Meaning of the word wealth. Thoughts on “What is Wealth”


Today I want to talk about what does it mean to be rich. What is wealth? What does this concept imply? How and how to measure it? What are the key criteria for wealth? How can you tell which person is rich and which is not?

What does it mean to be rich?

If you ask this question to different people, then I am sure that each of them will name completely different criteria for wealth.

Someone will say that being a rich person means having a million dollars, and someone will name a hundred million (the difference is a hundred times right away!). For someone, a person who has a solid house and a big beautiful car will be considered rich, for someone, for example, a yacht will serve as a criterion for wealth, and for someone, the presence of a surname on Forbes lists. Surely there will be people who will say that happiness is not in money, but a rich person is one who is spiritually rich. Each of them will be right in their own way.

Each person will answer the question “What does it mean to be rich?” in their own way. Everyone has their own criteria for wealth, and this is quite normal and understandable.

In addition, an individual's idea of ​​wealth can change throughout life. At a young age, many people dream of saving a certain amount of money or having a certain amount of income per month, and it seems that achieving this is the ultimate dream. But now the dream comes true, and it turns out that this is not so much as it seemed. Along with the growth of incomes, the needs also grow, so those earnings and savings, which previously could only be dreamed of, are no longer enough. The criteria for wealth are changing.

From this we can conclude that since wealth is a very vague and changing concept, it is almost impossible to become rich, because the “bar” of wealth for a particular person will constantly grow.

What is wealth anyway? How to measure it?

If we are talking about material wealth, then I propose to answer this question as follows:

Wealth is the difference between what a person has earned and what he has spent. In other words, wealth is all monetary and material (remember what the personal budget consists of) with the exception of spending on current needs. This is all that a person has available at the current moment.

wealth formula.

Thus, we can derive the formula for wealth. It will look like this:

Or like this:

Or, speaking in simple and accessible language, the formula for wealth will be as follows:

Wealth = Earned - Spent

All these wealth formulas are identical to each other and mean the same thing, just expressed in different words.

I hope you understand what wealth is and what it means to be rich. First of all, it depends on your personal perception, and in any case there can be no unambiguous answer here.

Since wealth is an ambiguous and unstable value, I would not advise striving for it at all. It is better, in my opinion, not to strive for wealth, but for, since this is already something more clear and amenable to definition.

You don’t need a lot of money, because the concept of “a lot” will constantly grow. Rather, they should be sufficient. Enough to feel independent of money.

In the next post on I will talk about how to become rich. Stay with us!

