The meaning of wax figures in divination. Divination on wax


For people seeking to learn more about what fate has prepared for them, it would be useful to study such fundamental points of ancient Slavic fortune-telling practices as fortune-telling on wax and the meaning of the figures obtained as a result. The thing is that such a technique has the highest percentage of prediction reliability, which is largely due to the materials used in it and the fortuneteller's imagination. Quite reliable is and . The subconscious of the individual independently seeks out in the wax pictures formed on the water exactly those that are associated with a particular person. And water, by virtue of its energy capabilities, favors this in every possible way.

The technique, today known to us as fortune-telling on wax (which in modern versions is modified up to fortune-telling on paraffin), upon closer study, appears to be one of the interpretations of numerous ancient fortune-telling practices of casting on water. In the old days it was believed (and, by the way, quite rightly!), That water would not lie, and if you pour a rapidly cooling substance onto it - whether it be tin or candle wax - it will instantly give the fortuneteller knowledge of what lies ahead. Today, this ritual is gradually being replaced by simpler and more effective methods, using cards, mirrors, rings, coffee grounds and other things. And it’s completely in vain, because divination by casting is one of the most faithful and accurate, if it is done correctly.

This ritual was used mainly on Christmas Eve. The girls stocked up with a basin of water, candles and performed divination in Epiphany on wax. This practice was also good on the night of Christmas. The main goal is to find out who will marry, how soon and whom, to establish the number of children and the nature of the relationship with the future husband. However, if we consider the meaning of divination on wax in a broader context, it turns out that not only young peasant women or city dwellers sinned by casting wax on water during the winter holidays. This practice was spread much more widely as a kind of method to know the future. She was adopted by experienced fortune-tellers, housewives, nannies, women of all ages used her. Lily most often for herself, but often for her daughters, granddaughters, girlfriends, wards, sisters.

The main stages of this action are as follows:

  1. Preparation of a wide container with water (at the bottom of which professionals advise putting a mirror for a better effect of looking at pictures).
  2. Melting the candle and pouring it into the water (you need to pour it strictly in the center so that the picture is not disturbed, it is whole).
  3. Fixing the resulting signs and decoding fortune-telling on wax.

If we disregard the need for exact observance of certain movements, it turns out that the rite itself is quite simple, of the complex here is only the process of associating wax spots with specific pictures and silhouettes. If the imagination does not work out, then it will be very difficult to interpret.

Before directly interpreting fortune-telling on wax, one should try to get rid of external fuss and concentrate as much as possible on the question or problem of interest, in this case the answer will be clear, accurate, devoid of vagueness and ambiguity of interpretation.

How to interpret figures?

When the wax is still pouring, you should pay attention to the figures obtained in the process and their flow into each other. It is important to note in what order they change each other, since in some cases, correctly seen and analyzed, they give a complete picture of the development of the situation, allowing the fortuneteller to draw the right conclusions from this. After the wax is poured out, the resulting fortune-telling is obtained, that is, what will be at the end of the solution of the conceived problem. You can interpret what you get in different ways: isolating individual figures, seeing a single picture, paying attention to abstract drawings and concrete images.

The correct interpretation of fortune-telling largely depends on taking into account all the elements without exception that make up the overall picture.

During divination on wax, the meanings of symbols can be interpreted in different ways depending on the specific circumstances, the things being guessed and the personality of the fortuneteller. Some of the characters, of course, are of a general nature and suit everyone without exception. But most of the paintings should be considered on an individual basis, especially considering this fact in situations where there are people of different ages among the fortunetellers, representatives of opposite temperaments, individuals with different social statuses, etc.

Pay attention also to the fact that the meanings of the figures can be two- and three-syllable, depending on how you look at a particular picture. Turn the resulting image over, look at it from the side or from below, through the mirror. Perhaps in this way there will be more successful options for its interpretation.

The most common designations for wax figures are given below.

Abstraction, primitive elements:

  • Letters or numbers - symbols interpreted individually: they can indicate important dates or serve as indications of specific names
  • Line, straight line - the beginning of some important business
  • The point is material profit, unexpected money.

Living or mythical creatures, people:

  • Angel - help will come from above, there is nothing to worry about
  • Caterpillar or worm - you should avoid frivolity, take care of loved ones
  • Dragon - circumstances require willpower, if it is, then everything that is planned will come true
  • Hedgehog - excessive "pricklyness" harms relationships, you need to learn to be softer
  • A woman is a new friend, a homemaker (depending on the context)
  • Cat - betrayal of friends
  • Chicken - a favorable family life
  • Leo - strength, reliability, confidence
  • A man is a new companion, friend or groom
  • Spider - a trick to defend against
  • Child - new business or projects, possibly the birth of children
  • Fish - full adaptation to environmental conditions, comfort
  • Elephant - time-tested wisdom
  • Dog - true friends, associates
  • An owl is the worst sign that immediately portends illness, difficulties, failures
  • Duck - good luck and luck in all matters.

Inanimate objects, things:

  • Arch - development, transition to the next important life stage
  • Tower - upcoming marriage
  • Fan - loss of job or family
  • The eye is a deception, unkind people
  • Mushroom is a good sign that portends surprises
  • House - a change for the better, perhaps a move
  • Star - career growth, luck
  • The book - new knowledge and ideas, perhaps a new stage in life
  • Cross - problems and troubles are coming
  • Ladder - career advancement, career
  • Car - upcoming trip
  • The bridge is a complex sign that requires the need to find compromises
  • Ball (circle) - obsession with something, which can also mean stability
  • Knife - breaking friendship or love relationships, quarrels; perhaps in such cases you should do
  • Clouds - problems and doubts
  • Points - you need to reconsider your attitude to the situation, then it can be corrected
  • Horseshoe - undoubted success, good luck
  • Rose or any flower - the fulfillment of all cherished desires
  • A cup is a beautiful, harmonious existence
  • Egg - new ideas and dreams.

