Quest scenario for men in a house or apartment for a birthday. Quest "think with your head, but fight with your strength" The name of the quest for February 23


The facilitator invites each contestant to write down eight adjectives on a piece of paper. Then, having distributed the text to them, he suggests inserting these adjectives in place of the missing words and reading the note received. The text may be as follows: “Yesterday in ..... a dream ..... artilleryman Ivanov argued with ..... artilleryman Petrov that he would immediately knock out 100 ..... enemy tanks. Immediately, without waking up, Ivanov in ..... battle applied all his ..... experience and ..... took revenge on ..... the enemy with a blow. The military commander wins - the author of the funniest note from the front.

The guys are divided into teams, in which girls can also be present. Each team receives a sheet with dates. In 5-10 minutes, the guys should remember these dates and write what wars took place in these years, for example, 13-15 centuries - the wars of the Mongol Empire, 1917-1923. - civil war in Russia, 1914-1918. - World War I, 1939-1945 - World War II and so on. The team that fills in all the dates correctly or, if not all, then the most, will receive a prize.

Strength in the legs and calm in the head

Each boy stands still, a textbook is placed on his head. At the start command, the guys begin to squat. Whoever can sit down more in one minute and not drop the student at the same time, he will win. If the textbook is dropped, the count starts again. Therefore, you need to act confidently, calmly and dexterously, like a real soldier.


The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people (girls can also take part). The first team members receive a task sheet in which one or two phrases (the same for all teams) are written, for example, “In the spring, in the month of March, ours must hold the defense from the north-western side, having adequately stood to the bitter end.” On the “start” command, the first participants open the envelope with the task sheet, read it and pass the phrase orally into the ear of the second participants, trying to keep the whole phrase verbatim, the second pass it on to the third, the third to the fourth and so on until the last participants. The team in which the last participant is the first to be ready to say the phrase from the task sheet and does it verbatim will be the winner.

Stop! Who goes?

Each of the guys in turn becomes a soldier who is blindfolded. The rest of the guys take turns quietly passing by the participant, and he, in turn, must listen carefully and prevent the “enemy” from entering his squad. The participant who manages to feel and catch more than the rest of the "spies" will win and receive a prize.

Our boys are our heroes

Girls classmates confer and distribute to each one whom she (several girls can) will or will show, but not just show, but in the role of some kind of hero. For example, Sasha is Batman, and one of the girls calls Sasha to the board and says: you are strong, brave, brave and always ready to help, just like... and shows Batman. And Sasha has to guess who he is. Spectators-classmates can help with hints. Heroes can be different: from cartoons, fairy tales, movies, history, mythology, and so on.

Strong, fast, agile

The boys are divided into pairs. In each pair, the guys either cross their arms or take each other's hands so that another person can sit on them, like on a chair. Each pair of boys gets 5 girls per class. At the same distance from each pair there is a line beyond which the boys must move the girls. At the “start” command, the boys squat, the first girl sits on their crossed arms and the boys deliver the girl beyond their line, after which they return back for the second girl. The pair of boys that will get their girls over the line faster than their rivals will be the winner.

Military chronology

Participants are provided with a piece of paper and a pen. In front of them, on a board, they write the names of famous commanders of different times, for example, Tutankhamun, Macedonian, Ivan the Terrible, Zhukov, and so on. The task of each of the participants is to arrange the commanders in the correct chronological order faster than the others. Whoever can do it gets the prize.

obstacle course

2-3 participants are needed, more can be. There is an obstacle course in front of each participant, after a certain distance there is a chair on which there is a sign indicating what needs to be done, for example, at the first stage - squat 5 times, at the second - push off the floor 2 times, at the third - load a gun (toy ), on the fourth - remember and sing a couple of lines from a military song, on the fifth - jump rope 20 times and so on. Which of the participants will be able to overcome the obstacle course the fastest, he deserves a prize.

Let's continue the phrase

The leader in turn tells each of the participants a phrase from a military theme, which should be continued. Boys who fail to continue are eliminated from the game, and boys who give correct and quick answers will receive prizes. For example: “Aty-bats, they were walking ...” - soldiers; “Step up...” - quietly; “To the left, step ...” - march; "Rota, ..." - rise and so on.

