Quotes from the movie V Means Vendetta (V for Vendetta). "V for Vendetta" quotes


Our country needs not dead symbols, but hope.

Did you steal everything?
- Well, you, the concept of theft implies the concept of property. I just took them.

All I want and deserve is darkness at the end of the tunnel.

I wouldn't want to be afraid all the time, but... It doesn't work out.

The building is a symbol. Just like destroying it. It is the people who give the symbols their power. Without them, the symbol is nothing. But if there are enough people, the explosion of a building can change the world.

Do you really think so, or were you told to think so?

We report the news, we don't make it up. This is the business of the government.

Strength is in unity, unity is in faith.

So I cover the bare baseness with rags of sacred old texts and, with a devil's heart, I look holy.

It's strange that my life should end in such a terrible place. But there were three years in my life when they gave me roses, and I did not apologize to anyone.

Is it pointless to ask for forgiveness?
- It always makes sense.

Are you ready to joke about everything?
- No, only the most important.

Under any government, the most reliable data is tax data.

Although a club can be used instead of a conversation, words will never lose their power. Words convey meaning and proclaim truth to those who listen to them.

God in the rain...

Who was he?
- He was Edmond Dantes. He was also my father... And my mother... My brother... My friend. He was you... And me. He was all of us.

They treated me horribly.
- And they created a monster.

This is the basic principle of the universe: one reaction causes another reaction, opposite and equal in strength.
- Is that how you see it? How's the equation?

... Fate is challenged by a blade of vengeance smoking with steel ...

In this we are all wrong. Proved
With a pious face and a lean look
We can sugar-coat the hell.

Confession? I love playing confession. Tell me about your sins.

Tonight is your big night. Are you ready for it? We are ready for it.

You only have bullets and the hope that when the clips are empty, I will no longer be on my feet, because if I stand, you will die before you have time to reload your weapons.

A revolution without dance is not worth doing at all.

You wear the mask for so long that you forget who you were under it.

Die! Why don't you die?
“Because there is more to this mask than flesh. Under it is an idea, and ideas are immortal.

Will you kill me now?
- I killed you 10 minutes ago when you were sleeping...

There are no accidents. There is only the illusion of chance.

The people should not be afraid of their government. This government should be afraid of its people.

You are Muslim?
- No, I'm a television man!.. You don't have to be a Muslim to comprehend the wondrous poetry of images.

Yesterday I couldn't find my pass. Tell me, didn't you take it?
- What do you want to hear: the truth or a lie?

Sincerity is very easy to lose, but it is our only true asset, it is our last frontier. But within its limits we are absolutely free.

A lie for an artist is a chance to reveal the truth, while for a politician it is a chance to hide it.


The truth is nothing. What matters is what you believe *** Dear Emma, ​​Those two words, "Dear Emma", take me back to the time we wrote to each other after my mom and dad died. I told you about my new friends, about my new life, and you told me about how good my mom and dad are at

What kind of thing is "wealth"?! No matter how much, it always seems a little. *** - I will take care not of myself, but of my thoughts... - It can be very difficult to take care of your thoughts, the soul may perish. *** Come and give meaning to everything, and give me life! *** Love does not recognize any traditions, and does not depend on any

How I wish I could see into the future. That's the whole problem. That is, it turns out that life only makes sense when you look back at the past. Too bad, because the future is ahead. *** Show me a lucky man, and I will show you the coming misfortune! *** And yet you have to believe in something.

Is life worth living? This is a question for the embryo, not for the man. Samuel Johnson Life may not be worth living, but what else can you do with it? NN Is there a meaning to life? Watching when. David Samoilov Life has exactly the value that we want to give it. Ingmar Bergman

There are four kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, statistics, and quotations. NN One should not shamelessly lie; but sometimes evasiveness is needed. Margaret Thatcher Believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear. English proverb Half of all the lies you hear are

We are taught to remember not a person, but an idea, because a person is weak, and he can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten. But even 400 years later, an idea can change the world.

But an idea cannot be kissed. You can't touch her, hug her. An idea cannot bleed, it does not feel pain. She doesn't know how to love.

Strength is in unity, unity is in faith.

It has been proven that with a pious face and a lean look we can sugar the devil.

Happiness lies in seeming and being the same.

Do you think people will believe it?
- Why not? This is BTN. We report the news, we don't make it up. This is the business of the government.

