Chit pantry of the sun. Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich


Prishvin wrote the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun" in 1945. In the work, the author reveals the themes of nature, love for the motherland, classic for Russian literature. Using artistic technique personification, the author “enlivens” the swamp, trees, wind, etc. to the reader. individual hero fairy tales were, warning children about danger, helping them. Through descriptions of the landscape, Prishvin conveys internal state characters, change of mood in the story.

main characters

Nastya Veselkina- a 12-year-old girl, Mitrasha's sister, "was like a golden hen on high legs."

Mitrasha Veselkin- a boy of 10 years old, Nastya's brother; he was jokingly called "the man in the pouch".

Grass- the dog of the deceased forester Antipych, "big red, with a black strap on his back."

Wolf Old landowner

Chapter 1

In the village "near the Bludov swamp, near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, two children were orphaned" - Nastya and Mitrasha. "Their mother died of an illness, their father died in the Patriotic War". The children were left with a hut and a household. At first, the guys were helped to manage the household by the neighbors, but soon they themselves learned everything.

The children lived very well together. Nastya got up early and "took care of the house until night." Mitrasha, on the other hand, was engaged in "man's household", he made barrels, pelvises, wooden utensils, which he sold.

Chapter 2

h In the village in the spring they picked cranberries that had lain all winter under the snow, they were tastier and healthier than autumn ones. At the end of April, the guys gathered for berries. Mitrasha took with him his father's double-barreled gun and a compass - his father explained that with a compass one can always find the way home. Nastya took a basket, bread, potatoes and milk. The children decided to go to the Blind Elani - there, according to their father, there is a "Palestinian", on which a lot of cranberries grow.

Chapter 3

It was still dark, the guys went to the Fornication swamp. Mitrasha said that the “terrible wolf, the Gray landowner” lives alone in the swamps. As confirmation of this, a wolf howl was heard in the distance.

Mitrasha led his sister along the compass to the north - to the right clearing with cranberries.

Chapter 4

The children went to the Lying Stone. From there there were two paths - one trodden by people, “dense”, and the second “weak”, but going north. Having quarreled, the guys parted in different sides. Mitrasha went to the north, and Nastya - along the "common" path.

Chapter 5

Travka, a hound dog, lived in a potato pit near the ruins of the forester's house. Her owner, the old hunter Antipych, died two years ago. Yearning for his owner, the dog often climbed the hill and howled in a long way.

Chapter 6

A few years ago, not far from the Dry River, a “whole team” of people exterminated wolves. Everyone was killed, except for the cautious Gray landowner, who was only shot off his left ear and half of his tail. In summer, the wolf killed cattle and dogs in the villages. Hunters came five times to catch Gray, but he managed to escape each time.

Chapter 7

Hearing the howl of Travka's dog, the wolf headed towards her. However, Grass smelled a hare trail and followed it, and near the Lying Stone she smelled bread and potatoes, and ran after Nastya at a trot.

Chapter 8

Fornication swamp with "huge reserves of combustible peat, there is a pantry of the sun." “Thousands of years this goodness has been preserved under water” and then “peat is inherited by a person from the sun”.

Mitrasha went to the "Blind Elani" - the "deadly place", where many people died in the quagmire. Gradually, the bumps under his feet "became semi-liquid". To shorten the path, Mitrasha decided not to follow a safe path, but directly through the clearing.

From the first steps the boy began to sink into the swamp. Trying to break out of the quagmire, he jerked sharply and ended up in a chest-deep swamp. To prevent the quagmire from completely engulfing him, he held on to his gun.

From afar came the cry of Nastya calling him. Mitrasha answered, but the wind carried his cry in the other direction.

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Grass, "sensing human misfortune", raised its head high and howled. Gray hurried to the howl of the dog from the other side of the swamp. Travka heard that a fox was chasing a hare nearby and ran after the prey in the direction of the Blind Elani.