At the end of the divination, one should separate the pictures, the designation of the figures of which was positive, from the pictures with a negative meaning. The good ones are advised to keep as auspicious signs and good talismans, the bad ones - to throw it away or bury it in the ground.

See also a video about how celebrities tell fortunes on a candle:

Conducting home fortune telling on wax and water is as easy as shelling pears. Such a rite takes a minimum of time and does not require special skills. To work, the fortuneteller needs to purchase a real wax candle. Divination should be carried out only on consecrated cold water. Otherwise, you will not be able to know exactly about your future. At the bottom of the bowl, basin, where the water will be, you should put a small mirror. Before fortune-telling, you need to think for a day about your future or aspects of life that interest you. Before divination, the wax should be melted. Pour it into the water slowly at one point. After hardening, the figure can be removed and wiped. The key is the part of the symbol, the figure, which was located below - looked at the mirror. You need to interpret numbers, letters, based on your present and past. And the fortuneteller will help the fortuneteller in this video tips and pictures of wax castings that we have selected.

Correct fortune-telling on wax and water - interpretation of figures, symbols, rules for the ceremony

When fortune-telling on wax, the symbols and signs that appear are quite easy to interpret. They have a clear shape and can be simply inspected by turning in different directions. In some cases, shining the wax in front of a lamp will help determine which figure has appeared. We have selected the most accurate interpretations of the figures that can be formed during divination on wax and water.

How should symbols be interpreted when divining on wax and water?

The figures we have selected are quite often found in divination on wax. They are easy to recognize and just as easy to decipher.

  • heart: with clear and neat edges - promises strong love, new romantic relationships; with torn edges and cracks - will indicate discord in relationships;
  • lips: a fortuneteller is waiting for a sensual and passionate relationship or a meeting with an ardent boyfriend;
  • woman: indicates the possibility of obtaining protection from higher silts, a positive outcome of important matters;
  • man: symbolizes making the right decisions that will help change fate for the better;
  • bird: ordinary - symbolizes good luck in any endeavors and receiving good news; fabulous - indicates the fulfillment of a cherished dream;
  • dog: a new strong and brave friend will appear in the life of a fortune teller (or a close person can become such a true friend);
  • swan: indicates a romantic relationship that will end in a strong marriage;
  • angel: the fortuneteller has protection that will protect her from any problems and help avoid failures;
  • snake: an evil person is surrounded, who can soon cause irreparable harm.

All selected symbols can not only appear one at a time, but can also be combined on a large piece of wax tint. Therefore, when combining them, it is necessary to take into account the meaning of each individual sign and link their meaning to each other. So, the picture of the future will be as accurate as possible.

Video example of divination on wax and water with decoding of symbols and figures

For the accuracy of the fortune-telling, we have selected a video example of its implementation. The author will not only talk about the features of the ceremony, but also about the time of its conduct. Additionally, the example considers the rules for interpreting the resulting figures.

The most accurate fortune-telling on wax for the future - the meaning of the figures and symbols in the pictures

To make working with wax castings really easy, we recommend that fortunetellers familiarize themselves with photo examples. They will help you see what the resulting figures look like, how they can be distinguished. With the help of simple tips, it will not be difficult to conduct accurate divination on wax for the future and it is easy to understand the meaning of the figures that have appeared.

The most accurate meanings of figures and wax symbols during divination for the future in pictures

All examples shown are real photos. With their help, you can learn a lot about your future.

  • fish: indicates a wise and faithful mentor who accompanies the fortune teller; may indicate an early acquaintance with a new interesting person or the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • girl: will indicate the possibility of a positive change in fate - the beginning of a new relationship, getting a new decent and interesting job;
  • face: symbolizes the imminent discovery of a familiar person whom the fortuneteller wants to know completely or who has been interested in her for a long time;
  • frog: indicates the possibility of positive changes in life or changes in one's appearance (for the better);
  • bell: with an even silhouette - a sign of good news; with jagged edges - to receive bad or sad news;
  • the fetus of a child: is the most desirable for many women - it promises an early conception and birth of a child (it is important that the symbol that appears is neat and whole). 3_6

By carefully reviewing our examples of wax figures, you can be sure of the simplicity of their interpretation. You just need to follow the rules of the ceremony. For the rest, it remains to turn on the fantasy and carefully examine the figures. Many fortunetellers are helped in this by photographing the symbol and deciphering it after drawing. For example, the outlines of prominent influxes will help in this, which will make it possible to understand what kind of sign appeared to the fortuneteller.

A simple divination for the future on wax - what do the figures, letters and numbers mean

The appearance of elements such as geometric shapes, numbers or letters makes it somewhat easier to find answers. Letters and numbers will accurately indicate the near future, its changes. Also, the figures will promise the most accurate changes in the near future. We have described in detail what the figures, numbers and letters mean and how they should be interpreted when divining on wax.

What do geometric shapes mean when divining on a wax candle for the future?

It is not difficult to recognize geometric figures when divining on wax. They are clearly defined and provide simple answers to questions. We have selected the most accurate interpretations of the meanings of different figures:

  • circle: indicates the fortune teller's obsession with existing problems (you need to break the circle and find something new, fresh and life will change for the better);
  • oval: indicates the possibility of a new appearance in life, which will certainly make the future bright;
  • many circles: it requires a fortune teller to make cardinal changes in life, otherwise nothing new and interesting will happen in the near future;
  • square or rectangle: the fortune teller plans her future quite accurately, so she needs to stick to the chosen direction and then everything planned will work out;
  • triangle: difficulties, uncertainty may arise in life, which will lead to negative consequences;
  • ring: usually indicates a quick marriage, married - a strong and lasting family (the exception is an uneven circle, which is almost broken - it can promise a break in relations, a divorce);
  • star: indicates the imminent fulfillment of desires and everything planned.

Such simple figures can be the best help in making decisions. They allow you to simply and easily look into the future and radically change your destiny. They will also help you cope with any problems, achieve your goals.

What can numbers and letters mean when divining your future on wax?

