Golden fleece bulldog. English language competition


The idea of ​​the British Bulldog competition was created by the English organization British Institutes. It was first held in Italy, where it immediately gained immense popularity. In Russia, the competition is part of the Productive Game Competitions program, which is part of the coordination plan of the Federal State Institution "North-Western Branch" of the Russian Academy of Education and implemented by the Innovative Institute for Productive Learning.

December 12, 2018 XII international gaming competition in English will be held "British Bulldog".

The content of the competition is developed taking into account the school curriculum. For participants of different age groups (3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades), the authors prepared four options for tasks. Pupils of grades 2 can take part in the competition, but a separate version of the tasks is not provided for them, so they answer questions for grades 3-4. Participation of 1st grade students is not allowed. Participants complete tasks at school outside school hours for 75 minutes. Competitive tasks include 60 questions, for each of which it is necessary to choose one of four possible answers. The questions are divided into blocks that take into account various types of language activities (understanding of oral speech, understanding of coherent text, knowledge of grammar, vocabulary).

An important feature of the competition is the mandatory inclusion of audio materials in the tasks., on which the first 10 questions of each age option are built. The content complex also includes blocks with questions aimed at working with visual materials, in which knowledge of the language becomes more of a means to complete the task. In all age options, questions based on cognitive material are presented; tasks for high school students may include questions about the most significant events and outstanding personalities of English-speaking countries. Such blocks become an additional means of motivation for learning the language and expanding the lexical and cultural range. The performance of competitive tasks also contributes to the development of foreign language communicative competencies (speech, language, intercultural).

After summing up the results (at the end of March 2019), each participant will receive a certificate indicating his place in the school, in the region. And the winners will be awarded diplomas and prizes.

Participation fee is 70 rubles.

Responsibility for holding the contest in the Saratov region is assigned to the regional organizing committee - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “N.G. Chernyshevsky SSU” (Institute of Electronic and Distance Learning).

"British Bulldog"- international competition in English, one of the projects of the Institute for Productive Learning of the Russian Academy of Education (St. Petersburg) under the guidance of Academician M.I. Bashmakova.

For the first time in Russia, the competition was held in 2007 and gathered more than 200,000 participants, and in recent years the number of participants has exceeded 900,000.

The form of the competition is similar to its "brothers" - competitions "Kangaroo", "Russian Bear" and others. However, there is an element in it that distinguishes the British Bulldog from other similar competitions - this is listening. All competitive tasks contain questions that participants answer after listening to the text in English.

The competition is part of the Productive Game Competitions program of the Institute for Productive Learning under the guidance of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education M.I. Bashmakov and is supported by the Russian Academy of Education. The program is focused on the development of schoolchildren in the framework of extracurricular activities and the enrichment of the learning environment. Participation in productive gaming competitions contributes to the formation of analytical skills, the systematization and consolidation of knowledge, the expansion of the information environment, the search for new ways to achieve results, as a result of which students increase motivation, including the study of individual subjects, develop cognitive activity and individual abilities.

The content of the British Bulldog competition is focused on different levels of English proficiency (elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate) and is built taking into account the school curriculum. The tasks also include questions based on cognitive material that contributes to the expansion of cultural horizons. Awakening and formation of interest in learning English, acquaintance with the history and culture of the English-speaking world are one of the means of familiarization with universal aesthetic values, and also contribute to the development of communicative competencies (speech, language, intercultural).


Game competition in English « britishBulldog" will take place December 12, 2018.

The content of the competition is built taking into account the school curriculum. Participants complete tasks at school outside school hours during 75 minutes under the supervision of school organizers and office attendants. Competitive tasks are made for four age groups: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 classes. Pupils of grades 2 can take part in the competition, but a separate version of the tasks is not provided for them, so they answer questions for grades 3-4. Participation of 1st grade students is not allowed. The competition tasks are divided into blocks aimed at different types of language activities, and consist of 60 questions, for each of which it is necessary to choose one of four answer options.

An important feature of the competition is the mandatory inclusion of audio materials in the tasks., on which the first 10 questions of each age option are built. The content complex also includes blocks with questions aimed at working with visual materials, in which knowledge of the language becomes more of a means to complete the task. In all age options, questions based on cognitive material are presented; tasks for high school students may include questions about the most significant events and outstanding personalities of English-speaking countries. Such blocks become an additional means of motivation for learning the language and expanding the lexical and cultural range. The performance of competitive tasks also contributes to the development of foreign language communicative competencies (speech, language, intercultural). The contents of previous competitions can be found on our website in the "British Bulldog" section.

Participation in the competition is voluntary. The competition is held for all comers without pre-selection. You can take part in the project on the basis of an educational organization. A student in grades 2-11 who has paid the registration fee can become a participant. The right to free participation may be granted to orphans, students of orphanages, schools attached to hospitals and sanatoriums.

The participation of educational organizations in the competition is carried out through regional and national organizing committees. If the school has students who want to take part in the competition, the representative from the school needs to contact the regional organizing committee, where he can clarify information about the conditions for participation, the form and deadlines for registering an application, receiving materials, and also receive the necessary documents and instructions. Contact information of the Regional Organizing Committee can be found by writing a letter to the Central Organizing Committee at the e-mail address runodog@mail.en .

