Feedback on the story strong men l yakhnin. Presentation for the lesson for primary school "L. Yakhnin "Strongmen""


Still, it's nice to read the fairy tale "Strongmen ( Latvian fairy tale) "even adults immediately remember childhood, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. The inspiration of household items and nature creates colorful and bewitching pictures of the world around us, making them mysterious and mysterious. Harmony is felt in everything, even negative characters they seem to be an integral part of beingness, although, of course, going beyond the boundaries of the acceptable.With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of heroes are depicted, inner world, they "breathe life" into creation and the events taking place in it. Of course, the idea of ​​the superiority of good over evil is not new, of course, many books have been written about it, but every time it is still pleasant to be convinced of this. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. Dozens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of creation of the work, but the problems and customs of people remain the same, practically unchanged. The fairy tale "Strongmen (Latvian fairy tale)" is certainly useful to read online for free, it will bring up only good and useful qualities and concepts in your child.

In ancient times, one man's son was such a strong man that no one in the whole district could resist him. The strong man was going to go to other lands - to look for an enemy for himself. He goes one day, another day goes by, he cannot find a suitable enemy anywhere. Finally, a strong man entered one hut, and there an old woman was measuring cakes in quarters.
"Where are you going, boy?" the old woman asks.
I am looking for an opponent to measure my strength.
- When both my sons return, you will see: maybe they will fit.
The old woman has baked another quarter of cakes and is waiting for her sons. Soon the sons came; each has a deer under his arm and a roe deer on his little finger. The old woman put a quadruple of cakes in front of each and calls the guest to the third quadruple. The sons ate their cakes in one sitting, and drank half a barrel of beer. And the guest cannot even eat the tops of his quadruple, where can he master half a barrel! He looked at the brothers - he felt uneasy: it would be better for him to fight in the morning.
In the evening, the old woman made a bed for one son at one door, another at another, and a guest in the middle. At night, one son coughed, so much so that the guest flew off from the middle of the hut to other doors, right on the second son. Then the second son coughed, and the guest flew off like a feather back to the first. And so the brothers of the strong man threw the whole night through the hut, like a bag of chaff, from end to end.
The next morning he was no longer up to the fight, he rushed to run with all his might, and the brothers followed him. Fortunately, the fugitive met a man with a thick log on his shoulder. The strong man prayed for a man to save him from the chase. The man threw down the log, grabbed both brothers, put one in one pocket of his trousers, the other in the other, and said:
“Now don’t yawn, run, and live faster while they are in my pockets.” As you run away, that I won’t be able to see you, then I’ll let them out.
At home, the son told his father about this and everyone was surprised:
Who would have thought! What I'm good at, but I've met such people that I'm not worth their little finger. Those two were strong, but where are they up to the third!