An important difference between ordinary figures and symbols and numbers and letters is their special meaning. It is only the fortuneteller herself who can determine exactly what such signs are talking about. Wax letters indicate the importance of a certain person whose name begins with her. It is he who in the present and future will become a "guide" and indicate changes in life. This person can bring both joy and sorrow. Therefore, in dealing with him, you need to be very careful.

The numbers are directly related to the numbers in the life of a fortune teller. They are tied to the recent past and indicate similar events that may occur in the future. For example, if the number 1 appears and the fortuneteller has a one-year-old child, then she may soon become pregnant. If the number 5 appeared and about 5 years ago the fortuneteller was fired, then a similar account may befall her. If she gets a job again, she may soon be fired again. The same thing can happen at the place where she works now.

The exact meaning of the pictures when divining a house on wax - the rules for interpreting symbols

If different symbols are close to each other, their meaning should be compared during interpretation. The symbol located in the center is the main one. From it, and should be repelled when deciphering. Other signs located nearby may promise a series of certain events. At the same time, the central and adjacent figures indicate the near future. But distant ones can tell about the distant future. The tips we have selected will help the fortune-tellers to correctly interpret the wax castings that have appeared. They will help to easily understand the meaning of the pictures that appeared during divination on wax.

How to correctly understand the meaning of pictures when divining on a wax candle and water?

Separately taken symbols are a separate story of the present or the near future. But combinations of them can reinforce each other. Therefore, for an accurate interpretation, it is recommended to separately write out the values ​​of each figure, and then make your own forecast for the future.

  • candle: its appearance will indicate the ability to easily reveal the secrets of the future, so the candle symbol is very good for divination on wax and water;
  • drops: indicates the possibility of getting rid of any financial problems, receiving money or receiving winnings;
  • butterfly: denotes the ease of solving important issues, getting rid of adversity and everything that has weighed on the fortuneteller lately;
  • hourglass: symbolizes the need to make cardinal and serious decisions (although the result of actions can be both positive and negative);
  • dove: indicates the restoration of friendly relations with a person who is dear to the fortuneteller (symbolizes the restoration of peace and tranquility);
  • point: set - to the emergence of profit, the flow of money; near a negative sign - to mitigate circumstances; near a positive sign - to its strengthening;
  • egg: to the birth of a child in the family;
  • vase: while the secrets of the fortuneteller have not yet been revealed, but in the near future they may become the property of many if she does not protect them even better;
  • pyramid: indicates the imminent fulfillment of cherished desires, the possibility of new discoveries and the achievement of goals;
  • home: the ability to create strong relationships with a partner that will be built on trust;
  • pen: symbolizes uncertainty, the inability to concentrate on the tasks at hand (it helps to avoid negative consequences if the fortune teller shows more confidence);
  • fire: for lovers and self-confident - a sign of the imminent creation of a passionate romantic relationship, the accomplishment of what was planned; for insecure people - problems with the future, danger.

The symbols we have considered are quite often found in divination on wax and water. However, they can be both voluminous and flat. The location and dimensions practically do not affect the interpretation. Only the figure itself and its shape are important.

Video example of the interpretation of the characters that appeared from the wax after divination

To consolidate the knowledge gained by future fortunetellers, we recommend watching the following video example. It will help to make sure that wax castings are easy to decipher and learn to see their true essence, regardless of form.

It is allowed to conduct home fortune-telling on wax not only alone, but also together with friends. True, it is worth inviting only trusted and kind people. Fortune telling on wax and water is recommended on a moonlit night. This time will help you get the most accurate forecasts for the future. The interpretation of the meanings of symbols and signs should be carried out after a thorough examination of the resulting wax castings. With special attention, you need to study the data by letters and numbers from wax. They carry unusual interpretations for the future. Therefore, before conducting fortune-telling, we recommend studying the features of the rite and deciphering the signs. The pictures of castings and video examples of fortune-telling that we have selected will help in this.

Fortune telling on wax is a traditional old Slavic entertainment before Christmas. Both young girls and mature ladies resort to it. The interpretation of Christmas divination on wax and water is within the power of even beginners. It is only necessary to show imagination and connect the imagination in order to recognize the resulting wax figures. The most favorable time for casting wax is the night hours on the eve of Christmas. According to popular beliefs, the line between the other world and the outside world is the thinnest on this night.

Divination on wax

For this fortune-telling, you will need a minimum of improvised means: water, a wax candle or natural wax. You need to carry out the ritual at night, without strangers, left alone with your thoughts and concentrating on your own desires and goals.

The color of the candle depends on the purpose of divination: red or pink is suitable for questions about love, a green candle for health, and yellow or golden for clarifying the financial situation. If a fortuneteller has accumulated many questions of a different nature, he can light several colored candles.

You can melt the wax in a separate container and pour it into water. Another option is to light a candle and wait until it starts to melt (about an hour). First you need to formulate a clear question and say it out loud. Pouring wax should be in one place, the hand should remain motionless. Then you need to wait for some time to mark the wax patterns and carefully analyze the resulting images. Sometimes symbols can have a double meaning - in this case, you should listen to your inner voice and choose the appropriate interpretation.

If the figurine formed from molten wax has a favorable meaning, then you need to save it, if it is negative, bury it away from home in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Interpretation of wax symbols and signs

The meaning of figures and various signs alphabetically.

