Meaning of the evening dawn in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. Evening Dawn and Dawn III


The short happy time of short nights, songs and an abundance of flowers is a reward for the inhabitants of our northern country for the hardships of a harsh winter. During the lush flowering of nature in this northern region, when Dawn and Evening Dawn stretch out their hands to each other, an old man told the children gathered around him the love story of Dawn and Evening Dawn, and I in turn will tell you what I happened to hear there.
Do you know the Luminary that lives in the halls of Grandfather? Now it has just gone to rest, and where it went out, its reflection continues to burn in the sky, but the beam of light is already moving further to the east, where it will soon flash again in full force, welcoming everything around. Do you know the hand that reaches out to the sun and leads it to rest after it has completed its journey across the firmament? Do you know the hand that rekindles the extinguished star and sends it on a new path through the sky?
Grandfather has two faithful servants, they were given eternal youth, and when the Luminary completed its journey across the sky on the first evening, he said to the Evening Dawn:
- To you, daughter, I entrust the setting sun. Extinguish it and hide the fire so that it does not cause trouble. When the next morning the Sun was to begin its journey again, he said to the Dawn:
- It's your business, son, to light the Luminary and collect it on the way.
Dawn and Evening Dawn regularly performed their duties, and there was not a day when the Luminary did not appear in the sky. In winter, when it walks near the edge of the sky, it goes out earlier in the evening, and in the morning it starts its journey later, in the spring, when it wakes up flowers and birds, and in summer, when it pours its hot rays on the fields so that the grain ripens, time for rest he has very little left. At this time, the Evening Dawn now and then passes the extinguished Luminary to the Dawn, and he immediately lights it, awakening to a new life.

When the beautiful time came and the flowers bloomed and began to smell fragrant, and the birds and people filled the entire space under the sky with songs - they looked deeply into each other's brown eyes, and at the moment when the fading sun passed from the hands of the Evening dawn to Dawn, they squeezed each other hands, and their lips touched.
However, the eye that never sleeps noticed what happened at quiet midnight, and the next day Grandfather called the Evening Dawn and Dawn to him and said to them:
- I am pleased with the way you carry out your duties, and I want you to be happy. Give hands to each other and carry out your service together from this day forward as husband and wife.
Dawn and Evening Dawn answered him with one voice:
- Do not ruin our happiness, Grandfather. Let us forever remain a bride and groom, then our love will remain forever young and ardent.
Grandfather fulfilled their request, blessed them to remain a bride and groom. Only once a year, for four weeks, do they meet in the dead of night, and when the Evening Dawn passes the fading sun into the hands of her lover, he takes her hands and their lips touch. The cheeks of the Evening dawn begin to blush, throwing a pink glow into the sky until the Dawn re-ignites the Luminary and the golden radiance from the sky announces that the Sun is rising. In honor of their meeting, Grandfather decorates the meadows with the most beautiful flowers, and the nightingales jokingly shout to the Evening dawn, which rests too long on the breast of the Dawn:
- Lazy girl, lazy girl! The night has dragged on!

- END -

Estonian folk tale. Illustrations.


(Sunset and sunrise colors) - a complex set of light phenomena observed in the atmosphere before the onset of night or day. Caused by the rays of the sun, not reaching directly to the observer, but illuminating the upper layers of the visible part of the atmosphere. Observations show that these phenomena stop completely when the decline of the sun becomes greater than 18°. Cm. Twilight.

  • - Compound...

    Pokhlebkin's Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Art

  • - "MORNING DAWN", rus. lit. almanac, published in St. Petersburg annually in 1839-44. Ed. V. A. Vladislavlev. In the almanac publ. poem. L. "Dead Man's Love" and "Valerik" ...

    Lermontov Encyclopedia

  • - see Morning Star...

    Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

  • - see Venus...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - see Evening or morning dawn ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - a monthly publication "in favor of the Ekaterininsky and Alexander Schools established in St. Petersburg, which contains the best passages from ancient and modern writers, opening the way for a person to know God, himself and ...
  • - works of pupils of the University Noble boarding school: a collection published in Moscow from 1800 to 1808. A total of 6 books were published ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - "" - a collection of works by pupils of the Moscow University Noble Boarding School, published in Moscow in 1800-08. Among the authors are V. A. Zhukovsky, A. I. and N. I. Turgenev, A. F. Merzlyakov...
  • - "" - sailing schooner of the Russian merchant fleet ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - whom. Don. About a man who works from morning to evening. SDG 2, 15...
  • - @font-face (font-family: "ChurchArial"; src: url;) span (font-size:17px; font-weight:normal !important; font-family: "ChurchArial",Arial,Serif;)   utρο ...

