Academic writing in the third person. What is the person of the verb in Russian


The lesson deals with the gender, person and number of the verb. You will see how the verb expresses the meaning of the action with the help of changes in gender, person and number.

Subject: Verb

Lesson: Gender, person, verb number

1. Grammatical meaning of the verb

Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct present or future tense. If there are several variants of this form in the speech, choose one of them. Justify your choice of option. If the verb does not have the correct form, change the sentence to express the given content.

1. Some people (run) along the streets. 2. He (to attract) to people with a difficult fate. 3. In order not to freeze on the road, he usually (harness) the horse, let it gallop, and he (run) nearby. 4. I will definitely (recover) by the holiday. 5. I will definitely (win) these competitions. 6. I just (pour) sugar into the jar, (screw) the lid and come to you. 7. That's how I (annoy) the teacher! 8. Nettle is very strong (burn). 9. Puppy (lie down) under the sofa and purrs. 10. I (call) for you in the evening. 11. Mother (light) all the lamps and (drop) daughter's medicine. 12. He should not be entrusted with such a responsible task: he must (hesitate) at the most crucial moment. 13. I (knead) the dough, and then I will rest. 14. If there is blood (bake), it is difficult to treat the wound. 15. If water (leaks) under the bath, it will be difficultcollect. 16. When we (want), then (lie down) to rest! 17. If you don't give up right now, I'll (riddle) the whole house! 18. He will quickly (wear out) a new suit if he treats it so carelessly. 19. I (spin, spin, play tricks), but it's all to no avail! 20. He (climb) to the very top of the tree. 21. He (lie) to you! 22. They never (put) briefcases on desks. 23. He (bring) us trouble. 24. I’ll work out in a day, (work hard), sometimes in the evening so (exhaust) - I can’t move my hand. 25. I don't (offend you). 26. It (to distract) you from sad thoughts. 27. He (to renounce) us at the first danger. 28. I (defeat) this opponent too! 29. Water (flow) from the tap for the third day. 30. They (want) to disgrace us. 31. Boats do not stand still, they are slightly (to sway) on the water. 32. Wind blows, rain(splash) in my face. 33. Parents stand on the platform and (waving) after the departing train. 34. Streams flow from the roofs (drip). 35. Wolf (scour) through the forest in search of prey. 36. Women stand on the shore and (rinse) linen.

1. The culture of writing ().

2. Modern Russian language ().


1. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.

2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.

3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.

We will learn how to use personal pronouns correctly. Let's find out their meanings. We will learn how to correctly determine the case endings of personal pronouns.

My sister and I went to the Christmas tree. She was very smart and festive.

(It is not clear who was dressed up, a girl or a Christmas tree)

How to write. My sister and I went to the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree was very elegant, festive.

And here's another one: the Clown gave balloons to the guys. They were round, elongated and long.

(The guys were elongated and long).

How to write. The clown gave balloons to the children. The balls were round, elongated and long.

We are confused by the pronoun.

Pronoun- this is an independent non-significant part of speech that indicates objects, signs or quantities, but does not name them.

The grammatical features of pronouns are different and depend on which part of speech the pronoun acts as a substitute in the text.

Pronoun ranks by meaning

There are 9 categories of pronouns by meaning:

1. Personal : I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they. Personal pronouns indicate the participants in the dialogue (I, you, we, you), persons not participating in the conversation, and objects (he, she, it, they).

2. returnable : myself. This pronoun indicates the identity of a person or object called the subject, a person or object called the word himself (He will not offend himself. Hopes did not justify themselves).

3. Possessive : mine, yours, yours, ours, his, hers, theirs. Possessive pronouns indicate that an object belongs to a person or another object (This is my briefcase. Its size is very convenient).

4. pointing : this, that, such, such, so much, this (obsolete), this (obsolete). These pronouns indicate a sign or quantity of objects.

