The meaning of the male name Milan. How to interpret the male name Milan


The meaning of the name Milan

Dear, beloved. "Dear" (glor.) Charming personality, type of a male knight: smart, kind, protector of the weak. Always ready to rise to the defense of justice, and not under the influence of a momentary impulse, but out of deep conviction. Undoubtedly, there is something from the "knight of the sad image" in these men. And the Dulcineas most often reciprocate them. Milan graduates brilliantly from school, carefully chooses a specialty, the value of the profession for him lies not in how it is paid, but in its social significance. Milan is a sociable, sociable person, an interesting man. In society, he is always a welcome guest: he is not deprived of a musical gift, plays the guitar, sings. Outwardly, these men may look cold and reserved, but inside they have a fire burning! These are addicted natures, women are crazy about them, but Milana does not differ in fidelity. They get married after thirty, they have sons. The field of activity of the Milans is wide, among them there are doctors, actors, journalists, engineers, artists, there are excellent artisans: tailors, cabinetmakers. Some of them go into religion, take orders. These are men of contagious charm, outstanding, radiating warmth and goodwill. Near them warm hearts.

Numerology Of The Name Milan

Soul Number: 8.
For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G8s are for the most part very strong personalities, putting practicality and material gain at the forefront. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to make a large number of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 6


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

The name Milan as a phrase

M Think
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Our, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Milan

M - a caring person, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
L - a subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, the desire to share knowledge and feelings with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."

The male name Milan (the emphasis is on the first syllable) has Slavic roots and means “sweet”, “gentle”. It is very common in Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, but in Russia it is rare and not popular.

Characteristics of the name Milan

The name Milan endows its owner with a very good character, manifested in his decency, reliability, goodwill, simplicity. Milan, even in childhood, is an example of an ideal child. He always pleases his parents with exemplary behavior, friendliness, courtesy. He studies quite well at school, has many friends who love him for his open, cheerful disposition, sense of justice, and honesty. With age, the character of Milan almost does not change. He remains a pleasant, even very charming person, radiating friendliness and willingness to help. You can praise this man endlessly, it even gives the impression that he has no negative qualities. But it is not so. Milan is a very strong personality, and often sees material enrichment as the main goal of his life. Many owners of this name spend all their time at work, they are careerists who want to achieve the desired results by all means.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Milan is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Taurus or Capricorn. Taurus (April 20-May 20) is similar to the owner of this name in practicality, reliability, simplicity, peacefulness, therefore, under the influence of this sign, Milan will become softer. Capricorn (December 22-January 20) is a sign of very hardworking people. He will endow Milan with modesty, prudence, endurance, preserve his ability to work and sociability.

Pros and cons of the name Milan

What are the pros and cons of the name Milan? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, unusual and ancient Slavic name that gives its owner a good character and has several euphonious abbreviations and reductions, such as Mil, Milanchik, Milasha, Milchik, Milushka. But on the other hand, it is unusual and in most cases ugly combined with Russian surnames and patronymics.


Milan's health is good, but not excellent. He is prone to allergies, frequent colds, skin and back problems.

Love and family relationships

Milan enters family relationships after thirty years, when he realizes himself in a professional field. He is a rather loving person, so sometimes his wife may suspect him of infidelity. Nevertheless, Milan takes care of the family with great devotion, loves his children (especially sons) very much, can spend a lot of time with them.

Professional area

In the professional field, Milan strives to achieve results not from his own ambitions, but only for the sake of enrichment. He can be a good engineer, doctor, artist, composer, advertising agent, politician, businessman, real estate agent, journalist.

name day

Milan does not celebrate the name day, since this name is not in church calendars.

What does the name Milan mean?
This name, as a rule, means - dear, beloved.

Origin of the name Milan:
This is an Old Slavonic name, and it is based on such a root as "mil".

The character conveyed by the name Milan:

Milan is a man of unusually high morals, he always fights for justice, and of course protects all the weak. Often differs from peers with a brilliant mind, and incredible kindness. He always studies well at his school, and, I must say, approaches the choice of his future professional path more than just thoroughly. And then, as a rule, he gives preference to precisely those professions that will be of really important social significance, so it should be noted that, let's say, the amount of payment for his future work is one of the least significant criteria in his choice. But most often Milan can choose a profession, say a doctor, or an engineer, sometimes a journalist, a little less often an artist, or an actor. Some Milans can excel in handicraft work, as they are really excellent tailors, or cabinetmakers. And due to his deep inner attitudes and convictions, Milan will be able to completely leave this worldly life and really devote himself to God, it is even possible to take monastic vows, and it is also likely to take some kind of priesthood.

