The magical world of theater "The Magical World of Theater


The game is a journey

Leading: Hello guys! Today we will talk about theater. Who knows what is theatre? (children's answers)Theatre- This is a place where various interesting performances are shown. Theaters are different. In dramatic theater performances, plays, fairy tales, theater opera and ballet artists sing and dance; theater shadows all the action takes place behind the screen, on which only the shadows of the actors are visible, in the national theater shows are in tongues different peoples.Theaters are for adults and children. For kids theaters so they are called: Theatre young viewer, it shows various children's performances, fairy tales.

Theatrical art arose a very long time ago, in ancient times, artists went to towns and villages and showed performances: they sang, danced, played skits. In Russia, such artists were called buffoons. And then, over time, special houses began to be built for performances - theaters. Guys, what's in theater? (children's answers) That's right, in the theater there is a stage where the performance takes place, auditorium, where the spectators who came to the performance sit, backstage, where the artists are waiting for their exit, dressing rooms, where the artists change clothes and prepare for the performance, a buffet, where during the intermission - a break between the scenes of the performance, the viewer can drink tea. But it starts theatre from the hanger, because each spectator must take off their outer clothing and hand it over to the wardrobe.

Guys, who works in theater? (children's answers) Most main man in theater is the director. He teaches the performers how best to present the performance. Another main person theater- This is an actor who is more often called an artist. The actor listens to the director and plays the part given to him by the director. And also in theater there are stage artists who decorate it and draw scenery for performances, costume designers who sew costumes for artists, make-up artists who create an image by making up artists, composers who write music for performances and musicians who perform it. You can’t count all the specialties, so listen to a poem about who works in the theater.

In all theaters throughout the country
Works are important.
But still, no matter how you turn it,
And the main person is an artist.

And, of course, the director
Artist, props, make-up artist;
Show you where everything is
Responsible for props.

The choreographer will stage the dances,
The choirmaster will take care of the voice,
In the orchestra for the selection of talents,
What a conductor, what musicians,
And there is simply no equal in the world

Such artists in the world.
Shows are always on
A worker with a stage driver.
Suit made to measure
With love, our costumers.
Fix wheezing, spikes, whistles
Leading radio operators.
Watching everything with an eagle eye
Our friend is an assistant director.

There are locksmiths and carpenters here,
Plumbers and painters, cleaners and ushers,
And commandants, and watchmen;
Follows everything in the world
Head post, supply manager, supply manager, manager.
That the teacher is an erudite
The fireman at the post does not sleep,
Barmaids and cooks
Cutters and doctors
Cashier, accountant and driver,
But the most important thing is the viewer!

Leading: To become an artist, you need to learn a lot, to be able to do a lot of things. Guys, what should an artist be able to do? (Good, understandable, speak clearly; breathe correctly; move beautifully, etc.) Breathing correctly is very important for an artist, because on stage he has to run, and jump, and somersault, and sing, and dance while playing his role. And after that, he must clearly say his words so that the audience in the hall understands him.

And now I invite you to breathing exercises like real artists.

Everyone sit down, straighten your back, put your hand on your stomach. Repeat after mono.

Inhale through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth. (1 time)

Breathe in - breathe out sound s-s-s-s-s(so the wind whistles).

Breathe in - breathe out sound shhhhhh(so the trees rustle).

Imagine that there is a feather on the palm. Inhale and exhale slowly so that the feather remains on the palm.

Well done boys! Tell me, have any of you been to theater on the show? (children's answers) So you know what's doing theater viewer, tell us. (children's answers) The spectator carefully watches and listens to the performance, and at the end loudly applauds the artists. Let's try to clap your hands now. Who is louder!

The children applaud loudly.

Leading: AT theater Fairy tales are often shown to young viewers. Do you guys like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know? (children's answers) Let's see if you know fairy tales well.

Quiz "Fairy Tale"

  1. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter are pulling, Little Bug is pulling, Cat and mouse are pulling hard Guess? This is ... (Turnip)

  1. "He left his grandmother,
    And he left his grandfather.
    He has a ruddy side
    So this is ... (kolobok) "
  1. Brother didn't listen to sister
    He turned into a goat!
    It's all the witch's fault.
    What were your sister's and brother's names? (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
  1. Where and when did this happen?
    The mouse broke the golden egg.
    grandfather grieved,
    And the grandmother was sad.
    Just clucked ... (Rocked Hen)
  1. Emelya lies on the stove,
    For a long time he suffered from idleness.
    And then the luck came
    Everything ... (By pike command)
  1. The red girl is sad:
    She doesn't like spring.
    It's hard for her in the sun!
    Tears shed, poor thing. (Snow Maiden)
  1. In this house, yes! -
    Fitted easily
    Mouse, frog, wolf and fox,
    Bunny gray, oblique.
    The bear squeezed in as best he could -
    Collapsed ... (Teremok)
  1. The goats opened the door
    And ... they all disappeared somewhere! (The wolf and the seven Young goats)
  1. A girl sits in a basket At the bear behind his back, He, without knowing it, Carries her home. So, did you solve the riddle? Now answer quickly! The name of this fairy tale ... (Masha and the Bear)

Leading: Well done guys, you know fairy tales well! And tell me, would you like to interrupt the actors and the audience right now? Let's play theatre.