One man had a son, his name was Strongman. The Strongman has grown up and asks his father:
“Father, show me our fields, how big they are. His father took him to look at the fields. And in the middle of the field grew a big, big spruce. Strongman asks:
- What is this flower?
He grabbed the spruce by the crown and pulled it out along with the roots. The father was surprised, and the Strongman took the fir tree with one hand, tore off all the branches with the other and said:
- Here's a nice cane I'll have when I go for a walk.
They returned home, the Strongman was hungry and asked his mother for food. Mother wanted to cook hastily something to eat, but the father says:
“You can’t feed him that little.” Mother wanted to whip up something to eat, but father says:
“You can’t feed him that little.” Weld better porridge in our ten-pail boiler.
Mother cooked porridge and wanted to put it in a bowl, and Strongman says:
- Why else to impose? So we'll eat from the cauldron. And as he took up the porridge, he ate it all. When my father saw this, he frowned.
- No, son, I can not feed you! You better go to the king. In the palace, you can find work on the shoulder, and you can eat there as much as your heart desires.
“Well, father, I wouldn’t mind, but I won’t go myself.” Let the king come for me, then I'll go.
The king sent for him once, sent another, but the Strongman still does not come. Then the king sent six soldiers for him, but he still does not want to. Well, he’s not going in a good way, the soldiers decided to bring him by force. And the Strongman laughs:
“I’ll be messing around with you ferrets!” There you are!
And as he hit each soldier with his finger, he killed everyone on the spot. The king sent twelve soldiers for him. Strongman also interrupted them. And then he thought: “This is not the case, so many royal soldiers have been ruined! I'll have to go to him."
He came to the king, gave his hand and asked:
“Well, king, what good can you say?
- Stay and serve me, I have a lot of work to do!
- Well, I'll serve, perhaps! - Strongman muttered and remained.
After some time, the Strongman began to hint to the king that he was not averse to marrying the princess.
The king only rolled his eyes.
- Well, son, if you want to marry my daughter, first get me a golden horse, a golden dog and a golden rooster. Until you get it, I won't give you my daughter.
- OK! - the Strongman agreed and immediately went to the blacksmith, so that he forged a stronger club for him, such that it does not bend, does not break.
The blacksmith forged a club weighing Berkovets. But the Strongman hit his finger with a baton - the baton broke. The blacksmith added more Berkovets iron, and the baton turned out to be a success.
Before setting out on the journey, the Strong Man came to the princess to say goodbye and ordered her to wait for him and, God forbid, not to marry another.
The princess promised to wait for him and put her Golden ring.
The Strongman walked, walked, met a huge kid and asked him:
- Who are you?
- I'm a Water Runner. As I lower my stick into the water, the water will immediately part and you can walk on dry land.
- Come with me!
Agreed Vodorazgony. They walked and walked and met a man who moved mountains. The Strongman asks him:
- Who are you?
- I - Move mountains.
- Go with us!
The three of them went and met another giant. The Strongman asks him:
- Who are you?
- I - For-a-hundred-versts-you-see-everything-hear.
- Go with us!
The four of them went further and came to the castle where the devil lived. And around the castle flowed a large river - no way to cross.
He hit the Water Crasher with his stick on the water, and immediately it became dry. They entered the castle, they see: a decrepit old woman is sitting in the room. It was the damn mother. And the devil himself with his sons knows where to go.
A bridge was thrown across the river to the castle, along which the devils galloped home. Strongman ordered You to watch everything for a hundred miles, see everything, hear everything behind this bridge, so that the devils would not take them by surprise. And he sent Water and Move Mountains to sleep, and he lay down to take a nap. He drowsed, drowsed, but he couldn’t really fall asleep. Finally, he could not stand it, rubbed his eyes, jumped out of bed and went to see what was being done at the bridge. Comes. Here are those on! For-a-hundred-versts-everything-see-everything-hear snoring with might and main!
Oh, and the Strongman was angry, but he thought, thought, and did not wake him up: let the dormouse get enough sleep! The Strongman sat down under the bridge and decided to lie in wait for the devils himself.
Waited, waited and waited - around midnight he rides a black horse younger son the devil, followed by a black dog and a black cock. He rode up to the bridge, but the horse did not go to the bridge.
Why don't you go to the bridge? the young devil asks. And the horse, dog and rooster answer:
“There is a hero standing under the bridge, he will kill us.
- Well, if he is so strong, let him come out - we will fight!
The Strongman came out from under the bridge and how he would fuck the young devil on the head with his iron club - out of that and the spirit out.
Strongman took the horse, dog and rooster to the damn stable and locked them there.
The next morning, the Strongman asks For-a-hundred-versts-you-see-everything-hear:
- Well, what did you see at night?
“I didn’t see anything,” he replies.
Well - no, it's not. Strongman ordered the next night that the Mountains move the bridge to watch. But he also fell asleep. Strongman had to lie in wait for the devils instead of him. That night he killed the devil's middle son, and locked his horse, dog and rooster in the stable.
On the third night the bridge was guarded by Vodurrazgony, and everything was the same as in the first two nights. That night Strongman killed the eldest son of the devil, and locked the horse, dog and rooster in the stable.
On the fourth night Strongman himself got ready to guard the bridge. Before leaving, he put three plates on the table, a glass each on the plates, poured water into the glasses and ordered his comrades:
“You stay here and look into these glasses. If the water in them turns red, then stir it with all your might, so that when I fight the devil on the bridge, I will have more strength.
The Strongman went down under the bridge and waits. Here comes midnight, the devil himself rides on a golden horse - the earth walks under him with a shake, and behind him a golden dog and a golden rooster. The devil drove up to the bridge - the golden horse neighs, the golden dog barks, the golden rooster sings, but they don’t want to go to the bridge.
Why don't you go to the bridge? the devil screams. A golden horse, a golden dog and a golden rooster answer him:
- Under the bridge Strongman himself is standing, he will kill us.
- Well, if this is the vaunted Strongman himself, let him come out with me to measure his strength!
Strongman came out from under the bridge, and they began to fight. The Devil of the Strongman struck, and he went almost to the knees into the ground. Then the Strongman hit the devil and drove him into the ground up to the ankles. The devil hit Strongman a second time, and Strongman went to the ground above his knees. Now the Strongman hit the devil, and now the devil is almost knee-deep in the ground. He hit Strongman's devil for the third time and drove him into the ground up to the hips. Strongman says to the devil:
- Can you relax while working?
“Obviously, you can,” the devil replies.
Meanwhile, the water in the glasses turned into blood, foaming, overflowing, and the loafers were tired during the day and fell asleep.
Strongman understood what was the matter, and as soon as the devil gave him a break, he tore off his hat from his head and threw it at the castle wall, but his comrades did not wake up. Then he tore off his shoes and launched them into the castle wall - and his friends slept as they did. Finally, he tore off the handkerchief from his neck and threw it into the castle wall. Fortunately, the handkerchief broke through the wall and touched the legs of the beds. The dormouse immediately woke up, sensed that trouble had struck, and began to mix the water in the glasses with all their might.
And the more they interfered, the stronger the Strongman became. Again he rushed to hell. And - that's a miracle! - the devil beats him with all his might, but the Strongman not only does not go into the ground, but, on the contrary, after each blow he rises from the ground. It was hard for the devil: the Strongman drove him completely into the ground, laughed and shouted:
“Goddamn take you away!”
The Strongman dealt with the devil, and brought his golden horse, golden dog and golden rooster to the castle. He called his comrades and gave them a slap in the face for nearly killing him. The next morning, the Strongman gave each of them a horse, a dog and a rooster - those that he had taken from the sons of the devil. He left for himself a golden horse, a golden dog and a golden rooster. All four of them jumped on their horses and turned towards the house.
We drove a little, and Strongman suddenly remembered:
“Where is the golden ring that the princess put on my finger?” I forgot it in the castle near the devil!
Nothing to do. He ordered his comrades to go on, and he himself turned around the ring. I drove up to the castle, but - what is it? - the gate is locked, you can’t get into the castle! The Strongman thought: what should he do now? Then a golden horse, a dog and a rooster taught him how to turn into a fly in order to crawl through the keyhole for the ring. The Strongman turned into a fly, crawled through the keyhole and just wanted to take the ring, when he suddenly sees: three devil's daughters are sitting in another room with the devil's mother and gossiping about something. He decided to listen to what they were talking about.
Strongman flew into the room, sat on the stove and listened. Damn mother says:
– By all means we must take revenge on this Strong Man. Tomorrow I will turn into a white tavern by the road they will take. They will go into the tavern and stay there.
- This is not enough! says the first daughter. - I will turn into a hot sun and I will shoot them mercilessly. They will want to drink, and a cool river will appear before them. They will drink from the river and stay there.
- This is not enough! says the second daughter. - I will turn into a pear covered with fruits. They will taste the pears and stay there.
- And this is not enough! says the third daughter. “I will turn into a soft meadow and put a dream on them. They hobble the horses, they themselves will lie down on the grass, and there they will remain.
The Strong Man listened to all this, grabbed the ring, climbed through the keyhole, took on his former appearance, jumped on the golden horse and, with all his might, set off to catch up with his fellow travelers, and the golden dog and the golden rooster were running after him.
He caught up with his comrades, but did not say a word. They go, they go, they see: well, there is a white tavern by the road. Strongman's comrades are rushing to the tavern, as if someone is pulling them, but Strongman will not let him in for anything. They go further. The sun is so scorching, so scorching - no strength! And then, as if on purpose, the river flows, and the water in it is clear and cool. For comrades, this is like manna from heaven: they need to get drunk, and that’s all, but the Strongman will never allow it. We passed this river, and Strongman tells them to look back. They looked: there is no river, and I don’t want to drink anymore. They go further. There is a pear tree by the road, and it is full of fruits. Passion how they want to taste pears, but the Strongman did not allow this either. They drove a little more - a meadow in front of them. The grass on it is soft, fragrant, and so they wanted to sleep, they fall straight from the horses. And the Strongman hurries everything:
“Nothing to sleep here! Let's go further!
We reached the crossroads - the dream was gone! Strongman said goodbye to his comrades at the crossroads and says:
“Each of you take a horse, a dog, and a rooster, and go wherever you like, and I’ll go home.”
The Strongman returned with a golden horse, a golden dog and a golden rooster to the king and married the princess.

