The meaning of the saying is repetition is the mother of learning. Repetition is the mother of learning


When using well-known catchphrases in our speech, for example, from literary classics or popular films, we often do not even finish them. Firstly, most often we see from the face of the interlocutor that we read the same books and watched the same films, and it is clear to us that we understood each other. Secondly, many phrases are so recognizable by everyone that the second half of them have not been spoken for a long time. But another generation will come and think that all wisdom is only in this short phrase, not knowing about its understatement, losing its original meaning! This happened with many Russian sayings and proverbs. We pronounce them, thinking that we understand their meaning from the cradle, but ... Apparently, our ancestors also did not bother to finish speaking them, leaving us only their first halves as a legacy ...

Russian proverbs and sayings are centuries-old folk wisdom, sharply honed, sometimes even evil. It turns out that not all of them carry the grain that our ancestors put into them - either it is smaller or of a different grade. And all because of the lost ending!

Sometimes the meaning of such a truncated proverb is not only lost, but completely incomprehensible. And the Russian people did not throw words in vain! You just need to find and return these lost grains of wisdom and understand all the charm and sharpness of folk thought!

Let's try to look for the original meaning by returning the endings to the proverbs. Let's start with proverbs that have lost only part of their meaning: everything seems to be correct, but something is missing, something is left unsaid.

Hunger is not an aunt, she will not bring a pie.

Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, get up early and start your own.

Take it out, put it down; give birth, give.

Small spool but precious; the stump is great, but rotten.

The young scold - they amuse themselves, and the old men scold - they rage.

Everything is clear with these proverbs - there is only some reticence in them, and the returned part enhances the meaning of folk wisdom. It is more difficult with those proverbs and sayings, the meaning of which, with the loss of their second part, has completely changed!

How often we heard from adults in childhood: "In a healthy body healthy mind!"? It seems that the meaning is beyond doubt, and we repeat the same thing to our children, for example, forcing them to do morning exercises. But it originally sounded like this: "A healthy mind in a healthy body is rare." This is exactly what Decimus Junius Juvenal, the Roman satirist, wrote in his Satires. This is what it means to take words out of context, which is abused by many in our time. The meaning, it turns out, was invested completely different!

Drunken sea knee-deep- it is clear that in a state of intoxication a person does not care, but in reality? The drunken sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to the ears.

Mind chamber! This means he is a very intelligent person, and his opinion is worth listening to. And if you return the ending? Mind chamber, but the key is lost!

Repetition is the mother of learning! Well, what else could it mean? And you ask Ovid, these are his words: "Repetition is the mother of learning and the refuge of donkeys (the consolation of fools)."

The meaning of many proverbs without their lost part is generally unclear! Why would it say: Lucky, as a drowned man". But if you restore the entire text, then everything will fall into place:

It’s as lucky as a Saturday drowned man - you don’t need to heat the bathhouse! So luck is only on the side of those who drowned on Saturday - they don’t have to heat the bathhouse, saving on the household!

The hen pecks at the grain - that is, each deed is done little by little, but return the ending and everything will appear in a different light . The hen pecks grain by grain, and the whole yard is in litter!

As soon as a new boss appears at work and starts innovation, someone will definitely say: "The new broom sweeps in a new way!". But the whole point is in the second half: “A new broom sweeps in a new way, but when it breaks, it lies under the bench.”

When, for example, previously unfamiliar like-minded people meet, passionate about one thing or people of the same profession, they say : "Birds of a feather flock together". And in fact it was: "Birds of a feather flock together, that's why he bypasses it." After all, where one is already catching fish, the second has nothing to do!

Great is our language and wisdom of the people. Just miracles in a sieve, and nothing more!
More precisely: Miracles in a sieve: there are many holes, but there is nowhere to jump out.


There are such golden words - repetition is the mother of teaching. And it is not just words. Our memory is arranged in such a way that if we repeat the material many times, then it is better absorbed and stored in memory longer. And if necessary, it can be quickly retrieved from memory, in other words, remembered.

