House according to Feng Shui: where you can not place the clock. Where is the best place to hang a wall clock?


A watch is a unique device whose functional purpose of showing hours and minutes is not limited to this. The clock is also a symbol of life, flowing time and being in general. Therefore, the interest of Feng Shui masters in the clock in the house is quite understandable. Currently, they have developed numerous recommendations regarding which clock to choose and where to put them in the house.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the clock is a powerful energy accelerator that must be handled with great care. The clock complements the energy space of the room and enhances positive energy. Almost all the recommendations of Feng Shui masters relate exclusively to mechanical watches, since electronic ones, in their opinion, do not have the advantages of mechanical ones and can even provoke headaches. The place of the electronic clock is in the office. It is advisable to place other clocks in energy-intensive rooms where there are a lot of people, life is in full swing, there is business activity: kitchens, living rooms, offices.

Where to hang a clock in the house

Anyone who is having problems with family life should hang a clock on the east side of the house.

  • Hours in the southeast will stimulate the influx of material well-being and help solve financial problems.
  • For the east and southeast sides, it is preferable to choose a round wooden clock in all shades of blue, purple and black. But at the same time, the most preferable is green.
  • The south side is “responsible” for fame and recognition, and the southwestern side is responsible for love affairs and love affairs. If this is not enough for you and you are striving for this, place the clock in the indicated directions. Directly for the south side, a rectangular or triangular-shaped clock, red or green, is preferred. Expensive, hand-made watches are very welcome here.
  • And for the southwestern - ceramic or porcelain, square or triangular in shape. Of the desired colors - pink, orange, beige, yellow.
  • The North is "responsible" for career and professionalism. For the north side, it is better to buy watches in a metal case, round in shape, strict “office” shades - black, gray, blue, metallic, blue.
  • The hours in the northeast will contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge, and in the northwest - to attract assistants and favor travel. The requirements for watches are the same as for ordinary "northern".
  • The clock located in the west favors creativity, as well as the conception and upbringing of children. Most of all, round, oval, square metal watches in white or silver are appropriate here.

Where not to hang a clock

In order for the clock to become assistants in life, it is important not only to know where to hang it, but also where it is not recommended to hang it.

  • For example, it is impossible that at the entrance to the house the clock was conspicuous.
  • The bedroom is a quiet place, full of peace. This is an intimate zone where exchange processes take place between two partners of a subtle energy essence. Therefore, noisy clocks, such as clocks and alarm clocks, are undesirable here. The bedroom doesn't like them. But if you can’t do without an alarm clock, then it’s better that it be small and inconspicuous.
  • Large round clocks are suitable for children's rooms, with their whole appearance saying that you should not waste time aimlessly - it is very difficult or even impossible to catch up on lost time.
  • Do not keep broken clocks in the house, they lead to stagnation of energy and negatively affect the harmony of space, as well as block the work of other talismans and energy activators. There are two ways out - either fix it or throw it away.
  • If this is a priceless antique, then, alas, it is still better to store it away from the living quarters of your home.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, donated watches are also bad. Because the energy flows circulating inside a person are very sensitive to various interferences, one of which can be the resonance produced by a donated watch. To neutralize the negative, you need to present a return gift - a coin, thus "outwitting" the Universe and pretending that you bought the watch yourself.

feng shui hourglass

Feng Shui masters pay great attention to the hourglass. The sand, which is in such hours, is “alive” and is in perpetual motion, thereby exerting a beneficial effect on the surrounding space. The vital energy of qi in such places where the hourglass runs will invariably be active and positive.

The most suitable material for the body of an hourglass is wood - a living and warm material that feels life itself. Earth (sand) in combination with wood favorably affects the atmosphere of the house.

In order to use the power of the hourglass fully, they must be placed in certain places. For example, where the lack of qi energy is clearly felt, as well as in such places of activity where the realization that “time is money” is essential, or where new ideas and solutions are being generated. In a word, the most optimal place for an hourglass is a study or office, where, in addition to their other wonderful properties, they can play the role of a talisman for the knowledge sector.

In addition, the hourglass guards the temporary potential of tenants, disciplines lazy people and does not allow them to waste their time in vain. The grains of sand that flow down symbolize that every second of life is priceless.