It was somewhere or not, but still it was, they say, beyond the sea-ocean, beyond seventy-seven kingdoms-states, and even a crooked vershok away, if you look from here, lived in the world a poor woman with a couch potato son. The poor woman worked day and night, spun and wove, her arms and legs did not know peace, and the loafer son lay around anywhere for days, dust poured from palm to palm.

The poor woman was very much killed, it seems that it would be better to die of grief and sadness. But what will become of her only child if she gives her soul to God? He is completely helpless, a kind of sloth, give him a favorite delicacy right into his mouth - he himself will not even stretch out his hand.

But one day Janos suddenly raised his head and asked his mother:

- And tell me, dear, why are they knocking at the neighbors, so loudly?

- Neighbors, son, they put up a new house, that's why they knock and nail it. Janos jumped up and said to his mother:

- I'll go to them, dear, maybe I can help with something.

The poor woman even became dumb, her eyes widened: what a miracle!

Yanosh came to the neighbors, and they just clustered around a nine-yard log, they want to lift it, but they don’t have enough strength. Janos even threw up his hands when he saw this.

“Is it really,” he shouts from the gate, “are you weaklings that you can’t lift logs?”

“Get out of here, loafer, grind the road dust,” the neighbor got angry, “or I’ll push you yourself under a log!”

- Don't worry, neighbor! You are good, workers! You can’t overpower the twig, you see, why do they only feed you. Come on, everyone back!

He picked up a log and set it up with a mother - as if he had thrown a stick.

From that time on, Janos was met with honor everywhere. Whoever takes it into his head to build, the first thing Janos calls for help; he lifts the most unbearable weights, but they don’t spare him money either - he won’t figure out what to do with them, where to put them.

Oh, how his mother rejoiced, she could not boast of her son! “Now I have nothing to fear,” he thinks, “my son will feed me until my death.” She even turned to the village headman, could not resist and boasted to him.

And the headman was greedy and envious, he had never kept workers before, all out of stinginess, and then he thought: “I’ll hire this Janos cheaply.” The headman just recently bought the land, the land is large, but everything is overgrown with shrubs. So let the strong man Janos uproot the bush.

He says to Yanosh's mother: so, they say, and so. The woman was delighted, ran home, took her son with her and returned to the headman. They immediately agreed. The headman for the work of Yanoshev undertook to feed, water, clothe him and his mother, and when the term ends, Yanosh will receive straps for barrels. And the straps will be cut out of the back of one of them - the headman or Janos - who gets angry with the other.

On the first day of the new year, I came to the headman to get to work. In the morning they put a small bowl of hominy in front of him, and then they ordered the sheep to be driven out to a distant clearing and not to show their eyes home until evening, but to uproot the entire undergrowth. The knapsack was given empty, and clapped in the wind.

I did not grieve the burden, drove the sheep where ordered, and left them to graze, while I myself gathered dry branches and kindled such a fire that tongues reached the sky. When the firewood burned out, he caught two lambs, skinned them, planted them on a strong oak branch, and fried them in scarlet heat. He ate to satiety, the crust was crunchy, the king himself would envy him!

In the evening he drove the sheep to Starostin's yard. The elder asks:

- Well, how much did you overcome, Janos?

“I overcame everything, your honor,” Janos replies.

- Have you overcome everything? What are you talking about?

- And about those motley lambs. I ate them, because there was no other grub. What, are you angry, mister elder?

- What are you, what are you, not a bit. Did the right thing. Do the same next time, if my wife sends you again with an empty knapsack.

The elder got it from her husband, why she was stingy, Yanosha let her go with an empty knapsack - as if he had not ordered her to do so! But after all, there was no one else to take the anger out of.

Thus the winter passed. In the spring, the headman went to see if Janos had managed to uproot a lot of bushes.

He came and grabbed his head: not a single bush had been uprooted, and Janos was sleeping next to the sheep in the shade, he was seeing the tenth dream. The headman pushed him aside, he scolds him, but Janos does not lead with his ear. He listened, listened and asked:

- What, mister headman, al please be angry?

- What are you, what are you, a scoundrel, a loafer, I'm not at all angry. But you turn your back, because you violated the agreement.

- Then first you, mister headman, turn your back, you violated the first agreement. They didn’t give my mother a dry crust, and they didn’t give me - not every day.

“You can’t circle this around your finger,” the headman thinks, “well, all right, you’ll have to suffer, let him uproot the bush anyway.”

The next day, Janos could not be surprised when he looked into his knapsack: there lay a large loaf of white bread and a good piece of lard.