It's good when a person learns. He acquires new knowledge, becomes smarter, more interesting for the interlocutor. All paths are open to him in life. Do you want to study further, do you want to work, and your work will be exciting.

A literate person and life is much more interesting than a person with a meager store of knowledge. It is very important to study well, with pleasure, with enthusiasm, only in this case the material is well absorbed and stored in memory for a long time. But sometimes things get forgotten. How to ensure that knowledge is fixed, not lost from our memory?

Consider an example. The student needs to memorize the poem. When memorized, it automatically repeats the same lines several times. And in the morning, mom or dad is asked to retell the poem again. It was remembered.

How did it happen? The poem is learned by repeated repetition of poetic lines. But this happens with all information, not only with poetry.

All people, children and even adults, take exams. Imagine that in an exam you need to answer on a topic. Have you ever read it, once, well, maybe twice. Something was remembered, but this is clearly not enough for a good answer. And if the material was learned, understood, repeated several times, then at the right time it will be pulled out of the corresponding memory cells.

Repetition of previously learned material is the best way to remember something.

Repetition is the mother of learning. It is not for nothing that this proverb settled in the realm of Russian folk proverbs. Folk wisdom has been tested for centuries, and you should not reinvent the wheel.

Outside the twenty-first century. Now valuable people are literate, with a large store of knowledge, owning a huge amount of information. Such people are successful, their life is in full swing. Information is our everything. And you need to remember.

Learned and forgotten. What's interesting about this? The information transited through our brain, and did not linger in nm. If we need it, we won't be able to use it.

Memory needs to be trained. Repetition trains memory. After repeated repetitions, the memorized is placed in such memory cells that store information for a long time, the so-called long-term memory.

Repeat, because repetition is the mother of learning!

  • 10.12.2016
  • Literature

The meaning of the proverb Repetition is the mother of learning

  • Repetition of previously learned is the best teacher, the best way to remember something.
  • I think like this: Repetition is the mother of learning, which means that without repeating certain knowledge, excellent learning will not work. without repetition, it will be VERY difficult to study and the like. I think so.
  1. Mother and daughter did not see each other for 21 years (did not see her daughter from 4 years old) mother gave birth at 23 years old the question is how old is the mother
  2. Write proverbs about literacy that exist
  3. Explain the meaning of the proverb: Take care of your dear land, like your beloved mother
  4. Write the missing letters Write in brackets the test words we call our homeland () our country () because we were born here () and everything here is happy for us () like a mother, fed () The homeland fed us with its bread, watered us with its waters Like a mother, she protects and protects us
  5. Three guys, among whom was 14-year-old Igor, stole a video recorder from the mathematics room of their school. The boys were prosecuted. at the age of 18. So you can’t prosecute him.” Is Igor’s mother right?

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To the question of the explanation of the proverb, repetition is the mother of learning, given by the author Katerina the best answer is So if you repeat it again, it won't get any worse
but on the contrary, it's even better!

Answer from flush[newbie]
Repeat - strengthen in memory.
For example, when poems are taught, they are repeated more than once or twice in order to remember.

Answer from Masha Klimenko[master]
Let's start with the fact that the proverb in your performance says that you have a little difficulty with the Russian language. so repeat it one more time to be sure to remember.
Repetition is the mother of learning!

