Star Wars eared character. Characters of the Star Wars universe, their names and photos


Obviously, there are no problems with inventing their heroes - the inhabitants of the well-known Star Wars galaxy. The characters in Star Wars are so diverse and diverse that you literally wonder: bounty hunters, gungans, Jedi infantrymen, Admiral Ackbar, droids, Twi "leks, imperial thugs, Corellians - and these are far from the main characters.

Han Solo vs. Luke Skywalker

Without a doubt, there are much more hano-lovers in the world than lucomans, this is explained very simply. After all, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is almost a postmodern concept, a hero who deftly and aptly comments on the storyline of which he is a part. He is the best pilot (smuggler), a sarcastic, arrogant shirt-guy, compared to which even skilled Jedi "nervously smoke on the sidelines." His fans are ardently convinced that neither Leia (in a bikini slave), nor the Death Star, nor Vader's power and plot-forming tragedy make the fantastic epic the very best in the world - Han Solo personifies it. This is not some cloned Star Wars character, this is the real protagonist and true friend of Chewbacca. By the way, in a story where loyalty and loyalty are quite rare, but deceit and cunning flourish, the viewer is always happy to see such a powerful two-hundred-year-old Wookiee next to his favorite hero, especially when it gets hot. Luke stands out from the other characters in that he is complacently allowed to grow up. Throughout history, the character not only successfully completes a course of Jedi training, but also takes revenge on Khan's "old friend", manages to intimidate the Emperor. In the end, he puts all the dots over the "And" both for himself and for the viewer. But his fans are much smaller than those of the impudent and liberated Solo.

There would be no story without antagonists

Darth Vader, in a long black cloak on his mighty shoulders and a hybrid mask of a samurai helmet and an attack aircraft with a gas mask, is the real axis of Evil (both visually and in terms of plot). The viewer is even impressed by the fact that he does not work for the Empire, his goal is Obi-Wan, whom Vader wants to eliminate in order to remain the last and only Jedi. And after the greatest confession (“I am your father”) in the prehistory, most viewers sincerely wanted the hero Luke to betray the rebels, join the pope and build a powerful Empire. He is undoubtedly included in the top, which is the main characters of Star Wars.

Competing with Darth in dislike of the Jedi can be Darth Maul - the embodiment of pure aggression and evil, which is simply fixated on killing the knights of the Galaxy. He's really creepy, so Lucas' decision to eliminate one antagonist at the end of The Phantom Menace was wise and correct.

The antagonists listed above - the characters of Star Wars - are inferior in cunning and the power of the intellect to the well-thought-out villain - Chancellor / Senator / Emperor Palpatine. It was he who unleashed the Clone Wars, it was he who was responsible for the destruction of the Jedi ("order 66" - the end of the Order), it was he who has long been in the political life of the Universe. Undoubtedly, the Emperor is the most vicious hero in the history of the cult epic.


Everyone, without exception, loves the "lifeless" mechanical heroes of the Saga - R2-D2Ap and C-3P0. Although they are very different, but admiration and sympathy cause equal. They immediately became the most recognizable "emblem", a symbol of the Star Wars film epic. The names of the robot characters will forever remain in the memory of the people, because they are unique in the field of design, smart, loyal to their friends and sometimes even sensitive. These two "cars" became a prime example of the unique (especially for that time) ability of the cult saga to revive the generally accepted dry stamps.

Girls don't give up

The Star Wars universe would be incomplete without representatives of the charming half of humanity. The two most prominent ladies of the saga: Padmé Amidala and Princess Leia represent the female gender with dignity, they are considered one of the best heroines of the fantasy genre. Domineering Leia Organa, irritable, self-confident and headstrong, is not just a princess, she is a senator and an irreplaceable brave leader of the Rebel Alliance. Padme is charming, smart and strong morally. It is not clear how she could die from a lack of courage that is completely uncharacteristic of a strong nature! These are such different women - the characters of Star Wars.

The best of the best

From an unidentified planet - Master Yoda - looks rather nondescript, but is positioned as a vessel of Jedi wisdom. He is 900 years old, he brought up more than one generation of knights of the Cosmos (some managed to go over to the Dark Side). On the etymology of his name, disputes do not stop to this day. Some fans claim that "Yoda" comes from the Sanskrit term "yuddha", which means "warrior". Others authoritatively declare that from the Hebrew word "yodea" - the meaning is unambiguous - "knows." The controversy continues, despite this, the entire Star Wars epic, the characters in the photo (especially female ones) have become revered relics for millions of film gourmets.

Ben Kenobi managed to make Star Wars realistic and compelling. Kenobi is an explosive mixture of Gandalf and Merlin, a teacher-mentor who conveys the highest wisdom to the main character.

Anakin Skywalker is the so-called "questionable" character. Who throughout history transforms from a boy into a boy yearning for love, and then into an adherent of the Dark Side. How could good turn out to be evil on a universal scale?

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a true hero, a fighter. Shredded Darth Maul, reasoned (despite his lightsabers) and neutralized Anakin.

Clones as an option

Without stormtroopers, whose aesthetic is the perfect blend of menace and style, the epic would be insipid. The cloned Star Wars character Stormtrooper looks extremely futuristic. Their popularity has stood the test of time, they are still dedicated to sites, communities and social groups. networks.

Star Wars is a cult epic fantasy saga that includes 6 films (the seventh is currently being filmed), as well as animated series, cartoons, television films, books, comics, video games - all permeated with a single storyline and created in a single fantasy universe " Star Wars, conceived and realized by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s and later expanded. The saga, and especially the first movies, had a huge impact on modern Western culture, became one of the masterpieces of science fiction cinema, and, according to various polls, was even recognized as the best in the history of cinema.