Wealth cf. plenty, abundance, abundance, excess, excess. Harvest wealth. Wealth of thoughts. | The abundance of property, stomachs, money, yarosl. bonfire richly, arch. wealth, lower wealth, ryaz. rich man, zap. rich cf. (see also bagatie), bellies, estate, property, wealth, wealth, condition; sufficiency, prosperity; objects that make up a person's property, and life itself, the state of the prosperous; opposite sex poverty, lack, squalor, poverty, need, want. Wealth is akin to arrogance. Wealth destroys, and poverty oppresses. Wealth jerks off (swells), and squalor stomps. Not the same person in wealth as in poverty. Wealth is water, it has come and gone. Wealth does not help a foolish son. Not to live with wealth, with a man, they say. about marriage. Neither a horse without a bridle, nor wealth without a mind. The mind gives birth to wealth (the mind gives). Poverty cries, wealth jumps. Don't be in hell, don't make riches. Not from poverty (squalor) stinginess came out, from wealth. | Splendor, splendor, luxury. Temple decorations are famous for wealth. Rich, rich sowing, rich ryaz. plentiful, plentiful, copious, many. Rich harvest. Rich copper ore. Rich imagination. | Possessing great property, estate, wealth. A rich man, like a horned bull, is arrogant. The rich live, and the poor howl. A rich man takes care of his face (in a fight), and a poor man takes care of his clothes. The richer (richer), the meaner. And a rich man, but a miser. Rich - will buy the mind; miserable and would sell his own, but they won’t buy it. A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister. Those who are mercenary are not rich. Why should I (or: I don’t need) a rich man, give me a puffy one. Don't ask the rich, ask the puffy one. Not rich feeds, puffy. The rich devil rides children. You will be rich, you will be horned. Who is rich, he is horned, proud. The rich man cannot sleep: the rich thief is afraid. Not rich, but tory. Looking at people, you will not be rich. After all, I’m not referring to a rich peasant, but to God, they say, if they don’t believe God. Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly. The rich devils forge money. The rich man does not need a friend. Not strong, do not fight: not rich, do not be angry. You will be rich, you will be stingy. It is difficult to be rich, but it is not surprising to be well-fed (and contented). rich adv. redundant, abundant, ardent, luxurious, splendid; | ryaz. tul. good, nice, eminent, fine; | thief. eagle little Russian a lot of. We have a lot of sheep. Rich man, rich woman, sib. get rich m. rich woman, rich woman, rich woman, arch. rich woman vol. hero of the south zap., a person rich in property; prosperous, prosperous, very sufficient, wealthy, pecuniary. | Rich man, fire, see wealth. The rich are puzachi; shanks - ankles. The rich rich man has a lot of beer-honey, but with a stone it would be in the water. We praise God, we magnify Christ, we curse the rich rich. Wealthy cf. collected rich people, rich people. Here gathered such a rich that fear. Bogatich m. rich w. son or daughter of a rich man. Unsuccessful rich people live; needy unspoiled better. Rich as priests and blue horses: they rarely succeed. Rich, rich, owned by a rich man. In front of the gate, in front of the rich, a song. To enrich someone, to enrich, to endow with wealth. What is rich, then dawns, trade. To get rich or get rich, to get rich, to profit; be enriched. From youth it was not rich, but in old age it wanted to. Wealth cf. the action of the rich, enrichment. Wealth, the state of the rich. He got rich, he got rich, and he made me rich, and he got rich himself. Rich woman m. rich woman f. enriching someone, giving wealth. Mother Earth is our riches. Rich, rich, rich. tver. pitches. plant conyza; komornik, flea beetle; | plant guns, Erigeron, flea beetle, unfading; they tell fortunes about Ivan Kupala: they stick a kidney into the slot of the hut, or put it under the icons; bloom, for good; dry up, damn it. Compound words: rich-loving, rich-gifted, etc. are understandable in themselves, but are heavy and of little use.

A.G. Dolzhenko
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  • Wealth- 1) spiritual and material, given to a person; 2) material goods in general, which a person gets regardless of whether he obtains them in accordance with God or not; 3) something that is dear to a person in any respect (example: children are our wealth; my years are my wealth).

    The highest wealth is spiritual wealth - this is life in, the possibility of connecting with God.

    Spiritual wealth in the exact sense of the word is God Himself, the grace of the Holy Spirit that dwells in a person, which is more valuable than anything in the world. It is imperishable, imperishable, inalienable wealth. With it, a person passes into eternal life. Spiritual wealth is depicted in the parables of the Savior in the form of a priceless pearl, finding which a person sells everything he has, called an inexhaustible heavenly treasure ().

    Earthly, material wealth is a set of material goods given to a person in excess for temporary use. Earthly wealth is incomparable with heavenly, and therefore is called small (). It is also called unrighteous (), because any wealth that remains with us becomes unrighteous, is retained and is not alienated to the needs of the poor.

    Earthly wealth can be understood as a gift from God only under certain conditions. Namely, if a rich person distributes it for the benefit of those in need. A rich person initially has no advantage over. " The property status of a person in itself cannot be considered as evidence of whether he is pleasing or unpleasing to God.» . Moreover, a rich person is not an owner in the exact sense of the word. " According to the teachings of the Church, people receive all earthly blessings from God, to whom belongs the absolute right to own them. The Savior repeatedly shows the relativity of property rights for a person in parables: this is either a vineyard given for use (), or talents distributed among people (), or an estate given for temporary management ()» . The true Owner of everything is the Creator of everything, God. Therefore, the correct disposal of property is possible only through the observance of His commandments.

    Divine commandment requires help to those in need. The Christian norm of attitude to property should be based on the gospel principle of love for one's neighbor, expressed in the words of the Savior: I give you a new commandment, that you love one another»(). This commandment should serve as an imperative for Christians and, from the point of view of the Church, for other people in the sphere of regulating all types of interpersonal relations, including property relations. " Possessing significant property, he does not sin who uses it in accordance with the will of God, to whom all things belong, and with the law of love, for the joy and fullness of life is not in acquisition and possession, but in giving and sacrifice.» .

