Alexander the centurion letter to Zadornov. Open letter to Mikhail Zadornov


Mikhail Nikolaevich!

I am very sorry to write you this letter on such a sad occasion, but it is important to me that you read it. This is not the cry of a gloating scumbag from the gallery, but an attempt to finally tell you what friends and relatives do not dare to say at the bedside of a dying person.

Your career as a famous satirist began with the program “Around Laughter,” where you first showed off a truly funny tale about the “second ninth carriage.” This sketch made millions of television viewers laugh, you became recognizable, they loved you, believing in your sparklingness, sincerity and impeccable taste. After all, humor does not tolerate vulgarity, and in this sense, for some time you were almost a standard of taste. Even when the Petrosyans and Dubovitskys flooded onto television screens, you tried to “keep the bar.” Once you even congratulated Russians on the New Year instead of President Yeltsin...

And then something broke. You increasingly began to cross an invisible line, catching an inexplicable courage and completely surrendering to the deceptive feeling of easy success. This feeling has distorted your worldview, giving you the devilish right to teach, indoctrinate and propagandize. Thought about " stupid Americans”, developed by you in dozens of sideshows, and widely spread among the masses of television viewers who have never been abroad, thanks to numerous television broadcasts, has become a serious help in the cause of total propaganda. Your support for the annexation of Crimea and Putin’s Russia’s aggression against Ukraine was also used by the propaganda media to promote war and incite ethnic hatred. You have become a powerful propaganda tool for misanthropy and war.

The process of dehumanization is easy, painless and invisible. It’s a pity that there was no one next to you whom you would trust unconditionally and who could stop you then. But even at that time, you still had a chance to stop this slide into the moral abyss on your own, remembering those creative authorities who helped you climb to the top of popularity at the very beginning of your journey. And then there was a “joke” about a Boeing being shot down over Donbass. About how he “fell because he was heavier than air.” And after this “joke” you ceased to exist - as a writer, comedian, creative unit. Everything else ceased to matter because you fell into an abyss that swallowed you.

You are a prime example of creative suicide. Of course, you are not the first, in different times we have sinned before you. Mayakovsky glorified the party and shot himself, Fadeev lied and shot himself, and many creative personalities of our time, who have completely devoted themselves to serving Lubyanka fascism - and you can’t get through anything at all. They lie like they breathe, and do not even think of committing suicide. But sometimes life turns into Fate, which sends once gifted people a heavy retribution for what they did during their lifetime. Like a cruel boomerang.

Your case has become a shining example as human soul died before the man himself. As a media figure, you presented to the public all stages of the path of creative self-destruction: from banal “stardom” to the last step into an all-consuming moral abyss.

It is unlikely that you will be forgiven by those who were killed and mutilated to the accompaniment of the Homeric laughter of your spectators. Nevertheless, may Fate be favorable to you in last days, saving you from physical suffering. And let no one dare joke: “the satirist Zadornov died because people cannot live with a swollen brain.”

Because the jokes are over. Moreover, a very long time ago...

Goodbye, Mikhail Nikolaevich...

Open letter satirist Zadornov, - journalist

29.06.2017 11:58

Mikhail Nikolaevich!

I am very sorry to write you this letter on such a sad occasion, but it is important to me that you read it. This is not the cry of a gloating scumbag from the gallery, but an attempt to finally tell you what friends and relatives do not dare to say at the bedside of a dying person.

Your career as a famous satirist began with the program “Around Laughter,” where you first showed off a truly funny story about the “second ninth carriage.” This sketch made millions of TV viewers laugh, you became recognizable, they loved you, believing in your effervescence, sincerity and impeccable taste. After all, humor does not tolerate vulgarity, and in this sense, for some time you were almost a standard of taste. Even when the Petrosyans and Dubovitskys flooded onto television screens, you tried to “keep the bar.” Once you even congratulated Russians on the New Year instead of President Yeltsin...

