Ray Bradbury quotes about creativity. Ray Bradbury quotes


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It is believed that he was the first author who was able to arouse readers' interest in the genres of science fiction and fantasy.

And we are in website We adore him, so we have collected the best quotes from his works.

  • When a person is 17, he knows everything. If he's 27 and still knows everything, then he's still 17.
  • There are worse crimes than burning books. For example - do not read them.
  • The first thing you know in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you know is that you're still the same fool.
  • Kindness and intelligence are the properties of old age. At 20, a woman is much more interested in being heartless and frivolous.
  • To survive, you must stop asking what the meaning of life is. Life itself is the answer.
  • You don't win a war at all. All they do is lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.
  • Evil has only one power - the one that we endow it with.
  • When life is good, there is no point in arguing about it.
  • Love is when someone can return a person to himself.
  • Open your eyes wider, live as greedily as if you were going to die in ten seconds. Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Do not ask for guarantees, do not seek peace - there is no such beast in the world.
  • When you live all the time next to people, they do not change one iota. You are amazed at the changes that have taken place in them only if you part for a long time, for years.
  • Looking for rabbits in hats is a disastrous business, just like looking for a modicum of common sense in some people's heads.
  • Smile, do not give pleasure to trouble.
  • Human memory is like a sensitive photographic film, and all our life we ​​do nothing but try to erase what is imprinted on it.
  • Yes, we have enough free time. But do we have time to think?
  • We have one duty - to be happy.
  • Whoever ceased to be surprised, he ceased to love, and ceased to love - consider that you have no life, and whoever has no life - consider that he has gone to the grave.
  • And, if to live a full life means to die sooner, so be it: I prefer to die quickly, but first taste more of life.
  • It doesn't matter what you do; it is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from before, so that a particle of yourself remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on the lawn and a real gardener.
  • Create yourself what can save the world - and if you drown along the way, at least you will know that you were swimming to the shore.
  • Books are just one of the receptacles where we store what we are afraid to forget.
  • The main secret of creativity is to treat your ideas like cats - just make them follow you.
  • Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under a lilac strewn with flowers, and in the summer to pick berries and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows from the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings ...
  • I experienced the simplest and greatest happiness in the world - I was alive.

Quotes from: Dandelion Wine, The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451, Mechanisms of Joy, Summer Morning, Summer Night, Zen in the Art of Writing, Death is a Lonely Business, Trouble is coming”, “I sing the electric body!”

Ray Douglas Bradbury is a famous American writer, recognized as the best science fiction writer of his time. Without this person it is impossible to imagine the development of literature of the 20th century. He is the author of such well-known and beloved works as Fahrenheit 451, Dandelion Wine, Farewell Summer. Ray Bradbury loved this life, which he taught other people as well.

People no longer have time for each other.

It doesn't matter what you do; it is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from before, so that a particle of yourself remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on the lawn and a real gardener.

Smile, do not give pleasure to trouble.

You just need to grow up as a person who looks at the world with open eyes and is not deceived. In this case, even human treachery will seem funny, nothing more. When you understand that there is always a particle of evil in human nature, it will be easier for you to endure.

God gave us intelligence so that we would explore what is already there, and not so that we would guess and be afraid of what awaits us in the future.

We have one duty - to be happy.

When you live all the time next to people, they do not change one iota. You are amazed at the changes that have taken place in them only if you part for a long time, for years.

Here it is, life ...
Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not and is not.
Someone always loves more than they love him.
And there comes a time when you want to destroy what you love,
so that it doesn't bother you anymore...

Love is when someone can return a person to himself.

There must be a night in life that will be remembered forever.
She comes to everyone.
And if you feel that this night is already close, it is about to come - catch it without further ado, and when it passes - keep your mouth shut. If you miss it, she may not come again.
But many missed her, many even saw how she sails away, never to return again, because they could not keep on the tip of a trembling finger the fragile balance of spring and light, moon and twilight, night hill and warm grass, and the departing train, and cities, and distant distances.

We have enough free time. But do we have time to think?