    The very process of giving gifts to the needy, the act of helping him, is the direct duty of a wealthy person. Possessing an excess of property, a wealthy person has not his own, but someone else's. He possesses God-given goodness, which God has given him to meet the needs of the poor. Ultimately, he has the property of the have-not, which he must simply return. And here arises the paradox of the Christian ethics of serving the poor. " You do not give to the poor from yours, but return to him from his own", the saint teaches. And the one who distributes wealth is not a benefactor in the exact sense of the word, but even a guilty one. " Therefore, he who distributes to everyone from the money collected to himself should not receive a reward for this, but rather remains guilty of the fact that he unjustly deprived others of them up to this time., says the saint.
    teaches that, without helping his neighbor, the rich turn into a robber. Interpreting the Savior’s teaching about unrighteous wealth (), the blessed one emphasizes that any wealth that remains with us becomes unrighteous, is retained and is not alienated to the needs of the poor. Moreover, such behavior has serious social consequences, provokes social instability, tension and conflicts. " The sinful attitude to property, manifested in forgetfulness or conscious rejection of this spiritual principle, gives rise to division and alienation between people.» .

    Thus, economic inequality, expressed in the division of society into rich and poor, is not some static reality justified from above. It is allowed to mankind as a test, as a given, which he must not cultivate and preserve, but change and overcome. Saved as a given, economic inequality is tantamount to the dominance of passion. And overcome in the unity of love, it testifies to the fulfillment of duty to one's neighbor.

    The Apostle James says: Listen, my beloved brethren: has not God chosen the poor of the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he has promised to those who love him?(). True, spiritual wealth is available to any person, the Lord immeasurably grants it to everyone, regardless of their social status, innate abilities and business qualities.

    Do not grieve when a man becomes rich, or when the glory of his house increases; for when he dies, he will take nothing with him, and his glory will not descend with him into the earth. ().

    When wealth is multiplied, do not attach your heart to it” ()

    Wealth will not help on the day of anger ().

    A good name is better than great wealth, and good fame is better than silver and gold ”().

    Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and into a snare and into many reckless and harmful lusts ”().

    Don't worry about amassing wealth; leave such thoughts of yours. Fix your eyes on him, and he is no more; because it will make wings for itself and, like an eagle, fly to the sky ().

    An envious person hurries to wealth, and does not think that poverty will befall him ().

    Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ().

    How difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter the Kingdom of God! ().

    Wealth in itself is nothing. But in a sense, it is a talent... A talent that can either be multiplied or buried in the ground. Either acquired for eternity, through wasting in this temporal life, or, on the contrary, lost in its egoistic preservation...
    Hieromonk Methodius

    I was once struck (it was before perestroika, in the 80s), when my spiritual father, Archpriest Vladimir Rozhkov, saw a large family with five children at the entrance to the temple, and said: “Look, a rich man, he has five children.” Since then, my attitude towards this word has warmed. The real wealth, of course, is not in what kind of car a person has (especially since in one second it can simply turn into nothing, into junk), but in something more ...
    Archpriest Andrei Lorgus

    Even while still outside the kingdom of God, we are already amazingly rich. God has given us so much: we are mentally and emotionally gifted, our life is so full that it may seem to us that more cannot be, that we have reached the fullness, wholeness, the limit of our search. But we must understand and must remember that there is always something more. We can rejoice that no matter how poor we are, we So rich, but at the same time strive for the true treasure of the Kingdom of God, not allowing yourself to be carried away by what we already have, so as not to turn away from what is yet to come.
    We must remember that everything we have is given to us as a gift. The first beatitude speaks of begging, and only if we live by this commandment can we enter the Kingdom of God. This commandment has a double meaning; on the one hand, it is obvious that, whether we like it or not, we have nothing to hold on to; we discover that we are nothing and possess nothing: an all-terminal, yawning, hopeless misery. We exist because God called us into being, brought us into being; we had no part in it, it was not an act of our free will. We do not own life in such a way that someone at any moment could not take it from us, and in this sense, everything we are and everything we have is short-lived. We have a body - but it will die; we have a mind - but it is enough for a tiny vessel to burst in the brain for the greatest mind to die out; we have a sensitive, living heart, but there comes a moment when we would like to express all our sympathy, all our understanding to someone who needs it - and we have only a stone in our chest ...
    So it can be said in a sense that we have nothing because we are not free in anything we have. And this might lead us not to the feeling that we belong to the Kingdom of God, and to joy about it, but to despair - if we did not remember that although nothing is ours that could not be taken away from us, nevertheless we have all this. We are rich, and everything we have is a gift and evidence of God's love and human love, everything is an uninterrupted stream of Divine love; and because of this (and because we have nothing) the love of God is manifested with constancy and fullness. And everything that we rake into our own hands in order to appropriate, is thus torn out of the realm of love. Yes, it becomes ours - but love is lost. And only those who give everything experience true, total, final, inescapable spiritual poverty and possess the love of God, expressed in all His gifts. One of our Russian theologians, father, said: "All the food of the world is the love of God made edible." I think this is true; and the moment we try to get rich by holding something to keep in our hands, we are at a loss, because as long as we have nothing in our hands, we can take or not take, or do anything with them.
    This is what the kingdom of God is: we feel we are free from possession; and this freedom establishes us in a relationship where everything is human love and God's love.
    So if you think in such categories, you can transfer it to what I have already talked about before. Yes, we are rich; but we must never be deceived by this wealth and imagine that it is possible to destroy old granaries, old barns and build new ones in order to put more and more good things there (cf.


