The zodiac sign Leo is the best compatibility with other signs. Leo Man Compatibility


The fiery sign - Leo - he, like his namesake, the king of animals, is called to sit on the throne. But Leo also needs a pair. So who is Leo compatible with?

Before answering this question, let's talk about the "lion" character. Lions tend to love idealism, they are noble and generous, have a phenomenal craving for independence and are unlikely to obey anyone. However, there are exceptions to any rule that only confirm the rule itself.

Both male and female Leo love to be the center of attention and bathe in the rays of adoration and admiration. If you decide to give your heart to the owner of this zodiac sign, it is important to remember that Leo is not only interested in sex, he is a supporter of romantic relationships. For Leo of any gender, it is very important how his half looks and what impression she makes on others. A sense of humor, a positive mood and, most importantly, a willingness to recognize Leo for his superiority, admiring him, will allow you to keep his attention on you for a long time.

What signs are Leo compatible with?

Leos can find their happiness with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini and Libra. It is better to avoid marriage with Taurus and Scorpio.


Such a marriage is distinguished by creativity and productivity. Both signs have a large supply of strength and creativity. These two fire signs get along well with each other, both love adventure, in this pair Aries is the inspirer and "backup dancer". A very strong union.

Gemini Leo

This couple is not only excellent friends, but also wonderful lovers who understand each other's spiritual aspirations. In this pair, Leo sits on a throne, and in his shadow there is a "gray cardinal" Gemini, skillfully playing the score. Another variant of the relationship may be a unifying adventurous vein, throwing both in search of adventure. Two freedom-loving signs that understand each other well.

Leo Libra

It is considered the most successful union. Diplomatic Libra gives Leo many contacts and restrains his indefatigable fiery energy.

Leo - Sagittarius

This union, first of all, is active creativity. The unbending Sagittarius can only agree to submit to the royal Leo. Sagittarius is wise and intuitive, which is very important for Leo. This is a successful combination of fiery energies, giving a dizzying success at the end.

Leo is the zodiac sign of people who are completely consumed by love and vanity.

WITH Leo Compatibility with representatives of the opposite sex depends entirely on the temperament and jealous nature of these persons. Representatives of this sign will not be able to live a day without love and violent passions. That is why they tend to change many partners in their entire lives.

In order to win the heart of a representative of this sign, you will need to constantly admire him and not voice his shortcomings aloud. This ambitious person simply does not tolerate criticism in her address.

These “lovers” prefer a fulfilling connection to casual romance. They always endure the end of the novel very hard, but this does not prevent them from seeking solace from a new partner.

Leo Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

In relations with representatives of the signs Aries, Cancer and Aquarius, it is almost impossible. Leo longs to be someone's weakness: the selfish Aries is not capable of this, Cancer is too practical, and Aquarius simply will not be up to it, since he takes upon himself the solution of all the problems of mankind.

Leo Compatibility Horoscope advises you to tie the knot with representatives of your own sign. two lions they will be able to create a fairly harmonious relationship, because they are so similar, they have the same values ​​​​and worldview.

Ideal relationship can develop in Leo with Virgo. Virgo will not mind taking the place of the head of the family, and Leo will not be hindered by a smart and prudent ally.

An affair with Sagittarius will calm this proud egoist a little, and Capricorn will be able to give Leo the relationship he dreams of - no one will admire his partner so sincerely.

Quality sex - the foundation of a strong relationship?

Yes it is

Can't agree

The Leo man is incredibly jealous, but not always ready to fight for the attention of a partner, he is simply too lazy to prove that he is the best. And if Leo loses his passion, then he will never consider himself guilty of this.

This man is prone to frequent rash breaks in relationships, which he later deeply regrets. But, asking for forgiveness or trying to get your partner back for proud Leos is simply unacceptable.

The representative of this sign does not bother to win and attract the attention of the person he likes. Prey itself falls into their networks and dutifully fulfills all their whims. This is exactly how the Lions imagine an ideal romance.