Answer from quilting[guru]
the same as brevity is the sister of talent
the first was invented by stupid people, the second - by telepaths
the presence of a mother also implies a father, but who is the father of the teaching, everyone knows this, in any case, the Marxist-Koleninsky teaching, hence - study, study and study again
I’ll tell Nadenka - I’ll go to Inessa
I’ll tell Inessa - I’ll go to the monks - to Nadya
and I myself will go to cheydachok to study to study and study

Answer from freshly salted[guru]
I explain - Repetition is the mother of learning is a saying, which means that the main thing in learning is repetition. Learning is useless without repetition. From here the word mother comes out - the beginning, the sprout of all learning, without repetition there will be no learning. Although without learning there will be no repetition.
And now in simple terms: repetition is a figure consisting in the repetition of words, expressions, a song or poetic line in order to draw special attention to them.
But that has nothing to do with this issue either.
Attempt No. 3: If you do not repeat what you have learned, then very soon you will forget everything. From here it follows that in order to know something you have to repeat everything.

Answer from Maks solo[newbie]
boy doll doll

Answer from Mikhail Karnaukhov[active]
There are such golden words - "repetition is the mother of learning." And it is not just words. Our memory is arranged in such a way that if we repeat the material many times, then it is better absorbed and stored in memory longer. And if necessary, it can be quickly retrieved from memory, in other words, remembered.
It's good when a person learns. He acquires new knowledge, becomes smarter, more interesting for the interlocutor. All paths are open to him in life. If you want - study further, if you want - work, and your work will be exciting.
A literate person and life is much more interesting than a person with a meager store of knowledge. Learning well, with pleasure, with enthusiasm is very important, only in this case the material is well absorbed and stored in memory for a long time. But sometimes things get forgotten. How to ensure that knowledge is fixed, not lost from our memory?
Consider an example. The student needs to memorize the poem. When memorized, it automatically repeats the same lines several times. And in the morning, mom or dad is asked to retell the poem again. It was remembered.
How did it happen? The poem is learned by repeated repetition of poetic lines. But this happens with all information, not only with poetry.
All people, children and even adults, take exams. Imagine that in an exam you need to answer on a topic. Have you ever read it, once, well, maybe twice. Something was remembered, but this is clearly not enough for a good answer. And if the material has been learned, understood, repeated several times, then at the right time it will be pulled out of the corresponding “cells” of memory.
Repetition of previously learned material is the best way to remember something.
Repetition is the mother of learning. It is not for nothing that this proverb “settled” in the realm of Russian folk proverbs. Folk wisdom has been tested for centuries, and you should not "reinvent the wheel".
Outside the twenty-first century. Now valuable people are literate, with a large store of knowledge, owning a huge amount of information. Such people are successful, their life is in full swing. Information is our everything. And it needs to be remembered.
Learned and forgotten. What's interesting about this? Information transited through our brain, and did not linger in it. If we need it, we won't be able to use it.
Memory needs to be trained. Repetition trains memory. After repeated repetitions, the memorized is placed in such memory cells that store information for a long time, the so-called long-term memory.
Repeat, because repetition is the mother of learning!

No wonder they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning." The strength of memorization is achieved mainly through repetition.

But is repetition always productive? Monotonous, mechanical repetition without interruption requires great concentration of attention, great patience, but does not differ in strength.

Retelling immediately after reading the text is a great way to train your memory. During retelling, information is processed in the cerebral cortex. If you simply read the same material again, then there is simply a “recognition” of familiar material. The illusion of knowledge is created. But the material is not fixed in memory.

Varied, timed repetition is much more effective. First, repeat immediately after memorization, then after 15-20 minutes, then after an hour, then after 3-4 hours, and again after 24 hours. It is better for each person to develop their own memorization algorithm, depending on the type of perception and the initial level of memory.

What is the best way to work with memorized material?

It is necessary to determine the logical sequence of information, highlight the main thing in it, draw up a diagram, find your own examples, and select illustrations. Also, for the lasting preservation of information, a setting for memorization is necessary: ​​the material will come in handy many more times, it is difficult to do without it in life, to determine for yourself where and when this information will be useful.

It is equally important that the stored information is in the system, i.e. found a connection with the information already in memory. Fragmentary information is much more difficult to retrieve from memory. When moving from memorizing one complex material to memorizing another, it is necessary to take breaks (at least 15 minutes).