Every person is subject to time. It either runs like a racehorse of an Arabian breed, leaving us only regrets about a life that is changing too quickly, or weaving lazily and sleepily, making us languish in expectation and boredom.

Since ancient times, people have sought to "tame" time through various ingenious mechanisms. At first, these were simple notches and knots counting the past days, then solar, water, fire and hourglasses appeared, and even later - mechanical and electronic, which we use to this day.

Since then, watches have become so firmly entrenched in our everyday life that it is impossible to even imagine how you can do without them. And we do not get by - the clock surrounds us everywhere. The next time you're outside, look around. Surely you will see some kind of chronometers. But a watch is not just a tool for measuring time. Feng Shui teaches that watches are excellent conductors of various energies. Therefore, they are able to influence the fate of people.

feng shui clock rules

It is important that the clock in the house is correctly positioned. But no less important is what kind of watch you have. So, for example, a mechanical watch with a dial has the greatest impact on a person's life. In this regard, the electronic clock is noticeably weaker.

Since the watch has its own energy, it must be handled with care.

Items that are broken, damaged, or have cracked glass should be thrown away immediately. According to Feng Shui, even the most precious chronometers should be disposed of without hesitation. In principle, this applies to any thing. Remember, damaged and unnecessary items, like magnets, attract negative energy into your home and spread it around you.

If the clock suddenly stops, it is necessary to repair it as soon as possible. After all, stopped time slows down the onset of something good in your life. In general, both wall and wrist watches that have suddenly stopped running promise big troubles for their owner: failures at work and in their own lives, health problems, emotional stagnation.

In the place where the clock stopped, life really stops, and sometimes not figuratively, but literally. There is something to think about: in the episode of the death of a person, all the clocks in his house stop running. Moreover, you can often hear that later, no matter how many hours this watch is wound, they do not want to go again. The symbolism of the clock as a kind of mystical mechanism that counts the time of a human life arose for a reason.

However, do not be discouraged if your watch suddenly stops - this does not mean at all that something bad will happen to you. Humans generate electromagnetic waves and therefore affect clockwork. This can happen for various reasons: for example, due to a strong emotional outburst. So just fix the broken thing and do not think about the bad. If the clock has stopped and does not want to go again, although both the battery and the mechanism itself are in order, then throw them away without doubts and regrets. Keeping them indoors comes with many challenges.

The family may face different problems if all the clocks of the dwelling show different times. In this case, there is a high probability of misunderstanding among the household and, accordingly, their rubbish. In addition, the clock should neither lag behind nor rush: it must always show the exact time.

By the way, from the idea that watches are closely connected with a person’s energy and literally count the minutes of his life, a sign arose that forbids giving them. This belief came to us from China, where such a present is considered an invitation to a funeral. With us, a watch brought as a gift promises separation and reduces the age of their recipient. This only applies to wristwatches: alarm clocks and wall clocks (only if they are without a cuckoo) are allowed to give.

However, today the ban on donating any watch is increasingly ignored and criticized. Well, those who still believe in this negative omen, but do not want to refuse to give and receive watches as a gift, have adopted a little trick. As is the case with other items that supposedly cannot be given, they simply give the person who gave them such a present one or more coins. Thus, the gift is symbolically paid off, and the negative omen does not work.

Hourglass as a talisman

Despite the fact that no one has been using such chronometers for the purpose of measuring time for a long time, they can often be seen on store shelves. And the thing is that the hourglass in modern times is considered a wonderful element of decor that can bring special notes to any interior. However, it turns out that this is not only a stylish accessory for the home, but also a real talisman.

Hourglasses are even more powerful than their mechanical alternatives. Since the sand in such watches is in constant visible movement, they are able to manage the favorable Qi energy, accumulating it and spreading it around. Also, these watches, symbolizing the constant irrevocable running away of time in the form of elusive grains of sand, constantly remind you of the value of every second of life. They teach how to properly distribute such precious time and not waste it on nonsense.

