Making a musical instrument has been a sacrament for many years. Russian musical instruments are on the verge of extinction


Targets and goals:

Strengthen the health of children during team championships;

To teach children to show their individual abilities, to instill in them the desire for physical self-improvement;

Teach children to play sportswear to a healthy lifestyle;

To develop in children observation, ingenuity, resourcefulness and dexterity.

Time spending: 40 minutes.

Location: football field.

Props: relay baton, soccer and basketball balls, tennis rackets, balls, skipping ropes, bags.

For the relay race, each squad needs to form a team of 12 people (6 boys, 5 girls, 1 counselor). All children must be medically cleared to participate in the relay. The dress code is sportswear.

The host portrays the master of sports.

Transferring the baton

The player runs with the baton to the chair and back.

Ball stroke

The player must circle all the chips with a soccer ball, reach the chair. Take the ball in your hands and return to the team.

Kicking the ball

A team member takes a tennis racket and, stuffing a tennis ball, reaches the chair and back.

Running backwards

The player runs backwards to the chair.


The team is divided into pairs. Two participants, leaning back, hold the ball and go to the chair and back with side steps.


The player dribbles the basketball to the chair and back.

Rope running

The first participant takes the rope and jumps on it to the chair and back.

Running in bags

The player jumps in the bag to the chair, returns back by running.


1. What country is the birthplace of checkers? (Ancient Egypt.)

2. What competitions will never take place if there is no wind? (Sailing regatta.)

3. What is the game called with wooden skittles? (Bowling.)

4. What is the fastest type of swimming? (Crawl.)

5. What is the name of a boat with an outboard motor in powerboating? (Scooter.)

6. Homeland of sambo? (Russia.)

7. What kind of sport did the ancient Greeks consider the most valuable for maintaining health? (Swimming.)

8. Where was the first motorsport competition held? (France.)

9. What are referees called in boxing? (Referee.)

10. The birthplace of badminton? (Japan.)

11. What does the Olympic emblem mean? (Five rings symbolize the unity of athletes from all continents: Europe is a blue ring, Africa is black, America is red, Asia is yellow, Australia is green.)

12. Name the motto of the Olympians. ("Faster, higher, stronger!")

13. Marathon running is a distance, but how many kilometers? (42 km 192 m.)

14. The swimming style invented by the frog. (Breaststroke.)

Jumping with balls

A team player takes 2 balls and jumps on 2 legs to the chair and back.

Running in pairs

The team is divided into pairs (boy and girl). The first couple, holding hands, runs to the chair and back. Then the next couple.

Running with balls

A team member takes 3 balls and runs with them to the chair and back.

After summing up the results, the presenter awards the winners.