And then something broke. You increasingly began to cross an invisible line, catching an inexplicable courage and completely surrendering to the deceptive feeling of easy success. This feeling has distorted your worldview, giving you the devilish right to teach, indoctrinate and propagandize. The idea of ​​“stupid Americans”, which you developed in dozens of sideshows, and which became widespread among the masses of television viewers who had never been abroad, thanks to numerous television broadcasts, became a serious help in the cause of total propaganda. Your support for the annexation of Crimea and Putin’s Russia’s aggression against Ukraine was also used by the propaganda media to promote war and incite ethnic hatred. You have become a powerful propaganda tool for misanthropy and war.

The process of dehumanization is easy, painless and invisible. It’s a pity that there was no one next to you whom you would trust unconditionally and who could stop you then. But even at that time, you still had a chance to stop this slide into the moral abyss on your own, remembering those creative authorities who helped you climb to the top of popularity at the very beginning of your journey. And then there was a “joke” about a Boeing being shot down over Donbass. About how he “fell because he was heavier than air.” And after this “joke” you ceased to exist - as a writer, comedian, creative unit. Everything else ceased to matter because you fell into the abyss that swallowed you.

You are a prime example of creative suicide. Of course, you are not the first; people have sinned before you at different times. Mayakovsky glorified the party - and shot himself, Fadeev lied - and shot himself, and many of the creative personalities of our time, who completely devoted themselves to serving Lubyanka fascism, cannot be stopped at all. They lie like they breathe, and do not even think of committing suicide. But sometimes life turns into Fate, which sends once gifted people a heavy retribution for what they did during their lifetime. Like a cruel boomerang.

Your case has become a vivid example of how the human soul died before the person himself. As a media figure, you presented to the public all stages of the path of creative self-destruction: from banal “stardom” to the last step into an all-consuming moral abyss.

It is unlikely that you will be forgiven by those who were killed and mutilated to the accompaniment of the Homeric laughter of your spectators. Nevertheless, may Fate be favorable to you in your last days, freeing you from physical suffering. And let no one dare to joke: “the satirist Zadornov died because people cannot live with a swollen brain.” Because the jokes are over. Moreover, for a very long time...

Goodbye, Mikhail Nikolaevich...

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The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won’t catch it, there is such a proverb, and also, in the circles of worker-peasant youth living in residential areas of large and small cities, there is such a thing as “responsible for your words”

Having read yesterday an abomination written by a certain Sasha Sotnik, who considers himself a journalist, but as for me, he looks like a cheap beggar sitting tightly on a glass, I thought that Sasha Sotnik, either in his childhood in the area was a “Snow Maiden”, or his childhood was somewhat not correct, and his older comrades in the courtyard of life and good manners, that’s why various abominations fly from Sasha’s holey mouth to the people respected and loved by many.

The people he insults are polite, unlike him, they are educated and treat Sasha as if he were sick and it’s a sin to laugh at him, but this infuriates Sasha incredibly, and this mangy dog, stinking the whole neighborhood with the fumes of cheap port wine, emanates poisonous saliva from hatred, and in order not to choke on hatred, his holey mouth splashes poisonous saliva in all directions.

Any person, even when talking about his enemies, has the concept of “buoys and beacons” in his head; he understands that they don’t finish off someone who is lying down, and they don’t start a quarrel with someone who is unable to answer. But that’s how it is - normal people. Sasha is like that jackal from the cartoon about Mowgli. Sasha shits from under someone else's tail, spewing verbal diarrhea and curses at his enemies, having long ago lost all the buoys and beacons.

What I mean? I'll explain. Something bad happened. The beloved satirist Mikhail Zadornov announced that he is seriously ill. There will be a life-and-death struggle ahead in the literal sense of the word. Fighting the disease.

It is clear that Mikhail Nikolaevich had never heard of some Sasha Sotnik, but Sasha, like a real jackal, reached out to the sick wolf to mock his weakness. His holey mouth couldn't help but spit out another abomination. And Sasha burst out with a letter addressed to the famous satirist. Here are just a few excerpts from this infamy:

“This is not the cry of a gloating scumbag from the gallery, but an attempt to finally tell you what friends and relatives do not dare to say at the bedside of a dying person...