“Well, if that’s the case,” thought Janos, “it’s necessary to start uprooting.” He took an ax, began to cut down, but he sees that things are going slowly. “Yes, why should I suffer, come on, ax to the side!” He grabbed a bush with both hands, immediately pulled it out with the roots, then a second, a third, and went, went, just like women tear hemp.

For two days he pulled everything out - trees, undergrowth, shrubs, ivy - then he dumped everything in one pile, the pile turned out to be as high as a church, and set it on fire.

That was a fire, so a fire! Evening has come, and it is light as day. They saw a fire in the village, they were afraid that the end of the world had come, the whole earth was on fire. They sounded the alarm, grabbed an ax, some a bucket and ran into the fire, as if they had lost their minds. As soon as they ran to the place, people saw that Starostin's clearing was on fire, and not Mother Earth.

Janos beat his knees, laughed so hard, and the people got angry and went home. In the morning, the headman asks Janos:

- Is there a lot of uprooting left?

“I uprooted everything, mister headman.

- And where did you put what you uprooted?

- Yes, I burned everything, to the last reed. Didn't you see yesterday how the fire blazed?

- I saw how not to see, you are a robber! They just told me that neighboring village lit.

- So, maybe you were angry, mister headman?

- What are you, what are you, and did not think!

And he himself, look, will burst from anger.

The elder and the elder did not know what to do, how to get rid of Janos. Day and night they thought, racked their brains, and finally the headman came up with something. He called Janos and said to him:

“Here’s a task for you: go to the forest, look for Uncle Mihai there, bring him food and clothes, he’s been grazing pigs in the forest for a year, he must be shabby, poor fellow. Bring the pigs along with him.

Yanosh went into the dense forest, began to look for pigs, although they had never been there. This is for everyone smart person understandable: the headman decided to destroy Yanosh, then he sent him into the forest, maybe there some kind of beast would pick him up.

Here Janos walks through the forest, climbed into the very thicket, combed all the thickets, went around all the places where the headman ordered Uncle Mihai to look for, but only he didn’t find him anywhere, didn’t meet a single living soul all the way.

For a whole week Janos has been looking for Uncle Mihai and is already thinking whether it is time to return home: where, in fact, should he look for this Uncle Mihai? Suddenly he hears: stomping, grunting, crunching branches - nothing but a herd of pigs is coming.

And so it happened! A large herd of pigs runs out at him from the dense thickets, and behind them someone big, black stomps - a shepherd, it must be.

Yanosh was delighted that he had nevertheless found the Starostins' pigs, and how he would yell:

- Hey, Uncle Mihai, ge-ge-gey! Stop, do not rush like that, I brought you bread and clothes to change!

But Uncle Mihai did not look at him, he hurries after the pigs and grumbles as he goes. It was a bear, not a man, I saw him myself, that's how you are now! And he hurried after wild pigs, adjusted himself to grab one for dinner.

Janos sees Uncle Mihai and does not look at him. The guy got angry, caught up with the shepherd and grab him on the shoulder!

- God help you, Uncle Mihai, why don't you even greet a poor person with a word? The headman has sent you clothes, put them on, and hurry up, you are completely dressed up, you won’t understand what you are wearing.

The bear was frightened, climbed a tree with a fright, growls from there at Janos.

- Well, stop joking, uncle, quickly get down from the tree and put on a shirt.

The bear does not think to get down, growls:


– What there early! - Yanosh shouts to him. - I say, get off quickly, Uncle Mihai!

Just don't tell the bear... Janos got really angry, grabbed the tree and pulled it out by the roots and threw it to the ground together with the bear, a rumble went through the forest.

The bear groaned, yelled in pain so that the forest hummed, and Janos said:

- It was said, Uncle Mihai, stop joking! And now, you see, hit painfully. Well, take your shirt, get dressed!

But Uncle Mihai really wasn't joking anymore: he stood on hind legs, turned around and such a slap in the face I wear rolled up that sparks fell from his eyes.

Here Yanoshev's patience ran out.

Well, put on a shirt, otherwise you will dance with me, Uncle Mihai! he yelled at the top of his lungs.

But what about the bear? - yell, don’t yell, speak in a good way or be angry, you know he growls and waves his front paws, slaps both left and right.

- So you, then, that's how! Well, wait a minute, Uncle Mihai! Here Janos grabbed Uncle Mihai and put on the poor fellow both trousers and a shirt, and he did not spare pokes if he did not quickly bend his arms and legs. Having finished with this, Janos grabbed Uncle Mihai by the hand and dragged him along: it was necessary to gather a herd of pigs and drive to the headman. Only it turned out to be a difficult task, they did not want to obey the whip of the pig: you drive it in one direction, and it runs in the other, and even turns around, showing fangs. Then Janos cut down a tree three fathoms, began to manage it, to look after the pigs on the sides - things went more dexterously. Only one wild boar, huge and scary, was not afraid of the hogweed, turned and went to Janos - now he will flog with fangs.