Sports relay races for schoolchildren

1. Develop endurance in running and outdoor games, speed and agility;
2. Education of the team in the game, love, for a healthy lifestyle;
Ball in the ring
The teams are lined up in one column one at a time in front of the backboards at a distance of 2-3 meters. At the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball down, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that gets into the ring the most wins.
In the center of the circle or stage are two easels with paper. The facilitator calls two groups of five people. At the leader’s signal, the first from the group take coal and draw the beginning of the drawing, at the signal they pass the coal to the next one. The task is for all five competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents. Everyone should be involved in drawing. The tasks are simple: draw a steam locomotive, a bicycle, a steamer, a truck, a tram, an airplane, etc.
Running with three balls
On the start line, the first one takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and stacks the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1m, puts them on the floor.
- instead of big balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,
- instead of running - jumping.
There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip.
The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for a turnip clings to a mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.
Relay with hoops
Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, come back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.
Relay with hoop and rope
Teams are built as if they were in a relay race. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a jump rope. On a signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping over the hoop (like a jump rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the start line of the opposite column, the player with the rope starts, who moves forward by jumping the rope. Each participant, after completing the task, passes the inventory to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and change places in the columns. Runs are prohibited.
4 players (2 from each team) stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and it is also not easy to pick up a fallen ball without assistance. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too large). The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
Ball race underfoot
Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player sends the ball back between the spread legs of the players. The last player of each team leans down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, and so on. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.
Three jumps
The participants are divided into two teams. At a distance of 8-10 m from the start line, put a rope and a hoop. After the signal, the 1st, having reached the rope, picks it up, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The 2nd takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and the rope and the hoop alternate. Whose team can do it faster, that one will win.
Forbidden movement
The players, together with the leader, stand in a circle. The leader takes a step forward to be more visible. If there are few players, then you can build them in a line, and stand in front of them yourself. The leader invites the guys to perform all the movements behind him, with the exception of the prohibited, pre-established by him. For example, it is forbidden to perform the "hands on the belt" movement. Head to the music starts to do different movements, and all the players repeat them. Suddenly, the leader performs a forbidden movement. The participant of the game, repeating it, takes a step forward, and then continues to play.
ball race
The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one at a time. Those in front have a volleyball. At the signal of the leader, the transfer of balls back begins. When the ball reaches the one standing behind, he runs with the ball to the head of the column (everyone takes a step back), becomes the first and starts passing the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team players is first. It is necessary to make sure that the ball is passed with straight arms with an inclination back, and the distance in the columns would be at least a step.
Passed - sit down!
The players are divided into several teams, 7-8 people each, and line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5 - 6 m. Captains receive a volleyball. On a signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then the third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.
Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.
needle eye
There are 2 or 3 hoops on the ground along the relay line. Starting, the first one must run to the first hoop, pick it up and pass it through itself. Then with the next hoops also. And so on the way back.
relay race with rope
The players of each team are built behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. A turntable is placed in front of each column at a distance of 10 - 12 m. On a signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line and moves forward, jumping over the rope. At the turntable, he folds the rope in half and intercepts it in one hand. He moves back, jumping on two legs and rotating the rope horizontally under his feet. At the finish, the participant passes the rope to the next player of his team, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The team whose players finish the relay more accurately and earlier wins.
Counter relay with bars
Children are divided into teams of 6 - 8 people each. Participants are built in oncoming columns one by one at a distance of 8 - 10 m from one another. The guides of the columns of the first group receive 3 wooden bars, the thickness and width of which are at least 10 cm, the length is 25 cm. Putting 2 bars (one on the start line, the other in front, a step away from the first), each of the managers stands on the bars with both feet , and holds the third bar in his hands. On a signal, the player, without leaving the bars, puts the third bar in front of him and transfers the leg that was behind him to it. He shifts the freed bar forward and transfers his leg to it. So the player moves to the opposite column. The guide of the opposite column, having received the bars behind the start line, does the same. The winner is the team whose players quickly change places in the columns.
Animal Relay
The players are divided into 2 - 4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time. Players in teams take the names of animals. Those standing first are called "bears", the second - "wolves", the third - "foxes", the fourth - "hares". A starting line is drawn in front of those in front. At the command of the educator, team members must jump to a given place in the same way as real animals do. The team of "wolves" run like wolves, the team of "hares" - like hares, etc.
Rhythmic relay race with sticks
The game is played between two or more teams that line up in columns in front of the start line. The first team players have gymnastic sticks in their hands. At the signal of the leader, the players run with them to the counter, located 15 m from the start line, run around it and return to their columns. Holding a stick by one end, they carry it along the column under the feet of the players, who, without moving from their place, jump over it. Once at the end of the column, the player passes the stick to the partner in front of him, the next one, and so on until the stick reaches the player leading the column. He runs forward with a stick, repeating the task. The game ends when all players have covered the course.