Game "Theater"

The children are given costumes actors fairy tales "Turnip". "Artists" act out a fairy tale, and the audience clap their hands and give them flowers.

Leading: Guys, did you like the performance? (children's answers) Today we met and found out what is theatre, performance, audience, artists.

How good it is to eat theatre!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to assert

Everything that is human in the world.

Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,

Costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And with them bright world of good.

Tatiana Vinogradova
Project " Magic world theater"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten

combined type No. 16 "Epic"


« Magic world of theater»

Topic: "Interaction between parents and preschool educational institutions in the educational process of preschoolers through"

Type of project: practice-oriented

Members project: children, parents, preschool teachers

By duration: long term


teacher Vinogradova T. A.

2. Explanatory note…. 3

3. Relevance…4

4. Conceptual part…. 6

5. References ...13

6. Appendix 1 ... 14

Explanatory note

The family is a powerful factor in the development of the child. The kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational and upbringing institution with which parents come into contact and where their systematic pedagogical education begins.

In the Federal State Educational Standard systems preschool education“The family is considered as an equal subject of educational relations. It is necessary to reconsider the relationship of DOs with parents - they must be partners.”

Depends on the joint cooperation of parents and teachers further development child. Educators have the opportunity to get to know families better, understand the strengths and weak sides home education, determine the nature and extent of their help, and sometimes just learn.

Productivity family education in the development of children is interconnected with the nature of the interaction of the family and preschool.


“The family is that primary environment where a person must learn to do good”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

AT modern society there is a disconnect between the two social institutions- Preschool and family. The way the family plays big role in the life of a child, but the importance of the development and upbringing of a preschooler in kindergarten cannot be denied. The kindergarten and the family should strive to create a single space in the development of the child.

AT preschool age children very easily and quickly acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. But at present communication development the child is anxious. Unfortunately, TV and computer, various computer games began to replace communication and gaming activities. Children stop communicating not only with adults, but also with each other.

Theatre- one of the most democratic and accessible art forms for children, it allows you to solve many actual problems modern pedagogy and psychology related With:

moral education;

Development communicative qualities personalities (learning, and non-verbal communication);

Art education and upbringing of children;

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Education of the will, development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech (dialogue and monologue);

By creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, solving conflict situations through the game.

Theatrical art is close and understandable, both for children and adults, primarily because it is based on a game. In the game, the child not only receives information about the world around him, the laws of society, the beauty of human relations, but also learns to live in this world, build relationships with others, and this, in turn, requires creative activity personality, the ability to behave in society.

Preschool age is the age of a fairy tale. It is at this age that the child shows a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, wonderful. If the fairy tale is well chosen, if it is expressively shown and told, one can be sure that it will find sensitive, attentive listeners in children. And this will contribute to the development of the child.

The main thing, theatre reveals spiritual and creative potential child and gives real opportunity adapt to the social environment. And joint activities with parents are an example to follow in the development of the child's personality.

Any joint event allows parents:

To see from the inside the problems of your child, difficulties in relationships

Test different approaches to your child

Gain experience of interaction not only with your child, but also with the parents of other children in the group.

Conceptual part.

As you know, domestic theatrical performances for a long time (late eighteenth - early nineteenth centuries) were one of the leading forms of family leisure of the nobility. According to historians, art historians, teachers, all family members participated in the performance.

Great positive experience theater pedagogy accumulated in different years twentieth century (K. S. Stanislavsky, M. O. Knebel, P. M. Ershov. N. I. Sats and others) allows us to assert that theatre from the early childhood develops creative inclinations in the child, stimulates the formation of mental processes, improves bodily plasticity, contributes to the harmonization of relations in the family, reduction "spiritual abyss" between adults and children.

K. S. Stanislavsky saw in theater great attractive force. He called him "a collective artist, uniting into one harmonious whole creative work poets, artists, directors, musicians and decorators. He was convinced that theatre- the best remedy for people to communicate with each other, to open and understand their innermost feelings.

Using various types of theater, theatrical games, we are based on the statements of the Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky about the role of creativity in the development of the child. “It must not be forgotten that the fundamental law children's creativity lies in the fact that its value should be seen not in the result, not in the products of creativity, it is important that they create, create, exercise in creative imagination and implementation

family theater not only performances are staged, but also decorations are made, stage costumes, attributes for games, masks, dolls - all this was of great importance in the emotional rapprochement of children, parents and teachers

To solve the problem of close cooperation with parents, we have chosen new forms of interaction kindergarten and families - family theatre.

Family theatreinformal association parents, teachers and children to solve practical problems of education. People are united by passion for specific ideas, joint creativity of adults and children.

Developed project« Magic world of theater» , designed for three age groups preschoolers 4-7 years old. Long-term project are a creative group of teachers, children and their parents.

Project« Magic world of theater» based on principles:

Facilitation and cooperation of children and adults;

Support for children's initiatives ( "Do not evaluate, but appreciate the child"- A. G. Asmolov);

Personally-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction of parents, teachers and children;

Respect, voluntariness, partnership.

aim project is:

Promoting constructive interactions with families of pupils. Optimization of parent-child relationships.

