Artistic techniques, with the help of which the central image receives an in-depth characterization. Satirical devices in the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin


Composition on the topic: “What is the beauty of Fevronia”

Fevronia is the heroine of The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Fevronia was one of those girls who, despite being from low class they still have self-respect. Fevronia was a self-confident girl. She did not allow anyone, even Prince Peter, to use her. The girl believed that she deserved more. Fevronia was very smart and wise. She answered all the questions and requests of the prince and the boyars with wisdom. Fevronia, in spite of everything, achieved her goal and married Prince Peter. This speaks of her extraordinary willpower.

The girl was also kind. She had a very tender, sensitive and loving heart. Having fallen in love with the prince, Fevronia was very sensitive and tender towards him. The girl knew how to achieve her goal. It was thanks to this character trait that she achieved the love of the prince. Fevronia was an honest girl. She did not allow herself to be deceived. This is evidenced by her act when she healed the prince for the first time. Fevronia was a believer. When the prince was dying, she decided to finish the air with the faces of the saints.

In Russian folk tales, there are also girls who look like Fevronia. They are just as wise, honest, loving in heart. And almost all of them are children from poor families.

Integrated lesson: literature and MHC. The lesson is devoted to the analysis of the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", and also considers the creation of icons dedicated to these saints. Integrated lesson: literature and the Moscow Art Theater. Analysis of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Peter and Fevronia in icon painting.



6th grade


Integrated lesson: Literature, MHC

Lesson type: information project– collection and processing of information on significant issue for the purpose of presenting it to a wide audience.

Subject: Peter and Fevronia of Murom in ancient Russian literature and painting.

Target : disclosure of the idea of ​​the omnipotence of love and its embodiment in the "Tale ...", the definition of the moral character of a person in Ancient Rus'.
1. Educational:

  1. determine the versatility of displaying the character of the characters;
  2. to uncover author's attitude to the heroes
  3. improve the skills of compiling the characteristics of heroes;
  4. development of the ability to compare and draw their own conclusions.

2. Educational:

  1. bring up moral qualities: kindness, devotion, fidelity in friendship and in love, the ability to forgive;
  2. cultivate respect for culture home country and native language.

3. Developing:

  1. develop logical thinking, oral speech, communication skills (work in groups);
  2. develop research skills.

Lesson type: lesson - protection of the project (using interactive techniques); the nature of the project is intra-class; by duration - mini-project (1 lesson)
Equipment: , multimedia projector, computer, student drawings, student presentations.

Project participants:

Linguistic translators:

Purpose: to acquaint with the Old Russian text,explain the words, translate passages of the text into Russian.

Agrik (Agrikov's sword), from Peter's shoulder, ceramides, span, child-loving, from time immemorial, crafty deceiver, told, slyness, wonderful sight, marveled, wise virgin, slander, blessed, pure souls, monastic clothes, repose, cover (air with the faces of saints), riza, synclit,righteous, pious, faithful, cancer with relics.

Translate excerpt:These are ubo in the Russian land of the city, called Murom ....

... Hearing, as if many are a healer within the Ryazan land and commanded yourself to tell there, it’s not possible for you to sit on horses from a great illness. He was brought to the borders of the Ryazan land and sent his entire synclit to seek doctors.

One young man evaded those coming to him into the whole, calling Affectionately. And you came to a certain house by the gate and saw no one. And vniide into the house, and not be, who would have kept him. And I went into the temple and in vain the vision is wonderful: the girl is sitting for one, weaving is red, before her the hare is jumping.

Literary critics:

1. Who is Yermolai Erasmus? What genre does The Tale of Peter and.... belong to? When was it created? Can we attribute this work to pure life? What do the researchers say about it? + reader according to DRL p. 568 (red), + reader according to DRL (black) p. 189, 191.

2. Task: to determine which folk legends can be traced in the plot of the "Tale .."

3. Task: to determine the versatility of displaying the character of the "wonderful" Fevronia.

4. Task: to determine what is the relationship between Fevronia and the heroines of Russian folk tales.

5. Task: to determine the originality of the disclosure of the character of the "glorious" Peter.

Image of Peter.

Meaning of wrestling with a snake. (pages from the magazine p.14, 15)

6. Task: to reveal the features of the composition of the story (four short stories, united by the idea of ​​all-conquering love)

7. Task: to uncover the chanting of an ideal married life and the wise administration of a principality. Determine the attitude of the author towards the characters.

8. Task: compare "The Tale .." with the novel about Tristan and Isolde. (sheets from the magazine. Page 15), identify similarities and differences.


Task: dramatization of an excerpt from the arrival of a young man to Fevronia and their dialogue (Messenger at Fevronia)

Art critics: icons dedicated to the image of Peter and Fevronia.

Dictionary (on the board)

Ancestor - a very distant, legendary, impersonal ancestor.

Charter and semi-charter -handwriting types of ancient Slavic manuscripts

Hagiography - (lat. Agiographia from the Greek. hagios - "saint" and grapho - "I write") - church and life literature, biographies of the saints of the Christian church)

During the classes:

1. introduction teachers.


Guys, why do you think we, living in the 21st century, need to know the works of ancient Russian literature?