The element of Leo is Fire. The owner of Leo is the Sun, symbolizing the male energy Yang. The influence of the Sun, like the influence of the Moon, is the most important in the horoscope, but it has the strongest influence in the second half of a person's life. And young creatures are ruled by the Moon. The sun forms active creative forces in a person, self-confidence, an objective view of the world. People born under the zodiac sign Leo (July 23 - August 23) take a leadership position regarding both certain situations and life in general. In the family, they are always the head, this sign of the horoscope is able to take responsibility and take care of each member of the family. Usually Leo is an object of adoration, he is loved not for something, but because he is who he is. Moreover, this love of others is used equally and men and women. These are the roles of the Sun. The motto with which people of this zodiac sign go through life is: "I want."

Self-confident, narcissistic, a leader in life - he is such a Leo man. Compatibility with other signs is determined by the influence of the Sun, which is the patron of the sign. Leo cannot stand loneliness, but it is often difficult for him to build a serious relationship because of his innate pride and pride.

Who is Leo man? Characteristics, compatibility with the opposite sex.

A woman who has chosen a Leo man as her life partner will never be bored. Family life with such a partner will be filled with romance, passion, thrills and a lot of good impressions.

Recognizing Leo is quite simple: by nature, he is expansive, needs constant attention. Lack of due respect for the Leo person can infuriate him. In life, the representative of this sign is very self-confident. In each company, Leo tries to stand out, become the center of attention, learn about all the events that take place. People often ask him for advice. The lion is always ready to rush to the rescue.

Lions have a lust for life, they always strive to have the best things. If a restaurant, then luxurious, if a car, then VIP-class. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by intelligence and creativity, they are not afraid of work, and therefore, as a rule, any benefits of civilization are available to them.

Leos differ from other signs in their sentimentality and love of love. In addition, they are characterized by extreme generosity. If you are lucky enough to fall in love with Leo, he will shower you with all sorts of gifts, with or without reason. By nature, such a man is always cheerful, active and happy. He also tries to make those around him a little happier. Good Leo compatibility with optimistic personalities. But this sign does not perceive boring and sad people.

In truth, getting the sympathy of a Leo man is quite simple. This is due to his innate love of love. More flattery, words of admiration, praise, and you already have a Leo man on the hook. Compatibility in love with such a gentleman will give you a lot of pleasant moments. Leo in love is ready for any exploits for the sake of his chosen one. Luxurious bouquets of flowers, romantic evenings, chic expensive gifts - and this is only the initial stage of courtship. From the very beginning, the Leo man is given to the second half. He idealizes his beloved, not paying attention to obvious flaws. As a rule, it is because of this that the relationship breaks up. The compatibility of Leos with other signs of the zodiac is usually determined by their sympathy.

Leos love and strive for luxury. In order to look worthy in the eyes of others, they are ready to organize expensive parties, spending the last money on it. As a rule, Leo's apartment is furnished with exquisite furniture. He will treat his guests only with expensive drinks and exclusive dishes. As in life, Leo tries to be the first in work. Any undertakings are easily given to him. But work that does not give pleasure, Leo quickly gets bored. Feel free to ask for help from a representative of this sign, he is unlikely to refuse.

Leo's excellent sexual compatibility makes him a sensual, passionate and experienced lover. He tries to deliver maximum pleasure to his partner. At the same time, Leo is very sentimental. He will be very pleased with a love letter or some ambiguous gift.

Who is Leo compatible with? Compatibility with other signs in marriage and love relationships.

The proud, generous and generous Leo man has different compatibility with other signs. A woman who is lucky enough to fall in love with such a man will soon begin to feel like a real Lioness. The chosen one will throw the whole world at her feet. But in return he will demand the same. When Leo is not burdened with a serious relationship, it is very easy to seduce him. If you try, then very soon a man will fall into your networks. To charm Leo, you need to tell him how wonderful he is, to praise all his virtues.

If you have good compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, in love Leo gives all the best. A woman will certainly be happy next to him. For the fulfillment of any desires of his chosen one, Leo will not regret anything. As a rule, romantic relationships quickly develop into family life. Get ready that you may not be his first wife.