The letter a:

  1. 1. Apricot. Such a symbol is characteristic of a temperamental and quick-tempered nature. These character traits will bring a lot of problems to a woman. If a fortune-telling girl has a soulmate, the chosen one will be dismissive of loved ones and relatives of her beloved.
  2. 2. Stork. An excellent sign that promises family well-being, the birth of a healthy child and testifies to the enormous creative potential of a person.
  3. 3. Car. The image of the vehicle portends a short trip or a romantic trip, going out with friends to nature.
  4. 4. Angel. A sign of cardinal changes in the life of a person who should not always rely on the help of relatives and friends, you need to learn independence, take responsibility for your actions.
  5. 5. Amphora. The chosen one is not ready to build a serious and long-term relationship with a girl, he just fools her head.
  6. 6. Arch. Traveling abroad, the onset of a new life stage.
  7. 7. Watermelon. This berry testifies to the strength of mind, determination, ambition and leadership qualities of a young lady.
  8. 8. Pineapple. The beloved constantly doubts his feelings, he cannot decide on his preferences and will cause a lot of suffering to the girl.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Eggplant. The girl underestimates herself, she should be more confident in her own abilities. If wax is poured in order to tell fortunes on a lover, this vegetable is a bad sign and promises misunderstanding, disagreement in relationships and alienation.
  2. 2. Ballerina. Great dependence on the opinions of others, inability to make decisions independently, useless pastime, failures in professional activities.
  3. 3. Bow. You should show more care and goodwill towards people from your close circle, so that in difficult times they come to the rescue.
  4. 4. Banana. The past will remind of itself in the near future, past events will negatively affect the girl's love relationship. The young lady is able to betray her chosen one and cause him severe mental pain.
  5. 5. Drum. Loss of reputation due to the fault of your loved one, hypocrisy, gossip, other people's gossip.
  6. 6. Battery. Next to the girl there will always be a person whom you can rely on in a difficult life situation, he is loyal and honest, he will never betray.
  7. 7. Bank. Deep disappointment, vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams.
  8. 8. Tower. Internal changes, spiritual growth and self-development, emotional uplift, rapid rise up the career ladder.
  9. 9. Shoe or boot. Life changes, a sense of security and justice.
  10. 10. Baton. If a married lady saw such a sign, it means that she connected her life with a superficial and frivolous person, whose family occupies one of the last places in life. The beloved does not pay due attention to his wife and children, he is cold and cruel. If the sign appeared during the fortune-telling of an unmarried girl, then she needs to carefully approach the choice of a life partner.
  11. 11. Binoculars. You should carefully weigh your decision, do not exaggerate your capabilities.
  12. 12. Damn. The young lady will have to be alone for a long time.
  13. 13. Bomb. You need to control your emotions, otherwise there will be a grand scandal. The girl runs the risk of ruining relationships with all loved ones because of her explosive nature.
  14. 14. Glass. Great prospects for the future, amazing opportunities. Fate gives a unique chance, you can not miss it.
  15. 15. Bagel. The young lady will be deeply disappointed in her lover, because he is not what he seems.
  16. 16. Letters or numbers. Clear symbols promise positive changes, good news, while blurry ones promise negative changes, sad news. If there are dots next to the letters, this portends a big profit. Numbers can foreshadow events that will happen on the date associated with these symbols, and letters can mean the name of a person who will play an important role in the life of a fortuneteller.
  17. 17. Bottle. You should not succumb to the temptation, you need to control yourself and limit the use of alcoholic beverages in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  18. 18. Bouquet. An invitation to a gala event, a nice present from a loved one, a romantic date.
  19. 19. Alarm clock. You should postpone all affairs and pay due attention to your state of health, otherwise there may be serious problems.
  20. 20. Bust. Neglect of family values ​​for the sake of material wealth. We must not forget about loved ones, because they can turn away from a person and he will remain completely alone.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Vase. Spiritual harmony, tranquility, peace, contentment with one's life.
  2. 2. Bicycle. You need to show more perseverance and diligence in order to achieve your goal.
  3. 3. Rope. A negative sign that promises troubles, mental and physical suffering, insurmountable obstacles.
  4. 4. Wreath. A joyful, happy event, a fun pastime, the fulfillment of a cherished desire, pleasant chores.
  5. 5. Fan. Major troubles in professional activities, clarification of relations with household members, misunderstanding in relationships with a lover, his coldness.
  6. 6. Grapes. Great love, family wealth, prosperity, abundance and prosperity.
  7. 7. Fork. You should take a closer look at your close surroundings. Among these people there is a person who wishes evil to the fortuneteller and weaves intrigues against him.

Letter G:

  1. 1. Kettlebell. The person has a difficult character and cannot find a common language with others. No need to be so rigid and categorical so as not to complicate your life.
  2. 2. Nail. A loved one uses a young lady for his own selfish purposes, he is greedy and hypocritical.
  3. 3. Guitar. Family harmony, complete understanding with the beloved and household, peace of mind, peace.
  4. 4. Eye. In a close environment there is an ill-wisher, a deceiver, a hypocrite.
  5. 5. Mushroom. A long and happy life of a fortuneteller and people dear to him, a joyful surprise, an unexpected event of a positive nature.
  6. 6. Pear. A sign of monetary profit, harmonious relationships and the successful completion of an important life stage.
  7. 7. Coffin. A bad sign, portending a serious illness and imminent death.
  8. 8. Goose. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected developments, receiving an invitation to an important event.
  9. 9. Lips. Sensuality, passion, intimate caresses, a sign of a temperamental nature.

Letter D:

  1. 1. Sofa. Passive lifestyle, laziness, indifference, apathy.
  2. 2. Door. Soon a new life stage will come, which can bring both positive and negative changes.
  3. 3. Tree. E if the branches are directed upwards - a happy event, if they are lowered down - deep sadness, boring pastime, irresistible longing.
  4. 4. House. Purchase of real estate, change of residence, marriage, household chores.
  5. 5. Road. Unique opportunities open up before a person, fate gives a chance to improve life. You should use it so that you do not regret the lost time later.

Letter J:

  1. 1. Acorn. Creative inspiration, new business idea, useful pastime.
  2. 2. Woman. Friend or rival.

Letter Z:

  1. 1. Castle. A new acquaintance, a new love, a change in the type of activity, a transition to a new job.
  2. 2. The fetus of a child. The embryo symbolizes the birth of a new idea, plans, a new life stage. A clear picture - all undertakings will be crowned with success, vague - you need to analyze your goals and desires and not make hasty decisions.
  3. 3. Star. Realization of innermost desire, achievement of the intended goal, implementation of plans, career growth.
  4. 4. Umbrella. Minor domestic troubles, disputes, the emergence of a conflict situation in relationships with a loved one, a tense atmosphere at home.
  5. 5. Question mark. Variability, uncertainty, indecision.
  6. 6. Comma. Mystery, mystery, intrigue in a relationship with a lover.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Needle. A person is too vulnerable and susceptible to other people's comments.

