The meaning of the male name Eugene. Eugene - the meaning of the name


"Noble, with good genes" Eugene is hardworking, athletic, purposeful. But capable of giving up at any moment if an obstacle arose in his path. He is smart and quick-witted, has a technical mindset, but overcoming difficulties is difficult, any failure can make him turn off the intended path.

Astrologers and psychologists do not predict stunning success in business, and indeed in the chosen business, to the owner of this name. Everything about the name Eugene speaks in favor of his stability, but at an average level. It is interesting that those born in the spring are slightly different from the average Eugenes, but first things first.

The origin of the name Eugene is attributed to the Greek language. It is from him that the word is translated as “well-born”, that is, noble, noble, with good genes, born in an aristocratic family. Today the name is widely used among Slavs, Catholics and Orthodox Europeans.

In Russian-speaking regions, this name began to be used around the 19th century. Then it was popular among noble families. But more often Eugene sounded in French - Eugene. Perhaps the modern abbreviated name Zhenya appeared from here.


The meaning of the name Eugene is good nature, peacefulness, real nobility. He is characterized by the ability to adapt to circumstances and not to complain about the inconvenience and unfolding life. A well-developed intuition allows him to avoid unpleasant situations, but still, when he encounters obstacles, it is difficult for him to overcome them.

Eugene can be active and active, passive and lazy. But he is always delicate, tactful. Regardless of his position in society, he will never humiliate the weak and the poor. He knows how to support and help, he will give everything he has to a relative in trouble. Not surprisingly, among the popes of Rome, the male name Eugene occurs four times.


The name for the boy Eugene means an interesting childhood. He grows up as a dreamer, a quick-witted kid who can independently come up with any game. Together with friends, he has fun noisily and actively, always plays goodies who keep the upper hand over evil. But in real life, even a tiny Zhenya is always looking for peaceful ways to resolve conflicts.

He learns easily and naturally. He is given foreign languages, mathematics, literacy and versification. Usually parents cannot get enough of his success, especially since the son does not cause any trouble at school.

Often, for the name Eugene, its meaning and the fate of the owner are closely related: nobility, tact sometimes make him refuse tough and direct decisions. That is why he becomes indecisive early. It is difficult for him to come to terms with an imperfect world, but he is not capable of going into open conflict.

Indecision is manifested in everything: relationships with friends, with peers, and then with girls. If during this period the boy is not taught to cope with this, if not assisted in making decisions, then with age he will become quite nervous and irritable due to self-doubt.

Another way to hide their feelings and fears is swagger: instead of being frank with their parents, a teenager puts on a mask of indifference, becomes harsh and rude, defending himself from the same world. What is going on in his soul, no one will guess. At the same time, he continues to be himself - ready to help loved ones.

The meaning of the name Eugene is often equated with the concept of intuition. Perhaps, it is more developed with him than with the owners of other names. At the same time, he is always attentive to trifles, erudite, knows how to keep up the conversation, for which he is valued and respected. He is loved in companies, when he jokes in time, he can always tell something interesting in the right place. At the same time, he remains intelligent, sophisticated and artistic.

There are things that he does not like from childhood and will never love:

  • routine work;
  • obstacles that he cannot overcome;
  • creative activity;
  • argue.

What does the name Eugene mean from a professional point of view? The choice of a technical profession in the first place. Although there are actors, writers, and journalists among the owners of these names, but only because they remain romantics and crave diversity in their work. The wife is inherent in the logic and consistency of what he does, so most often his work obeys the laws of logic.

In women, Eugene appreciates a rich inner world, openness, intelligence. But he remains a jealous partner in life, capable of being disappointed, as he is sometimes inclined to idealize and attribute non-existent virtues. Alas, he is rarely constant in his feelings. True, one can live life with one lady of the heart if they are close not only from an intimate point of view, but also in spirit, if they have common interests and an affection appears that is not much like passionate love.

Born in the spring, the owner of the name Zhenya can behave completely differently: he marries more than once. And in every marriage he tirelessly helps his wife. Eugene washes floors, goes shopping, enjoys doing housework.

He loves children, so he happily spends time with his offspring, instilling in them his tastes and interests.

Eugene will never be the first to advocate a divorce if the relationship collapses: his dislike for quarrels, the avoidance of conflicts, women are often mistaken for spinelessness.


Despite the fact that the female version of the name Eugene originated from the male one, one can still notice a female weakness in the character of a man. Apparently, the name Zhenya, which means "nobility", has taken root in the female version much better.

But with this weakness, several characteristic features of the owner of such a name can be clearly distinguished:

  • strong appearance;
  • stubbornness;
  • diligence;
  • amorousness;
  • tenderness.

Stubbornness drives him and directs him, diligence makes him finish everything, but he really waits for this business to be over. Because of his amorousness, he becomes a rather difficult life partner. For a long time he lingers only when the riddle remains unsolved.

In communication, Eugene is pleasant and sympathetic, kind and charming. Affectionate, non-aggressive, peaceful, flexible and unforgiving ... All this does not allow him to resolutely cope with failures and go towards his goal.

Still, he makes mistakes quite often, and not only when trying to get around obstacles: seeing a beautiful woman in front of him, he believes that she is sexy and rich in soul. But often this is not the case, and these mistakes lead to disappointment.

He does not strive to be a leader, does not scandalize and always helps everyone. He is patient almost always, sentimental and unsure of himself.

name day

Eugene celebrates birthdays several times a year. According to the Catholic calendar, these are January 8, March 4, May 21, June 2, July 8, September 6 and December 30. The Orthodox owner of the name Eugene celebrates his name day more often: January 21 and 31, February 3, 25 and 26, March 4, 10 and 20, August 3 and 31, September 20 and 23, October 8 and 29, November 11, 20 and 24, December 7th, 23rd and 26th.

Name color

Blue is the color of the name Zhenya, which means peacefulness, restraint, the ability to be honest and open, but not to offend anyone. This is a shade of people with good intuition, determination and determination. But since the last two qualities are not very characteristic of Eugene, it is often said that their color is pale blue.

In addition, blue shades symbolize a certain fear of the world, so psychologists do not recommend overloading them with a wardrobe or a room where a person with a similar character is located.

name flower

The flower named after Eugene is called forget-me-not. It is a symbol of constancy and fidelity. And indeed it is so: Zhenya, when he loves, is devoted to his wife or chosen one. The flower is distinguished by modesty, but a special charm. It is pure, deep, true.

church name

In the holy calendar, Eugene is called that. Examples are the names of clergymen and confessors - Bishop Eugene of Chersonesus, Metropolitan Eugene of Nizhny Novgorod.