Stripe jumping
On the floor across the site, there are strips 50 cm wide. The team players stand on one side of the site. On a signal, the first players begin to jump from strip to strip. Jumps can be performed from foot to foot, two at the same time, etc. - on the instructions of the teacher. Those who complete the task correctly receive a point. The team with the most points wins. Repeated 2-3 times.
unload the car
Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. Near the baskets, one player stands up at a time and, on a signal, they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables should be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume.
Other members can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand at the cars, run to the baskets on a signal and transfer the vegetables to the cars.
Cars can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.
Relay with stops
The players of each team take turns overcoming the distance, at any moment the leader can give a signal (whistle), the players must take the position of lying down, as in push-ups. When the signal is repeated, the relay continues.
heavy burden
Participants are divided into teams of two. Each pair of players receives two sticks up to 50 cm long and a board 70-75 cm long, with a flag attached to it. Standing side by side, players hold their sticks facing forward. A plank is placed at the ends of the sticks. In this form, by joint efforts, they must carry their burden to a conditional place and return back. If the plank falls, the players stop, pick it up and then continue on their way. Whoever completes the task faster, that pair of players is considered the winner.
The passage of the swamp
Each team is given 2 hoops. With their help it is necessary to overcome the "swamp". Groups of 3 people. On a signal, one of the participants in the first group throws the hoop to the ground, all three players jump into it. They throw the second hoop at such a distance from the first one that they can jump into it, and then, without leaving the space of the second hoop, reach out to the first with their hand. So, making jumps and throwing hoops, the group gets to the turning point. You can go back to the start line along the "bridge", i.e. just roll the hoops on the ground. And at the start line, the hoops are passed to the next three. It is strictly forbidden to step foot outside the hoop - you can "drown".
Challenge players
The players are divided into 2 teams and stand in a column one at a time. Team players are calculated in numerical order. The manager calls the number. For example: 1, then 5, etc. The called players run to the set place, run around the rack (object) there and come back. The team whose player returned first gets a point. The team that gets the largest number points.
Running in bags
Children are built in two columns, the distance between the columns is 3 steps. Holding the bags with their hands near the belt, they jump to the designated place (flag, stick, or other object). Having run around it, the children return to their columns, get out of the bags, and pass them on to the next. This continues until all the children run in bags. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.
Bring a piece of paper
You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which are built in parallel to one another. The first player of each team is placed on the palm of a piece of paper. During the game, the sheet should lie on the palm of its own - it is impossible to hold it. The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it in your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly shift the leaf to right palm the next comrade in line, who immediately runs forward. Meanwhile, the first one is at the end of the row. This continues until the turn reaches the first one. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
stubborn egg
Form teams of 6 people each. Break the teams into pairs. The task of the couple is to carry the egg between their foreheads to the indicated marker and back. After that, the egg is passed to the next pair. Competitors may only support the egg with their hands outside the starting line. The fall of the egg means the team is out of the fight. The team that completes this task the fastest wins.
Running on the clouds
For this game you will need five representatives from each team. Line up the participants and tie two inflated balloons to the right and left legs of each participant (4 balloons per person). On command, the first participants set off - their task is to run to the marker for the end of the distance and return back, passing the baton to the next member of their team. Each bursting balloon brings the team one penalty point.
Children are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one after the other. At the signal of the leader, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with two legs from a place. The first jumps, the second stops at the place to which the first jumped, and jumps further. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumps the farthest wins.
Pass the ball
Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. The first participants hold the ball in their hands. At the signal of the leader, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one who is behind, over his head. The last in the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, gets up first and passes the ball to the next one behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The team that finishes the game first wins.
Air kangaroos
Divide the participants into teams and ask the participants to stand one behind the other. Give each team Balloon. The first participant holds the balloon between his knees and, like a kangaroo, jumps with it to the marker for the end of the distance. Returning in the same way back, he passes the ball to the next player, and so on. The winner is the team whose players finish the relay first.
Climb through the hoops
All players are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one at a time. At a distance of 3 and 5 m, two hoops lie one after the other in front of each column, and a ball is placed at a distance of 7 m. At the leader’s signal, the first players of each team run to the first hoop, stop in front of it, take it with both hands, raise it above their heads, put the hoop on themselves, squat, put the hoop on the floor, run to the second hoop, stand in the center of it, take it with their hands , lifted above the head and lowered to the floor. After that, the players run around the ball and return to their place. The next child continues the game. The team that completes the task first wins.
Through jump ropes
