Ad dante summary of the songs. Foreign literature abbreviated


This work is difficult to understand for children, it leaves a lasting impression and is useful for general development, but its volume is not feasible for everyone, so we offer summary poems " The Divine Comedy» for the reader's diary.


Dante meets Virgil, an ancient poet, who offers to travel to the underworld. They fall into hell, consisting of 9 circles descending down. In each circle, souls are tormented for a certain sin. On the 9th circle they saw the devil himself. Then the travelers got into Purgatory and went through its 7 circles. Then they ascended into the sky and began to cross the circles of heaven - the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc., meeting the souls of the righteous, until they reached the highest point of the Universe, where the Almighty was. Dante then returned to Earth.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Seeing what awaits a person after death and how heavy the torment of sinners, the hero rethought a lot. The Almighty sees everything and watches over them, He is the All-Knowing, and only He knows what is good in life and what is evil. By following his orders and avoiding his prohibitions, we will achieve happiness in both worlds.

This night was very dark. Dante, once in the forest, the next morning sees the mountains, golden from sunlight. He tries to climb on them, but nothing comes of it and he retreats. Entering back into the forest, he notices the spirit of Virgil, he tells the hero that he will soon find himself in the other world, in all three of its parts. The hero decides hard way and goes with Virgil to Hell.

A picture of Hell appears before Dante. In it, he hears the groan of souls that have not shown themselves in any way in life. Having passed them, they go out to Charona. He transports souls from the world of the living to world of the dead. After the crossing, they end up in Limbo. There are souls here former soldiers, writers, and with them babies who were not baptized during their lifetime. The hero was able to communicate here with Homer.

After Limbo, he moves on to the second round. It is ruled by Minos. Minos decides further fate sinner, i.e. what punishment the sinner will suffer.

On the third lap they met with hell hound, Cerberus. On this circle are gluttons, covered in mud. Here was Chacko from Florence. Chacko asked to tell his relatives about him.

After that, he went to the next circle, on which there were greedy people, and behind this circle, lazy people and evil souls during their lifetime.

After passing the fifth circle, Dante got to the Phlegia castle, through which they also had to go. Passing the castle, Dante saw the city of Deet. There was a guard in front of him, but the messenger helped them pass through the guard, subduing them. In this city there were tombs, they were engulfed in fire, and heretics lay in them.

And now the seventh circle of Hell appears before them, Virgil described the last circles to Dante. The hero entered there and saw the Minotaur holding tyrants in a cauldron and robbers in the place with them. They were constantly shot by centaurs with bows.

Then there was a circle under the protection of Geryon, around it there were ditches-Spoilers. Each had its own sinners and punishers: in the first, deceivers with demons; in the second, flatterers sitting in stool; in the third, confessors who sold positions, blazing with fire and squeezed by stones; in the fourth, witches and sorcerers whose necks were broken; in the fifth, those who took bribes bathed in tar; in the sixth was the only soul, the betrayer of Jesus; in the seventh thieves with snakes; in the eighth treacherous advisers; in the ninth, those who started troubles will be executed by Satan.

Ahead was a well, through which Antaeus led them. As they descended, they saw a lake covered in ice. In this lake there were traitors of native blood. In the center of Hell was Lucifer, he tortured Judas, Brutus and Cassius. They passed by them and ended up on the other side.

They ended up in Purgatory. Approaching the sea, they washed themselves from the mud of Hell. An angel carried them across the sea. Getting to the other side they saw main mountain Purgatory. Not far from her, they met sinners repenting of their sins. Dante lay down and fell asleep. He had a dream, how he got to the entrance to Purgatory. There, the Angel drew the letter “G” on the foreheads of sinners seven times. Sinners had to go through all of purgatory in order to be cleansed of sins and letters.

On the first round of the sinner are those who are proud, they have huge stones on their backs. On the second are the envious, they are blinded. On the third, angry souls, which were covered with hopeless darkness. On the fourth lazy, they are forced to run. The next one is those who love wealth. Suddenly, the hero felt an earthquake. It means that someone was healed by torment.