Students' answers: Know your history, literature, moral and spiritual precepts of your ancestors, which are not outdated to this day. Only a person who knows all this can consider himself a patriot of his country, his Motherland.

What is Motherland?

Here is how Alexei Tolstoy wrote in his article "Motherland" (1941):

“... Motherland is the movement of the people across their land from the depths of centuries to the desired future, in which they believe and create with their own hands for themselves and their generations. This is an ever-dying and ever-born stream of people carrying their own language, their spiritual and material culture…

The Russian people created a huge oral literature: wise proverbs and tricky riddles, funny and sad ritual songs, solemn epics about the glorious deeds of heroes, heroic, magical, everyday tales.

Literature was the dignity and mind of the people. She made and strengthened him moral character, was his historical memory and filled with deep content his whole measured life ...

... It was not without reason that the ancestor wove the magic web of the Russian language, it was not without reason that his generations composed songs, it was not without reason that Moscow people sat in the evenings at wax candle over books and meditated on human truth and wrote down their thoughts in charter and half charter.

All wide, creative, passionate soul of the Russian people is reflected in literature and art.

Today we turn to the hagiographic literature (see chalkboard entry), namely, to the Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, and also talk about icons, and icon-painting portraits depicting these saints.

Tell me, who were counted among the saints?

(The church considered those most famous for their deeds of self-sacrifice and faith to be saints. Contemporaries and descendants told about them in works called lives and served as the main type of reading in the Middle Ages. Descriptions of the facts of reality were wonderfully intertwined in the lives with legends and fantasies).

slide 1

slide 2

slide 3

slide 4

2. Literature. (slide 5)


The poetic heritage of Ancient Rus' includes more than one work. However, in terms of the depth of artistic thought, in terms of subtlety psychological analysis and in terms of the perfection of form, The Tale of Peter and Fevronia rightfully occupies a special place both among ancient Russian literary monuments and in world literature.

How do you understand contemporary meaning wordsstory? (The story is a literary narrative work with a plot less complex than in the novel.

Modern and Old Russian meaning wordsthe story is different from each other. In Ancient Rus', this is not a genre definition of a work, but “story” means “narration”.

Let's remember who wrote this work?

Slide 5.

I. Ermolai-Erasmus (Yermolai the Sinful - Russian writer And publicist16th century, author of the storyPeter and Fevronia of Murom.

Literary creativity it belongs to the 40-60s of the 16th century, its heyday falls in the middle of the century. Biographical information about him are scarce and are known mainly from his own writings.

Ermolai-Erasmus was not only a publicist and church writer. He owns two works - the Tale of Peter and Fevronia and the Tale of the Ryazan Bishop Vasily, which can be characterized as works of artistic prose.

Yermolai-Erasmus achieved perfection in the development of the plot in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia. This story differs sharply from the lives written at that time.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia tells the story of love between a prince and a peasant woman.

What language is written this work? (in Old Russian).

A word to linguists-translators.

Literary critics:

This story has a vital basis:

First, the characters in the story historical figures, they reigned in Murom in the 13th century. In 1547 the church canonized them as saints, so a life was written.The work was written after the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Cathedral in1547.

Life features.

Life (translated from Church Slavonic - "life") - a description of the life of the saints, their deeds.

Lives had a certain structure. Introduction - an appeal to God (praise and prayer for help) Actually life - the birth of a saint, a righteous life, death and miracles. Conclusion - praise to the saint

The story is written in the form of a hagiography, but there is no construction of a work traditional for the hagiographic genre (the beginning does not correspond to the hagiographic beginning, the trials that Peter and Fevronia go through are not sent to them by the devil, but created by the envy of people; only the ending is a classic example of life). But still, there are features of life in the story.

Second, g heroes live according to the “commandments of God, in Hard time turn to God.

Thirdly, they perform miracles during life and after death (they prophetically predicted their death, died on the same day and hour, did not part after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious ailments.

II. This is a story about the power and beauty of love that overcomes everything. life's troubles and conquering death.

Features of the story.

Story - prose genre gravitating towards newsreel reproducing the natural course of life.

Despite the hagiographic form of presentation, a story technique is used to convince readers that everything written is true, that this is exactly what happened.

The authenticity of the "Tale ..." is given by the names of specific places of action (the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo).

Heroes of the story - real people. (Peter and Fevronya reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century, died in 1228).

In the center of the work is the image of a simple peasant girl who has to go through serious real trials.

The story reflects one of the most acute conflicts of the 16th century - the story of the boyars rushing to power, who killed each other in civil strife.

1. Folk legends in the plot of Yermolai-Erasmus. Poetic fiction, dating back to the traditions of oral folk art.

However, only the names are historical in the story, around which a number of folk legends have formed, which form the basis of the plot.

(plot - series of events taking place in work of art and built for the reader).

Yermolai-Erasmus was greatly influenced by the folk legend “About the peasant woman Fevronia from the village of Laskovo”, the legends about the prince of Murom and his wife, that he, a well-educated church writer, who was tasked with giving a biography of the saints, created a work that was essentially far from living genre. The story of Peter and Fevronia differs sharply from the lives written at that time. Poetic fiction also goes back to the traditions of oral folk art, namely, to a fairy tale.

Fairy tale - a work of oral folk art about fictional events, with the participation of magical, fantastic forces.