The players are divided into two teams, each of which is divided into pairs. Pairs of each team become columns 3-4 steps apart and hold short ropes by the ends at a distance of 50-60 cm from the floor. At the signal of the leader, the first pair quickly puts the rope on the ground and both players run (one to the left, the other to the right) to the end of their column, and then successively jump over the ropes of all the pairs standing in the column. Having reached their places, both players stop and again take their rope by the ends. As soon as the first rope is lifted from the ground, the second pair put down their rope, jump over the first rope, run past the column to its end, and jump over the ropes to their place. Then the third pair enters the game, and so on. The team whose players finish the relay first wins.
Baba Yaga
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.
Potato in a spoon
It is necessary to run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a large potato in an outstretched hand. They take turns running. Running time is recorded. If the potato falls, they put it back and continue running. You can't run without potatoes! Whoever shows wins best time. Team competition is even more exciting.
Go to cart
The participants are divided into two teams. Two baskets are placed at an equal distance from them. Each team is given a big ball. Participants in turn begin to throw the ball into the basket. The team with the most hits in the basket wins.
The bicycle in this relay race will be replaced by a gymnastic stick. The stick must be saddled by two participants at once. They are cyclists. Each bike duo, holding a stick between their legs, will have to get to the turning point and back. The fastest win.
Changing places with gym sticks
Players of 2 teams line up against each other at a distance of 2 m. Each player supports a gymnastic stick with his hand (covering it from above with his palm), placed vertically on the floor behind the marked line. On a signal, the players of each pair (participants facing each other make up pairs) must change places. In this case, the player must pick up his partner's stick so that it does not fall (each leaves his stick in place). If any player's stick falls, his team receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.
Relay race with sticks and jumps
The players are divided into 2 - 3 equal teams, which line up in columns one by one in 3 - 4 steps from each other. They stand parallel in front of the line, and in the hands of the player standing in front is a gymnastic stick. On a signal, the first numbers to the mace (stuffed ball) installed at 12 - 15 m, run around it and, returning to their columns, pass one of the ends of the stick to the second numbers. Holding on to the ends of the stick, both players hold it under the feet of the players, moving towards the end of the column. Everyone jumps over a stick, pushing off with two legs. The first player remains at the end of his column, and the other runs to the counter, goes around it and carries the stick under the feet of those playing with number 3, etc. The game ends when all participants run with the stick. When the starting player is again the first in the column and a stick is brought to him, he raises it up.
Race balls overhead and underfoot
The participants of the game are built in columns one at a time. The distance between the players is 1 m. The balls are distributed to the first numbers. On the leader's signal, the first player passes the ball back over his head. The player who received the ball passes it further, but between the legs, the third - again through the head, the fourth - between the legs, etc. The last player runs with the ball to the beginning of the column and serves it back over the head. So each of the players passes the ball once over the head, and once between the legs. The player standing first in the column always passes the ball over his head. The team whose first player returns to their place first wins.
On a signal, the 1st participant runs to the turning flag and back, having reached the team, claps his hand next participant- passes the baton.
This game is a relay race with a rope: before the turning point, the players jump over the rope from one foot to the other, and when returning back, they take the rope folded in half in one hand and rotate it horizontally under their feet.
The team consists of 10 - 12 people. Teams stand in columns one at a time. The guides have hockey sticks in their hands and a puck on the floor. In front of each team there are 1 - 2 racks, and on the other side of the site there are gates. At the signal, the first players run with the puck and the game begins. Bring a piece of paper You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper. The players are divided into two teams. The first player of each team is placed on the palm of a piece of paper. During the game, the sheet should lie in the palm of your hand by itself - it’s impossible to hold it. The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it in your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly shift the leaf into the palm of the next participant. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
Siamese twins
Two participants stand with their backs to each other and tightly grapple with their hands. They run sideways. The backs of the players must be tightly pressed against each other.
Pierce the ball
Teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of the first player of each team lies a volleyball or stuffed ball. Players dribble the ball forward on the ground with their hands. In this case, the ball is allowed to push at a distance outstretched hand. Having rounded the turning point, the players also return to their teams and pass the ball to the next player. The team that completes the task wins.
Take it last
The players of the two teams line up in a column one by one behind the common starting line. In front of the columns, at a distance of 20 meters, towns, maces, cubes, balls, etc. are arranged in a row. Items 1 less total number members of both teams. On a signal, the guides in the columns run to the objects and take one from the edge (one takes from the right, the other from the left), go back, run around their columns from behind and touch the next player in their column with their hand. Then he starts and does the same. The team whose player takes the last item wins.
bumpy running
The players are divided into teams, the players of which are built in columns one at a time. In front of each team from the start line to the finish line at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from each other, circles with a diameter of 30 - 40 cm are drawn in a straight or winding line. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers with a baton jump from circle to circle, after which they return back in the shortest way and pass the baton to the next player who performs the same task. The team whose players finish the relay first wins.
Getting ready for the trip
The team lines up in a row, in front of the first participant lies a backpack. Dishes are located 15-20 steps from both teams. Each player needs to run to the dishes, take one item, return, put it in a backpack and touch the next player with his hand - "pass" the baton. Then the next participant runs. Teams are given three points for quickness and neat packing of the backpack. In the swamp
Two participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go through the "swamp" along the "bumps" - sheets of paper. You need to put a sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Step over to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and put it in front of you. And so, who will be the first to pass through the room and come back.