Letter K:

  1. 1. Drop. Many small ones - to financial profit, one big one - easy money, inheritance.
  2. 2. Stone. The girl's lover is impractical, he does not have a strong character and gives in to momentary weaknesses.
  3. 3. Cabbage. Cheerfulness, positive thinking, good nature.
  4. 4. Card (playing). The chosen one does not reciprocate, he is cold and indifferent.
  5. 5. Saucepan. Material losses, loss of a valuable thing, large cash waste.
  6. 6. Square. Comfort, stability, family well-being.
  7. 7. Key. Believing in yourself will help you realize your cherished dream and achieve great success in your work.
  8. 8. Book. Self-education, self-improvement, obtaining new skills and knowledge, broadening one's horizons.
  9. 9. Wheel. The onset of a new life stage, big changes.
  10. 10. Ring. A sign of imminent marriage, a magnificent wedding. If the ring is broken, the marriage will be short-lived. If there are many dots next to this image, the person will receive a profitable business offer.
  11. 11. Ship. Romantic trip, long-term business trip, forced separation from loved ones.
  12. 12. Comet. An unexpected turn, a rapid development of events.
  13. 13. Crown. Respect and general recognition, rapid career growth, material prosperity. All the plans will become a reality in the near future.
  14. 14. Wallet. Cash spending, long-awaited purchase.
  15. 15. Cross. Unsuccessful life period, chronic bad luck, deterioration of health, troubles at home and at work.
  16. 16. Circle. The completion of a stage in a person's life, the achievement of the task.
  17. 17. Bed. A person needs a good rest and a change of scenery.

Letter L:

  1. 1. Lemon. Strong envy, moral dissatisfaction, mental anguish, dissatisfaction with one's life.
  2. 2. Leaves. Lucky event, luck, financial prosperity.
  3. 3. Spoon. Unexpected guests, a dinner party, a family feast.

Letter M:

  1. 1. Medal. Hard work will be appreciated.
  2. 2. Lightning. The irresponsibility and frivolity of a person will lead to disastrous consequences.
  3. 3. Hammer. You need to be responsible for your words and be responsible for your actions.
  4. 4. Monster. The dark side of personality, vicious hobbies.
  5. 5. Man. A new suitor, a short-term romance or a long and strong relationship with a lover.
  6. 6. Ball. An unsuccessful life period will soon be replaced by positive events and great joy.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Handcuffs. Addictions, violation of the law, disregard for moral and ethical standards, restriction of freedom of action.
  2. 2. Scissors. A person should decide on his desires and goals and get rid of negative memories. You have to make difficult choices in order to move forward and develop.

Letter O:

  1. 1. Cloud. Emotional uplift, creative inspiration, burst of energy. Great inner potential, dreamy and receptive nature.
  2. 2. Points. Illusory perception of reality, self-deception.

Letter P:

  1. 1. Web. Unjustified risk, participation in an adventure, a dubious event. The ill-wisher weaves intrigues behind the back of a fortuneteller.
  2. 2. Palm tree. A serene and happy life, a family vacation, a romantic trip, a trip with friends, exciting adventures, a holiday romance, a fun pastime, vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions.
  3. 3. Feather. Low level of concentration, inability to bring the work started to its logical conclusion.
  4. 4. Hourglass. It's time to make a responsible decision.
  5. 5. Pistol. A grandiose family scandal, a great danger.
  6. 6. Train. Business trip, moving to another city or country.
  7. 7. Horseshoe. A favorable period in the life of a fortuneteller, successful business negotiations, family idyll, material stability.

Letter R:

  1. 1. Child. The appearance of offspring, an early pregnancy, a new business project.
  2. 2. Rose. The fulfillment of a secret desire in the near future.
  3. 3. Hand. Strong friendly ties, comradely help and support.
  4. 4. Mermaid. Temptation, deceit, cunning of an ill-wisher, gossip, slander, female deceit.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Airplane. If directed upwards - a quick journey, if downwards - defeat, collapse of hopes, broken dreams, vain expectations.
  2. 2. Heart. Sincere affection, sincere and bright feelings, great and mutual love.
  3. 3. Candle. Solemn event, significant event, fast wedding.
  4. 4. Cigarette. A person cannot make the right decision and complete what he has begun, he is sprayed into trifles and does not notice the true state of things.
  5. 5. Sickle (lunar). Major life changes are coming.
  6. 6. Rock. Life obstacles on the way to the intended goal, insurmountable difficulties.
  7. 7. Sun. Talents, creativity, great opportunities, the birth of a child, a favorable stage in all areas of life.
  8. 8. Spiral. Everything secret will soon become clear, the past will make itself felt.
  9. 9. Glass. Poor health, mental vulnerability, physical malaise, moral devastation.
  10. 10. Wall. A symbol of alienation, misunderstanding, conflicts with households and disagreements in the work team.
  11. 11. Arrow. Bad news, unpleasant incident.
  12. 12. Steps. Climbing the career ladder, promotion, general recognition, respect for people from close circle.

Letter T:

  1. 1. Phone. An important event, a serious conversation. A person does not always say what he really thinks.
  2. 2. Point. Financial profit, the emergence of an additional source of income.
  3. 3. Axe. Problem situations at home and at work. The conflict and harshness of character will bring a lot of trouble to the young lady.
  4. 4. Pumpkin. Cardinal changes of a positive nature, a new job, love relationships, a change of scenery.

Letter F:

  1. 1. Flag. Risk of injury and physical injury. For unmarried girls, such a symbol promises a wedding with a military man.

Letter X:

  1. 1. Bread. A good sign that symbolizes abundance, financial well-being, good health and longevity.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Flower. Brilliant opportunities, positive mood, peace of mind, peace. The desired will soon become a reality, plans will come true.
  2. 2. Church. Oath of fidelity and devotion, wedding ceremony, spiritual heritage.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Cup. Small joys of life, pleasant pastime with friends.