Even after a marriage proposal, you should not relax. Even legal marriage does not guarantee a long relationship. Leo expects a lot from his chosen one. If a woman does not live up to his expectations, then the couple will break up pretty quickly. The ideal wife, according to Leo, should always be in the shadow of her husband. He used to feel like a leader in everything. You should not tell such a gentleman about equality, otherwise you risk losing him quickly.

The narcissistic guy Leo sees compatibility with the opposite sex in his own way. In a relationship, he is the absolute owner. Leo will overwhelm you with gifts, surround you with attention and love, but you will have to completely dissolve in him. Every second it will control your actions and even thoughts. Be prepared that at some point you will have to quit your job in order to always be able to be near your chosen one.

But do not be afraid, family life with Leo is filled with variety and pleasant experiences. A man will go to any feats, if only his chosen one was happy. If he has already found a soul mate, then he is unlikely to be interested in fleeting intrigues. The main thing is to be an inspiration for Leo, a real muse. With it, you will certainly visit theaters, various exhibitions, parties and other social events.

If you truly value your relationship with Leo, do not forget to give him affection and tenderness. Submit to him, love him. Then your man will fulfill all your desires. In addition, you will feel confident and secure behind Leo's strong, broad back.

How does a Leo man see an ideal woman? Horoscope of compatibility, features of relations with Leo.

By nature, Leos are very emotional. He likes to love and be loved because it brings new sensations to life. In a relationship, Leo requires constant attention, praise and admiration. Also, a beloved woman must be completely devoted and faithful to such a man, give herself to him 100%. For his chosen one, Leo will become a reliable rear and support.

He was used to listening only to his own opinion. Often Leo does not explain his actions, because he considers them right. The ideal woman for such a man should be passionate, temperamental, be able to satisfy all his needs (both physical and emotional).

When there is a good compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac in love, a Leo man will completely give himself to his chosen one. By nature, he is optimistic and dreamy. Leo can often fall in love, and each time he will think that this is “the one”. He is controlled by emotions, which gives rise to a strong erotic principle. Sometimes Leo equates simple sexual attraction with true love.

In a relationship, Leo is very demanding. He always seeks to suppress the personality of his chosen one. However, if he manages to overcome selfishness, then from a wild Lion he can turn into a fluffy cat. Never offend your man, otherwise the relationship may crack. Any criticism can completely cool Leo's feelings. A woman who completely satisfies Leo in love and sex runs the risk of becoming his one and only.

What does the zodiac tell us? Compatibility "Leo and other signs", with whom can Leo tie his fate?

The Leo man can build relationships with almost all zodiac signs. Only some of them end quickly, while others last a lifetime. Leo will not tolerate lies, melancholy and insecurity from his partner.

The selfish Leo man sees compatibility with others in his own way. He is able to charm a woman who is in the center of attention, loved by everyone. The fidelity of the companion guarantees a strong relationship. The chosen one should not let Leo get bored. They should solve any problems together, having consulted with each other.

Leo in love and marriage

According to Leo's love compatibility horoscope, love for him is the meaning of his whole life, he simply cannot imagine existence without it. , and each new novel is treated sincerely and seriously, as the first and last in his life. That is why Lions can enter into their first marriage early enough and be married (married) more than once or twice.

With compatibility in love and marriage, Leo (man) is able to beautifully look after, make broad gestures and exquisite compliments, give expensive gifts to his chosen one. He is a charming and gallant gentleman to whom it is almost impossible to say no. When it comes to family life, the most important thing for him is to feel like a complete master in the house - the pride and pride of Leo simply will not tolerate a different state of affairs.

Leo Sexual Compatibility

With sexual compatibility, Leo loves to show himself, including in bed. You can be sure that he knows everything or almost everything about seduction. His bedroom certainly has a luxuriously comfortable bed, and the lighting is carefully thought out. Perhaps Leo cannot be called an overly temperamental or inventive lover, but he will do his best to look like that. In any case, in Leo's sexual arsenal there will always be some spectacular tricks with which he can pleasantly surprise you.