    Church Slavonic Dictionary

  • - The dawn will drive in, the dawn will drive out ...
  • - Dawn of Orin, dawn of Skaryna, take baby N. from the servant of God, the tongues and roars of day and night. ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Don. Planet Venus. SDG 1, 63...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. they say Shuttle. Hangover. Maksimov, 38...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - sunset, sunset,...

    Synonym dictionary

"Dawn EVENING or MORNING" in books


From the book Love for the Distant: Poetry, Prose, Letters, Memoirs author Hoffman Viktor Viktorovich

III. EVENING DAWN Nun gluhn wie Gold der Wolken Saume. Georg Bachmann At the clouds that were gray in the morning - Carving purple crowns. I'm full of cliques of proud faith. Dream without measure drunk. Now pressure and competition, Intoxicating tenderness of the word. - And the infinity of jubilation, And intolerance


From the book of Lermontov: One between heaven and earth author Mikhailov Valery Fyodorovich

CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT THE EVENING ZARYA The Mysterious Year of 1841 On April 14, 1841, Lermontov left St. Petersburg for Moscow and three days later was in his hometown. The grandmother made a new attempt to obtain a pardon for her grandson. On April 18, she wrote to Sofya Karamzina: “Fearing

20. Sailing of the schooner "Morning Dawn" from the Yenisei to St. Petersburg (1877)

From the book Domestic Navigators - Explorers of the Seas and Oceans author Zubov Nikolai Nikolaevich

20. Voyage of the schooner Morning Dawn from the Yenisei to St. Petersburg (1877) In 1877, on the initiative and at the expense of Mikhail Konstantinovich Sidorov, the sailing schooner Morning Dawn was sailed from the Yenisei to St. width 14 feet,

Jacob Boehme Aurora, or Dawn in Ascent, or…

From the book Aurora, or Dawn in the ascent, or ... author Böhme Jakob

Jacob Boehme Aurora, or Dawn in Ascension, or ... Root or mother of philosophy, astrology and theology, or Description of nature, how everything was and how it became in the beginning: how nature and the elements became created, also about both qualities, evil and good; whence everything has its origin, and how

336. "Siddur" "Machzor". Morning Service / Shakharit. Midday service / "Mincha". Evening service / Maariv. Additional Service on Shabbat and Holidays / "Musaf"

From the book The Jewish World [The most important knowledge about the Jewish people, its history and religion (litres)] author Telushkin Joseph

336. "Siddur" "Machzor". Morning Service / Shakharit. Midday service / "Mincha". Evening service / Maariv. Additional Service on Saturdays and Holidays / "Musaf" The word siddur is usually translated as "prayer book", although in Hebrew this term means "orderly".

From the book Twilight of the Idols. Ecce Homo (compilation) author Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Morning dawn Thoughts on morality as prejudice 1This book begins my campaign against morality. It’s not that it even barely smells of gunpowder - rather, completely different, and much more delicate, smells are recognized in it, especially if one assumes some subtlety

Morning dawn Thoughts on morality as prejudice

From the book Ecce homo. How to become yourself author Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Morning dawn Thoughts on morality as prejudice 1This book begins my campaign against morality. It’s not that the smell of gunpowder was even barely felt in it - rather, completely different, and much more delicate, smells are recognized in it, especially under the condition of some sensitivity.

Morning dawn. Thoughts on morality as prejudice

From the book Ecce Homo. How to become yourself author Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Morning dawn. Thoughts on morality as prejudice 1 This book begins my campaign against morality. It’s not that it even barely smells of gunpowder - rather, completely different, and much more delicate, smells are recognized in it, especially if we assume some


From the book Garden is the breadwinner the author Dubrovin Ivan

DRINK "MORNING DAWN" Sort and wash the cherries, boil the syrup from juice and water with sugar. Add lemon juice and stir. Let's insist. Add fresh whole cherries and lemon wedges. Cool the drink before serving. You will need: cherry syrup -

"Variety". Dawn of new art?

From the book The Myth of the Eternal Empire and the Third Reich author Vasilchenko Andrey Vyacheslavovich

"Variety". Dawn of new art? Möller van den Broek's monograph on variety shows can be regarded to some extent as a highly typical document of that time. By his own admission, this work was for Möller an attempt

The Evening Dawn magazine is a reflection of the ideas of J. Boehme

From the book of Masons. Volume 1 [big encyclopedia] author Team of authors

The Evening Dawn magazine is a reflection of the ideas of J. Boehme Getting acquainted with the main ideals of Schwartz, we see a certain system of worldview. All these ideas, which only occasionally come across in the Moscow Edition, appear with complete clarity, and not vaguely, on the pages of the new


From the book Articles from "Arabesques" author Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

MORNING DAWN (Options according to PD2, Pog, PMsk, 1842) Let's start with a brilliant product of typographic luxury, a light, sparkling flower that welcomes the coming year of 1842. PD2 (white); a. Let's start [with] a brilliant product<едением>b. Let's start ~ typographic luxury PD2 (black); Pog, PMsk, 1842 -


From the book Comments on works author Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

REVIEW FOR "MOSKVITYANIN" (MORNING DAWN) In his review, Gogol gave too little space to the literary side of the almanac. Pogodin crossed out the beginning and end, changed the wording of several phrases and attributed an extensive analysis of the works included in the almanac. Press review

We sing songs to you, evening dawn!

