Golden youth continues to bespredelnichat on the roads. Golden youth of Russia conquered Europe! Live Golden Youth


In the news (unfortunately not on central TV, but most often in the local press or on local TV channels) I constantly see messages like: our schoolchildren won the competition, our guys collected the most medals at the Youth Olympics in Argentina, the boys pulled a drowning dog out of an ice hole ... yes, just recently in our region, “A girl from the Nizhny Novgorod region was awarded the IX All-Russian Festival of the EMERCOM of Russia “Constellation of Courage”. 14-year-old Katya Ovcharova from Balakhna received the award in the category “Children-Heroes” for rescuing 6 children from the fire.” And for a long time I had a desire: to create such a heading at the forums where programs like “Live” or “Let them talk” are discussed: “These people will NOT be told about on our talk show.” And in this section, place at least short messages from the press or the Internet about those who live with dignity and do worthy deeds even in our time. Because if you watch at least “Let them talk” all the time, then you get the impression of complete hopelessness. The last years of this type of transmission have really turned into garbage dumps where all sorts of dirt is dragged. A lot has already been written about this in the comments, I will not repeat it. It’s good that I have a kind of “antidote”: I work at a technical university and every day I see smart and decent guys who really strive for an honest and decent life. But most do not have such an antidote, and involuntarily from the constant broadcasts about the Shurygins-Semyonovs-friends-gray-gaugins and others like them, there is a feeling that the country is turning into a garbage dump. Fortunately, today the program decided to make a gift and tell about young guys who are the complete antipodes of the freaks-inhabitants of House 2. What wonderful, talented and promising guys, beautiful faces, burning eyes! With all my heart - happiness to them and success in their future lives! And the transmission - for once I say thank you. Most likely it was prepared in advance, but the day of its holding is very symbolic. Kerch and the whole country are saying goodbye to the dead... Maybe even on this day, our TV people will finally realize that it is impossible to endlessly “feed” the country with stories of the bestial rabble, obsessed with dough and hype. That other examples are needed, and that we also have these other examples! Otherwise, the stories of the Kerch shooter, who is looking for a kind of “glory” in such a terrible way, will still be repeated ...
I liked this program very much, it was very interesting to listen to what professions and specialties the competitions were held in, and of course - a lot of pleasure at the sight of the winners! Once again, good luck and good luck!

Young Russian participants of the European Championship in working professions won several honorary awards: they brought 10 gold, 8 silver and 2 bronze medals to their homeland. Today in the program "Live" you will see these heroes. In the studio, they will tell who they dedicate their victories to. Watch the release of the talk show Andrey Malakhov. Live - Golden youth of Russia conquered Europe! 10/19/2018

Vitaly Bondarenko from the Krasnodar Territory dreamed of becoming a priest, but fate led him to a completely different activity: the guy became a brilliant carpenter and Vitaly won a silver medal at the recent European Championship. For the first time he will tell about the secret of his success. Sergei Kherkun from the Tyumen region was going to become an oil industry worker, but ended up becoming a bricklayer. For the upcoming World Championship, which will be held in Kazan, he intends to go only for gold.

Almost 50 years ago, Olga Kartasheva designed the park in Sokolniki, and now her grandson Gleb Plahotniuc continues the family business: at the European competition, he demonstrated his skills in the field of landscape design. In this issue of the talk show “Andrey Malakhov. Live" you will see the winners of the past event - this is a real golden youth!

Who helped the guys achieve victory and to whom did they dedicate this victory? While their peers dream of big and easy money, fame and likes on the Internet, these guys and girls are doing their job and achieving their goals - they have chosen their path and are clearly moving in the right direction.

Live - Golden youth of Russia conquered Europe!

The young bricklayer Sergey Herkun is the winner in the nomination "Bricklaying" - the guy won the gold medal and is ready to talk today about his participation in the European Championship and about his future plans for life. The release of the program Live - Golden Youth of Russia conquered Europe! Why did Sergei from his dream of becoming an oilman come to work as a bricklayer?

Sergey Herkun:

— I participated in an international competition that was held in Australia. In 15 minutes I laid out 61 bricks, for which I was awarded a gold award. Never thought to do this. I grew up in a village in the Tyumen region and wanted to work in the oil industry in the future, but it so happened that I began to work in construction.

The next participant in the Live broadcast - Golden Youth of Russia conquered Europe: Muscovite Nikolai Golikov - bronze medalist of the European Championship in professional skills. The medal was brought to him by a bedside table made with his own hands in 18 hours. Like his father, Nikolai became a cabinetmaker and has already achieved good success.

Nikolay Golikov:

— I love working with wood, especially walnut — this wood has really cool textures. I immediately got into the expanded composition of the national team and so slowly reached the European Championship and the World Championship, held in the Emirates.

— I grew up in a large family. All my family and friends constantly support me. I really want to have my own studio. At the championship we took third place - after the Hungarians and the Austrians. But we bypassed the French. I am very happy with the victory.

