Define what verbal communication is. What is verbal and non-verbal communication


In the process of verbal communication, as a rule, a set of means of communication is used: verbal(verbal) - words, phrases, sentences; non-verbal(non-verbal) - facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonation, etc. Scientists suggest that verbal (verbal) communication in a conversation takes less than 35%, and more than 65% of information is transmitted non-verbally.

Verbal communication is communication using words, the content of information is transmitted using language. As you know, the word is one of the most important elements of influencing people, in particular, colleagues and subordinates. Speech can cause both positive and negative emotions, which leads to changes in mood and performance. Therefore, a specialist of any level should definitely master rhetoric, that is, the art of conducting a conversation. Lack of mastery of this art is one of the reasons for the failures of managers and specialists in the team.

Verbal speech impact involves taking into account the following factors:

WITH observance communicative norm:

Observe the norms of speech etiquette;

Observe the norms of the culture of speech;

TO contact with an interlocutor:

Make a favorable external impression;

Talk less yourself, let the interlocutor talk about himself;

Enlarge the interlocutor;

Lower yourself in the eyes of the interlocutor (“the principle of the yoke”, it is not necessary to pull the interlocutor up, lower yourself a little in his eyes);

Speak compliments;

Identify your interests with the interests of the interlocutor;

Be interested in the problems of the interlocutor;

Remember positive experiences;

WITH content :

Speak on a topic that interests or should interest the interlocutor;

Communicate more positive information;

Minimize negative information;

Do not give advice unless you are asked (if advice is still necessary, dress it in the form of care);

Refer to the interlocutor more often (“the law of the name”);

Give examples from life;

Use techniques that increase the persuasiveness of the information being communicated;

credibility, authenticity :

Presenting a fact as new ( recently installed..., I just read that..., yesterday it became known that...);

Presenting a fact as not immediately realized by the speaker himself ( I didn’t believe in it myself for a long time ..., I doubted it for a long time... etc.);

Submission of the fact as established as a result of the experiments ( experimentally established ..., experiments have shown that ... etc.);

Submission of the fact as established by psychologists;

Submission of the fact as established by foreign scientists ( if we say that the fact was established by the French, Hungarians, Finns, etc., there will be no such effect in the Russian audience);

Submission of the fact as established by young scientists;

Mention that the fact is established by a professor or academician; mentioning the names of scientists who established this fact;

Reference to the fact that Peter I, I. the Terrible, Ya. the Wise, L. Tolstoy spoke about this;

A reference to the fact that this idea was known, this or that way or method was used by kings, pharaohs, great commanders of the past ( even Catherine the Second wrote in a letter to ..., all French kings, Russian princes always had ..., Alexander the Great always took into account... etc.);

Presenting a fact as one that was known for a long time, but remembered about it only now ( this method was used as far back as the 16th century ..., this was known back in the 19th century... etc.);

Personalize your ideas (personal reality phenomenon);

Speak: “I personally think ...”, “My opinion is this ...”, “I experienced it myself ...”, “One friend personally told me ...” etc.;

Give specific details, details;

Language design :

Vary the words you use;

Use synonyms, words and expressions that are close in meaning;

Use words that evoke images (instead of fatty food better to say butter, pork etc.);

Use colloquial speech, do not abuse book words;

Vary intonation, do not speak monotonously;

Keep the same pace with your partner;

Give a few numbers and round them up;

Manner :

Demonstrate friendliness, sincerity;


Moderate emotionality;

Physical vigor, mobility;

ABOUT volume:

Be brief;

Speak less than the interlocutor;

Speak in short sentences;

R location information:

Give important information at the beginning and end;

Repeat several times in different places in speech and in different words;

Destination :

In a large audience it is necessary to speak more emotionally, in a small one - calmly and rationally;

With an unprepared audience and an underdeveloped person, one must speak slowly, use the form of questions and answers;

You need to talk with women emotionally, give many examples, rely on everyday problems, consider one issue at a time;

It is necessary to speak rationally with men, not to draw conclusions for them, to use enumeration when presenting;

It is necessary to speak with a child briefly, quickly, rely on events, formulate all thoughts in words in an expanded form;

It is impossible to speak with people of the older generation at a fast pace, it is necessary to speak slowly, refer to their experience, provide references from authoritative people.