From the book 33 ways to reprogram the body for happiness and health. Method "Avatar" by Blavo Ruschel

Chapter 89

From the book of the Koran [translation of meanings] author Mohammed

Chapter 89 Mecca. Thirty verses. In the name of God, merciful, merciful. 89.1 I swear by the morning dawn and ten nights, 89.2 I swear by a couple and one, 89.3 I swear by this night that is coming, 89.4

Evening coolness
The heat is over
And the waves run
On the seashore.
And a bunch of seagulls
Circling for stern
Us foamy moisture
The surf caresses.

Evening surf
Sings about the sea and about love.
You're near me -
How long could not find you!

Separation is cruel
Played with me
I'm so lonely
It happened sometimes.
Healed his soul
heart peace
Got it while listening
Evening surf.

Evening surf
Sings about the sea and about love.
You are with me again
All the best will be ahead!


Evening city is resting
Removing the burden of vanity.
Neon light in the alleys is melting
Under the power of the sky of darkness.

Buses rush through the streets
Bring the suffering home.
Another day goes by
In the usual rhythm in succession.

Evening city opens
Leisure places where always
Anyone chooses according to taste
Have fun way without difficulty.

As the children of the townspeople are happy,
With the simplicity available to the hour,
Habits to find consolation,
In a waste of time empty.

Evening city invites
Opening wide the gates;

The evening sunset is shrouded in colorful colors.
Evening sunset draws a picture of nature
Like a gifted artist.
Its evening landscape is beautiful.

Endless space of the sea
With a leisurely dark blue wave, beautiful
And the ripples of the dark wave enchant my gaze...

In the distance you can see the mountains in the gray fog
And slightly shrouded in misty haze and as if they
Separated from golden skies
And crimson sunlight.

Blue skies with scarlet silver and gray tint
Snowy purple...

The evening wind was chilly.
It was so hot in the room during the day.
There is no one next to me now
And hardly anyone else.

Balcony open door and sky
As long as it's light, you can't see all the stars.
I could remember those who were not around.
There is no desire to want it.

Cognac is poured, I will drink alone,
But still don't get drunk now.
I'm in no hurry to fill the evening at night.
I have nowhere to hurry again.

The clock will strike and silence will come
Only a rustle from the curtains, and in the window,

Evening sea. hushed waves
Rumble softly about sunny days.
The breath of the sea slowly, calmly
Takes away from the heat on light wings.

Around imperceptibly the evening thickens,
And subtle freshness in the silence of the night
Cool soft lies on the shoulders.
They stand still, as in a ghostly dream,
Columns of trees - against the backdrop of sunset;

Through the twilight flows unknown blues.
The flutter of speeches, and the staccato surf,
And beach air tastes like iodine.

Scattered by the light of a distant port
Colored garland of coastal...

The evening train slips like a black snake,
A candle falls into the arms of the streets
Silent moon, wine in a glass warms
Bacchantes whisper, from under the starry cloak
The architect of the sky looks wearily.
She walks on a thin track
His fate, leafing through the priceless gift -
Lie down with passion in the ashes of the night networks.
Fire screams, winds of discovery whistle,
She knocks her step into midnight jazz
She will slide on the edge of events,
Once again burned, once again.
An evening train sits like a swarthy bird,
Sweetness breaks her hair into...


Monthly publication "in favor of the Ekaterininsky and Alexander Schools established in St. Petersburg, which contains the best passages from ancient and modern writers, opening the way for a person to know God, himself and his positions, which are presented both in moral teachings and in examples thereof, that is, small stories, anecdotes and other writings in verse and prose, serving as a continuation of Morning Light - a magazine published in 1782 by N. I. Novikov in Moscow monthly. In chronological order, it was not a continuation of Morning Light, but " The publication was dedicated to three former curators of Moscow University: I. I. Shuvalov, I. I. Melissino and M. M. Kheraskov. Its direction was mystical and didactic, which Novikov kept in the second half of his journal activity. From The journal's staff can be named: F. Klyucharev, V. Galenkin, I. Lyapin, F. Pospelov, M. Antoksky, I. Sofonovich, P. Sokhotsky, A. F. Labzin.

Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is EVENING ZARYA in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    a monthly publication "in favor of the Ekaterininsky and Alexander Schools established in St. Petersburg, which contains the best places from ancient and modern ...
  • Dawn in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -and, wine. dawn and (obsolete) dawn, pl. dawns, dawns, dawns and (obsolete) dawns, w. 1. Bright illumination of the horizon in front of ...
  • Dawn in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -i, pl. z "ori, dawn, f. 1) In Slavic mythology: Morning Dawn and Evening Dawn, goddesses, sisters of the Sun. Synonyms: D" willow, ...
  • Dawn in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    dawn, wine dawn and (less often) dawn, pl. dawn, w. 1. Light coloration of the horizon before sunset and sunrise (without definition ...
  • Dawn
    404601, Volgograd, ...
  • Dawn in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    404549, Volgograd, ...
  • Dawn in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    399422, Lipetsk, ...
  • Dawn in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    357963, Stavropol, ...
  • Dawn in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    353825, Krasnodar, ...
  • Dawn in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    353415, Krasnodar, ...
  • Dawn in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    353131, Krasnodar, ...
  • Dawn in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    175315, Novgorod, ...
  • Dawn in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    143922, Moscow, ...
  • Dawn in the Concise Church Slavonic Dictionary:
    - shine, …
  • Dawn in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    - the reflection of the sun's rays in the air before sunrise and after sunset (Genesis 32:26). The phenomenon of the dawn of the morning and evening, beautiful ...
  • Dawn in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    the natural change of colors of the sky that accompanies sunset and sunrise ...
  • Dawn in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    daily newspaper published in St. Petersburg. since 1900 V.V. Yarmonkin in a spirit hostile to progressive ...
  • Dawn
    ZARYA, motor-sailing schooner, Russian. Arctic exp. E.V. Toll (1900-02) in the region of the Novosibirsk Islands. In Sept. 1902 stranded and ...
  • Dawn in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Dawn, military a signal played by a trumpeter (with a drummer) or an orchestra after evening ...
  • Dawn in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZARYA, the natural change of colors of the sky, accompanying sunset and sunrise ...
  • EVENING in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "EVENING MOSCOW", daily. social-polit. newspaper, since 1923, Moscow. Main as an organ of the Moscow City Council, later the organ of the mountains. to-ta Communist. party and the Moscow City Council. …
  • Dawn
    dawn", dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, ...
  • Dawn in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    dawn", for "ri, dawn", dawn "th, dawn", dawn "m, dawn", dawn "ri, dawn, dawn, dawn" mi, dawn "...
  • Dawn in the Dictionary of Epithets:
    Bright illumination of the horizon before sunrise or after sunset. About color, degree of density. Scarlet, crimson, crimson, white (obsolete), pale, cherry, ...
  • Dawn in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
  • Dawn in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    || at dawn, neither light nor dawn, one dawn will drive out, another ...
  • Dawn in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    aurora, hesperus, morning star, birth, zimtserla, dawn, dawn, dawn, beginning, dawn, light, signal, ...
  • Dawn in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    1. g. 1) a) Light coloration of the horizon before sunrise and sunset. b) The time of appearance on the horizon of such illumination. 2) ...
  • Dawn in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
  • Dawn in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • Dawn in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    dawn, -and, wine. dawn and (obsolete) dawn, pl. dawn, dawn, ...
  • Dawn in the Spelling Dictionary:
    zar`ya, -`i, wine. zaryu and (outdated) zaryu, pl. dawn, dawn, ...
  • Dawn in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    morning or evening military signal performed by an orchestra or bugler, trumpeter, drummer Play dawn (dawn). Tattoo. dawn bright illumination of the horizon ...
  • ZARYA in the Dahl Dictionary:
    robin, bury, etc. see glow ...
    Data: 2008-11-22 Time: 17:40:21 Quotes from the work "Time-out, or Evening Moscow" (author Viktor Pelevin ...
    evening, daily verification of privates and sergeants in units of the Soviet Armed Forces. At P. in. the officer on duty is lining up ...
  • PS 140 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Psalter. Psalm 140 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
  • HESPER in the Dictionary-Reference Who's Who in the Ancient World:
    The evening star to which Sappho dedicated one of her most beautiful poems. Only a distorted fragment of this work has come down to us, by chance ...
  • PAUSTOVSKY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Konstantin Georgievich is a Soviet writer. The son of a railway engineer. He studied at Kiev, then at Moscow universities. He was a worker in the metallurgical plants ...
  • SWITZERLAND in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Swiss Confederation (German Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, French Confederation Suisse, Italian Confederazione Svizzera). I. General information Sh. is a state in Central Europe, ...
  • PORTUGAL in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Portugal), Portuguese Republic (Republica Portuguêsa). I. General information P. is a state in the extreme south-west. Europe. Located in the western part of the Iberian…
  • SPAIN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Espana); the official name is the Spanish State (Estado Espanol). I. General information I. - a state in the extreme south-west. Europe. Takes 5/6...
  • ISRAEL (STATE) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • EVENING NEWSPAPER in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    newspapers, a type of daily periodical press that supplements morning editions in the mass media system. In Western Europe and the USA, V. g. ...
  • EVENING EDUCATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    education, one of the forms of training specialists of higher and secondary qualifications, skilled workers, as well as training youth and adults in secondary ...
  • TYPHUS ABDOMINAL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • NOVIKOV NIKOLAI IVANOVICH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    famous public figure of the last century, b. 26 Apr. 1744 in the village of Avdotyino (Bronnitsky district, Moscow province) in a family of sufficient ...
  • NOVIKOV in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Nikolai Ivanovich) - a famous public figure of the last century, b. 26 Apr. 1744 in the village of Avdotino (Bronnitsky district, Moscow province) ...