Vitaly Bondarenko is a young man from the Krasnodar Territory, who won an honorable second place in the "Carpentry" nomination. How did he come from a dream of becoming a priest to this craft?

Vitaly Bondarenko:

“All my childhood I went to church and my parents wanted to send me to the seminary. But after I served in the army, I came home with my thoughts and desires. I realized that I wanted to become a carpenter. Now I have my students. I want them to grow up as worthy specialists and win medals.

For more details, see the release of the Andrey Malakhov program. Live broadcast - The golden youth of Russia conquered Europe!, aired on October 19, 2018 (10/19/2018).

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The search for Vlad Bakhov, a 16-year-old teenager who disappeared in the Demidov forest 9 months ago, continues.

The film crew of the TV channel "Russia 1" conducted its own investigation. TV journalists Andrei Malakhov worked for a whole week in Demidov and Smolensk.

What happened 9 months ago in the Demidov forest? Where could 16-year-old Vlad Bakhov disappear without a trace? The teen has yet to be found, dead or alive. There is an assumption that the teenager was killed, but high-ranking parents managed to hide the traces of the crime of their children. What are Vlad Bakhov's 12 friends who were with him on that fateful day, April 6, hiding?

Family, relatives and friends came to Andrey Malakhov’s studio so that all of Russia would know about this terrible tragedy, because at the regional level this high-profile case is almost never discussed ... Watch your own investigation of federal journalists very soon on the Russia-1 TV channel - on Monday at 17:25.

The editors of Smolnarod will soon also prepare detailed material on how Vlad's parents still managed to "get through" to Andrey Malakhov. We only note that the famous TV presenter himself became interested and imbued with this terrible story. In a matter of days, he gathered the best film crews who arrived in the Smolensk region. The guys worked day and night. We add that the investigation of the "feds" continues. The whole truth known at the moment is in Andrey Malakhov's "Live".

A frenzied Mercedes Gelandewagen without license plates, speeding up to 200 kilometers per hour in Moscow, escaped from the police along park paths and playgrounds. Inside the SUV is a group of young cynics who seem to be chemically aroused as well. Footage of this wild story appeared last week and immediately provoked an explosion of discussion: how long?! What will put an end to this?! And how in general to deal with those who consciously oppose themselves to society?

Center of Moscow. 150, 180, 190, 200 kilometers per hour. One sharp movement - and three and a half tons of iron worth 11 million rubles will turn over and destroy any stop with people, a store, an entrance. Inside is fun.

The one who shoots is the son of the vice president of Lukoil. It does not just record - it broadcasts live from the phone to the Internet. At this moment, dozens of people are watching the video. Racers proudly announce: "we are going to scoff at the skins." On the way - the post of traffic police officers.

Next is panic. They fly within a millimeter of a fuel tanker. On the sidewalk One person barely dodged the car. And again the pedal to the floor. They rush along Shvernik Street right along the sidewalk, where mothers usually walk with strollers. Nearby is a student hostel, a kindergarten, in which the kids are brought just in the early morning.

Songs about love for "coco" - cocaine - as well as strange chuckles, inappropriate behavior, they will then write off as "high spirits." It is this explanation that will be published on the page on the social network of the son of the top manager of the oil company Ruslan Shamsuarov. Six paragraphs of text with participial phrases and subordinate clauses appeared simultaneously with the fact that the culprit of the tragedy himself disappeared somewhere, apparently in the hope that the high spirits would be harder to detect after a few days in the blood.

General Anatoly Yakunin, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, personally took control of the case. I studied the record of the chase by the second.

“He was hiding under various pretexts, trying to evade responsibility. Apparently, his relatives prompted him, maybe even helped him go to the medical center. They put him down, tried to say that he was ill, he had a nervous breakdown. We took a principled position and warned that if you now do not allow us to carry out investigative actions with him, draw up protocols, then we will raise the issue with the city's health authorities to appoint a medical commission and recheck the diagnosis you are talking about," Anatoly Yakunin said.

Making chaos on the streets is Shamsuarov's hobby. He races with a siren and a police horn, which internet users claim he installed illegally on his Gelandewagen. At night, he likes to tear off a piece of the border from the dividing line. The fact that this block can crush the legs or even demolish the first passerby to death does not seem to bother him. The main thing is to get likes. Until recently, he flaunted all his videos on social networks and was proud of it.

“They don’t ask for money, they draw it up. You can’t solve the issue for money, and this is wrong,” Shamsuarov believes.

“This is wrong,” he says, as if not believing that he did not pay off. Then they try to connect. One of the recordings, judging by the date of publication of the video, was made just at the moment when Shamsuarov was supposed to be in the hospital with an upset.

Shamsuarov was in the courtroom for breakfast. Two journalists were driven away from him. They covered him with shoulders, elbows, if only his shifty gaze would get to a minimum of television cameras. Ruslan, and his comrades were unrecognizable.

