Eurovision opening Jamal. The grandiose paradox of Eurovision: why Jamala won


Sergiy Prosurnya, stage director at Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv, explained to DW that Jamala's walk on the red carpet before the opening ceremony of the contest was not planned. "This format of participation was not discussed with members of her team," Proskurnya said on Tuesday, May 9, in Kyiv. According to him, it was only about the performance of last year's Eurovision winner at the opening ceremony, which happened.


Previously, representatives of Jamala were indignant at in social networks the fact that the singer was not allowed on the red carpet, along which on the opening day music competition on Sunday, May 7, its participants took place in the Mariinsky park in Kyiv. Jamala's representatives were also dissatisfied with the organization of the opening ceremony itself at the Euroclub. Sergey Proskurnya objected to this: "If the guests and participants went out on the terrace with a glass of champagne, I won't call firefighters to drag them into the hall."

The first pancake "Eurovision-2017" lumpy?

As a rule, the Eurovision opening ceremony takes place in the building of the town hall or city hall of the host city. Only after that the participants of the contest come to the "Euroclub" - a meeting place for journalists and accredited fans of "Eurovision". This time the organizers decided to do something different and laid out the longest red carpet in the history of the competition. As a result, the passage of participants along it lasted more than two hours and the opening ceremony was delayed.

It is also actively discussed on the Web that the first semi-final of Eurovision 2017 on Tuesday evening, May 9, is opened not by Jamala, the winner of last year's contest, but by Ukrainian performer Dmitry Monatik (stage name Monatik). But this is not the first precedent in the competition. So, in 2009 in Moscow, Dima Bilan, who "brought" Eurovision to Russia, appeared on stage only in the final, like Lena in Dusseldorf in 2011. A year earlier, this singer from Germany won a competition in Oslo. And Jamala will perform twice in the first semi-final of Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv - during the voting of viewers and during the counting of votes. She will first perform new interpretation"1944", with which she won in Stockholm, and then - the ethnic composition - "Lured".

See also:

  • Jacques Hudek (Croatia)

    Ukraine is going through hard time. Something similar happened in my homeland 25 years ago, when I was 10 years old. Memories of the war are very heavy. Ukraine did a great job hosting Eurovision at such a difficult time. I congratulate her. Now Kyiv for me - the best place in the world, because we are waiting big celebration.

  • Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    Dihaj (Azerbaijan)

    Got very involved. The weather in Kyiv is great, very green. I am an artist, a musician and I try not to delve into political strife. If I wanted to be a politician, that's another matter.

    Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    Slavko Kalezic (Montenegro)

    Kyiv - beautiful city, lots of greenery, parks. It is very important for me. Despite the fact that I am a vegetarian, I still tried borscht. It's still a national dish.

    Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    Tamara Gachechiladze (Georgia)

    I feel at home. My father lived in Kyiv for almost 10 years. The people are very warm and good. It is wrong that Yulia Samoilova was not allowed to participate in Eurovision. Politics and music are different things. But Ukraine has its own laws, they must be respected.

    Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    Nathan Trent (Austria)

    Cool city, cool people, well, borscht is what I advise everyone to try.

    Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    Levina (Germany)

    Kyiv is a really beautiful city. I really liked its architecture, houses in pastel colors, tasty food.

    Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    Naviband (Belarus)

    Is our favorite place in Kyiv - a botanical garden. The people of Kiev support us very much, they recognize us on the street, they wish us good luck.

    Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    Brendan Murray (Ireland)

    I did not think that I would ever find myself in Kyiv. But it's a great city. And borscht is amazing.

    Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    Christian Kostov (Bulgaria)

    I will not lie, I am upset that Yulia Samoilova could not come to Kyiv. But nothing depends on me. I will see her in Moscow.

    Borscht and a bit of politics: Eurovision-2017 participants about Kyiv

    O.Torvald (Ukraine)

    Chestnut trees have now blossomed in Kyiv. And the city itself flourished for the whole world. And politics does not concern us, we are musicians.

The name of the winner of last year's Eurovision does not leave the headlines. However, now they write about Jamal mainly in connection with scandals, and creativity, premieres and performances have faded into the background.


It all started with the fact that journalists found out how much the singer would receive for participating in the 2017 contest. Almost a million hryvnias will fall into her account from the country's budget (more than two million rubles at today's exchange rate). For not the richest state, this is an impressive amount.

However, the organizers of the event will not just give the money away - they, apparently, need to make fun of the artist. For example, she was not allowed on the red carpet during the opening ceremony of the 62nd song review of the Old World. Representatives of 42 countries shone in the Mariinsky Park in Kyiv, but the singer who brought the contest to Ukraine was not there.