Name translation in different languages

In translation, Zhenya, as already mentioned, means "noble blood, well-born, noble." In different languages, this name sounds differently, and sometimes even unrecognizable for a Russian-speaking person:

  • In French - Eugene.
  • In Spanish, Eugenio.
  • Owen, Yvain - often sounds in response to the question of how Eugene will be in English.
  • Eugene, Eugeni, Eugenios, Eugen - options in other languages.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Calling a boy by that name, parents often wonder how Zhenya will sound affectionately. In an abbreviated version, it can be Zhenechka, Zheka.

What names are patronymics suitable for?

If you are thinking about what to name a girl, if dad is Eugene, then pay attention to the fact that this patronymic will immediately determine her diligence, kindness and responsiveness. At the same time, she will never be a careerist, but she will always remain a charming, interesting, pleasant girl. Such a middle name is suitable for the names Anna, Valentina, Vera, Xenia, Christina, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nina, Raisa, Yulia.

The boy can be called Alexander, Maxim, Artem, Mikhail, Ivan, Cyril, Andrey, Yegor, Ilya, Alexei, Vladimir, Gleb, Leo, Stepan, Nikolai, Anton, Sergey. At the same time, they say that the patronymic of Pope Eugene will give his son solidity, innate leadership qualities, although the father himself does not have them.

Name Compatibility

Speaking about relationships with women, the owner of the name Eugene is promised compatibility with Alina, Anya, Valya, Valeria, Vera, Xenia and Lyudmila, Natasha, Nina, Yulia. It is not recommended to marry Barbara, Elena, Zoya, Lydia and Marina.

How to decline

The name is declined as follows:

  • Eugene, Zhenya - nominative.
  • Eugene, Zhenya - genitive.
  • Eugene, Zhenya - detailed.
  • Eugene, Zhenya - accusative.
  • Eugene, Zhenya - creative.
  • Eugene, Zhenya - prepositional.

Notable people with this name

Among celebrities named Eugene there are many creative people, athletes and, of course, mathematicians:

  • Vakhtangov - director;
  • Evstigneev - actor;
  • Eugene Delacroix - artist;
  • Yevtushenko - screenwriter;
  • Morgunov - actor;
  • Petrov - co-author of Ilya Ilf;
  • Vuchetich - sculptor;
  • Baratynsky - poet;
  • Grishkovets - writer, actor, musician;
  • Kafelnikov - tennis player;
  • Zharikov - actor;
  • Leonov - actor;
  • Eugeniusz Romer - geographer;
  • Trubetskoy is a philosopher.

Obviously, with all the described uncertainty, inability to overcome obstacles, Eugene is capable of deeds, accomplishments and success. No one says that he is not talented or stupid, he is just peaceful, and sometimes it is his character that hinders his advancement.

When the stars are arranged in such a way that nothing stands in the way of Zhenya, he is really able to reveal all his talents, knowledge and use them to reach the top of the career ladder.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Eugene


Forms of the name Eugene

Common name variants: Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka, Enya, Gene Zhenyura, Zhenyusha, Zhesha, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyasha, Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya. Synonyms for the name Eugene. Eugenios, Eugene, Eugen, Eugene, Eugenio, Eugeni, Eugen, Owen, Yvain. Brief and diminutive options: Evgesha, Gesha, Zhenya, Zheka, Zhesha, Zhenyura, Enyuta, Enyukha, Joni.

Patronymic names: Evgenievich, Evgenievich, Evgenievna, Evgenievna.

Eugene name in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 尤金 (Yóu jīn). Japanese: ユージン (Yūjin). Korean: 유진 (yujin). Hindi: यूजीन (Yūjīna). Ukrainian: Evgen. Thai: ยูจีน (Yū cīn). English: Eugene (Eugene).

origin of the name Eugene

The name Eugene in Greek means "noble", literally this name can be translated as "with good genes." From the male name, a female name was formed - Evgenia. In Russia, the names Eugene and Eugenia began to be widely used in the 19th century. So the nobles began to call their children, but they used the name Eugene, mainly in the French manner - Eugene (then the modern diminutive appeared from him - Zhenya) or in the English version - Eugene.

The origin of the name Owen comes from the Welsh "lamb" (oen) or "youth" (eoghunn). That name was the name of one of the heroes of the epic about King Arthur, he was one of the knights of the Round Table.

The character of Eugene

As a child, Eugene is a big dreamer. Showing ingenuity, he will come up with an interesting game completely out of nothing. He loves active, noisy games, in which he is always the main character who defeats evil. But in life, Eugene prefers to find compromises peacefully. Eugene is easily given foreign languages, mathematics, he writes poetry well and speaks competently. At school, he usually studies well, pleases his parents with his successes.

For Zhenya, his own world is very important. It is sometimes very difficult for him to accept the real world as it is, therefore, from early childhood, such features as indecision appear in him, he cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. He needs to practice self-confidence. But his indecision does not extend to communication: it is easy for him to find a common language with both boys and girls.

Growing up, Eugene can become short-tempered. Since his doubt in his own abilities can make him quite nervous, very vulnerable to any comments. Zhenya very often tries to hide his fears, putting on a mask of indifference or swagger, and does not trust anyone with his true feelings. He will never refuse to help, he is very attentive to loved ones.

Eugene has a very well developed intuition, he knows how to notice the smallest details that help him to keep abreast of all events. The owner of the name Eugene is well versed in completely different issues. Eugene is a very versatile young man, with whom it is pleasant to have conversations on any topic. Eugene is a refined and impassive man.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Type. These men are sometimes nervous and sentimental. Mentally, they resemble their totem - a seahorse, which seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up.

Psyche. Psychopathic, although they hide it. Their sexual life has two aspects: impressionability leads to idealization of the object of love, followed by strong disappointment, and aggressive sexuality often creates unpleasant situations. Passive, but at the same time can acquire a tendency to masochism.

Will. Rather weak. Indecisive.

Excitability. Average. However, it should be remembered that often they simply wait to outrun you later.

Speed reactions. It seems that they are dozing, immersed in their inner world, but in fact they perfectly notice what is happening around.

Activity. Average. Before getting down to business, they weigh and calculate their strengths and capabilities.

