Star of "The Voice" Gabriella: Husband gives me freedom! A touching Russian-Brazilian love story: when you love and believe, everything turns out Anna lucia gomez da silva.


Gabriella(port. Gabriella; real name - Ana Lucia Gomez da Silva(port. Ana Lucia Gomez da Silva; born July 6, 1984, Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian singer.



From early childhood, she participated in various television programs, shows and concerts.

At the age of 12, she performed throughout Rio de Janeiro as part of the group Adilson e a Gangue. A year later, one of the largest recording studios in the country, PolyGram Records, signed a contract with a young performer, according to which Gabriella performed and recorded with bands such as Banda Abada and Sinais do Tempo.

She gained her first experience on television at the age of 14, participating in the international competition for young performers Raul Gil (Record), where she was recognized as the best young singer in Rio de Janeiro. Starting at the age of 16, she took part in popular music shows on Brazilian television, namely A Cara do Rio (BAND), Festa na TV (CNT), Celeste Gomes (Canal 14 da NET), Canta e Danca (SBT), etc. d.

adult years

At the age of 21, she already had live performances on the biggest radio stations in Brazil: Radio Tupi FM, FM o Dia and Mania FM. Gabriella's concerts were held at the most famous and spacious concert venues in Rio de Janeiro, such as Rio Sampa, Asa Branca, Luso Brasileiro, Beats House, Via show, Ilhas dos pescadores, Lonas Culturais and received positive reviews in the print media "O extra" , "O dia", "O povo", "Jornal de madureira" and "Baladas". It was Gabriella who was invited to open the concert of the famous Latin American group Banda Eva, with whom two songs were performed as a duet. The concert was attended by over 80,000 spectators. The triumphant show was followed by constant tours throughout Brazil (Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espirito santo).

In 2009, Gabriella released the album Me Aceita (Accept me (as I am) in Portuguese.

In August 2010, she participated in the New Wave as a contestant, and in 2012 and 2013 she was already present as a guest.

In the summer of 2010, the shooting of a video clip for the first joint song by Gabriella and Chris Powell "James Bond 00" was completed in Moscow. The role of James Bond in the video was played by Russian fashion designer Igor Gulyaev. The shooting of the video took 4 shooting days, took place on 7 film sets. For the role of Gabriella, 6 images were specially designed. The clip featured 4 cars worth about $2 million (Bentley GT Continental + Spyker C8 + Porsche Cayenne Mansory) and an exclusive hand-built motorcycle from Fine Custom Mechanics.

On December 30, 2010, Gabriella performed at the reception of the President of the Russian Federation at the State Kremlin Palace on the occasion of the New Year 2011. Her duet with Sergey Mazaev "Samba of Past Love" was appreciated. After the performance, the singer was personally introduced to the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev.

In 2015, at the “blind” auditions, Gabriella performed the song Lambada and became a member of the Voice Season 4 show in the team of rapper Basta. ..

Gabriella has been the face of the SnS brand since 2015.

In the summer of 2016, she presented to the public her fitness clothing line, which is sewn according to the idea of ​​the singer in Brazil.

In August 2016, Gabriella released the single "My Hero", which premiered on the program "Dom 2"

Now the singer is actively working on the release of the first Russian-language album.

Public activities and awards

At the beginning of 2006, Gabriella took first place in the annual Music Festival of Music (Rio de Janeiro), beating more than 80 applicants. Her talent and hard work became known far beyond the borders of her homeland - since mid-2006, the singer has been touring all over the world, and at the same time takes part in the largest cultural and musical events in Brazil.

On March 8, 2008, she was awarded the title and diploma of an honorary citizen of Rio de Janeiro for her high contribution to the development of Brazilian culture. The document was handed over at the official presentation ceremony from the Government of Rio de Janeiro with entry into the city book.

On May 14, 2010, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, during a forum of Russian and Brazilian entrepreneurs, the singer met Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who expressed gratitude to Gabriella for her assistance in bringing the countries of Russia and Brazil closer together. The singer acted as one of the ideologists and organizers of a dinner party in honor of the abolition of the visa regime between the two countries, which took place on June 23, 2010 in the Prado cafe and became the unofficial ambassador of peace in Russia from Brazil.

Gabriella does charity work, but does not advertise it.

