What is the development of action in the literature definition. The meaning of the phrase "development of action"


Meaning of DEVELOPMENT OF ACTION in the Dictionary of Literary Terms


Structural element of the plot: a system of events arising from the plot. In the course of the R. d., the conflict escalates, and the contradictions between actors deepen and intensify.

Dictionary of literary terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, word meanings and what is ACTION DEVELOPMENT in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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    characteristics of qualitative changes in objects, the emergence of new forms of being, innovations and innovations, and associated with the transformation of their internal and external relations. …
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    - one of the types of legal facts, are such facts that depend on the will of people, since they are committed by them. are subdivided ...
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    - such legal facts, the occurrence of which depends on the will and consciousness of people. D. are divided into lawful and unlawful (offences) ...
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    directional, regular change; as a result of development, a new qualitative state of the object arises - its composition or structure. There are two types of development...
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  • DEVELOPMENT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    directed, regular change in nature and society. As a result of development, a new qualitative state of the object arises - its composition or structure. …
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    , -i, cf. 1. see develop2, -sya2. 2. The process of regular change, transition from one state to another, more perfect; transition ...
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    -I, only ed. , With. 1) Gradual improvement, strengthening, strengthening through training. Muscular development. Memory development. Development of abilities. Of all …
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    Syn: progress, improvement, evolution, growth Syn: production, forging (rare) arr. str.), formation (book), upbringing Syn: development, ...
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    cf. 1) The process of action by value. Verb: develop, develop. 2) Status by value verb: develop. 3) The process of regular change, transition ...
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    pl. 1) Military operations. 2) Behavior, actions ...
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    <= развить 2, -ся 2 развитие степень сознательности, просвещенности, культурности Высокое умственное р. развитие процесс закономерного изменения, перехода из одного …
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    the biological process of closely interrelated quantitative (growth) and qualitative (differentiation) transformations of individuals from the moment of birth to the end of life (individual development, or ...
  • DEVELOPMENT in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    development, pl. no, cf. (book). 1. Action on verb. develop-develop. Muscle development through gymnastics. 2. State according to vb. develop-develop. Industry development. …
    development cf. 1) The process of action by value. Verb: develop, develop. 2) Status by value verb: develop. 3) The process of regular change, ...
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    actions pl. 1) Military operations. 2) Behavior, actions ...
    cf. 1. the process of action according to Ch. develop, develop 2. state according to Ch. develop 3. The process of regular change, transition from one ...
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    cf. 1. the process of action according to Ch. develop II, develop II, develop II 1., 2., 3., 4. 2. The result of such an action; …
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    pl. 1. Military operations. 2. Behavior, actions ...
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One of the currents in neo-romanticism k.19-n. 20 centuries. In the center of attention of the literature of "action" is an actively acting hero. The activity of the hero is realized primarily in an act that has a tangibly effective, cultural and historical character. The hero's act is nothing more than the "objectification" of his will (see: "Will") into the flesh of national-historical being. The hero, as it were, establishes, as a result of the manifestation of his will, a certain new Law and, thanks to this, acquires the status of a cultural hero in the national tradition. It is very significant that a hero of this type is not a thinking hero, an intellectual hero, whose superhuman activity is concentrated in analytical abilities, in thought (Sherlock Holmes in K. Doyle, Pastor Brown in G.K. Chesterton and other characters of the so-called . analytical genres in neo-romanticism), on the contrary, the hero's inability to perform complex mental operations is very often emphasized (the hero of R. Kipling's "barracks" ballads Tommy Atkins or Captain McWhirl from D. Conrad's story "Typhoon"). The low intelligence of the heroes, and sometimes the lack of it, is not a negative characteristic of the character of the literature of "action", on the contrary, this limitation helps the hero to concentrate on a specific goal and convincingly achieve it. Thought, the ability to reason, to surrender to the flow of speculative-logical operations would look like obstacles that interfere with the hero, hindering the process of the character's volitional activity. Until recently, it was customary to link the literature of "action" with the so-called. “imperialist” ideology (the work of the “ideologist of colonization” R. Kipling often appeared as an example), which, of course, does not hold water: Joseph Conrad, who, like R. Kipling and H. R. Haggard, pays tribute to this literature, cannot be called "the ideologue of English colonization" and "singer of imperialism" because of his democratic leanings. Lit-ra: Yu. I. Kagarlitsky. Rudyard Kipling // Rudyard Kipling. Stories. Poetry. Fairy tales. - M., 1989.