Letter W:

  1. 1. Pants. A dual situation, a person has to make a difficult choice.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Apple. A symbol of health, success, prosperity, happiness and love. If the fruit is bitten or wrinkled - a person needs to resist the temptation or momentary temptation in order to achieve what he wants.
  2. 2. Egg. Radical changes are coming, a new life stage, new ideas and opportunities, brilliant prospects.
  3. 3. Anchor. high position in society. The person is socially significant and enjoys success with the opposite sex. Temporary difficulties, which will soon be replaced by great joy.
  4. 4. Pit. The imminent death of a fortuneteller or a person from his inner circle.

The meaning of animals and birds

Deciphering the appearance of wax outlines of birds and flying creatures in the water:

  1. 1. Stork. Family happiness, life harmony, bursts of creative inspiration, creation.
  2. 2. Raven. Deep sadness, difficult life period, health problems.
  3. 3. Dragon. A person has high ambitions, he cannot sit in one place for a long time and constantly strives to develop and reach the heights. The young lady knows what she wants and is used to always winning.
  4. 4. Hen or chicken. Mutual understanding in personal relationships, establishing business relationships.
  5. 5. Swan. A long-awaited letter, positive news from distant relatives or friends.
  6. 6. Bird. Good news, a pleasant meeting with an old friend or school friend.
  7. 7. Duck. Luck, success in all endeavors.
  8. 8. Heron. Negative attitude to life and past grievances do not allow to fully develop and achieve great heights. A girl needs to change from the inside in order to be successful.


  1. 1. Butterfly. Changes of a positive nature in all spheres of life, making the right decision, getting rid of negative emotions.
  2. 2. Fly. Internal irritation, disharmony, gossip and intrigue, loss of reputation.
  3. 3. Spider. A stable financial position, exposure of a cunning enemy, he will not have time to carry out his insidious plan.
  4. 4. Bee. A person will become successful thanks to his diligence and determination.
  5. 5. Snail. Slowness, suspiciousness, self-doubt.

Animals and magical creatures:

  1. 1. Alligator. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected developments, emotional shock.
  2. 2. Ram. The person is stubborn and believes that any method can be used to achieve their own goals and satisfy their ambitions, but such beliefs will become a big problem in building a serious relationship.
  3. 3. Badger. The chosen one is not ready to change for the sake of the girl, he lives in his own illusory world and does not notice obvious things.
  4. 4. Squirrel. The girl is reasonable and thrifty, she knows how to think logically and worries about her future.
  5. 5. Behemoth. Love and strong affection, however, the beloved is thick-skinned and does not know how to show tender feelings for his chosen one.
  6. 6. Bull. Great danger, a threat to the health and life of a fortuneteller.
  7. 7. Wolf. The chosen one of the girl is bold and courageous, he has great ambitions and always achieves what he wants. Due to the firmness of the lover's character and his uncompromising nature, serious disagreements and scandals can arise.
  8. 8. Giraffe. Illusions, daydreaming, rich imagination, a sign of a romantic and subtle nature.
  9. 9. Hare. Internal fears, fear of approaching danger, bad premonition.
  10. 10. Snake. Great danger, enemy treachery, severe illness.
  11. 11. Hedgehog. You will have to show firmness and determination and go against the opinion of loved ones in order to protect your own interests.
  12. 12. Raccoon. You will make mistakes and not learn from them, err in your judgments.
  13. 13. Unicorn. Like-minded people who will help make great discoveries.
  14. 14. Kangaroo. Nothing can prevent the young lady from realizing her own ideas and plans.
  15. 15. Goat. Favorable period for the conclusion of major transactions, cash investments, making responsible decisions.
  16. 16. Cow. Prosperous life, financial stability.
  17. 17. Cat. Betrayal of a close friend, disappointment in people from a close circle, an unpleasant event.
  18. 18. Lev. Hidden talents, inner strength, fortitude, endurance, self-control, wisdom and justice.
  19. 19. Horse. If a person is selfless and persistent, soon his life will change for the better.
  20. 20. Bear. Failures in personal relationships, the emergence of a very influential and wise patron.
  21. 21. Mouse. Unpretentiousness. A fortune-telling girl is poorly versed in people.
  22. 22. Rhino. The appearance of a stubborn and strong admirer who does not take into account other people's opinions and will significantly complicate the life of a fortune-telling young lady.
  23. 23. Monkey. Deception, betrayal, deceit of a person from a close environment. He is cunning and prudent, can cause great harm to a young lady.
  24. 24. Deer. Stress resistance, life stability, family well-being.
  25. 25. Cancer. Serious problems on the love front, scandals, unpleasant events.
  26. 26. Dog. In the life of a girl there is a devoted and faithful person, she values ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship with him very much.
  27. 27. Owl. An early death, deep mourning, an incurable disease, mental trauma.
  28. 28. Pig. In arrogance, pride, a person does not recognize his own mistakes and does not learn from them.
  29. 29. Elephant. Life wisdom, invaluable experience.
  30. 30. Tiger. The animal symbolizes the enemy's strength and the danger of the enemy.
  31. 31. Lizard. An unpleasant meeting, a serious conversation, a visit from an ill-wisher.

Fish and marine life:

  1. 1. Shark. You should be careful, because the ill-wisher is cunning and dangerous, he is plotting evil. The emergence of a strong competitor in the business.
  2. 2. Dolphin. A person can always count on help and friendly support, he is surrounded by kind and devoted comrades.
  3. 3. Whale. Reliability, calmness, stability.
  4. 4. Medusa. You will have to find out something that will prevent you from sleeping peacefully at night, keeping other people's secrets.
  5. 5. Fish. Comfortable existence, pleasant atmosphere, family comfort.

Fortune telling on wax can be done alone or in a large company. For some, this is simple entertainment, but if you correctly interpret the meaning of the figures received, then the veil hiding the future will open slightly. You can also find out the answer to your question. There are many ways for divination with wax. The most popular is the classic method with candles and water, but other options also give reliable predictions.

