"How many heads, so many minds?" determination of the COE level of the class. Processing and interpretation of results


The technique was carried out by Patrakova E.V., teacher of school No. 197 Central region Petersburg, 4th grade. 15 people took part in the survey (according to the fact of their presence at the school).
Student responses are summarized in general table(Table 1).
The TOTAL line contains the maximum number of matches between students' opinions about the fairness of each of the proposed proverbs.
For example, if according to the first proverb out of 15 students 9 answered “yes” and 6 answered “no”, the number 9 is recorded in the final result.
The COE indicator is the degree of coincidence of the assessments that students give to various proverbs. It is high when the numbers in each line are close to the maximum (the number of respondents). This means that the opinions, ethical judgments of students coincide.
To determine the approximate level of COE, it is necessary to calculate the percentage of opinions that coincide for each judgment (proverb) according to the formula C \u003d 100xK / p (%), Where R- the number of students, TO- the number of concurring opinions on this judgment. Further, all these values ​​are added up and the resulting amount is divided by the number of proverbs (in our case, by 38). We get the COE indicator - C. The minimum value of C \u003d 50% (very low level cohesion), the maximum is 100% (very high degree of cohesion).
If you determine the COE level several times, then you can observe the dynamics of the development of class cohesion (its increase or decrease over time). certain period time).

Table 1
Summary sheet of the results of the COE methodology


Matched (%)

1. Poverty is not a vice

2. Goose is not a friend to a pig

3. Time is money

4. Every cricket know your hearth

5. Telling the truth is losing friendship.

6. The hunchbacked grave will fix

7. Give - take, beat - run

8. Two dogs are squabbling - do not pester the third

9. Do not do things, but do not run away from business

10. It's not a wolf - it won't run away into the forest

11. Friendship is friendship, and service is service

12. Friends are known in trouble

13. Gold glitters in mud

14. Better a tit in the hand than a crane in the sky

15. My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything

16. Happiness is not in money

17. Do not sit in your sleigh

18. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends

19. Not a place paints a person, but a person a place

20. truth does not burn in fire, and does not sink in water

21. Truth is good, but happiness is better

22. Simplicity is worse than theft

23. The work of fools loves

24. Risk is a noble cause

25. A fish is looking for where it is deeper, and a person is looking for where it is better.

26. Live with wolves - wolf howl

27. Own shirt closer to the body

28. Stinginess is not stupidity

29. old friend better than the new two

30. Shame is not smoke, eyes will not eat

31. With whom you will lead, from that you will type

32. Chop a tree for yourself

33. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel

34. What is our honor if there is nothing to eat

35. Someone else's good for the future is not

36. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree

37. From the labors of the righteous you will not make stone chambers

38. Law - what a drawbar: where you turned, it went there

C (COE index)

Let us give an example of calculating the coincidence of opinions on the first proverb (C1).
C1= 100? 9: 15 = 60%, where 9 is the number of matches for the 1st proverb, 15 is the number of all students
C2 = 100?8: 15 = 53%, etc.
We determine C (COE indicator) of the entire class: C \u003d (C1 + C2 + ... .. + C15): 38, where 38 is the number of proverbs.
Substitute the values:
C \u003d (60 + 53 + ... .. + 53): 38 \u003d 73%

Conclusion: C = 73%, 50% ‹ 73% ‹ 100%. Consequently, the class has an average cohesion of the team.

So many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads, one hundred minds.

  • - It is used to designate the "Elder of the Elders", Attika D "attikin, which is "The Hidden of the Hidden The Hidden of the Hidden" ...

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  • - Genus. in Moscow in a family of employees. Graduated from the State foreign courses languages. Works as a translator of scientific and technical. literature. Published as a poet since 1972: large-circulation gas. "Star" and alm. "Poetry"...