In the story we find the following fairy tale features:

Fairy-tale beginning: “There is a city in the Russian land ... a prince named Pavel ruled in it”;

The exact time is not specified, it is counted from last event: "in a year", "in a day", "next morning";

The first part of the "Tale ..." is similar to a fairy tale about a tempting snake, the second - to a fairy tale about a wise maiden;

There are magical things: an agric sword;

Good conquers evil (Peter defeated the serpent);


2. Features of the composition of the story.

The composition of the story is interesting, where 4 short stories are combined, connected by the idea all-conquering love: 1. About the fiery serpent; 2. About the wise virgin;

3. healing of Peter; 4. The reign of Peter and Fevronia.

In the opinion of other scientists, the story combines two folk-poetic plots: a fairy tale about a fiery serpent and a tale about a wise maiden. Other scientists say that the story does not have an artificial authorial nature, but features of a slightly revised historical tradition. Feature stories - this is a reflection in it of the details of peasant and princely life - this was new in ancient literature.

Can we say that this work belongs only to hagiographic literature?



Tale of Petre and Fevronia(full original title "A Tale from the Life of the Saints of the New Miracle Workers of Murom, the Blessed and Reverend and Most Praiseworthy Prince Peter, named in the monastic rank of David, and his wife, the Blessed and Reverend and Praiseworthy Princess Fevronia, named in the monastic rank of Euphrosyne"") - a monument of ancient Russianhagiographic literature 16th century left Yermolai-Erasmusbased on oral legend, and therefore not a typical examplehagiographic literature.

Most likely, this is a hagiographic story with elements of a folk-tale character.

3. Fevronia's relationship with the heroines of Russian folk tales about the wise maiden.

The image of the central heroine, Fevronia, is connected with the oral-poetic folk tradition. This is especially evident when Fevronia, in the form of riddles, answers Peter's messenger. Her answers have parallels in oralfolk art, namely in riddles: The groom came to the bride and began to ask:

Where is father? - Father left 100 rubles for a nickel to change ( dog hunting). _ Where is the mother? - I went out to cry. I would gather you, the groom, to have lunch, but dinner at the chicken under the tail (egg).

And Fevronia's answers about a chock and a bunch of flax are very similar to folk tale about smart granddaughter.

4. The versatility of displaying the character of "wonderful Fevronia".

slide (plan)

The character of Fevronia in the story is multifaceted. The daughter of a Ryazan peasant is filled with feelings dignity, female pride, extraordinary strength of mind and will.

Linguists read the text in Old Russian (slide), translate.

Artists show a staging - a messenger at Fevronia)

(See The beginning of all beginnings p. 146)

5. The peculiarity of the disclosure of the character of "glorious Peter"

6. The chanting of an ideal married life and the wise management of the principality (“they ruled the city with their truth and meekness, and not with fury”)

In the eyes of others, Fevronia is a "seer", possesses the gift of foresight, reveals moral and mental superiority over the prince. For the author, she is the ideal of moral wealth and spiritual beauty. Yermolai Erasmus writes about her with deep sympathy, glorifies wisdom, fidelity in love, holiness of feelings, high moral qualities of a peasant girl. In all manifestations of her feelings, actions, deeds, peace of mind and serenity. Even at the moment when she decides to die simultaneously with her loved one, without fuss, without exclamations and groans, Fevronia interrupts her work, wrapping a needle with thread and sticking it into the air that she embroidered for the church. To some extent, this detail is perceived as a symbol of the end of earthly life and the beginning of the afterlife.

8. Similarities and differences in the "Tale .." with the novel about Tristan and Isolde.


III. Conclusion

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" is an original highly artistic work that had a significant impact on the formation of secular literature in Ancient Rus'. The story is a hymn to the Russian woman, her mind, selfless and active love.


Peter and Fevronia in painting.

Monuments and the Feast dedicated to Peter and Fevronia (presentation)

D \ W in literature. Answer the questions: “What attracts us to Peter and Fevronia today and what the heroes of the ancient Russian “Life” teach us.


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Slides captions:

Project Peter and Fevronia of Murom in ancient Russian literature and painting.

The original text of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia

Defenders of the project: Linguists-translators Literary critics Artists Art critics

Literature Ideological and artistic originality of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

Ermolai-Erasmus (Yermolai the Sinful) - Russian writer and publicist of the 16th century, author of the story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom. His literary work dates back to the 40-60s of the 16th century, heyday falls in the middle of the century. Biographical information about him is scarce and is known mainly from his own writings.

linguists-translator and Agrik (Agrik’s sword), from Peter’s shoulder, ceramides, span, child-loving, from time immemorial, crafty deceiver, told, cunning, wonderful sight, marveled, wise virgin, slander, blessed, pure souls, monastic clothes, repose, cover (air with the faces of saints), riza, synclite, righteous, pious, faithful, cancer with relics.

