Drawing on the theme of blooming spring. signs of spring


Program content;

1)Deliver children the joy and pleasure of developing games.
2) Support interest in intellectual activity.
3) manifest perseverance, purposefulness, mutual assistance.
4) Develop attention, memory, ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.
5) Bring up self-control, ability to prove, ingenuity and coherent speech.

Materials for the lesson:

1) The playing field (a circle divided into 8 colored sectors with white arrows).
2) A big spinning top with an arrow and a small spinning top.
3) Small circles (with the image of fairy-tale characters - 8 pieces).
4) Black "box" (box).
5) Envelopes - 8 pieces.
6) Cards with printed questions and answers (7 pcs + 1 with - musical pause).
7) Globe, map with materials, lamp.
8) Pictures with animals on magnets (polar bear, penguin, giraffe, kangaroo, zebra, lion).
9) A picture with an image of a gyroscope device. Wheat seeds and wheat ear.
10) Illustrations of people in traditional Russian costumes with ornaments.
11) Tape recorder and cassette with recording piece of music"We dance and sing" (excerpt).
12) Prizes for game participants:
- educational books for kids;
- Rubik's cube (or any puzzle game)

Preparatory work:

1) Reading encyclopedias and looking at illustrations.
2) Holding cognitive activities, didactic games and conversations with children.
3) Family visits to the arts and local history museums, exhibitions at the Center of Folk Crafts.
4) Selection of cognitive and encyclopedic literature for children in libraries.
5) Research activities with children (conducting experiments).
6) Artistic activity with children ( decorative drawing and conversations on Russian folk costume).

The course of the lesson;

On the table is a playing field (a circle with 8 colored sectors)
Each sector has an envelope with a question and answer card.
A circle with an illustration of a fairy-tale hero.
Two sectors are occupied by a black box and a treble clef (indicating a musical pause).
In the center playing field- a spinning top with an arrow.
Leader - educator.

  • We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, spectators and guests! Our game is called "What? Where? When?". Children will show their knowledge and skills in various fields of science, technology and art. The “Experts” team will fight with the “Fairy-tale heroes” team, who have already prepared their tricky questions, difficult tasks and hid them in envelopes on our playing field.
  • Ready to play? I ask the team of "Connoisseurs" to take their places.

I remember the rules of the game.

  • The first child spins the top, the arrow stops, I take out a card with questions from the envelope. Let's start our game. Music sounds. The leader spins the top.

1st Question: Why is it day and night?
“Everyone knows that it is light during the day and dark at night. The day happens on that part of the globe that is turned towards the Sun and is illuminated by its rays.
Can you prove it experience:
(lamp light, globe - rotation of the "Earth" around its axis).
The other half of the globe at this time is turned away from the Sun and is in the shadow. It's night there. Earth spins all the time like a top, just not as fast. Therefore, day and night follow each other.
Leader (teacher):
- This is the correct answer. And experience proves it to us.
We continue our game.
- I ask the next player to spin the top.
- Attention, connoisseurs!
Question from the fairy-tale hero Emelya.

2nd Question: "Why don't polar bears eat penguins?"
Answer: “Bears cannot hunt penguins, as these animals live far from each other. Bears live in the Arctic, and penguins live in Antarctica. The main enemies of penguins are whale, killer whale and sea leopard (seal).
- I ask experts to prove their answer with the card.
(The child shows on the map North Pole and the Arctic, places a magnet figure there polar bear, then shows the South Pole and Antarctica and attaches a penguin magnet figure).
- This is the correct answer.
(The top is spinning and the teacher in the direction of the arrow asks the assistant to bring Black box).
- Attention team of connoisseurs!

3. Task from Thumbelina: what is in the black box? We listen carefully: there is something in it that can sleep for a long time, sleep until heat, light, water appear.
Guess what is in the black box?
- A team of experts is given three minutes to think.
Answer: “In the black box, we think there are plant seeds, one seed. In winter, the whole earth is covered with snow, it is cold. And the seeds can sleep for a long time, covered with a snow blanket. But spring will come, the sun will warm, streams will run and the seeds will wake up and come to life. Plant seeds will begin to germinate, because they will have warmth, light, and water.”
- A wonderful answer was given by experts. Let's open the black box. Indeed, they are seeds.
- Can experts give an answer, which plant seeds are in the black box?
(Seeds of wheat).