5. Determinants : himself, most, all, everyone, each, any, other, different, everyone (outdated), all (outdated). Definitive pronouns indicate the attribute of an object.

6. Interrogative : who, what, which, which, whose, how much. Interrogative pronouns serve as special interrogative words and indicate persons, objects, signs and quantities.

7. relative : the same as interrogative ones, in the function of connecting parts of a complex sentence (union words).

8. Negative : nobody, nothing, no one, nothing, none, no one. Negative pronouns express the absence of an object or feature.

9. indefinite : someone, something, some, some, several, as well as all pronouns formed from interrogative pronouns by the prefix something or suffixes something, -or, -something.

Ranks of pronouns



How do they change


I, you, he (she, it), we, you, they

By persons, cases, 3rd person pronoun He changes by birth



who?, what?, what?, whose?, how much?, what?

They vary by gender and number. Pronouns who what? do not change by gender and number



It has no nominative case, gender or number.

Relative pronouns

who, what, which, which, whose, how much, what

Change in cases



someone, something, some, several, someone, something, someone, someone, something, etc.

Indefinite pronouns except someone, something change in cases.

Also some indefinite pronouns

Negative pronouns

no one, nothing, none, no one, no one, nothing

Change in cases. Pronouns nobody and nothing do not have a nominative case

Possessive pronouns

mine, yours, yours, ours, yours

Change by gender, cases, numbers

Demonstrative pronouns

that, this, such, such, how many

The pronouns that, this, such, change according to gender, cases, numbers. The pronoun such changes by gender and number.

Definitive pronouns

all, everyone, each, himself, the most, any, other, other

Change by gender, cases, numbers

Personal pronouns have a morphological feature faces :

1st person: I, we;

2nd person: you, you;

3rd person: he, she, it, they.

Personal pronouns have a morphological feature numbers . Personal pronouns are singular (I, you, he, she, it) and plural (we, you, they) numbers.

All personal pronouns have a constant gender.

Pronouns I and you are of the general gender: I, you came - I, you came.

The pronoun he is masculine: he came.

The pronoun she is feminine: she came.

The pronoun is neuter: it came-o.

Plural pronouns we, you, they are not characterized by gender. We can talk about the animation of personal pronouns, since their C. p. coincides with R. p. (I don’t have you - I see you).

All personal pronouns change according to cases , i.e. inclined. In indirect cases with a preposition, n is added to pronouns of the 3rd person: from him, to them, from her. The addition does not occur with derivative prepositions during, thanks to, according to, contrary to, etc.: thanks to her, according to him.


units h., Cases - them. (rd., dt., vn., tv., etc.)

pl. h., Cases - them. (rd., dt., vn., tv., pr.)

I (me, me, me, me / me, both to me)

we (us, us, us, us, O us)

you (you, you, you, you/you, O you) you (you, you, you, you, about you)

you (you, you, you, you, O you)

he (his / him, him / him, him, them / him, O him) she (her/her, her/her, her, her/her/her/her, O her) it (his / him, him / him, him, them / him, O him)

they (them/them, them, them/them, them/them, O them)

Say the correct pronoun THEM!

Their clothes

Boy - I learned.

Girl - I learned.

Personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person do not change by gender.

Rice. 4.

You, Petya, have learned your lesson, and you, Masha?

“Yes!” Masha said, “I learned!” “Me too,” said Petya.

Rice. 5.

Boys, have you learned your lessons?

Girls, are you going to school?

We will answer to ourselves both boys and girls.

Let's correct the sentence, indicating the person, number, case, if possible, the gender of pronouns.

1. Once a comrade approached (I) during a break.

Approached (to whom?) To me - this is the pronoun of the 1st person singular of the dative case.

2. Give (you) a monkey?

To give (to whom?) to you is the pronoun of the 2nd person singular of the dative case.

3. (She) is called Yashka.

Her name is (who?) - this is the pronoun of the 3rd person singular feminine of the genitive case.