Game program: "To the future defenders of the Fatherland"

(according to the principle of the war game "Zarnitsa")

Audience: Family living room "Household", children and parents.

Target: to cultivate a careful attitude to the memory of military events, to develop cognitive activity for the military prowess of their people.

Equipment: the name of the teams, the name and equipment of the stations:

« Soldier's kitchen» - 4 types of cereals (rice, millet, pearl barley, buckwheat);

« Intelligence service» - Morse code, image of a radio transmitter, telephone set, plan - map and objects (headquarters, warehouse, hospital), encryption in an envelope;

« Military equipment» - puzzles of types of military equipment (tank, ship, plane),

emblems of various types of troops;

« Medical» - iodine, brilliant green, bandage, cards with drawings of medicinal plants.

« Halt» - darts, sheets of paper A-4.

The stations are run by library staff.

Each competition is evaluated by 1 point, the total mark is entered into the route sheet.

Event progress.

Leading: Today we will find out whose team is the most friendly, knows a lot, knows how to show a sense of camaraderie. Teams are waiting for an exciting journey through the stations. Get itinerary sheets. We wish you good luck!

Description of stations.

"Soldier's Kitchen"

The host greets the team. Announces which station the guys came to. Participants are asked to complete the following tasks:


The team needs to make a proverb from the cards:

OUR, cabbage soup, -, FOOD, YES, porridge.

(Schi and porridge are our food)

Explain this military proverb.

(This is a healthy and satisfying food, suitable for people who spend a lot of strength and energy.)


Guess the crossword.

What is porridge made from? (from various cereals)

What cereals do you know? (In a crossword puzzle, the word "groats" helps to identify other cereals: barley, rice, oatmeal, millet, buckwheat)

They also cook pea porridge for soldiers.


Can you tell one grain from another?

The children are invited to touch to identify different types of cereals. Cereals are poured into transparent jars, into which a child’s hand can crawl, eyes are closed.

If you have time, you can mix 2.3 types of cereals and invite the children to separate one from the other for a while.


He is interested in how the guys understand the word halt. Does a soldier need rest? What can soldiers do at a halt (put themselves in order, their weapons, have a bite to eat, relax ...).

    Play the game "Islands".

Rules of the game: using 2 sheets of paper for a certain time to move to the other "shore", stepping only on sheets of paper.

    Shooter game.

The player is given 3 attempts to hit the target (using "Darts").

The total number of points is calculated.

Summing up. Put a mark on the itinerary.

"Hospital. Medical»

The host greets the team. Announces which station the guys came to and the rules for completing tasks.

At the station, the participants will have to show their knowledge in providing first aid to an injured person who has cut his finger. Everything you need is in front of the guys.

On the table is: hydrogen peroxide, water in a bowl, adhesive plaster, brilliant green, iodine, bandage, ice, tourniquet.

    Participants are invited to choose first aid for a cut, arrange them in order of use in providing assistance.

    Two students from the team must bandage the finger with a bandage.

    Participants are invited to identify medicinal plants from pictures: plantain, coltsfoot, chamomile, bluebell, clover, lily of the valley.

(If the guys can name the cases in which they are used, they get an extra point).

Summing up. Put a mark on the itinerary.

"Intelligence service"

The host greets the team. Announces which station the guys got to.

The guys are invited to imagine themselves as scouts and answer the question, how can you convey the important information that you got to your commander? (children offer different options)

The presenter demonstrates what devices were used during the Great Patriotic War (telephone and radio transmitter, walkie-talkie).

And he will find out if the guys know how the walkie-talkie works (with the help of a key and a cipher).

It explains what Morse code is and how it is used (the letter is encrypted - and.).

Shows a table of Morse code and asks to use it to decipher the phrase.

    Each group receives its own encryption (the words are encrypted in Morse code) and a table with symbols. After decryption, the text of the message is compiled.

Headquarters on the left bank of the river.

There are 60 people in the squad.

Arms depot near the bridge.

Hospital in a coniferous forest.

    Put objects on the map in encryption.

Arms depot near the bridge.

Hospital in a coniferous forest.

Summing up. Put a mark on the itinerary.



Military equipment"

The host greets the team. Announces which station the guys got to.

1 task.