How rarely on the face of another person you can see the reflection of your own face, your innermost quivering thoughts!

How embarrassing that people cannot love each other in such a way that they can carry this love through their whole lives, and instead they start looking for someone else ... How embarrassing!

Jump off the cliff each time and grow wings as you fly down.

Every person has to leave something behind. A son, or a book, or a picture, a house you built, or even a brick wall, or a pair of shoes you sewed, or a garden planted by your hands. Something that your fingers touched in life, in which your soul will find refuge after death. People will look at the tree or flower you have grown, and at that moment you will be alive.

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under a lilac strewn with flowers, and in the summer to pick berries with someone and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows from the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings, and when it gets cold - to heat the stove together.

Do you know what your trouble is? - You love people who don't deserve it.

A pack of wolves was easier to drive away than memories...

Don't you dare let them grab hold of your crying, they'll make smiles out of it.

Ray Bradbury wrote a collection of short stories "The Martian Chronicles" back in 1950, where there was such a phrase "by the beginning of the second millennium, there will be settlements on Mars, entire cities of earthlings .."

In 2010, 90-year-old Ray was asked why his prediction did not come true, to which he replied:

People are idiots! They did a bunch of stupid things like dog costumes, an ad manager position, and stuff like the iPhone, all for nothing but a sour aftertaste. Mankind has been given the opportunity to surf space, but it wants to engage in consumption: drinking beer and watching TV shows. You especially do not pay attention, this senile grumbling (laughs) - I am soon a hundred years old.

On June 5, 2012, Ray passed away. But he will forever remain with us in his wonderful books.

Raymond Douglas "Ray" Bradbury was born August 22, 1920 in Waukegan, Illinois, USA. American science fiction writer and prose writer. The author of the novels - "The Martian Chronicles", "451 degrees Fahrenheit", "Death is a lonely matter", "Rising from the dust"; stories - "Dandelion Wine", "All Hallows' Eve", "From Now and Forever", etc.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases - Ray Bradbury

  • Writing is like living.
  • Passion is incompatible with formulas.
  • If you need something, get it yourself.
  • You can't lose what you never had.
  • We are an impossibility in an impossible universe.
  • Never question miracles when they happen.
  • We are crazy. But it's good to be crazy all together.
  • There are worse crimes than burning books. For example - do not read them.
  • We need a society in which there is still room for rough edges.
  • Science fiction has always been and will always be a fairy tale that teaches morality.
  • Every time you need to jump off a cliff and grow wings on the way down.
  • Madness is relative. It all depends on who locked whom in which cage.
  • Optimism for me means only one thing - the chance to behave optimally.
  • People ask me to predict the future, and I just want to prevent it.
  • It is necessary to study any science, master any technique, and then get rid of their “minuses”.
  • The first thing you know in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you know is that you're still the same fool.
  • Students should be taught how to love life, how to love work, how to create to the limit.
  • As a new invention fills the world, new laws are required to control its application.
  • In trying to make life very good for everyone, we may end up making it very bad for everyone.
  • You don't win a war at all. All they do is lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.
  • Most young men are scared to death when they see a woman have any thoughts in her head.
  • Mankind has been given the opportunity to surf space, but it wants to engage in consumption: drinking beer and watching TV shows.
  • There is no fruitful formula by which science fiction is written, and indeed any literature in general, does not exist.
  • Fiction is the architecture of our dreams and our books will inspire our next generations of dreamers.
  • When a man is seventeen, he knows everything. If he's twenty-seven and still knows everything, then he's still seventeen.
  • Science fiction also teaches to think, and therefore, to make decisions, identify alternatives and lay the foundations for future progress.
  • Science has done violence to our land, but it has sown it with love. And we are all natural products of this sowing and this cruel violence.
  • The main thing is personal contacts. Stop talking on the phone, and even more so - on the completely idiotic Internet. It's a waste of time.
  • The best science fiction is ultimately created by those who are angry about something in our society and express their outrage immediately and furiously.
  • My eyes pop out of my head when a person, having earned a million, buys an expensive Porsche car, gets security guards and stops saying hello to neighbors.
  • If we listened to our reason, we would never have a love relationship. We would never be friends. We would never go for it because we would be cynical.
  • A real writer writes because he feels the need, the need, the thirst to write, because literature awakens in him the highest joy, passion, pleasure, delight.
  • Anyone who uses his mind, his abilities, his genius, finally, to improve the world, gets the full right to optimistic moods, but not blind, but based on activity, creation.
  • Put me in a room with a pencil and a stack of white paper, and put a hundred people in front of the most advanced computers, I can create something much more interesting than all of them put together.
  • People are idiots. They did all sorts of stupid things like dog costumes, an advertising manager position, and things like the iPhone, all for nothing but a sour aftertaste. But if we developed science, mastered the Moon, Mars, Venus. Who knows what the world would be like then?