Chapter 11

Catching up with the hare, Grass ran out to the place where Mitrash had been dragged into the bog. The boy recognized the dog and called to him. When Grass came closer, Mitrasha grabbed her by the hind legs. The dog "rushed with insane force" and the boy managed to get out of the swamp. Grass, deciding that in front of her "the former beautiful Antipych" joyfully rushed to Mitrasha.

Chapter 12

Remembering the hare, Grass ran after him further. Hungry Mitrasha immediately realized "that all his salvation will be in this hare." The boy hid in the juniper bushes. Grass also drove a hare here, and Gray ran to the barking of the dog. Seeing a wolf five paces away, Mitrasha shot at him and killed him.

Nastya, hearing the shot, screamed. Mitrasha called her, and the girl ran to the cry. The guys lit a fire and made themselves dinner from a hare caught by Grass.

After spending the night in the swamp, the children returned home in the morning. At first, the village did not believe that the boy could kill the old wolf, but soon they themselves were convinced of this. Nastya gave the collected cranberries to the evacuated Leningrad children. Over the next two years of the war, Mitrasha "stretched out" and matured.

This story was told by "scouts of marsh riches", who during the war years prepared swamps - "storerooms of the sun" for peat extraction.


In the work “The Pantry of the Sun”, Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin touches on the issues of the survival of people, in particular children, in difficult periods(in the story this time Patriotic War), shows the importance of mutual support, assistance. The "pantry of the sun" in the fairy tale is a composite symbol denoting not only peat, but also all the richness of nature, and the people living on that land.

Fairy tale test

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The story of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin "The Pantry of the Sun" tells about orphans, how they coped with difficulties, how they learned to live without parents.

The author describes the main characters very carefully. The girl, Nastya, the eldest in the family, seems to the reader to be responsible and very hardworking. She has freckles on her face, blonde hair, is fragile and very smart. She always yielded to her brother, tried to do the best and helped him in everything. The author calls her the golden hen on high legs. In my opinion, Mikhail Mikhailovich gave such a nickname to Nastya for a reason. Throughout the story, he writes about her with respect. Nastya got up before sunrise, drove a herd of cows to pasture and, not going to bed, did all the household chores until nightfall.

Mitrasha, brother main character, the author describes as "a little man in a bag". He learned a certain craft from his father and was engaged in men's household chores. Mitrasha sold or exchanged the result of his craft. So the orphans lived, arranging their life.

The author of the story very accurately divides household chores among the children. Left alone, without parents, Nastya and Mitrasha do household chores together. "Golden hen with high legs and a man in a bag" are engaged in women's and men's household chores, respectively. Such a division of labor between children gives them, in my opinion, the cohesion and friendship that should be between relatives.

One day, the children decide to go for cranberries. In the forest, they diverge on different paths. Mitrasha falls into a swamp and cannot get out for a long time, and Nastya, carried away by picking cranberries, forgets about her brother. The forester's dog named Travka helps children find each other.

Mikhail Prishvin called his story "The Pantry of the Sun" because there is a lot of peat in the forest swamps. During World War II, this fuel was very valuable, and remains valuable to this day.

In my opinion, the author of the story very accurately conveyed the whole atmosphere that should be between children who were left without parents. Prishvin showed brotherly and sisterly love. Nastya and Mitrasha have always been together, lived in peace. After all, they were left alone in the whole world, and kinder friend they have no friend. The author clearly shows in his work what can happen if brother and sister do not get along with each other.

After reading the story "Pantry of the Sun", each reader will ask himself: how do I feel about my sister or my brother? After all, a person has no one dearer than a sister or brother. They should always be together and help each other. To better understand how to deal with native person well worth reading this story.

Analysis Pantry of the sun - where is the truth and where is the fairy tale

The work was written in 1945, so its plot and the characters of the story correspond to that difficult time for the country.