In business rhetoric, the following principles of speech influence are used: accessibility, associativity, sensory, expressiveness, intensity.

Accessibility implies the balance of the content of speech, taking into account the educational level of students, their social status and production experience.

Associativity means the challenge of empathy and co-reflection, which is achieved by appealing to the rational and irrational memory of the listeners. This is done with the help of tools such as music, videos, poetry, etc.

Sensory involves the use of color, sound, drawings, diagrams, etc. The more diverse their use, the more effective the process of mastering information.

Expressiveness implies emotional intensity of speech, expressiveness of facial expressions, gestures. All this enhances the process of speech perception.

Intensity is characterized by the rate of presentation of information. The temperament of people and their preparedness for the perception of a particular type of information should be taken into account.

Experts believe that for a good performance for one minute, 20 minutes of preparation are required. Preparation of a speech plan, selection of materials, elaboration of abstracts - the key to the success of the speech.

The modern audience does not accept the mentoring (edifying) tone - the conversation should go on an equal footing. In this case, the attention of the audience must be attracted immediately. The speech should be accompanied by comparative materials, figures, facts, etc. An important element of a public speech is the answers to questions. Never shy away from them. Many people think that speech just shapes a person’s thoughts and serves as an auxiliary means of business communication. However, studies show that the results of business negotiations depend on the culture of speech, and in public speaking, the degree of the audience's conviction that your words are right.

Professional activity involves mastering the skills of rhetoric, that is, the skills of preparing and communicating to the audience the meaning of public speaking, regardless of the form (meeting, lecture, presentation, report, etc.).

In order to make our speech more expressive, vivid and emotional, it is necessary to use certain means:

Variation in the tone of the speech;

Emphasizing the main ideas;

Asking rhetorical questions during the speech;

Use of dialogue forms;

The inclusion of figurative comparisons, sayings, popular expressions, speech means of expression (tropes and figures of speech), etc.;

Use of examples;

The use of repetitions.

It should be emphasized that oral speech differs from written text. This creates some problems in relation to the audience if the speaker is simply reading the text. At the same time, oral speech has an indisputable advantage over written speech, allowing you to reveal the speaker as a professional and an interesting speaker.

Non-verbal communication- this is communication using non-speech sign systems, non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, signals of the appearance and behavior of the speaker, distance to the interlocutor, etc.). Non-verbal means of communication consist of non-verbal signals. Non-verbal signals are non-verbal, non-linguistic phenomena that carry information in the process of communication. A well-known researcher of non-verbal signals, Australian scientist A. Pease, claimed that there are at least 1000 non-verbal signals that are used by people.

Their role is very large: according to scientists, up to 60 - 70% of information in the process of communication is transmitted non-verbally. Of the two types of interpersonal communication - verbal (speech) and non-verbal - non-verbal communication is more ancient, while verbal communication is the most universal. Non-verbal communication is carried out always with personal contact. These means, as is known, can accompany speech, and can be used separately from verbal means.

Non-verbal communication can be represented as the following main systems: visual, acoustic, tactile, olfactory.

The visual system of communication includes gestures, facial expressions, gaze, spatio-temporal organization of communication, etc.

The acoustic system of communication uses such means as pauses, laughter, intonation, etc.

The tactile communication system is characterized by touching, shaking hands, hugging, etc.

The olfactory system is based on the perception of pleasant or unpleasant odors both by the person himself and the environment.

Specialists distinguish the following functions of non-verbal communication:

Expression of interpersonal relationships;

Expression of feelings and emotions;

Management of verbal communication processes;

Exchange of rituals;

Regulation of self-presentations.

Each culture leaves its mark on non-verbal means of communication, therefore there are no general norms for all mankind. The non-verbal language of another country has to be mastered in the same way as the verbal one. Non-verbal signs cannot be considered in isolation, since one gesture may have several meanings, another at the moment may mean nothing at all. Therefore, they must be read in a context where each complements, clarifies, and coordinates the others.