How to make love with Leo

If you want to enlist the support of Leo, then in a conversation with him, do not dispute his authority with a word or even a gesture. Remember that Lions are very proud, and a carelessly spoken word can outweigh all your virtues in his eyes. However, Leo's pride is a double-edged sword: it is very easy to hurt him, but he is also easy to flatter. Despite the fact that Leo is often able to melt even from the most rude flattery, nevertheless, you absolutely should not do this. For what? After all, Leo has a lot of non-fictional virtues that you can absolutely sincerely admire!

Date with Leo

Wherever you are, Leo will demonstrate his independence, try to seize the position and make sure that everyone pays attention only to him. Let it be fun. He likes to be in front of everyone, and therefore the beach is a fertile place for him, especially if he can warm up with volleyball or dance at a disco.

Furious Lion is ready to possess you anywhere. But give him the best conditions! Do not think that Leo will remember the one who met him in the pub for a long time. A chic restaurant or a casino is for him. But beware of losing him at the gambling table...

Where and how to find love for Leo

Since representatives of this zodiac sign love to be in the spotlight, they should get acquainted in large companies. Don't be shy: be witty and uninhibited! By the way, you can try to attend classes of the theatrical circle - the Lions will feel at home on the stage. And there, a meeting with some sincere admirer of your talent is not ruled out.

Leo - love failure or finding happiness

Leo can "miss" his chance for marriage if he is too mundane, touchy, passionate about making money and satisfying personal desires. You can get rid of love failure if you learn how to properly manage your energy, not spend it without a trace on the extraction of earthly goods, short-term pleasures and temptations.

Leo - compatibility with other signs

Leo - Aries Compatibility

Although there is a lot in common, both in temperament and in the character and mores of both, despite the quickly and easily arising relationship, this marriage union without true and deep love is simply doomed to death,

"Lions" with their courage and courage can overcome a variety of obstacles and obstacles, both in life and on the path to love and even in love, but not in a marriage union. Sometimes "lions" life and fate throws up such partners with whom after a while they already forget that they are "lions". And one of these partners is "Aries". If not only in fairy tales, but also in nature, animals tremble before the lion, then in marriage even the “lion” itself.

Both partners have approximately the same ardor and passion. But if the "ram" of its volcanic activity still has some kind of target cyclicity, then the "lion" can smoke day and night without any interruption. This is one of the most significant differences between these partners. We also add that family funds must necessarily be in the hands of the “ram”, because the “lion”, who nevertheless has some echoes of “royal blood”, will always squander them royally recklessly, throwing them left and right, anywhere.

Subject to the cyclical nature of the “ram” and assuming its reasonable financial discipline, this marriage union can become both successful and useful, and this couple can achieve a certain social upsurge and strengthen the material base and well-being. Both of them are active, hardworking and efficient. First, the “ram” takes all obstacles by storm, and then, in the future, the “lion” encourages and incites him to do so.

All "lions", as you know, love gifts, and not simple ones, but royal ones, or, in extreme cases, princely ones, especially outfits, jewelry, jewelry. And in order to receive them, they must constantly praise their “ram”, praise and praise again, while expressing their deepest gratitude and appreciation to him. Sometimes at home the "lion" may growl, but this is done more for exercise and refreshing the voice, because his growl does not make the slightest impression on the "ram".

A very important role for both partners is played by both the first meeting and first impressions, as well as the first kiss and first intimacy, because all this affects - both uplifting and rejuvenating. After the honeymoon, the main test of their feelings begins. Both partners with the element of "fire" in their blood are endowed not only with potential will and vitality in the implementation of their plans, but also with great penetrating power, strong self-esteem, vulnerable pride.

This marriage union can become ideal only if the “lion” meets all the requirements of the “ram” both in terms of external and spiritual properties and qualities, if he blindly and meekly obeys his “ram”. If this is not the case, discord and rupture of marital and family life is inevitable.