No worse than a kangaroo
You need to jump a certain distance, holding a regular or tennis ball between your knees. If the ball falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, knees it again and continues jumping.

Baba Yaga
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Come on, don't back
On level ground, at a step distance from each other, 8–10 towns are placed on the same line (or pins). The player stands in front of the first town, they blindfold him with a blindfold and offer him to go between the towns back and forth. Wins the one who drops least amount townships.

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up at the back of each other's heads. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players take with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants of the attraction, depending on which side of the rope he is standing on, takes the ankle of the right or left leg with his right or left hand. At the signal of the leading centipede, they jump forward 1-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can run just on two legs, but then you should put the guys very close to each other. The victory is awarded to the team that first ran to the finish line, provided that none of its participants unhooked from the rope while running or jumping.
draw the sun
Teams take part in this relay game, each of which lines up in a column one at a time. At the start, in front of each team, there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, put a hoop. The task of the relay race participants is to alternately, on a signal, running out with sticks, spread them out in rays around their hoop - "draw the sun." The team that completes the task faster wins.
A starting line is drawn in front of the teams standing in columns, and 10-12 meters from each of them, racks are placed or stuffed balls are placed. At the signal of the host, the first numbers from each team run to the racks, run around them, return to their column, but do not stop, but go around it and run to the racks again. When they cross the starting line, the second numbers join them, clasping the first by the belt. Now the players are running around the rack together. In the same way, third numbers join them, and so on. The game ends when the whole team, representing the train cars, finishes. In the game, a large load falls on the first numbers, so when the game is repeated, the participants in the columns are arranged in reverse order.
Ball in the ring
The teams are lined up in one column one at a time in front of the backboards at a distance of 2-3 meters. At the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball down, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that gets into the ring the most wins.

Running with three balls
On the start line, the first one takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and stacks the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1m, puts them on the floor.
- instead of big balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,
- instead of running - jumping.

Ball race underfoot
Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player sends the ball back between the spread legs of the players. The last player of each team leans over, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, etc. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 2m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.
There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for a turnip clings to a mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Relay with hoop and rope
Teams are built as if they were in a relay race. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a jump rope. On a signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping over the hoop (like a jump rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the start line of the opposite column, the player with the rope starts, who moves forward by jumping the rope. Each participant, after completing the task, passes the inventory to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and change places in the columns. Runs are prohibited.

