The purpose of joining Chichikov's service. School encyclopedia - chichikov


Above the poem “ Dead Souls"Gogol worked approximately seven years old In the center of the plot of the poem is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Externally the same one the person is pleasant, but in reality he is a terrible, calculating money-grubber. His hypocrisy and cruelty that he shows when achieving his selfish goals are striking. He treated his teacher monstrously. His entire career is a chain of deceptions, bribes, bribes, ruined human destinies. In the bureaucratic world of lies and robbery, bribery and money-grubbing, he is one of his own, he was born into this world.

Chichikov set himself a certain assigned task in life and does everything to achieve it. He dreams of life with all the pleasures: carriages, a house, perfectly arranged, delicious lunches, balls.

“After leaving school, he did not even want to rest: his desire was so strong to get down to business and service, he got an insignificant place, a salary of thirty or forty rubles. But he decided to conquer and overcome everything.” Chichikov sucks up to his superiors as best he can. Having gained his trust, he receives a promotion in rank. After that, he no longer needed anyone who was friendly with him. He could now make his own way. Chichikov joined the commission for the creation of some kind of government-owned facility. And although nothing was built in six years, the commission members had “ beautiful home civil architecture".

Small-scale speculation gave way to large-scale fraud. Chichikov is engaged in such “cases”, “to which the world gives the name not only pure.” Almost all of his affairs end in failure. But here’s what’s paradoxical: Chichikov does not feel remorse and does not lose heart. Having hidden the traces of the crime and avoided punishment, he takes on a new unclean deed with redoubled force. “Hooked, dragged, broke, don’t ask” - this is his motto. New official position - customs officer. “He began his service with extraordinary zeal. It seemed that fate itself had destined him to be a customs official. Such efficiency, insight, and perspicacity have not only been seen, but also heard.” Having gained the trust of his superiors, he became known as an incorruptible and honest worker, and received a promotion. And Chichikov “presented a project to catch all the smugglers, asking for funds to test it himself, to which he received full consent.” Now he has complete freedom of action. Having entered into an alliance with his own kind, Chichikov takes huge bribes from smugglers. Having received on this matter approximately half a million, he goes into hiding again, but is not upset; Having hidden the traces of the crime, he takes on a new business - buying dead souls.

The transformation of Pavlusha into the respectable, universally revered Pavel Ivanovich in the then RF impossible in any other way, so Chichikov’s career is typical and deeply natural. Chichikov himself is the personification of the exploitative system.


Subject: Biography, studies, service and career of Chichikov (Dead Souls)

Biography Chichikova By origin, Chichikov is a nobleman: “...The origins of our hero are dark and modest. His parents were nobles, but they were nobles or private - God knows...” His father is a sick and poor man. We know nothing about the mother: “... the father, a sick man [...] sighed incessantly, walking around the room, and spitting in the sandbox that stood in the corner...” The father and little Pavlusha live in a simple peasant hut: “. .. A small house with small windows that did not open either in winter or in summer..."

Chichikov's studies Chichikov goes with his father to the city to study at the city school. He settles with some old relative: “...He was supposed to stay here and go to classes at the city school every day...” His father leaves back to the village, and Chichikov never sees him again: “... his father broke up with son and dragged himself home again on his forty, and since then he has never seen him again...” At the school, Chichikov is a diligent and diligent student. He has no special talents. But on the other hand, he is a practical and patient child: “... He did not have any special abilities for any science; he distinguished himself more by diligence and neatness...” While still at school, Chichikov begins to earn money: “... he molded it out of wax bullfinch, painted it and sold it very profitably..." "... finally achieved the point that the mouse stood on its hind legs, lay down and stood up according to orders, and then sold it also very profitably..." Chichikov is in good standing at school. He behaves exemplary and diligently. He graduates from the school as an exemplary student: “During his entire stay at the school, he was in excellent standing and upon graduation received full honors in all sciences, a certificate and a book with golden letters for exemplary diligence and trustworthy behavior.” At this time, Chichikov's father dies. He sells the house and land. For them he receives 1000 rubles - his initial capital: "... At this time his father died [...] Chichikov immediately sold the dilapidated little yard with an insignificant piece of land for a thousand rubles..."