Never in my life have I been driven by such a charming person.

Although a club can be used instead of a conversation, words will never lose their value.

Do you really think so, or is it supposed to?

I dare everything that a man can, who dares more is not a man.

There is no guarantee, but there is a possibility.

The people should not be afraid of the authorities, the authorities should be afraid of the people.

The building is a symbol. Just like destroying it. It is the people who give the symbols their power. Without them, the symbol is nothing. But if there are enough people, blowing up a building can change the world.

Violence can be used for good.
- What are you talking about?
- About justice.

Here you will work with mine, and you will begin to believe in coincidences.

No good deed goes unpunished.

My father was a writer, you would like him. He believed that a lie for an artist is a chance to reveal the truth, while for a politician it is to hide it.

I wouldn't want to be afraid all the time, but... It doesn't work out.

Under any government, the most reliable data is tax data.

You are Muslim?
- No, I'm a TV man.

Wearing a mask so long you forget who's under it.

You have come to kill me. God bless!

I came to repay you not for your hopes, I came to repay for your deeds.

Is it pointless to ask for forgiveness?
- It always makes sense.

I'm zero without an audience in the studio.

Are you crazy?
- Artificial nutrition is to blame for everything.

Sincerity is very easy to lose, but it is our only true asset. This is our last frontier. But within its limits we are absolutely free.

But I had three years when they gave me roses. And I didn't apologize to anyone.

A revolution without dancing is not worth having.

All I want and deserve is darkness at the end of the tunnel.

Under this mask is not only flesh. Under this mask is an idea. And the idea of ​​a bullet is not terrible.

Our country needs dead characters but hope.

He is all of us.

No one will ever forget this night and its significance for our country. And I will never forget this man and his meaning to me.

We are taught to remember not a person, but an idea. Because man is weak. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten. But the idea, even four hundred years later, can change the world. I'm from personal experience I know what the power of an idea is. I saw how murders were committed in the name of an idea, how people went to their deaths. But an idea cannot be kissed. You can't touch her. Hug her. An idea cannot bleed out. She doesn't feel pain. The idea does not know how to love. So it's not the idea that is the cause of my grief, but the person ...

"V for Vendetta"

A lie for an artist is a chance to reveal the truth, while for a politician it is a chance to hide it.

"V for Vendetta"

Remember November and its fifth day,
Gunpowder, treason and lies.
The hero of the brave conspiracy is right,
You will not erase from memory.

"V for Vendetta"

Sincerity is very easy to lose, but it is our only true asset, it is our last frontier. But within its limits we are absolutely free.

"V for Vendetta"

Who are you?
- Who? Happiness lies in seeming and being the same. I am what I appear to be - the man in the mask.

"V for Vendetta"

Yesterday I couldn't find my pass. Tell me, didn't you take it?
- What do you want to hear: the truth or a lie?

"V for Vendetta"

You are Muslim?
- No, I'm a TV man! ..

"V for Vendetta"

The people should not be afraid of their government. This government should be afraid of its people.

"V for Vendetta"

There are no accidents. There is only the illusion of chance.

"V for Vendetta"

Will you kill me now?
- I killed you 10 minutes ago when you were sleeping...

"V for Vendetta"

Die! Why doesn't he die?
“Because there is more to this mask than flesh. Underneath is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.

"V for Vendetta"

You wear the mask for so long that you forget who you were under it.

"V for Vendetta"

A revolution without dancing is not worth having at all.

"V for Vendetta"

You only have bullets and the hope that when the clips are empty, I will no longer be on my feet, because if I stand, you will die before you have time to reload your weapons.

"V for Vendetta"

Tonight is your big night.

"V for Vendetta"

Confession? I love playing confession. Tell me about your sins.

"V for Vendetta"

Fate is defied by warlike steel, a blade smoking with vengeance.

"V for Vendetta"

This is the basic principle of the universe: one reaction causes another reaction, opposite and equal in strength.

"V for Vendetta"

They treated me horribly.
- And they created a monster.

"V for Vendetta"

How can you be one of the most important things in my life and yet I know next to nothing about you? I don't know where you were born, who your parents were, whether you had brothers or sisters. I don't even know what you look like.
There is a face behind this mask, but it's not me. I am no more this face than I am the muscles under it or the bones under it.

"V for Vendetta"

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