Compatibility Leo - Taurus

Despite the strong physical attraction, there is little hope for a strong and lasting marriage union. And the main reason for this is that none of them is capable of submission. This gives rise to and causes constant disputes and quarrels, worsening both mutual understanding and relationships. Here, all underwater reefs must be lit day and night, so as not to bump into them and not break.

For a solid “calf”, his partner is property, personal inventory, and the “lion” needs to think about this in advance and carefully weigh everything. The common thing in this marriage union is that both have a love for money, only the “calf” earns and saves it himself, and the “lion” prefers to spend it, and spend it widely, “godlessly”.

This union is often threatened by various family scenes and performances based on "lion" scenarios, for which he is a real master. and rage, to "white tremens" with all the sad consequences. In addition, the "lioness" must always and constantly ensure that her partner does not extinguish the fire of love and passion. It must be supported by all means - both natural and artificial. We also note something else: since the “lions” are able to console “misunderstood souls” outside the home, this marriage union does not promise and does not bring any happiness to the jealous “calf”. This is confirmed by the data of both social and judicial statistics.

If the “calf” is the very caution and thrift, a real hard worker with only one desire to have his own property and secure old age, then the “lion” is spiritual nobility, generosity and nobility, generosity and extravagance, life span and “flight into space.” Since male "lions" love to have a night of drinking in the company of "fun guys", their "calf" spouses often have to keep their loved ones "under house arrest" or even "behind bars" in order to protect them and protect them from various dangers.

And not only because they scatter money left and right, but “night butterflies” often interfere in these fun feasts - frivolous and windy, who also demand their share. This item, as a rule, is almost never removed "from the agenda".

And that is not all. If over the years all passions and blazes seem to have settled down and died out, all the same, the “war” between both partners will continue, although in a different direction. Now the “war of liberation”, “the war for freedom and independence” will begin, which means, as the Russian proverb says, “radish is not sweeter than horseradish”. And therefore, it is best to avoid this marriage union.

Compatibility Leo - Gemini

This marriage union not only has a strong physical attraction, but also many common interests. Immediately after the wedding, boredom disappears from the house and there is no need for detectives, validol, valerian, caffeine and other medicines. Everyone rejoices. In the period of courtship, before the marriage of the "lion", and the latter are impressed by the lightness and mobility, playfulness and gaiety, wit and eloquence of the former.

True, after a stormy start to life together, even after a honeymoon, there is often some cooling of feelings, sometimes reaching a crisis, the reason for which, as a rule, is the negative traits of the character and disposition of the “twins”, especially their indecision, annoying the “lion ”, superficial feelings, criticality (albeit harmless) or endless tardiness.

All this taken together greatly hurts the pride of the "lion", although such misunderstandings are also quickly and happily settled thanks to the ability and ability of the "twins" to make any compromise, to adapt to any situation.

"Lions" must already accept in advance and be prepared for the fact that their partner from the sign of Gemini is very often not at home - either he is at lectures or reports, then at meetings or meetings, then on a business trip or on some kind of business trip, etc. .d. and so on.

It is no secret that the “twins” have a very weak memory, and a not very clear conscience, and in the sphere of love and marriage there are endless secrets, secrets, of course, only of a voluptuous nature. True, these circumstances are not very embarrassing for the “Lion”, since their soul is also often covered with “sun spots”.

Because of the eternal “draft in the attic” and absent-mindedness of the “twins”, in their briefcase or backpack, in their pocket or in the drawer of the desk, there will always be some traces of yesterday’s or the day before yesterday’s sins. And also, there is and will not be anything terrible, tragic if the “twin” returns home only tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or in a week or two, he will return anyway, and will definitely return.

It should be said that categorical crises in this marriage union are not necessary. On the contrary, a magnificent union is possible here, a union of intellect and strength. But on the condition that both partners turn a blind eye to the sins of the other, and if they glance, then only through their fingers.