Chichikov's service and career: Chichikov is a real careerist, purposeful and persistent. Chichikov does not start a family and does not have children. First, Chichikov wants to provide his “offspring” with a decent future. Read also: “Chichikov’s Service” Chichikov’s career has always been easy and simple. He works hard and tries hard. Chichikov's service has its ups and downs. During his life he manages to work in different places- and even in different cities. In general, Chichikov begins his service with a simple position in the treasury chamber: “... with great difficulty he decided to join the treasury chamber...” Then Chichikov gets a place in a more profitable place. Here he earns capital from bribes. But a new boss comes and reveals the thefts. So Chichikov loses everything that he acquired dishonestly: “... everything was fluffed up, and Chichikov more than others...” After this, Chichikov serves in another city in some miserable positions. Finally, he gets a place at customs: “... finally moved to the customs service...” At customs, Chichikov receives a promotion, as well as the rank of collegiate adviser: “... He received a rank and promotion...” Having become a boss , Chichikov conspires in criminal group smugglers. Chichikov earns hundreds of thousands of rubles from this “unclean” business. But the case is revealed. Chichikov loses his place and his acquired money: “...The officials were put on trial, confiscated, everything they had was described...” So Chichikov is again left with nothing. He has about 10 thousand rubles left, a chaise and two serfs - Selifan and Petrushka. Chichikov again starts his career from scratch. He works as an attorney (self-taught lawyer) according to the most miscellaneous matters. Then it occurs to him to buy dead serfs for himself in order to get rich.

Chichikov's life goal and career

Gogol worked on the poem “Dead Souls” for about seven years. In the center of the plot of the poem is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Outwardly this person is pleasant, but in reality he is a terrible, calculating money-grubber. His hypocrisy and cruelty that he shows when achieving his selfish goals are striking. He treated his teacher monstrously. His entire career is a chain of deceptions, bribes, bribes, ruined human destinies. In the bureaucratic world of lies and robbery, bribery and money-grubbing, he is one of his own, he was born into this world.

Chichikov has set himself a specific goal in life and is doing everything to achieve it. He dreams of life with all the pleasures: carriages, a perfectly furnished house, delicious dinners, balls.

“After leaving school, he did not even want to rest: his desire was so strong to get down to business and service, he got an insignificant place, a salary of thirty or forty rubles. But he decided to conquer and overcome everything.” Chichikov sucks up to his superiors as best he can. Having gained his trust, he receives a promotion in rank. After that, he no longer needed anyone who was friendly with him. He could now make his own way. Chichikov joined the commission for the creation of some kind of government-owned facility. And although nothing was built in six years, the commission members each had a “beautiful house of civil architecture.”

Small-scale speculation gave way to large-scale fraud. Chichikov is engaged in such “cases”, “to which the world gives the name not only pure.” Almost all of his affairs end in failure. But here’s what’s paradoxical: Chichikov does not feel remorse and does not lose heart. Having hidden the traces of the crime and avoided punishment, he takes on a new unclean deed with redoubled force. “Hooked, dragged, broke, don’t ask” - this is his motto. New official position - customs officer. “He began his service with extraordinary zeal. It seemed that fate itself had destined him to be a customs official. Such efficiency, insight, and perspicacity have not only been seen, but also heard.” Having gained the trust of his superiors, he became known as an incorruptible and honest worker, and received a promotion. And Chichikov “presented a project to catch all the smugglers, asking for funds to test it himself, to which he received full consent.” Now he has complete freedom of action. Having entered into an alliance with his own kind, Chichikov takes huge bribes from smugglers. Having received about half a million in this case, he goes into hiding again, but is not upset; Having covered up the traces of the crime, he takes on a new business - buying up dead souls.