All about religion and faith - "evening dawn prayer" with a detailed description and photographs.

This conspiracy is read at the moment when dawn spreads across the sky:

You are close to God

You see the King of Heaven

And give Him a tearful prayer.

I ask the Lord God

At the Holy Mother of God,

All mothers have dawns:

Lord, King of Heaven,

Evening dawn of Paraskeva,

Midday dawn Domna

And the dawn of Maremyan,

Night lightning Ulyana.

How mothers of dawns converged with all dawns

And the dawns spoke to the dawns,

And how these dawns went out

And from the sky they fell to the ground,

So that the slave (such and such)

All ailments, diseases subsided,

And health and summer remained long.

Life was connected with longevity,

The body was not abandoned by the white soul of God.

You, ailment, shrink,

And the age given by God, lengthen.

Holy Fathers, come to my call

And repeat every word after me.

For all days, for all ages,

For all God's times.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

When my grandmother taught me this prayer, she told me: “My soul rejoices that this prayer will open a long life for many. Give this prayer to people, and the merciful God will only be happy for his children ... "

Natalia Stepanova - Prayer Shield. Conspiracies and amulets

The affairs of sorcerers, enemies, adversaries, heretics,

Cunning healers, drooling horses, evil people.

Protect yourself from all evil.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Get away, evil, from my corners.

How this nail froze in fat,

So the slave (name) will freeze,

Won't scream

Angrily grumble at me (name).

Evening dawn Maremyan,

The mother of the cheese is the land of Ulyana.

Have you seen the Queen of Heaven?

Did they light the way for her?

How she carried him in her arms

Most of all, she kept

She didn’t let go of her hands, she took care,

And the hour has come, I gave it to the world.

Be you, peace, truce

For the servants of God (names).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am baptized with Christ, I am covered with faith.

My guardian angel, have mercy

Sit on your right shoulder

Guard me from morning to evening

From the beast and the wolf

And forest animals

From judgment and punishment

From knife and poison

From witch pinches

From gossip whispers.

Lord, add my age,

And at the end of the flour deliver.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Both sables and martens.

Like foxes and martens, beavers and sables

Honest and majestic between pans and priests,

Between the world and the village, so my born son

I would be honest and stately between pans and priests,

Between the world and the village.

I’m driving on a reptile, it’s driving me, but I’m a hefty one.

Pans and judges have a yard full of pigs,

And I will move those pigs.

Court - court, century - century!

All the judges will disperse, and they are sitting that they eat me.

They won't eat me, I have a bear mouth

Wolf lips, pig teeth.

Court - court, century - century!

Who will pick up my poppy,

He will judge me.

I'll hide my poppy in an iron box,

I will throw the cad into the ocean-sea.

The ocean-sea does not dry up,

No one takes out my caddy

And no one picks up my poppy.

Court - court, century - century!

I close my teeth and lips to evil hearts,

And I throw the keys into the ocean-sea,

Into your iron cad.

When the sea dries up, when the cadi poppy is eaten,

Then I won't be.

Court - court, century - century!

Walk past me, past my horse,

Walk past my table

My oak table, my stone house,

Icons of my righteous,

Past the mortal bodies, Past the incorruptible souls.

The conspiracy is my mold.

Go, arrow, from the black tongue:

On the swamp

On the devil's daughter

There you and the abyss.

Garden my family.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Always and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How do you, thunder, all people hear,

How do you, lightning, all people see,

So that I am honored

They kept for their kindred

All my enemies, all offenders.

And I respect at any threshold.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And now and forever and forever and ever.

You save my soul

Close the door to the enemy

You come to the bed, you guard,

You drive away the enemy-adversary.

Have mercy, save, save and save.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

I stand at the Cross.

The cross is the beauty of the church.

The cross is praise to the martyrs,

Help the guards.

I will come closer to the Cross, bow to it lower.

Protect and defend from enemies and enemies,

From their tongues, their batogs,

From their fire and sword, from their indulgence.