Ray Bradbury is a famous American writer who worked in the genre of science fiction, horror literature and psychological fiction. Attention to his work is growing every year. You will not meet a person with a book by Bradbury anywhere: in the subway, in line at the clinic, at a break in the office or in a cafe. The writer's work has settled in the minds of many, after reading one of his books, there is a need to quench the literary thirst with his other works. We offer you a selection of quotes from the most famous books by Ray Bradbury. Narrating a fantasy world, the writer masterfully exposed reality.

The world-famous writer brought the dystopia "451 degrees Fahrenheit". Other popular works by Bradbury include Dandelion Wine, The Martian Chronicles, Summer Morning, Summer Night and others. Many of his novels have been filmed, many of his stories have been adapted into TV series. This means that Bradbury's work lives not only in literature, but also in cinematography.

I do not think about death, because I will always be here. This box with my films and the shelves with my books convince me that I have a hundred or two years left. Death is a form of retribution with the cosmos for the wonderful luxury of being alive. (Ray Bradbury's Rules of Life)

You need to live, not think about death.

And I'm afraid to love you," he continued. You will torment me again. (April witchcraft)

If once love brought pain, then the fear of falling in love again simply appears.

We don't want to change the Future. Here, in the Past, we are uninvited guests. (A Sound of Thunder)

But in vain, because the future is in your hands and you have the opportunity to make it better.

Sometimes the sun seems to me like a burning tree...
Its golden fruits flutter in the hot air,
Like apples pierced by the juice of gravity,
Exhausted by the human race. (Golden apples of the sun)

The sun sets because it, too, gets tired of human gaze.

We are not obliged to anyone. We have one duty - to be happy. (Holidays)

This is perhaps our greatest responsibility.

Yes, when you remember your life, you see first of all the hands and what they did, and then the faces. They counted in their minds how many lids were lifted, how many doors were opened and closed, how many flowers were gathered, how many dinners were prepared by hasty or slow hands, according to character and habit. Looking back at the past, they saw, as if a sorcerer's dream come true: a whirlwind of hands, swinging doors, turning faucets, flying brooms, living rods. And the only sound was the rustle of fluttering pink hands, everything else was like a silent dream. (Embroidery)

The head thinks, the hands do, embody all thoughts and ideas.

A child cannot live without attachments. You and your wife have allowed this room, this home, to take your place in their hearts. The children's room became mother and father for them, turned out to be much more important in their life than real parents. (Veld)

When you return home, there are not always parents there, but the room is always waiting ...

It is worth wanting - and you will hear anything. (Meadow)

If desired, even the enemy can talk about friendship.

The animal does not inquire what is the meaning of being. It lives. Lives for life. For him, the answer lies in life itself, it contains both joy and pleasure.

The meaning of life is to live and enjoy life.

And can one person be right when the whole world is sure that he is right? (And the moon still silvers the space with rays)

Maybe, why not?)

Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not and is not. (Howler)

The whole of life is that someone is waiting for someone.

Never ask a writer why he is writing, where he is from, where he is going. The time will come, he will tell himself. (April witchcraft)

If a writer writes under a pseudonym, then it must be so. The time will come when he will give his real name.