Intuition. Strongly developed.

Intelligence. Their interests are strictly selective, they delve into trifles and pass by really significant phenomena, without honoring them with attention.

Susceptibility. Eugene is often influenced. Not too self-confident, rather indecisive, timid.

Moral. They know how to adapt to circumstances. The system of their moral values ​​is never clear and precise.

Health. Good, but these people tire quickly. They need a long sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle. Susceptible to infectious diseases. The weak parts of the body are the eyes and bronchi.

Sexuality. The sexual life of such men is subject to feeling. It takes them a long time to reveal their desires, but then everything happens very quickly ...

Field activities. They become excellent technicians in the field of electronics, engineers in the field of aircraft construction, good researchers who can manage several areas of work at once.

Sociability. They are very sociable, especially when they are in a good mood, which does not happen too often. Eugene does not like to give up old attachments.

Conclusion. Don't let people like that close in on you. Sometimes they are very active and active, sometimes they just sit back and are not always able to control the situation.

Positive traits of the name

Kindness, poise, peacefulness, nobility. Eugene has a highly developed intuition. He knows how to adapt to circumstances. Sometimes he is very active and active, he can ignite others with his ideas.

Negative traits of the name

Difficulties encountered by Eugene on the way, bring him out of a calm state, make him nervous. His interests are selective. He can delve into the little things and pass by really significant phenomena without paying attention to them. Not too sure of himself, sometimes lazy, sometimes just messing around, not always able to control the situation.

Choosing a profession by name

Eugene has a rich imagination, ingenuity, and a penchant for technology and the exact sciences. Among the Evgenievs there are scientists, writers, pilots, researchers, heads of large enterprises.

The impact of the name on business

Before getting down to business, Eugene needs to learn how to calculate his capabilities. He is an economical person, but at the same time he rarely wins big, he is able to invest a large amount in a dubious business.

The impact of the name on health

Eugene is prone to infectious diseases. Weak spots - eyes and bronchi.

Name psychology

Eugene is kind with people, tolerant of loved ones, attentive, will provide the necessary assistance and support. Likes to play with children. You need to help him gather and purposefully move in one direction.

General description of the name Eugene

From Greek - noble.

Little Zhenya will amaze those around him with his ingenuity. He learns to read and write very early. Big dreamer. At school - among the best, writes essays well, easily learns a foreign language. He is friends with his classmates, they respect him for his kindness and generosity. He treats girls with caution, chivalrously, often idealizes them.

Eugene is hardworking and shows great promise. He is fond of sports, showing particular interest in various types of martial arts.

Obstacles in achieving the set goal knock him out of his life rut, he does not know how to concentrate and overcome them. In the chosen specialty, he reaches average heights, his element is the exact sciences, electronics. In his spare time he can write poetry.

Evgenias born in the spring are more specific and purposeful. More often than those born at other times of the year, they are in repeated marriages. Among their friends there are journalists, artists, writers.

In a woman, she appreciates, first of all, spiritual purity, subconsciously looking for some mystery. Eugene was created for family life. He does not see anything wrong with washing the floor, going to the market or doing other household work. Organically does not tolerate scandals, avoids quarrels and everything that can lead to them. Because of the eternal dispute - who should be the head of the family, he will not violate the atmosphere of mutual understanding and love so valued by him. Unfortunately, wives often mistake such tolerance for spinelessness. With all the ensuing consequences. Eugenes are sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but in extreme situations they show indecision. They willingly walk with children, around them you can always see a flock of boys and girls. Many Eugenes are very jealous. Eugene will never initiate a divorce.

Sexuality of the name Eugene

He is very picky in choosing a partner, his temperament is average. He associates girls most often with innocence, which he sincerely defends. Eugene can mistakenly identify the beauty and charm of a woman with her sexuality and is often punished for this.

He is inclined to believe that sex is an attribute of youth, later a person should do more serious things: earn money, start a family, children, take care of their well-being. There is nothing surprising in the fact that his wife, not getting fully what she expects, feels constantly dissatisfied, bypassed, irritated at the slightest provocation and becomes importunate in her demands. But the most striking thing is that Eugene in such situations feels offended. He does not imagine that his maximum achievements in the field of sex are comparable only with the average activity of other men.

A variety of sexual partners can stimulate him, and he does not consider this shameful - Eugene looks at things broadly. He is quite frank in expressing his sexual desires, devoid of complexes and wants to know all forms of sexual communication.

In sexual life, he needs to feel that he is not only quenching the thirst of his partner, but he himself receives complete sexual satisfaction, restores mental and physical balance. If Eugene is not satisfied with his wife, he rarely divorces, but is looking for an opportunity to catch up on the side. After forty years, he lowers his standards in choosing a sexual partner, as he reduces sex to a biological necessity.

Evgeny's thinking More interested in the little things than the big things. Too demanding of himself and others.

Morality of Eugene The scale of his moral values ​​is unclear and indistinct. He knows how to adapt to circumstances.

Eugene's health He gets tired quickly, although his health is decent. Subject to . Weak bronchi and eyes. Prolonged sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle are needed.

Sex and love Eugene He is very picky in choosing a partner. His wife, not getting fully what she expects, feels constantly unsatisfied. A variety of sexual partners can stimulate it. And he does not consider it shameful - he looks at things simply. Victoria, Anna, Vera, Daria, Polina, Nelly, Rosa and Valentina are suitable for Evgeny. Evgeny Borisovich has increased sexuality.

Marriage and family of Eugene Most of all in a woman appreciates spiritual purity. Exemplary family man. Avoids quarrels. The issue of leadership in the family does not interest him. Successful marriage with Anna, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Xenia, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalia, Nina, Raisa. Less successful with Varvara, Elena, Zoya, Claudia and Marina.

Interests and hobbies Evgenia He likes to mess with children - not only with his own, but also with strangers. He is fond of sports, can compose poetry.

Implementation in society with Eugene The greatest success can be achieved in technology and the exact sciences. In work that requires a high concentration of strength and attention, it will reach average performance. Among the Eugenes there are electronics engineers, writers, pilots.