For implementation project the following tasks:

1. To form emotional contact between parents and children through joint theatrical activities.

2. Involve parents and develop interest, motivation to share.

3. Create favorable conditions for the development of communicative, creative, musical ability.

4. Develop children's imagination, fantasy, thinking, memory.

5. Cultivate moral qualities in all participants project - responsiveness, attention, mutual assistance, mutual respect, responsibility, activity, initiative.

Forms of interaction were carried out in two directions:

1. Education of parents.

2. Joining a joint theatrical activities.

parent education:

parent meetings;

Open days;

Individual consultations;

Organization feedback « Mailbox» through the website of the kindergarten;

Questionnaire (Attachment 1);

Visual information in the corners of the parents;

Joining a joint theatrical activities:

Decorating for performances;

Tailoring of suits;

staging performances;

Joint holidays and entertainment of parents with children;

Exhibition of different types theater made with the child;

Photo albums « creative family» , "Home theatre» ;

Decor "Rooms of fairy tales".

Collective departure to theaters the cities of Bor and Nizhny Novgorod;

Joint viewing of performances based on preschool educational institutions professional artists tour theaters.

Expected results

Active activity of the family theater« Magic world of theater» promotes:

The manifestation of the desire of parents to cooperate with the kindergarten.

Creation of conditions for the formation of motivation and interest in joint

activities of adults and children.

Increasing activity, initiative, independence, creativity in children, parents and teachers in the process joint activities.

Creation of conditions for the development of communicative, creative, musical abilities, imagination, fantasy, thinking, memory in children

upbringing moral qualities all participants project - responsiveness, attention, mutual assistance, mutual respect, responsibility, activity, initiative.

System of program events

The basis of the activities of our family tetra is voluntariness.

AT « Magic world of theater» included the most active, passionate about music and culture parents.

Cooperation began with a tour of the kindergarten, during which parents visited all ages groups: the child grows - enriched with new developing content. In the process of getting acquainted with the conditions of the developing environment in groups, a number of features were revealed in the development of children at each age stage. Sore questions, problems brought up for discussion. Parents spoke about the interesting forms of leisure that they know from their own and other families. Parental opportunities for organizing such leisure activities were also identified here. (professional and personal): who can organize and conduct what. The wishes of the parents were taken into account when planning events. Parents shared their family traditions. Some of these traditions seemed very interesting to us, and we borrowed them in relation to our kindergarten.

In the process of cooperation through theatrical activities created a situation of success for everyone in self-realization.

Almost every event (whether holiday, leisure or entertainment) the roles of some characters are played by parents, which causes delight in children, and pride, and a desire to be like an adult, to learn expressive performance of roles.

When developing event scenarios, we often use the technique of including parents in the game room. theatrical situation modeled as part of a matinee. Watching such productions and participating in them gives children the opportunity to fully adopt the experience of adults.

In younger groups, we conduct integrated classes and holidays theatrical activities with parents. We use different types theater depending on the target. Children learn the basics of acting - empathy with their character, facial expressions, gestures, intonation, puppetry. This technique helps the child quickly and painlessly adapt to kindergarten.

Joint creative projects allowed parents to be the authors of the text, performers of roles, feel the creative atmosphere and reveal their skills and talents. And most importantly, they helped to transfer parents from "living with children" to building relationships based on the principles of respect, trust, openness.

Implementation planning project« Magic world of theater»

Name of the event

First stage project« Magic world of theater» - preparatory

Organized parent group meeting.

Educational activities through presentations -

"Meaning theater in children's lives» ,

"Introduction to history theater» ,

"The first theater on Bor» .

Consultations on the organization of household theaters:

Acquaintance with different types theaters;

- theatrically-developing environment at home;

Choice creative team parents in family theatre« Magic world of theater» . Appointment of persons responsible for tailoring costumes, decorating.

Second phase project« Magic world of theater» - creative



Preparing and showing a performance based on a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

An exhibition of drawings, paper crafts, natural and waste materials, a photo exhibition based on a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

Preparing and showing a performance based on a fairy tale "Kolobok".

An exhibition of drawings, paper crafts, natural and waste materials, a photo exhibition based on a fairy tale "Kolobok".

Preparing and showing the performance "Journey through fairy tales".

Exhibition of drawings, paper crafts, natural and waste materials, photo exhibition based on the plot "Journey through fairy tales".

Photo exhibition « theater at home» , "We are playing theatre» .

Creative evening "Guess" - puppet show according to folk tales.

Third stage project« Magic world of theater» - final

Preparation and demonstration of a performance based on the plot of the winner in the competition.

Photo exhibition « theater at home» , "We are playing theatre» .

Decor "Rooms of fairy tales" based on DOW

Thus, summing up the work done, we can say that the family theatre- a constructive form of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents in order to increase their level of responsibility for raising a child with the support of teachers. Involvement of adults and children in theatrical art has great educational and educational value in family relationships. Only live communication enriches the lives of children. Theatre occupies a special place in the organization of family leisure. Thanks to theater the family has gained experience of joint experiences, child-adult and marital relations have become stronger; adults adequately perceive, evaluate and understand the actions of the child. In addition, educators get to know children better, their character traits, temperament, dreams and desires. A microclimate is being created, which is based on respect for the personality of the child, care for him, trusting relationships between adults and children.