For teachers of educational institutions organizing the British Bulldog competition in the current academic year, With 15 to 23 December 2018 on-line testing will be carried out British Bulldog Teachers' Contest. Detailed information about the project and the rules of participation can be found on the website in the section"BBTC" . Participation in testing is free.

This section contains the Regulations on the competition and its schedule for the regional organizer, general instructions. We draw attention to the fact that deadlines for accepting applications for participation in the competition from schools in individual regions may differ, so follow the details contact the regional organizing committee.

17 Mar 2012

Over the past 5 years, a competition for knowledge of the English language has been held in Russia. All schoolchildren of grades 3-11 of general educational institutions can take part in this competition. Anyone can become a participant in the competition: there is no pre-selection.

The organizers of this event are holding a competition in order to show all schoolchildren that English is not just a set of boring rules, cramming and complex exercises, but a way to get to know a new country and culture. This competition helps to understand that learning English is an interesting and fun activity.

The competition is held on four age groups: grades 3-4, grades 5-6, grades 7-8 and 9 11 classes. The results of the competition are summed up separately for each parallel.

For students 5 11 classes invited to respond to 60 questions of varying complexity. Number of tasks for participants from 3 4 classes reduced to 50. The tasks are divided into blocks (10 questions each) aimed at different types of language activities (speech understanding, coherent text understanding, knowledge of grammar, vocabulary). The tasks of the first block are based on the listening text. Listening involves the understanding of speech perceived by ear. Listening texts are selected for each age group.

You have 75 minutes to complete the tasks.

In each option there are quite simple tasks: each participant manages to give the correct answer to at least a few of them. The tasks themselves require from the student not a mechanical reproduction of the rules, but the manifestation of ingenuity, logical thinking.

The organizers of the competition are the NOU "Institute for Productive Learning" (St. Petersburg) and LLC "Center for Productive Learning" (St. Petersburg). The competition is part of the IPO program "Productive Learning - Education for All", approved by the Russian Academy of Education.

Tasks from the competition "British Bulldog 2011"

I propose to pay attention to some of the options for tasks from the competition 2011". Correct answers highlighted in bold

3-4 grades

I live in the north of England. My favorite season is summer. In June, July and August the days are very long. When I come … (1) from school, I … (2) my homework and … (3) go to play with my friends in the back yard. We usually play… (4). In summer I also like going out … (5) long walks in the country with my parents and my dog.

1.A) home B) to home C) to house.

2. A) take; B) make C) do.

3. A) than; B) then;C) they.

4.A) football B) football C) in football.

5. A) on; B) of; C) for.

Choose the correct answer

6. My Mother wasn't … this morning.

A) at the home B) at home C) at home.

7. … lumps of sugar do you want in your tea?

A) How many; B) how much C) any.

8. Where … go on Sunday?

A) do you B) you C) does you.

9. He…early in the morning.

A) get up B) gets up C) got up.

10. Tom … television every evening.

A) looks B) sees C) watches.

5th-6th grades

Read the text and find the right answer

Susan Kente is a “dog-sitter”. She looks after people's dogs from Monday to Friday. She wakes up at 5.15 a.m. and 15 minutes later she gets up. She has a shower, she

drinks a glass of orange juice and she sometimes has toast and butter. Then she goes outside to the garden and gives the dogs their breakfast, the slowest eats first. Then they all get into Susan's car. It's very dirty! Susan takes the dogs to the park and they run about. She always takes some water and biscuits for them. They go back to the car at 11.00 a.m. and then they go back home. At about 5.00 p.m. the dogs' owners come to collect their dogs. Some people say it's boring to look after the dogs, but Susan doesn't agree.

1. Susan takes care of the dogs … a week.

A) two days B) five days C) seven days.

2. She gets up at … five.

A) a quarter to; B) half past; C) a quarter past.

3. She has a … in the morning.

A) bath B) bathroom c) shower.

Choose the correct option

4. My book is dull, … is very interesting.

A) you B) your C) yours.

5. The pupils played ... after school.

A) hockey B) the hockey C) in hockey.

6. She is fond of listening ... .

A) music B) to music C) by music.

Find the word which has the closest meaning to the given word

A) often B) always C) rarely.

A) intelligent B) dumb C) dull.

A) nice B) up-to-date C) beautiful.

Choose the best reply

10. Hello! How are you?

A) I'm an engineer.

B) Pleased to meet you.

C) Fine, thanks. And you?

11. Would you like some crisps?

A) No, please. B) No thanks. C) No, okay.

12. What does she do? She….

A) does secretary;

B) is a secretary;

Do you know London? Read the sentences and find the correct answers

13. London stands on the river … .

A) Thames B) Clyde C) Avon.

14. Where does Queen Elizabeth II live?

A) Buckingham Palace

C) Westminster Abbey.

15. It is one of the oldest buildings in London.

A) Whitehall B) The Tower C) Big Ben.

7th-8th grades

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words

1.A) by; B) on; C) in.