When the material is learned by 60-70%, it is better to take a break for 10 minutes and switch to something else. Then return to the memorized material again, and do not re-read it again, but remember, referring to the text. During the break, the processes of involuntary recall will turn on (scientists called them reminiscence), and the material will be fixed in memory even better than if at that time we repeated it one or two more times. If you do not take a break, but continue to cram the material, then there is a suppression of traces in memory.

Of great importance is our attitude to the memorized material. If we experience a negative attitude, if we do not understand why we teach it, then a positive result should not be expected. Learning "under pressure" is very tiring, and the information in memory will not be stored for long.

A very vivid example: when a student learns tickets for an exam in an unloved subject, only to pass it. He spends much more time on this than on preparing for an exam in his favorite subject. And as soon as the exam is passed, the information will very quickly be erased from memory as unnecessary.

Thus, it is more difficult to remember and easily forgotten that a person does not understand well, that a person is not interested in what is not related to his needs. It is better to remember what a person is interested in, an emotional response, “hurts to the core”.

Short-term memory can be expanded by mentally repeating information for as long as it is needed. For example, if we need to remember a phone number, but there is no way to write it down, we repeat it many times in our minds. The more we repeat information that is in short-term memory, the more likely it is to be stored in long-term memory. Without repetition, the information contained in short-term memory disappears forever after 20 seconds. Those. if the phone number we wanted to remember disappears from short-term memory, then we will not be able to restore it.

Learned information can be repeated in different ways: retell it to someone, reread it or listen to it again. But if we comprehend the content of the information received and speak it, then the information will remain in memory.

Thus, if we do not clarify, comprehend, supplement and think about information, link it with existing knowledge and memories, the information will quickly be forgotten.


The greatest wealth of a people is language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have been accumulated and live in the word. Accurate and figurative Russian language is rich in proverbs and sayings. These are short, simple, but well-aimed and instructive sayings. They talk about what has been tested thousands of times by the experience of many, many people. “Mind and feelings in Russian proverbs - for whole books,” M. Gorky rightly said. In proverbs, the people passed on to their children and grandchildren their cherished rules of life, taught them the mind. Folk wisdom is not wrong! Everyone knows the proverb “repetition is the mother of learning”. Psychologists believe that “without repetition, long-term preservation of information is impossible, since, being stored in memory, it undergoes constant changes: it is distorted with each repeated recall. That is why classical repetition is not only not obsolete as a method of fixing material, but is simply necessary in the work of memory.

The experience of working at school has shown that the need to repeat the knowledge of students is due to many reasons. Firstly, the process of forgetting is inevitable, which leads to a loss of clarity, a decrease in the amount of knowledge, difficulties and errors, and sometimes a complete inability to reproduce previously studied material. Secondly, when returning to the previously studied material, prerequisites are created for obtaining new knowledge, firmly consolidating and deepening the old ones. Thirdly, repetition enables the teacher to coordinate the work to eliminate gaps in students' knowledge. In our time, the student needs to know a lot and remember a lot. With each year of study, students receive new additional information that needs to be comprehended, processed, learned to put into practice, and, moreover, in less time than before. It happens that sometimes students forget the material that was studied recently. This, of course, affects the performance of children. Which always upsets both parents and teachers. No less annoying are the difficulties in assimilation of a large amount of information. Increasingly, complaints of poor memory are heard from all sides.

To date, the problem of developing the memory of younger students is relevant and socially significant. Not a single mental function can be carried out without the participation of memory. And memory itself is unthinkable outside of other mental processes. Features of memory as the most important mental function were studied by many world-famous researchers: G. Ebbinghaus, T. Ribot, A. A. Smirnov, P. I. Zinchenko, D. Carnegie, A. R. Luria and others. I. M. Sechenov noted that without memory, our sensations and perceptions, disappearing without a trace as they arise, would leave a person forever in the position of a newborn.

