What is more viola or violin. difference between violin and viola


      A graded test (differentiated test) is a form of assessment of learning educational material disciplines (sections of disciplines), as well as the implementation of practice programs.

      Tests with assessment (differentiated tests) are accepted by teachers who conducted practical classes in a group, or lecturers of the stream.

      The results of passing the intermediate certification for disciplines for which, in accordance with curriculum a form of control “pass with an assessment (differentiated pass)” is provided, they are evaluated with marks “passed” / “passed” (“excellent” / “good” / “satisfactory”), “failed” / “failed”. Evaluation criteria are formed by the departments and reflected in the work programs academic disciplines. The criteria for converting a rating score into a traditional one are determined by the Regulations on the rating system for assessing the progress and quality of students' knowledge in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov".

      The results of passing oral tests with an assessment (differentiated tests) and tests are announced to the student on the day of passing, the results of written tests with an assessment (differentiated tests) can be announced (and issued) later, but not late afternoon submission of statements to the dean's office.

      Positive marks are recorded in the statement and the record book, an unsatisfactory mark is put down only in the test and examination sheet. When grading, abbreviations are allowed: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “pass”, “fail”. Next to the traditional assessment in the test-examination sheet, the number of rating points scored by the student is indicated in brackets. The score sheet contains the number of points scored by the student.

      In case of non-appearance of a student for a test or retake against his last name, the teacher puts down the entry “did not appear” (“n / i”) in the test and examination sheet.

      Protection of the report on practice with putting down a test with an assessment (differentiated test) is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for conducting student practice.

      Test reports are submitted to the dean's office on the next business day after the test with an assessment (differentiated test), if it is carried out in oral or two working days after its holding, but no later than the day of the end of the intermediate certification (session), if it is carried out in writing.

      Acceptance of tests with an assessment (differentiated tests) after the end of the intermediate certification (session) is carried out according to an individual test and examination sheet. Individual test and examination sheets are issued by the dean's office to teachers 4 .

      Grades received by a student based on the results of passing tests with an assessment (differentiated tests) are taken into account when calculating the number of grades "excellent" and "good" for obtaining a diploma with honors. When receiving “satisfactory” grades based on the results of passing tests with an assessment (differentiated tests), a student cannot apply for a diploma with honors, except for the cases set forth in clause 8.7. of this provision.

Checking the knowledge and skills of university students and students of specialized secondary educational institutions obtained at seminars and practical exercises, industrial practice, as well as their mandatory independent work(drawings, calculations, etc.).

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .


See what "OFFSET" is in other dictionaries:

    The method of termination of obligations, according to which the obligation is terminated in whole or in part by offsetting a counter-claim of the same kind, the term of which: either has come; or not specified; or determined by the moment of demand. See also:… … Financial vocabulary

    Recalculation, recalculation, counterration, recalculation Dictionary of Russian synonyms. offset n., number of synonyms: 18 automatic (43) ice ... Synonym dictionary

    AT civil law one of the ways to terminate obligations. The obligation is terminated in whole or in part 3. by a counterclaim of the same kind, the term of which has come or this term has not been specified or is determined by the moment of demand. For 3.… … Law Dictionary

    A. Acceptance of something. B. Mutual settlement of equal amounts of payment obligations of two or more legal and individuals. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    Repayment of mutual obligations, payments of two or more legal entities and individuals within equal amounts, amounts of mutual debt. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.:… … Economic dictionary

    offset- 1. Taking into account something. 2. Repayment within equal amounts of mutual payment obligations of two or more legal entities and individuals. Accounting topics... Technical Translator's Handbook

    offset- see Termination of obligation by offset ... Encyclopedia of Law

    OFFSET- fixing posit. r that personal and team participation in the competition. 3. The number of team members who have fully completed the competition program, required to receive a team certificate, is established in the Regulations on the competition ... Handbook of horse breeding

    OFFSET- in civil law, one of the ways to terminate obligations. The obligation is terminated in whole or in part by a similar counter claim, the term of which has come or the term of which is not indicated or is determined by the moment of demand. For Z… Legal Encyclopedia

    OFFSET- regulated Art. 78 of the Tax Code, the procedure applied by the tax authority in relation to overpaid (collected) amounts of tax (fee), as well as penalties. The amount of overpaid tax is subject to offset against future payments of the taxpayer for ... Encyclopedia of Russian and International Taxation


  • Offset of obligations, N.G. Vavin. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1911 edition (publishing house "Jurisprudence" ...
  • Survival test, Vasily Grinevich. Thirty years ago, the number of accidents and catastrophes in space suddenly - and for some unknown reason - assumed monstrous proportions. Since then, "survivability" has become a mandatory discipline in the course ...

Of course, it is possible that you will be very lucky and the teacher will automatically certify the entire group. And if not? With a catastrophic lack of time and a lack of genius, rational thinking and enterprise will help.

How to prepare for the test if there is little knowledge and time, but you need to learn a lot

Do not try to spend the rest of the coffee and the blessed sleep time on a voluminous textbook: by morning, those fragmentary ones that were available will leave you. All you need is to make bookmarks with ticket numbers. Then you can walk around fresh air, but not too long: before the offset, you should get a good night's sleep.

Passing the test without learning the tickets is very simple

Arriving at, skip classmates forward. For those who were lucky enough to pass the test, as well as for those who were not lucky enough to pass it, be interested not only in the mood of the teacher, but also in the ticket number. Mark the bookmarks with the numbers of the drawn tickets. As a rule, there are not too many exam tickets - 1-2 for each student.