Non-verbal signs can be divided into three main groups: body language, paralinguistic aids, clothing and jewelry.

Non-verbal communication cues include:

- kinesics - posture, gesture, facial expressions, gait, visual contact (gaze, direction of gaze, frequency of contact);

- Takesika and extralinguistic system - handshake, kiss, pat, touch;

- prosodic - the general name of such rhythmic and melodic aspects of the voice as pitch, loudness, timbre, stress force;

- proxemics - orientation, distance;

Appearance - clothes, hairstyle, etc.

Kinesics and forms of its manifestation:

Posture - the position of the body, typical for a given culture; poses can be: open, closed, authoritarian;

Facial expressions - the movement of the muscles of the face (mouth, eyes, eyebrows, forehead);

Look - the eyes speak of a disposition or disposition to communicate, send “feedback” signals, give out the mood of a partner;

The gait is symbolic, because it can be used to determine the emotional state of a person (anger, joy, pride, grief);

Gestures are dynamically expressive movements of the body.

Of particular importance in non-verbal communication are the signals sent by the eyes and lips. The eyes transmit the most accurate and open of all human communication signals. In order to build a good relationship with your interlocutor, your gaze should meet his gaze about 60 - 70% of the time of communication. Eyes have a special way of self-presentation, the name of which sight . The latter can exercise strong psychological pressure and talk about a lot.

Consider the types of views and their interpretation:

Raise your head and look up: wait a minute, I'll think;

Head movement and frowning eyebrows: do not understand, repeat;

A smile, perhaps a slight tilt of the head: I understand, I have nothing to add;

Rhythmic nodding of the head: clear, I understand what you need;

A long fixed look into the eyes of the interlocutor: I want to subjugate myself;

Looking away: neglect;

Looking at the floor: fear and desire to leave.

In facial expressions, position is very important lips- Silent sources of emotional information. Smiling is indispensable in creating an attractive personal image, since it gives the preferred chances for trusting and friendly relationships in communication with those who use it.

Of great importance in communication are gestures. Receptivity to hand gestures is deeply rooted in the mind of the listener. In combination with words, gestures also speak, enhancing their emotional sound. They should be adequate to the content of the speech, correspond to it, properly emphasizing some semantic elements. The speaker should not specifically "invent" gestures, he is obliged to control them.

Basic gesture rules:

Gestures should be involuntary: resort to a gesture only as you feel the need for it;

Gesticulation should not be continuous: do not gesticulate with your hands throughout the speech. Not every phrase needs to be underlined with a gesture;

Manage gestures: a gesture should never lag behind the word it supports;

Make a variety of gestures: do not use the same gesture in all cases when you need to give expressiveness to words;

Gestures should be appropriate for their purpose: the number and intensity of gestures should correspond to the nature of the speech and the audience.

The extralinguistic system is the inclusion of pauses in speech, as well as various kinds of psychophysiological manifestations of a person: crying, laughter, coughing, sighing, spitting, “sound” kiss, etc. tactical means of communication include shaking hands, patting, touching, kissing. It has been proven that a person needs more than 20 "touches" per day, as they are a form of biological stimulation of communication.

To proxemic characteristics relate the orientation of partners at the time of communication relative to each other. Even the distance that people maintain when communicating already says a lot. The distance between the interlocutors depends on the age and gender of the communicants, and on the degree of acquaintance between them. Biological roots are also visible here (love - friendship - goodwill - malevolence - enmity). Usually it is not enough to “keep” a familiar person at arm's length. You can “get into confidence” by sitting closer and closer: remember the behavior of the Little Prince in relation to the Fox. By the way, intercultural differences in proxemics often lead to misunderstanding, to communication failures between politicians and businessmen.

Domestic and foreign psychologists distinguish four zones of communication in accordance with the distance between communicants (according to A. Piz):

Intimate zone (from 15 to 46 cm): a person allows only those who are in close emotional contact with him to enter this zone;

Personal zone (from 46 cm to 1.2 m): at this distance communication takes place at official receptions and friendly parties;

Social zone (from 1.2 m to 3.6 m): this distance is maintained with strangers;

Public area (more than 3.6 m): this distance is usually maintained when communicating with a large group of people, with an audience.

