, who will calculate all the risks and stop Melissa in time from making promises that cannot be kept. ABOUT however, if a woman still fails, she never gives up, but takes on a new business, using the experience gained.

    By the way, Melissa can work in almost any industry that arouses genuine interest in her. The meaning of the name Melissa is such that all its bearers are innovators and innovators who bring new views, new methods and new trends to the areas of activity in which they are engaged. She can earn good money, although she herself needs little from life, but for the sake of the well-being of her family, she is ready to give all her best "to the fullest."

    In terms of personal relationships, Melissa is rarely deprived of fans, but she herself appreciates strong men who know how to take care of themselves and have a strong character. The fate of her marriage will depend precisely on whether her husband turns out to be just such a man.

    In family relationships, Melissa will not try to come to the fore, giving the "reins of power" to a man, but taking care of home comfort and children, with whom she will try to spend all her free time. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

    Forms of the name Melissa

    Other possible variations for this name: Melissa, Mela.

    Melissa name in different languages

    Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 梅麗莎 (Méi lì shā). Japanese: メリッサ (Merissa). Korean: 멜리사 (mellisa). Hindi: मेलिसा (melisa). Ukrainian: Melissa. Yiddish: מעליססאַ (melissa). English: Melissa (Melissa).

    Origin and meaning of the name Melissa

    The origin of the name Melissa is The meaning of the name is Bee.

    The nature of the name

    You are always indifferent to the opposite sex, while beauty, self-confidence and strong character are the main criteria for you. Overly capricious or stupid partners annoy you.

    One of your characteristics is the love for everything new and the desire to create something unusual and beautiful for people. By the way, in this you often achieve considerable success, which means that you are worthy of admiration and love.

    You can noticeably ease your life path and achieve significant success if you strive to realize your individuality and receive professional training from a young age.

    You are a great friend and pleasant conversationalist with a great sense of humor. You have an innate nobility, delicate taste and self-esteem. You like to communicate, but you usually prefer old friends and trusted colleagues to the companies of unfamiliar people. Sincerely respect wealthy people who occupy a high position in society.


    You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul yearns for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

    The wishes of those around you when making a decision, if they are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to force them to “go in a water team” with you, in the direction you have chosen.

    And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. You need assistance from outside, and above all - as a "restraining beginning." Otherwise, you may want to "turn the earth".

    But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.


    The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, the softness of the lines and, last but not least, the general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing produces the same unpleasant impression as well-worn, stale, any part of the costume. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to the fact that you will look like a "gray mouse".

    Numerology Of The Name Melissa

    The owners of this name number always take an active life position and always clearly know what they want to achieve. They are best oriented in complex and even extreme life situations, they cannot be embarrassed by drastically changed circumstances or taken by surprise by difficulties. However, "long-playing" projects are not their forte - they quickly lose interest in the matter and release the threads from their hands, which automatically strikes them out of the number of business people. The strong point of the "units" is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more difficult and difficult the task, the more likely it is that the "unit" will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “one” are brave and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. They tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the soul of the company and reliable friends.


    Planet: Sun.
    Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
    Zodiac: .
    Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
    Day: Sunday.
    Metal: Gold.
    Mineral: Chrysolite, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
    Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
    Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

    The name Melissa as a phrase

    M Think
    Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
    L People
    AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
    C Word
    C Word
    A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

    Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Melissa

    Which middle name is suitable for the name Melissa

    The name is suitable for patronymics: Leonidovna, Alekseevna, Sergeevna, Davidovna, Yurievna, Arsenievna.

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