Memory is an amazing property of human consciousness, it is the renewal in our minds of the past, images of what once impressed us. This process underlies human abilities, is a condition for the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities. Without memory, the normal functioning of either the individual or society is impossible. Thanks to his memory, its improvement, a person stood out from the animal world and reached the heights at which he is now. And the further progress of mankind without the constant improvement of this higher mental function is unthinkable.

Memory is the memorization, preservation and subsequent reproduction of what we previously perceived, experienced or did. Memory begins with remembering. Memorization is a memory process that ensures the preservation of material in memory as the most important condition for its subsequent reproduction. For most people, the best way to remember is repetition. Dale Carnegie calls repetition the second law of memory and gives the following example: “Thousands of Muslim students know by heart the Qur'an, a book about the size of the New Testament, and they achieve this largely through repetition. We can remember anything, within reason, if we repeat it often enough.”

It is unlikely that anyone who is deeply interested in the problem of a child's learning will not remember the words of K. D. Ushinsky that "sometimes you can correct a child's remarkable inability to learn by teaching him to actively repeat the lesson." It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this pedagogical action, since the great teacher, continuing his thought, tells us: “If he himself has not yet discovered its benefits with his little experience” (see Ushinsky K.D., Selected pedagogical works in 2 volumes - v.1 / Theoretical problems of pedagogy /, M .: Pedagogy, 1974, p. 325). What is active repetition? In one of the most famous teacher's manuals, in the teacher's book "How to teach children to learn", its author, K. V. Bardin, addresses the topic of using active repetition twice in teaching. And, surprisingly, both times, giving his definition of active repetition, he deviates from the definition given to it by K.D. Ushinsky. Let's compare:

According to Bardin:

1. “If a child, while repeating the material, simply opens the textbook and re-reads everything from the book, this is passive repetition. A much higher result is given by active repetition, when a person tries to remember the material himself, without looking anywhere.

2. “We have already discussed active and passive assimilation above. In the same way, repetition is active when the student, straining his memory, tries to remember the content of the required material.

According to Ushinsky:

“Active repetition consists in the fact that the student independently, without perceiving impressions from the outside world, reproduces in himself the traces of the ideas perceived by him before.”

The student read, for example, the text. After that, he can read it again and again - this will be a passive repetition; he can, after reading the text, close the book and, straining his memory, recall it. That is:

a) Retell, as he sometimes retells a text with a foreign speech incomprehensible to him. Will this action be active repetition? Yes, it will! But the student will not get any use from such an “active” repetition, except perhaps for training verbal memory.

b) To present (to also remember!) information in the text - this will be, according to K.D. Ushinsky, precisely active repetition.

A person learns, reproduces (does not compare, does not combine, does not compose concepts ... but simply reproduces) ideas - this process of mental activity precedes thinking. KD Ushinsky called it active repetition. The value of active repetition in learning is enormous. Repetition - consciously controlled and uncontrolled processes of material reproduction. It is necessary to start trying to reproduce the text as early as possible, since internal activity mobilizes attention to the strongest degree and makes memorization successful. KD Ushinsky called reproduction during memorization an active repetition of the material, which contributes to the development and strengthening of the student's memory. The most active form of random reproduction is recall. In the process of remembering, temporary connections are more actively enlivened. Recall is the most active reproduction, it is associated with tension and requires certain volitional efforts. The success of recall depends on the understanding of the logical connection of the forgotten material with the rest of the material that is well preserved in the memory. It is important to evoke a chain of associations that indirectly help to recall the necessary. K. D. Ushinsky gave the following advice to teachers: do not impatiently prompt a student who is trying to remember the material, since the process of recall itself is useful - what the child himself managed to remember will be remembered well in the future. Recall is associated with tension for the student. According to the apt observation of KD Ushinsky, younger students do not like to remember what they have forgotten. Pointing to this feature of younger students, K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “Persistent recollection is labor and labor is always difficult, to which the child must be accustomed little by little.”