4 Lead:
- Let's turn the top again. The arrow points to the card that Cipollino prepared for us.
- What does the icon on the card mean?
Treble clef!
Cipollino offers a musical break to the team of connoisseurs.
The music is turned on and the children perform rhythmic movements.
(The host thanks the team and invites the players to take their places).
The wolf is spinning.
- Attention players!
The arrow points to the red sector. Puss in Boots has cooked for you riddle.

5. Riddle:
“Which has no form.
But it pricks, molds,
Rises up.
This can get you burned, but
It is impossible to live without it!”
- A team of Experts is given 3 minutes. for contemplation.
- Please give me the correct answer.
"This is water. Water has no shape. It takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured. When it's cold, water freezes and turns into ice. A piece of ice can prick and even cut yourself. In winter, snow falls - it's such frozen water. The snow is well molded. In the summer, when it is hot, the water evaporates, rises up and falls like rain down. Water can be boiled on the stove for tea, soup. But you have to be careful, boiling water can burn! Everyone needs water: people, animals, and plants. It is impossible to live without water!
- Well done Connoisseurs! You have correctly solved the riddle of Puss in Boots.
- Please turn the top and the arrow points to the green sector.
We are met by a fairy-tale hero - the girl Little Red Riding Hood. She has prepared pictures for you, in which people are depicted in ancient Russian costumes, decorated with ornaments.
Little Red Riding Hood asks her question to the team of Connoisseurs.

6.Question: Why were the ornaments in the Russian costume located along the edge of the hem, sleeves, collar?
Answer: They embroidered an ornament on the collar, sleeves, the edge of the hem of the clothes, not just for beauty. The pattern in the ornament goes in a circle. In ancient times, people believed that the circle is a symbol of the sun. And the sun gives warmth, light, harvest. Protects from cold, darkness, diseases, troubles. That's why ornament in a circle was a talisman- protected people from evil. That is why collars, sleeves, the hem of clothes, belts, and hats were embroidered with ornament.
- It was a difficult question, but you coped with it and gave the correct answer.
- We continue our game. (The top is spinning. The arrow points to the yellow sector).
- Attention, Connoisseurs! Envelope from Pinocchio, and in it a question to the players.

7. Question; Find an extra word: Giraffe, kangaroo, zebra, lion.
a) this is a kangaroo, because lives in Australia, and the rest - in Africa;
b) or is it a lion, because he is a carnivore and the rest are herbivores.
(The child shows Australia and Africa on the map - at the request of the facilitator).
- We have the last sector with an envelope. It is guarded by a fairy-tale hero - the Steadfast Tin Soldier.

8. Task: (small top without support).
Players are requested to spin the top again.
Pay attention to the main property of the top: while it is spinning, it retains the position in which it was when the top was spun.
- Attention question Connoisseurs.
Where do people use the main property of the spinning top?
Answer: “The property of the top is used by people in devices that control ships, planes, even rockets. With the help of a top, they came up with a gyroscope device. It helps the rocket to fly exactly on a given course, without it you cannot launch a satellite into space. The gyroscope helps to deal with the pitching of ships. Keeps the ship in balance in a storm. Then the passengers are not afraid of seasickness. And the ship's machine is easier to work with, which means it lasts longer. The gyroscope controls the autopilot in the aircraft. The plane will turn off course, but the spinning top does not want to turn off and gives a signal - it turns on the steering gear motor. The engine started, turned the steering wheel of the aircraft - and it returned to the correct course. Here's what it's not simple toy- wolf!
Leading: This is the correct answer.
- Well done, Connoisseurs, you managed to answer all the questions, coped with all the tasks. And we won this game.
Command Fairytale Heroes rewards you with prizes.
Leading; “Today we all became friends for our smart game. And so the game ends, but the friendship continues.


  1. Encyclopedia "What is it? Who it?" (Publishing house "Pedagogy", Moscow, 1975)
  2. "Astronomy in pictures" (B. Levin).
  3. Game as a means of developing the cultural and moral values ​​of children aged 6-7” (R.A. Zhukova, Volgograd, 2006)
  4. “To a preschooler - about the history and culture of Russia” (G.N. Danilina, Moscow, 2005).
  5. "Costume Kievan Rus» (Balashov M.E., St. Petersburg, 2002)
  6. Magazine " preschool education"(No. 5 for 2006).
  7. "In union with nature" L.I. Grekhova ( Teaching aid, Moscow-Stavropol, 2002).
  8. "Transport: land, water, air". (Skorolupova O.A., Moscow, 2006)
  9. "Mathematics in Kindergarten" (V.P. Novikova, Moscow, 2002).
  10. “To preschoolers about technology (I.I. Kobitina, Moscow, 1991)

Target: To give children ideas about the game “What? Where? When?”, introduce the rules of the game.