Thus, non-verbal communication helps to create an image of a partner, promotes the establishment of certain relationships, enhances the emotional atmosphere, and also acts as an indicator of the social-role relations of communicants.

A feature of non-verbal language is that its manifestation is due to the impulses of the human subconscious. A person who does not own the technique of controlling his non-verbal means of expression is not able to fake these impulses and trusts language more than non-verbal communication.

Proficiency in the language of non-verbal communication allows not only to better understand the interlocutor, but also to anticipate what kind of reaction a statement that has not yet been voiced will cause, to feel the need for changes to achieve the desired result. Non-verbal communication allows you to show the process of perceiving a speech, how signals are exchanged.

Each culture leaves its mark on non-verbal means of communication, therefore there are no general norms for all mankind.

Questions to control

1. What are verbal means of speech communication? What applies to them?

2. What should be considered in verbal communication?

3. What principles of speech influence should be taken into account in verbal communication?

4. Name the techniques that will help make oral speech expressive and emotional.

5. What are non-verbal means of speech communication? What applies to them?

6. What is the ratio of verbal and non-verbal means in speech communication?

7. In the form of what systems can non-verbal communication be represented?

8. What are the functions of non-verbal communication?

9. What are the main groups of non-verbal signs? What nonverbal cues does each group include?

10. What is the role of the gaze in non-verbal communication?

11. What is the role of gestures in non-verbal communication?

12. What role does distance play in the process of verbal communication? Name the main areas of communication in accordance with the distance between the communicants.

13. National specificity of non-verbal means of communication.

It is no secret that gestures, facial expressions, postures, and views are full-fledged means of communication. After all, all of them, along with speech and writing, allow people to exchange information with each other. But, alas, not every one of us knows how to recognize and correctly interpret such signals.


Verbal communication

Verbal communication- a type of interpersonal speech communication. May be oral and written. The main requirements are the clarity of the content, the clarity of pronunciation and the availability of the presentation of thoughts. Language as a system of encoding information is the most important tool for communication. With its help, a person describes various things and events, expresses his own opinion, demonstrates feelings and emotions. However, this communication tool makes sense only when it is included in any activity. That is, all kinds of signs that increase the effectiveness of interaction are an obligatory addition to words. It is worth noting that the tactile speech used in the "conversation" of two deaf-mute people also belongs to the category of verbal communication. After all, gestures in it act as a replacement for letters.

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication- a type of communication interaction without the use of words. It is a process of transmitting information through images, facial expressions, gestures, postures, touches, etc. That is, the human body acts as an instrument for such communication. It has a wide range of ways and means of messaging, including any form of self-expression. It is quite obvious that the most important condition for effective non-verbal interaction is the correct interpretation of signals. Knowledge of body language not only helps to better understand the interlocutor, but also allows you to predict his reaction to the subsequent statement. According to scientists, non-verbal communication accounts for more than 50% of all transmitted information. Whereas words are given about 7%. An intermediate link between them is occupied by sound means (voice timbre, intonation). By the way, handshakes, hugs, touches also act as means of communication interaction.


As follows from the definitions, the main difference between the types of communication lies in the way information is transmitted. Verbal communication refers to the use of spoken or written language. That is, the interlocutors exchange information, dressing it in words. This type of interaction is typical only for humans. Non-verbal communication is based on body language. The main communication tools in this case are gestures, postures, facial expressions, and touch. With their help, a person can say a lot without even connecting the speech. At the same time, the language of facial expressions and gestures is inherent in both people and animals. For example, by wagging its tail, a dog expresses its joy, while a cat, on the contrary, expresses irritation. An animal grin is a warning signal, and a guilty look from under your brows is a sign of remorse. And there can be many such examples.