Where the action teaching staff coincide with the actions of the family, the effect is usually the greatest. Children not only received new cognitive information, but were themselves active participants in the process.


1. Dodokina N.V., Evdokimova E.S. Semeyny theater in kindergarten:

Joint activities of teachers, parents and children. To work with children 3-7 years old. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008. .

2. Lykova I. A. Design educational activities

"Artistic and aesthetic development" New approaches in the context of the introduction of GEF DO.

2. E. P. Arnautova, Visiting the director, conversations with the head of a preschool institution about cooperation with the family, Moscow, 2004.

3. L. Svirskaya, Work with family: optional instructions, Linka-Press, Moscow, 2007.

4. N. B. Krasheninnikova, social development preschoolers through music, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod humanitarian center, 2006

Attachment 1.

Parent survey.

Implementation work family theater project« Magic world of theater» began with a survey of parents, where a series of questions:

Do parents know what activities children are involved in in kindergarten;

Favorite activity of the child;

Joint leisure;

Do parents know who their child is friends with;

How often do they visit with the child theatre, cinema, circus, etc. ;

Favorite books (fairy tales, short stories, poems) child;

Family hobbies;

Family traditions;

What problems do they experience in the upbringing and education of their child;

Desire to actively cooperate with the preschool educational institution;

Would like to work together theatrical activities;

What can the child do on their own?

What activities does the child like when he plays alone, with parents or other children;

In what form you could and would like to participate in the life of the institution.

Theater is a magical world.
He gives lessons in beauty, morality
and morality.
And the richer they are, the more successful
the development of the spiritual world
(B. M. Teplov)
The whole life of children is full of play, it's not a secret for anyone that games in children enjoy unchanging love and only play connects children with each other, with adults. Every child wants to play their part. Teaching a child to play, take on a role and act, while helping him to gain life experience - all this helps to make the theater. children perceive the world holistically, not always noticing the details, figuratively-emotionally, learning a variety of life phenomena through the game. They cannot stand monotony and boredom, they acutely feel falseness in the depiction of reality, they prefer cheerful, cheerful heroes. And the theatrical performance in this sense is the best suited for classes in kindergarten or in the family circle.
"Magic Land!" - so once the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin called the theater. The feeling of the great poet is shared by both adults and children who come into contact with this amazing view art.
Theater - "the bright joy of childhood", is one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible areas of art for a child. A collective artistic action is capable of providing the child with such an uplift of feelings that, regardless of his emotional state, will infect him with joy and expectation of something bright, interesting, beautiful. We must strive to create such an atmosphere, an environment for children, so that they always play with great desire and comprehend the amazing, magical world. A world whose name is theater! Theater in kindergarten should not be done so that the result is a kind of spectacle that is not ashamed to show, but so that children have a natural environment for the development of fantasy and imagination, the development of speech and behavioral skills (A. P. Ershova )
The goals of theatrical activity are to develop Creative skills children by means of theatrical art; make the life of preschoolers interesting and meaningful. Fill it with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity.
Theatrical activities in kindergarten organizationally can permeate everything regime moments: to be included in all classes, in the joint activities of children and adults in free time carried out in the independent activities of children.
Classes with children in theatrical activities - one of the forms educational process in kindergarten. Theatrical activity gives children not only joy, it is considered much more widely, includes daily exercises, develops imagination and fantasy, promotes creative development child, the formation of personal culture, the development of social skills. Characters are introduced into the lesson that help children learn certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The game form of the lesson helps to emancipate the child, create an atmosphere of freedom and play.
In the process of joint activity, children improve their ability to transform into images of various characters, develop creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying an image, distinctness of pronunciation, the ability to use expressive means of dramatization (posture, gestures, facial expressions, voice, movements).
For independent theatrical activities of children in a kindergarten group, it is necessary to issue theater corner with different types of theatre: table theater, theater of five fingers, theater of b-ba-bo, mask theater, theater of manual shadows, finger shadow theater, magnetic theater
Theatrical games are always loved by children. The great versatile influence of theatrical games on the personality of the child allows them to be used as strong, but not intrusive. pedagogical tool, because the baby during the game feels relaxed, free, natural. Thus, in the process of playing, children develop the skills of independent actions, which consist in being able to think through an idea without outside help, find visual and expressive means for its implementation, consistently implement the plan, control their actions in various types theatrical activities, be able to act in various situations.
Theatrical activities can be carried out with children daily in the process of free independent activity.
Theatrical activity enriches the emotional sphere of the child, develops his creative abilities. theatrical performance allows you to deepen and strengthen the ideas of a developing personality about the world and about himself. It is the theatrical game that helps to open the cherished door to the world of childhood and find the key to inner world every child. “Introduce a kid into the world of the theater, and he will find out how good a fairy tale is, he will be imbued with wisdom and kindness, and with a fabulous feeling he will follow the path of life”

The team of the association "Theater" of the House of Children's Art in the village of Buraevo RB

The puppet theater is universal - its performances captivate both adults and children equally. This event allows adults - the audience to plunge back into childhood, and children to grow up a little, plunging into the world of emotions and experiences conveyed at an accessible level, the theater brings them together.