4 players (2 from each team) stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and it is also not easy to pick up a fallen ball without assistance. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too large). The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Three jumps
The participants are divided into two teams. At a distance of 8-10 m from the start line, put a rope and a hoop. After the signal, the 1st, having reached the rope, picks it up, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The 2nd takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and the rope and the hoop alternate. Whose team can do it faster, that one will win.

ball race
The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one at a time. Those in front have the ball. At the signal of the leader, the transfer of balls back begins. When the ball reaches the one standing behind, he runs with the ball to the head of the column, becomes the first and starts passing the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team players is first. It is necessary to make sure that the ball is passed with straight arms with an inclination back, and the distance in the columns would be at least a step. Complication: before passing the ball, toss the ball up, catch it after the clap and pass it over the head to the next participant.

Passed - sit down!
The players are divided into several teams and line up behind a common starting line in a column one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5 - 6 m. The captains get the ball. On a signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then the third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.

relay race with rope
The players of each team are built behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. A turntable is placed in front of each column at a distance of 8-10 m. On a signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line and moves forward, jumping over the rope. At the turntable, he folds the rope in half and intercepts it in one hand. He moves back, jumping on two legs and rotating the rope horizontally under his feet. At the finish, the participant passes the rope to the next player of his team, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The team whose players finish the relay more accurately and earlier wins.

unload the car
Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. Near the baskets, one player stands up at a time and, on a signal, they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables should be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other members can then "load" the machines. In this case, the players stand at the cars, run to the baskets on a signal and transfer the vegetables to the cars.

planting potatoes
Teams line up in front of the starting line, as in the previous game. At a distance of 10-20 steps (depending on the size playground and the age of the players) draw 4-6 circles in front of the columns one and a half steps from one another. Those standing in front are given a bag filled with potatoes (according to the number of circles).
On a signal, the players with bags, moving forward, put one potato in each circle. Then they come back and pass the empty containers to the next players. They run forward to collect the planted potatoes and, having filled the bags, return to the third team number, who again runs forward to “plant potatoes”. After a run, the player stands at the end of his column. All team players are required to complete the layout and collection of potatoes. At the same time, they must pick up the fallen potatoes, put them in a bag, and only after that continue to move. The team that manages to finish planting and harvesting potatoes faster than others is considered the winner.
Instead of circles, you can put small plastic hoops in front of the teams, replace potatoes with tennis balls. If there are no bags, you can take bags, baby baskets, buckets.

hoop running
Players line up in pairs. The first pair has a gymnastic hoop in their hands, and in front of the teams there is an object (stuffed ball, flag, town) that must be run around. On a signal, the first two players in the teams move forward inside the hoop, holding it with both hands. Having run around the object, the first couple hands the hoop to the next couple, and she herself stands at the end of the column. The relay race ends when all the players have completed the exercise and the hoop is again in the hands of the first pair.
If there are a lot of people who want to play, you can arrange a run in hoops in threes, while the sequence of changing threes remains the same.

needle eye
There are 2 or 3 hoops on the ground along the relay line. The guide, the first one, must run to the first hoop, pick it up and pass it through himself. Then do the same with the next hoops. And so on the way back. Then pass the baton to the next one.

Circuit relay
All players are divided into three to five teams and stand in rays from the center of the circle (like the spokes of a wheel), turning left or right side to the center. Each beam line is a team. The players standing farthest from the center of the circle hold a baton (town, tennis ball) in their right hand.
At the general signal, the extreme players with the relay run in a circle with outside past the rest of the “spokes” to their team and pass the wand to the player waiting from the edge, and then run to the other end of their line (closer to the center) and stand there.
The one who received the baton also runs around the circle and passes it to the third number, etc. When the one who starts the game is on the edge and an object is brought to him, he raises it up, announcing the end of the game by his team. The rules forbid during the game to touch the players standing in the “spokes”, to interfere with those who make runs. The fallen stick is picked up and the run continues. Penalty points are awarded for breaking the rules. A relay race in a circle, just like an oncoming one, can be carried out with a basketball dribbling. You can change the direction of movement, i.e., repeating the game, give the task to the participants to run in a circle in the other direction.