    cf. plenty, abundance, abundance, excess, excess. Harvest wealth. Wealth of thoughts.

    The abundance of property, stomachs, money, yarosl. bonfire richly, arch. wealth, lower wealth, ryaz. rich man, zap. rich cf. (also rich), bellies, estate, property, wealth, wealth, condition; sufficiency, prosperity; objects that make up a person's property, and life itself, the state of the prosperous; opposite sex poverty, lack, squalor, poverty, need, want. Wealth is akin to arrogance. Wealth destroys, and poverty oppresses. Wealth jerks off (swells), and squalor stomps. Not the same person in wealth as in poverty. Wealth is water, it has come and gone. Wealth does not help a foolish son. Not to live with wealth, with a man, they say. about marriage. Neither a horse without a bridle, nor wealth without a mind. The mind gives birth to wealth (the mind gives). Poverty cries, wealth jumps. Don't be in hell, don't make riches. Not from poverty (squalor) stinginess came out, from wealth.

    Splendor, splendor, luxury. Temple decorations are famous for wealth. Rich, rich sowing, rich ryaz. plentiful, plentiful, copious, many. Rich harvest. Rich copper ore. Rich imagination.

    Possessing great property, estate, wealth. A rich man, like a horned bull, is arrogant. The rich live, and the poor howl. A rich man takes care of his face (in a fight), and a poor man takes care of his clothes. The richer (richer), the meaner. And a rich man, but a miser. Rich - will buy the mind; miserable and would sell his own, but they won’t buy it. A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister. Those who are mercenary are not rich. Why should I (or: I don’t need) a rich man, give me a puffy one. Don't ask the rich, ask the puffy one. Not rich feeds, puffy. The rich devil rides children. You will be rich, you will be horned. Who is rich, he is horned, proud. The rich man cannot sleep: the rich thief is afraid. Not rich, but tory. Looking at people, you will not be rich. After all, I’m not referring to a rich peasant, but to God, they say, if they don’t believe God. Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly. The rich devils forge money. The rich man does not need a friend. Not strong, do not fight: not rich, do not be angry. You will be rich, you will be stingy. It is difficult to be rich, but it is not surprising to be well-fed (and contented). rich adv. redundant, abundant, ardent, luxurious, splendid;

    ryaz. tul. good, nice, eminent, fine;

    thief. eagle little Russian a lot of. We have a lot of sheep. Rich man, rich woman, sib. get rich m. rich woman, rich woman, rich woman, arch. rich woman vol. hero of the south zap., a person rich in property; prosperous, prosperous, very sufficient, wealthy, pecuniary.

    Rich man, fire, wealth. The rich are puzachi; shanks - ankles. The rich rich man has a lot of beer-honey, but with a stone it would be in the water. We praise God, we magnify Christ, we curse the rich rich. Wealthy cf. collected rich people, rich people. Here gathered such a rich that fear. Bogatich m. rich w. son or daughter of a rich man. Unsuccessful rich people live; needy unspoiled better. Rich as priests and blue horses: they rarely succeed. Rich, rich, owned by a rich man. In front of the gate, in front of the rich, a song. To enrich someone, to enrich, to endow with wealth. What is rich, then dawns, trade. To get rich or get rich, to get rich, to profit; be enriched. From youth it was not rich, but in old age it wanted to. Wealth cf. the action of the rich, enrichment. Wealth, the state of the rich. He got rich, he got rich, and he made me rich, and he got rich himself. Rich woman m. rich woman f. enriching someone, giving wealth. Mother Earth is our riches. Rich, rich, rich. tver. pitches. plant conyza; komornik, flea beetle;

    plant guns, Erigeron, flea beetle, unfading; they tell fortunes about Ivan Kupala: they stick a kidney into the slot of the hut, or put it under the icons; bloom, for good; dry up, damn it. Compound words: rich-loving, rich-gifted, etc. are understandable in themselves, but are heavy and of little use.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    wealth, cf.