Feng Shui masters recommend placing an hourglass where Qi energy is quickly consumed due to excessive activity: in the study, office, children's room, sports corner. This talisman can also be placed, regardless of which room it is in, in the northeast zone, responsible for the accumulation of wisdom and knowledge. You can place them in the career zone - in the north.

As for the appearance of the hourglass, they will be most effective when framed by a tree. The combination of wood and earth, personified in the sand, will greatly enhance the effect of the talisman. When choosing a watch, like any other item for home or personal use, one should focus primarily on personal feelings and premonitions.

Human life is dominated by time: we go to bed and get up on time, we have dinner and make appointments, celebrate holidays and generally plan our lives based on time frames. Where to hang a wall clock so that it is convenient and stylish? Experts of the studio "Cozy Apartment" share tips.

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They say they don't watch happy hours? Today they are watching and how. And the right time management is not only our internal discipline and self-organization, but also a good dial in a conspicuous place. Psychologists and time management gurus argue that in a room where there is no clock, people are more fussy and less organized. And, on the contrary, that in the interior it is not only a beautiful accessory, but also a good way not to be late anywhere and to be in time with all the affairs. What to look for when placing clocks in different rooms?

Accommodation options

Classic. The most classic and appropriate place to place a wall clock is in the living room. The clock in the living room can be hung above the sofa, between the bookcases to maintain symmetry, and also create a composition from small paintings or photographs, giving the centerpiece to the stylish clock.

Non-standard solutions. Clock on the balcony - why not? Especially if there is a workplace or a small dressing room on the loggia: dressing for work, you can keep track of the time, and also do not miss the holy lunch time or an important call at work.

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In the photo: Tic watch from the Diamantini & Domeniconi factory.


In children's watches can be in the form of a soccer ball or a car, a sun or a butterfly, as well as with favorite cartoon characters on the dial (bright pictures are printed on the dial). The rule of good visibility of the hands and the dial also works here - you don’t want the child to ruin his eyesight by squinting, do you? The clock can be hung above the study area, placed on a shelf or hung above the bed.


When choosing a small child for a nursery, be careful about the fasteners and the material from which the case is made. Like everything for a child's baby, watches should be as safe and environmentally friendly as possible.

For a balcony and loggia, choose a metal clock that is resistant to rust and sunlight.

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Big Exception

Keep quiet. The sleeping area is perhaps the only option (other than the restroom, of course) where a large wall clock might even be out of place. This is a rest room, and keeping track of time, just like falling asleep listening to the ticking of the arrows, is useless here. An exception might be a relatively quiet heirloom or an antique clock face that emphasizes the interior style of the room. In other cases, a small table clock will be enough in the bedroom so as not to oversleep.

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We hang according to feng shui

Ekaterina, designer of the Uyutnaya Kvartira studio, feng shui specialist: “According to the philosophy of feng shui, clocks, especially wall clocks, are a powerful tool that promotes the flow of favorable energy in the house.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the clock is a powerful energy accelerator that must be handled with great care. The clock complements the energy space of the room and enhances positive energy. Almost all the recommendations of Feng Shui masters relate exclusively to mechanical watches, since electronic ones, in their opinion, do not have the advantages of mechanical ones and can even provoke headaches. The place of the electronic clock is in the office. It is advisable to place other clocks in energy-intensive rooms where there are a lot of people, life is in full swing, there is business activity: kitchens, living rooms, offices.

Where to hang a clock in the house

Anyone who is having problems with family life should hang a clock on the east side of the house.

  • Hours in the southeast will stimulate the influx of material well-being and help solve financial problems.
  • For the east and southeast sides, it is preferable to choose a round wooden clock in all shades of blue, purple and black
  • colors. But at the same time, the most preferable is green.
  • The south side is “responsible” for fame and recognition, and the southwestern side is responsible for love affairs and love affairs. If this is not enough for you and you are striving for this, place the clock in the indicated directions. Directly for the south side, a rectangular or triangular-shaped clock, red or green, is preferred. Expensive, hand-made watches are very welcome here.
  • And for the southwestern - ceramic or porcelain, square or triangular in shape. Of the desired colors - pink, orange, beige, yellow.
  • The North is "responsible" for career and professionalism. For the north side, it is better to buy watches in a metal case, round in shape, strict “office” shades - black, gray, blue, metallic, blue.
  • The hours in the northeast will contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge, and in the northwest - to attract assistants and favor travel. The requirements for watches are the same as for ordinary "northern".
  • The clock located in the west favors creativity, as well as the conception and upbringing of children. Most of all, round, oval, square metal watches in white or silver are appropriate here.