On the sixth circle are those who liked to overeat, they are languishing in hunger. At the last are those who loved voluptuousness, sinful souls sing songs about chastity.

The hero and Virgil are on their way to Paradise, and their path is blocked only by the fire that must be passed.

They passed it and found themselves in Paradise. The hero saw a beautiful grove on which beautiful girl sings a song and picks flowers. In the same place, old men in snow-white clothes walked. He saw Beatrice and could not control his feelings, so he fainted. Having regained consciousness, he found himself in a river that cleanses from sins. The hero, together with his newly cleansed soul, rinsed in the river. Beatrice showed Dante that the sky was divided into parts. The first contains nuns who have been married off. On the second, purer souls, radiating a particularly bright radiance.

On the next, the radiance of the souls was fiery. Then there was the fourth, the wise men lived on it. Then the fifth, on which the light forms letters, and after that the eagle of light, this speaks of justice.

Next were the observers. In the penultimate heaven were the righteous. In this heaven, the Apostle Peter told the hero what it means true faith, he said that only in it is love, faith, hope possible. It was in this sky that the hero met the radiance of Adam. The last one had the most the purest souls who radiated the light of goodness. Dante saw a divine point, next to it he saw circles of angels. There were nine circles in total. Among those in the circles were seraphim, cherubim, archangels and angels.

The girl told the hero about the origin of the angels, about the fact that they were created on the day the divine creations began. Beatrice explained that the whole universe moves precisely because of their endless movement.

Dante saw Empyria, this is the highest sphere not only in the sky but in the entire universe. Dante saw Bernard nearby, he became the new mentor of the hero. Beatrice left and disappeared into the sphere. Bernard and the hero saw the rose of Empyria. The souls of babies were in the rose.

Bernard told Dante to look up while he prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. She heard him and before Dante appeared the greatest truth - God.

The work teaches us a lot, first of all, inaction is also punishable, as it was with the nuns, and the lack of strength of stamina in them. The story explains to us the values ​​of the definitions of faith, love and hope. After all, these three feelings are valuable at any time. The author describes not only love for opposite sex but also love for the whole world. And finally, it is God who opens the veil before the hero, calling love light.

Divine Comedy - summary

The Divine Comedy

At the age of thirty-five, on the night of Good Friday in 1300, Dante finds himself lost in dark forest and very scared of it. He sees sun-drenched mountains and tries to climb them, but the leopard, lion and she-wolf prevent this. Dante is forced to return to the forest. There he meets the spirit of Virgil, who promises to take him on a journey through Hell and Purgatory to Heaven. Dante agrees and follows Virgil through the gates of Hell.

Right outside the entrance, souls groan, who during their lifetime did neither good nor evil. Further, the Acheron River is visible through which the ferocious Charon transports the dead in a boat to the first circle of hell.

This is Limbo. The souls of warriors, sages, poets, as well as unbaptized babies languish here. They mourn that they have no place in Paradise. Dante and Virgil walked and talked about the unearthly together with the great poets of antiquity, the first of which was Homer.

At the descent into the second circle of hell, the demon Minos determines which sinner to cast down. Travelers saw the souls of voluptuaries (Cleopatra, Elena the Beautiful, etc.) carried away by a whirlwind. tragic death They were driven by a mutual passion.

In the third circle, the travelers were met by the dog Cerberus. Here, under the downpour, wallow in the mud, the souls of gluttons. Among them are fellow countryman Dante, Florentine Chacko. They talked about hometown and Chacko asked Dante to remember him alive after returning to earth.

In the fourth circle, spendthrifts and misers are executed. It is guarded by the demon Plutos.

In the fifth circle, the angry and lazy suffer. They are mired in the swamps of the Stygian lowland.

Before Dante and Virgil, the infernal city of Dit stretched out. Any dead evil spirits prevent them from entering. A heavenly messenger suddenly appeared at the entrance to the city and curbed their anger. In Dita, travelers saw tombs engulfed in flames, from which the groans of heretics were heard.

Near the descent from the sixth circle to the seventh, Virgil explained to Dante the structure of the remaining three circles, tapering towards the center of the earth.