The plot is simple. A boy and a girl live in a Russian village. They live alone, because they are orphans - their father died in the war, and their mother died of an illness. The girl is 12 years old, the boy is 10 years old. They have a house, they have pets: a cow, sheep, chickens.

Starting to read the story, you immediately understand that it is fiction. It cannot be that the guys in the village did not have relatives. It can't be that children dead Red Army soldier not placed in an orphanage. And how, at that age, did they manage the household, which even an adult could not do?

Further events develop like this. The usual village business: the children went to the forest to pick berries (cranberries). The girl, of course, with a basket, and the boy, according to the current terminology - "cool", takes a gun and a compass with him. Well, the compass is understandable - a toy, but the gun is taller than a ten-year-old boy. How will he carry it? But the author comes up with an excuse: a lonely and hungry wolf lives in the forest. Here, for protection from the wolf, a gun was taken with them.

I should note that the fairy tale is also in the title of the story: "The pantry of the sun." This, according to the author's idea, is the name of the swamp. But the Russians never heated stoves with peat. We had enough firewood. And such a name would never have been given to the swamp. They were far from scientific idea that peat, coal and oil are the concentrate of solar energy.

Let's go, then, the boy and the girl into the forest and, of course, quarreled (as in a fairy tale - do not drink water - you will become a kid). The brother did not listen to his sister: he did not follow the path, but the compass. He reached the swamp and fell into the swamp there. Thank God he had a gun with him! He grabbed a gun and did not drown.

And then a stray dog ​​(man's friend) came to the rescue and pulled him out of the swamp. And then he shot the bad wolf. Then, the sister, having collected cranberries, found him, and they returned home. And in the village everyone was already alarmed: where did the children go? This is such a semi-fairy story.

The story is beautifully written, but what does it teach us? Maybe live together, love dogs and kill wolves. Or - do not go, the children are alone in the forest: wolves live there.

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In one village, near Bludov swamp, near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, two children were orphaned. Their mother died of an illness, their father died in World War II.
We lived in this village just one house away from our children. And, of course, we also, together with other neighbors, tried to help them in any way we could. They were very nice. Nastya was like Golden Hen on high legs. Her hair, neither dark nor blond, shone with gold, the freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins, and frequent, and they were crowded, and they climbed in all directions. Only one nose was clean and looked up.
Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was only ten years old with a ponytail. He was short, but very dense, with foreheads, the back of his head was wide. He was a stubborn and strong boy.
“The little man in the pouch,” smiling, teachers at school called him among themselves.
The little man in the pouch, like Nastya, was covered in golden freckles, and his nose, also clean, like his sister's, looked up.
After their parents, all their peasant farming went to the children: a five-walled hut, a cow Zorka, a heifer Daughter, a goat Dereza. Nameless sheep, chickens, the golden rooster Petya and the piglet Horseradish. Pantry of the sun
Along with this wealth, however, the poor children also received great care for all living beings. But did our children cope with such a misfortune during the difficult years of the Patriotic War! At first, as we have already said, their distant relatives and all of us, neighbors, came to help the children. But very soon smart and friendly guys learned everything themselves and began to live well.
And what smart kids they were! If possible, they joined in community work. Their noses could be seen on the collective farm fields, in the meadows, in the barnyard, at meetings, in anti-tank ditches: such perky noses.
In this village, although we were newcomers, we knew well the life of every house. And now we can say: there was not a single house where they lived and worked as amicably as our pets lived.
Just like her late mother, Nastya got up far before the sun, in the predawn hour, along the shepherd's trumpet. With a stick in her hand, she drove out her beloved herd and rolled back into the hut. Not going to bed anymore, she kindled the stove, peeled potatoes, seasoned dinner, and so busied herself with housework until night.
Mitrasha learned from his father how to make wooden utensils: barrels, bowls, tubs. He has a jointer, got along more than twice his height. And with this fret, he adjusts the boards one by one, folds and wraps them with iron or wooden hoops.
With a cow, there was no such need for two children to sell wooden utensils in the market, but kind people they ask who needs a bowl for a washbasin, who needs a barrel under the drops, who needs a tub to pickle cucumbers or mushrooms, or even a simple dish with cloves - to plant a home flower.
He will do it, and then he will also be repaid with kindness. But, besides cooperage, the entire male economy and public affairs lie on it. He attends all meetings, tries to understand public concerns and, probably, is smart about something.
It's good that Nastya older brother for two years, otherwise he would certainly become conceited and in friendship they would not have, as now, beautiful equality. It happens, and now Mitrasha will remember how his father instructed his mother, and decides, imitating his father, to also teach his sister Nastya. But the little sister obeys little, stands and smiles. Then the “Peasant in the Pouch” begins to get angry and swagger and always says with his nose up:
- Here's another!
- What are you bragging about? - the sister objects.
- Here's another! brother gets angry. - You, Nastya, are bragging yourself.
- No, it's you! The pantry of the sun
- Here's another!
So, having tormented the obstinate brother, Nastya strokes him on the back of the head. And as soon as the little hand of the sister touches the wide back of the head of the brother, the father's enthusiasm leaves the owner.
- Let's weed together! the sister will say.
And the brother also begins to weed cucumbers, or hoe beets, or spud potatoes.
Yes, it was very, very difficult for everyone during the Patriotic War, so difficult that, probably, this has never happened in the whole world. So the children had to take a sip of all sorts of worries, failures, and sorrows. But their friendship overpowered everything, they lived well. And again we can firmly say: in the whole village, no one had such friendship as Mitrasha and Nastya Veselkin lived among themselves. And we think, probably, this grief about the parents connected the orphans so closely.