Notable people named Eugene

Evgeny Vakhtangov (actor, director, founder of the theater, which became the theater after him)
Evgeny Evstigneev (actor of theater and cinema)
Eugene-Francois Vidocq ((1775 - 1857) French criminal, later the founder and head of the General Directorate of National Security, as well as the world's first private detective bureau)
Eugene Delacroix ((1798 - 1863) French artist)
Evgeny Zamyatin (writer)
Evgeny Mironov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia)
Yevgeny Yevtushenko (Russian, Soviet poet, prose writer, publicist, screenwriter, film director)
Evgeni Plushenko (figure skater, 2006 Olympic champion)
Evgeny Morgunov (actor of theater and cinema)
Evgeny Schwartz (writer, playwright)
Evgeny Petrov (writer, co-author of Ilya Ilf)
Evgeny Klyachkin (bard, singer-songwriter)
Evgeny Vuchetich (sculptor-monumentalist)
Flavius ​​Eugene (Usurper Emperor of the Western Roman Empire (392-394))
Eugene I ((d.657), pope)
Eugene O'Neill ((1888 - 1953) American playwright, Nobel Prize in Literature)
Evgeny Grishin (famous Soviet speed skater and coach)
Eugene Salias de Tournemire ((1840 - 1908) Russian writer)
Yevgeny Abalakov (Soviet sculptor and famous climber)
Evgeny Baratynsky (famous Russian poet)
Evgeny Mravinsky (conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
Evgeny Samoilov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR)
Yevgeny Primakov (politician, economist and historian (born 1929))
Evgeny Grishkovets (writer, actor, musician, director)
Evgeny Kafelnikov (tennis player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (actor of theater and cinema)
Evgeny Zharikov (actor of theater and cinema)
Eugene Ionesco ((1909 - 1994) French playwright of Romanian origin, one of the founders of the theater of the absurd)
Eugenio Beltrami ((1835 - 1900) Italian mathematician)
Evgeny Dolmatovsky (poet and prose writer)
Evgeny Krylatov (composer)
Eugene Lansere (artist)
Eugenio d'Ors, Eugeni d'Ors ((1881 - 1954) Spanish and Catalan philosopher, writer, publicist)
Eugenio German (Brazilian chess player)
Eugeniusz Romer ((1871 - 1954) Polish geographer and cartographer)
Evgeny Leonov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR)
Evgeny Khavtan (guitarist, composer, leader of the Bravo group)
Evgeny Martynov (pop singer, composer, musician, teacher)
Evgeny Obolensky (Decembrist)
Eugene of Savoy (an outstanding commander of the Holy Roman Empire, of French origin, generalissimo)
Yevgeny Vesnik (actor of theater and cinema, theater director)
Evgeny Svetlanov (outstanding Soviet Russian conductor, pianist and composer, People's Artist of the USSR)
Evgeny Trubetskoy (Russian philosopher, publicist, jurist, public figure)
Gene Kelly ((1912 - 1996) American dancer, choreographer, actor, singer and film director)
Gene Simmons ((born 1949) real name - Chaim Witz; one of the founders of the Kiss group)
Eugene Dühring ((1833 - 1921) German philosopher and economist)
Eugene de Beauharnais, Eugene de Beauharnais ((1781 - 1824) son of Josephine de Beauharnais, stepson of Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince of France, Viceroy of Italy)
Eugene-Charles Catalan ((1814 - 1894) Belgian mathematician)
Evgen Zamechnik (Czech violinist, conductor and composer)

Like most modern Slavic names, the name Eugene came to us from ancient Greece, and it came from the name Eugenius, which means “noble” or “from a good family”. This Byzantine name was fully consistent with its meaning, since it could only be given to a person from a noble family. The name entered the Christian calendar around the 4th century, and subsequently the female form, Eugenia, was formed from the male name.

Both names became widespread in Russia around the 18th century, when the nobles began to call their children by the French name Eugène. It is believed that it was from him that the short form of the name, Zhenya, was formed.

At the end of the 19th century, the name quickly spread in the urban environment, and in the post-revolutionary period it became one of the most popular. History knows many outstanding personalities named Eugene, who can rightfully be proud of their name as a monument of the Russian language and culture. Among them are famous actors Yevgeny Mironov and Yevgeny Leonov, singer Yevgeny Margulis, writers Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Yevgeny Zamyatin, composer Yevgeny Doga, figure skater Yevgeny Plushenko and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The most revered saint named Eugene is the Monk Eugene of Antioch, who lived during the reign of the ancient Roman emperor Julian the Apostate. Eugene served as a presbyter in the Antiochian church, and during his sermons he mercilessly accused the emperor of apostasy.

By order of the ruler, the presbyter was seized and given over to cruel tortures, which Eugene endured with prayer and spiritual joy. After the torment, Eugene and his associate Macarius, in chains and shackles, were sent to die in the desert, where they settled on a mountain. Local residents warned them that a huge snake lives on the mountain, but Eugene and Macarius prayed for a long time, and then lightning struck the mountain and killed the monster. After that, even the most notorious pagans converted to the Christian faith.

The Confessors died on the same day in about 363.

All owners of the name Eugene can celebrate their name day on one of the following dates: January 21 and 31; February 2, 3, 25 and 26; 4, 10 and 20 March; August 3 and 31; September 20 and 23; 8 and 29 October; November 11, 20 and 24; December 7th, 23rd and 26th.

Name characteristic

The female name, Eugenia, also came from the male name, therefore the person bearing this name is endowed with both male and female character traits. Like all men, whose name also has a female form, the character of Eugene can combine such qualities as masculinity and fearfulness, strength and weakness, as well as stubbornness and irascibility. Eugene can have a slightly effeminate appearance and figure, softness and mannerism can slip in his behavior, some infantilism is noticeable in his character.

Difficulties that arise in the way of Eugene can quickly unbalance him, make him nervous and make one mistake after another. The main driving force for him can be stubbornness, the desire to achieve his own by all means, as well as a well-developed intuition.

Of the female character traits, weak will and sentimentality can be noted. In his heart, he is indecisive and unsure of himself, but he tries in every possible way to hide this under the guise of indifference and swagger. However, he notices and remembers every spoken word, intonation and circumstances all around, he is very attentive to trifles and easily remembers a huge number of small details.

In communication, Eugene is always friendly, not devoid of a sense of humor, knows how to laugh at himself. With women he always behaves like a real gentleman. He treats relatives and close people with attention, values ​​their location and is always ready to help.

With age, such a quality as laziness can develop in Eugene. Even if he goes to work, he will do all the work without much zeal and enthusiasm, just serve his duty. A man will learn to adapt perfectly to circumstances, and, if necessary, easily rebuild his system of moral values ​​​​under them, especially if such changes are of material benefit to him. It is very rare to find a highly moral person among Evgenievs.