4. Dad is angry at (we) with Yashka.

Angry (at whom?) at us - this is the pronoun of the 1st person plural of the accusative case.

5. Let her live with (you) for now.

Will live (with whom?) With you - this is the pronoun of the 2nd person singular of the genitive case.

6. With (she) having fun.

(With whom?) with her is the pronoun of the 3rd person singular feminine of the dative case.

7. So (I) got a monkey.

(Who?) for me is the pronoun of the 1st person singular of the accusative case.

1. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baikova T.A. Russian language 4: Academic book / Textbook.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O. Russian language 4: Ballas.

3. Lomakovich S.V., Timchenko L.I. Russian language 4: VITA_PRESS.

3. Russian language in the CIS countries ().

1. Read Tsvetaeva's verse. Find pronouns in the text, determine their category.

I will win you back from all lands, from all skies, Because the forest is my cradle, and the grave is the forest, Because I stand on the ground with only one foot, Because I will sing about you like no other.

I will win you back from all the others - from that one, You will be no one's fiancé, I will be no one's wife, And in the last dispute I will take you - shut up!

2. Read. Write off. Underline personal pronouns. In brackets, write case questions to them.

The third part of the Earth is occupied by dry land. The rest is water! A variety of marine animals live in it. Among them are tiny ones, like a pinhead, and large ones, such as whales. Sharks live in the oceans. They are also different. There are dwarf sharks. And there are giant sharks. They weigh up to 20 tons.

3. Write down the sentences by inserting the missing pronoun in the correct form.

1) The pianist's concert ... liked it. His game made a wonderful impression on ....

2) I called … all evening yesterday, but … was constantly busy.

3) I have been studying with Volodya since the first year. I know very well ... and for a long time

I'm friends with...

4) I have a younger sister. In the evening I go for ... to kindergarten.

4.* Write a dialogue on any topic using as many personal pronouns as possible in different case forms.

The person of the verb is one of its inconstant features and its most important category, with the help of which it is possible to determine who performs the action described by the verb. Therefore, in tasks in the Russian language at school, students often need to determine the person of the verb. In the course of morphological analysis, it is important to be able to accurately determine the permanent and non-permanent features of the words of a given part of speech. Person is an inflected grammatical category of a verb. To determine it correctly, it is important to remember the recommendations, follow the given algorithm.

Determine the person of the verb. A few recommendations
Simple tips will help you correctly determine the person of verbs. Try to remember them.
  1. To get started, try asking questions about the verb:
    • first person verbs: what am I doing? what do we do? (write, write);
    • second person verbs: what are you doing? what you are doing? (write, write);
    • third person verbs: what does it do? what do they do? (writes, writes).
    As you have already noticed, two types of questions are asked for the verbs of each person - for the singular and the plural.
  2. One of the easiest ways to determine the person of a verb is to substitute the corresponding pronoun. You will need to remember the pronouns of all three persons in order to be able to apply this method well.
    • 1st person: I, we. For example: I walk, we walk.
    • 2nd person: you, you. For example: you walk, you walk.
    • 3rd person: he, she, it, they. For example: he studies, they study.
  3. It is also important to remember the formal signs of the person of the verb - verbal personal endings.

    A good option is to create your own table with examples. Draw it on a separate sheet of thick paper, come up with your own examples for each ending and paste them in the appropriate lines. So you can quickly remember all the endings and in the future it is easy to determine the person of the verb.