It's not every day that a person gets a second try. (Martian Chronicles)

And not every year, not like a day.

We are just kids in shorts, noisy and restless kids running around with their rocket and atomic toys. (Martian Chronicles)

In today's world, adults are more and more like children.

Dandelion wine

And yet, how good it is to be at home! So warm, cozy. There is no better place on earth.

Home is the best place in the entire planet.

People who make tennis shoes somehow know what boys want and need.

The only pity is that no one knows what girls want.

Sometimes it seems to me that people are looking for their own death.

Only those who do not value life do this.

I have always believed that true love is determined by the spirit, although the body sometimes refuses to believe this.

Those who are close to each other in spirit fall in love.

There is always gossip about a woman, even if she is already ninety-five.

Such interesting creatures, these women, that they are talked about always and everywhere.

Be what you are, put an end to what you were.

Live in the present and don't carry the burden of the past.

Men are such people - they never understand anything.

And yet they manage to invent a lot ...)

There are a million such towns in the world. And each one is just as dark, just as lonely, each one is just as detached from everything, each one has its own horrors and its own secrets.

And in these towns there are hundreds, thousands, and even millions of families, which also have their own horrors and secrets ...

He was not one of those for whom a sleepless night is torment, on the contrary, when he couldn’t sleep, he lay and indulged in plenty of reflections: how does the giant clockwork of the universe work? Does the factory end in these gigantic clocks, or do they still have long, long millennia to count? Who knows! But endless nights, listening to the darkness, he either decided that the end was near, or that this was only the beginning ...

A night without sleep is not a reason to drink sleeping pills, it is an occasion to reflect on the Universe ...

How nice it is to sit on the veranda on a summer evening; how easy and calm; If only this evening never ended!

Summer evenings are so beautiful that they resemble a fairy tale.

Yes, summer consists of familiar rituals, everyone has their usual time and their usual place.

In the summer, everyone wants to go where he can relax, where his soul feels free…

Adults and children are two different peoples, which is why they are always at war with each other. Look, they are not like us at all. See, we're not like them at all.

The conflict of generations is inevitable, it has always been so.

If you don’t try something for a long time, you will inevitably forget how it happens.

Regularity becomes a habit, irregularity a curiosity.

If you need something, get it yourself...

No one will follow you towards your goals.

From other books

A person in our time is like a paper napkin: they blow their nose into it, crumple it, throw it away, take a new one, blow their nose, crumple, throw it ... ( 451° Fahrenheit)

People began to treat people like things, or even worse.

There are worse crimes than burning books. For example, do not read them. (451° Fahrenheit)

Not being friends with literature is the biggest mistake of a person.

Don't try to judge books by their covers. (451° Fahrenheit)

There is no need to draw conclusions from the first page either ...

It is a flower without aroma, - the old people noticed. - Today, many girls look like such flowers. Touch - and they are paper ... (Summer morning summer night)

The female sex is replete with beauty, take a closer look - and she is artificial ...

You just need to grow up as a person who looks at the world with open eyes and is not deceived. In this case, even human treachery will seem funny, nothing more. When you understand that there is always a particle of evil in human nature, it will be easier for you to endure. (Summer morning summer night)

How can one not be deceived by others, if even oneself sometimes has to be deceived.

Some consciously choose this fate: they crave like crazy for the view outside the window to change every week, every month, every year, but with age they begin to realize that they are only collecting worthless roads and unnecessary cities, no more solid than movie scenery. , and see off with the eyes of mannequins that flicker in the shop windows outside the window of a slow night train. (Summer morning summer night)

Everyone chooses what he likes.

A person hates what ruined him, what ruined his life. That's the way he's made. Unreasonable, perhaps, but such is human nature. (Smile)

If life has gone downhill, how can you love what ruined it so?

Take your time. You'll see: a brainy man will still appear who will patch it up (civilization). Mark my words. A man with a soul. (Smile)

Demonstration of the mind to women is categorically contraindicated. Almost all young people are even scared to panic by a tiny female mind, then the guys make a goosebump from a too abstruse lady without looking back and never come back later.