Lord send blessings

So that I stand unshakable and indestructible,

Like the Holy Cross.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Not on a feather bed, but unction.

You, enemy (name of the enemy), do no harm,

And, like a worm, sit in the ground.

As long as my seal is intact,

I won't have an enemy.

Key, lock, tongue.

Takes out the roots, exposes the sands.

So the slaves (name of enemies) blur their thoughts,

Be afraid of your thoughts,

To me, slave (name), do not return,

Think of yourself, not of me

God's servant (name).

I call everyone, I call out, I pronounce,

I ask everyone: “Show me between two pillars

To that side of life, where there is the secret of the sleep of the dead,

The secret of living sleep, in secret - visible and invisible.

Where black crows peck dead eyes,

Drink cold blood

There is a hut-monastery, where death, longing, grief lives.

There is a secret cell

In it sits the fate of a baptized slave (name),

A candle burns in front of her.

She will call three to her at once: death, longing, torment -

And will order them from this moment,

Keep the hour of the Lord

Keep the “chalice of salvation” of the servant of God (name).

Do not burn her between twelve fires,

From the great number of swords do not die,

Do not drown in water, be bypassed by an arrow,

The thief will not notice her, the villain will greet her with kindness,

The enemy's arms and legs will be taken away,

In the night it will be like in a clear sun,

Diseases will not take her, longing will not crush her,

Damage will pass by, the beast will not touch, the snake will not sting,

It will not fall from a height, it will not stumble on the ground,

The blood will not flow out, the eye will be saved,

Hands forever dexterity, feet forever playfulness,

Joy to her soul, peace to her heart.

From now on, she will sit on the Sovereign Throne forever.

Spelled by the hand of fate

With three witnesses: death, longing, torment;

With three guards: Lucifer, Astaroth, Satan.


Evening dawn prayer

I go to bed, I have a cross seal on me, guardian angels, guardian guardians on my sides, save my soul from evening to midnight, from midnight to morning. Amen.

You can get rid of constant or periodic insomnia with the help of such a conspiracy:

The servant of God _________ (name) falls asleep.

God bless Mother Earth

And the servant of God _________ (name) falls asleep.

God bless heaven and earth

And the servant of God __________ (name) is fast asleep.

Bless, Lord, the dream of a servant of God

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Extinction is for you, and for me, the servant of God, -

Falling asleep. Sleep me, don't wake up

Don't know about insomnia

Get rid of the disease, get rid of dashing thoughts

From evening dawn to morning.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

The wave over the castle is swaying

The eyes of the slave (name) are closed.

My word is strong, my work is sculpted.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cross the windows in the bedroom, say a conspiracy near the bed and go to bed.

Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary placed around me

Cross fence, indestructible barrier.

In the corners of the house Saviors-guardians,

Near the windows - guardian angels,

At the door - guards-deliverers

From thieves, from enemies, from robbery and recklessness.

Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary entrusted them

Protect my house, protect me.

No one can take my fortress, no one can destroy it.

Not by fire, not by knife, not by word, not by deed,

Neither thoughts nor cunning,

Neither meanness nor deceit.

My living word, Mother of God, your work.

Protect me, Lord, from all harm.

Ancient safe amulet pronounced before going to bed

Every single log, from the pantry log

Up to the top. Mother of God in the head

Christ with guardian angels at the door.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy if a child “rushes around” in a dream

From the face of the Lord God to my doorstep.

Wings invisibly overshadow the servant of God

Born and baptized baby (name).

From infancy, strengthen it for a happy share.

Follow you, angels of heaven,

So that grief does not become attached to him,

So that he gets a happy share.

Three angels at his feet, three angels at his head,

Three angels on the sides.

Eternal joy to you and my baby.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Scrape off the remaining drops with the rest of the wick, put them in a small cup of running water and say a plot so that the breath touches the surface of the water:

I take off from the servant of God ________ (name).

I lock on 12 locks, on 12 locks.

Descend peace and rest on the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before the Holy Mother of God

I ask and pray to her, our Lady:

Let me wake up in the morning

Don't suffocate in your sleep at night

How to lie down, how to get up.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

There are twelve ropes hanging on that oak tree.

Those ropes are guarded by twelve angels.

They sing, sing, they drive out the evil spirit from the servant of God (name).

From the head, from the body, from the arms, from the legs, from the bones, from the whole skeleton.

Fall into the night as you do into the day. Lord help me. Amen.

Speak in a cup of water or milk and drink before bed. During the slander, look at any fish (in an aquarium or drawn in a picture, etc.):

In a dream, he does not bite his teeth,

Jaws do not creak

Doesn't snore in water while sleeping.