Offers several definitions of the concept of "plot". According to Ozhegov, the plot in literature is the order and connection of events. Ushakov's dictionary proposes to consider them a set of actions, the sequence and motivation for the deployment of what is happening in the work.

Relationship with the plot

In modern Russian criticism, the plot has a completely different definition. The plot in the literature is understood as the course of events, against which the confrontation is revealed. The plot is the main artistic conflict.

However, other points of view on this issue have existed and continue to exist in the past. Russian critics of the middle of the 19th century, supported by Veselovsky and Gorky, considered the compositional side of the plot, that is, how the author communicates the content of his work. And the plot in literature is, in their opinion, the actions and relationships of characters.

This interpretation is directly opposite to that in Ushakov's dictionary, in which the plot is the content of events in their sequential connection.

Finally, there is a third point of view. Those who adhere to it believe that the concept of "plot" has no independent meaning, and in the analysis it is quite enough to use the terms "plot", "composition" and "plot scheme".

Types and variants of product schemes

Modern analysts distinguish two main types of plot: chronicle and concentric. They differ from each other in the nature of the connections between events. The main factor, so to speak, is time. The chronic type reproduces its natural course. Concentric - focuses no longer on the physical, but on the mental.

The concentric plot in literature is detectives, thrillers, social and psychological novels, and dramas. Chronicle is more common in memoirs, sagas, adventure works.

Concentric plot and its features

In the case of this type of course of events, a clear causal relationship of episodes can be traced. The development of the plot in the literature of this type is consistent and logical. Here it is easy to distinguish the tie and the denouement. Previous actions are the causes of subsequent ones, all events seem to be pulled together into one node. The writer explores one conflict.

Moreover, the work can be both linear and multilinear - the causal relationship is preserved just as clearly, moreover, any new storylines appear as a result of events that have already happened. All parts of a detective, thriller or story are built on a clearly expressed conflict.

chronicle plot

It can be contrasted with concentric, although in fact there is not an opposite, but a completely different principle of construction. These types of plots in literature can interpenetrate each other, but most often either one or the other is decisive.

The change of events in a work built according to the chronicle principle is tied to time. There may be no pronounced plot, no strict logical causal relationship (or at least this relationship is not obvious).

In such a work, we can talk about many episodes, which have in common only that they happen in chronological order. The chronicle plot in literature is a multi-conflict and multi-component canvas, where contradictions arise and go out, one is replaced by another.

Ending, climax, denouement

In works whose plot is based on conflict, it is essentially a scheme, a formula. It can be divided into constituent parts. Plot elements in literature include exposition, opening, conflict, rising action, crisis, climax, falling action, and denouement.

Of course, not all of these elements are present in every work. More often you can meet several of them, for example, the plot, the conflict, the development of the action, the crisis, the climax and the denouement. On the other hand, it matters how exactly the work is analyzed.

The exposition in this regard is the most static part. Her task is to introduce some of the characters and the setting of the action.

The opening describes one or more events that trigger the main action. The development of the plot in literature goes through conflict, growing action, crisis to climax. She is also the peak of the work, playing a significant role in revealing the characters of the characters and in the development of the conflict. The denouement adds the final touches to the story told and to the characters of the characters.

In the literature, a certain plot construction scheme has developed, psychologically justified from the point of view of influencing the reader. Each described element has its place and meaning.

If the story does not fit into the scheme, it seems sluggish, incomprehensible, illogical. In order for a work to be interesting, for readers to empathize with the characters and delve into what is happening to them, everything in it must have its place and develop according to these psychological laws.

Plots of Old Russian Literature

Ancient Russian literature, according to D.S. Likhachev, is “the literature of one theme and one plot.” World history and the meaning of human life - these are the main, deep motives and themes of the writers of those times.

The plots of ancient Russian literature are revealed to us in the lives, epistles, walks (descriptions of travel), chronicles. The names of the authors of most of them are unknown. According to the time interval, the Old Russian group includes works written in the 11th-17th centuries.

The diversity of modern literature

Attempts to classify and describe the plots used have been made more than once. In his book The Four Cycles, Jorge Luis Borges suggested that there are only four types of cycles in world literature:

  • about the search;
  • about the suicide of a god;
  • about a long return;
  • about the assault and defense of the fortified city.