Always very sociable, incredibly sociable Milan always enjoys the same success with various women, they are simply drawn to him. He is incredibly charming and outstanding, almost always radiating warmth and extraordinary goodwill, Milan simply drives numerous women crazy. So, not at all deprived of the special attention of the weaker sex, Milan, as a rule, marries very late, say, by the age of thirty, and sometimes it happens much later. These people, as a rule, do not differ at all in some special fidelity to their spouse. Just outwardly restrained and sometimes even cold, inside Milana are often unusually hot and even fiery, which then, combined with their truly innate passion, easily creates excellent ground for adultery.

Milan is always a wonderful comrade and true friend, as well as always a welcome guest to his many acquaintances, he can always sing, sometimes play the guitar beautifully. This, as a rule, is an amazingly harmonious person, so he is easily able to extinguish a lot of negative or negative emotions in different people, in society he really acts exactly as a peacemaker. Many people really note that a certain aura of warmth and goodwill is almost always created around Milan, in addition, he is always responsive and very friendly, almost everyone wants to be friends with him, but Milan usually has no enemies at all.

The meaning of the name Milan: The boy's name means "cute". This affects the character and fate of Milan.

Origin of the name Milan: Old Slavonic.

Diminutive form of the name: Milanchik, Milanushka, Mile, Milanik, Milik.

What does the name Milan mean? The name Milan is translated as "cute". Many say that such a meaning of the name Milan is really justified, both in childhood and in adulthood. He is popular with women, but he is in no hurry to marry - he is still hoping to meet "the one." It strives for justice and equal rights for all.

Middle name: Milanovich, Milanovna.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Milan does not celebrate a name day, since the name is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox holidays.

Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.

Characteristics of the name Milan

Positive features: He reacts sharply to important life events, a guy with this name is sincere and sympathetic, and the liveliness of his emotions does not allow him to sit in one place or look indifferently at other people's suffering. At the same time, he has a high sense of self-worth and does not tolerate neglect and humiliation in relation to himself and his loved ones.

Negative Traits: The name Milan brings deceit, flattery, willfulness. There are practically no compromises with Milan. He gently and imperceptibly knows how to conduct business in the direction he needs. His charm and defenselessness are often only tactics.

The nature of the name Milan: Analyzing the meaning of the name Milan from the point of view of psychology, it is worth noting that this person has a predisposition to such qualities as nobility, restraint, temperament and the desire for justice.

Researchers often say that a man with this name fully justifies the meaning of his name, since he even somewhat resembles a knight from a fairy tale, has a good-natured disposition and strives to do only good deeds. In life, he strives for justice and does not like it when the rights of relatives and friends are infringed. He has a very pleasant energy, which allows you to feel as comfortable as possible next to Milan - it seems that he simply radiates goodwill and warmth.

For Mili, it is extremely important to abandon the little things and be able to concentrate on the main thing. He has a strong character, there are organizational skills. Troubles and failures only inspire and become an incentive in order to achieve the goal.

Milan and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The union of the name with Alina, Vasilina, Eva, Zhanna, Camilla, Lina is favorable. The name Milan is also combined with Milava. Difficult name relationships are likely with Wanda, Dana, Inna, Nika.

Love and marriage: Milan is able to quickly become disillusioned with marriage, as he is not entirely picky in his choice. A guy with this name loves children very much and has high hopes for them. Children bring him the greatest joy and satisfaction in life. Family is very important to him.

Mile is popular with women. Initially, he is not set up for marriage and marries, perhaps, after 30 years. It is worth noting that, even having created a family, Milan will continue to go to the side and have fun in the company of women. Moreover, his wife will know about it. However, we also note that Mil loves children and, if possible, always takes care of their upbringing. Most often, boys are born at the name. Over the years, he becomes wiser, calms down and stops paying attention to other women. A guy named Milan is a hospitable host who always strives to entertain those present with interesting stories or even playing the guitar.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He attaches great importance to versatile knowledge, learns and comprehends everything very easily and quickly. In entrepreneurship, he can be a rather difficult partner, since at first he gives in, gives in, seems to bend, but then returns to his original state, practically unchanged, and acts in his own way, indirectly forcing people to give in to him. Mile is endowed with creative abilities, can become a good designer, architect, actor, musician.