The name Eugene endows its owner with a certain amount of ambition, but even here material wealth comes first. Eugene will always choose the profession that will allow him to earn more.


For little Zhenya, the most important thing in the world is his own little world, so it is important for parents to cultivate self-confidence and sociability in him. It is very important for a boy to have the company of his peers with whom he could develop communication skills.

At school, Zhenya usually studies well, but his knowledge is superficial, and laziness most often prevents him from studying perfectly. The boy is especially good at foreign languages, literature, history. He has a well-developed imagination and imaginative thinking.

In general, Zhenya grows up as an independent and obedient child, who does not cause much trouble for her parents. He does not like to enter into conflicts either with adults or with his peers. His moral principles allow him to sometimes lie and shirk responsibility. You should not expect decisive action and dedication from him.


Eugene can be called the owner of good health, especially if he learns to be attentive to him from childhood. Its vulnerabilities are the immune and nervous systems. Symptoms such as apathy, indifference and inertia can be a signal that Eugene needs a long sleep and rest, a change of scenery.


Eugene is a gentle and sensual man, in whom there is not a drop of rudeness, for which women love and appreciate him. He is always gallant and prudent, he treats ladies with emphatic respect. He falls in love often, and almost always mutually.

Eugene is inclined to idealize women, and therefore disappointments are not uncommon in his life. He does not like violent showdowns, he can be repelled by the rudeness, bad manners and insincerity of a woman.

Eugene cannot be called a man with a violent sexual temperament, and over the years, sex for him can become just a means to maintain health. Even if he often changes sexual partners, this will most likely be connected not with the passionate temperament of the man, but with the desire to emphasize his own significance sexually and in his own eyes. At the same time, it should be noted that a man does not so much seek to enjoy himself as to deliver it to his partner.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Eugene can be called a reliable person in terms of marriage, he will always put the family and its well-being in the foreground. For him, the worst thing in family life is scandals, reproaches and mutual insults. Therefore, a man will try his best to avoid conflicts.

Eugene's inner uncertainty often leads to the fact that he will be jealous of his wife, and she, in turn, will be annoyed by his weak character and infantilism. In addition, a sexually temperamental woman may feel deprived of the caress and attention of her not too temperamental husband.

Eugene is extremely reluctant to divorce, especially if there are children in the family. His moral principles allow him to sometimes "go to the left", but he will never do it defiantly, fearing to destroy the family.

In everyday life, Eugene is unpretentious, with pleasure he is engaged in housekeeping and cooking, in a personal plot. He is one of those men who consider the family the basis of life, and the woman is the keeper of the hearth.

The most successful marriage for Eugene may be with women named Larisa, Valentina, Valeria, Yulia, Alina, Anna, Vera, Victoria and Natalya. Relationships with Elena, Lydia, Marina, Yana, Alice and Inna should be avoided.

Business and career

Eugene can be both a "physicist" and a "lyricist", since he is equally easy given the exact and humanitarian sciences. Usually he becomes a conscientious performer, but work will never be the meaning of life for him - by nature he is not a careerist. However, the ambition inherent in a man can make you think about a career, especially if it promises him material benefits.

Eugene can feel great in a leadership position, especially if he was instilled with independence and responsibility as a child. Eugene should be approached with the utmost care in running his own business, as he has a penchant for adventures and a desire to make money quickly. Unfortunately, a young man's determination rarely stands the test of time.

Talismans for Eugene

  • The ruling planet is Mercury and Venus.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Taurus and Pisces.
  • The most successful time of the year is winter, the most successful day of the week is Thursday.
  • Lucky colors are blue, blue and white.
  • Totem plant - linden and forget-me-not. Since ancient times, linden has been associated with warmth, softness and femininity - all thanks to the heart-shaped leaves. Forget-me-not is a symbol of long memory, devotion to friendship and love. This flower represents tenderness and love, which is tested by time and distance.
  • Totem animal - seahorse and barley. People whose symbol is a seahorse are endowed with such qualities as sentimentality and excessive emotionality, as well as the ability to adapt to circumstances and people. Perlovitsa is, first of all, a symbol of devotion and fidelity, as well as the secrecy of nature.
  • Talisman stone - jasper and ruby. Jasper promotes concentration, enhances the gift of foresight. According to beliefs, jasper can neutralize poison, reduce the manifestation of fever and eliminate arrhythmia. It is recommended that Eugene wear a dark ruby ​​on his left hand - it will symbolize royal dignity, bring good luck and happiness to its owner, help smooth out conflicts and put thoughts in order.


Aries- a self-confident and energetic man who denies any authority and power. He always himself knows what and how it will be better, behaves assertively in any situation. Eugene-Aries does not look for workarounds and compromises, and he often lacks practicality and common sense. But at the same time, this person has a kind heart and a generous soul, he simply radiates energy and optimism. Possessing an excellent sense of humor, he knows how to please people, because he always feels indifferent. With age, Eugene-Aries becomes calmer and more balanced, learns to pre-think his actions and words, but still forever remains a big child - touchy and vulnerable. In the profession, as in ordinary life, he strives to be the first, the best fighter. He has a great need for bravado and show-off, he never admits defeat and does not accept criticism. In love, Eugene-Aries is unusually passionate and romantic, as well as honest. His wife should have a calm temperament and delicately guide her husband's energy without dampening his enthusiasm.

Taurus- a charming and friendly person, soft and patient in communication. He loves to accumulate money, knowledge and experience, and is very reluctant to share all this. He can be called a cautious observer who once again thinks through and calculates everything before taking a step forward. The need for harmony makes him humbly put up with a lot, but God forbid if his patience comes to an end - in anger, Eugene-Taurus is terrible. In the profession, he is usually successful, besides, this person knows how to attract finances to himself. His life motto is "quieter you go, you will continue." Despite the fact that Eugene-Taurus is the embodiment of practicality and earthiness, he can be an unusually romantic and sensual man who knows how to look after very beautifully. In marriage, Eugene-Taurus is reliable, not prone to treason. He is focused on a stable family life, homely, caring, and treats his wife with respect. But his jealousy can sometimes reach the point of absurdity, besides, he is a conservative and a bit of a dictator.