Municipal state institution Department of education of the municipal district

Buraevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education House of children's creativity in the village of Buraevo Buraevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


on the topic

« Magic world of theater»

Sakhibgaraeva F.F.

additional education teacher

MBOU DO DDT s. Buraevo


Target: Acquaintance and attraction of children to the world of theater. Formation of interest in theatrical activities. To draw the attention of children to the fact that the theater is able to reveal new qualities of a person and educate him to be good, kind and sympathetic.


1.Educational :

Form an idea about theatrical art acquaint with the history of the theater.

2. Developing:

Develop cognitive interest, creativity, attention and observation.

To develop a correct understanding of theatrical terminology and its use in speech.

3. Educators:

Educate children on the example of improvisation positive traits required for creativity.

To bring up an emotionally positive outlook on the world of theatrical art.

Event progress

teacher - Hello guys, our dear guests!

I'm glad to see you all!

The game.

Many, many, many of you friends

Let's find out who is who now!

A sparrow walked on the roof,

Gathered his friends.

Olya and Christina will sit down!

Mariyka and Marina are dancing!

Vanya and Tatyana are laughing!

Juliet and Yegor are sneezing!

Andrey and Lyuda are groaning!

Amalia and Valentin are smiling!

Many, many, many of you!

You guys are simply awesome!

teacher It's a beautiful day, let's greet each other. Looking with tenderness into the eyes, with a smile on his lips and, holding out his hands to the neighbor, we will convey kind, affectionate words and expressions.

Children, stretching out their hands to a neighbor, convey kind, affectionate words and expressions.

teacher Today I invite you to take a trip to an unusual, fairyland, to a country where miracles and transformations take place, where dolls come to life and animals begin to speak. Have you guessed what country this is?

Children: - THEATER!

teacher Guys, have you ever been to the theater? What performance did you watch? What did you see there? And behind the curtain that hides the artists, would you like to get there?

Then join hands and I will lead you in fairy world theater.

(snake walking throughout the group to the song "Little Country")

teacher Carefully ahead of the stairs, she goes down. Well, aren't you afraid to walk on it? Then go ahead! (imitation of downward movement - walking with gradual squatting to squat).

Now the stairs are going up (walking with crouching up to full growth). Higher and higher.

teacher - We've finally arrived. Let's have a rest, and if we all close our eyes together now, then a real miracle will happen!

Guys, where does this door lead?

Do you remember how Pinocchio opened the secret door?

Children's answers.

teacher And to open this door you need to solve riddles.

The writer wrote the play

He gave it to the theater.

The actor will get the role

Put on a play ... (director)

To hurt the viewer for a living,

The actor even has to sing

He is an Atlantean in his work,

The main thing in an actor is ... (talent)

The bell is ringing

finished act,

And it begins ... (intermission)

All children dream of playing in it,

And everyone in the world knows him

Our beloved film magazine.

And he is called ... ("Yeralash")

Here is a whole class at the performance,

The action will start now.

So that the chime does not interfere with us

Everyone turned off ... (phone)

from pictures and initial letters words - guesses on the screen the word "THEATRE" is added slide - open door to the world of theater

teacher Well guys, we are in the Theater.

Guys, what do we need to buy to go to the theater?

Children's answers.

Where can you buy them?

Children's answers.

The cash register appears on the screen.

We go to the box office for tickets.

Put on your hats and take your seats at the cash register.

Narrator: The theater is opening, everything is ready to start

Tickets are offered for a polite word.

The box office opened at 3 o'clock.

A mass of people gathered.

Even the hedgehog is old

Dragged a little alive.

Cashier: Come in, dear hedgehog, which aisle is your ticket for?

Hedgehog: I'm closer, I can't see well, here ...

Thank you! Well, I'll go!

storyteller : Sheep says.

Lamb: I have one place! Here is mine...

Thanks is a good word.

Narrator: And here is the duck.

Duck : Quack! A whole range for me and my ducklings!

storyteller : And the duck quacked

Duck: Good morning!

Narrator: deer galloped

Deer: Good afternoon! If only you are not lazy,

Dear cashier, I would very much like to ask

Me, my wife and daughter in the second row

Give best places. Here is mine


Narrator: And suddenly, pushing the old men, roosters, badgers,

A clubfoot burst in, crushed their tails and paws,

He hit an elderly hare ...

Bear : Cashier, give me a ticket!

Cashier : Your polite word?

Bear : I do not have that!

Cashier: Oh, don't you have one? Don't get a ticket!



Not! Not!

Don't knock - my answer!

Don't growl is my advice!

Narrator: The cashier did not give the bear a ticket.

The clubfoot sobbed.

Well, clubfoot, now you know polite words? So buy your ticket now.

(The bear buys a ticket.)

teacher Take your seats according to the numbers on your tickets, just like in a theater.

/ theater noise /.

Teacher: Well, I see that everyone is ready. Guys, you already know a lot about the theater, but today you will hear something for the first time.