I need a conversation, only there is no one to listen. When I speak with the walls, they press incredibly with their squeaky cry on the eardrums. My wife is also not interested in listening to me, because she likes talking with the walls. - Ray Bradbury

Love is the years spent together, years in summer, autumn, as interesting and new as in the heat and cold. When you make endless plans: they went for berries together, then they broke lilacs, then they went sledding or played football.

The first understanding in the mind is that you are an obvious fool. At the last moment, you also clearly realize that you have remained a fool.

A dead butterfly does not mean that thunder will strike on a clear day. God is capable of everything.

Wine can be made from dandelions, but only in early spring, otherwise you will get poisoned.

Ray Bradbury: There are two dependent concepts on the scales - creation or collapse. There is no middle. Psychology has proven that creators cannot become destroyers. Who breaks - to build, as a rule, is not able.

There are moments when I am alone, and there is a vacuum around.

To live fully, a person must be multifaceted and versatile. One hundred jobs, one hundred classes, a thousand promising tasks and responsibilities.

Read the continuation of Ray Bradbury's quotes on the pages:

Apple to apple, brother-in-law brother-in-law, psychos are also in a bunch.

Young girls often want to be fatal fatal, but instead they turn out to be a little cruel and frivolous. And only in old age do kindness and understanding come.

I'll tell you one thing, Doug: I love going to bed at night! So there is always a happy ending once a day. The next morning you get up and maybe everything will go - worse than ever. But then I will immediately remember that in the evening I will go to bed again and, as soon as I lie down a little, everything will be fine again.

I visited Paris, Vienna, London - and everywhere alone and alone, and then it turned out: being alone in Paris is no better than in Greentown, Illinois. No matter where - it is important that you are alone. Of course, there is plenty of time to think, polish your manners, hone your wits. But sometimes I think: I would gladly give a sharp word or an elegant curtsy for a friend who would stay with me on Saturday and Sunday for about thirty years.

I hate a Roman named Status Quo... - Open your eyes wider, live so greedily, as if in 10 seconds you will die. Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Do not ask for guarantees, do not seek peace - there is no such beast in the world. And if there is, then he is akin to a sloth monkey, which hangs head down on a tree all day long, and spends its whole life in hibernation. To hell! Shake the tree harder, let this lazy brute crack his ass on the ground!

You don't win a war at all. All they do is lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.

When a person turns sixteen, it seems to him that there is no one smarter than him in the whole world. If at thirty he continues to think the same way, it means that he has not grown up.

and swim in the river. In autumn, cook jam together and seal windows

The main upheavals and turns of life - what are they? he thought as he pedaled his bicycle. You are born, you grow, you grow old, you die. Birth does not depend on you. But maturity, old age, death - maybe something can be done about it?

Question from a journalist: What do you think will happen to a person who always thinks about death? Ray Bradbury: Then you'll be Woody Allen.

But in the old days no one was given to see how the road dies. Well, you could still notice how it gradually fades away, or at night in bed you suddenly catch a kind of hint, a push, a confused presentiment - the road comes to naught. But years and years passed before the road gave its dusty soul to God and a new one began to come to life in return. So it was: the new appeared slowly, the old disappeared slowly. It has always been so. It was, it's gone. Now it's a matter of a few hours.

There are worse crimes than burning books. For example, do not read them.

Dandelion wine. These very words are like summer on the tongue. Dandelion wine is a summer caught and bottled. And now, when Douglas knew, truly knew that he was alive, that he then walked the earth to see and feel the world, he understood one more thing: he needed a particle of everything that he had learned, a particle of this special day - the day of gathering dandelions - also clog and save ...

Like a huge pupil of a gigantic eye, which also just opened and looks in amazement, the whole world was staring at it point-blank. And he understood: this is what unexpectedly came to him, and now will remain with him, and will never leave him. I'm alive, he thought. His fingers trembled, turning pink in the light with rapid blood, like shreds of an unknown flag, previously unseen, acquired for the first time ...