Surprisingly, non-verbal communication is much more truthful than verbal communication. The fact is that often we are simply not able to control our gestures and facial expressions. They seem to come from within and become a reflection of our true feelings and experiences. Oral and written speech is deliberately false. It is much easier to deceive a person in the process of talking on the phone or on the Internet than talking to him in person. Indeed, in the latter case, it is possible to follow the facial expressions and gestures of the opponent and notice their discrepancies with speech. For example, if the interlocutor states his version of events without looking into your eyes and nervously fiddling with an object in his hands, then he has something to hide. Thus, it is much easier to deceive with words than with facial expressions and gestures.

Another difference between verbal communication and non-verbal communication is the perception of information. For example, in order to correctly capture the meaning of the interlocutor's speech, we need to connect the mind and logic. Whereas when recognizing gestures and facial expressions, intuition comes to the rescue. Another point: if during verbal interaction between people a speech barrier can arise in the form of cultural or national differences, misunderstanding of the meaning of certain terms, then in the case of non-verbal communication this rarely happens. Indeed, regardless of the location of a person, his open wide smile will be perceived as a sign of cordiality and friendliness, and a wave of the hand will become a symbol of greeting. Of course, sometimes it is very difficult to overcome the speech barrier. But once in a foreign country, we can always communicate with the locals with the help of gestures, which indicates the high efficiency of such communication.

To summarize, what is the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication.

Verbal communication Non-verbal communication
Involves the use of spoken or written languageBased on body language
Words are the main toolBuilt on facial expressions, gestures, touch
Can be deceitful and insincereBecomes a reflection of our true feelings and experiences
Subject to human controlOften an unconscious manifestation
To perceive information, it is necessary to connect the mind and logicWhen recognizing gestures, intuition comes to the rescue
A speech barrier often arises between people due to a misunderstanding of the meaning of what was saidDiffers in high efficiency and ease of interpretation
Only humanCommon to both humans and animals

The use of speech is a necessary attribute of modern life. It is impossible to imagine human communication without speech. Oral speech is used both in everyday life and in business negotiations. Speech itself has a number of features, such as: emotional - aesthetic, biophysical, individual - personal indicators, etc. Speech helps not only to understand the interlocutor during a conversation, but also reflects the speaker's own individual opinion, allows him to open up. By the way a person builds phrases, pronounces individual words, one can determine how interesting he himself is what he is talking about. Verbal communication is an integral part of the life of a modern person. Without it, not a single dialogue could have taken place, it would have become impossible to make a serious decision.

Benefits of verbal communication

It is the interaction of people with the help of words that has greater benefits than non-verbal communication. Two people will be much better able to explain themselves, to understand each other, if they begin to use language as a sign system. So what are the benefits of verbal communication? What is important to note here?

Ability to formulate and accurately communicate information

Verbal communication, unlike non-verbal communication, allows you to perceive the interlocutor as clearly as possible, share your thoughts, and show your own participation. Only words have such great power. Sometimes any speculation seems inappropriate and indecent. For example, in business negotiations, you need to have fairly accurate information and coherently express your thoughts. This cannot be done with only gestures and facial expressions.

Verbal communication is the most convenient way to express thoughts and feelings. From childhood, we get used to using words to communicate with the interlocutor. No one tries to fully communicate using only gestures or facial expressions, it would be too difficult.

Ability to analyze

With the help of words, a person, most often, expresses his vision and attitude to current events. It is verbal communication that provides people with the opportunity to evaluate the actions of others and indicate their point of view. When we speak out loud our own opinion, it becomes obvious to the interlocutor, the easier it is for him to understand us.

The information that came to us through the word is remembered much better than various assumptions. It is known that if a person is given an exact answer to a question that does not imply any duality, he will much more likely accept it as the truth, and will be able to understand the essence of the subject of the conversation. Nothing can replace the power of a word, just as nothing can refute it.

Possibility of communication

No person can achieve a state of happiness without human communication, without effective interaction with other people. The ability to express one's attitude to the speaker, to listen to him, to exchange impressions is the main emotional necessity of the individual. Each of us has a need to be heard. Communication is necessary for a person to be able to exchange emotions, receive an additional boost of energy from colleagues and friends. Anyone who severely limits himself in communication, as a rule, eventually begins to suffer from his lack: depression appears, the mood often deteriorates literally out of the blue, things are not going very well, there is a strong feeling of loneliness and uselessness.