Many of you love the theater, but not everyone knows that the theater arose a long time ago, about 2.5 thousand years ago, in Ancient Greece. "Theater" - the word Greek origin meaning "a place to see".

The inhabitants of this country - the ancient Greeks, built theaters under open sky. The theater had high seats and a stage where the actors acted out performances and plays, sad and funny. (slides)

When the actors performed a sad play - a tragedy, they put sad, gloomy masks on their faces. Wear sad masks. Repeat the tragedy - a sad play. If a funny play, a comedy, was played on the stage, the actors put on cheerful, smiling masks. (slides). wear funny masks. Let's say comedy together. So what is the name of the sad play? What is the name of the funny play?

Let's play the game "Mirror" where you will depict both tragedy and comedy. Stand in pairs facing each other. Whoever I give the frame to will be the mirror. The one who looks in the mirror needs to say magic words, but which ones? Come up with.

Children's answers.

teacher My light, tell me the mirror, but tell the whole truth: what is my mood? The mirror reflects, that is, repeats the mood of the one who looks into it.

teacher : Now pass the frame to your friend. Let's play again. Well done. They did an excellent job. Put the frames on the table, let's continue our acquaintance with the world of theater ..

Years passed and large, beautiful buildings appeared in the cities - theaters. (slide). Guys what theater do you know in our city?

Children's answers.

teacher : Let's look inside the theater. Inside the theater there is a large auditorium. The scene takes center stage.

What is a scene?

Children's answers. / The venue where the actors perform. /

teacher : In order for the performance to be bright and colorful, the stage is decorated .... Scenery. What is scenery?

Children's answers.

teacher : Of course, the scenery is they help the audience to be at the magnificent castle, or in the dense forest near the hut on chicken legs. And who else is missing in the theater on stage?

Come out to me, put the tickets on your chairs, try yourself as an actor.

teacher Q: What skills should an actor have?

Children. Speak well and clearly, move beautifully,

Change facial expressions.

teacher : We will now learn some points that are necessary for the artist. / change voice, speak with expression, change facial expression, make any gestures with hands /. Let's start in order.

Teacher: 1. Speak well and clearly - this is called stage speech.

And what should be done for this? What exercises?

- Breathing exercise

And now let's surprise our friends by inflating a balloon. We inflate it with the sound sharply "Sssss" Make a joke on a friend, stretch out your hand, and release the neck, and the balloon slowly deflates "Ssssssss." And now let's inflate a small balloon with the sound "Sh-s-s-s-s-s", and again blow it off slowly "S-s-s-s-s-s".

Gymnastics or warm-up for the tongue.

Story Four "Morning Tongue"

Tongue morning started early. I had to do a lot of things. I didn't want to get up! The tongue yawned (respectively), stretched sweetly (open the mouth wide and reach the palate with the tongue). Charging helped drive away the remnants of sleep. (The mouth is wide open, the tongue vigorously rises and falls under the count of "one-two" at least 5 times). Then Tongue went to the washstand. He brushed his teeth inside and out (run the tip of his tongue several times over the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth from right to left and left to right), rinsed his mouth (rinse his mouth with air, moving it from one cheek to another) and washed his face (lick his lips with a wide movement, trying to stick out his tongue as much as possible) and wiped himself with a towel (lick the upper sponge with a wide movement of the tongue from top to bottom).

Then the Tongue ventilated his house and opened all the doors: first the inner ones (teeth), and then the outer ones (lips). He leaned out (the corresponding movement of the tongue) and looked first to the left, and then to the right (respectively). "Does the sun shine?" The tongue looked up (raise the tongue up towards the nose). "Are there no puddles?" The tongue looked down (respectively). If the weather was good, Tongue would go out for a morning run. He ran around his house, moving first in one direction. Then he changed direction and ran to another. (Accordingly, make circular movements with the tongue. At the same time, the mouth is opened wide, tongue movements with maximum amplitude.)

Having completed the run, the Tongue did a few breathing exercises(respectively) and went into the house, closing the doors behind him (First close the teeth, and then the lips.).

Your friend gave you an apple. Bite an apple and chew closed mouth, now open mouth we chew sounds, we chew. We chew the sound "a", "o", "u", "i", "e", "s" Laughed with an open mouth with the sound "Aaaa", laughed thinly with the sound "I-i-i", laughed roundly "Ltd".

Let's say the tongue twister "Boris scattered Larisin's beads." Let's talk with our mouths wide open. Let's talk without opening our mouths.

Tongue Twisters.

Let's split into three groups. Take your tickets and they will help you to divide into groups. Pull out your tongue twister.

Speak it with different emotional coloring. They uttered a tongue twister: - angrily, with malice; - with annoyance; - with a sense of guilt; with a feeling of joy; thoughtfully; dreamily. Signal when you're ready.

teacher : 2. Move beautifully - this is called stage movement.

Muscle release exercise

Imagine that you are on stage, admired by the audience.

Now the music will play for you. You need to convey its character in different beautiful movements. (during the exercise, the teacher gives an assessment along the way: how plastically you move ....)

Educator: Well done, you were irresistible.