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  • - How many people, so many judges. Wed A man is susceptible to empty speeches! How many heads in the world, so many minds - everyone in their own way measures. Grigorovich. Fishermen. 2, 11. Cf. Artel! Artemy said...
  • - how many heads, so many minds How many people, so many judges. Wed A man is susceptible to empty speeches! How many heads in the world, so many minds - everyone in their own way measures. Grigorovich. Fishermen. 2, 11. Cf. Artel! Artemy said...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - How many heads, so many minds. How many people, so many judges. Wed I am a pliable person to empty speeches! How many heads in the world, so many minds - everyone measures in his own way. Grigorovich. Fishermen. 2, 11...

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  • - One hundred heads, one hundred minds. See INDIVIDUAL A hundred heads - a hundred minds. See UM -...
  • - How many heads, so many minds. Cm....

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Target methods "How many heads, so many minds": determine the level of value-oriented unity of the class. Stroke: high school students are given the following instruction - "Proverbs and sayings will be offered to you. Now living conditions have changed, people's ideas have also changed. So some statements may seem wrong. Think carefully about each proverb and mark "+" or "-".

1. Poverty is not a vice.

2. A goose is not a comrade to a pig.

3. Time is money.

4. Every cricket know your hearth.

5. To tell the truth is to lose friendship.

6. Hunchbacked grave will fix.

7. Give - take, beat - run.

8. Two dogs are fighting, the third - do not pester.

9. Don’t do grandfather, but don’t run away from business.

10. It's not a wolf, it won't run away into the forest.

11. Friendship - friendship, service - service.

12. Friends are known in trouble.

13. Gold glitters even in mud.

14. Better a tit in the hand than a crane in the sky.

15. My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything.

16. Happiness is not in money.

17. Do not sit in your sleigh.

18. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

19. It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.

20. Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

21. The truth is good, but happiness is better.

22. Simplicity is worse than theft.

23. Work loves fools.

24. Risk is a noble cause.

25. The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and where the person is better.

26. To live with wolves - howl like a wolf.

27. Your shirt is closer to the body.

28. Stinginess is not stupidity.

29. An old friend is better than two new ones.

30. Shame is not smoke, eyes will not eat out.

31. With whom you will lead, from that you will type.

32. Cut a tree for yourself.

33. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

34. What is our honor if there is nothing to eat.

35. Someone else's good is not good for the future.

36. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree.

37. From the works of the righteous you will not make stone chambers.

38. The law that the drawbar, where you turned, went there.

Numbers of proverbs Students

The answers are summarized in a table. In “total” is written maximum amount coincidences of students about the validity of each saying, moreover, a greater result. The COE indicator is the degree of coincidence of the assessments given by the students of the class with different judgments. It is high when the number values ​​in each column are close to the maximum. This means that the opinions of the ethical judgments of schoolchildren coincide. To determine the oriented level of the COE, it is necessary to calculate the percentage of opinions coincidence for each judgment according to the formula: 100x to 100x to P - the number of respondents C == ---------- p. k - the number of concurring opinions on this judgment. (TOTAL) Then all these values ​​from the last row of the table are added up and the resulting sum is divided by the number of judgments (38). We get the COE indicator - C. The minimum value of C = 50% (very low cohesion). Can be determined multiple times by observing the cohesion level of a class.

Dictionary of Michelson M.I., article under the heading one hundred heads, one hundred minds:

how many (one hundred) heads, so many (one hundred) minds
How many people, so many judges.
Wed A man is susceptible to empty speeches! How many heads in the world, so many minds - everyone in their own way measures.
Grigorovich. Fishermen. 2, 11.
Wed Artel! - said Artemy. - Without that it is impossible, so as not to make a noise ... How many heads, so many minds ... Moreover, everyone strives in his own way. How not to make a fuss?
P.I. Melnikov. In forests. 1, 15.
Wed Every city has its own customs and rights,
Everyone has their mind head.
Pan. Ukrainian philosopher.
Wed Viele Köpfe, viele Sinne.
So many men, so many minds.
Autant de têtes, autant d "avis.
Wed Quot homines, tot sententiæ.
How many people, so many thoughts (opinions).
Terent. Phormio. 2, 4. Cf. cicero. Definibus, 1, 5, 15.
Wed Quot capita, tot sensus.
Wed Quot capitum vivunt, totidem studiorum Millia.
Horat. sat. 2, 1, 27-28.
Wed Pectoribus mores tot sunt, quot in orbe figurae.
Ovid. Ars am. 1, 759. Cf. Greek Philam. fic. (Kock. 2, 504).
See the swan rushing into the clouds.
See mind is good.
See that the city, then the temper.
See artel.