With the help of communication skills, a person replenishes his knowledge about the world, expands his own capabilities, and often discovers new perspectives. We all learn from each other, only a few are able to walk alone, but even they need the presence of loved ones.

Features of verbal communication

Human speech has a number of features, which are essential evidence of its significance. What are these components and how do they manifest themselves in interaction with people? Let's try to figure it out!

Emotional component

During communication, people do not just exchange significant or not very important information with each other. This goal is not the true need. Much more they want to get emotions, a response to their own thoughts and feelings. In fact, it is not so important for a person what exactly they will say to him, as long as communication takes place. This phenomenon can be seen in people who lead a secluded lifestyle and interact little with others: such individuals can intentionally invent various stories that they allegedly visited and tell about them as if they really happened. That is why each of us is so eager for attention and manifestation of participation, indifference from other people, expression of ourselves as individuals.

The emotional component is extremely important for the harmonious development of the personality, for its productive work on oneself and the possibility of self-improvement. In fact, this is a very laborious work, which, however, few overcome.

General Features

Listening to a person’s voice, we, even without seeing him live, can almost accurately determine how old he is, what gender the subject is, the approximate type of temperament, health status, and even basic views on life. The interlocutor is able to read all this information in a subconscious way. The fact is that everyone has ideas about how this world works. And although views on life may be different, yet unconsciously a person determines whether they tell him the truth or just want to impress.

personality traits

Each person has unique character traits, special advantages that distinguish him from other people. Accordingly, in a conversation with different people, we sometimes experience very contradictory and contrasting emotions. We like some interlocutors, others do not, it is pleasant with the third, the fourth surprise with their extravagance. Each person has his own unique voice, each pronounces words at a certain speed, and these differences constitute the characteristics of the individual. Most often, interlocutors choose each other by voice and subconsciously reach out to those with whom bright coincidences of ideas about life are found. It also happens that a person, for some inexplicable reason, pushes away from himself, and we cannot explain to ourselves why. If the voice of the interlocutor is clearly not liked, understanding in the conversation may not be achieved.

Similarity of interests and views

Shared preferences are a very important condition for establishing contact between strangers. A person will never be interested in us if he does not have a feeling of inner involvement in what is being discussed in a conversation. That is why people sometimes have moments when the stories of strangers touch to the core. The point here is not so much in the indifference of the heart and the ability to empathize. If there is an emotional response, it means that some words touched the interlocutor to the core, allowed him to rethink significant moments from his life, helped to realize something important.

Thus, verbal communication plays an important role in the process of interaction between people. Speech here is both a means of communication and a tool for achieving understanding.

detailed information

Verbal and non-verbal language of communication exist together and help to express not only verbally, but also emotionally. Every nation on earth has its own specific gestures, which in different cultures can mean completely opposite things. But, despite this, they can be divided into several groups that express a greeting, prohibition, distrust, approval or insult. You can also highlight:

  • illustrating gestures - instructions, go-ahead, etc.;
  • regulating gestures - nodding, waving the head, etc .;
  • gestures-emblems - clenched hands denoting a greeting, etc.;
  • adaptive gestures - touching, stroking, sorting through objects, etc .;
  • gestures-affectors - express emotions;
  • micro gestures - facial flushing, lip twitching, etc.

Another significant means of verbal and non-verbal communication is. Thanks to her, a person, as it were, confirms or refutes the words spoken. Psychologists say that when you do not see the face of the interlocutor, you lose up to 15% of the necessary information. In this case, it would be appropriate to recall the communication option that is so popular today - social networks, chat, etc. Very often, a written word can carry completely different information, and that’s all because you didn’t see the facial expressions of the person who wrote it. It helps to express an emotional state, such as joy, anger, disappointment, etc.

In addition, verbal and non-verbal ways of communication must necessarily take into account the posture of a person. For example, when your interlocutor crosses his arms or legs during a conversation, this may indicate that he is trying to close himself from you, because he simply does not trust or is afraid. Thus, if you pay attention to the posture of a person, you can find out a lot of hidden information.