On the one hand, the “lion” must temper his excessive pride and not demand, not wait for his actions to be immediately recognized, approving them with loud cries and applause, so that he is endlessly surprised and admired, that his life-size portrait and a gilded frame hang in office next to the portraits of the English queen or Emperor Nicholas. But on the other hand, the "twin" should sometimes be more respectful, occasionally standing and bowing to his "lion" so that he does not cause hidden grief and sadness. That's when everything will be fine. Both one and the other must stop misbehaving and outrageous with their dignity and the title of "bearer of light and greatness", and sometimes, at least in small things, but obey each other.

And about one thing, the "twins" should always remember that their spouses from the sign of Leo require a lot of money - the whole royal treasury, because they love brilliance and luxury, fashionable wardrobe and jewelry, showing off in front of the outside world, society.

Compatibility Leo - Cancer

As a rule, a wonderful friendship and even cooperation often arises between them, but the marriage union is rarely successful and even less often happy.

This requires certain circumstances. Their views and opinions, beliefs and worldview are quite different and do not coincide. strongly affects the "lion" on the nerves. And, one of the indispensable conditions for peaceful coexistence is that the "cancer", as soon as the "lion" roars, would immediately fall silent. And besides this, “cancer” needs to be praised and admired, applauded forever and constantly. No “lion”, even the wildest, most formidable, can resist this.

Long before the marriage, Cancer should carefully check himself to determine whether he is capable of such a lifestyle, such a “feat” that can last for years and decades every day. Only if this condition is met, the “lion” will graciously take care of him and take care of him like a child, will finance him and even love him. And if this is not the case, then, of course, the matter is lost, then the “cancer” will not see any love, no finances, nothing at all.

If he is the “cancer”, and she is the “lioness”, then the poor “cancer” will have to sweat seven sweats, work to overstrain and overwork, straining all his strength to keep and preserve his “lioness”, providing her not only in the sphere love and sex, but also materially, because the "skin of a lioness" is very, very expensive: she loves luxury and comfort, jewelry and jewelry, requires a lot of money for pins. It is not surprising that over time such a house for "cancer" will become excessively tiring and even unbearable. True, it would be much better for "cancer" to be on the content of his "lioness", but such cases are very rare.

In this marriage union there are three main phases, stages - taming the partner, compromising with him and getting used to him. And it's just amazing how male "cancers" cope with their "lionesses", because they themselves are created for peace and comfort. They themselves need reliability and self-confidence.

In this sense, it is much easier for a “lion” man to cope with a “shell”. She truly needs a strong male hand, his advice and protection, love, affection and reliability.

Leo - Leo Compatibility

The marriage union between the "lion" and the "lioness" is almost always dysfunctional. Only strong friendship and fruitful business cooperation are possible here, but nothing more. As a rule, after an excessively stormy beginning of a love epic, a rapid cooling occurs.

In nature, there is a law known to all of us under the concept of "the lion's share." And this means that such a thing as "equality" does not exist either in nature, or in society, or in this union. This is just a utopia of the purest water, common among socialists and communist idealists.

And although both partners have a lot in common, both good and bad, all their best inclinations received from fate as a gift under the influence of life's difficulties will inevitably change for the worse. It's not about a happy marriage.

Leo - Virgo Compatibility

Only friendship and business cooperation is possible here. Too much difference in temperament, characters, mores, habits of partners makes this marriage very problematic. "Lions" cannot endure the pedantry of the "virgins", merciless criticism, and the "virgins" - the carelessness of the "lions". Lions are poisoned by constant poisonous existence, their pettiness, coldness, deliberate coquettishness. And the “virgins” are simply “killed” by countless boyfriends and girlfriends of the “lions”, endless nightly feasts.

Here, a business union can even bring obvious prosperity, and a marriage union can bring bitterness and sadness, disappointment and discord, rupture and divorce, followed by parting.

Compatibility Leo - Libra

According to statistics, the marriage union between "lions" and "scales" has the lowest divorce rate. Here is a form of communication, interest in each other at the highest level literally from the first meeting. This is probably why their life together, both during courtship, that is, before marriage, and after it, is full of joy and happiness, warmth and mutual understanding. Partners quickly and easily get used to each other, become attached and go up together.