Life features. Life (translated from Church Slavonic - "life") - a description of the life of the saints, their deeds. Lives had a certain structure. Introduction - an appeal to God (praise and prayer for help) Actually life - the birth of a saint, a righteous life, death and miracles. Conclusion - praise to the saint The story is written in the form of a life, but there is no construction of a work traditional for the hagiography genre (the beginning does not correspond to the hagiographic beginning, the trials that Peter and Fevronia go through are not sent to them by the devil, but created by the envy of people; only the finale is a classic example of life ). But still, there are features of life in the story. First, the author glorifies the saints by creating perfect images. Secondly, the heroes live according to the “commandments of God, in difficult times they turn to God. Thirdly, they perform miracles during life and after death (they prophetically predicted their death, died on the same day and hour, did not part after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious ailments.

Features of the story. The story is a prose genre, gravitating towards a chronicle plot that reproduces the natural course of life. Despite the hagiographic form of presentation, a story technique is used to convince readers that everything written is true, that this is exactly what happened. The authenticity of the "Tale ..." is given by the names of specific places of action (the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo). The characters in the story are real people. (Peter and Fevronya reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century, died in 1228). In the center of the work is the image of a simple peasant girl who has to go through serious real trials. The story reflects one of the most acute conflicts of the 16th century - the story of the boyars rushing to power, who killed each other in civil strife.

Folk legends in the plot of Yermolai-Erasmus. Poetic fiction, dating back to the traditions of oral folk art. However, only the names are historical in the story, around which a number of folk legends have formed, which form the basis of the plot. (plot - a series of events taking place in a work of art and lined up for the reader). Poetic fiction also goes back to the traditions of oral folk art, namely, to a fairy tale. A fairy tale is a work of oral folk art about fictitious events, with the participation of magical, fantastic forces. In the story we meet the following features of a fairy tale: - a fairy-tale beginning: “There is a city in the Russian land ... a prince named Pavel ruled in it”; - the exact time is not indicated, it is counted from the last event: “in a year”, “in a day”, “next morning”; - the first part of the "Tale ..." is similar to a fairy tale about a snake-tempter, the second - to a fairy tale about a wise maiden; - there are magical things: agric sword; - good conquers evil (Peter defeated the serpent); - puzzles.

The story of Peter and Fevronia (the full original name “The Tale of the Saints of the Saints of the New Chudovorets of the Murom, the Blessed and the Monk and the Oblovalnago Prince Peter, who was called David, and the spouses of his noble and reverend and the princes of the Fevronia, rolled in a monastic efrosinia”) - a monument of ancient Russian hagiographic Literature XVI century, compiled by Yermolai-Erasmus on the basis of an oral legend, and therefore is not a typical example of hagiographic literature. Most likely, this is a hagiographic story with elements of a folk-tale character.

Old Russian language I heard that many people are healers within the Ryazan land and ordered myself to lead there, not without power, to sit on horses from a great illness. He was brought quickly to the chapels of the Ryazan land and the ambassador of the synod in his entire search for doctors.

Translation of the excerpt I heard that there are many healers in the Ryazan land and ordered himself to be taken there, since he himself could not sit on a horse due to illness. They brought him to the Ryazan land, and he sent messengers to look for a healer.

Linguists-translators: Translate the excerpt: These are ubo in the Russian land and the city, called Mur .... ... Hearing, as if many are a healer within the Ryazan land and commanded yourself to tell there, it’s not possible for you to sit on horses from a great illness. He was brought to the borders of the Ryazan land and sent his entire synclit to seek doctors. One young man evaded those coming to him into the whole, calling Affectionately. And you came to a certain house by the gate and saw no one. And vniide into the house, and not be, who would have kept him. And I went into the temple and in vain the vision is wonderful: the girl is sitting for one, weaving is red, before her the hare is jumping.

The versatility of displaying the character of " wondrous Fevronia": a) self-esteem; b) extraordinary strength of mind and will (“you had the wisdom of holy men in a woman’s head”); c) tender, sensitive, loving heart; d) the ability to fight for your love; e) nobility of deeds, Christian virtues.

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia "- an original highly artistic work that had a significant impact on the formation of secular literature in Ancient Rus'. The story is a hymn to the Russian woman, her mind, selfless and active love.

MHK Images of Peter and Fevronia of Murom on icons and icon-painting portraits

Monuments to Peter and Fevronia in Arkhangelsk in Ulyanovsk in Sochi in Yaroslavl in Abakan in Yeysk in Murom

D\Z in literature. Answer the questions: “What attracts us to Peter and Fevronia today and what the heroes of the ancient Russian “Life” teach us.

Psychological portraits of fairy tale characters

Perhaps this is the most common type of man in our area. In the folklore of no country in the world there are so many heroes who would be rewarded for their lack of independence, inaction and laziness. We have as many of them as you like: Emelya, Ivan the Fool, Ivan the youngest son.
Emelino's main occupation is "doing nothing, lying on the stove, spitting on the ceiling." Favorite phrase: “I don’t feel like it!” Motto: "Happiness will come and find it on the stove!" And after all, luck really smiles at Emelya.

Once a magic pike gets into his bucket, and in the future the decision of all his life problems falls on this fish. Emelya only does what she wants: “It would be nice if the buckets themselves ...”, “Let the ax itself ...”, “I want the princess SAMA ...”

All his merit is only that he took pity on the pike and let it go. And Emelya would be good if he preferred to cook an ear out of it - then he would never know all the joys of life!