Time for divination

The reliability of the result depends on the chosen period for fortune-telling. Although you can tell fortunes at any time, it is best to do it on New Year's Eve, Christmas or Christmas time. Wax figures are usually considered as a prediction for the whole year, but the use of this method is also suitable for solving complex issues. The time for the procedure should be chosen later, it is advisable to guess closer to midnight with candles lit and the electricity turned off, so that nothing interferes with the correct fall of the shadows, which are of paramount importance in the prediction.

You should rely only on your own vision when decoding. You should not show the result to someone before the picture develops in your head. Extraneous influence can lead a person from the right thought.

For work you will need:

  • beeswax or candles from it;
  • a small basin or a wide plate;
  • holy water (you can take plain water);
  • matches.

Do not use paraffin candles for casting, but a lighter to light them or melt the wax. The burning of matches affects the melting unevenly and leaves an appropriate aroma in the air, which is an important attribute of divination. And although paraffin has similar properties with wax, it is not suitable for predicting the future. It can be used as entertainment for such fortune-telling, but the results obtained should not be taken seriously. Only real wax, produced by bees, is able to give a correct prediction.

If you could not find real wax candles, it is better to make them yourself.

To do this, you need to buy wax at a pharmacy or in stores selling beekeeping products. Purchase a wick in the needlework departments. Melt the wax in a metal bowl over a fire and pour it onto a previously prepared dense fabric in the form of a rectangle 10-15 cm long, 2-3 cm wide. be 1 cm longer than the length of the form. Then you should carefully roll up the candle, making sure that the wick remains in its middle. The joint must be singeed with a match so that it melts and closes into an even seam.

When all the necessary attributes are ready, you can start fortune telling. Everyone chooses the most convenient way for himself.

Classic way

You need to pour holy water into the prepared container, light a candle and tilt it over the water surface so that drops of wax fall freely to the surface. The angle of inclination must be kept in the region of 40-45 degrees relative to the plane.

When half of the candle burns out, you need to blow out the fire and get the resulting figure out of the water, carefully examine it from all sides. The first association that comes to mind is what needs to be interpreted.


If there is no finished candle, you can cast wax using the following method:

  • A small piece of wax is placed in a tablespoon, corresponding to its volume.
  • A plate of holy water is placed in front of the fortuneteller.
  • You need to hold the spoon over the flame so that the wax melts.
  • The melted mass should be poured onto the surface of the water.

The interpretation of the resulting figure is carried out in the same way as with the classical method of divination.

Wax and its shadow

This method allows you to get the most complete interpretation of the result. Holy water is not used in this case.

You need to take a flat plate, two large candles and one small one, sit down at the table opposite a flat wall. Large candles are placed to the right and left of the plate in candlesticks or piles. When they are lit, you should set fire to the wick of the small one and drip enough wax from it into the center of the plate to firmly set it in the puddle formed.

While it burns, you need to watch its flame and mentally ask a question of interest. The fortune-telling process can take from half an hour to 1-2 hours, but the result is worth the time spent.

When the candle on the plate burns out completely, and the wax hardens, you can begin to interpret. The resulting figure predicts the near future, and the answer to the question of interest will be reflected in the shadow on the wall. To do this, carefully separate the figure from the bottom of the plate, take it in your right hand. The shadow displayed on the wall will be the answer to the question asked.

Interpretation of the figures seen

The imagination of people is boundless, because in the resulting figures you can even see the faces of relatives and friends, symbols or inscriptions. If in the process of divination a person asks a certain question, then intuition will certainly tell you how to interpret the received image. When divining for the future, it is customary to use classical values. A person can see many different shapes, but it is believed that you need to unravel what you see by 12 basic symbols that can be displayed.