2. A) a; B) the; C) no article.

3. A) a; B) the; C) no article.

4. A) seat; B) habitat C) house.

5. A) wild; B) wildlife C) naturalistic.

6. A) for; B) as C) with.

Which option is correct?

7. Look at the sky, I think it … soon.

A) will rain B) rain C) is going to rain.

8. Why don't you … a picture of us?

A) take B) have C) do.

9. I was suddenly asked to … a speech.

A) take B) make C) do.

One of the underlined words is unnecessary. Which one?

10. I want to get by a good result in my exam.

A) to B) by; C) a.

11. You can't miss my house; it's opposite of the market.

A) my B) it's C) of.

12. My teacher who has been helping me to prepare for my exam.

A) who B) have been C) for.

Choose the most suitable article

13. Trafalgar Square

A) a; B) the; C) no article.

14. Tower of London

A) a; B) the; C) no article.

15 Houses of Parliament

A) a; B) the; C) no article.

Do you know Great Britain?

16. Which country is not a part of the UK?

A) Scotland B) Wales; C) Iceland.

17. William the Conqueror invaded the British Isles

in the … century.

A) eighth; B) eleventh C) fifteenth.

18. The Battle of Trafalgar took place during ... .

A) WW II B) the Civil War; C) the war against Napoleon.

9-11 grades

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words

1. A) when; B) where C) what.

2. A) hay; B)grass C) thatched.

3. A) busy B) quiet C) small.

4. A) round B)at C) through.

Which option is correct?

5. He said that Greece … ancient culture.

A) has B) have C) has had.

6. It annoys me that he ... .

A) always smile B) will smile C) is always smiling.

7. Shortly after our arrival … Turkey, she fell ill.

A) in; B) to C) at.

Which option is wrong?

8. He ... have done it.

A) must B) did not C) can't.

9. I told him that I … the film.

A) had seen B) would see C) see.

10. I saw her … the window.

A) open B) opening C) opened.

Select the word, which best completes each sentence

11. I was so busy that I had the time to … the report.

A) read B) skim C) study.

12. As we were losing, we could only … to their plans.

A) yield B) rush c) help.

13. He asked that they … from smoking in the room.

A) refrain B) stop C) refuse.

Do you know Great Britain and its culture?

14. The Great Fire of London was in ... .

A) 1600; B) 1660; C) 1666.

15. The Battle of Trafalgar took place in ... .

A) 1805; B)1812; C) 1814.

16. The Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII was ... .

A) Winston Churchill

B) Margaret Thatcher

c) David Cameron.

Do you have any questions? Can't complete a task?
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In comparison, the truth is known. How great it is sometimes to compete, to test your knowledge not only at the level of the class, school, but also at the regional, and maybe the republican levels. Children's Olympiads are held not only for children, their results mean a lot for teachers as well.

One of the most popular Olympiads among schoolchildren is the English language competition. bulldog (British Bulldog). Few people know that the idea itself came from the British Institutes, and is being held in many countries around the world, possibly under other names. The essence of this competition is that everyone can participate, and not “specially trained”. Therefore, everyone can evaluate and re-evaluate their knowledge. This is probably due to the fact that the British Bulldog is held on a paid basis, although the price is symbolic - 40 rubles. But there are exceptions here as well. For example, children who are brought up in orphanages and study at schools attached to medical institutions are exempted from the monetary contribution.

How to take part?

All information must be clarified with the administration. All you need is an application and payment. Moreover, it is important to note that not individual applications of students, but a statement from the entire school, in which it is necessary to indicate:

  1. School address, phone number.
  2. School email address.
  3. Full name of the person responsible for the competition and his contact details.
  4. Number of participants.

How is the Bulldog English Olympiad going?

All tasks are designed strictly for the level of difficulty. The material is presented in a fun and interesting way, moreover it is adapted more for students with a basic level. But there are also a few tricky questions that will not be for everyone, but for those who are passionate about English. To participate in the competition, you do not have to travel three nine lands. The Bulldog Olympiad is held at the school where the child is studying. All tasks are aimed at testing the three basic aspects of the English language: grammar, reading, listening. Each participant receives a personal answer sheet and a task containing 60 questions that must be completed in 75 minutes. It is important to note that the tasks are not designed for each class, but for 4 groups:

  • 1st: 3rd and 4th grades.
  • 2nd: 5th and 6th grades.
  • 3rd: 7-8 grades.
  • 4th: 9-11 grades.

How to find out the results and get a prize?

All works are sent to the Central Organizing Committee, where they are checked by a computer. The students who showed the best results are awarded with certificates, diplomas and diplomas. All data comes to the school, so don't worry, all your progress can be found there.

All for and against the Olympiad in English bulldog

Those who call the various competitions "a waste of time" are absolutely wrong. The main goal of such events is to arouse interest, the desire to learn and discover something new in the language, to evaluate your knowledge objectively. If the student did not do well on the task, there should be no censure, either from the teacher or from the parents. It should be an incentive to improve.

Remember that by participating in Olympiads, you can not only test the knowledge of children. This gives the teacher the opportunity to review the work, to choose more effective methods and techniques.

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