Try to guess riddles:

    He is in the endless ocean

The cloud touches the wing.

Unfold over the wings

Shimmering silver. (Airplane)

    An iron whale above the water.

Day and night the whale does not sleep:

Day and night over water

Keeps our peace. (Ship)

    Takes off without acceleration.

Reminds me of a dragonfly. (Helicopter)

    In wartime I shoot at the enemy

And in peacetime I inform you about noon. (Cannon)

As the riddles are guessed, the presenter shows pictures of military equipment.

How can we call these things in one word? (Military equipment)

What other military equipment do you know?

(If more than five are called, an additional point is awarded)

2 task.

The children are invited to make one of the pieces of military equipment out of the puzzle.

The original picture is laid out on the table to help.

Students are asked to answer the following questions:

Which troops use this technique? (railway)

What equipment is still in aviation, in the navy, in artillery:

(boats, submarines, helicopter, anti-aircraft installations, howitzer, "Katyusha").

3 task.

Name the type of troops according to the presented drawings of emblems.

The result is summed up, earned points are set.

The total number of points is calculated. The winning team is determined.



ides of technology.

communication devices

Come up with and conduct a quest called "The best wife of her husband." The authors of the competition offered a number of tasks for such a quest. Here they are (I quote):

Exercise 1.
Make your husband an interesting evening.
The evening must be arranged at home so that those who are bezvylazny with children also have a chance of success.

Task 2
We hear each other.
It is very important to be able to listen to each other and find time for this. How long have you been just talking to your husband, hugging and looking into his eyes?
Set aside half an hour every day for a week just to listen to each other, to talk. And tell us about your impressions, about what has changed in your relationship these days.

Task 3
We find the positive qualities of our husband and give thanks for them.
Continue the phrase "My husband is the best because he is……" (loyal, sympathetic, etc.). The list should consist of at least 10 positive qualities.
During the week, try to notice the actions of your husband in which you saw manifestations of this or that quality and describe how difficult it was and what these situations were like.
Think of a way in which you will tell your loved one about this quality.

Task 4
Prepare a delicious dish that will delight your husband.

Task 5
Honor the freedom of your spouse without forgetting your own interests.
How often do you let your husband go fishing, meet friends, etc.? How often do you take time for yourself? Going to a salon or just doing home beauty treatments, doing yoga or fitness?
This week you need to give your husband a little freedom, and in his absence, take care of yourself. And do not forget to do this regularly so that the husband can proudly say: "this is my wife."

The participants of the contest approached the quest in their own way, they got very different gifts - go by links-reports under tasks to read and see them!

I read and thought how true the younger sister from the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" did - she asked for something simple, but unusual, for herself.

Maybe the analogy is not entirely accurate, but I'll be honest: all these simple little notes, hearts - and there are the most valuable gift because it conveys the lively and sincere warmth of love.

Is it true?

2 and this is wonderful Surprise quest from Inna( to her husband for his anniversary.
The purpose of the quest is to collect a puzzle postcard and read the message!


3 Quest as a gift for a husband on his birthday (click on the link)

"Quest by February 23 for men" - one of the popular requests that have been appearing in our mail since December.

What are the quests for February 23? What could be the scenarios? How long should the quest for February 23 last, and how long does it take to prepare?

Quest for February 23 for men

In most cases, the so-called gender holidays are carried out from the budget of the employees themselves. And women want to give their colleagues an unusual and cheerful gift. Therefore, the quest is a fairly convenient and relatively budget format for such an event.

However, nothing prevents to carry out. After all, a good walk of male colleagues can end in a cozy cafe!

Scenarios for the quest for February 23

In our view, the quest is a team game that combines search, intellectual and creative activities. As a rule, the storyline is set in the legend of the quest: "Search for treasure (or antidotes, if the quest is very limited in time)", "Find a mysterious cipher", etc. For a "male" holiday, legends can be more "heroic". For example, "Special Agents".

We try to adapt the legend of the quest to the specifics of the company's activities, and also take into account the number of participants/teams. Therefore, each time, in fact, we develop a new quest.

We… each time, in fact, develop a new quest…

Naturally, an important element of success is the logistics of the quest. We design the quest in such a way as to periodically "cross" the teams, creating conditions for cooperation.