Like a fish day and night is silent,

So is the servant of God ________ (name)

Silent in sleep and slumber.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.[i]

"They do not need anything Faith, blood or flowers

Evening Prayers

At sunset, nature freezes until the morning, which means not only the approach of night, but also the onset of evening prayer time. Our ancestors, after their daily work and worries, gathered with their families to thank nature and God for the daylight hours and protect themselves in the dark. Some prayers can be read just in the evening and some against the backdrop of the setting sun.

Prayer at sunset

Rod the Almighty! Your blood children praise you. As the night steps on the Earth, Veles walks the saint on the Earth. And our souls go to the Right through Nav, through a deep sleep the ancestors are called. Therefore, Veles the Father, who brought the children to our earthly Ancestor, we offer to protect our souls from Navi, and come to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, in the morning healthy and strong. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer before bed

Father Rod! Your blood children glorify you. As the night steps on the Earth, Veles walks the light on the Earth. And our Souls are sent to the Rule through Nav, through a deep sleep the ancestors are called. We glorify Father Veles, who brought children to our Earthly Ancestor, we ask our Souls to be protected from Navi and to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, in the morning come healthy and strong and bring new strength to the Orthodox Family. Glory to the Mother Gods!

thanksgiving prayer before bed

The day has passed, and I'm standing again

Before You, my God, in the moonlight,

Thank you for everything, Lord,

What was sent down to me and wonderful

Your stellar cover. I ask you to keep

Me and everyone with whom I am connected by fate,

And I ask you to bless a sound sleep,

And in the morning I will go with you again

To give space Light and Beauty,

Love and Wisdom of my Heart,

And my simple kindness,

In the name of happiness, peace and everything,

What You bequeathed to us to keep as a gift,

And multiply a hundred times along the way.

I will set fire to love for you,

And You shine even more strongly in me.

Evening prayer

We thank you, dear Lord,

For the day that passed in purity and light;

For leading us and keeping us with his hand

On the thorny path; that with his advice,

He instructed us in endless study,

And irrigated with a stream of gold

Body and soul, and eternal love

Cherished, forgiving everything, so that we

They saw the simple truth, at last,

That everything in the world is, it's all you,

Universe Almighty and Creator.

Prayer at sunset

For what happened as Light, I am grateful to you; for not being able to - by the mercy of the heart, Lady Mara, forgive me!

Divine day, leaving in the past and eternity, the all-conquering Sun's last ray captured everything that I did in the will of the Lord! And transmute with the sacred power of these words all that was done, so that there would be no Light of movement! For dislike, I am eternally indebted to Jehovah! Enter my essence with a sacred radiance forever, capturing the beauty of the passing day!

A divine day dressed in sunset rays! I will bow to you, escorting you to the abode of the soul!

For what happened as Light, I am grateful to you; For what I could not, by the mercy of my heart, Lady Mara, forgive me!

Prayer to Veles for sound sleep

Night steps on the ground, Veles walks around the dawns! Our God, he owns the Vedas and knows the way to Navi. I pray to Father Veles, take care of my soul in a dream, drive away the Basurs and keep bad thoughts out. May I see good and prophetic dreams, so that my heart stays in harmony and peace. May my dream be sweet like that of a healthy and vigorous child, for in a dream health is vital. So be it! Glory to Veles!

Prayer before going to sleep Lade

Right through Nav they go, through a dream deep ancestors are called. Therefore, Veles the Father, who brought the children to our earthly Ancestor, we ask our souls to be protected from Navi, and to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, come healthy and strong in the morning. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Conspiracies from the heel spur

There is a belief among the people that prayers and conspiracies from the heel spur are an effective way to treat this ailment. With the help of them, people have been fighting the disease since ancient times.

Patients are often interested in the question, is it possible to speak a heel spur? Modern science and medicine are skeptical about these methods, but cured patients using the folk method claim the opposite.

Simple prayers for heel spurs

A simple conspiracy from a heel spur is read on days when the moon is waning. Before saying a healing prayer, the diseased growth is crossed and whispered to the moon:

The servant (s) of God (s) (name of the patient) have cock spurs. Let the rooster's leg dry up, and the servant (s) of God (his) (the name of the patient) will dry up the growths.

This whispering is repeated three times for three days in a row at the dawn of the evening.

Another, similar conspiracy is carried out according to the same ritual as the first, but is already read on the table and at dawn:

“Table, take the spurs from the servant (s) of God (s) (the name of the patient). Just as your legs are dry, so let the servant (s) of God (his) (name of the patient) dry up the spurs. Amen"

While whispering, the patient should lightly beat the heel and mentally imagine how he cuts off the growth with a chopping object.

Red pepper conspiracy

Before going to bed, red pepper is poured into socks and the prayer "Our Father" is read. In the morning, you need to read the petition again, while massaging the sore spots. The ritual is repeated ten days in a row, after which the patient feels significant relief.