3. To be interesting to the viewer - for this, what does an actor need to do?

Change facial expressions. And this is called mimicry.

Educator: I suggest you play the Mimic Cube. One of you rolls a die and you get a fruit or vegetable. It is necessary to depict its taste on the face.

The game "Mimic Cube" is being played.

Educator: Now I suggest you play the game "Fan". I show you a picture of a face, and you need to say the phrase “We have guests” with such an intonation in your voice, what mood you will see on the depicted face. For example: frightened "...".

teacher A: It was just a little preparation. But it will also allow us now to enter the magical world of the theater as actors. Come here. This is the auditorium, the audience is looking forward to the performance. Here is the stage on which the scenery stands. I suggest you play a small performance where you will have to apply all the knowledge gained today, and, of course, add your creativity, imagination to play the role that has fallen to you.

So let's start the show. Do not forget to convey the character of the hero with your voice. (shown) Children go to change clothes. The child comes out and announces.

Hush, guests, you are sitting!

Do not scare our fairy tale!

Miracles happen here, where is she hiding?

We will now tell the tale, and we will tell and show.


Teacher: Everyone did a great job with their role, performed like real actors. Your friendship, diligence helped you to show a fairy tale.

Did you enjoy the magical world of theater?

Teacher: Let's remember what we have learned about the theater.

1. In which country did the first theater appear (In ancient Greece).

2. What are the names of funny performances (comedies), sad ones (tragedies)

3. What is inside the theater (stage, seats).

teacher : Let's express our impression of the theater in verse.

"Magic World - Theater"

Child. The theater world will open its backstage to us,

Child. And we will see miracles and fairy tales.

Child. There Pinocchio, cat Basilio, Alice

Child. Easily change heroes, masks.

Child. The magical world of play and adventure,

Child. Every kid wants to be here.

Child. Suddenly turn into Cinderella or into a prince,

Child. And show everyone your talents.

Child. The theater is like a sorcerer, a wizard,

Child. With your magic wand,

Child. And here is a child, modest and shy,

Child. Today suddenly plays the king.

Teacher: Let childhood be like a fairy tale

Let miracles happen every moment

And let the world around become kind, gentle,

Let good win over evil again!

Teacher: Guys, put your ticket in the box with a smiley face.

I'm glad you all liked it.

Teacher: Now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Theater is magical beautiful world. The theater teaches the child to see beauty, to bring goodness and beauty to life.

In order for a child to show creativity, it is necessary to enrich his life experience with vivid artistic impressions and give the necessary knowledge and skills. The richer the experience of the baby, the brighter will be creative manifestations in various activities, which is why it is so important to introduce a child to music from early childhood , painting, literature, theater .

Theatrical activity develops the child holistically: emotionally and intellectually, spiritually and physically. Improves artistic skills, encourages them to create new images, develops and educates the positive qualities of the personality, contributes to the correction of negative manifestations, also develops: sensations, feelings and emotions, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will.
Skills and abilities are formed: speech, communication, (skills of interaction with other people, finding a way out in various situations, the ability to make a choice) organizational, motor abilities.

Theater is one of the most visual forms of artistic reflection of life. The theater opens up the opportunity for the child to actively manifest himself in a variety of activities in life. Moreover, the roles sometimes differ sharply from our character. K.S. Stanislavsky wrote: “Everyone, of course, knows our acting property: the ugly one wants to be handsome on stage, the short one wants to be tall, the clumsy one wants to be dexterous. Actors often look on the stage for what they are not given in life. Also the children. The role can reveal in the child what is hidden in him.

Theatrical production is a product of joint activity, which requires the concentration of forces of each participant. Each participant in the joint theatrical work makes his contribution, while realizing that the overall success depends on his efforts.

What determines the success of using technology, of course, from enthusiasm, sincere interest in this activity, so that in the process of creative interaction with the child, the teacher realizes the importance of the process of raising and developing the child.

In the upbringing and education of children, I decided to pay special attention to the theatricalization of fairy tales. In fairy tales, characters are divided into negative and positive characters. Fairy tales serve as the first lesson of morality and morality for children. In them, good always triumphs over evil. This sets the child up for an optimistic perception of life, forms positive features character and social behavior.

The main goal is to develop the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical art.
The synthetic nature of all theatrical performances can successfully solve many educational tasks: to develop artistic taste; form a moral attitude to the world and its phenomena; to teach children to listen, perceive, retell, compose; mastering the means of figurative expressiveness and mastering correct speech; build a sense of self-confidence; to form a steady interest in theatrical art.

Theater is a school because it tells about the world, about life. One of the most important functions of the theater is the cognitive function. Thanks to it, the transfer of social experience from one generation to another is carried out. Therefore, it is so important to introduce the younger generation to the theater.

The social formation of the child's personality is one of the most important tasks of education. Socialization is the process of forming the personality of a future member of society. The main thing is to educate a free, intelligent, cultured person - the formation of a harmonious, creatively active personality. In this sense, the art of the theater is intended to have a huge impact on the educational process. It plays a huge educational role, and thereby contributes to the formation of the qualities necessary for life in a particular society.