The task of asking the thugs to the fullest extent of the law, General Yakunin set before the entire department. "I think that this will be over after you have a criminal case and we create a precedent within the framework of the law of the Russian Federation. We must once and for all put an end to this lawlessness on the part of the golden youth, who wanted to spit on Muscovites, on security. They They think that money can buy everything and everyone, but they are wrong," Yakunin said.

The decision at the moment: three - 15 days of arrest. Driver - 200 hours of corrective labor and deprivation of rights. The girl - 10 days of arrest.

Mara Baghdasaryan was in the car that rammed two jeeps last October. Despite the fact that then two people died on the spot, and she herself was taken to the hospital with a traumatic brain injury and a fracture of the pelvis, she continues to drive. The argument that allegedly the father of the prosecutor will solve any issue, she came up with at the age of 15, flying around Moscow without a license.

“The police don’t know that I’m 15. They run out to me with a baton to stop me, but I can’t stop right away from 160! So I just go on,” Mara admitted.

“These are the real killers,” says Eduard Bikchurin. “For nine months my son has been sleeping with his eyes open - a head injury. He began to breathe on his own, and before that he had not breathed for 7 months.”

Artem Bikchurin is now unable to transfer from a chair to a bed without a special tap. 8 months ago, a friend decided to show off a new Jaguar. He put passengers in the passenger compartment, he sat behind the wheel. Drunk, according to Artyom's relatives. Crazy speed, drive and a pillar, from which they could not tear the car off for a long time. Hematomas of the brain, fracture of the eye socket, nose, jaw in four places. The skull was fractured so that the frontal bone damaged the brain. The family spent everything they had on treatment. Not enough - they collect via the Internet, as much as they can.

“For the first time, in the person of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, such a case has been taken under control. If they smell the bucket, their complexion will change, all bravado will disappear. And their parents, too. on combating organized crime, corruption, drug trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR Alexander Gurov.

In the case of actor Valery Nikolaev, the police did not look at either popularity or titles. For repeated violations of traffic rules, as well as for the fact that in February, according to witnesses, he knocked down an elderly woman, and then completely ran into a traffic police inspector, Nikolaev was arrested for 10 and 15 days. He is still sitting. They also opened a criminal case. And so, they warn, it will be with every violator.

“There are about a hundred persistent traffic offenders in the city who practically do not pay fines,” said Viktor Kovalenko, deputy chief of police, head of the traffic police department of the Main Directorate of the Russian Interior Ministry for Moscow.

To make it easier to identify provocateurs, the concept of "dangerous driving" is introduced into the rules of the road. At least six types of behavior.

The first is the "checkers" that have already set the teeth on edge - a random rebuilding from row to row, the second is cutting when the driver throws himself under the wheels, simply because he wanted to. The third is the behavior of the hasty, when the car is built into the last row and starts blinking to everyone in a row, they say, make way. Fourth - for motorcyclists - chaotic wobbling between the rows. Fifth, obstructing overtaking, is what ends the worst for someone who refuses to let pass. Sixth - a game of punishment - a sharp braking.

"Last year we lost 23,000 drivers and road users on the roads of Russia. This is a big figure - 251,000 injured. We lost more than 700 children. That's almost two schools!" - said Sergey Lobarev, chairman of the board of the Guild of Driving Schools.

Race driver Vitaly Petrov, who has competed in Formula 1 and driven thousands of kilometers on the roads of Europe, trains in France and knows well how much excitement costs on city roads.

"In Europe, even when you drive on the motorway, you are afraid to drive fast, because you know that any other car can be the police. And they have huge fines. Why don't they break the rules in Switzerland? Just a couple of thousand fines. People drive very quietly. You put other people's lives in danger. God forbid someone will drive like that in front of my children or my family. I'll just catch up, take it by the scruff of the neck, pull it out of the car and stuff my face. Everyone who is responsible must understand that racing on the roads and in the city must be categorically stopped," Petrov said.

It is assumed that both cameras and specialists will look for aggressive drivers on the roads. What will be the punishment for violating the new rules has not yet been determined. In the case of the frenzied Gelandewagen, checks continue. Find out if the police officers acted correctly.

“In general, they acted quite professionally, but a very serious strategic mistake was made: this should not have happened, they should have informed the duty unit that they were starting to pursue the vehicle. There is no state number on the car, the tinting was exceeded, the speed limit was not maintained "Six crews are involved, and the duty unit is not informed. Everywhere there should be a very principled position of police officers. The Ministry of the Interior, represented by the General Directorate for Road Safety, offers different options. My personal point of view: if along with administrative responsibility, criminal , this problem would have gone away once and for all," Anatoly Yakunin stressed.

Judging by the next episode, neither mom nor dad will help. The 22-year-old son of ex-Minister of Sports Boris Ivanyuzhenkov Anton, who is in Podolsk, is already in custody. He faces up to two years in prison.

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