According to the PR director of the performer Denis Kozlovsky, the organizers explained this by the regulations: “We went to the ceremony by car. They didn’t let us in for 20 minutes - the cordons of the police, the National Guard, parole guarded the entrance from Jamala. They looked at us, apologized, but they couldn’t let us through. There was no route plan, no regulations, no protocol, no simple instructions - nothing."

Supervisor of "Eurovision-2017" Sergey Proskurnya assured that the rules of the ceremony are approved by the European Broadcasting Union. According to the rules, only the delegations of the participating countries and presenters walk the red carpet. Like, they didn’t call ABBA, Celine Dion, Toto Cutugno and other winners of past years - there is no reason to call Jamala either.

A new blow was waiting for the performer who sang about the deportation Crimean Tatars, during the broadcast of the first semi-final. Contrary to tradition, it was not the winner of last year who opened it, as it would be logical to assume. Instead, a young Ukrainian Dmitry Monatik came out - a talented multi-artist, but it is not known how connected with Eurovision.

As for Jamala, she was supposed to appear on stage three times, but two numbers aired. During the third, viewers saw an ad block: the singer was simply cut out!

“No one explains anything,” her PR manager was indignant. “We were preparing three numbers for a TV show. This is a huge job: graphics, dancers, orchestra ... Very serious work was done. At some point, when the show producer was changed (changed to a Swede who has been working for a month and a half), we were simply told that there would be no opening number with Jamala, she would sing two compositions at the end.

Fans are at a loss as to why Jamal fell out of favor. Perhaps Kyiv did not forget last year's scandal. European TV bosses really wanted to hold a review in Ukraine, and they turned a blind eye to the fact that Jamala broke the rules by presenting a song that she had already performed. A video from the concert surfaced on YouTube, where she performed the song "1944", then called "Our Crimea".

The response of the producers of the competition to outraged fans seemed strange: "The reference group watched the video of the concert where Jamala's song was performed. But it was watched by only a few hundred viewers since it was published on YouTube, and the EBU concluded that the video could not be used for commercial purposes" .

The second reason is antipathy. They say that someone in the leadership of Ukraine does not like Jamal, so they are trying to "push" her. And with her victory, she added to the problems of Independence: a country devastated by the war should have an expensive holiday and show Europe how fun and good life is under the blue and yellow flag.

There are only three days left until the final of the competition. What other intrigues the artist will undergo and whether her performance will fail - time will tell.

After the publication by the producer and PR director Jamala of the text with the described shortcomings of the opening ceremony of Eurovision-2017, the network began lively discussion. Its main discussion is the phrase about the prohibition of Jamala from going the longest red passage of the competition.

Eurovision 2017 Supervisor Sergey Proskurnya, in a conversation with TSN.ia, dotted the "and" in this matter.

It is important to start with the fact that the rules of the red carpet ceremony are approved by the European Broadcasting Union, as the organizer of the competition.

According to Sergei, the script for this process was created in accordance with the canons of the EBU. They consist in the fact that only the delegations of the participating countries and presenters walk the red carpet.

“The question is: why was Celine Dion, Toto Cutugno not on this track. Could they also claim it, like the stars of past years? Why was Sasha Rybak not there, why was Conchita not there? These questions are rhetorical. Why did Jamala have to be there? I know who promised him (producer Jamala, ed.) a helicopter, but this person has nothing to do with the directorate and the creative group of Eurovision. all scenes with hot air balloons. Then we came up with these balloons that carried flags. And we already have ten feedbacks where they landed," the supervisor notes.

Sergey also remembered the situation with the fee for Jamala's performance in song contest which has been discussed on the web. Proskurnya explained how the amount of almost a million hryvnias was justified.

"In fact: the movement of delegations and their sequence (on the red carpet) is approved by the EBU. We made our proposal, and it was based on the Eurovision tradition: only the participants of the contest and the presenters walk along the path. My proposal was that we go in sequence alphabet of countries. We followed this even at those moments when we could not delay the representative of Albania from the correspondents, and she delayed the whole process for half an hour. All the delegations waited politely until she left, cut off the ribbon and the Albanian flag flew. It was an absolute principle.

An hour before the start of the red carpet, I received an official notification from the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) that Christer Bjorkman (Eurovision 2017 Contest Producer) and Ola Melzig (Eurovision 2017 Production Director) will be walking on the red carpet. as people who are responsible for the competition and the technical part," says Sergey.

The creative director of the Eurovision 2017 events emphasized that the producer of Jamala, Igor Tarnopolsky, knew who approved the script for the opening ceremony of the contest and the rules of the track.

“I only talked to him about the opening ceremony, there was never a red carpet theme between us. And it couldn’t be, because since December 17, when I started to really carry out my work, I knew that there is a canon that we don’t we can violate," Sergey said.

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