- continue to form the ability to listen to someone else's opinion, defend your answer, justifying it;
- expand and deepen children's ideas about the state;
- to consolidate knowledge about state symbols;
- develop logical thinking, quick wit, ability to solve simple math problems, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, the ability to build a sentence correctly, expressively tell a poem, know the names and its author;
- develop cognitive interest in children;
- to cultivate feelings of mutual assistance, perseverance;
- call in children joyful emotions, make a holiday in everyday life;
- educate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.
Vocabulary work: connoisseurs, symbol, hero,

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations for the game
- learning poetry

Methodical methods:

1. Conversation.
2. Creating a situation of success.
3. Search questions.
4. “Name the superfluous”, “Opposite words”, “Correct the mistake”.
5. Physical education minute - musical break "If you have fun, do it."
6. Mathematical problems.
7. Logical reasoning.
8. Physical education - musical break "Spring Song".
9. Graphic exercise.
10. Speech dialogue. Poems about spring. Black box.
11. Summing up the game.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to play a game with me: “What? Where? When?". Maybe one of you saw her on TV? (SLIDE 1)
children's answers. Do you know which bird is the symbol of the game What? Where? When? (owl symbol). Why do you think this particular bird? (SLIDE 2)

The owl is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Then I will tell you about the rules of the game: pay attention, there are envelopes on the table with questions that you will need to answer. A point is scored for each correct answer. I wish you success and hope that you will cope with all the tasks. So let's start.

(music START)
- Good afternoon, dear guests! We are in intellectual club"What? Where? When?" Today, the team of viewers is playing against the team of experts in the preparatory "b" group of the kindergarten "Teremok".
1. First round (Music, spinning top)(Adult spins the drum).

Leading: Sector number 1 fell out. This blitz was sent to us by the head of the kindergarten Yudina Marina Vladimirovna.

  1. Name the colors of the national flag (what do they mean?) Who will be responsible?
  2. What is the name of the President of Russia.
  3. How many days in a week?
  4. How was the "warrior" called in Rus' before?
  5. Which flower blooms first in a forest clearing in spring?

(I give you a point for the correct answer.) And now attention, the correct answer (repeat the answers). A point is earned by a team of experts. (put a card with the number 1 on the board)

2. Leading. Round 2 (drum roll) Music)

Leading: Dropped sector number 2. This question was sent to us by the senior teacher Nevteeva Svetlana Vladimirovna.
« Name the extra»
1. Winter, Wednesday, spring, summer. (explain)
2. One, two, circle, four.
3. Plus, minus, Friday, equal.
4. Circle, square, March, triangle.

"Name opposite words»
1. The ice on the river is thick in winter, and (thin) in spring

2. High - (low)

3. Long - (short)

4. Deep - (shallow)

5. Heavy - (light)

6. Cheerful - (sad)

7. thick - liquid

"Correct the mistake"

1. The worm pecked at the starling.

2. The nightingale sang the song.

3. A furry caterpillar ate a titmouse.
4. There was a vase in the flower.

5. Children collected children in a basket.

6. A fluffy mouse caught a cat.

A point is earned by a team of experts. (For the correct completed task, get a point.)
treble clef I will put i music pause with us, friends.

Musical pause

3. presenter: We continue the game. Round 3. (spinning the drum Music.)

Presenter: Sector number 3 fell out. This question will be asked by the teacher of the preparatory "a" group Maryavina L.N. Attention!
1. The apples in the garden are ripe, we managed to taste them. Five ruddy, liquid, three with sourness. How many? (eight)

2. The hedgehog gave eight leather boots to the hedgehogs. Who will answer from the guys - how many were all hedgehogs? (2)

3. There are tubs near the wall, in each tub there is one frog. If there were five tubs, how many frogs would there be? (five)

4. Name the previous and subsequent numbers (5,8,11,).

presenter: Experts answered correctly. The expert team earns a point.

4. Host: We continue the game. Round 4. (spinning the drum Music.)
Presenter: Sector number 4 fell out. This question will be asked by the teacher of the preparatory "in" group Gashchuk T.I. Attention! Solve problems:

1. What do a polar bear and a goose have in common?

  1. Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain?
  2. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole? (crocodiles don't live there)
  3. What utensils can not be eaten from? (from empty)
  4. The duck laid an egg. Who will hatch from it, a hen or a cockerel? (duckling)

A point is earned by a team of experts.