  4. Pay attention to an important point: for verbs in the past tense, the person is not determined! Also, you do not need to define this feature in the infinitive. For example: studied (I, you, she). Learn (me, you, her). You just need to substitute the appropriate pronouns to make sure: past tense verbs and infinitives do not have a grammatical category of person. Be sure to list this separately on your spreadsheet and provide your own examples. Then you will no longer forget this feature of the verb as a part of speech.
  5. In difficult cases, you need to use all the methods you know for determining the person of the verb. It is better to use all methods until you begin to freely navigate this grammatical category of the verb and correctly determine the person. Then it will be enough for you to use one method that is most convenient for you.
How to determine the face of the verb? Algorithm
How to determine the person of the verb correctly? You will need to remember the tips and use the algorithm.
  1. Write the verb whose person you want to determine on a separate piece of paper.
  2. Make sure the verb is in the present or future tense, not an infinitive. If you have a verb of the future, present tense, proceed directly to the analysis.
  3. Substitute the correct pronoun for the verb. Determine the person of the pronoun. Verbs are used with pronouns of the same person as they are. For example, if a second person pronoun came up to your verb, you have a second person verb in front of you.
  4. Ask a question for the verb. Find out which person's question he answers, based on this, determine the person of the verb.
  5. The most reliable way is to determine a person by a formal sign. Disassemble the verb by composition and highlight the ending in it. Remember the table of personal verb endings and write down what person this verb has.
Perform verb analysis carefully, slowly, remember recommendations, pronouns, questions corresponding to different persons, a table, follow the algorithm. Then you will correctly determine this grammatical category of the verb.

It is not difficult for anyone to speak without mistakes. When pronouncing the words of the Russian language, no one even thinks about their composition and pronunciation. However, in writing, certain rules must be observed. Sometimes in Russian language lessons, students are asked to determine the face of the verb. In order to cope with this task, it is necessary to follow the necessary recommendations. And first of all, you need to understand what this category represents?


The face of a verb is a grammatical group that changes the word and expresses the comparability of the action, indicated by this word in relation to the interlocutor. In other words, it denotes the one who performs this action. This category is characteristic of forms in the present and future tenses in the indicative and imperative moods and is considered one of the features that are subject to frequent changes. Therefore, it is very important to know the rules for its definition.

In order to correctly identify this category of words, follow the tips below.

Put a question to the right word:

  • For 1 person: what do I do? what do we do? (reading, reading).
  • For 2: what are you doing? what you are doing? (reading, reading).
  • For 3: what does? what do they do? (reading, reading).

It becomes clear that all words are questioned as for the only as well as for the plural.

It is very easy to establish this category with the help of a pronoun that is suitable in meaning. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • For 1 person: I, we. I am sitting, we are sitting.
  • For 2: you, you. You are sitting, you are sitting.
  • For 3: he she, it, they. She is sitting, they are sitting.

Pay attention to personal endings:

  • The 1st person singular verb has the endings -ayu (I run, I fall) -oy (I draw, dance), -yayu (I walk, shoot). In the plural: -im, -em (we eat, write).
  • In the 2nd person singular, it has the endings -ish, -eat (you hear, write), and the plural: -ite, -et (you sit, write).
  • In the 3rd person singular, it has the endings -it, -et (he is sitting, she is writing), and the plural: -ut, -yut, -at, -yat (they are walking, walking, hurrying, sitting).

It would be nice to use a special table containing examples. You can compose it yourself filling in with approximate words with each type of endings. This method will help you easily learn to recognize the correct spelling by memorizing the endings.

Remember: it is impossible to define this category of words for past tense verbs. This also applies to the infinitive.

Let's give examples: sang (you, she, me), sing (you, him, me). Impersonal (freezing, getting dark) are also not subject to change in this form. Using the support of the necessary pronouns we can conclude that such forms do not have this category!

In especially difficult cases, use the methods of determination that you know. Forms 1 and 3 of the person can be expressed in the imperative mood. In this case, their formation occurs with the participation of particles yes, let's, let, let.

Sequence of definition

We will tell you step by step how to define this category:

Definition of reflexive verbs, their person and number

The reflexive verb differs from the irrevocable one in the form of suffixes -sya and -s.

  • The suffix -s follows the vowels (it turned out, went down, liked it).
  • The suffix -sya follows the endings of words (takes - is taken, says - is said) and after consonants (offended, convinced).