The process of rehearsals, creative experience and implementation is important. We must strive to ensure that theatrical games retain the immediacy of children's play, the children themselves come up with dialogues, characters, independently search for the expressive features of their hero, using facial expressions, postures, gestures, song, dance and game improvisations. The main thing is understanding the meaning and atmosphere of the play.

And, of course, the development of speech is an important stage in the development of children. Some children have problems with speech technique: they are in a hurry, “swallow” letters, speech is inexpressive and monotonous, and in the process of preparing performances it is easier to help children form the correct clear pronunciation, teach them to accurately and expressively convey thoughts, develop imagination, the ability to imagine what It is said to expand vocabulary.

Before embarking on theatrical activities, I studied various methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting theatrical games, including during training sessions, developing and outdoor games.
Children need to be taught to manage their emotional state, to form adequate behavior in them. To do this, it is advisable to conduct various theatrical studies and exercises, picked up didactic games and literary material.

For the development of motor activity and coordination of motor skills, various gymnastic exercises and outdoor games have been collected, exercises for finger gymnastics have been selected.

For correction speech development made a selection of exercises for the development of phonemic hearing, articulation exercises, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, exercises for the development of the prosodic side of speech, its intonational expressiveness.

Work on the development of coherent speech and the expansion of the active vocabulary is based on descriptive stories, retellings of a familiar text or an event.

For the development of creative imagination, fairy tales without beginning and end, sketches with unfinished action are used. Or skits with no actors. Also, to work on facial expressions, exercises with elements of pantomime are used.

It is very important to give great attention creating conditions in the group: a place for the location of independent artistic activity, pick up toys according to the plots of fairy tales, musical instruments, planar, finger, glove theaters, purchase and make masks, hats, costumes, attributes

Parents should not be left out. They make screens and costumes. They visit the theaters of our city, joint viewing is an integral part of educating and introducing children to theatrical creativity.

Introduce children to theatrical doll and theatrical games we start in the first junior group.

Toddlers look small puppet shows and dramatizations that are shown by educators and older preschoolers. Meeting with theatrical puppets helps children relax, relieve tension, creates a joyful atmosphere. The main character for kids is Petrushka, a kind and cheerful character. While working with children, we strive to evoke positive emotions in children for theatrical activities, we encourage children to communicate with the doll; read fairy tales with Petrushka, learn rhymes, nursery rhymes, do not interfere with the desire to play with characters - toys. Encourage children to respond to games - actions with the sounds of animate and inanimate nature, imitate the movements of animals and birds to the music, to the sounding word. For the work of theatrical activity, elements of the subject-spatial environment "Fairytale House", "Magic Forest" were created.

Starting from the second junior group, introduce different types of theaters. We are working on the puppet theater and theatrical games in parallel. To do this, we use sketches, instill the skills of various emotions, moods, and individual character traits. We are working on intonation, tempo, the ability to change the strength of the sound, imitate the characteristic actions of the characters. We introduce children to the techniques of driving puppets, we teach them to accompany movements with speech or a simple song. For theatrical games, the theater corner is equipped with various elements of costumes and attributes as external characters of the role.

AT middle group We strive to combine puppet theater with theatrical play into a single whole. Children themselves choose the type of activity puppet or dramatization, play out simple performances based on familiar fairy tales. We introduce children to the techniques of bibabo puppetry, finger theater, picture theater on hand. We are actively developing the director's game, we are playing a table theater. Together with the children we make a table theater, it will bring great joy and pride, because they are made by hand. Parents helped us with the characters for the finger theater knitted from multi-colored threads.

AT senior group the role of the puppet theater is somewhat reduced, children are actively involved in theatrical games. Children independently choose the means for conveying images, conveying dialogues, the actions of heroes, introducing their own lines, and there is a desire to try themselves in different roles. The competition for the best production of theatrical attribute - "Magic Hat" introduced new roles into the attributes, the theatrical corner became colorful, children began to show more desire for games. Created two children's creative groups for the preparation and holding of performances under the guidance of an educator bring a competitive spirit and increase the motivation for theater classes. With theatrical performances, we go to visit the kids.

AT preparatory group theatrical games are distinguished by more complex characteristics of the characters, difficult scenes. Children organize themselves theatrical games, independently choose a plot, a fairy tale, prepare the necessary attributes and scenery, borrowing them from role-playing games, distribute duties and roles among themselves. The performance of the actors, the moral idea, the means of expression and the design elements of the performance are evaluated. Possess the skills of theatrical culture, the rules of conduct during the performance, action, game. They enthusiastically listen to stories about the history of theaters in our city, attend excursions with pleasure, view photo and video materials.

Using theatrical games in our work with children, we are based on the ideas of the outstanding Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky about the role of creativity in the development of the child. in the product of creativity, what is important is that they create, create, exercise in creative imagination and its embodiment.

I see that my children are starting to treat everything that surrounds them in this world differently, responsibly and seriously. Treat the puppy with trepidation and tenderness. Admire the blooming flower. They can stop a boy breaking a tree branch or aiming at a bird with a slingshot. They experience failures and sincerely rejoice at each other's successes, support each other.

I think a hundred out of every one of my children turns out real Human.

And this is the most important thing for a teacher, mentor, friend.

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