      Large property, predominantly. monetary.

      advantage pl. The totality of material values. The natural wealth of the USSR is incalculable.

      trans. Plenty, abundance. Shakespeare's language is rich in words.

      Splendor, splendor. The wealth of decorations on the building.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.

    New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


      1. Material values, money, jewelry.

        Luxury, splendor, magnificence.

        Something that is of value only to someone.

    1. Abundance, diversity of natural resources.

      trans. Variety of high moral qualities.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

    Wealth (disambiguation)


    • Wealth is an abundance of material values ​​in a person or society.
    • Wealth is a novel by Valentin Pikul.
    • Wealth - TV series, adaptation of the novel "Wealth".


    Wealth- an abundance in a person or society of intangible and material values ​​\u200b\u200b(such as money, means of production, real estate or personal property), exceeding the vital needs of a person. Wealth also includes access to health care, education and culture. In sociology, a person who has significant values ​​in relation to other members of society is considered rich. In economics, wealth is defined as the difference between assets and liabilities at a given point in time. In the biblical sense - the wealth of the spirit and moral qualities. The opposite of wealth is poverty. In English, wealth in the sense of possessing values ​​is translated as Wealth, wealth in the sense of extreme superiority over other members of society as Richness. Countries that are significantly more wealthy than other countries are usually called developed countries.

    Wealth (novel)

    "Wealth"- a novel by the famous Soviet writer Valentin Pikul. The work tells about the defense of the Kamchatka Peninsula during the Russo-Japanese War.

    Examples of the use of the word wealth in the literature.

    The traitor Abaz fled to Iran, and Erzurum with all his riches again returned by me to the owner of the seal of Allah, Sultan Murad the Fourth.

    Be that as it may, the Autarky Corporate Sector managed to win the right to develop - some called it a robbery - countless local wealth.

    Her wealth and influence could only be compared with a few, the richest regions of the Empire, and Autarky spared neither time nor money, isolating itself from any outside penetration.

    Sudan to Aden has a lot of income and a lot wealth from duties from ships and merchants who visit here.

    Everything is revealed as you move. wealth Neva panoramas from the mouth of the river with portal cranes and docks of shipbuilding enterprises along the banks of the Vasilyevsky and Admiralteysky Islands to the ensembles of the Peter and Paul Fortress, Petrovskaya Embankment.

    You think you are solving a social problem, boast that you can eat honey and locusts, and at the same time dream in your soul about wealth, about the delights of a luxurious life, about women.

    Although the origin wealth, the courage shown in battles, the support of numerous friends and relatives opened up wide access to state affairs for him, Alcibiades preferred that his influence among the people be based primarily on his inherent gift of speech.

    After that, Alcibiades, in fear of the Lacedaemonians, who now ruled both land and sea, moved to Bithynia, taking with him huge wealth, but leaving even more in his fortress.

    The name of the disease, the diagnosis, as allopaths say, does not help much in the treatment, but the homeopath must carefully record all the manifestations of the disease in a particular patient, fix them on paper, using everything wealth language, so that at any time to update the image of the disease in his memory.

    Who sent you a message from across the sea, He foresaw everything, undoubtedly knowing That not only a call wealth There is for you more than one earthly hunger, But there is still another thirst - The desire to listen to the expanse of the sea And rise above the vanity of the world.

    owning wealth, which gave him more influence and opportunities than those that his brother had, Amulius easily deprived Numitor of power and, fearing that the daughter of the deposed king would not have children, appointed her a priestess of Vesta, condemning her to eternal virginity and celibacy.

    Just beware of thieves who are looking for your wealth she finished, seeing that the venerable Esarhaddon was eavesdropping.

    Also, appraised value automatically becomes appraisal value, and money, which, by its increasing or decreasing quantity, causes, but always limits, the fluctuation of prices, guarantees in the plan wealth combination of definition and articulation, attribution and derivation.

    Rhodes on the right, Türkiye left behind, and in the pantry under the afterpeak - fabulous wealth.

    Babek Serush is good for friends Giving wealth your souls, It is more valuable to him than money.