To explain what it is, here are some examples:

Roman got dressed and got ready for work. Tatyana was offended by her friend. The sun went behind a cloud.

Behind words of this form nouns and pronouns are never used in the accusative.

The person of a reflexive verb in the singular is determined by the noun or pronoun that refers to the verb, as well as by the endings of the verbs.

For example: I laugh (1), you laugh (2), he laughs (3), the house is being built (3). In the plural, this category of words is defined in the same way. For example: they laugh, he laughs (3), you laugh, you laugh (2), I laugh, we laugh (1).

The person of the verb is one of its most important categories. In order to correctly write in Russian, you need to learn the correct definition of this category. Carefully study the rules and the definition algorithm and strictly follow them when writing. This will enable you to avoid mistakes.

The morphological category of a person is the most important in the Russian verb system. Personal forms help to determine who is acting: the speaker himself (the subject of communication), - walking, my; speaking with others: walk, wash; interlocutor (addressee of communication) - play, wash; interlocutor with others: walk, wash; not participating in the dialogue (object of communication) - walking, washing, walking, washing. The face is one of the most inconsistent signs. Therefore, the student is often faced with the question of how to determine

Leisurely Analysis

The verb has three faces: 1. walking 2. walking 3. walking; 1. I am silent 2. you are silent 3. you are silent.

They differ not only from each other, but also in the plural: ( read, read, read; build, build, build). is not correlative in meaning to the singular: writing- the speaker is acting write- someone else joined the speaker. It is not yet clear how to determine the person of the verb? And we are not in a hurry. For now, memorize three properly Remember all pronouns by person: 1st person: I, we; 2nd person: you, you; 3rd person: he, (she, it) they. Learn to find the appropriate meaning for a particular verb. For example: verb are flying. The rest is up to you: if you don't like it" I'm flying" or " it's flying", look for more!

Other meanings

Personal forms of the verb, in addition to those indicated above, may have other meanings. For example, the 1 person plural form can become "author's we", that is, imply 1 person singular: We already touched verb tense definitions, now let's get started to the analysis of actors. Although it sounds different here: I still trying to explain... The form of the 1st person plural in emotionally charged speech is sometimes used in the meaning of the 2nd person singular: Oh what We got big!(referring to the only child present). Verbs of the 2nd person singular appear in the meaning of the 1st person of the singular in generalizations: You you won't understand, seven Fridays a week. Everyone must use the replacement in the 2nd person singular plural - as a sign of respect: You Wonderful play On the violin! Also, personal verbs can become indefinitely personal or generalized personal - with an unknown actor or if the action applies to everyone at once and to no one in particular: Taking off your head, through your hair don't cry (generalized-personal); Football on TV transmit (indefinitely personal).

Determine the person of the verb

We proceed to the most important thing - how to determine the person of the verb. The first step is to ask the verb a question that is appropriate in meaning.

1 person: what do i do? And what are we doing? (pronouns I, We) I walk, we walk.

2 person: What are you doing? and what are you doing?(pronouns you you) you walk, you walk.

3 person: what do they do? and what are you doing?(pronouns he/she/it, they) walking, walking.

The verb table will help you remember even faster how to determine the face of the verb. Draw it and practice, sign with a pencil invented examples of verbs, erase, and start again.

About the wealth of the Russian language

We have so many verbs that from time to time we will come across inappropriate for this table. What is it, how to determine the person of a substandard verb? It's a matter of time. In the literal sense - time. Define it! And you will see that the verbs that are in the past, as well as the indefinite form, do not have a face! Here is the infinitive (indefinite form): verb be treated. Me (me) it's time to heal. But just the same, always it's time be treated And to you (you), And them (they) and so on. The same story happens. It is enough to substitute the correct pronouns and ask appropriate questions, the verbs will be determined immediately and will be obedient in later life!

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