5. Host: Round 5. Music Dropped sector number 5
Attention connoisseurs! This question will require a lot of perseverance from you. accuracy. It is necessary to finish the pattern, for this, sit at the tables, take pencils.

Target:to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children in all sections of the program.

To consolidate the graphic image of the studied numbers, continue to form the ability to compare numbers by ear, name the neighbors of numbers, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, consolidate the graphic image of the studied letters, continue to teach to differentiate the concepts of “number”, “letter”, continue to learn to select words for a given sound;

To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, about the days of the week; consolidate knowledge about the animal world;
Continue work on the formation of voluntary attention, improve visual attention, activate thought processes;
Continue to work in pairs (small subgroups), answer the teacher's questions complete offer to develop the ability to organize one's own workplace, to form the skill of self-control and mutual control.

vocabulary work : number, letter, right, left, top, about

Material and equipment : a set of geometric shapes, pieces of paper, pencils, demo material, easel, subject pictures.

Game motivation : the game is a competition.

Lesson progress:
1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the group, become landmarks.
- Guys, I have an envelope from Uncle Au in my hands. He invited us to his kingdom, and in what you now tell me yourself (the contents of the letter are read out)

Magic Kingdom - Green State.

In the kingdom there are both animals and birds,

Woodpecker and mole, there is a fox and a titmouse.

There are mosquitoes, ants, nightingales.

Everyone is friends: birds, flowers and animals,

My very rich kingdom!

What kind of kingdom?

Children's answers. (Forest).

That's right - this is the realm of the forest. Look around, how many inhabitants of this wonderful kingdom meet us. Guys, each resident has a plate with a number in his paws, this number will tell you the chair on which you should sit down. Arrange all the animals in order according to their numbers.

2. Introduction
Before taking their seats, everyone will have to answer a question for me. Ready?

The chair at number 1 will be occupied by the one who finds out what number I thought of. Who wants to complete this task? (Alyosha Mordashov)

1. This number is greater than 4 but less than 6.

-The chair at number 2 will be occupied by the one who hears what number I missed. Who wants to complete this task? (Liza Mordashova)
(Direct or reverse counting)

The chair at number 3 will be occupied by the letter I write on his palm. Who wants to complete this task? (Nazar Varnakov)

The chair at number 4 will be occupied by the one who names what geometric figure she has guessed. Who wants to complete this task?

(Misha Katin)

Which geometric figure has no corners?

The chair at number 5 will be occupied by the one who names the neighbors of number 4 .... Who wants to complete this task? (Polina Talalueva)

Chair number 6 will be occupied by someone who will say what time of year it is? (Masha Ryzhova).

The chair at number 7 will be taken by the one who counts from 1 to 5? (Katya Daryavin).

The chair at number 8 will be occupied by the one who will say what day of the week it is if yesterday was Thursday? (Vika Sannikova).

Tanya sits on a large chair, and Lena on a small one.

The guys invited us to the inhabitants of the forest kingdom for intellectual game

" What? Where? When?"

The rules of the game are as follows: you spin the top, it stops and on which envelope the arrow on the top will point to that question and answer. All questions from the forest dwellers.

II. Main part
-Dear players. The tasks that you will complete will be evaluated as follows: for each correctly completed task, the team receives two points, if the team players made one mistake - one point, if the team did not cope with the task - no points are awarded. And yet, if the team members complement and help the players, they will be awarded an additional one point each.

- So, we begin

First round.

(musical accompaniment)
-Dear players. Before you are four envelopes with numbers. In each of which a task has been prepared for you. To find out which envelope is playing with us, you need to get a card with a number from the box (pouch). (Cards with sandpaper numbers 1,2,3,4.) You need to find out the number by touch, then name it, and only then show it to all participants and select an envelope with the desired number.
(envelope under the number 1) The child feels the number, finds an envelope with this number and the children complete the tasks.

The teacher reads the first task:

Dear players, the Cunning Fox is playing with you “Kids I have one whole apple in my hands, I am cunning, but not greedy and I want to share it equally between my children” (2, 4)

1. (preparation gr.)

"Divide by four fox cubs"

2. (St. gr.)

"Divide fox cubs in two"

3. (3rd group)

"Show among the painted fruits is an apple"

There is a paper apple on the table in front of each of you and it needs to be divided into equal parts.

Second round.

(musical accompaniment).