Figure Wax Shadow
Angel A harbinger of change for the better, all things will turn out well. It's time to profit from the work done. You need to be more attentive to yourself, only self-organization and control will contribute to the fulfillment of desire, without personal efforts it is unlikely that the results of the work will satisfy the fortuneteller The answer is yes, luck will accompany the fortuneteller in everything, but you need to strictly manage the process and take the initiative. The wish will come true, but the form of execution may be very different from the expected result.
Pancake or even circle This sign is related to love and family relationships. He shows the cool attitude of the chosen one to the fortuneteller. You should not count on a serious relationship with your lover in the coming year. This is a time of stagnation and movement in a circle, successful or negative changes are not expected. The wish is unlikely to come true. This sign often falls out as an answer to the question of marriage, if in the near future it is not destined by fate. Do not be upset when you see a pancake. So the universe takes the fortuneteller away from the wrong person
tree or rabbit The tree seen shows the presence of enormous forces in a person. The fortuneteller will be able to achieve great success in a short time, but this will require effort. With great desire and hard work, everything will turn out well. If, when turned over, the figure resembles a rabbit, the symbol indicates the need to defend one's point of view. The sign warns of the shyness of the fortuneteller, which must be fought The meaning is interpreted depending on the direction of the branches of the tree or the ears of the rabbit. Dropped down means a negative answer to the question, close sorrows and sorrows, and directed upwards predict happiness and good luck.
House Such a figure promises family happiness and prosperity for the coming year. True and simple joys await a person. For those who do not have their own housing, this sign predicts its acquisition. If you are planning to buy a house, then this period is the best for the implementation of plans. The sign predicts an imminent celebration. If the dream concerned a wedding, then it will take place soon. In relation to other matters, the house promises good luck and happiness, prosperity and contentment in everything, true friends
Star Symbol of happiness and prosperity. Such a sign can rarely be seen in cast figures, but if the drops of wax formed into a five-pointed star, the fortuneteller can only be envied. All affairs and undertakings will turn out in the best way. Nothing can overshadow the life of a person who received this symbol as a result of fortune telling. Such a shadow does not give an unambiguous answer to the question asked. The star predicts an early acquaintance with the second half, but the fortuneteller needs to be very careful not to miss this moment. The sign is considered a positive sign, but indicates to the person about the many options for the development of events. The choice of a suitable path depends only on the fortuneteller himself.
Serpent or curved band The cast snake symbolizes the wisdom and strength of the fortuneteller, but also warns of the danger that threatens him. This sign shows the enemy lurking somewhere nearby. A person needs to be very careful in communication, you should not trust your secrets and plans to anyone in order to exclude the possibility of negative impact from Bad sign. Such a picture does not bode well, the answer to the question asked is negative. You have to be very careful with people. The snake indicates that a traitor or an evil rival is lurking surrounded by a fortuneteller
Ring or circle with a hole in the center This sign speaks of an imminent wedding for a single person, but for family people, the ring symbolizes a vicious circle. Do not be upset if everything is bad now. Healers advise in this case to break the ring and melt the wax again, and then pour it out the window The symbol is a positive answer to the question of marriage or marriage, but if a person was interested in the outcome of some business, then you should not count on luck, only hard work will help solve pressing problems
Cross Bad symbol. The cross means the death of a loved one in the coming year The sign of the cross seen in the shadow gives a negative answer to the question asked. This is a sign of future failures and illnesses, the fortuneteller should be patient and prepare for the worst outcome in all matters.
Shell or cave One of the most unwanted signs. If a shell (cave) is cast, one must steadfastly look failures in the face. The next year promises to be difficult and sad. Trouble, resentment and parting is carried by this symbol, but the one who survives all the trials will certainly be rewarded The cave (shell) reflected on the wall symbolizes the collapse of hopes. The desire will not come true, so you should not make efforts to fulfill it. He who sees this sign should cool his ardor and take a passive position in all matters. Any manifestation of the initiative will only lead to negative consequences, so there is no need to tempt fate. The fortuneteller needs to spend the near future rethinking life values, and not direct energy to receive material wealth
Horseshoe or semicircle This symbol of good luck in the wax image promises solid luck in all matters and undertakings. There is no need to postpone plans for a distant box, because the most successful period for accomplishments has come. Fate puts real magic in the hands of a fortuneteller. Everything that a person undertakes in the coming year will work out in the best way, so you need to use this chance. It is advisable to keep the cast horseshoe and carry it with you as a talisman. So that it does not break, you need to wrap it with thick foil in several layers and not part with it over the next year, and then hang it over the front door with the horns up. This position means a full bowl, so the fortuneteller's house will be filled with happiness and prosperity. An arc resembling a horseshoe symbolizes the fulfillment of all desires. This sign portends good luck and wealth, and also brings happiness and love to the fate of a person. Away with doubts and indecision, the fortuneteller needs to immediately begin to implement all the planned cases, because the dreaming horseshoe indicates their positive outcome
Candle A figure resembling a candle indicates a person's daydreaming. This symbol does not promise cardinal changes in life, but one who has received such a sign should think about his idle lifestyle, become more serious and reasonable The dream will not come true. A candle in this case denotes an unfavorable outcome in business, caused by an accident. Unexpected troubles will occur in the life of a fortuneteller, so you should seriously prepare for them so that a sudden blow of fate does not knock a person out of the usual rhythm of life
Egg Such a figure symbolizes beneficial beginnings and the birth of something new in life. This sign indicates a good combination of circumstances. For married women, such a symbol predicts an early pregnancy. If the birth of a child is not planned, then you should be very careful about the process of protection. The reflection of the egg in the shadow on the wall gives a positive answer to the fortuneteller's question. The sign symbolizes the birth of new ideas and a favorable outcome in their implementation. Therefore, do not be afraid of failures, everything will work out in the best way.

Wax has always been a popular divination tool. It was used by our ancestors, and now everyone can find out their fate from bizarre wax patterns.

Many divination methods come down to the interpretation of patterns obtained from candle wax, coffee grounds or tea leaves. To decipher the meanings, you can connect fantasy, or you can use interpreters that describe many figures. Each of them has a certain meaning in your destiny, and you can find out from them what awaits you in the near future.

Divination on wax

Bird. This value indicates that you will find the answer to your innermost question, and a lot of pleasant events await you ahead. A flying bird indicates travel and a possible change of residence, a new job away from home.

Elephant. A clear figure indicates that everything is in order with you, and luck is expected ahead. A blurry figure indicates some health problems. In this case, it is worth contacting professionals in order to exclude the development of an unpleasant disease.

Tree. If the branches of your pattern are directed upwards, then good news awaits you. Branches pointing down promise trouble and deceit.

Heart. This sign is a symbol of love and prosperity. A clear heart promises quick love, a happy marriage, as well as building relationships with married couples. If several wax dots float around the heart, then expect a change in the financial situation for the better.

Dog. This value indicates that you have a trusted friend who will help you in difficult times. Also, a dog can symbolize a favorable time for bold undertakings, developing your business, searching for new employees, suppliers and partners.

Fish. This sign can mean problems that you need to solve together with people you trust. A fish can mean an early pregnancy both in the fortuneteller herself and in her family. This symbol may indicate news that will have a stunning but pleasant meaning for you.

Bear. This sign appears when your life has come to a standstill. It indicates that you urgently need to change something in order to avoid trouble. Usually a bear warns of possible deceit and betrayal by business partners. For girls, a bear can become a symbol of a new relationship in which a man will dominate.

Cat. This symbol means betrayal from the side that you do not expect. A cat can mean a new passion for your lover, as well as a competitor at work. Care should be taken in everything to avoid troubles and failures.

Snake. This symbol means the wisdom of the one who guesses, and the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation. Also, this figure warns of impending danger.

Dagger or knife. This value always indicates danger. Take a close look at your immediate surroundings. Most likely, among your friends there is a traitor who can cause you pain and suffering.

Fortune telling on wax will be trueif you are firmly confident in your abilities. Carefully consider the resulting patterns so that no one can take you by surprise. Do not tell anyone about what you saw, so as not to bring trouble on yourself. We wish you good luck and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

19.01.2018 01:23

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