The seventh circle is between the mountains and is guarded by the Minotaur. There, the travelers saw a bloody boiling stream in which tyrants and robbers were boiling. From the shore, the centaurs shoot them with bows. The centaur Ness volunteered to see the travelers off and helped them find a ford across the river.

There were thorny thickets all around. These are the souls of suicides. They are pecked by the infernal birds of the Harpy, trampled by the dead, and this causes them unbearable pain. The souls of new sinners are moving towards. Among them, Dante recognized his teacher Brunetto Latini. He is guilty of a penchant for same-sex love. Three more sinners dance for a similar sin in the fire.

The eighth circle consists of ten ditches, called the Evil-Beasts.

In the first, pimps and seducers of women are executed, in the second, flatterers. Pimps are scourged by demons, and flatterers sit in a mass of feces

The next ditch is lined with stone with round holes. Burning legs of clerics who traded in church positions stick out of them. Their heads and bodies are covered with stones.

In the fourth bosom, soothsayers and a sorceress are executed, whose necks are twisted.

The fifth one is filled with boiling tar, into which bribe-takers are thrown. Further, the travelers see the crucified high priest, who insisted on the execution of Christ.

In the seventh bosom, the path goes through the rocks .. Here thieves are executed - they are bitten by poisonous snakes and they either crumble to dust, or are restored in their appearance.

And in the eighth sinus, insidious advisers are executed.

In the ninth, the sowers of unrest are executed. The devil cuts off their noses and ears, crushes their skulls. The travelers approached the well through which Antey lowered them on his huge palm to the bottom. They were close to the center the globe.

An icy lake stretched before them, in which the traitors of their relatives froze.

In the center is Lucifer, the ruler of Hell frozen into ice, he is three-faced. Judas sticks out of his first mouth, Brutus from the second, Cassius from the third. Lucifer ravages them with his claws. A well stretches from it to the opposite earthly hemisphere, through which the travelers climbed to the surface and saw the sky.

They ended up in purgatory. Washed at the seashore, washed away the soot of the abandoned hell.

From the distance of the sea, a boat sailed to them, controlled by an angel, with the souls of the dead, who did not go to hell. On the canoe, the travelers reached the shore and went to the foot of the mountain of Purgatory.

There, the travelers talked with sinners who sincerely repented before their death and for this reason did not go to Hell.

Dante lay down on the grass, fell asleep, and in a dream was transferred to the gates of Purgatory. The angel guarding the gates inscribed on their foreheads the letter "G" - "sin" 7 times. These seven letters will fade as you climb the mountain.

In the first circle of Purgatory, the proud atone for their sin. As a punishment for sin, they bend under the weight of stone blocks.

In the second circle - envious people. They are blinded, their eyes do not see anything.

In the third round, those possessed by anger are cleansed. There was a black haze, subduing their fury.

In the fourth circle, the lazy are cleansed. They have to run fast here.

In the fifth circle - misers and spenders. There was an earthquake caused by jubilation due to the fact that one of the souls was cleansed and ready to ascend: this is the Roman poet Statius

In the sixth circle, gluttons are cleansed. They are condemned to starvation.

The penultimate letter was erased from the foreheads of travelers and the path to the seventh circle of Purgatory was opened to them.

In the seventh round, the voluptuaries are purified. They burn in flames and sing in praise of temperance and chastity.

Now the travelers themselves must pass through the wall of fire and there is no other way to Paradise.

And here is Heaven on Earth. It is located in a flowering grove. The beautiful donna gathers flowers and sings. She told Dante that there was a golden age here, but then, among paradise, the happiness of the first people was ruined by sin.

Righteous elders in snow-white robes march across Paradise, with wreaths of roses and lilies on their heads, wonderful beauties dance everywhere. Suddenly, Dante saw his beloved - Beatrice and lost his senses. He woke up immersed in oblivion - the river of oblivion of sins.

From the Earthly Paradise, Dante and Beatrice flew together to the Heavenly

In the first sky of Paradise - in the sky of the Moon, they met the souls of nuns who were forcibly married. Beatrice explained that although they were victims, they must bear a certain responsibility for the violence committed against them, since they did not show heroic fortitude.