If only the “lion” finances and financially encourages its partner from the sign of Libra, then their hut will always be white, bright and clean - like the soul of a newborn child.

In this marriage, about their external beauty and attractiveness, do not lose their festive face. They must always and constantly arouse the admiration and desire of their "lion", seduce him, while using all hitherto known auxiliary means.

If only the “lion” was lucky and he received a big name, a high award or an important title, appreciation and approval from the public, then the “scales” will definitely put him in an appropriate gilded frame, they will look after him and look closely so that there is not the slightest dust particles, so that both the “lion” itself and its frame are always in perfect cleanliness. And this will further strengthen their mutual understanding and relationships, and for a long time or even until the end of their lives.

True, the “lion” will be disturbed for some time by girlfriends or former fans of the “weights”, who, even after marriage, find it difficult to do without laudatory hymns and love harassment, former gentlemen. In addition, your partner from the Libra sign "lion" will have to be gradually accustomed to everyday everyday work - this is not an easy task, since the "scales", as a rule, are more afraid of physical work, overstrain and overwork than the devil of incense, being deeply confident that that they were created only for joy and pleasure, to satisfy both the spiritual and bodily needs of other people, but only - not for work. But since the “lions” still show stubbornness and perseverance, over time they really manage to change the situation. The marriage union takes on a new breath, marital and family life is getting better and brings appropriate beneficial results.

Compatibility Leo - Scorpio

This marriage union has a background of too dark color. It can be said that this union has been mined from the very first days of courtship, that the danger here threatens from all sides, already starting from the honeymoon. Due to the striking dissimilarity of both partners, the contradictions of their character and disposition, views and opinions, beliefs and worldviews, their marriage union is not only doubtful and problematic, but also obviously doomed to death.

True, they certainly have a lot in common. Both have strongly developed feelings of inner pride and self-esteem, their "I". But God forbid they even accidentally hurt, humiliate them.

That "lions" love to play with fire even in the realm of love and marriage is no secret. But they should already know in advance that with a partner from: these creatures are overly serious and even dangerous. They immediately resort to outright violence. They can grab their precious "lion" by the mane and throw it into a cage or, in the worst case, throw it over a fence or into a garbage pit. "Scorpions" are ruthless conquerors, owners who clean up and appropriate everything they can. And having appropriated and made it their property, they will defend it, as they say, mercilessly, “to the last bullet”, “to the last drop of blood”, until complete victory.

The voltage potential, the charge of feelings they have is great, like a whole power plant. And if they start to spark, then - God, have mercy, then you can already expect an explosion and a fire. If the “lion” does not allow itself to be controlled, then what can be said about the “scorpion”? And, besides, this has never happened before, so that the "scorpion" was frightened by the roar of the "lion". On the contrary, there were cases when the "scorpion" had to protect his poor "lion" not only from another predator, but also to wash and put in order his disheveled mane.

"Leo" is never so defenseless as at the moment when a lady from the sign of SCORPIO praises or flatters him, saying that he is, without a doubt, the strongest and strongest, and the most intelligent and wise, and the most, most_, etc. etc. And so at the same moment she seizes him not by force, but by cunning and cunning, diplomatically. True, if he sometimes growls later, it is more for order, for his own pleasure, so that those around him know that he is still a “lion”, that is, from a royal family, and not some kind of gopher or viper.

Scorpio women, as a rule, when choosing a partner for love and marriage, pay attention to outstanding and original people who are famous. Of course, they are impressed by the “lions” that are really “pedigreed”, “with a mark of quality”, but such types are now becoming rarer and rarer, even more - they are simply becoming a “museum rarity”.

In this marriage union of the possible, the best option is obtained between the "scorpions" - men and "lionesses" - women. The fact that the "lionesses" require a lot of care is not so important. While they are young, beautiful and hot, this “game is worth the candle”, because they know how to present love with a twinkle and heat.