The singer is especially reverent about her song dedicated to homeless children Crianas carentes (Street Children). The singer wrote it when she herself was still a child. Subsequently, this composition became the anthem of all schools in Rio de Janeiro.

Currently, Gabriella has recorded it with Russian children from the famous "Republic of KIDS" and presented it to the Russian public.

Personal life

In 2008, Gabriella came to Moscow on tour, where she met her future husband, businessman Vitaly Chekulaev. In 2009, a wedding took place in Rio de Janeiro.

In 2010, a daughter was born. According to Brazilian tradition, the child's surname should consist of maternal and paternal, so the daughter was named Gabriella Vitalievna Gomez da Silva Chekulaeva. Three years later, the son of Mikael Vitalyevich Gomez da Silva Chekulaev was born. Children speak three languages: Portuguese, Russian and English.

July 20, 2016

- Gabriella, in Brazil you were a popular singer - and suddenly you left everything for the sake of love and came to live in Russia. Do you remember your first steps on the Russian stage?

- The first time I came to Moscow on tour with a Brazilian show as part of a group of 37 girls. This was over six years ago. After one of the performances, I met my future husband. It was for him that I left my native country and moved to Russia. At first it was very difficult for me, because I did not know the language, I did not have a job. But then everything began to gradually improve: I took part in the New Wave competition, where I reached the final, sang a duet with Sergei Mazaev at the New Year's concert at the State Kremlin Palace, and participated in The Voice.

- Is show business very different in Russia and in Brazil?

- In my homeland, artists constantly participate in large street concerts for 200-300 thousand people. Such shows are held almost daily. In Moscow, organizing such an event is a serious matter. And, most importantly, Brazilian singers never perform to the soundtrack. But, of course, in order to build a successful career, both in Brazil and in Russia, you need to work hard, and you also need luck. Nothing will work without her.

Is there anything in Russia that you still can't get used to?

- Snow and cold. When winter comes, I get depressed, and I urgently need to fly away to rest in warmer climes, at least for a while.

- How did your parents let you go to this distant and cold Moscow?

My mother was against it at first. She really did not want me to leave for an unfamiliar country, and all the time she asked: “Daughter, are you sure? Are you sure you love him?" She calmed down only when she met Vitaly and his family. I realized that he is a good person and sincerely loves me.

- But you, too, at first were afraid of your future husband and even took friends with you on dates ...

- Yes it's true. When Vitaly and I met, I didn’t know a single word of Russian, I didn’t speak English well either. So I set him a condition: I won’t go anywhere with you alone. And my friend really went on dates with us for two weeks as an interpreter. True, then he got tired, and he said: “That's it, Gabriella, I can’t take it anymore, then I’ll do it myself.”

What are your creative plans for the near future? Are you going to release an album?

We are currently preparing an album. Just a month ago I recorded a new song "Shake", now we will make a video for it. And in November, with a probability of 90 percent, my solo performance will take place - maybe even in the Kremlin.

- And yet, in what language do you sing more - in Russian or in Portuguese?

Previously, she sang more in her native language, but now - equally. I feel that I already think in Russian, and I want to perform with Russian songs.

- Do you continue to give concerts in Brazil?

— Now it's quite difficult, because in Russia I have a very busy schedule. But when I am at home, I always try to perform there. By the way, we recently had a family vacation in Brazil, and I had a concert there.

Did you also participate in Brazilian carnivals?

- Oh yeah! I just love it! I often danced on a large platform in a feathered costume, and also sang on a mobile stage with musicians. When you perform, and there is a large crowd of people in front of you, and everyone is dancing and having fun, this is an indescribable feeling. I really miss this kind of entertainment.

- If it's not a secret, where do artists get more fees - in Brazil or in Russia?

— In Brazil. In general, well-known singers in my homeland receive decent money. In Moscow, you can also earn a lot, but you need to be a real star. If I ever become that famous, we'll see what happens.

- Gabriella, for a mother of two children, you look great. How do you keep in shape? Are you dieting or exercising?

- Of course, I have to work on myself, because I perform on stage. But I don’t like diets and I never sit on them, because I like to eat (laughs). I dance a lot and try to go to the gym, although it is not always possible to do it regularly. Besides, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't eat bread, I drink a lot of water. However, I still can't refuse meat.

- You do not hide the fact that you resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. Is it true that in addition to the breast they also did vaginoplasty?