Strong prayer from spurs on the heels

Before you make a strong conspiracy on the heel spur, stop eating animal products ten days in advance. During this time, a person must fast.

After that, they go all week in the evening to the nearest church and light candles for the health of loved ones and for the repose of deceased relatives. As soon as they come home, they read "Our Father" and apply melted honey to the sore spot and wrap it in linen cloth. Then they read this prayer:

“Walk, blood of the servant (s) of God (his) (name of the patient), do not know any barriers. Ordered, conceived, God's will fulfilled. Amen (thrice).

To completely get rid of the heel spur with the help of this conspiracy, you will need from ten to thirty evening rituals.

Hex on the water and the leg of the rooster

They throw a cock's leg with a spur into a basin of warm water and lower their legs there. At the same time, they read and whisper:

“At dawn, the rooster flaps its wings and stamps its spurs. Let him flap his wings and stomp with my spurs, before them the dawn flaunts. Get off the spurs on the rooster from the servant (s) of God (s) (name of the patient). Amen".

The slander is repeated three times, after which the heels are massaged for three minutes. Then the chicken yolk is rubbed dry into the sore spot.

The charmed water is poured somewhere in the wasteland, always away from home. The cock's leg is given to homeless animals. The ritual must be carried out necessarily on the waning moon. Repeat it until the growths stop bothering you.

Conspiracy for butter

Folk conspiracies against spurs on the heel can be carried out in butter. To do this, the product is melted, a chicken egg and a spoonful of 9% table vinegar are added to it. All this is mixed and sentenced at the same time:

“As an egg melts in butter, so the spur of the servant (-a) of God (-his) (the name of the patient) will resolve. Amen".

When the charmed ointment cools down, it is applied to the heels and they say at the same time:

“Chickens walk on the grain, peck and lay eggs. One fell to me and became a help from the growths of the legs. Amen".

The ritual is performed nine evenings in a row. The remaining ointment is stored in the refrigerator throughout the treatment.

Birch tar spell

Not everyone knows the way how to speak a spur on the heel with the help of tar, although this is a very effective and simple tool. Every evening, the spurs are smeared with birch tar and at the same time the following words are pronounced:

“The dew in the morning is clean and transparent. May my heels be clean and not sick. The spur is destroyed, smeared with tar.

They read such a slander for a month, every evening.

Magic rite at dawn

Take the linen thread and sit in the doorway. Place the sore heel on the side of the corner where the door opens. A thread is driven along the heel and at the same time they say:

“Lord, save, save and heal your servant (s) of God (s). Amen".

Repeat the prayer three times, three dawns in a row.

Powerful Prayer at Evening Dawn

They read the following plot with a heel spur on straw knees:

"Evening dawn, Maritza, a clear star,

Go from heaven to earth to the servant (s) of God (s) (name of the patient).

How do you, dawn Maritsa, do not know your legs,

How can you not know them?

So that I can (-la) forget about pain in the heels.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The following prayer from spurs on the heels, which is read at the evening dawn, also has miraculous power:

The king-fish lives in the ocean.

She has neither hands nor spurs on them.

And I (name of the patient) have legs, and they have spurs on them.

Let, like this fish have no legs and arms,

So I (name of the patient) did not have spurs.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After that, the feet soar in hot water with salt, put on woolen socks and go to bed. Whispering a conspiracy three nights in a row.

Rite with a rooster

They give the rooster millet or bread crumbs and at the same time they say:

“Rooster, cockerel, throw off your old spurs, take my new ones. Amen".

The rite is repeated three morning dawns in a row. And at the evening dawn, they rub a chicken egg on the heel and read "Our Father".

Conspiracy on a tomato

An overripe tomato is rubbed in a handkerchief, and then sore spots are smeared with it, while whispering:

“The pain burns deep, like a red fire in a circle. It burns, pulls, it will lag behind my whitish legs. Go sick to the white hills, step back from my feet. Amen".

Repeat the ceremony every evening dawn until complete recovery.

Recipes from Vanga

The famous healer Vanga offered her methods for curing heel spurs. The most famous are two methods:

  1. Grind 100 grams of thyme into powder and mix with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. The remedy is rubbed overnight into sore heels and at the same time they read "Our Father". Then they put on woolen socks and go to bed. Prayer helps to strengthen the healing effect of the remedy. Pain from spurs goes away after ten days.
  2. Another method is carried out with the help of gasoline, which is soaked in a woolen cloth and applied to sore spots. A hot heating pad is placed under the heels. In the morning they do a heel massage and read "Our Father". Pain disappears on the third day.

All prayers and rituals can be combined with folk remedies. Also, do not forget that modern medicine is more effective in dealing with heel spurs. It is necessary to regularly massage and apply anti-inflammatory drugs to sore spots. Heel spur slander and faith in their power will help you get rid of the disease faster.

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