Where not to hang a clock

In order for the clock to become assistants in life, it is important not only to know where to hang it, but also where it is not recommended to hang it.

  • For example, it is impossible that at the entrance to the house the clock was conspicuous.
  • The bedroom is a quiet place, full of peace. This is an intimate zone where exchange processes take place between two partners of a subtle energy essence. Therefore, noisy clocks, such as clocks and alarm clocks, are undesirable here. The bedroom doesn't like them. But if you can’t do without an alarm clock, then it’s better that it be small and inconspicuous.
  • Large round clocks are suitable for children's rooms, with their whole appearance saying that you should not waste time aimlessly - it is very difficult or even impossible to catch up on lost time.
  • Do not keep broken clocks in the house, they lead to stagnation of energy and negatively affect the harmony of space, as well as block the work of other talismans and energy activators. There are two ways out - either fix it or throw it away. If this is a priceless antique, then, alas, it is still better to store it away from the living quarters of your home.
  • According to the teachings of Feng Shui, donated watches are also bad. Because the energy flows circulating inside a person are very sensitive to various interferences, one of which can be the resonance produced by a donated watch. To neutralize the negative, you need to present a return gift - a coin, thus "outwitting" the Universe and pretending that you bought the watch yourself.

feng shui hourglass

Feng Shui masters pay great attention to the hourglass. The sand, which is in such hours, is “alive” and is in perpetual motion, thereby exerting a beneficial effect on the surrounding space. The vital energy of qi in such places where the hourglass runs will invariably be active and positive.

Have you ever thought about what the clock that hangs in your house means to you? After all, they not only measure time and show us its value exactly to the last second. Following the course of their arrows, it is easy to see that life is constantly moving forward and this process cannot be stopped. Therefore, Eastern sages believe that it is watches that make us think about how we spend our days and how effectively we perform the tasks assigned to us.

Feng Shui wall clock: size, shape and location

Speaking about the location of the clock in the house, we will also touch upon the issues of their shape, material and color, because these characteristics are interconnected. So let's get started. If we divide housing into eight sectors corresponding to the cardinal points, then the following will look best:

In the southwest and northeast

If you hang such a clock in the southwest, then they will contribute to the establishment of personal relationships in the life of their owners, and if in the northeast, they will help to acquire more new knowledge and wisdom.

In the aforementioned sectors, triangular or square watches made of ceramics or porcelain are welcome. As for their color, it can be pink, beige, yellow and orange.

On South

Here they will play the role of one of the lucky amulets for those who dream of gaining fame and fame. In shape, they should resemble a triangle or rectangle, in color - be made in red or green tones. There are no special requirements regarding the material, even home-made frames and bases for the dial will do.

in the southeast

The decision to hang a clock in this sector helps to strengthen one's own financial situation and accelerate the growth of one's financial condition. However, for this to be true, you need to select clocks made of wavy or round wood for the southeast. Of the shades, only black, purple, blue and green are allowed here.

In the northwest and west

The clock on the northwest wall of the house helps its residents to travel around the world, as well as find the necessary mentors and partners. But in the West, their counterparts can have a positive impact on the achievements and creative skills of children. From the materials here you need to use only metal, and from paints - silvery shades. At the same time, their shape can only be oval, round or square.

In the north

North is the career sector, and therefore the hours located in this zone help you quickly move up the career ladder and forget about a long series of failures. Their material and form are the same as those mentioned above. The only difference is that more color variety is allowed here. Well suited blue, blue, metallic color, black and others.

The only absolutely unsuitable place for watches is the east, where watches can cause irreparable harm to the health of their owners and the family as a whole. Also, they are not recommended to be hung in the bedroom, where time should flow unnoticed, and the atmosphere should seem calm and not disturbed by unnecessary sounds.

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