- No, I didn’t do vaginoplasty, but maybe someday I’ll get together. While I have plans - to correct the shape of the nose and lips. In general, in my homeland, many girls do plastic surgery, especially for breast augmentation. Brazilians have the same thing: the butt is big, and the breasts are small. Here women also aspire, so to say, to proportionality.

- How does your husband feel about your plans for the operation?

- He doesn't mind. I actually got very lucky with him. All my previous boyfriends have always been against me pursuing a career, performing on stage. They said: "We'll get married, you'll stay at home, and I'll earn money." And I have been singing since I was seven years old, this is my whole life. And, thank God, Vitaly loves my work and shares my hobbies.

- Vitaly, but sometimes you have to show masculine firmness, say: will we do it this way and nothing else?

Gabriella: - And he tells me that very often.

Vitaliy: - Only she does not always obey.

Does this cause conflicts? Who is the initiator of the quarrels?

Gabriella: Husband!

Vitaly: Gabriella and I are both very emotional people. And to some extent, this is even good, because any discomfort that arises in a relationship immediately spills out and then goes away. We have been together for nine years and have learned to interact with each other.

- Vitaly, how do you put up with your wife after a quarrel? Gifts, a bouquet of flowers?

Vitaly: - Gabriella does not like flowers at all, gifts are also not a method. The best way is to sincerely admit your guilt and apologize. If she sees in my eyes that I really think so, and not just indulge her, she forgives everything.

- Gabriella, now you have friends, acquaintances in Russian show business? Is there anyone you can go out with, like for a coffee?

- There are many acquaintances, but only a few close friends: singer Belka, Izeta Gadzhieva - fashion designer, Olga Orlova. To be honest, in show business, no one is friends with anyone. Because there is constant competition in the relationship of artists, everyone wants to be the best.

- Probably, this was especially felt on the show "Voice"?

- No. In our team, we have developed very good relations, and there have never been any conflicts. Probably because all the members were young, funny and a little crazy, just like me.

- A Why did you even decide to take on this project?

“I hadn’t seen this show before and didn’t know anything about it. A friend told me about the casting for the fourth season and persuaded me to go there. And I, unexpectedly for myself, passed the selection. The hardest part started at the blind auditions. The organizers decided that I would sing Lambada. And I was very worried that I would not be able to perform it well. This is a rather emotional song, but when it is performed, you can show your voice. And when Basta turned to me, I exhaled directly: “Thank God, I passed.”

- And when you had to leave the show, did you worry?

Vitaly: - I would not say that she was very upset. I was more worried.

Gabriella: - I already felt in advance that this would be my last shooting on the Voice. And so in the end it happened.

— Yes, and I really like it when people come up and ask to be photographed. There are artists who shun fans - crazy people, I don't understand them. In the end, communicating with them is my job, I myself wanted it and achieved it. I love my fans and am very grateful to them for their support and attention. After all, it is the audience that allows the artist to ascend to the top, to remain at the peak of fame.

Gabriella, you seem like a liberated person; But would you agree to shoot in the nude?

Gabriella: No. Of course, today many stars post their similar photos on social networks, but I'm not interested. I didn’t even want to go to the Russian bath for a long time, because there I had to bathe naked.

Vitaliy: - Yes, I decided to mix it up when we were in Sochi. There is a wonderful bath complex where people come to purify their soul and body. But there, an obligatory part is the procedure when a person is taken into the steam room and they start beating him with brooms, pouring, for example, live beer. And she really didn't want to go. She didn’t understand why she should undress, because other men would be there too - I mean bathhouse attendants. Then she, however, really liked everything. But for some reason she told her mother everything. And my mother-in-law began to get hysterical: she called, began to demand that Gariella urgently return to Brazil. He says that your Russian scumbag took you somewhere to the mountains, to some sect. Men beat you naked there, it's not normal, husbands don't do that.

Well, what else can a real Brazilian sing? - Of course, “lambada”. It is very contagious - the legs and all other parts of the body themselves, regardless of our consciousness, begin to move. Well, who does not remember these "Brazilian round dances" in bikinis, which were constantly broadcast on TV. Nothing - morality survived. Yes, the whole world was infected with this dance.