- Stop, boar, if life is sweet!

The beast did not obey, Yanosh grabbed his fanged head with a fist - from a boar and the spirit out. Janos pushed the carcass to Uncle Mihai - take care, they say, while I collect the herd.

Uncle Mihai managed quickly - he ate the whole boar, not leaving a single piece. Janos returned and waved his hand in frustration.

- It seems that half of it was due to me ... Well, okay, help at least drive the herd home.

And the bear only growls:

- Rrav ... rrav ...

What do you mean early, damn it! Not too early, but just in time! Yanosh yelled and gave him such a cuff that Uncle Mihai ran running and skipping.

And the next day, towards evening, they arrived at Starostin's court. Oh, my brothers, how frightened the elder was! It is worth shaking: still, a huge herd of wild pigs in the yard! And Janos, without saying a word, drove the whole herd into the barn, fried one wild boar for Uncle Mihai for dinner, and after that he went up to the headman and said:

- Well, mister headman, I brought your pigs, but I will say one thing: I would not keep such a shepherd as Uncle Mihai. How I persuaded him, and asked, and threatened, but he did not want to dress himself, I had to dress him up with force. But he was completely worn out: there was no underwear on him. And he didn’t want to eat a white loaf, and his nose turned up from fried meat: he only eats meat, you see, raw - he ate a whole boar, he didn’t choke. I say, go home, they say, it's time, and he all "early" and "early", barely brought. No, if I were the headman, this minute from the gate would give him a turn.

Janos went into the yard, took the bear by the ear, and led it out of the village.

“Well, go on,” he says, “Uncle Mihai, wherever your eyes look. The bear picked up and blew straight to the forest, only they saw him. “Well,” the headman thinks, “I got rid of the bear, but how can I deal with wild pigs? Oh, how many of them, apparently-invisibly! The headman called Janos and said to him:

- I see, son, we have pigs in our bodies, kill them all at dawn.

Janos got up early, before dawn broke, he slaughtered all the pigs, and began to fire one by one on the fire. By morning, what the headman had of straw - not a single straw remained.

The elder says:

- Well, son, go to the governor, ask him for a bit of straw on loan.

Janos went to the governor, he said to him:

- Go, son, into my forest, you will see a big stack of straw there, take from there as much as you can carry.

Janos went where he was ordered, lifted the haystack on one side, crawled under it and dragged it in its entirety. At the gate, however, he stopped - the haystack would not climb through, pushed aside half of the gate and the haystack dragged further. When he walked past the governor's doors, he shouted:

Thank you, Mr Governor!

- Hey! the governor shouted. “Stop, stop, you scoundrel, you took all my straw!”

But Janos did not even look back, dragged the haystack to the headman and all the straw and burned it.

“Well,” the headman thinks, “he got rid of the bear, and also from wild pigs, now I would get rid of Janos.”

I thought and thought and figured out how to kill the guy. There was a deep well in his yard, already dried up, on it lay a huge millstone, which even a dozen peasants could not move.

Elder Yanoshu says:

- Move the millstone to the side and put the pork and lard in the well so that they do not spoil.

Janos moved the millstone to the side with one hand and went down into the well to take the meat that twenty-four workers served him. Yes, the work was short lived. The headman blinked, twenty-four workers strained and again covered the well with a stone millstone. Janos waited and waited downstairs - no one gives him meat, did not wait and climbed up to see what they were doing up there. Climbing, climbing, suddenly head rested against something. He looks, and this is a millstone. "Well," thinks Janos, "the brim of the hat is a bit too big, but whoever has a hat, he puts it on." The hole in the middle of the millstone just hit the head, he stuck his head into it and, together with the millstone, crawled out into the light of day, wishing everyone a good morning.

- Good morning, - says the headman. - And for the hat, of course, thanks, but the sun doesn’t harm me, I don’t need a hat with such brim.

The headman stands angry, does not know what to come up with such that I am a burden of lime. And then the news came: you must either go to the army yourself, or send someone for yourself, a Frenchman to fight. The headman was delighted: here is the way to get rid of Janos! He gave him white horse, food for a whole month, he also did not regret the money, he gave two coins for twenty kraytsars.