Emelis are alive to this day. Only instead of a stove they have a sofa, but otherwise little has changed. All the same faith in your lucky star, in luck that will fall from the sky. Instead of rushing to wake the Sleeping Beauty, such a man himself prefers to "lie on the stove all day long." Instead of purposefully setting off to free Cinderella from slave labor, she wanders “there, he doesn’t know where” or “where his eyes look.”

But the sweetest thing for him is if there is already some Wise woman nearby, who, in which case, will say: “Do not grieve, do not be sad, but go to sleep better - the morning is wiser than the evening.” And she will solve the problems herself, somehow settle everything.

Tellingly, all Ivans and Emelyas for some reason seek to intermarry exclusively with persons of royal blood, while receiving half the kingdom in addition. Moreover, it is desirable that the bride be "all blush, all pretty - white hands, sugary lips." And the hostess is excellent.
And it’s not only in fairy tales that Emely and Ivan the Fools get the most best wives. IN real life they are also not deprived of female attention. Of course, the tandem of Emelya with the Sleeping Beauty is unlikely to be viable, but some Vasilisa the Wise or Marya Morevna the conqueror - an independent and businesslike woman, ready to take the bumpkin Emelyushka under her wing, may well make him a couple.

Emelya is a lazy man, but open, kind and affectionate. Emotionally warm, as psychologists say. He loves children, pities the little animals. Yes, and his husband, as a rule, is faithful. Emelya is kept from betrayal by his eternal laziness - after all, you have to get off the stove, and in general - you can’t get enough trouble, there’s only one trouble.

Carlson and his Babies
He is charming, sociable, handsome, the world's best inventor, tamer of housekeepers, specialist in steam engines, a bun fighter, an artist and God knows who else. Yes, in addition - a man in his prime. He has no doubts: in life he deserves all the best, and Carlson favorably allows the Kid to provide him with the best.

"You must become my own mother!" he says to his young friend. Like this. No more, no less. And the Kid is happy to try, to please Carlson as soon as possible, because most of all he is afraid to hear: “Well, I don’t play like that!”, And to lose a Friend. After all, before the Kid was so lonely, and with the advent of this noisy fat man with a propeller, life was painted with bright colors!

The Carlson man always chooses women of a certain type as his life girlfriend - not too self-confident, modest, shy, not spoiled by male attention. Such a gray mouse lives for itself, drags out its usual lonely existence, and suddenly - such a handsome man flies through the window! Energetic, moderately well-fed, pleasant in all respects ... Well, how can you refuse him something? Oh! Dear, dear!

Cunning Carlson knows who to fly to. After all, in fact, he is not as sure of himself as he seems, or rather, he is not at all sure. That is why he praises himself so much and expects admiration from others. A Carlson man chooses a girlfriend for himself, through which you can constantly assert yourself, towering over her. Then he manages to forget for a while that in fact he is not the best ... So he blew up the steam engine, and he really couldn’t draw a rooster. What's there ... okay, it's something worldly!

Eternal Boy Peter Pan
"All children grow up sooner or later, but not him." This is about Peter Pan - the hero of the touching English fairy tale. “I don’t want to become a grown man. I want to always be small and play,” he says. And it looks like he's not alone in this desire. IN Lately a lot of such "eternal boys" appeared, and even the concept of "Peter Pan syndrome" arose in psychology.

The Tinker Bell fairy, who is in love with Peter, drinks the poison intended for him and saves his beloved life. "But why did you do it?" he wonders. How can I explain to him why? He himself does not know how to love, so he is unlikely to understand something ... “He was just a boy and, despite what he experienced, he remained a boy. Boys don't know how to love. Isn't it cruel to demand love from a boy?

The Peter Pan man is not capable of a great feeling. He just doesn't understand what it is. He may have wide circle familiar women, but a truly close and trusting relationship does not arise with anyone. He is afraid of true intimacy like fire, so he always keeps his distance. In any relationship, including sexual.

He is a bachelor, which undoubtedly attracts women to him. Such a man acts intriguingly on them. “I’ll definitely be able to crack this nut, melt this heart,” another girlfriend of Peter Pan flatters herself with hope and rushes to storm the impregnable fortress. But she's wasting her time. Together they will be exactly as long as it is convenient for him. As soon as their relationship ceases to suit the "eternal boy", nothing will stop him from leaving. And no woman's tears will hold him back, because Peter Pan is as heartless as he is infantile.
Who's next on the list?

Naughty Pinocchio he will be happy to spend time with you, but it’s hardly worth counting on a serious relationship with him - he somehow doesn’t need it. He remained indifferent to the charms of even such an exotic beauty as the Girl with blue hair. And do not try to get through to him with your feelings - it's useless, he's made of wood. A log - it is a log.

Rebel Chippolino- fighter for the rights of fruits and vegetables. A born revolutionary, an eternal oppositionist and an eloquent orator. For him, the business will always come first. Well, girls, you know, then. Moreover, so much strength and energy is spent on the Case that the girl may no longer be left.

It happens and vice versa - it is precisely because in the first place that it does not work out very well with girls. In any case, having connected your life with this Grief Lukov, you can shed many bitter tears in solitude.
Yes, and God forbid you fall into the clutches of Count Bluebeard! Just like any other maniac.