Gabriella with this song did not "philosophize slyly" and almost paid for it. For her, performing "Lambada" is like breathing, walking, talking - just as natural. It was well sung, accurate and contagious, but nothing more. It would have been impossible to understand what this beautiful Latin American singer with her voice, who speaks quite tolerably in Russian, can actually do after performing the song. Thanks to Basta, who once again chose a performer not of his own musical circle with his "rapper" instinct - where is "rap" and where is "lambada" - there is "space" between them. However, Gabriella is on his team.

It is unlikely that Basta will try to change the musical style of the singer. Especially when the whole country heard the truly true vocal abilities of Gabriella. Already in the project, relaxed and without tension, she showed all the beauty and power of her unique voice. It immediately became clear that this singer had not yet sung everything on this project.

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In the midst of the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the site invited a native Brazilian, a singer, a participant in the New Wave festival and the television show Voice, the holder of the titles Honorary Citizen of Rio de Janeiro and Best Voice of Brazil, to visit. Garbiella da Silva. In a conversation with our correspondent, she told how her hometown has changed over the past few years, and also gave her recommendations on where to go and what to eat in the Brazilian metropolis.


In the midst of the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the site invited a native Brazilian, a singer, a participant in the New Wave festival and the television show Voice, the holder of the titles Honorary Citizen of Rio de Janeiro and Best Voice of Brazil, to visit. Garbiella da Silva. In a conversation with our correspondent, she told how her hometown has changed over the past few years, and also gave her recommendations on where to go and what to eat in the Brazilian metropolis.

- Gariella, 10 years ago you moved from Brazil to Moscow. What connects you with Rio today?

Oh, Rio is my favorite city on earth. My parents, childhood friends, live here. This is a crazy metropolis with a huge number of people. It is gigantic and stretches along the coast for almost 300 kilometers. There are a lot of great beaches there. I recommend everyone to visit Rio at least once in their life. It's a magical place... You won't regret it!

- But you, nevertheless, decided to exchange this "magic place" for the Russian capital. Why?

It was very difficult for me to decide to move to Moscow after the wedding. There, in Brazil, I had a family, friends, a career. I became an honorary citizen of Rio, and my voice was recognized as one of the best in the country. Russia had to start all over again. My husband is a Muscovite, we met at the Old Havana restaurant. There was the final concert of my European tour. It was impossible to maintain a relationship at a distance. I either left or returned to Moscow again. And only after the wedding, which we played in Rio, was able to move completely. And you know, now I don't regret anything.

Gabriella with her husband and daughter

The sea, or rather the ocean. In Rio at any time you can come to the coast, swim or take a walk, think, breathe and relax. This is what I miss so much. And of course the sun. For me, there is very little of it in Moscow, because Brazil has more than 300 sunny days a year. Worst of all in winter. You know, I still remember my first winter in Russia. Almost as soon as I moved in, frost hit. At that time, I could not stand sub-zero temperatures at all and was constantly freezing. I didn’t know the language, I couldn’t even go to the store. No friends, no jobs. It was six months of severe trials for me. But with the advent of spring, everything began to change. I learned Russian, met new people and started singing again. Now I consider Moscow my home. Here is my family, my children are the suns, my beloved husband. Although I still miss Rio, and fly there as soon as possible.

- When was the last time you were there?

For May holidays. We went there with the whole family. The city has changed, it has become cleaner, heaps of garbage are no longer lying on the streets, as before. Many new roads have appeared, and now getting from one area to another has become much easier. My parents live in Barra da Tijuca. All my childhood passed there. This is a new area with glass skyscrapers, shopping centers and offices, and, most importantly, the excellent beach of Barra, which is even larger than Capocabana. I must say that these places have not changed much. Barra da Tijuca has always been one of the most prosperous. And, thank God, everything remained the same.

Brazil. May 2016

Make a kind of rating for our readers, where should you go to feel the spirit of Rio? And where do you really need to go?

The statue of Christ is a visiting card of Rio. It's like Red Square in Moscow. Must see #1. There are several ways to get to the statue: by train or by minibus. At the foot of the mountain you will be dropped off, and then you can climb either on foot or on the escalator. Walk 10 minutes, no more. But along the way you will have stunning views of the mountains and the Atlantic. What else? Mount Pan di Asucar, or Sugarloaf. From there, a breathtaking panorama of the city opens up. You can get to the top by cable car. The lower station is located on Pasteur Avenue. From the top, it's great to see off the sunset and watch how dusk falls on Rio. The city lights up and becomes simply fabulous.