Sour and very healthy cranberries grow in swamps in summer and are harvested in late autumn. But not everyone knows that the very best cranberries, sweet, as we say, happen when they spend the winter under the snow. This spring dark red cranberry is hovering in our pots along with beets and they drink tea with it, like with sugar. Who does not have sugar beets, then they drink tea with one cranberry. We tried it ourselves - and nothing, you can drink: sour replaces sweet and is very good on hot days. And what a wonderful jelly is obtained from sweet cranberries, what a fruit drink! And among our people, this cranberry is considered a healing medicine for all diseases.
This spring, the snow in the dense spruce forests was still there at the end of April, but it is always much warmer in the swamps: there was no snow at all at that time. Having learned about this from people, Mitrasha and Nastya began to gather for cranberries. Even before the light, Nastya gave food to all her animals. Mitrasha took his father's double-barreled gun "Tulku", decoys for hazel grouse and did not forget the compass either. Never, it happened, his father, going to the forest, will not forget this compass. More than once Mitrasha asked his father:
- All your life you walk through the forest, and you know the whole forest, like a palm. Why do you still need this arrow?
“You see, Dmitry Pavlovich,” answered the father, “in the forest this arrow is kinder to you than your mother: it happens that the sky will close with clouds, and you can’t decide on the sun in the forest, you go at random - you’ll make a mistake, get lost, starve. Then just look at the arrow, and it will show you where your house is. You go straight along the arrow home, and you will be fed there. This arrow is for you bring back a friend: it happens that your friend will cheat on you, and the arrow invariably always, no matter how you turn it, everything looks to the north.
Having examined the wonderful thing, Mitrasha locked the compass so that the arrow would not tremble in vain on the way. He well, in a fatherly way, wrapped footcloths around his legs, adjusted them into his boots, put on a cap so old that his visor was divided in two: the upper crust lifted up above the sun, and the lower went down almost to the nose. Mitrasha dressed himself in his father's old jacket, or rather, in a collar that connected the strips of once good homespun fabric. On his tummy the boy tied these stripes with a sash, and his father's jacket sat on him like a coat, to the very ground. Another son of a hunter stuck an ax in his belt, hung a bag with a compass on his right shoulder, a double-barreled "Tulka" on his left, and so became terribly scary for all birds and animals.
Nastya, starting to get ready, hung a large basket over her shoulder on a towel.
- Why do you need a towel? Mitrasha asked.
- And how, - answered Nastya, - don't you remember how your mother went for mushrooms?
- For mushrooms! You understand a lot: there are a lot of mushrooms, so the shoulder cuts.
- And cranberries, maybe we will have even more.
And just as Mitrasha wanted to say his “here's another,” he remembered how his father had said about cranberries, even when they were gathering him for the war.
“Do you remember this,” Mitrasha said to his sister, “how our father told us about cranberries, that there is a Palestinian woman in the forest ...
“I remember,” Nastya answered, “he said about cranberries that he knew the place and the cranberries were crumbling there, but I don’t know what he was talking about some Palestinian woman. I still remember talking about scary place Blind spruce.
“There, near the elani, there is a Palestinian woman,” Mitrasha said. - Father said: go to the High Mane and after that keep to the north and, when you cross the Zvonkaya Borina, keep everything straight to the north and you will see - there a Palestinian woman will come to you, all red as blood, from only one cranberry. No one has been to this Palestinian yet!
Mitrasha said this already at the door. During the story, Nastya remembered: she had a whole, untouched pot of boiled potatoes from yesterday. Forgetting about the Palestinian woman, she quietly darted to the stump and dumped the entire cast-iron into the basket.
"Maybe we'll get lost," she thought. “We have taken enough bread, there is a bottle of milk, and potatoes, maybe, will also come in handy.”
And the brother at that time, thinking that his sister was still standing behind him, told her about a wonderful Palestinian woman and that, however, on the way to her was Blind Elan, where many people, cows, and horses died.
- Well, so what is this Palestinian? - asked Nastya.
So you didn't hear anything? he grabbed.
And patiently repeated to her already on the go everything that he heard from his father about a Palestinian woman unknown to anyone, where sweet cranberries grow.