Quite often, the female part of the office becomes part of the game - "secret agents", for which we come up with quest stages.

And, of course, we need a common ending: the opening of a treasured castle or finding a “treasure (treat)”, the creation of a common art object that will decorate the office later.

Like any office quest, the duration is from 2 to 4 hours.

How long does the quest take?

We prefer to have about 1.5 weeks before the event in order to complete all the agreements, carefully familiarize ourselves with the company, its office and develop / adapt the quest.

The cost of the quest depends heavily on the number of participants and additional improvements, but on average it is 1200-1400 rubles per participant. And this cost takes into account the basic adaptation and the arrival of our game technicians to your office to manage the quest.

A holiday in the office on February 23 for men can be arranged not only with the help of a quest. We will offer other formats.

I really like that our holidays are not held according to the scheme "sat down and drank and ate", but with scenarios, roles and rehearsals. So this time, our "diffchons" did their best: they developed a military quest in advance to search for an important document. Let's go straight to the script...
Our "fighters": perform tasks and receive a piece of a common document (secret document). The tasks involved choosing from several options, one of which is false, making a mistake, they "are punished" (guess riddles.
1. Base of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, special forces unit
General construction: conducts a new general, introduces him to the situation, hands over a map and sends him to the first task:

"The security of our country is under threat. And you have to once again serve the interests of the Motherland. Your mission is to return a secret document stolen by enemy intelligence officers with unique technologies in the field of education. But this is not an easy task, on the way from Russia, parts of this document were scattered around different parts of the world.You need to pass the test and put together all the fragments.
To complete the mission, you get a map, at each stage you will complete the task and receive new clues about the route."

2. "Swamp"
"Language" gives them a riddle, by guessing which they get the first piece of the document. Now the "language" goes along with them through all the stages prompts.

3. "Bunker"(server)
A secret bunker, here you can get confused in kilometers of wires, get lost in the labyrinths of computers, and our descendants will also have enough terabytes of information.
The enemy, in order to hide information, flooded the bunker. And you can get information only by “pumping out” excess water. All glasses are filled with water, but one has salt added. They need to exclude one of the glasses, because it is with poison. And drink.

Our fighters were blown up by a mine - they were guessing a riddle.

4. Forest"(our flower beds)
Since ancient times, the forest has been the breadwinner for the Russian people and helped the fighter survive in difficult moments. With closed eyes, it is necessary to determine by touch what kind of forest object is hidden in the bag: walnut, rosehip, pine nuts, cones, etc.

5. "Sea"(our huge aquarium)
The waters of our sea are full of danger, predatory fish inhabit it. Watch out, soldier! It is necessary to raise objects with a hint from the bottom of the sea. Two of them have a mine.

They lifted 3 items, but they didn’t immediately find the right one. Therefore, they began to solve riddles:

6. Desert(our meeting room, which, when the script was written, was completely empty))
There is no life there, there are only sands of knowledge, only travelers and wanderers have a road there. There, in heated debates, new ideas are destined to be born.
It is necessary to get 3 keys without the help of hands and opening the accounting cabinets, find a piece of the document.

7. Volcano(kitchen)
It's easy to get in, but hard to leave. There you can get burned and then freeze, explode, cut yourself, drink, but what's there - get drunk!
Description: Women are often compared to a volcano, they are just as unpredictable and explosive, but at the same time attractive. Therefore, now we will check how well you know women and what interests them. On the diagram for tailors, disassemble the details of the dress

Surprisingly, our "fighters" guessed both the slot, and the peplum, and the jabot, and the corrugation.

8. "Far Land"(the far room, which from time immemorial has been called Alaska)
Oa seems to be ours, but too far away. But not Kaliningrad and not Okhotka. The land is distant, rich in money.

Here's a photo of a clue:

I offered to solve puzzles about the army. Again they guessed everything:

Having collected all the fragments, the fighters came to the headquarters and received an award for the completed task - a gift army daily dry ration (IRP-P - an individual daily diet):
1. Beef stew
2. Porridge with beef
3. Minced pork
4. Bread
5. Instant tea
6. Concentrate of dry natures. drink "Well done"
Portable heater
can opener
paper napkins
Packing bag
... also army 100 grams)))

It seems that everyone was satisfied. And the set table too))

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