The Bear is playing with you (envelope with the image of a bear, I read out the task):

1. (preparation gr.)

“Divide the word MED-VED into syllables, name the first sound in this word, say how soft or hard it is. Name more words where there is an M sound at the beginning, in the middle of the word. What is it, consonant or vowel? ".

2. (old Gr.)

What does a bear do in winter? What is the name of his dwelling? Bear's favorite treat?

3. (3 gr.)

"Show me the little bears"

Third round.

( musical accompaniment)

Dear players, the learned Owl is playing with you, I am reading the task “On your tables under the number 3“ Confusion ”.Attention, the task is to count how much .... And write down the answer.

1. (podg. Gr.) “Confusion of 5 letters, name them, what they are Ch. or acc.?

2. (St. Gr.) “A confusion of 5 geometric shapes, name the shapes, which figure has 3 angles, which figure has no angles?”

3. (3 gr.) "Show a circle of 4 geometric shapes"

Fourth round.

Musical pause.

Charging to the music in a forest clearing.

Fifth round.

(musical accompaniment) - Dear players, the Long-Eared Hare is playing with you, I read out the question “An unknown monster has appeared in our forest clearing, it has a long neck and a small head. Dear experts, tell me who it is?! »

(Graphic dictation).

Guys, we need to help the Hare, and for this we take sheet number 3 and a simple pencil. We listen carefully to the task of the Hare and complete it, and Lena and Tanya will color the friends for our hero of friends so that he is not so scared.

Let's answer our hero who scares him in the forest clearing...


Sixth round.

(musical accompaniment)

Jumping Squirrel is playing with you. I’m reading her task “Dear players, since autumn I have prepared stocks of nuts and stuffed them into hollows of trees, it’s already spring and I can’t find the rest of my stocks. Help me please."

The squirrel has prepared nuts for you with tasks you need to solve, there are trees with answers in the clearing, you need to find each tree (I distribute nuts and examples within 10, the children solve them and find their tree)

1. (prep. gr)

Tasks from 5 to 10.

2. (st. gr.)

Tasks from 1 to 5.

3. (3 gr.)

Seventh round.

(musical accompaniment)

Dear players, forest birds are playing with you, attention is a question

1. (prep.g)

What is the name of the phenomenon in nature:

When the sun rises over the horizon (SUNRISE)

When the sun sets below the horizon. (SUNSET)

2. (st. gr)

What wild animals do you know?

Can you name their babies?

Wolf (cubs), Fox (cubs), Hare (hares), Bear (cubs), Squirrel (squirrels), Fox (Foxes) ...

3. (3 gr.)

Seventh round.

(Musical accompaniment). Question for the guests.

A flock of ducks flew south. The hunter fired and killed one. How many ducks are left? (Not at all, the rest flew away).

Eighth round.

(musical accompaniment)

Attention experts, question! plays with you Gray wolf: “Today is Friday and I received an invitation to Lisa's birthday, which will be tomorrow. Can you tell me the day of the week when I should go to my birthday?

1. (prepared gr.)

Name how many days in a week, name them.

2. (st. gr.)

Name the weekend.

3. (3 gr.)

Ninth round.

(musical accompaniment).

Dear experts play with you migratory birds: “Connoisseurs flew with us 4 flocks of migratory birds, two flocks remained on big lake. How many packs have returned to their homelands?”

1. (prepared gr.)

Name the conditions of the problem, question, solution, answer.

2. (St. gr.)

What migratory birds fly to our area? Where do they fly to in winter, why?

3. (3 gr.)

Show among the pictures of birds.

Tenth round.

(musical accompaniment).

Dear experts, black box. Question:

Joy has a friend, in the form of a semi-circle,

She lives on the face, but suddenly leaves somewhere.

Then suddenly return. Sadness, longing is afraid of her.

Show on your face this girlfriend. (Smile)

(I take a smile out of the drawer)

Show all the smile on your faces, chagrin, surprise.

3. Final part.

You guys are great, you played with all your heart. And now everyone smiled, the team of experts is being awarded kindergarten(Children in chorus - Sunshine) OWL and gold medals. Congratulations.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Solnyshko" Family Kindergarten

Intellectual game "What? Where? When?"

in the older age group.

Developed and implemented:

Mordashova Liliya Ivanovna -

teacher of the 1st qualification category

senior mixed age group

Nizhny Novgorod Region

R. D-Konstantinovo

Target: Consolidate previously acquired knowledge of children about geometric shapes, numbers, counting up to 10 (greater than, less than, equal to), days of the week, find the similarity of objects on the basis of size; develop orientation in space; develop logical thinking, memory; be able to work together as a team.