The picture turned out not too optimistic, and therefore, finally, in our gallery fabulous men there will be someone who is really worth paying attention to ...

Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino
Everyone knows that the foundations of character are laid in early childhood. Uncle Fyodor, despite his young age, is an independent, responsible and serious person - at the age of four he learned to read, and at six he cooked soup for himself.

He loves his parents very much, but still makes decisions on his own. “Don't worry about me. I won't get lost. I can do everything,” he writes in a letter to mom and dad. And the truth is - this one will not disappear. The little man of Uncle Fyodor - not childishly balanced, homely and firmly standing on the ground - has every chance to grow up as a Real Man, able to soberly assess the situation, make decisions and take responsibility. Including for the family.
How will he build a relationship with his woman? Like a normal, healthy, decent person. There is nothing to add here. Fortunately, the male Uncle Fedor is not such a rare occurrence. Look around, maybe one of them is your happiness?

In general, it’s not so important who your chosen one looks like - a slightly boring, but smart and responsible intellectual Znayka, Niels - a lover of distant wanderings and travels with wild geese or maybe you prefer best friend animals kind doctor Aibolit - a man, though middle-aged, but positive? Don't let them all be perfect. The main thing is that He is perfect for you!

Bear Baloo- professional father-educator. Can talk for hours about snot, colds, the benefits of Montessori over traditional methods. Knows everything about children, considers women exclusively as a machine for their production. He is indifferent to sex as a process, he is only interested in the result. He marries early, but quickly divorces, judging children for himself. Suitable for female leader directors who do not want to take care of the house, but start a family for the sake of image.

Akela- leader in life. There is no family, no beloved, there are friends in the flock ... i.e. parties. He remains in office until the last, despite the fact that in old age he weakens and risks becoming a laughing stock. Life, art and other dislocations of consciousness are not interested in principle. Allows himself to be admired, but from afar.

Poodle Artemon-does not imagine his life without serving the mistress. A great aesthete, therefore he chooses a woman according to the principle of appearance, and not spiritual qualities. Replace Malvina Colombina, you may not notice if you are dressed and smell the same. Moral principles missing. "Darling" in trousers.
She loves to cook and elegantly set the table, dress beautifully, understands fashion better than other ladies, Malvina can generally forget about her wardrobe.

I will continue the characterization fairy tale heroines. I will describe 4 more female character from fairy tales. The fact is that in our classes we analyzed the main features of many fairy-tale heroines and my girls chose for themselves those heroines with whom they have similar features. The task was to look at negative traits. And in fairy tales, as we know, everything is hypertrophied. So, on the stage is Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga - under the terrible and slovenly look of Baba Yaga, the mind, intuition, strong maternal feelings are hidden. Such women, if they meet an understanding Koshchei the Immortal, who can understand where the artificial slander is and where the hidden real is, will marry a beautiful wife who can cure the sick, understand a tired husband, cook "magic" food and ... at the right time they are able to radically transform . The main thing you need to learn is to be yourself, which means more confident in yourself. It is not for nothing that Baba Yaga is also called the Goddess Mother Yagina, here the name speaks for itself.

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Kikimora is not constant in her desires, she is afraid of a monotonous life, she wants to be irresistible, she is a little envious. The Kikimora woman is both strong and weak at the same time. The main thing is that she knows when it's time to be weak, and when to show strength of mind. Due to her natural duality, such a woman can break down and get into trouble if there is no strong and sensitive man next to her.

The image is scaled down. Click to see original.

Lesovka is a forest maiden. She is beautiful, envious, cruel. It will be bad for someone who offends Lesovka, whether it be a man or a woman. Lesovka is in constant search of a girlfriend (friend). However, it is very difficult to become a girlfriend (friend) of this capricious maiden. If Lesovka open true world beauty, show a sense of tact towards her, and maybe show “who is the boss in the house”, then Lesovka will be able to start “learning” to become different. She needs domineering man who will be able to direct the desires and skills of Lesovka in the right direction.

The image is scaled down. Click to see original.

Maryana is the daughter of the sea, the Princess of the Ocean. Maryana is fair, kind and loves her "relatives". Maryana is devoted to her friends. All her positive qualities work only as long as Maryana is not offended. If you offend Maryana, then beware, the sea will rebel, the waves will cover you with your head. Next to Maryana there should be a strong and calm person, a person who loves her so much that he can understand that the boiling sea in the soul of a sea maiden is her nature. Remember! after a storm there always comes a calm.

Heroes and anti-heroes in Russian fairy tales

1. Artistic techniques, with the help of which the central image receives in-depth characterization

Function Sequence actors leads to a uniform construction of fairy tales, and the stability of functions leads to uniformity fabulous images. However, the actual number of characters does not correspond to the number of actors, since different characters are assigned the same function. So, a snake, Koschey, a little man with a marigold, a baba-yaga and others act as a pest, a backyard grandmother, wonderful birds, etc., act as a donor. fairy tales other characters. Evil is represented in them by fantastic, disgusting monsters. This is, first of all, Koschey the Immortal - a terrible, strong old man who kidnaps women - as a rule, the mother, wife or bride of the hero of a fairy tale. This is Baba Yaga - " bone leg, herself on a mortar, nose to the ceiling, one foot to the right corner, and the other to the left. This is the Serpent Gorynych, bursting with fire, with three, six, nine or twelve heads. It can be “a man with a fingernail - a beard with an elbow”, etc. These monsters bring death to people and kingdoms. They are unusually strong and aggressive. But the evil inclination embodies and human characters. This is the stepmother who hates her husband's children, these are the older brothers of the hero, etc.