Particular attention must be paid to the look, it can be different:

  1. If the gaze is fixed near the forehead of the interlocutor, then it implies a serious conversation and is called businesslike.
  2. If the gaze of the interlocutor is located between the line of eyes and lips, then this option is called secular.
  3. If the gaze of the interlocutor stopped in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest, neck or lips, then most likely it means sexual interest and is called intimate.
  4. If the interlocutor looks at you askance, then this means that he is suspicious of you.

Even taking into account the significant difference between verbal and non-verbal communication, we can conclude that a person will not be able to get everything he needs and wants if he uses only one of the options. As they say, it is impossible to express all the information with gestures alone, and words without facial expressions and gestures are completely empty.

Psychologists say that when meeting a person, most of all pays attention to non-verbal communication, and if, for example, facial expressions do not suit him, then whatever the interlocutor says, it will no longer matter to him.

Features of verbal and non-verbal communication

During a conversation, a person uses the mind and logic to understand incoming information, but intuition is needed to perceive non-verbal communication. Often, many people can lie with words, but emotions, that is, facial expressions and gestures, are almost impossible to hide.

COMMUNICATION(English) communication, intercourse, interpersonal relationship) - the interaction of 2 or more people, consisting in the exchange between them of information of a cognitive and / or affective-evaluative nature.

Verbal communication- uses human speech as a sign system, natural sound language, that is, a system of phonetic signs that includes two principles: lexical and syntactic. Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when information is transmitted through speech, the meaning of the message is least of all lost.

The system of phonetic signs of a language is built on the basis of vocabulary and syntax. Vocabulary is a set of words that make up a language. Syntax- these are the means and rules for creating speech units that are characteristic of specific languages. Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when transmitting information, the meaning of the message is lost to the least extent compared to other means of transmitting information. Speech, therefore, is language in action, a form of generalized reflection of reality, a form of existence of thinking. Indeed, in thinking, speech manifests itself in the form of internal pronunciation of words to oneself. Thinking and speech are inseparable from each other. The transfer of information using speech occurs according to the following scheme: the communicator (the speaker) selects the words necessary to express the thought; connects them according to the rules of grammar, using the principles of vocabulary and syntax; pronounces these words due to the articulation of the organs of speech. The recipient (listener) perceives speech, decodes speech units for the correct understanding of the thought expressed in it. But this happens when the communicants use a national language understandable to both, developed in the process of verbal communication over many generations of people.

Speech performs two main functions - significative and communicative.

Thanks to significative function for a person (unlike an animal) it becomes possible to arbitrarily evoke images of objects, to perceive the semantic content of speech. Thanks to the communicative function, speech becomes a means of communication, a means of transmitting information.

The word makes it possible to analyze objects, things, to highlight their essential and secondary features. Mastering the word, a person automatically masters complex systems of connections and relations between objects and phenomena of the objective world. The ability to analyze objects and phenomena of the objective world, to single out the essential, main and secondary in them, to attribute these objects and phenomena to certain categories (i.e., to classify them) is an indispensable condition for determining the meaning of a word. A dictionary compiled on this basis, covering the terms-concepts of any special field of activity, is called thesaurus.

Communicative function of speech manifests itself in means of expression And means of influence. Speech is not limited only to the totality of transmitted messages, it simultaneously expresses the attitude of a person to what he is talking about, and the attitude to the one with whom he communicates. Thus, emotional and expressive components (rhythm, pause, intonation, voice modulation, etc.) are manifested to one degree or another in the speech of each individual. There are also expressive components in written speech (in the text of the letter, this is manifested in the sweeping nature of the handwriting and the force of pressure, the angle of its inclination, the direction of the lines, the shape of capital letters, etc.). The word as a means of influence and its emotional and expressive components are inseparable, they act simultaneously, to a certain extent influencing the behavior of the recipient.

Types of verbal communication.

Distinguish between external and internal speech. External speech divided by oral And written. Oral speech, in turn, on dialogical And monologue. In preparation for oral speech and especially for writing, the individual "pronounces" the speech to himself. That's what it is inner speech. In written speech, the conditions of communication are mediated by the text. Written speech May be direct(for example, exchanging notes at a meeting, at a lecture) or delayed(exchange of letters).