The swamp of fornication, where we ourselves also wandered more than once, began, as a large swamp almost always begins, with an impenetrable thicket of willow, alder and other shrubs. The first man passed this swamp with an ax in his hand and cut a passage for other people. The bumps settled under the human feet, and the path became a groove through which water flowed. The children easily crossed this swamp in the predawn darkness. And when the bushes ceased to obscure the view ahead, at the first morning light, a swamp opened up to them, like a sea. But by the way, it was the same, this Fornication swamp, bottom ancient sea. And just as there, in a real sea, there are islands, as in deserts - oases, so in swamps there are hills. Here in the Fornication Swamp, these sandy hills, covered with high pine forests, are called borins. Having passed a little by the swamp, the children climbed the first borina, known as the High Mane. From here, from a high bald spot in the gray haze of the first dawn, Borina Zvonkaya could barely be seen.
Even before reaching the Zvonka Borina, almost near the very path, individual blood-red berries began to appear. Cranberry hunters initially put these berries in their mouths. Whoever has not tried autumn cranberries in his life and immediately had enough spring ones would take his breath away from acid. But the village orphans knew well what autumn cranberries were, and therefore, when they now ate spring cranberries, they repeated:
- So sweet!
Borina Zvonkaya willingly opened her wide clearing to the children, which, even now, in April, is covered with dark green lingonberry grass. Among this greenery of last year, in some places, new flowers of a white snowdrop and lilac, small and fragrant flowers of a wolf's bark were seen.
- They smell good, try picking a wolf's bark flower, - said Mitrasha.
Nastya tried to break the twig of the stalk and could not.
- And why is this bast called a wolf's? she asked.
- Father said, - answered the brother, - wolves weave baskets from it.
And laughed.
Are there any more wolves around here?
- Well, how! Father said there is a terrible wolf here, the Gray landowner.
- I remember: the one that slaughtered our herd before the war.
- Father said: he lives on the Dry River, in the rubble.
- He won't touch us?
- Let him try! - answered the hunter with a double visor.
While the children were talking like that and the morning was moving closer and closer to dawn, Borina Zvonkaya was filled with bird songs, howling, groaning and crying of animals. Not all of them were here, on the borin, but from the swamp, damp, deaf, all the sounds gathered here. Borina with a forest, pine and sonorous in dry land, responded to everything.
But the poor birds and little animals, how they all suffered, trying to pronounce something common to all, one beautiful word! And even children, as simple as Nastya and Mitrasha, understood their effort. They all wanted to say only one beautiful word.
You can see how the bird sings on a branch, and each feather trembles from her effort. But all the same, they cannot say words like we do, and they have to sing, shout, tap out.
- Tek-tek! - slightly audible tapping huge bird Capercaillie in dark forest.
- Shvark-shvark! - Wild Drake flew over the river in the air.
- Quack-quack! - wild duck Mallard on the lake.
- Gu-gu-gu! - a beautiful bird Bullfinch on a birch.