Janos jumped on his horse and only then asked:

“And what do you need to do there, mister headman?”

“You don’t have to do anything, son, just fight.

- Well, if you only fight, then God bless you for your kindness, mister elder.

And Janos went on and on, never stopped until he reached the very war. I just guessed when both troops opened a great fire. Janos jumped off his horse, hobbled it and let it graze, he himself lit a fire, boiled water in a pot, and began to cook hominy. As soon as the hominy began to boil, gurgled, the enemy army decided to shoot him at the fire, one cannonball fell very close to Janos.

- Hey, you there, don't shoot here! Janos shouted. “People are here!” Yes, but the enemy did not listen to Janos, bullets, cannonballs jumped around like hailstones. Yanosh shouted to them again; “It’s been said to you, don’t throw yourself here, or look: if you hit me or spoil the hominy, you’ll be in trouble!”

He didn’t have time to finish speaking properly, the shot was thrown right into the fire, everything was completely demolished - hominy, firewood, as if nothing had happened. Then Janos' patience ran out, he jumped to his feet, uprooted a young beech tree with roots and rushed with him to the enemy army: he waved in one direction - half an army was gone, in the other - there was still half an army; who fell dead, who runs as fast as they can, not a single enemy soul is left on the field.

- I told you! Janos reproached them, having finished the job.

And he went again to make a fire, to cook hominy. Hominy came out to fame, the spirit from her throughout the forest goes.

Janos is sitting, eating his hominy. Here comes the king. King Janos thanked him for having saved his country from enemies, immediately made him a duke and gave him his most beautiful daughter as his wife.

They played a ringing wedding, fed and watered everyone indiscriminately, and Yanosh went to his village, brought his mother to him, and she lived from that time without knowing grief.

Yes, they are still alive, if not dead.

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Program: UMK "Harmony"

Lesson topic: L. Yakhnin "Strongmen"

Target: to acquaint with the work of Leonid Yakhnin "Strongmen"


Educational: improve all aspects of reading skills: consciousness, correctness, fluency, expressiveness; to teach to identify the attitude of the author to the characters, to express their attitude to the heroes of the work;

Developing: to promote the development of cognitive and creative activity students in the lessons of literary reading;

Educational: to cultivate a moral and ethical position in relation to boasting, as well as personal qualities: caring, willingness to help.

Equipment: textbook "Literary reading" O.V. Kubasov, workbooks, presentation, PC, projector, screen.

Lesson plan:

    Org. moment (1 min)

    Update basic knowledge(5 minutes.)

    Discovery of new knowledge (7 min.)

    Formation of new knowledge (13 min.)

    Physical education (1 min.)

    Consolidation of acquired knowledge (10 min.)

    Summary of the lesson (2 min)

    Rating with comments (1 min.)

During the classes

Org. moment

The long-awaited call is given,

The lesson starts.

Everything is in place? Everything is fine?

Books, pens and notebooks?

The road is waiting for us today

And we need to know a lot.

Everyone is ready, subdued

And they sat down quietly.

Updating of basic knowledge

At home, I gave you the task to prepare a retelling of the story (retelling of the story by children)

Discovery of new knowledge

Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with a new work.

Look at the picture. Who is in the picture? as they call it very strong people? (Strongmen)

Maybe someone can guess the name of the work? (Strongmen)

Leonid Yakhnin was born in 1937 in Moscow.

In 1961 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute, worked as an architect. Since 1964 he began to publish poems for children.

How did I become a children's writer?

This funny story. Tried to write since childhood. While studying at the institute, I got an internship in design Institute. It was located on the third floor, and on the second - the publishing house "Kid".

By the name, I understood that books for children are published here. I went. A nice young woman, the editor, looked at my papers and put them on the table. "Do you have more poetry?" Without hesitation, I blurted out: they say, of course there is!

“Bring more!” ... And so every day. And suddenly I realized that literature for children is a worthwhile business! And my poems in the table of that very sweet editor accumulated and accumulated. And she, know her own: "Bring everything you have."

I was about to despair, when suddenly they say to me: "This poem can be printed."

Before you guys, an exhibition of books by Leonid Yakhnin. You can go to school library and get to know the writer's work.

Listen carefully to the story (Reading the story by the teacher)

Formation of new knowledge

Read the story "Strongmen" on your own.

How much in the story actors?

Read the last three lines. Who do you think these words belong to? (Auto RU.)

Physical education minute

IN dark forest there is a hut

stands backwards,

There is an old woman in that hut.