Children are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one after the other. At the signal of the leader, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with two legs from a place. The first jumps, the second stops at the place to which the first jumped, and jumps further. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumps the farthest wins.

Children are divided into two teams that "rest on the river". Each team has a hoop - this is a "boat". Teams must swim in the "boat" from one side to the other. The start and finish lines are determined. At the leader's signal, the first players get into the "boat", take one player with them and help him swim to the other side. Then they come back for the next one. You can take only one passenger with you. The team that gets to the other side faster wins.

funny hockey
Each team has 6 people. Each team has five balls (it would be nice to have different sizes) and children's clubs. At the signal of the host, the first numbers lead one ball to the mace and back. The second - two, the third - three balls, and so on up to five. Which team will do it better and faster?

roll the ball
Teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of the first player of each team lies a volleyball or stuffed ball. Players dribble the ball forward on the ground with their hands. In this case, the ball is allowed to be pushed at arm's length. Having rounded the turning point, the players also return to their teams and pass the ball to the next player. The team that completes the task wins.

ball towards
Two teams of 10 people are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 meters. The first numbers have balls. At the leader's signal, the guys roll the balls towards each other so that the balls do not collide. Having caught the balls, the players pass them to the next numbers.

Also, two teams line up between the two lines at a distance of 4 meters. But at the signal of the leader, they take the position of the "caterpillar", that is, each player serves left leg, bent at the knee, to the player standing behind, and with his left hand supports the leg in front of him. right hand puts on his shoulder. On the second signal, the columns begin to move forward by jumping on one leg. The task is not an easy one, requiring dexterity and strength. The team whose last player crosses the finish line first wins. In this game, it is important to keep the rhythm of movement. Therefore, one of the players can count out loud - one, two, etc.

There are 10 pins in a row at a distance of 3 m. Each team member tries to knock down the pins with the ball. The team that knocks down all the pins with the least number of throws wins.

Football player track
The area for these competitions must be level. Along its length, put five or six flags at intervals of six to seven steps. Parallel to them, at a distance of ten steps, place exactly the same row of flags. With a rope or a line, mark the start line on the ground, it will also be the finish line. Divide everyone who wants to participate in the relay game into two equal teams and place them in single file at the start line, each against its own row of flags. Give the first numbers in the teams a ball.
Everyone will have to make a run with the ball, leading it with their feet in front of themselves along a broken zigzag line between the flags. Is it easy, the players will be convinced of own experience. When running fast, you should try not to let the ball go far from you. This skill is very important for a football player. Having run with the ball back and forth, the players kick the ball to the next numbers of their team. So one by one, all the players of the team run between the flags. Some will do it faster, others slower, which will decide the outcome of the competition. If the player made a mistake, he returns to the place where it happened, and from there he dribbles the ball again.

funny frogs
The game involves two teams (more possible). A rope is placed 3–4 m from the start line. The first team numbers go to the start line. On a signal, the participants run to the jump ropes with “frog” jumps, perform 10 jumps and run back to the start line.

By a thread
On the ground, a few (according to the number of participants in the game) parallel straight lines are drawn with a sharp stick, marking the distance. Start! Everyone is running a race - it is important not only to come first, but also to run the distance "like a thread" - so that the traces must fall on the drawn straight line.

Don't drop it!
The player must walk along the gymnastic bench, holding a racket or plywood with one or more balls (tennis or hockey) in his hands, without dropping it (them).
Carry the racket with the ball with the right (left) hand.
Walk along the rail of the gymnastic bench.
Walk along the gymnastic bench with a side step.
Walk along the rail of the gymnastics bench with a stick or club balanced on a finger or palm.