Prishvin's book "The pantry of the sun" will introduce you to interesting story and his heroes, and we will help you get to know Prishvin and his “Pantry of the Sun” in a brief summary, in order to know the meaning of the work and be able to answer questions in a literature lesson.

Prishvin Pantry of the sun

Chapter 1

In the village, which is located near the Bludov swamp, the brother and sister remain orphans. Mother died and father was taken away by the war. The children lived just next door to the house where the narrator settled. The orphans were still children, the girl was only twelve years old, and the boy was even ten. When the parents were gone, the whole household, and these are chickens, and a cow, and a heifer, and a piglet, and a goat, fell on their small children's shoulders. True, neighbors and distant relatives tried to help them, but the children quickly got used to it and began to cope with all the good things on their own. Even often came to public Works. A sister in the household, a brother was engaged in men's affairs, as well as cooperage.

Chapter 2

Was early spring and children heard from people that it's time to pick cranberries, which, by the way, are tastiest after winter, although many cranberries are harvested in late autumn. Here Mitrasha and Nastya are going to go for cranberries. We were going to go to the Palestinian woman, about which my father spoke. It is there that a lot of berries grow. But the place is dangerous. Despite this, the children go on the road, taking with them everything they need, including food and weapons.

Chapter 3

The children walked the marshland along the path that was laid before them. On the way, they collected the first cranberries they got, and also listened to various sounds that different birds made, and the children also heard howls. As Mitrasha said, it was a lone wolf howling. Choosing the path where to go for cranberries, the children decide to follow the compass needle, where no one goes, where their father said, there is a Palestinian woman.

Chapter 4

The children came to the Lying Stone, where they decided to rest a little, and meet the sun's rays, which would warm them, since they were a little cold. And again they listened to the birds, and then decided to go. Mitrosha pointed to one path, and Nastya wanted to follow the well-trodden path. In the end, everyone went their own way.

Chapter 5

Further, Prishvin in “The Pantry of the Sun” talks about the dog Travka, who now lives alone in the forest, like a wild animal, earning his own food, although before that he lived with the hunter-forester Antipych. She went hunting with him, lived with him, and he always protected her from wolves. Now the dog himself and often howls, especially when he hears how the trees groan during the wind. This howl of a dog and hears the wolf.

Chapter 6

Just not far from the gatehouse near the Dry River, wolves bred a few years ago. The peasants called in the wolf team to kill them. The exterminators of the wolves arrived quickly, quickly did their job, luring the she-wolf with the cubs and the wolf. But the wolf managed to escape. This was the very famous Gray landowner. He was then hunted several times, but it was not possible to kill him. Just on the day when the children went their separate ways, the wolf crawled out of his lair. Hungry, skinny. He howled. Further, in Prishvin's story "The pantry of the sun", the author urges not to believe the wolf's howl. This is not a pitiful howl, but a dangerous, angry one.