Twins- an intelligent and direct man, but with a complex character. He strives to organize his life in accordance only with his interests, constantly looking for easy ways in everything and tries to avoid any responsibility. Agile and inquisitive, Eugene-Gemini often fails in business due to inconstancy and squandering, as well as the inability to concentrate on the main thing. This is not the person you can rely on and whose promises you can trust. He perfectly knows how to adapt to people and circumstances, but the tendency to deceive and disorganization prevent him from achieving significant success in business. Even if a man makes good money, his finances will flow through his fingers. Eugene-Gemini can marry more than once, since his feelings are superficial, and his responsibility is minimal. However, he himself needs guardianship, affection and care, so a woman who is ready to be close to this person must be ready to be a mother and a sensitive lover all rolled into one, and also take on the role of head of the family.

Cancer- a person overly impressionable and with a fine mental organization. He is polite, well-mannered, gallant and helpful, but only on the condition that he is treated the same way. Eugene-Rak is inclined to exaggerate the size of his problems, for him it costs nothing to “inflate an elephant out of a fly”. He has an excellent intellect and an excellent memory, but very often uses them for soul-searching, regret and revenge. Eugene-Rak is "friends" with money, easily finds an opportunity to earn money, but always by legal methods, no crime and adventurism. He has everything to become a respected and authoritative person, if on the way to success he manages to control his emotions and impressionability. Eugene Cancer refers to people who really need the love and moral support of their family. He is capable of being devoted and loving selflessly throughout his life. However, for his companion there is a risk of crossing that imperceptible line when she loses her individuality and becomes a slave to the desires and interests of her husband.

a lion- personality is open, sincere and cordial. He imagines himself an ideal man and is sincerely surprised when others do not agree with this. Eugene Leo refuses to play second fiddle, considering himself a star, the center of the universe and an authoritative person. His movements are always calm and confident, he knows how to inspire confidence and respect. He completely lacks a sense of danger, he wants to lead, lead, give good luck, protect and have fun. There is absolutely no meanness in this person, but there is nobility, devotion and a sea of ​​charisma. His enemy is pride and narcissism. He often lives beyond his means, getting into huge debts, as he loves a luxurious and carefree life. Eugene Leo can be both an incredibly lucky person and the biggest loser. He desperately needs the love, affection and moral support of his beloved woman. For her sake, he is ready to move mountains, to pass any test. However, he will not allow her not only to control him, but even simply to become his equal. Do not find a greater owner and jealous than Eugene-Leo. He is quite capable of remaining faithful and being a caring spouse, but on condition that he receives enough affection, attention and care from his wife.

Virgo- a good-natured, sociable, a little windy person, looking at the surrounding reality with a certain amount of carelessness. He has a sense of harmony, calmness and a tendency to a sedentary life. Eugene-Virgo carefully considers his every step, does nothing spontaneously or in a rush, therefore he often misses his chance, loses opportunities. Such qualities as meticulousness and pettiness can complicate relations with others, and a man absolutely cannot stand vulgarity, vulgarity and rudeness. He is keenly interested in any opportunity to strengthen his financial position, Eugene-Virgo will never be a poor person. But he prefers to earn money honestly, avoiding dubious adventures, so work for him is a deep inner need. Eugene-Virgo has a risk of remaining a bachelor for a long time, but if he nevertheless decides to marry, then he will make a wonderful husband. By nature, he is a homebody, in relationships he values ​​\u200b\u200bstability and constancy, but he will never forgive lies and disrespectful attitude towards himself.

Scales- a man reserved, calm, a little timid. Eugene-Libra is very dependent on the opinions of other people, it is difficult to tolerate criticism, often becomes depressed. He knows how to win the trust of others - with charm, affection, flattery, generosity, sincere conversations and hospitality. Eugene-Libra himself needs help and advice, he is a team player, as he tries to avoid responsibility and does not always know how to be decisive. A man knows how to calculate his budget and never becomes a slave to money. Whatever he does, he will always be able to equip a comfortable and beautiful workplace for himself. This person cannot stand loneliness, and in most cases it does not threaten him. Eugene-Libra was born to communicate and conquer women's hearts, he is a skilled seducer and heartthrob. He can become an excellent family man if his wife can come to terms with his many betrayals. Eugene-Libra will always be a little "on his mind", he will try to preserve his inner space, where even his beloved woman has no way.

Scorpion- a person with a very complex character, full of contradictions. He has a rich inner world, overflowing with suffering and uncertainty. He will always be dissatisfied with himself, others, work and fate in general. Most likely, Eugene-Scorpio will have a bad reputation, as he has an explosive temperament and he does not care at all about the opinions of others. Two qualities dominate his feelings - eroticism and aggressiveness, and the essence of his nature is determination and action. Under the shell of outer calmness hides a rebellious soul, which never has peace. Whatever profession Eugene-Scorpio chooses, he will definitely become a professional in his field, and in combination with a sharp mind and amazing performance, he can easily reach the very top of the career ladder. But no matter how successful he becomes, this person, like no one else, needs the love and moral support of his loved ones, although he is afraid to admit it. Family life with him will never be calm and serene - it will always have a place for passion, jealousy, quarrels and violent reconciliations.

Sagittarius- an emotional and impulsive personality, thirsting for passion, thrills and love experiences. This is a man of a clear mind, decisive and easy-going. He is a born optimist, for him every new day will definitely be better than the previous one. They sometimes say about such people - “what’s on the mind, then on the tongue”, but it’s hard to be offended by him for being straightforward, since Eugene-Sagittarius is always guided only by good intentions, he is not vindictive and not prudent. An irrepressible thirst for knowledge and curiosity often make a man change several professions, there are always a lot of plans and ideas in his head. But his enthusiasm most often does not stand the test of time. In relation to money, Eugene-Sagittarius is careless; most likely, he will not be able to earn a lot. Given his penchant for adventure, it is likely that the man will become an inveterate cheater and swindler. In marriage, a man is not reliable, since he cannot imagine himself without preserving personal freedom. Even a cloudless life does not guarantee that this incorrigible romantic and vagabond will not leave the quiet family haven and go intrigues of new sensations. Household and life will never be a priority for him.