The meaning of the name Milan is determined by the number 8, which indicates that its owner will be successful in a variety of major matters, receiving material benefits and recognition from society. People like Milya always try to have a goal to go towards, because otherwise life does not make sense without development. A guy named Milan can achieve the greatest success by implementing forgotten projects or using his own talents, and therefore, even in childhood, he should decide what his abilities are.

Business and career: Milan, already in his youth, strives to live an independent life and earns pocket money himself. He is full of plans, often unusual, extravagant, and can reach a high material level.

A man with this name can manage large groups of people, and therefore, it is not surprising that he often becomes a military figure, a politician, and opens his own business. Mile often judges people by herself, and therefore, she chooses partners and friends according to material wealth and social status.

As for the choice of profession, a man named Milan often becomes a journalist, engineer, artist, tailor, doctor, priest, cabinetmaker - that is, he chooses a variety of professions. The specialty may not be the most prestigious and profitable, but it is important that Mila really likes to work. And it is very important that in the process of activity, Milan could benefit society - this is what he values ​​​​most of all in his work. In the team, Mil is loved and respected for his integrity, diligence, punctuality and professionalism in everything he does. I must say that interaction with people is always given to Milan without any problems. He Milan is quite charming and can keep up the conversation. Although sometimes he gives the impression of a cold-blooded and reserved person. In fact, this is a passionate and passionate man.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Milan: the guy is prone to accidents, burns, injuries, fractures.

The fate of Milan in history

What does the name Milan mean for male destiny?

  1. Milan Kundera is a contemporary Czech prose writer.
  2. Milan Baroš is a Czech football player of Roma origin who plays as a striker for Turkish side Galatasaray and the Czech national team. He played for the clubs "Banik" (Ostrava), "Liverpool" and "Aston Villa". In January 2008, he moved to Portsmouth on loan.
  3. Milan Nikolic is a Serbian harmonist, together with Marko Kon is a participant in Eurovision 2009 in Moscow with the song "Cipela".
  4. Milan Jovanovic is a Serbian football player. Player of the English club "Liverpool" and the national team of Serbia.
  5. Milan Vidmar is a Slovenian electrical engineer, chess player, philosopher and writer.
  6. Milan Geyduk is a professional Czech ice hockey player. Position - winger.
  7. Milan Goja - Czechoslovakian politician, Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia in 1935-1938.
  8. Milan Stankovic is a Serbian singer, participant of the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo with the song "Ovo je Balkan".

Milan in different languages ​​of the world

  • in English: Milan.
  • in Czech: Milan.
  • in Bulgarian: Milan.
  • in Serbian: Milan, Mijan, Miljan (Milyan).

Full name:

Similar names: Milon, Mylene

Church name: -

Meaning: sweet, gentle

Middle name: Milanovich, Milanovna

The meaning of the name Milan - interpretation

Milan is a Slavic name that has come down to us from Western countries. The literal translation of the word sounds like "mercy on earth." In this interpretation, the stress should be placed on the first syllable. It is also considered the feminine form of the masculine name Milan. In Russia, it is quite rare compared to the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Serbia.

Astrology named after Milan

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

The owner of a melodic name from an early age shows the best character traits. They always say about such a baby that he is a miracle, and this is the purest truth! Milan is distinguished by such qualities as diligence, perseverance, goodwill and delicacy.

He never aspires to become a leader among children, but is popular with them. You can't help but love this adorable baby. The boy grows up as a real defender of the weak, which deserves the love and approval of peers and adults.

In any situation, this child has an old-fashioned chivalrous beginning, and therefore he is ready to act as a defender of the disadvantaged and weak people, women and children. Usually Milan has a brilliant and sharp mind, which helps to choose a future profession with responsibility.

With age, Milan becomes an active and active guy who loves traveling and learning something new. He knows how to admire the beautiful, finding it literally in everything: nature, man, events and animals.

At their core, these guys are sometimes super-impulsive, especially when they see injustice. This is a kind and harmonious person, who is a good peacemaker, extinguishing conflicts at the inception stage. There is always a kind aura around him, which is difficult to spoil for any evil and prudent people.

Milan manages to find a common language with people without problems. The man is quite charming and able to keep up the conversation, despite the fact that sometimes he gives the impression of a reserved and cold-blooded person.