Your support for the annexation of Crimea and the aggression of Putin’s Russia against Ukraine was also used by the propaganda media to promote war and incite ethnic hatred...

Your case has become a vivid example of how the human soul died before the person himself. As a media figure, you presented to the public all stages of the path of creative self-destruction: from banal “stardom” to the last step into the all-consuming moral abyss... It is unlikely that you will be forgiven by those who were killed and mutilated to the accompaniment of the homeric laughter of your viewers. Nevertheless, may Fate be favorable to you in your last days, freeing you from physical suffering. And let no one dare joke: “the satirist Zadornov died because people cannot live with a swollen brain.” Because the jokes are over. Moreover, for a very long time...

Farewell, Mikhail Nikolaevich..." (full text - )

I'll be honest. It’s hard for me to even imagine how rotten inside a person must be who is capable of writing such a thing. Of course, any of us can have sworn enemies, can hate someone to the highest boiling point within ourselves, but to mock a person under such circumstances is not only unhuman, it is beyond good and evil.+

Now, I want to turn to Sasha Sotnik. Dear man, since I saw glaring gaps in your (I write with a small letter) upbringing, I want to inform you that if fate wishes to bring us face to face, I will use all the methods available to me to influence your decomposed brain, including including measures of physical coercion, so that your consciousness, clouded by alcohol fumes, remembers until the end of your worthless life the simple truth that you should observe the elementary rules of decency.

P.S. If during educational process, you will lose the newly inserted teeth for which you begged money from gullible people, there will be no compensation from me, therefore, it is advisable for you to take care of starting a new fundraising campaign to pay for the dentist’s services.

Without any respect and with complete contempt,

Editor-in-Chief of the AMDN online publication

I am very sorry to write you this letter on such a sad occasion, but it is important to me that you read it. This is not the cry of a gloating scumbag from the gallery, but an attempt to finally tell you what friends and relatives do not dare to say at the bedside of a dying person.

Your career as a famous satirist began with the program “Around Laughter,” where you first showed off a truly funny story about the “second ninth carriage.” This sketch made millions of TV viewers laugh, you became recognizable, they loved you, believing in your effervescence, sincerity and impeccable taste. After all, humor does not tolerate vulgarity, and in this sense, for some time you were almost a standard of taste. Even when the Petrosyans and Dubovitskys flooded onto television screens, you tried to “keep the bar.” Once you even congratulated Russians on the New Year instead of President Yeltsin...

And then something broke. You increasingly began to cross an invisible line, catching an inexplicable courage and completely surrendering to the deceptive feeling of easy success. This feeling has distorted your worldview, giving you the devilish right to teach, indoctrinate and propagandize. The idea of ​​“stupid Americans”, which you developed in dozens of sideshows, and which became widespread among the masses of television viewers who had never been abroad, thanks to numerous television broadcasts, became a serious help in the cause of total propaganda. Your support for the annexation of Crimea and Putin’s Russia’s aggression against Ukraine was also used by the propaganda media to promote war and incite ethnic hatred. You have become a powerful propaganda tool for misanthropy and war.

The process of dehumanization is easy, painless and invisible. It’s a pity that there was no one next to you whom you would trust unconditionally and who could stop you then. But even at that time, you still had a chance to stop this slide into the moral abyss on your own, remembering those creative authorities who helped you climb to the top of popularity at the very beginning of your journey. And then there was a “joke” about a Boeing being shot down over Donbass. About how he “fell because he was heavier than air.” And after this “joke” you ceased to exist - as a writer, comedian, creative unit. Everything else ceased to matter because you fell into the abyss that swallowed you.