Capricorn- an insightful person with a realistic outlook on life. At heart, he is an egoist, striving to satisfy his personal needs, but skillfully hiding this trait of his character. Outwardly, he is always restrained and calm, sometimes even harsh, practical in everyday life, and adamant in his convictions. Eugene-Capricorn knows how to dream, but his dreams never go far from reality. He can be called a hardworking, independent and serious person, whom you can always rely on. In his understanding, the life mission is to achieve career success and financial independence, and sooner or later, Eugene-Capricorn will definitely succeed. However, he cannot be called a careerist in its purest form, since a man achieves everything exclusively by honest work. His wife will never have to worry about the material well-being of the family, but she may experience a lack of emotional closeness with her spouse. In addition, Eugene-Capricorn is not averse to seeking sexual satisfaction on the side, while he will also love and appreciate his wife.

Aquarius- smart, talented, diversified person with high intelligence. He hates theatricality, does not seek to produce an effect, but at the same time strives for power, position, prestige. Eugene-Aquarius is extremely independent in all its manifestations, social norms and traditions are an empty phrase for him. He does not consider it necessary to smile and pretend that everything is fine, when in fact everything is bad. Natural charm and talents help a man make a career, but not hard work and assertiveness. He prefers to live in such a way as not to create unnecessary difficulties for himself and not to strain too much. It is better for him to work in a team, as he has an excellent sense of collectivism. Making money is not a priority goal for Eugene-Aquarius, he is indifferent to luxury and comfort. He does not feel any desire to marry, and after marriage, a man will spend a lot of time away from home. It is difficult to call him a zealous owner, day and night, making sure that the house is a full bowl.

Fish- sensual, vulnerable, impressionable man, with a highly developed intuition. This combination of name and zodiac sign is extremely successful and usually brings happiness to a person. With the help of his strong intuition, Eugene-Pisces easily “guesses” people and their intentions, and even predicts events. He can remain icy calm in the face of real danger and panic over nonsense. This person is ready to endlessly console, help, sympathize and sympathize, but then he himself will need moral support, since he has the finest mental organization. The emotional variability of Eugene-Pisces, frequent mood swings, resentment and vulnerability often complicate relationships with others. It is difficult for him to reach great heights in his career, although his potential allows it. Eugene-Pisces does not like hard work, he is not a fighter and not a careerist, he prefers to go with the flow and look for easy ways. Having entered into marriage, he will treat the family well, but in return he will demand constant confirmation of love for himself.

Representatives named after Eugene are distinguished by independence, independence, maximalism and exactingness towards themselves and people. What does the name Eugene mean and what other character traits are inherent in a man with this name, it is easy to conclude from an analysis of his origin and energy of sounds.

The male name Eugene reached the peak of its popularity in the eighties, since then it has been losing ground more and more. An infrequently occurring name gives the owner a punchy character, the ability to go against the opinion of the crowd and pave his own path to happiness.


The history of the name begins in Ancient Greece. The name came from the ancient Greek Eugenios, which translates as "high-born", it can also mean "descendant of a noble family." The translation of the name is partly connected with such traits in Zhenya as aristocracy and the ability to present oneself.

The origin of the name Eugene explains Zhenya's changeable mood, his fluctuations in situations where you have to make a choice. The Greek egregore gives him a head start in the arts, science, and trade. It is from the influence of Greek culture that the skill of persuasion inherent in him from childhood can also come.

The interpretation of the name Eugene is closely related to the energy potential of the sounds of which it consists. Each sound is responsible for a certain emotion, quality, personality trait. Thanks to the sound-letter analysis, the meaning of the name Eugene is revealed - in particular, the most striking features that are inherent in the representatives of the name:

  • Peacefulness, kindness, sociability.
  • Insight.
  • Thirst for knowledge, curiosity.
  • Responsibility and integrity.
  • Intelligibility, critical mind.
  • Strength of mind.
  • Creative approach to problem solving.

The forms that are often used in addressing Eugene have an impact on the personality. The most common of them: Zhenya, Evgen, Gesha. Abbreviated versions of the name complement, diversify the main qualities of the full name:

  • Zhenya - is distinguished by the wealth of the inner world, high self-esteem, the ability to achieve her own, despite any difficulties. (In France, the pronunciation of the name is Eugene, from where the form Zhenya supposedly originated.)
  • Evgen is direct, open and firm.
  • Gesha is a modest, but very attentive, thoughtful person, he grasps everything on the fly and knows how to quickly find the best course of action.

The secret of the name Eugene and the guarantee of his happiness lies in the ability of a man to unite people and lead them to success. The absence of difficulties in interacting with people and the desire to learn, develop, grow are the strengths of men who bear this name. Therefore, Zhenya will certainly be able to prove himself if he relies on these qualities.

Personal development

The characterization of the name Eugene allows us to outline an approximate path for the development of representatives of this name. Little Zhenya has an inquisitive mind and many inclinations. The child will strive to feel everything, learn everything, learn to read early.

Books and games are of great value to the boy, thanks to which his imagination and ingenuity develop. He conquers those around him with his imagination and ingenuity, he is always ready to invent something new and exciting to do it with a group of friends.

Zhenya is hardworking, obedient and independent. Parents do not cause trouble, easily cope with school assignments and help around the house with pleasure. The description of the name speaks of the peaceful and thoughtful nature of Eugene, and this has been manifested since childhood: as a child, Zhenya prefers to be an arbitrator and resolve conflicts peacefully. On the other hand, he knows how to show toughness and strength, so he fights for a just cause until victory.

The character and fate of the boy are closely connected with his love for fantasies, for the world of the imaginary. These traits often help him solve complex issues easily and in an original way.

In adolescence, Zhenya becomes scrupulous and ambitious, inspired and striving to rise. In maturity, Eugene rarely sets himself difficult tasks, he will be able to deal with full dedication only with what he really deeply cares about.

Thanks to his brilliant intellectual abilities, attention to detail, scrupulousness, he achieves great success in the exact sciences, in working with technology, mechanisms. Developed imagination will help Eugene in any kind of art.

His ability to easily connect with people, exceptional insight and the ease with which he grasps the whole picture as a whole, serve as an excellent basis for working in a leadership position.

In general, Eugene is a versatile and interesting man. He quite easily achieves what he wants, but infrequently he is interested in something enough to make it his goal. Representatives of this name usually do well with their own business, but they will have to hold their horses a little, not take too many risks.

Friendships and romantic connections

Eugene easily converges with people and wins them over, which usually means the presence of an extensive network of acquaintances, in addition, this name contributes to sociability, peacefulness, and optimism. He can have many superficial and useful acquaintances, but he selects his friends carefully, Eugene is not used to letting everyone into his inner world.