Repetition has a diagnostic and developmental character. It unites all lessons, being a mandatory component of learning in each of the lessons of all possible types. When repeating from previously studied material, not only the most significant facts, concepts, skills are reproduced, but also logical connections are established between them. Their origin and development are traced. At the same time, the studied material is rethought as a whole, which leads not only to the strengthening of what has been learned, but also to building knowledge into a concise structural system, thereby increasing the quality of assimilation of the studied material, developing the mental activity of students, and reducing their workload.

Each new repetition contributes to a better memorization of what was learned before. So the lessons of the Russian language can begin with a “minute of repetition”, which is the organizational moment of the lesson. At this stage of the lesson, for several minutes, students repeat the rules for the studied spellings, be sure to give their examples. In this case, of course, repetitions should be varied. At each lesson, children reproduce the rules or terms for a new section of the Russian language. For example, Monday is morphemic, Tuesday is lexicology, Wednesday is morphology, Thursday is orthography, and Friday is syntax and punctuation. You can spend "minutes of repetition" in the form of questions. For example: the "morphemic" section:

1) What is a root?

2) What is the end?

3) What is a suffix?

4) What is a prefix?

5) How to distinguish a prefix from a preposition?

In case of limited time, the question is replaced by the wording of the rule, which the children must complete. For example: Teacher: What is the name of the part of speech that designates the subject and answers the questions of WHO? or WHAT? Student: Noun. All this saves valuable time in the classroom.

However, repetition is productive only when it is conscious, meaningful and active. Otherwise, it leads to rote memorization. Therefore, the best type of repetition is the inclusion of learned material in subsequent activities. So, when studying a new dictionary word in a Russian language lesson, various types of analysis studied earlier are included in the dictionary work: phonetic, morphemic, morphological, syntactic. Under these conditions, the necessary knowledge is firmly remembered even without memorization, that is, involuntarily. Previously acquired knowledge, being included in the context of new knowledge, is not only updated, but also qualitatively changed, rethought.

In mathematics lessons, “minutes of repetition” are included in the mental calculation, where tasks on previously studied topics are also taken.

Do not do without these minutes and lessons of familiarization with the outside world. At each lesson, we always remember what was passed a long time ago and more recently.

Also in the work, you can use the following technique: any student who answers in the lesson, classmates additionally ask two questions from the material covered. Sometimes children who ask a question remember and puzzle their classmates in such a way that they have to work hard to remember the material. Thus, by asking questions and answering them, children again involuntarily turn to what, it would seem, has been forgotten.

It is important that when repeating this or that information, students learn to highlight the essential, discarding the secondary. Repetition puts the student in the conditions when he needs, having comprehended the material, to highlight the most important thing. At the same time, with the active repetition of educational material, knowledge deepens, expands, intellectual skills and abilities are developed. Thus, the necessary strength of assimilation is ensured, the causes of gaps in students' knowledge are eliminated and favorable conditions are created for increasing the efficiency of studying program material.


1. Introduction to psychology./Compiled by Petrovsky A.V. - M., Progress, 1989.

2. Nemov R.S. Psychology: Textbook for students ped. schools, students of ped. institutions and employees of the system of training, advanced training and retraining of ped. frames. - M., Education, 1990.

3. Human memory and its education // Nechaev A.P. - M., - Voronezh, 1997.

4. How to develop self-confidence and influence people by speaking in public. / Compiled by Carnegie D. - M., Progress, 1989.

5. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works in two volumes. - M., 1974; Ushinsky K.D. Pedagogical essays in 6 volumes - M .: Pedagogy, 1988.