Interpretation of the proverb "How many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads, one hundred minds." according to the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu.

Dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu.:

GOL, a and (colloquial) a, pl. s, ov, m. In football and similar team games: a point won after the ball (puck) hits the opponent's goal, as well as such a hit itself. Kill Mr.

| adj. scoring, oh, oh. G. moment at the gate. Goal situation.

SC ABOUT LKO.1. seats adv. and allied sl. How many, how many. S. worth it? C. time? Eat, p. Want.

2. (how many, how many, how much), counts. indefinitely-quant. Indicates a general indication of quantity. How many cities have you visited! How many volumes is this essay? How many days did you rest?

3. adv. To what extent, to what extent. I remember S., he was always like that.

4. (how many, how many, how many), counts. indefinitely-quant. How many, what a large number of. S. to the people! How many people did he help? C. lost time! S. time to repeat(expression of dissatisfaction about someone's disobedience).

How can! (colloquial disapproval) exclamation in meaning. to what extent, to what extent (to do, endure sth.). How much can you talk!(i.e. enough, it's time to stop).

Long time no see!(colloquial) a joyful greeting when meeting with someone whom you have not seen for a long time.

How much (how much)(simple) a little, a little bit. Give me how much!

At least how much (a little)(simple) not at all, not at all. At least help!(i.e. does not help at all).

| reduce little slip (to 4 digits).

STO, one hundred, counts. quantity

1. Number and quantity 100. Per s. to someone (over a hundred years).

2. (cosv. n. pl. honeycomb, stam, stami, stakh), with the words "many", "several". Such a number of units, items. Many hundreds of rubles. Cost a few hundred rubles. S. once said(many times; colloquial).

One hundred percent (simple) 1) very good. Rested to the fullest; 2) completely, absolutely, one hundred percent. One hundred percent right.

| order hundredth, oh, oh.

ST ABOUT LKO.1. seats adv. and allied sl. So many, so many. How much did you take, p. and gave. He is with. survived!

2. (so many, so many, so many), counts. indefinitely-quant. Such an amount (predominantly significant). I am indebted to so many people! Where have you been with. time? I have been to so many countries!

Not so much... how much, the union expresses collation under restriction, not to the same extent as. Not so much strong as agile.

So much (same) ... how much (and), the union is the same as so (same) ... as far as. As much surprised as delighted.

Even so much (table)(simple) same as at least how much (a little). Take at least a table.

At least so much (table)(simple) same as at least how much (a little). If only I could understand so much(i.e. does not understand at all).

| reduce small table (to 1 value). That's not with. didn't eat.

UM, a, m.

1. The ability of a person to think, the basis of a conscious, intelligent life. Mentality. Someone of sound mind and solid memory. (completely normal). Gives nothing to the mind or heart (does not bring any benefit). It's none of your business (you're not smart enough to judge it, it's not up to you to decide; disapproving). U. is good, but two is better (last). How many heads, so many minds (last). They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind (last).

2. This ability, developed in high degree, high intelligence development. Brilliant at. Be different in mind. Natural at. Someone's crazy. (very smart; colloquial).

3. trans. About a person as a carrier of intellect. The best minds humanity(great thinkers, scientists; high).

Crazy about someone (colloquial) in delight, in admiration. Crazy about ballet.

In the mind about the account: mentally, without writing down, without pronouncing. Multiply in your mind. We write three, two in the mind.

In (one's) mind, who is (colloquially) quite normal.

Are you in your mind? (colloquial) Do you understand what you are doing?

To bring to mind that (simple) finish as it should, as it should. Bring the matter to mind.

Take on the mind to become more reasonable.