Eugene's gallantry and attentiveness in dealing with women win over the representatives of the opposite sex, so he rarely remains without the admiring glances of the ladies. Zhenya expects sensuality and spiritual purity from a girl. Because of his tendency to idealize, he does not always clearly imagine the nature of his beloved.

Eugene is erudite, intellectually developed and is looking for a wife to match himself. In addition, he does not tolerate violent showdowns, squabbles and quarrels, he is unlikely to succeed with a brawler. For Zhenya, the family is the center of life, he is ready to do a lot for her, so he will try to save the marriage to the last, even if he feels unhappy in it.

From the meaning of the names it is easy to deduce hypothetical compatibility between a woman and a man. It should be borne in mind that the nature of the personality and its features do not fit into the name alone, which means that name compatibility only increases the likelihood of a certain development of relations.

  • . Relationships are built on trust and respect, both partners strive to create a lasting alliance, so they easily make compromises.
  • . The high compatibility of the names Anna and Eugene is due to the extreme similarity of the views and sympathies of Anya and Zhenya, due to which conflicts and misunderstandings rarely arise between them.
  • . A passionate and lasting union, despite periodic conflicts and showdowns, which seem to further increase the attraction of a man and a woman to each other.
  • Natalia. Often, Zhenya and Natasha improve their relationship to the ideal; friendship, understanding and mutual support reign in their union. Love flares up more and more every day, they are always interested in each other.
  • . Thanks to the independence and passion of both partners, the relationship includes both vivid emotions and joint development. The union does not cause trouble as long as Eugene and Ksenia remain patient and strive to understand each other.

Low compatibility is associated with those aspects of the relationship that separate a man and a woman, eventually leading to absolute misunderstanding and even hatred. With the following girls, name researchers prophesy relationships to Zhenya, fraught with various problems, which, however, are usually easy to eliminate by learning to listen and accept each other.

  • Evgenia. The low compatibility of the names Eugene and Eugene in marriage is due to Evgenia's desire for independence and independence, while the man wants her to devote herself to the family.
  • Marina. On the one hand, this is a union full of happiness and joy, on the other hand, contradictions push partners foreheads together. For the sake of maintaining relations, both Zhenya and Marina should think more about each other's desires, and not just about their personal aspirations.
  • Catherine. Bright love is often replaced by uncertainty and alienation. Katya is a headstrong, freedom-loving person who is aloof from trying to even slightly control and stabilize their relationship.
  • . Passions rarely burn in this union, the success of the relationship depends on whether they can give up the struggle for power.
  • . The low compatibility of the names Anastasia and Eugene is explained by cardinal differences in their approach to life. The girl aims at the great, while the man is used to thinking too practical and soberly, which leads to conflicts and misunderstanding.

The day of the name (name day) falls on the day of memory of the saint, whose name Zhenya was baptized. Often the patron saint is unknown, and then, to choose the day of the angel, just look at the church calendar - name days fall on the date closest to the person's birthday. Days of memory of saints with the name Eugene:

  • January - 21, 31.
  • February - 3, 25, 26.
  • March - 4, 10, 20.
  • June - 13.
  • August - 3, 31.
  • September - 20, 23.
  • October - 8, 29.
  • November - 11, 18, 20, 24.
  • December - 7, 23, 26.

Angel Day is an important holiday in a person's life. This day is traditionally dedicated to thinking about actions, ideals and goals. Eugene can find landmarks in the life of his patron saint.

Creative, strong, greedy for impressions and an interesting person - this is exactly how a man named Eugene appears. The meaning of the name determines many of the features of Zhenya's character, it also allows you to look at the features of his personality from a new angle. Each name contains a lot of potential, having shown which a person will certainly achieve happiness and success if he makes every effort and never gives up.

A very beautiful and gentle name, Evgeny, is one of the most popular male names in Russia. Moreover, it is most widespread in rural areas than in urban areas. But the female form of the name (Eugene) does not have such popularity. Why is the male so successful? What character does Eugene have? The name, its origin and meaning - that's what will be discussed in this article. Let's try to find out how it affects the fate of a person, the choice of profession and life partner.

Eugene. Name: origin and meaning

In different countries, it has its own pronunciation and can sound like Eugene, Eugene, Owen, Eugenios, Eugen, and even Yvain. Despite such differences, all these names come from the ancient Greek word eugenes, which means "noble" in translation, or literally - "with good genes." Subsequently, a female form was formed from the male name - Eugene. These names became widespread when the nobles began to call their children by the French name Eugene. It is believed that it was from him that a short form was formed - Zhenya.

Name Eugene: meaning

The origin of this name leaves a peculiar imprint on its owner, because its translation - “noble” - obliges a lot. What character traits are inherent in this person? As a child, the boy is very active, but at the same time he knows how to restrain himself at the right time. He learns to read and write early. He has a great wit, a rich imagination. Yevgeny has good learning abilities, he can be an excellent student if he is not lazy. The boy is especially good at foreign languages ​​and compositions. Although he does not aspire to become a leader, his classmates are drawn to him. Good relations develop with peers, Zhenya is valued and respected for kindness and honesty.

Eugene. Name: origin and characteristics

Zhenya is the kind of person whose character combines weakness and strength. Outwardly, he may seem strong-willed and courageous, but conflicting feelings boil in his soul. Such a trait as stubbornness stands out especially clearly, and it can help him achieve considerable success. The only thing that can break it is the obstacles that have arisen in the way. In search of the right way to overcome them, he often gets lost. But if Eugene can pull himself together, he will overcome all obstacles. Zhenya is quick-tempered, nervous, never shows his true feelings, hiding them behind ostentatious indifference. He treats his family and friends very carefully and is always ready to help them.

What does the male name Eugene mean in a relationship

A man with this name falls in love very often, so he often fails. To create a family, a girl chooses, as a rule, pure and sincere. In marriage, he is an exemplary husband and father, in every possible way avoids quarrels. He does not claim leadership in family life and is ready to cede this right to his wife. A strong alliance with Eugene is possible with Valentina, Anna, Daria, Valeria, Vera, Lyudmila, Xenia.

Eugene. Name: origin and meaning in the professional field

This person is very hardworking and can achieve great success in his career. He can take risks, and situations in which he is forced to resort to risk, as a rule, he himself creates. Zhenya can commit irresponsible acts without thinking about what consequences they may lead to. Eugene can achieve the greatest success in the technical fields related to electronics. For example, he will make an excellent researcher or engineer.

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