A person in our time is like a paper napkin: they blow their nose into it, crumple it, throw it away, take a new one, blow their nose, crumple it, throw it ...

So you can grow up and still not be strong? So, becoming an adult is not a consolation at all? So there is no refuge in life? Is there no such reliable citadel that would stand against the impending horrors of the night?

Looking for rabbits in hats is a disastrous business, just like looking for a modicum of common sense in some people's heads.

By ourselves, we mean nothing. We are not important, but what we keep in ourselves.

I hate a Roman named Status Quo, he once said to me. Open your eyes wider, live so greedily, as if in ten seconds you will die. Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Do not ask for guarantees, do not seek peace - there is no such beast in the world. And if there is, then it is akin to a sloth monkey, which hangs head down on a tree all day long and spends its whole life in hibernation. To hell! he said. - Shake the tree harder, let this lazy brute crack his ass on the ground!

Life is loneliness.

by cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings ...

No, no, books won't give you everything you want at once. Look for it yourself wherever you can - in old gramophone records, in old films, in old friends. Look for it in the nature around you, in yourself. Books are just one of the receptacles where we keep what we are afraid to forget. There is no mystery in them, no magic. The magic is only in what they say, in how they sew the pieces of the universe together into a single whole.

Herbs whispered under Douglas. He lowered his hand and felt their fluffy scabbard. ... The wind sighed in the ears, as in shells. The multi-colored world shimmered in the pupils, like colorful pictures in a crystal ball. The wooded hills were dotted with flowers, like shards of the sun and fiery patches of sky. Birds flickered across the vast inverted lake of the sky like pebbles thrown by a deft hand. Douglas breathed noisily through his teeth, as if he was inhaling ice and exhaling fire. Thousands of bees and dragonflies pierced the air like electrical discharges. The ten thousand hairs on Douglas' head grew one millionth of an inch. His heart was pounding in each ear, the third was thumping in his throat, and the real one was booming in his chest. The body breathed greedily for millions of pores.

In fact, absolutely nothing has changed. The kids just got new toys. Only now they are called atomic and hydrogen, that's all.

You do not need books, but what was once in them, what could now be in the programs of our living rooms. The same attention to detail, the same sensitivity and consciousness could be brought up by our radio and television programs, but, alas, they do not. No, no, books won't give you everything you want at once. Look for it yourself wherever you can - in old gramophone records, in old films, in old friends. Look for it in the nature around you, in yourself. Books are just one of the receptacles where we keep what we are afraid to forget. There is no mystery in them, no magic. The magic is only in what they say, in how they sew the pieces of the universe together into a single whole. - 451 degrees Fahrenheit

Don't ask for guarantees. And do not expect salvation from one thing - from a person, or a machine, or a library. Create for yourself what can save the world - and if you drown along the way, at least you will know that you were swimming to the shore.

Books show the rotten spots on the skin of life. Therefore, they are often feared.

Even grandma, when she goes down to the winter cellar after June, will probably stand there quietly, all alone, in secret unity with her innermost, with her soul, like grandfather, and dad, and Uncle Bert, and others too, as if talking with the shadow of bygone days, with picnics, with warm rain, with the smell of wheat fields, and roasted corn kernels, and freshly cut hay. Even grandmother will repeat over and over again the same wonderful, gilded words that are heard now when flowers are put under pressure - as they will be repeated every winter, all white winters at all times. Again and again they will fly from the lips, like a smile, like an unexpected sunbeam in the darkness.