1. Appetite comes with eating, and greed is at the time of appetite.

2. Grandmother wondered, said in two whether rain, or snow, whether it will be, or not.

3. Poverty is not a vice, but misfortune.

4. A healthy mind in a healthy body - rare luck.

5. The family has its black sheep, and because of the freak, everything is not to please.

6. Lucky as sabbath drowned man - no need to heat the bath.

7. A raven will not peck out a crow's eye, and peck out, but not pull out.

8. Everyone seeks the truth, not everyone does it.

9. Where it is thin, it breaks there, where it is thick, there it is layered.

10. It was smooth on paper, Yes, they forgot about the ravines, and walk along them.

11. Goal like a falcon, and sharp as an ax.

12. Hunger is not an aunt, won't bring a pie.

13. Hunchbacked grave will fix, and the stubborn - a club.

14. The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a shovel: know what is bitter, what is sweet.

15. Two pair of boots, yes both left.

16. Two thirds are waiting, and seven do not wait for one.

17. Girlish shame - to the threshold, overstepped and forgot.

18. The work of the master is afraid, and another craftsman.

19. Road spoon to dinner, and there at least under the bench.

20. The law is not written for fools, if written - then not read, if read - then not understood, if understood - then not so.

21. We live, we chew bread, and sometimes we add salt.

22. For a beaten man they give two unbeaten, Yes, it doesn't hurt, they take.

23. You chase two hares - not one wild boar you won't catch.

24. Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

25. Hare legs are worn, the teeth feed the wolf, the tail protects the fox.

26. AND business time, And fun hour.

27. And the blind horse carries, if a sighted person sits on a cart.

28. A mosquito will not knock down a horse, until the bear helps.

29. Whoever remembers the old - that eye out, and whoever forgets - both.

30. The hen pecks grain by grain, and the whole yard is in the litter.

31. Dashing trouble is the beginning, and the end is near.

32. Dashing trouble initiative - there is a hole, there will be a hole.

33. Young people scold - amuse themselves, and the old people scold - rage.

34. They carry water on the (offended) angry, and the good ones themselves ride.

35. Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf, get up early and start your own.

36. Not all cat carnival, there will be a post.

37. The woodpecker does not grieve that he cannot sing, and so the whole forest hears it.

38. Neither fish nor meat, neither caftan nor cassock.

39. A new broom sweeps in a new way, but when it breaks, it lies under the bench.

40. One in the field is not a warrior, and the traveler.

41. Horses die from work, and people are getting stronger.

42. Horses don't roar from oats but they do not look for good from good.

43. Stick, double-edged, hitting here and there.

44. Repetition is the mother of learning, consolation of fools.

45. Repetition is the mother of learning and a haven for the lazy.

46. ​​Water does not flow under a lying stone, and under the rolling - does not have time.

47. The drunken sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to your ears.

48. Dust in a column, smoke in a yoke, but the hut is not heated, not swept.

49. Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest, because it, accursed, must be done.

50. Grow big, but don't be a noodle, stretch a mile, but don't be simple.

51. The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar, therefore bypasses.

52. Hand washes hand, yes they both itch.

53. Get along with a bee - get a honey, contact with a beetle - you will find yourself in manure.

54. Your eye is a diamond, and the alien is glass.

55. Seven troubles - one answer, the eighth trouble - absolutely nowhere.

56. A bold bullet is afraid, and he will find a coward in the bushes.

57. Dog in the manger lies, she does not eat and does not give to cattle.

58. The dog was eaten, choked on their tail.

59. Old age is not joy, sit down - do not get up, run - do not stop.

60. The old horse will not spoil the furrow, and it won't plow deep.

62. Fear has large eyes, yes they don't see anything.

63. Hit on one cheek - turn the other, but don't let yourself get hit.

64. Mind chamber, yes the key is lost.

65. Bread on the table - and the table is the throne, but not a piece of bread - and the table is a board.

66. Trouble is full of mouth, and nothing to eat.

67. Miracles in a sieve - a lot of holes, but nowhere to jump out.

68. Shito-covered, and the knot is here.

69. My tongue is my enemy, before the mind speaks.

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