Compatibility Leo - Sagittarius

The marriage union between male "archers" and female "lionesses" is not only problematic, but doomed to failure and failure, discord and rupture. Soon after the honeymoon, new love experiences. "Lionesses" are also in no hurry to start a strict life of a married lady, to strengthen the prestige and reputation of his wife. All this only complicates and complicates the joint marriage and conjugal life that has begun.

It is known that the “archers” need an audience, listeners, but it is also known that the “lionesses” not only do not know how, but even do not want to listen to others. Most often, they do not give the poor "archers" a word to utter. And the soul of the “sagittarius” is sensitive, very receptive and impressionable, full of internal disagreements and contradictions, and when the cup of patience is already overflowing, with the last insult, they decide to break, divorce and part from their former partner in love and marriage.

A completely different picture is seen when in this marriage he is a “lion”, and she is a “sagittarius”. If the "lion" will remain in a fog of doubt, in eternal riddles and conjectures, then the girls-"archers" come into marriage already with extensive experience in intimate life. They very skillfully, with great skill or even art and extravagance, present and serve intimacy from the kitchen of love on a silver tray. The similarity of temperaments and characters of both partners is a real guarantee of a full-fledged family union, in which the “lion” man saves his “shooter” from fruitless comparisons of one partner with another.

For a female “archer”, a male “lion” is just as fitting. Therefore, the latter are trying to create the most ideal conditions for their "archers", freeing them from disagreement and compromise. “Lion” for her is both a monument and a shrine, for it is he who perfectly understands the most complex labyrinths of her soul, understands her aspirations, desires and needs, and not only understands, but also tries to satisfy them. And women from the sign of Sagittarius - great craftsmen in the bedroom, are quite satisfied with the "lion". Having accumulated extensive experience in the field of love and intimacy, they can satisfy even the most spoiled "salon lions" who have a rich enough fantasy and vivid vivid imagination to dig into the secrets of their partner's girlish heart without any difficulty, or even with obvious pleasure. from the sign of Sagittarius.

Here in this marriage union you will not hear a lion's roar at home. And indeed, at home he behaves quietly and calmly, decently and decently. And there is always the opportunity to growl at work or the stadium.

Compatibility Leo - Capricorn

Between the "lions" and - a very rare occurrence. Most likely, here you can only talk about friendship, even reliable and solid, about business cooperation - just as reliable, but not about marriage. They are separated by too great contradictions in temperament, characters, disposition.

Leo Aquarius Compatibility

There are many contradictions between these partners, but they almost always manage to be overcome. In this marriage, divorce is rare. Being under a common roof and a common blanket, they constantly have small wars of a local nature, however, without winners and without losers. Strong bodily attraction eventually smooths out the difference in views and opinions, in beliefs and worldviews, in temperament and in characters.

Free connections. They are never in a hurry to get married. And if you manage to get him through the threshold of the registry office, then initially you should not change the way of life that he was before the marriage. It will be familiar to the "Aquarius" and, by the way, no less convenient for the "lion" itself.

There are a lot of fantasies and tricks, cunning and humor, a lot of original intimate fun in this marriage union. "Aquarius" is the most unique, original type of the entire Zodiac. He does not recognize titles or social ranks, but even less - philistine prescriptions or conservative dogmas with a smell of mothballs. His ideal is freedom and independence without violence, without coercion. And, although from all this the wool of the “lion” often stands on end, in the depths of his soul he understands that there is still some truth here. And if so, if you still can’t achieve another, then you need to tighten your tail, compromise. Moreover, here the "Aquarius" cannot be convinced by any attacks - nor by weighty arguments, facts from the pages of newspapers and popular magazines. Convinced of this, the "lion" agrees to mutual understanding. The best version of this marriage union between male "lions" and females - "aquarius". There are almost no divorces here.

Compatibility Leo - Pisces

The marriage union between the "lions" and and collapse. "Fish" for "lions" are suitable only for love fun, like bedding, and then not for long. "Lions" immediately lose interest in them. Their dissimilarity affects both in temperament and in characters, mores, and in views and opinions, literally in everything.

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