First movie released May 25, 1977 year called Star Wars. The film was a huge box office success, effectively saving 20th Century Fox from bankruptcy. When doubts about the payback of the project disappeared, the first film received the subtitle "A New Hope", and soon two sequels appeared after it - in 1980 and 1983.

In 1997, 20 years after the release of the first film, the original trilogy was remastered with computer-generated special effects and re-released. The films grossed $256.5 million, $124.2 million and $88.7 million respectively in re-release.

In 1999 The movie Star Wars was released. Episode I: The Phantom Menace ", which marked the beginning of a new trilogy - the prehistory of the original.

According to George Lucas, the idea for the film was influenced by Joseph Campbell's research on comparative mythology (The Hero with a Thousand Faces, etc.).

The beginning of the history of Star Wars is considered to be 1976. It was then that the novelization book of the same name by A. D. Foster and George Lucas appeared, telling about the events of Episode IV: A New Hope. The producers at 20th Century Fox feared the film would fail at the box office, and decided to release the book earlier to gauge its success. In 1977 at the Congress of the World Science Fiction Society, George Lucas received a special Hugo Award for this novel.

1. How to come up with a name for Star Wars?

Have you seen how people come up with fancy names for themselves? But perhaps you don't know how?

Using the formula below, you can easily come up with the name "Star Wars".

There are several such formulas, here is one of them:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your name.
  • Add the last 2 letters of your last name.

It turns out your "Star Wars" name. After:

  • Take the first 2 letters of your mother's maiden name.
  • Add the first 3 letters of the city where you were born.

This is your "Star Wars" surname.

Example: Let's say your name is Vladimir Putin. Mother's maiden name is Turina (I don't know the name of Putin's mother). You were born in St. Petersburg. So, the name is Vlain, the surname is Tusan. So, your name is Vlain Tusan. By the way, my name is Makov Sovor.

Another variation of the George Lucas formula to find out your name:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your last name.
  • Add the first 2 letters of your name.

Is that your name. The surname is determined in the same way as in the previous case. Then, if your name is Vladimir Putin, then your name is Star Wars - Putvl Tusan. And then my name is Basma Sovor.

To change the name a little more, add "starwarsnews":

Darth Vlain Tusan

Grand Moff Vline Tusan

Obi-Wan Vlain Tusan (at least "Obi-Wan" is a noble title)

2. Other names in Star Wars.

The names of Star Wars characters are by no means random. There is an explanation why Lucas came up with these names. Here's what he says: "It's just, I came up with the names phonetically. I wanted part of the character to live in his name. The names had to sound unusual, but not trivial, like sci-fi "Zenon" and "Zorba."

Darth Vader was taken from the Danish language and can roughly be translated as "Dark Father".

Anakin Skywalker's name was taken from the name of a race of giants in the Origins book (Anakin), and Skywalker - to show his character - Skywalker means "skywalker" in English.

Han Solo. Han is a derivative of John, a very simple name. Solo means that a person adheres to the philosophy of loneliness.

Chewbacca. Some people like to chew tobacco. Previously, names were given according to occupation. How do we know if Chuuya's ancestors liked to chew tobacco?

3. Yoda's unique sentence structure.

Yoda, the great Jedi sage, builds his sentences in a unique way when he speaks. Here are some comments on his manner of speaking:

"If Yoda is so powerful in the Force, why can't he build sentences correctly?"

"When you're 900 years old and look just as good, you won't." - Yoda

Personally, I like the way he speaks :).

1. How to come up with a name for Star Wars?

Have you seen how people come up with fancy names for themselves? But perhaps you don't know how?

Using the formula below, you can easily come up with the name "Star Wars".

There are several such formulas, here is one of them:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your name.
  • Add the last 2 letters of your last name.

It turns out your "Star Wars" name. After:

  • Take the first 2 letters of your mother's maiden name.
  • Add the first 3 letters of the city where you were born.

This is your "Star Wars" surname.

Example: Let's say your name is Vladimir Putin. Mother's maiden name is Turina (I don't know the name of Putin's mother). You were born in St. Petersburg. So, the name is Vlain, the surname is Tusan. So, your name is Vlain Tusan. By the way, my name is Makov Sovor.

Another variation of the George Lucas formula to find out your name:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your last name.
  • Add the first 2 letters of your name.

Is that your name. The surname is determined in the same way as in the previous case. Then, if your name is Vladimir Putin, then your name is Star Wars - Putvl Tusan. And then my name is Basma Sovor.

To change the name a little more, add "starwarsnews":

Darth Vlain Tusan

Grand Moff Vline Tusan

Obi-Wan Vlain Tusan (at least "Obi-Wan" is a noble title)

2. Other names in Star Wars.

The names of Star Wars characters are by no means random. There is an explanation why Lucas came up with these names. Here's what he says: "It's just, I came up with the names phonetically. I wanted part of the character to live in his name. The names had to sound unusual, but not trivial, like sci-fi "Zenon" and "Zorba."

Darth Vader was taken from the Danish language and can roughly be translated as "Dark Father".

Anakin Skywalker's name was taken from the name of a race of giants in the Origins book (Anakin), and Skywalker - to show his character - Skywalker means "skywalker" in English.

Han Solo. Han is a derivative of John, a very simple name. Solo means that a person adheres to the philosophy of loneliness.

Chewbacca. Some people like to chew tobacco. Previously, names were given according to occupation. How do we know if Chuuya's ancestors liked to chew tobacco?

3. Yoda's unique sentence structure.

Yoda, the great Jedi sage, builds his sentences in a unique way when he speaks. Here are some comments on his manner of speaking:

"If Yoda is so powerful in the Force, why can't he build sentences correctly?"

"When you're 900 years old and look just as good, you won't." - Yoda

Personally, I like the way he speaks :).

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