With all of them, the main characters of fairy tales, Ivan the Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Ivan Bykovich, are fighting not for life, but for death. They are distinguished by modesty, diligence, fidelity, kindness, willingness to help, disinterestedness. All this makes us admire. We sympathize with them in difficult times, rejoice in their victories. Together they embody the unwritten moral code people. Ivan Bykovich, without hesitation, goes to protect the people from the Serpent; Ivan Tsarevich goes in search of his mother, who was suddenly kidnapped by Koschey; Ivan the Fool unquestioningly fulfills the request of the deceased parent to come to his grave.

Fairy tales say: he will come out victorious in the fight against the enemy, who loves his people, honors his parents, respects his elders, remains faithful to his beloved, who is kind and fair, modest and honest.

With everything plot difference fairy tales have unity poetic structure. This is expressed in the strict correlation of motives that form a consistently developing action from the plot through the development of the action - to the climax leading to the denouement. The action of the fairy tale is built on the principle of growth: each previous motive explains the next one, preparing the events of the main, climactic, which conveys the most dramatic moment of the plot action: Ivan Tsarevich defeats Koshchei, fulfills the difficult orders of the sea king, Ivashka burns the witch, the king reveals the witch's intrigues and returns to his wife , turned into a lynx, the image of a beautiful queen, Culminating, or, in other words, central, the motif is specific to each plot. The rest can vary, i.e., be replaced by motives similar in content within the framework of a given plot.

Conflict, expressed in a sharp opposition of the main characters, is an indispensable condition for plot action. In a fairy tale, she is always motivated. The traditional motivations that determine the actions of heroes are marriage, the desire to receive wonderful objects, the destruction of an enemy that causes some harm to the hero (his family or people in general), for example, the destruction of crops, the abduction of a princess, etc. One fairy tale can contain two motivations ( for example, Ivan Tsarevich defeats a snake and at the same time finds in underworld own wife). Depending on the direction of the plot, motivations can receive heroic, everyday or social overtones. The composition of a fairy tale is simple in its own way, but this simplicity is the clarity of the complex, the result of centuries-old polishing of a fairy tale in the process of its existence. The stepdaughter politely replies to Frost and he rewards her, the stepmother's daughters are rude to Frost and die.

When taking into account plot differences, author's interpretations, fairy-tale characters appear as a wide gallery of typical images. Among them, the image of the hero is especially important, because it largely determines the ideological and artistic content of fairy tales, embodying folk performances about justice, kindness, true beauty; everything is concentrated in it best qualities person, thanks to which the image of the hero becomes artistic expression ideal. High moral qualities Heroes are revealed through their actions. However, in fairy tales you can find elements psychological nature, attempts to transfer inner world heroes, their mental life: they love, rejoice, grieve, proud of victory, experience betrayal and infidelity, looking for a way out difficult situations are sometimes wrong. That is, in a fairy tale we already find outlines of the image of a person.

And yet, it is possible to speak about the individualization of images with a certain degree of conventionality, since many features inherent in the hero of one plot will be repeated in the heroes of other fairy tales. Therefore, the opinion about the image in fairy tales of a single folk character is fair. This folk character found expression in different types heroes - male and female images.

The fairy-tale hero is essentially nameless. The name Ivan allows any substitutions - Vasily, Frol, Ivan peasant son, Ivan Medvedko and others.

At the beginning of the tale, he is named among other characters: "Once upon a time there was a king, he had three sons" - this is the typical beginning of most fairy tales. To make a hero stand out secondary characters, the tale introduces a number of traditional positions and situations associated only with the hero. He is young, among the brothers he is always the youngest and therefore he is not trusted. The definition of "junior" can be not only

age, but also social: Ivan the Fool is despised by his older brothers, he is disinherited, Ivan the peasant son, as the youngest, is opposed to the royal sons.

It is not uncommon for a hero to be distinguished miraculous birth: the queen eats a pea, drinks water from a well or stream - she gives birth to twin sons. Ivan Medvedko will be born from the marriage of a man and a bear, a miraculous fish is eaten by a queen, a servant and a cow, each of them has a son, but the son of a cow (Ivan Bykovich) shows the features of a hero in the future.

These motifs that begin the tale, due to their traditional nature, are, as it were, signal situations that draw the attention of listeners to the hero and, accordingly, determine the attitude towards other characters. This bias enhances emotional perception.