    (wealth), abundance of property, stomachs, money (V. Dahl). In Russia, there is a different attitude to money and wealth than in the West. For a Western person, freedom is personified in money (in particular, the well-known aphorism of B. Franklin), for a Russian, freedom is independence from money. The Western world most often reduces the concept of freedom to the degree of the ability to buy, acquire more and more new goods and services, the Russian sees in this “freedom” a form of bondage that entangles his soul and impoverishes his life.
    “Trouble will give birth to money,” the working Russian persistently repeats. “Money is like stones - it’s hard on the soul”, “Money is dust”, “You can’t redeem the soul with money” or another version of this proverb - “Money is dust, well, they are in tartarara”. Hence it is clear what gave the right to F.M. Dostoevsky to write that the Russian people turned out to be, perhaps, the only great European people who withstood the onslaught of the golden calf, the power of the money bag.
    Money for a working person is not a fetish. “It is better to give than to take”, “God forbid to give, God forbid to ask.”
    To wealth and the rich, to hoarding, the Russian people treated unkindly and with great suspicion. As a working man, he understood that "from the labors of the righteous you will not make stone chambers", "You will be fed from your labors, but you will not be rich." Although it would be wrong to assume that he was guided by a feeling of envy. No. Simply acquiring wealth above one's need, hoarding all sorts of goods above measure did not fit into his scale of life values. "Do not boast of silver, boast of good."
    Many among the people believed that any wealth is associated with sin (and, of course, not without reason). "Wealth before God is a great sin." "The rich devils forge money." “You won’t turn your head away with a nag (that is, you won’t rob your neighbor), you won’t be rich.” "Let your soul go to hell - you will be rich." "There are many sins, and plenty of money." "Do not be in hell - do not make wealth." “I saved up money, but I bought something difficult.” “Saved, saved, but the devil bought!”
    Hence the conclusions: “It’s better to live a poor man than to get rich with sin”, “Unrighteous self-interest will not work for the future”, “Unrighteous gain is fire”, “Unrighteously acquired sideways will turn out, unrighteous acquisition is dust”, “Avarice did not come out of poverty, from wealth” .
    The working man treats the rich with great distrust. “Wealth is akin to arrogance,” he says. "The rich man remembers no one, he only remembers himself." "A rich man rows money with a shovel." "He has money - chickens do not peck." "Cancer is a claw, but a rich man is a purse." "The man is rich as a horned bull." "The rich man will not buy his conscience, but he will destroy his own."
    At the same time, the peasants even somehow sympathize with the rich, seeing in his position a moral inconvenience and even inferiority. "The rich don't grieve, but get bored." "The rich man can't sleep, the rich thief is afraid." And for the moral education of a child, wealth in the public mind brings direct harm. "Wealth of parents - damage to children." "The father is rich, but the son is unsuccessful."
    Sometimes hostility towards the rich comes to curses: “We praise God, we magnify Christ, we curse the rich rich!” - says one of the folk proverbs.
    O. Platonov

    Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"



    See what "WEALTH" is in other dictionaries:

      Wed plenty, abundance, abundance, excess, excess. Harvest wealth. Wealth of thoughts. | The abundance of property, bellies, money, yarosl., Bonfire. rich, arkhan. wealth, lower wealth, ryaz. rich woman, zap. rich cf. (see also bagatier), ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      It is the savings of many in the hands of one. Julian Tuwim If you are told: "My wealth is acquired by hard work," ask: "Whose?" Don Marchie Many people dream of such money, when money is no longer needed. Vladislav Grzeszczyk Very rich people don't look alike... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

      See property, luxury ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. wealth of property ... Synonym dictionary

      wealth- Wealth The value of assets owned by a person or group of persons. Economics began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations) and how it changes over a given period. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

      - (wealth) The value of assets owned by an individual or a group of individuals. Economics began with the study of the nature of wealth (for example, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations) and how it changes over a given period. ... ... Glossary of business terms

      Wealth- - everything that has a market value and can be sold for money or exchanged for other goods. (This, of course, is far from the only definition of such a general concept, but it is accepted quite widely in the economic literature). B. can… … Economic and Mathematical Dictionary

      WEALTH, wealth, cf. 1. Large property, prem. monetary. || preim. pl. The totality of material values. The natural wealth of the USSR is incalculable. 2. trans. Plenty, abundance. Shakespeare's language is rich in words. 3. Splendor, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

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      WEALTH, a, cf. 1. See rich. 2. The abundance of material values, money. National wealth. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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