In the third heaven - Venus, the souls of the loving ones bliss. They shine in the fiery bowels of the star..

The fourth star, the Sun, is the abode of the sages. Further - to Mars and white Jupiter, where the souls of the just hover. Their lights add up to letters, and then to the figure of an eagle, a symbol of the just imperial power, approved in heaven.

The eagle entered into a conversation with Dante. He personifies the idea of ​​justice, he has an all-seeing eye, made up of the most worthy light-spirits.

The travelers ascended to the seventh heaven - to Saturn. This is the abode of contemplators. From a height, Dante looked down and saw a ridiculously small globe of the earth.

Thousands of lights are burning in the eighth sky - these are the triumphant spirits of the great righteous. Beatrice asked the apostles to talk to Dante. They talked with the Apostle Peter about the essence of faith. With the Apostle John - about love, faith, hope. In the eighth heaven, Dante saw the radiant soul of Adam. Next is the ninth heaven, supreme and crystal.

The first thing Dante saw in the sphere of the ninth heaven was a dazzling point. This is a symbol of the deity. Lights revolve around it - nine concentric angelic circles - seraphim and cherubim, and the most distant and extensive - archangels and angels.

Angels, as Beatrice said, are the same age as the universe. Their rapid rotation is the source of all motion in the universe.

Next - ascension to the Empyrean - the highest region of the universe. There he saw an old man in white, who pointed upwards, where Beatrice shone. This elder - Bernard, from now on - Dante's mentor, together with him they began to contemplate the Empyrean rose in which the souls of immaculate babies shine. Bernard prayed to the Virgin Mary, helped Dante. Then he gave him a sign to look up. Looking at brightest light Dante has found the highest truth. He contemplated the deity in his trinity.

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The Divine Comedy ("Divina Commedia") is a creation that brought Dante immortality. Why Dante called his work a comedy is clear from his treatise "De vulgarie eloquentia" and from the dedication to Cangrande: the comedy begins with terrible and disgusting scenes (Hell), and ends beautiful pictures heavenly bliss. The name "divine" arose after the death of the author; the first edition in which it is called "Divina Commedia" seems to be the Venetian ed. 1516.

The Divine Comedy is something like a vision. It describes the state and life of souls after death in the three kingdoms of the afterlife and, accordingly, is divided into 3 parts: Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio) and Paradise (Paradiso). Each of the sections consists of 33 cantos, so that the entire poem, including the introduction, is 100 cantos (14,230 verses). It was written in tercines - a meter created by Dante from sirventer, and is distinguished by remarkable architectonics: "Hell" consists of 9 circles, "Purgatory" of 9 rooms: the threshold, 7 terraces and the earthly paradise on the Mount of Purification, "Paradise" - of 9 ty rotating celestial spheres, above which is the Empyrean, the immovable seat of the deity.

The Divine Comedy. Hell - summary

In The Divine Comedy, Dante undertakes a journey through these 3 worlds. The shadow of the ancient poet Virgil (the personification of human reason and philosophy) appears to Dante when he tries in vain to get out of the dense forest where he got lost. She reports that the poet must follow a different path and that he is on behalf of dead lover Dante, Beatrice, will himself lead him through Hell and Purgatory to the home of the blessed, through which a more worthy soul will lead him.

9 circles of hell according to Dante

Their journey first goes through Hell (see its separate description on our website), which looks like a funnel, the end of which rests on the center of the earth; nine concentric circles in the form of steps stretch along the walls. On these steps, which the lower they become narrower, are the souls of condemned sinners. On the eve of Hell dwell the souls of the "indifferent", i.e. those who have lived their lives on earth without glory, but also without shame. In the first circle are the heroes of ancient times who lived impeccably but died without being baptized. In the following circles are placed according to the degrees of crime and punishment: voluptuaries, gluttons, misers and spenders, angry and vengeful, Epicureans and heretics, rapists, liars and deceivers, traitors to the fatherland, relatives, friends and benefactors. In the depths of hell, in the center of the earth, is the ruler of the hellish kingdom, Dit or Lucifer- the principle of evil.