Grandmother Yaga lives.

crochet nose, big eyes,

Like coals are burning

Wow, angry old lady!

Hair stands on end.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Do you like these buddies? Why?

Do you think the writer likes them? How can you guess about it?

Is the title of this story serious or derisive?

What is another name for this work?

What can you advise such "strong men"?

Do the proverbs fit this story?

Don't rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

It is said - not proven, it must be done.

Lesson summary

What writer's work are we talking about today?

What would you call this work: instructive, funny, funny, sad. What does his work teach?

Did you enjoy working in class? What do you especially like? What happens? What else would you like to learn?

Rating with comments.

I watched the weightlifting competition today. Wow, men! Straight hydraulic jacks. Such weights toss and turn - you will envy. And what convex muscles pumped up! No worse than Hercules ...
Then a neighbor visited me - a cheerful grandfather-veteran from a neighboring apartment. He received a pension, well, to celebrate, he grabbed a bottle of "Porter" and took it to me. So, to keep him company. What am I? Always ready good man respect ... especially when my missus is absent.
We sit like this, decorously - we talk all sorts of conversations. We sip the wine with pleasure. The topic of the strongmen began. Poddubny was remembered, Alexander Zass, and others.
- ... transferred, - the neighbor says, - heroes in the current time, not like in my time! There are now all sorts of artificial pitchings like broiler chickens. And in order for someone to have natural strength, there are so few of them. Shrunk the people...
I then agreed with my grandfather.
Then I did remember. I knew one thing - I had incredible strength. It was during my youth. I studied then in Makhachkala at a technical school. In a single group, one Dagestani was trained with me. His name was Mohammed. He arrived from some very remote mountain village. There is no way to get there except by helicopter. His father sent him to the city to study. He said: “Let at least one of us be literate!” Magomed was very homesick for his native places, he kept remembering his beloved bulls and faithful horses. He could hardly endure separation, but he did not dare to disobey his father. He was extremely taciturn, and in order to draw out a word from such a person, it was necessary to make a lot of efforts, and then wait a long time until he completed the phrase, because after each hardly pronounced word he maintained a long pause. So it was difficult for him, the poor fellow, to speak human speech. The guy himself was kindest soul man, never had a conflict with anyone. And who dares to confront such a person? True, he was a bit tight on the head, science was not given to him at all. But at that time the inner public policy meant to promote local personnel, so the teachers treated Magomed with understanding. So he served his father's duty next to us.
We young guys, of course, misbehaved as far as possible, as is customary in a restless age. Maga treated all our tricks with phlegmatic indifference. Games didn't interest him at all. At that time, just in Munich, the Olympics started. All the sick young people went around, all around competed who could jump higher or run faster. They fought each other with strength. Let's take, it happened, a piece of iron that turned up and let's pick it up - who will master it more times. We groan, we tear ourselves with zeal - we compete! We argue, yell ... Somehow the winner is established, he looks like a gogol at the rest of the weaklings. And then Magomed turned up in his eyes. Let us persuade him to also take part in our lawsuit. It took a long time to persuade until he agreed. Tired of him. To get rid of it, he took our piece of iron and so calmly, without any effort, squeezed it out a little more times than the previous winner (if only they would unhook it!), And threw it away so that they wouldn’t bother him with useless harassment anymore.
Amazing strength the Lord endowed him. Natural, natural. Someone with similar abilities unbends a horseshoe in the arena in front of an astonished audience. And our classmate, it seems to me, if he was persuaded, the railway rail would be wrapped in a knot. Most importantly, he himself was completely unaware of his phenomenal features.
I once attached myself to him with an unexpected question:
- Magomed, have you ever had a fight with someone in your life?
He thought for a long time, remembering past events. Then he said, maintaining, as usual, painful pauses between words:
- Sent ... mother ... me to the store ... for bread ... I was on a bike ... there ... went ... Went inside ... but the bike ... outside the door ... left ... I go out ... with bread ... And my ... great ... some kind of ... drags ... I told him ... I say ... this is my bike ... He ... pushes me ... and yells ... right now, like ladies! ..
- What about you? I became keenly interested in the growing dynamics of events.
Mohammed continued:
“I… grabbed him… by the arm…”
- Oh well! - I impatiently urged the open-minded silent man.
- His arm ... and broke ...
- Wow! I wondered. – How old were you then?
- Twelve…
We once advised Magomed to take up weightlifting. There was no doubt that he would certainly set world records. “Pampering all this,” he says, “it doesn’t need me at all ...”

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