Despite his many positive aspects of character, enrichment becomes Milan's first priority. Milan is gifted with musical talent and hearing. He knows how to set clear goals for himself and will definitely achieve them, thanks to courtesy and charm.

It is believed that in some areas of life, Milan shows hypocrisy, but this is very rare. The bearer of this name is excellent at leading people, although he is not very concerned about achieving a leadership position in the service.

Milan is quite prudent, therefore, he mainly chooses friends with status and material wealth. Sometimes men with this name become good priests, which is explained by their soft and gentle disposition.

Character of Milan

A man with this name reacts very harshly to any life situation due to his responsiveness and kindness. Over-emotionality does not allow him to sit still for a long time and remain indifferent to someone else's grief.

Self-esteem does not allow him to endure humiliation - neither his own, nor his loved ones. The name characterizes a person with high moral principles, and justice for him is not an empty phrase at all.

With Milan it is very difficult to find a compromise. He is characterized by such traits as obsequiousness and waywardness. He always leads affairs in the necessary direction, and beautiful words and smiles are considered only part of a big plan.

A man acts gently and imperceptibly, but behind this lies undoubted deceit. His charm and defenselessness is often just a tactic behind which something else is hiding. Needless to say, Milan is ready for a lot to achieve selfish goals.

The fate of Milan

Milan always becomes a defender of justice based on his own deep conviction. There is something in the fate of a man from the image of a sad knight. The young man graduates from school with excellent marks and scrupulously chooses his future specialty. For him, the profession is important, he expects decent pay for his work. A sociable and sociable person, he becomes a welcome guest in any society.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Starting from his youth, Milan strives to become an independent person and earns a livelihood from an early age. A young man is always full of original plans for the future. Often they are extravagant and unusual, but always allow Milan to achieve stunning success in his career and a decent financial position.

Thanks to his versatile knowledge, Milan quickly and easily acquires skills and improves his knowledge. As an entrepreneur, he can be a difficult partner, because at first he succumbs to persuasion and bends under the opinions of others, and then returns to his conviction again. Never changing his goal, Milan is able to indirectly force people to yield to him in solving some issues.

In numerology, the name Milan is determined by the number eight, which means that its owner is successful in major matters. He is necessarily recognized by society and receives material benefits. Such a person clearly goes to his goal, because otherwise life loses its meaning. Milan achieves greater success in the implementation of a forgotten project and in the development of its talents. It is very important for him to concentrate on the main thing and refuse the little things. Strong character and organizational skills help to achieve goals.

Milan can be an excellent leader of a large team, so he often becomes a political figure, military man or businessman. The bearer of this name usually chooses partners according to social status and level of wealth, judging by himself.

Marriage and family

Milan usually marries after 30 years of age. A huge selection of beautiful companions does not allow him to quickly decide and decide to marry. A man clings to his freedom like the last straw. His companion is a calm and sweet woman who knows how to endure and forgives his trips to the left.

It is difficult to call the bearer of this name a diligent husband, but for his children he does everything that depends on him. Milan loves to mess around with children and brings them up by his own positive example, so that the generation grows up generous, kind, and fair. It is also difficult to call a man an excellent housekeeper. Milan is often disappointed in marriage, because he makes too strict demands on his wife, which not every woman can justify.

Sex and love

From girls, the bearer of this name has no end. He is a passionate lover, distinguished by his aristocratic manner and attractive appearance. Often he just drives the opposite sex crazy.

Ladies like his ability to give gifts, beautifully look after and envelop him with compliments. Milan's loving nature allows him to have a girl "for every day of the week", and this is the norm for him.


Milan cannot boast of excellent health and constantly suffers from frequent colds, is prone to allergies, and often faces problems with the skin and back. Because of the desire to be in time everywhere and always, he often gets burns, scratches and abrasions.

From childhood, he needs to maintain health, play sports, perform hardening procedures, be attentive to his diet, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Interests and hobbies

Often fond of creative pursuits, and therefore participates in drama clubs, goes to art school. From it turns out a chic designer of clothes, furniture and interiors. Often, Milan's hobby is various types of crafts. he is good at making crafts.

He chooses professions that are socially significant, and therefore becomes a high-class engineer, scientist, doctor, missionary and journalist in hot spots, a tailor, artist, and cabinetmaker. The man calmly agrees to the proposal to become a simple performer for a start. Sincere faith in God and correct inner convictions often force him to be a novice and a monk.

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