Cableway to Sugarloaf Mountain

Another iconic place is the Selaron stairs. It is best to inspect it during the day, in the evening it is simply not overcrowded. In addition, all these 215 steps, decorated with tiles, are interesting to look at. Each is not like the other. And of course, the very heart of the city is Copacabana Beach. It is good there at any time of the day, although it is more crowded during the day and in the evening. Many tourists, I know, tend to choose a hotel near the beach. But I advise you to stay in the areas of Barra da Tijuca or Recreio. It's the safest there. And, of course, I do not advise anyone to visit the favelas. Even out of pure curiosity. They do not like strangers, especially those who come alone, unaccompanied. These are the most criminal areas of Rio.

Selaron stairs

- What dishes and drinks are worth trying in Rio?

In Rio de Janeiro, be sure to visit meat restaurants - churascarias. In Brazil, all types of meat are excellently cooked, but our chefs are the best at beef. The most delicious steak is, of course, picanha. To prepare it, they take meat from the sacral part, rub it with salt and simply roast it on coals. It is soft, textured and very tasty, especially with chemichuri sauce.

As for drinks, you will definitely like the Caipirinha cocktail. It is made from Brazilian Cachaça vodka with fruit. Caipirinha can be lemon, raspberry, pineapple - in general, you should try them all, and then decide for yourself which one is tastier.

How meat is prepared in Brazil

Having lived in two large cities, what myths could you dispel among Muscovites about Rio, and among Brazilians about Moscow?

These are safety myths. For some reason, it is believed that Russia and Brazil have a very high crime rate, so many foreigners are simply afraid to visit our countries. But in vain. Personally, I feel absolutely protected in Moscow and Rio. Of course, law enforcement agencies still have something to deal with, but the scale of the "disaster" in the imagination of tourists is greatly exaggerated.

- What could Brazilians and Russians learn from each other?

My compatriots are very open, they know how to enjoy life and be happy, regardless of circumstances, social status, income level. The Russians, it seems to me, this is not enough. They are serious, but at the same time very hardworking and responsible. But these qualities the Brazilians should adopt.

Garbiella on stage

- Did you manage to travel around Russia? Which city did you like the most?

Yes, I traveled a lot in Russia with concerts. She visited Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Penza and many others. But most of all I liked Sochi. This is an amazing city with modern infrastructure and amazing nature. And I was struck by the opportunity to relax in the resort all year round - skiing in the mountains in winter, and sunbathing and swimming in summer.

- The holiday season is almost over. Where did you go on vacation?

This summer I have a lot of work: shooting, recording, rehearsing. But I hope to find a week at the end of August and go to the Maldives. I need to gain strength, because in the fall I will release the first Russian-language album "My Hero". This is a big event for me. New presentations, concerts, tours are coming. And our daughter will go to first grade on September 1st. So we all need a little vacation. We will sunbathe, swim, energize for big things and grandiose events.

Prepared by Svetlana Tuchkova

Gabriella Da Silva is a Brazilian singer. Her real name is Ana Lucia Gomes da Silva. She was born on July 6, 1984 in Rio de Janeiro. The talented Brazilian singer now lives in Russia. A bright, cheerful girl with a great voice, once you see her, you will immediately remember her. In just one year, the performer won the love of Russian listeners.

Fame in Russia was brought by the annual international contest "New Wave" in Jurmala. It was there that the high score of music critics, the jury and the audience will become the beginning of fame in Russia. Having fallen in love with the country, people, friends and admirers acquired here, Gabriela tries to spend a lot of time in Russia. Touring and taking part in the rapprochement of two continents.

The singer accepted the unofficial post of "Cultural Ambassador of Brazil in Russia." She hosted an official dinner in honor of the abolition of the visa regime and received personal gratitude from the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Before fame in Russia Brazilian Diva Gabriella already popular at home. The singer started her career when she was 7 years old. Gabriela was 12 years old when she made her first professional collaboration with the largest record label in the world - PolyGram. Incredible popularity, concerts gathering stadiums, all this brought the title of "Best Voice of Rio de Janeiro". The performer was also awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen" of her hometown of Rio de Janeiro.

Photo of the Brazilian singer Gabriela (Gabriella Da Silva)

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