The transformation of Pavlusha into the respectable, universally revered Pavel Ivanovich in the Russia of that time was impossible in any other way, so Chichikov’s career is typical and deeply natural. Chichikov himself is the personification of the exploitative system.

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Very often in literature, authors present only fragmentary biographies of their characters, focusing readers’ attention only on a certain moment in the hero’s life. N.V. Gogol did not follow this trend in his story “Dead Souls”. He describes in detail the life of his main character in the story, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, allowing the reader to trace all the stages of the formation of this character.

Chichikov's childhood

As a child, Chichikov lived in a simple hut, where the windows did not open at all, even in summer. Chichikov had no friends as a child, which significantly aggravated his already joyless existence. His father was sick all the time, which also had a significant impact on financial condition families. The Chichikov family owned only one family of serfs. This did not allow them to ensure a comfortable existence. In general, Chichikov himself has too few memories of his childhood.

However, Pavel Ivanovich’s situation was not hopeless - his parents had sufficient finances to send their son to study. Therefore, despite my childhood, bordering on life ordinary peasants, Chichikov had the opportunity to escape poverty.

Studying at school

As Pavel Ivanovich grew older, the main issue became obtaining the proper education and skills that would allow him to take a good place in life.
Soon the decision was made, and Pavel Ivanovich became a student at the same school. He lived with his distant relative. This made it possible to provide decent living conditions and at the same time save a significant amount of money.

Chichikov was not a particularly gifted student - his knowledge and talent did not allow him to stand out from the crowd of students just like him. In this case, Chichikov was saved by his diligence and diligence.

Over time, he learned to please his teachers, which played an important role in his education and created the illusion of a good and exemplary student. Chichikov never saw his father again. They always had a tense relationship - the father did not know how to be affectionate with his son, he always behaved strictly and harshly towards his son, leaving his home only strengthened these feelings of distance. Chichikov's father died while Pavel Ivanovich was still a student. There was no special inheritance left from his father, so Chichikov decides to sell everything he had. After the sale, he was able to receive a thousand rubles, which was, of course, a small amount, but allowed the thrifty Chichikov to make a start in life.

Pavel Ivanovich learned to treat money with care when he was still teenage years. During his studies, he tried in every possible way to find an opportunity to earn money; he usually did not spend the accumulated money, which allowed Chichikov to amass a small personal capital. First, Pavel Ivanovich sculpted birds from wax and painted them, then he trained a mouse and was also able to successfully sell it.

Dear readers! We invite you to follow in Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”

At school, Chichikov also failed to find a friend; the reason for this was, most likely, his stinginess and greed. Pavel Ivanovich was not liked in the team.

Chichikov's service

After graduating from college, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov begins civil service. His first workplace and the position were the most ordinary and simple - after making a lot of effort, he got a job as an employee in the treasury chamber.

However, he did not stop looking for a more profitable place. Soon such a position was found and Chichikov began to serve, where he had the opportunity to make significant savings through dishonest means. However, nothing lasts forever - the new authorities managed to expose Chichikov.

After this incident, Chichikov has no choice but to start all over again. He works in small, insignificant positions in different cities until he gets the opportunity to become a customs worker, which Chichikov takes advantage of.

His service begins to develop quite successfully and Chichikov even receives a promotion to collegiate adviser. However, this did not last long.

His unpleasant story at his previous duty station taught him nothing - Chichikov again gets involved in a scam, this time he interacts with smugglers. This business turns out to be very profitable and Pavel Ivanovich soon has significant savings, which is true not for long - his scam was cashed out and Chichikov again loses everything.

Staying at broken trough, he has no choice but to start all over again - Chichikov begins his career for the third time. This time he starts working as an attorney. At the same time, Chichikov is developing a plan for his next scam, which will allow him to get rich by empty space– he plans to buy up “dead souls” in order to get rich by reselling them. In the hope of realizing his plans, Chichikov takes his only two servants, a chaise and all his savings - 10 thousand and goes to the district to buy.

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