Material: Envelopes with tasks fairy tale character, geometric figures, musical accompaniment, numbers, prizes.

Quiz progress:

The quiz is held in a group, the tables are cleared, the chairs are arranged for two teams. Children are first divided into two teams. Children to the music (tape recorder) enter the group and take their places. There is a knock on the door, the postman Pechkin (Nurse) enters.

  • Guys, is this a resort? Group #7? (Yes).
  • You have received a letter, please receive it.
  • Educator: Thank you, Pechkin! I wonder what kind of letter it is? And there is a letter and envelopes with assignments!

Opens the letter, reads.

  • « Dear friends! Experts from the game “What? Where? When?". We know that you are the smartest children, so we offer you to complete the tasks, and as a gift you will receive our respect and prizes. We wish you success. With best regards,


  • Oh, guys, there are numbers on the envelope.
  • Which envelope do you think should be opened first?
  • That's right, number 1.

The teacher opens the envelope, takes out geometric shapes from the envelope: a circle, an oval, a star, a triangle, a square, a rectangle, a trapezoid, a polygon, a rhombus. What is it? Name. (Answers of children).

  • Well done!
  • Listen to the task: there are geometric shapes on the table. You need to temporarily pick up objects of the same shape and arrange them correctly, 3 people from each team come out.

Children complete the task, explain why they did it that way.

An invoice is issued.

  • Which envelope shall we open now? (With number 2).
  • Teacher: Listen to the problem. “It was snowing at 12 o'clock at night. Can the sun shine at this time in a few days?”

(Three minutes to think). Children consult. The team captains determine who will answer the question.

An invoice is issued.

  • What envelope will we open next? (With number 3).

There are numbers in the envelope.

  • Teacher: Guys, what is it? (Numbers).
  • And now we will check if you all know the numbers?

The numbers are upside down on the table. Nearby are cards with circles. It is necessary for a while to match the circles with the numbers so that the number of circles matches the number. Each team has 2 people. The assignment is evaluated.

  • Guys, guess the riddle:

Stretched bridge

For seven miles

And at the end of the bridge

Golden Mile.

  • Don't rush to answer. Listen to the task.

“On the table are cards with numbers facing down. We will take several people from each team. You need to quickly take the figure and line up as the days of the week go.

  • I will check if you have completed the task correctly and give the following.

The teacher gives the task to team 2 (Tuesday) - stamps his foot 3 times.

Day 1 (Monday) - Clap your hands.

Day 6 (Saturday) will name its extreme neighbor.

Day 4 (Thursday) - jump.

An invoice is issued. A pause is announced.

  • Let's play in a circle. Clap as many times as I hit the tambourine, jump 1 time less than I hit the tambourine, raise your hand up 1 time more than I hit the tambourine……..
  • What is the next envelope after the 3rd one?

The teacher reads the assignment letter.

“Three titmouse are sitting on a tree. The cat crept up and grabbed one. How many birds are left on the tree? (None - the remaining two flew away).

Three minutes are given for reflection, each team discusses the question. The captains decide who will be in charge.

An invoice is issued.

  • We have a few more envelopes left. Which one are we opening next? Why?

The teacher reads out the task: the game "Guess what it is?". What happens long, wide, high?

The teacher asks questions, the children take turns answering from two teams.

  • Long (river, road, rope, day, dress, fur coat .......). For each correct answer - a token.
  • Wide (road, street, ribbon, river ... ..).
  • High (fence, house, crane, tree, pole, giraffe…….).

Token Counting - Whichever team has the most tokens wins.

An invoice is issued.

A pause is announced. The game "What, where?".

All children stand in a circle, in the center is the teacher.

  • I will name the items in this room. The one of you to whom I throw the ball should use the following words in his answer: left, right, in front, behind.

The teacher throws the ball.

  • Where is the table? (Ahead).
  • Where is the door? (Left).
  • Where is the window? (Behind).
  • Elvin is worth…. (Right).
  • Big chair? (On right).
  • TV? (Behind).
  • Well done. There was only one envelope left.

The teacher reads the question.

“Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Dasha. How many children does mother have? (One. Daughter Dasha).

Three minutes to think. Children confer and then answer. An account is announced. The teacher announces the results of the quiz.

Knock on the door. Pechkin comes in with gifts ("decorations").

  • You are all great!

Children thank each other for the game, the lesson ends.

Math Quiz

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