Let us now take the question of the various small groups within our civilization. The larger the population, the more such groups. And beware of offending any of them - dog or cat lovers, doctors, lawyers, merchants, bosses, Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, descendants of Chinese, Swedish, Italian, German immigrants, Texans, Brooklyns, Irish, Oregonians or Mexico City. The heroes of books, plays, television programs should not resemble genuinely existing artists, cartographers, mechanics. Remember, Montag, the wider the market, the more carefully you must avoid conflicts. All these groups and small groups, contemplating their own navel - God forbid, somehow hurt them! Malicious writers, shut your typewriters! Well, they did just that. Magazines have become a kind of vanilla syrup. Books - in sweetened slop. So, at least, said the critics, those arrogant snobs. No wonder, they said, that no one was buying books. But the reader knew perfectly well what he needed, and, whirling in a whirlwind of fun, he kept the comics for himself. And, of course, erotic magazines. There you go, Montag. And all this happened without any intervention from above, from the government. It did not start with any prescriptions, not with orders or censorship restrictions. No! Technology, mass consumption and pressure from these same groups - that, praise the Lord, has led to the current situation. Now, thanks to them, you can always be happy: read comics to your health, various love confessions and trade and advertising publications. - 451 degrees Fahrenheit

It doesn’t matter what you do, it is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from before, so that a particle of yourself remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on the lawn and a real gardener.

Must plant their own gardens of Eden, I finished quietly. Death is a lonely affair.

Somewhere on Earth there is a certain Man and he has a Lever, it is enough for him to press the lever - and he will save this planet. But this man is now out of work. The Treasured Lever is covered with dust. And he himself plays cards - Concrete Mixer

Dandelion wine. These very words are like summer on the tongue. Dandelion wine - caught and bottled summer… - Dandelion wine

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People are idiots. They did all sorts of stupid things like dog costumes, an advertising manager position, and things like the iPhone, all for nothing but a sour aftertaste. But if we developed science, explored the Moon, Mars, Venus... Who knows what the world would be like then? Mankind has been given the opportunity to surf space, but it wants to engage in consumption: drinking beer and watching TV shows.

Time hypnotizes people. At nine years old, it seems to a person that he has always been nine and always will be nine. At thirty, he is sure that all his life he remained on this beautiful edge of maturity. And when he is seventy years old, he is always and forever seventy. Man lives in the present, whether it be the young present or the old present; but he will never see or know otherwise.

The first thing you know in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you know is that you're still the same fool.

If we listened to our reason, we would never have a love relationship. We would never be friends. We would never go for it, because we would be cynical: Something is wrong - or: She will leave me - or: I already burned myself, but because ... This is stupidity. So you can miss your whole life. Every time you need to jump off a cliff and grow wings on the way down.

Kindness and intelligence are the properties of old age. At twenty, a woman is much more interested in being heartless and frivolous.

A man at 17 is an idiot, at 18 he is a blockhead, by 20 he develops into a jerk, at 25 he is a simpleton, at 30 he is neither, and only by the glorious age of 40 becomes an ordinary fool.

That's the trouble with your generation, - said grandfather. - I'm ashamed of you, Bill, and also a journalist! You are ready to destroy everything that is good in the world. If only to spend less time, less labor, that's what you are trying to achieve. - Dandelion Wine

Being in the position of dying has its advantages. When you have nothing to lose, you are not afraid of risk.

A beautiful cover does not guarantee tasty content.

When a man is seventeen, he knows everything. If he is twenty-seven and still knows everything, then he is still seventeen.

Tears sometimes help to start a new life. I love to cry.

Take summer in your hand, pour summer into a glass - into the tiniest, of course, from which you only take a single tart sip, bring it to your lips - and hot summer will run through your veins instead of a fierce winter ...

We ourselves created evil and constantly give it new strength.

Jim managed to live into his twenties, even though he just turned 13. If you look only ahead, you can see a lot more.

The moon, peering through a crack in the dark clouds, watched me like a huge eye. I walked, stepping on mirrors, and from them the same moon and the same clouds looked at me. I was walking in the sky that lay under my feet, and suddenly - suddenly it happened ...

Hit right on target! The doctor must dig ditches. The digger is on duty in the kindergarten once a week. Philosophers wash dirty and greasy dishes twice every ten days. Let mathematicians lead the classes in school gyms. Let poets drive trucks for a change. And police detectives...

It is difficult to say at what point friendship is born. When you pour water into a vessel drop by drop, there is one, the last drop, from which it suddenly overflows, and the moisture overflows, so here, in a series of good deeds, one suddenly overflows the heart.

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