Chapter 7

The dry river skirted the Bludovo swamp in a semicircle. A wolf howled on one side, and a dog on the other. The wolf decided to go just to the dog's howl in order to devour the dog, but the dog stopped howling earlier, so the wolf could not catch it. The dog itself went hunting and took the trail of the hare, which went to the Blind Doe, where Mitrosha went. However, here the dog heard the smell of potatoes that were in the basket, and, realizing that the man with the potatoes went in the other direction, he decides to go in the direction of Nastya.

Chapter 8

Blind spruce is just the place where the peat layer was young and thin, therefore, the places were not solid, but semi-liquid. You become a foot and fall through, but you don’t know to what depth. Mitrasha continued to walk. He followed in someone's footsteps, hoping that the previous person had chosen the right path. The boy was walking and then he wanted to shorten the path, and he saw that it was possible, because white-bearded grass grew there, which always grows near the human path, which means that he chose the right path. He decides to go off the beaten path. But I was wrong. He ended up in the very elan where everyone died. The boy was also sucked into the swamp. He began to call Nastya, who somewhere in the distance was already calling Mitrosha, only Mitrosha's cry carried the wind in the other direction. The boy wept, feeling his doom.

Chapter 9

Getting acquainted with Prishvin from his “Pantry of the Sun”, and continuing the story, we will learn about further events. While Mitrasha was walking a short and dangerous road, Nastya went along the proven one, picking cranberries along the way. The kids couldn't know that they were supposed to meet anyway in the end. And, if Mitrosha had not turned off the path and failed, he would have already collected cranberries, which were well valued and for which everyone was chasing. That's just where he would pick a berry, it is not clear. Nastya, on the other hand, reached the very place where there were a lot of cranberries. She forgot to think about her brother, and only when she saw the dog, that same Grass, she remembered her brother and the girl called out his name. It was this cry that the boy heard. Nastya fell next to the basket and began to cry.

Chapter 10

The dog is next to Nastya, and smelling trouble, begins to howl. This howl is again heard by the wolf, which begins to run towards the dog. And then Grass stops howling, noticing the hare. The dog decides to run after him, and the wolf runs after the dog.

Chapter 11

When the dog ran after the hare, she saw a man in the swamp who called her. He named the dog Zatravushka. That's what the previous owner once called her. The dog began to crawl closer to the boy and then Mitrosha grabbed her paws. Frightened, the dog twitched and began to escape. With this, she pulled out a little boy, who could then escape from the swamp and crawl to the path. When Mitrosha got out, he called the dog to him to hug her.

Chapter 12

When the boy was safe, the dog continued its pursuit of the hare, Mitrosha, realizing that this was his only supper, lay down at the juniper tree in order to shoot at the right moment. Only at that time a wolf crept up to the juniper and was very close to the boy. Seeing the wolf, Mitrosha fired. The wolf died immediately. The shot attracted Nastya, who was able to find Mitrosha. The children met. The dog managed to catch the hare and bring it to his brother and sister.

In the meantime, the neighbors rushed and saw that the children were long gone, that they had not spent the night at home. Everyone gathered in search of them, and then, the sister and brother came out of the forest, and the well-known dog ran after them. The children told the villagers everything, they also told how Mitrosha had shot the wolf. Many did not believe until they saw the corpse of a wolf. So the boy became a hero. Nastya reproached herself for a long time for leaving her brother and for picking berries with such greed, and when the evacuated children were transported from Leningrad, she gave them all the collected cranberries.

  1. Nastya and Mitrash brother and sister, orphans. They are self-employed. They had a division of labor: the girl was busy with the housework, and the boy was engaged in "men's" affairs.

What is the "pantry of the sun"

The author says that wealth is hidden in every swamp. All plants, small blades of grass are nourished by the sun, giving them its warmth and caress. When plants die, they do not rot, as if they were growing in the ground. The swamp protects its wards, accumulates rich peat layers that are saturated with solar energy.