Out of mind (colloquial) completely forgot.

To survive from the mind (colloquial) to old age, lose memory, considerations.

And I don’t have it in my mind (colloquial) and didn’t assume, didn’t think.

On the mind in thought. Some fun on my mind.

To instruct someone ( colloquial ) to reason with, teach something. good.

Out of my mind (colloquial) went crazy.

From a great mind (colloquial iron.) through thoughtlessness, through stupidity.

Spread with the mind (colloquial) to figure out, think carefully.

Come to mind about the appearance of some. thoughts, desires.

Go crazy 1) lose your mind; 2) about something, for someone and for some reason, get very involved by somebody. ( colloquial ); 3) behave recklessly (colloquial disapproved). Don't leave your family, don't go crazy! 4) to behave strangely, with quirks (colloquial). Everyone goes crazy in their own way(talking about the fact that everyone has their own quirks).

Don't go crazy (colloquial) a call to behave prudently.

Go crazy (outdated and simple.) go crazy, go crazy.

You'll go crazy! Wow!(colloquial) expression of surprise and appreciation.

Drive someone crazy 1) bring to a loss of reason; 2) captivate, charm (colloquial). Your beauty drove me crazy.

It’s on your mind who (colloquial) is secretive, cunning, has an ulterior motive.

With the mind (to do something) (colloquial) reasonably, with knowledge of the matter.

The mind goes beyond the mind who (colloquial) is not able to reasonably reason, act because of confusion, a lot of things.

I can’t imagine (colloquial) I can’t understand, figure out, guess.

| reduce mind, a, m. (to 1 meaning; neglected).

If the right word from the proverb So many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads, one hundred minds. is not in the above list, it can be found using this form.

One hundred heads, one hundred minds how many (one hundred) heads, so many (one hundred) minds

How many people, so many judges.

Wed A man is susceptible to empty speeches! How many heads in the world, so many minds- everyone in their own way measures.

Grigorovich. Fishermen. 2, 11.

Wed Artel! - said Artemy. - It’s impossible without that, so as not to make a noise ... So many heads, so many minds... Moreover, everyone strives in their own way. How not to make a fuss?

P.I. Melnikov. In forests. 1, 15.

Wed Every city has its own customs and rights,

Everyone has their mind head.

Pan. Ukrainian philosopher.

Wed Viele Köpfe, viele Sinne.

So many men, so many minds.

Autant de têtes, autant d "avis.

Wed Quot homines, tot sententiæ .

How many people, so many thoughts (opinions).

Terent. Phormio. 2, 4. Wed cicero. Definibus, 1, 5, 15.

Wed Quot capita, tot sensus.

Wed Quot capitum vivunt, totidem studiorum Millia.

Horat. sat. 2, 1, 27-28.

Wed Pectoribus mores tot sunt, quot in orbe figurae.

Ovid. Ars am. 1,759. Wed Greek Philam. fic. (Kock. 2, 504).

Cm. the swan breaks into the clouds.

Cm. mind is good.

Cm. what a city, then burrows .

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "one hundred heads, one hundred minds" is in other dictionaries:

    Artels do not control the thought. One hundred heads one hundred minds. See PEOPLE WORLD How many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads, one hundred minds. See INDIVIDUAL How many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads one hundred minds. See MIND STUPID...

    So many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads, one hundred minds. See INDIVIDUAL... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    So many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads, one hundred minds. See INDIVIDUAL How many heads, so many minds. One hundred heads one hundred minds. See MIND STUPID... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    How many (one hundred) heads, so many (one hundred) minds. How many people, so many judges. Wed I am a pliable person to empty speeches! How many heads in the world, so many minds, each one measures in its own way. Grigorovich. Fishermen. 2, 11. Cf. Artel! said Artemy. Without… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    How many people, so many judges. Wed A man is susceptible to empty speeches! How many heads there are in the world, so many minds each one measures in his own way. Grigorovich. Fishermen. 2, 11. Cf. Artel! said Artemy. It’s impossible without that, so as not to make a noise ... How many goals, ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

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