A form of verbal communication is finger speech. This is a manual alphabet that serves to replace oral speech when deaf and blind people communicate with each other and persons familiar with fingerprinting. Dactyl marks replace letters (similar to letters in block type).

The accuracy of the listener's understanding of the meaning of the speaker's statement depends on the feedback. Such feedback is established when the communicator and the recipient alternately change places. The recipient, by his statement, makes it clear how he understood the meaning of the received information. Thus, dialogue speech represents a kind of sequential change in the communicative roles of the communicants, during which the meaning of the speech message is revealed. monologue same speech continues long enough, not interrupted by the remarks of others. It requires advance preparation. This is usually a detailed, preparatory speech (for example, a report, lecture, etc.).

The constant and effective exchange of information is the key to the achievement of any organization or firm of its goals. The importance of verbal communication, for example in management, cannot be overestimated. However, here, as shown above, it is also necessary to pursue the goal of ensuring the correct understanding of the transmitted information or semantic messages. The ability to accurately express one's thoughts, the ability to listen are the components of the communicative side of communication. Unskillful expression of thoughts leads to a misinterpretation of what was said. Poor listening distorts the meaning of the information being conveyed. Below is a methodology for the two main ways of listening: non-reflective and reflective.

In speech, language is realized and through it, through utterances, language performs its communicative function. The main functions of the language in the communication process include: communicative (the function of information exchange); constructive (formulation of thoughts); appellative (impact on the addressee); emotive (direct emotional reaction to the situation); phatic (exchange of ritual (etiquette) formulas); metalinguistic (interpretation function. It is used when it is necessary to check whether the interlocutors use the same code).

Through observation of non-verbal means of communication, we manage to glean a huge amount of information about a partner. However, the information received may not be entirely reliable, since, firstly, there is a possibility that we could not quite correctly interpret the received signals, and secondly, our interlocutor may try to hide the truth by deliberately using his knowledge of non-verbal signals. That is why, for completeness of information, it is necessary to analyze both non-verbal and verbal means of communication.

Verbal (or verbal) communication is “the process of establishing and maintaining purposeful, direct or indirect, contact between people with the help of language” (Kunitsyna V.N., 2001, p. 46).

According to the authors of the book "Interpersonal Communication" (ibid.), speaking people can have speech flexibility to varying degrees. So, some of them pay minimal attention to the choice of speech means, talking at different times with different people, in different circumstances, mostly in the same style. Others, in an effort to preserve their stylistic appearance, are able to perform different speech roles, using a different stylistic speech repertoire in various situations. However, in addition to the individual characteristics of participants in verbal communication, the choice of the style of speech behavior is also influenced by the social context. The role situation dictates the need to turn to poetic, then to official, then to scientific or everyday speech.

Thus, holding a scientific conference for parents requires the teacher to be able to operate with strict scientific terms (which, nevertheless, must be deciphered in speech in order to exclude misunderstanding of the insufficiently prepared part of the audience and thereby prevent possible aggressive attacks or "self-elimination" of listeners in such cases).

In cases of conflict with parents, it is better to adhere to the official manner of communication. The authors of the monograph mentioned above give the following principles for constructing speech communication.

The principle of cooperation(“the requirement for interlocutors to act in a way that would be consistent with the accepted purpose and direction of the conversation” - suggests that verbal communication should:

  • contain the optimal amount of information. (it must correspond to the current goals of communication, excessive information can be distracting, misleading);
  • contain truthful statements;
  • correspond to the goals, the subject of the conversation;
  • be clear (avoiding incomprehensible expressions, verbosity).

Principle of politeness, which implies the expression in speech:

  • tact;
  • generosity;
  • approvals;
  • modesty;
  • consent;
  • benevolence.

Pedagogical practice shows that an incorrectly built verbal message can lead both to misunderstanding by partners of each other, and to an open conflict. That is why, basically, the literature devoted to the problems of constructive behavior in conflict is aimed at optimizing verbal communication (Grishina N.V., 2002). Verbal communication can be disruptive and is a channel for finding relationships.

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