You are a prime example of creative suicide. Of course, you are not the first; people have sinned before you at different times. Mayakovsky glorified the party - and shot himself, Fadeev lied - and shot himself, and many of the creative personalities of our time, who completely devoted themselves to serving Lubyanka fascism, cannot be stopped at all. They lie like they breathe, and do not even think of committing suicide. But sometimes life turns into Fate, which sends once gifted people a heavy retribution for what they did during their lifetime. Like a cruel boomerang.

Your case has become a vivid example of how the human soul died before the person himself. As a media figure, you presented to the public all stages of the path of creative self-destruction: from banal “stardom” to the last step into an all-consuming moral abyss.

It is unlikely that you will be forgiven by those who were killed and mutilated to the accompaniment of the Homeric laughter of your spectators. Nevertheless, may Fate be favorable to you in your last days, freeing you from physical suffering. And let no one dare to joke: “the satirist Zadornov died because people cannot live with a swollen brain.” Because the jokes are over. Moreover, for a very long time...

Goodbye, Mikhail Nikolaevich...


Mikhail Nikolaevich!

I am very sorry to write you this letter on such a sad occasion, but it is important to me that you read it. This is not the cry of a gloating scumbag from the gallery, but an attempt to finally tell you what friends and relatives do not dare to say at the bedside of a dying person.

Your career as a famous satirist began with the program “Around Laughter,” where you first showed off a truly funny tale about the “second ninth carriage.” This sketch made millions of television viewers laugh, you became recognizable, they loved you, believing in your sparklingness, sincerity and impeccable taste. After all, humor does not tolerate vulgarity, and in this sense, for some time you were almost a standard of taste. Even when the Petrosyans and Dubovitskys flooded onto television screens, you tried to “keep the bar.” Once you even congratulated Russians on the New Year instead of President Yeltsin...

And then something broke. You increasingly began to cross an invisible line, catching an inexplicable courage and completely surrendering to the deceptive feeling of easy success. This feeling has distorted your worldview, giving you the devilish right to teach, indoctrinate and propagandize. The idea of ​​“stupid Americans”, which you developed in dozens of sideshows, and which became widespread among the masses of television viewers who had never been abroad, thanks to numerous television broadcasts, became a serious help in the cause of total propaganda. Your support for the annexation of Crimea and Putin’s Russia’s aggression against Ukraine was also used by the propaganda media to promote war and incite ethnic hatred. You have become a powerful propaganda tool for misanthropy and war.

The process of dehumanization is easy, painless and invisible. It’s a pity that there was no one next to you whom you would trust unconditionally and who could stop you then. But even at that time, you still had a chance to stop this slide into the moral abyss on your own, remembering those creative authorities who helped you climb to the top of popularity at the very beginning of your journey. And then there was a “joke” about a Boeing being shot down over Donbass. About how he “fell because he was heavier than air.” And after this “joke” you ceased to exist - as a writer, comedian, creative unit. Everything else ceased to matter because you fell into the abyss that swallowed you.

You are a prime example of creative suicide. Of course, you are not the first; people have sinned before you at different times. Mayakovsky glorified the party - and shot himself, Fadeev lied - and shot himself, and many of the creative personalities of our time, who completely devoted themselves to serving Lubyanka fascism, cannot be stopped at all. They lie like they breathe, and do not even think of committing suicide. But sometimes life turns into Fate, which sends once gifted people a heavy retribution for what they did during their lifetime. Like a cruel boomerang.

Your case has become a vivid example of how the human soul died before the person himself. As a media figure, you presented to the public all stages of the path of creative self-destruction: from banal “stardom” to the last step into an all-consuming moral abyss.

It is unlikely that you will be forgiven by those who were killed and mutilated to the accompaniment of the Homeric laughter of your spectators. Nevertheless, may Fate be favorable to you in your last days, freeing you from physical suffering. And let no one dare to joke: “the satirist Zadornov died because people cannot live with a swollen brain.”

Because the jokes are over. Moreover, a very long time ago...

Goodbye, Mikhail Nikolaevich...

Alexander Sotnik.

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