Such a wealth of swamps is called the "pantry of the sun." In their search and are geologists. The story that is described in this story took place at the end of the war, in a village that was located not far from the Bludov swamp, whose location was in the Pereslavl-Zalessky district.

Acquaintance with the "golden hen" and the "man in the pouch"

A brother and sister lived in this village. The girl was 12 years old, her name was Nastya, and her 10-year-old brother's name was Mitrasha. They lived alone, because their mother died of an illness, and their father died in the war.

The children were nicknamed the "Golden Hen" and "the man in the pouch." Nastya was given such a nickname because of her face, which was strewn with golden freckles. The boy was short, stocky, strong and stubborn.

At first, neighbors helped my brother and sister manage the household, but soon they were able to manage on their own. Nastenka kept order in the house and looked after domestic animals - a cow, a heifer, a goat, sheep, chickens, a golden cockerel and a piglet.

And Mitrasha took over all the "male" household duties. The children were sweet, understanding and harmony reigned between them.

cranberry hike

In the spring, the children wanted to go for cranberries. Usually this berry was picked in the autumn, but if it lies through the winter, it becomes even tastier. The boy took his father's gun and compass, and Nastenka took a large basket of food. The children remembered how their father once told them that in the Fornication swamp, which was located next to the Blind spruce tree, there was a cherished clearing on which there were a lot of this berry.

The children left the hut before dawn, when even the birds did not sing. They heard a long howl - it was the most ferocious wolf in the area, which was called the Gray Landlord. The brother and sister reached the point where the path forked when the sun was already shining on the ground. An argument broke out between Nastya and Mitrasha. The boy believed that he should go north, because his father said so. But this path was barely visible. Nastya wanted to go a different path. And without coming to an agreement, they each went their own path.

Dangerous swamp

In the vicinity lived the dog Travka, which belonged to the forester. But the forester himself was gone, and his faithful assistant remained to live in the remains of the house. The dog was sad without his master and she let out a dreary howl that the wolf heard. During the spring period, his main food was dogs. However, Grass stopped howling because she was chasing a hare. While hunting, she smelled the bread carried by the little people. The dog followed the trail.

Following the compass, Mitrasha reached the Blind Elani. The path along which the boy was walking made a detour, so he decided to shorten the path and go straight. On the way he came across a small clearing, which was a disastrous swamp. When he was halfway through, he began to get sucked in and the child fell through to the waist. Mitrasha had only one thing to do: lie down on the gun and not move. He heard his sister's cry, but his sister did not hear his response.

happy rescue

Nastya, on the other hand, went along the path that led around dangerous swamp. Having reached the end, the girl saw the very cherished clearing with cranberries. She, forgetting about everything in the world, rushed to pick berries. Only in the evening Nastya remembered her brother: Mitrasha was hungry, because she had all the food supplies.

Grass, who smelled the bread, ran up to Nastenka. The girl recognized the dog and, out of concern for her brother, began to cry. The weed tried to calm her down, so she howled. The wolf heard her howl. Soon, the dog smelled the hare again and chased after it. On the way she came across another little man.

Mitrashka noticed the dog and, realizing that this was his chance for salvation, began to call Grass to him in an affectionate voice. When the dog came closer, he grabbed onto its hind legs and thus he was able to get out of the swamp. Mitrasha was very hungry and decided to shoot the hare that the dog was hunting for. But the boy saw the wolf in time and fired almost point-blank. So the Gray Landowner did not become in the forest.

Nastya hurried to the sound of the shot and saw her brother. The children spent the night in the swamp, and in the morning with a basket full of cranberries, they returned home and told about their trip. Residents found the body of a wolf on Elani and brought it back. After that, Mitrashka was considered a hero. By the end of the war, no one else called him "the man in the pouch", because after this adventure, the boy became more mature. Nastya was ashamed of her greed, so she gave all the berries she collected to the children who were evacuated from Leningrad. Children became more attentive not only to people, but also began to treat nature even more carefully.

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