(Circles of Hell - La mappa dell inferno). Illustration for the "Divine Comedy" by Dante. 1480s.

The Divine Comedy. Purgatory - summary

Rising through his body, and passing through the other hemisphere, travelers reach the opposite side of the globe, where Mount Purgatory rises from the ocean. On the shore they are met by Cato Utica, the guardian of this kingdom. Mount Purgatory looks like a steep body with a cut off top and is divided into 7 terraces, which are interconnected by narrow stairs; access to them is guarded by angels; on these terraces are the souls of the penitents. The lowest is occupied by the arrogant, followed by the envious, angry, indecisive, stingy and squandering, gluttons. Having passed the threshold of Purgatory and all the terraces, the companions approach earthly Paradise located at the very top.

The Divine Comedy. Paradise - summary

Here Virgil leaves Dante and Beatrice (the personification of divine revelation and theology) leads the poet from here through the third kingdom - Paradise, whose division is entirely based on the Aristotelian concepts of the universe that prevailed in Dante's time. This kingdom consists of 10 hollow, transparent celestial spheres enclosed in each other, surrounding the earth - the center of the universe. The first seven heavens bear the names of the planets: these are the spheres of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The eighth sphere is of the fixed stars, and the ninth heaven is the prime mover, which communicates motion to all the rest. Each of these heavens is destined for one of the categories of the blessed, according to the degree of their perfection, in fact, all the souls of the righteous live in the 10th heaven, the motionless sky of light, Empyrean outside of space. Beatrice, having led the poet throughout Paradise, leaves him and entrusts Saint Bernard, with whose assistance the poet is honored with the contemplation of a deity that appears to him in a mystical vision.

During the entire journey through these three worlds, conversations are constantly held with famous people located in afterlife; questions of theology and philosophy are discussed and the conditions social life Italy, the degeneration of church and state, so that the poem comprehensively reflects the entire era of Dante in the coverage of his personal worldview. Particularly remarkable are the first two parts of the poem, thanks to the skillful plan, the variety and reality of the displayed faces, and the brightness of the historical perspective. The last part, distinguished more than others by loftiness of thought and feeling, can much more quickly tire the reader with its abstract content.

To clarify the allegorical meaning of both the entire poem and its particulars, they began different ways different thinkers. The ethical-theological point of view of the first commentators is the only one that can withstand criticism. From this point of view, Dante himself is a symbol of the human soul, seeking salvation from sin. To do this, she must know herself, which is possible only with the help of the mind. Reason gives the soul the opportunity, through repentance and virtuous deeds, to acquire happiness on earth. Revelation and theology open her access to heaven. Next to this moral and theological allegory is a political allegory: anarchy on earth can only be put an end to by a universal monarchy, modeled on the Roman one, which Virgil preached. However, some researchers have tried to prove that the purpose of the Divine Comedy is predominantly or even exclusively political.

When Dante began to write his great work and when individual parts of it were developed, it is impossible to establish exactly. The first two parts were published during his lifetime, "Paradise" - after his death. Divina Commedia soon circulated in a huge number of copies, many of which are still kept in the libraries of Italy, Germany, France and England. The number of these medieval manuscripts exceeds 500.

Dante "Hell". Illustration by Gustave Doré

The first attempt to illustrate Dante's "Comedy" dates back to 1481, when 19 etchings on the themes of "Hell" were placed in the Florentine edition, based on drawings by Sandro Botticelli. From the illustrations of the New Age most famous enjoy engravings by Gustave Doré and 20 drawings by German artists.

The Divine Comedy is a play created by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century, which is a medieval encyclopedia of knowledge in science, politics, philosophy and theology. The work is considered a monument of Italian literature and world literature.

The main character of the work is Dante himself, the story is told in the first person. When the author turned 35, at night, he got lost in the forest and was very frightened of this. In the distance, he notices mountains, gets to them, trying to climb, but on his way he meets a wolf and a she-wolf, which do not allow him to move forward. The hero has no choice but to return to the forest. Here he met the spirit of the writer Virgil, who promised to show him the circles of hell and purgatory and lead him to heaven. Alighieri decides to travel.