In most fairy tales, the hero, unlike other characters, is endowed with extraordinary power. His heroism is already revealed in childhood, he "grows by leaps and bounds", "goes out into the street, grabs someone by the hand - hand away, grabs someone by the leg - foot away." He is only capable of a wonderful horse, which awaits the rider on its own in the dungeon, chained with twelve chains. Setting out on his journey, the tsarevich orders himself a club worth twelve poods. The same power is hidden in Ivan the Fool (“Sivka-Burka”): “...He grabbed the nag by the tail, skinned it and shouted: “Hey, flock, jackdaws, hags and magpies! Here is the father sent you a stern "

It should be noted that any quality the hero of the tale gives is not like sparing the animals; Ivan the Fool ransoms a dog and a cat with the last money, frees a crane that has fallen into a snare; the hunter, in need, feeds the eagle for three years. The same manifestation of ideal qualities is the fulfillment of duty, honoring elders, following wise advice. Usually advice comes from old men and women who embody life experience, the ability to foresee events. These characters often act as wonderful helpers. In the tale of the three kingdoms, Ivan Tsarevich, setting off in search of his kidnapped mother, defeats a many-headed snake, following her order "not to strike with weapons twice" or rearrange the barrels with "strong and powerless water." The plot “Go there, I don’t know where” is all based on the fulfillment by the archer of the wise advice of his wife. Failure to comply, violation given word are regarded as a misdemeanor and carry grave consequences: miraculous objects, the bride, are stolen from Ivan Tsarevich.

The initial erroneous behavior gives special persuasiveness to the right actions. Ivan Tsarevich thinks where to get the heroic horse. When asked by an oncoming backyard grandmother, what he thought about, he answers with rudeness, but then changes his mind, asks the old woman for forgiveness and receives the necessary advice.

The personality of the hero is manifested in his actions, in his reaction to the outside world. The plot action (situations in which the hero is placed) serves to reveal and prove the truth. positive qualities of a person, the correctness of his actions, as corresponding to the norms of human behavior in society. For every good deed hero is rewarded magic items: an invisibility hat, a self-collected tablecloth, wonderful animals - a heroic horse, helper animals. The reward can be in the form of advice - where to find a horse, how to find the way to the betrothed, to overcome the snake.

A fairy tale knows two main types of heroes: Ivan Tsarevich - the hero of magical and heroic plots (“Three Kingdoms”, “Kashchei the Immortal”, “ Rejuvenating apples", etc.) and Ivan the Fool - the hero of the fairy tales "Sivka-Burka", "Magic Ring", "Wonderful Gifts", "Humpbacked Horse", etc. The existence of various types of heroes finds its historical and aesthetic conditionality, the latter is determined by the desire comprehensively reveal the national ideal. The goal of the hero in different plots is different: to return to people the light that the snake swallowed, to get rid of

monster mother and find the brothers, restore the sight and health of the old man, turns the queen into a white duck, and then tries to kill her children.

Revealing the images of its heroes, the fairy tale conveys folk ideas about people, their relationships, affirms kindness and fidelity. The image of the hero is revealed in a complex system of plot oppositions. Antithesis is an artistic technique by which the central image receives an in-depth characterization. Contrasting the hero with his opponent (the pest) is of particular importance, since the relationship of these characters is an expression of various life principles and thus become a means of disclosure ideological content fairy tales.

The main types of heroes - active (Ivan Tsarevich) and passive (Ivan the Fool, stepdaughter) - also correspond to the types of opponents. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: monstrous opponents of the "other" kingdom - snakes, Kashchei, Baba Yaga and others, and opponents of "their" kingdom - the king, princess, brothers, etc.

Monstrous opponents are the characters of heroic plots. Folk fantasy paints them as fantastic monsters. Intentionally portraying the characters externally ordinary people- a good fellow, a red maiden, the fairy tale resorts to hyperbole when describing enemies: a nine-headed snake, a man with a fingernail - a beard with an elbow. All of them are aggressive, bring death and destruction to people: they kidnap women, children, burn kingdoms. But the more monstrous the enemy, the more determination and courage the hero must have.

The antagonistic relationship between the hero and his opponent is the basis of all fairy tales. But at general similarity plot plot none of the tales, however, repeats the other. This difference lies, in particular, in the plot diversity, which is largely due to the numerous images of opponents. Each of them has

a specific traditional function in the plot, hence the differences in appearance, attributes, properties that generate special forms fight them. The number of opponents of the hero will increase even more if we take into account that different characters can be hidden behind one name.

Thus, in addition to the main characters - the hero and his opponent - there are many other characters in the fairy tale, each of which has its own purpose in the plot action; among them, the group of characters who give miraculous helpers, and the miraculous helpers themselves, is especially numerous. These are characters from a fairy tale.

In fairy tales, domestic and wild animals always stand on the side of the hero: the horse helps to defeat the snake, the cow Burenushka does hard work for her stepdaughter, the cat, etc. a dog returns the ring stolen by the princess, a bear, a wolf, a hare help the prince get Kashchei's death or deal with the sorcerer - his sister's lover.

Since ancient times, wishing to save oneself from illnesses and accidental dangers, striving to ensure good luck in all matters, the popular imagination endowed bread, water, fire, as well as a wide variety of objects with a magical function: flint, towel, needle, mirror, ring, knife, etc. This belief finds confirmation in numerous rites and customs, it was reflected in a peculiar way in the fairy tale about the miraculous properties of individual objects, with the help of which the hero performs difficult assignments and avoids danger. Miraculous objects in a fairy tale are, as a rule, outwardly ordinary household items - a comb, a brush, a towel. Miraculous properties are contained in their action: a tablecloth feeds all the hungry, a towel spreads like a river, a comb turns into an impenetrable forest.

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