Usually there are no more than five people in the classroom with the teacher. When there are five of you left in the corridor, divide the rest among yourself and write cheat sheets for each of them. Twenty minutes is enough.

Mutual assistance will help all five to successfully pass the test

When the first of the remaining five people enters the office, he should not tightly close the door behind him. Having pulled out a ticket, the student says his number aloud, loudly and clearly, so that those left behind the door can hear. If he prepared the answers to the questions on the ticket himself, not. In this case, you can quite successfully pass the test. If one of the classmates wrote a cheat sheet for the elongated ticket, he enters the office next and passes the written to the one who went in front of him. It goes without saying that he also calls his ticket number loud and clear. After the answer, the first of the five goes out into the corridor and gives the unused cribs to the rest. And so on until the last student. Simple and effective. Try it!


  • how to pass an exam

It is very difficult for many schoolchildren and students to pass various screening tests, including offsets. Blame here stress, fear, improper organization of preparation for verification work and ignorance of the nuances of correct behavior directly during the test.


Repeat all themes and historical dates who will be present in offset questions. Write dates and relevant events on a separate sheet - this will help you remember them faster. Alternate preparation for the test with rest, change activities, this contributes to better memorization.

Don't sit all night repeating stuff, it won't do you any good. You will not get enough sleep, and it is unrealistic to learn everything in one night. It is better to carefully read the textbook before going to bed, the information received at this time is firmly absorbed by the brain.

Come check in early. If the form of its conduct is such that students enter the classroom one at a time, do not go to back rows, on the go repeating half-learned questions. From this in your thoughts there will be only confusion, and the tired one is much more irritated by the end of the test.

Answer the teacher's questions in a confident tone, do not get lost if you do not know any of them. You can try to organically "attach" the information you know to the required unknown. For example, a teacher might

It is quite obvious that student life is far from being as carefree as it might seem at first glance. Long semesters, coupled with visits to countless couples, give way to insanely exciting sessions, the outcome of which depends on the fate of the future specialist. Integral elements educational process there are tests and exams that allow assessing the quality of assimilation by students of the material presented. Each of the methods of knowledge assessment has its own characteristics and characteristics. Let's talk about them in more detail as part of the answer to the question of how the credit differs from the exam.



offset- a form of testing the skills and knowledge of students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. It can be done both orally and in writing. The certification method is set by the teacher. The credit week passes before the start of the examination session. However, marks on passing the test can also be set at the last lesson in a particular discipline. Much in this case depends on the attendance and performance of students during the semester. Particularly diligent students often receive credit "automatically". Students are allowed to take exams only after successfully passing preliminary examinations. The result is recorded in the record book and statement. The test has no scoring.


Exam- one of the forms of knowledge testing. In higher education institutions, it is held during sessions. There are many types of exams, united by similar traditions. Among them we can mention school, college, military, international and other tests. The very term "exam" is translated from Latin as "tongue" or "arrow of the scales." However, this word is also used in figurative meaning: "assessment", "test". The system of school examinations took shape in the era of Peter's reforms. Subsequently, it was repeatedly reformed and underwent a number of changes. After October revolution 1917, screening tests were canceled and re-entered the school curriculum only 15 years later. During this time, the authorities also realized the need to introduce entrance examinations for admission to universities. The collapse of the USSR and the reforms that followed it made further changes to the system Russian education. In 2007, a unified state exam for school graduates and applicants was introduced on the territory of the country.


Consider the differences between concepts in the context of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. The credit is an intermediate verification test, which is carried out immediately before the start of the session. According to its results, the student is either allowed or not allowed to take the exam. Compared to the latter, the test is a simpler form of certification. Often it is exhibited on the basis of submitted abstracts or term papers. Particularly diligent and active students who regularly attend classes in the discipline can receive a credit "automatically". This method of testing knowledge does not imply the presence of a scoring scale. If the test is passed successfully, the student receives a "pass" mark. Otherwise, the particle “not” is added to the assessment. In addition, the credit covers topics covered during one semester. Whereas the exam requires repetition of all studied material. Accordingly, preparation for such an audit is a more complex and lengthy process.

Another difference between the test and the exam is that the latter has a scoring system. The mark is set on a scale from one to five and is subject to subsequent inclusion in the diploma. Usually certification is carried out on tickets in oral or written form. Each student answers their own list of questions. It is extremely rare to get an exam “automatically”, and then only if the student agrees to a “satisfactory” grade. Such verification is an integral part of the session. Shortly before it is held, teachers arrange consultations, during which they give explanations on the list of questions. Usually, no more than one exam is scheduled per day, while there may be several offsets. Consultations on the latter are not provided.

To sum up, what is the difference between a test and an exam.

offset Exam
Held before the start of the sessionActs as an integral part of the session
Often exhibited on the basis of abstracts or term papersPasses by tickets
Can be set "automatically" in case of regular visits to couplesGetting an "automatic" is almost impossible
Does not have a scoring systemMarks are given on a scale from one to five.
The result is entered into the sheet.The result is reflected in the diploma
Covers topics covered during the semesterRequires repetition of all studied material
Does not involve organizing consultationsTeachers give preliminary clarifications on issues
Multiple inspections per day can be arrangedNo more than one test is organized per day

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