Christopher Booker singled out seven: "rags to riches" (or vice versa), adventure, "there and back" (Tolkien's "The Hobbit" comes to mind here), comedy, tragedy, resurrection, and victory over the monster. Georges Polti reduced the entire experience of world literature to 36 plot collisions, and Kipling singled out 69 of their variants.

Even experts of a different profile did not remain indifferent to this issue. According to Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, the main plots of literature are archetypal, and there are only six of them - this is the shadow, anima, animus, mother, old man and child.

Folk tale index

Most of all, perhaps, the Aarne-Thompson-Uther system “allocated” opportunities to writers - it recognizes the existence of approximately 2500 options.

However, this is about folklore. This system is a catalog, an index of fairy-tale plots known to science at the time of the compilation of this monumental work.

There is only one definition for the course of events. The plot in the literature of such a plan is as follows: “The persecuted stepdaughter is taken to the forest and thrown there. Baba Yaga, or Morozko, or Goblin, or 12 months, or Winter, test her and reward her. The stepmother's own daughter also wants to receive a gift, but she does not pass the test and dies.

In fact, Aarne himself established no more than a thousand options for the development of events in a fairy tale, however, he allowed the possibility of the emergence of new ones and left a place for them in his original classification. It was the first pointer that came into scientific use and was recognized by the majority. Subsequently, scientists from many countries made their additions to it.

In 2004, an edition of the handbook appeared, in which the descriptions of fabulous types were updated and made more accurate. This version of the pointer contained 250 new types.

the most important component of artistic conflict; the concept characterizes the way in which an artistic action moves through the points of initiation, climax, and denouement. The development of the action can be carried out in a different compositional rhythm, have a different number of climax points.

Whole: plot

Other associations: climax, conflict, climax, denouement

"In a work of art, the development of an action can be interrupted by a sudden, unexpected denouement. In ancient Greek tragedies, the gods were such a force, unraveling all contradictions with their intervention" (A. Revyakin).

"There are no universal rules and norms in the field of plot construction. In some cases, the conflict underlying the plot requires numerous ups and downs; in others, on the contrary, the slowness of the development of the action is important for the writer" (VE Khalizev).

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ACTION DRAMATIC, the term has several meanings.

1. In the performing arts - the most important means of expressing acting skills. In fact, it is a means of embodying a stage image, a role. It includes a complex complex of both physical (plasticity, facial expressions, speech, gestures, etc.) and psychological processes (experience, perception, evaluation, etc.).

The concept of stage action formed the basis of the "Stanislavsky system" - the theory and method of acting, developed by K.S. Stanislavsky. In particular, K.S.Stanislavsky introduced the concept of "effective analysis of the play" (analysis of the psychophysical actions of each character); "through action" (logical chain, continuous action of the role), "super task" (the goal to which the whole complex of acting action leads).

An actor on stage without action is impossible, regardless of the genre, style or creative method of stage work. It is the action that is the fundamental specific feature of acting. It brings into the visual range the nature of the character, the logic and process of its development, conflict relationships, etc. - i.e., everything that makes up the essence of a stage work.

Depending on the type of stage art, the ratio of physical and psychological actions in the work of an actor changes. For example, in a ballet or opera performance, the technique of dance or vocals acquires the greatest importance. However, even in this case, without filling the image with psychological action, the role remains formal, from a work of art it turns into a technical exercise.

2. In dramaturgy, action is considered as a development of events, here the term is closely connected with the concepts of "plot" and "plot". In accordance with this, it is possible to classify the action according to the parameters of external and internal. The totality of actual events that lead to changes in the current situation, the emergence of new characters and new circumstances - that is, everything that relates to the plot of the play - refers to external action. Especially often the action along the external line develops in vaudeville, detective stories, sitcoms. If in a dramatic work serious problems arise behind simple or everyday situations, if changes occur not so much in the situational position of the characters as in their psychology, characters and worldview - which is included in the concept of the plot of the play, the action can be attributed to internal. The most striking example of internal action is the plays of A.P. Chekhov, where grandiose tragicomic problems of characters arise behind ordinary life. Nevertheless, the division into external and internal actions is rather arbitrary; they are two sides of the same coin, and they cannot exist in isolation. So, say, in Shakespeare's plays, an extremely dynamic series of events leads to no less dynamic change and development of the characters of the characters.

3. Both in dramaturgy and in its stage embodiment, the term "action" is often used as a synonym for the term "act", denoting the finished part of a play or performance, usually separated from others by an intermission.

Tatyana Shabalina

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