Hell. Together with Virgil, they approach the enemies of hell. There are groans. It is the souls of those who have done neither good nor evil that are tormented. After they see the river, along which Charon carries the dead on a boat to the first circle of hell.

They see Limbo. Here the souls of poets and unbaptized children live in languor. Next to the next circle, Minos decides where to place each of the sinners. Travelers noticed voluptuous souls that are carried away by the wind. The soul of Cleopatra also flew here. At the entrance to the third circle of hell, the heroes were met by the dog Cerberus. Next to him lay gluttons in the mud in the pouring rain. There is also a friend of Dante Chacko. He asks Dante to remind his friends about him in the world. The fourth circle is reserved for the spendthrifts and the stingy. The fifth circle of hell awaits the lazy and those who did not know how to pacify their anger. They are trapped in a swamp where they can't get out. The wanderers reached an unknown tower surrounded by water. Through it, the demon Phlegius serves as a guide on the boat.

And now he spread himself before the heroes City of dead. The spirits that live here prevent travelers from entering the city. But, out of nowhere, a messenger from heaven appears, who pacifies them and gives the travelers the opportunity to enter. In the city, the wanderers saw burning coffins, from which came the groans of non-believers.

The seventh circle is much smaller than the others, it was between the mountains. The entrance to it is guarded by the Minotaur. Here the travelers met a boiling river full of blood. Robbers and tyrants cook in it, and centaurs shoot at them from a bow. One of the shooters escorts the travelers and helps them to wade through.

Everywhere bushes that prick to the blood. These are suicides, who are endlessly pecked by the Harpies. New sinners are coming towards Dante. Among them, the poet recognized his own teacher, guilty of disposition to same-sex love.

The eighth circle is made up of 10 ditches. In the first of them sit the seducers of women, who are beaten with a scourge with all their might by demons. In the next, in a stinking mass of feces, there are flatterers. From the subsequent ditch, only the feet of confessors are visible, who bargained for their position. Their heads are not visible, they are under the stones. In the fifth, those who took bribes are thrown into boiling tar. Passing through the rocks, travelers meet thieves who are bitten by snakes, executed advisers, creators of unrest.

On a huge palm, Antaeus delivers heroes to the center of the earth through a well. In front of the heroes is a frozen lake in which the souls of people who betrayed their relatives got stuck. In the very center of the lake lives the head of hell, Lucifer. He has three faces: Cassius, Brutus and Judas. A narrow trench stretches from Lucifer, along which travelers hardly pass to the surface and see the sky.

Purgatory. Suddenly, a boat sailed across the sea to deliver them to the shore. Having reached land, the travelers go to the Mount of Purgatory. Here they talk with sinners who repented of sin and did not go to hell. Dante was tired and lay down to rest on the grass. He falls asleep and is transported to the gates of Purgatory. Here the angel drew seven letters "G" on his forehead. The symbols will disappear one by one as it moves up.

There are seven circles in total. For example, envious people and gluttons live here. Each of them are cleansed according to their sin. So the envious have their eyes gouged out, and the gluttons are starving.

Paradise. After looking at all this, the travelers passed the fiery wall in order to go to paradise. Everything is blooming, there is an amazing aroma around, old people in bright clothes are walking nearby. And then Dante noticed his love - Beatrice. From excitement, the poet loses consciousness and comes to his senses in Lethe, the river of oblivion. Coming out of the water, the hero reaches the river, the waters of which make thoughts about the good deed stronger. Now Dante is ready to rise above. And he, together with Beatrice, ascends to heaven. They flew through the four skies, reached Mars and Jupiter, where righteous souls live.

The light of the planets falls and merges into the figure of an eagle - a symbol of the power that has developed here. The bird is talking to Dante, he is infinitely fair. Further, the heroes fly over the seventh and eighth heavens, where Dante is talking to the righteous. In the ninth heaven, Dante noticed shiny dot- a symbol of purity. Then Dante ascends to the empyrean - the highest heaven, where he met the elder Bernard, his mentor. Together they look at the light coming from the souls of babies. After a sign given by Bernard, Dante looks up and sees God in the trinity.

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