Changing places
The players are divided into two equal teams. Border lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the hall. One team stands behind one line, the other behind the other. At the signal of the leader, the players of each team simultaneously run across the opposite border line, that is, the teams change places. You can move different ways: running, jumping on two legs, jumping on one leg, etc. The team that manages to place behind the opposite line faster than the other wins.

The participants of the relay line up one after another at the start line. The team is divided into pairs. The first leans, the second jumps over it, then the second leans, and the first jumps, and so on to the flag and back. The team with the fastest jumps wins.

Team members are divided into pairs. The first pair is given two boards each. At the referee's whistle, the movement begins. One puts the boards, and the second steps on them. Having reached the flag, they change, the main thing is not to fall off the plank. Having reached the start, they pass the boards to the next pair from their team.

Cat in a bag
Participants line up one after another at the start line. The first number takes the bag and climbs into it. At the command of the judge, he starts jumping to the flag and back, then he gives the bag to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay quickly wins.

hoop game
The players are divided into two teams of 10-12 people and stand parallel to each other at a distance of 6 steps. Team captains hold hoops with their hands extended forward. At the command of the leader, the captains try to climb into the hoop as soon as possible and pass it to the next member of the team, he does the same, etc.
The team that completes this task the fastest wins.

On a signal, the child runs to the counter, takes off her hat and runs with her to the team. Passes on the baton. The second participant runs with a hat to the counter, puts a hat on it and returns to the team. Complication: advance to the rack by jumping "classics"

Each participant runs to the line on which the onion lies and tries to hit the target bucket with it. He returns to the team and passes the baton on the hand.

Roll a stuffed ball with a “snake” between the pins; put it in the hoop that lies opposite the team. Back to return running. The next participant first runs after the ball, then rolls it with a “snake” between objects. Roll the ball with both hands. The game ends when all participants complete the task.

Agile squirrels
The squirrel must deftly jump from tree to tree (from hoop to hoop), while carrying nuts (balls).

Boots - runners
On a signal, the participants put on felt boots and run to the landmark and back.

The players are in pairs. On a signal, participants run in pairs: one runs in a hoop, and the other holds on to the hoop from behind. You need to run to the landmark (run around the snowball) and return, give the hoop to the next pair. The participant standing behind must hold on to the hoop all the time. The game ends when last couple crosses the starting line.

The relay race is performed by the flow on the knees. Last Member crawls on all fours in the tunnel and gets up first. The relay ends when the first participant takes his place.
snow blockage
The players are arranged in a line, on the sides of which lie hoops. In one hoop there are objects according to the number of participants (balls, cubes, sticks). Sitting side by side, on a signal, you need to dismantle the “snow blockage”, passing objects from hand to hand into another hoop, and roll the balls across the floor under bent legs. Items can only be passed from hand to hand.
The winning team is the first to place the last item in the hoop.
Ice skating
Replace skates with galoshes, “slide” to the landmark and back, hands behind your back. Remove skates in front of the start line.

Decorate the Christmas tree
Decorations according to the number of participants are in the basket before the start. Participants take turns running to the Christmas tree, overcoming obstacles in their path (snowdrifts - stuffed balls, a slide - an inclined board). The first team to decorate the Christmas tree wins.

agile monkeys
The participant overcomes the path to the "palm tree" along the liana (rope lying on the floor), stepping on the rope with his feet, holding on to it with his hands. At the landmark "palms" take the "banana" and run to the team. The team that collects all the bananas the fastest wins.

frog on the hunt
The participant puts flippers on his feet, crouches and starts jumping like a frog to the landmark. At the turn, he turns to face the team and catches a tennis ball ("mosquito"), which is thrown to him by the next participant. With the prey, the “frog” returns to the team and passes it to the third participant, and flippers to the second.
Take the ball from the hoop
Counter relay. The first participant runs "snake" between objects. Takes the ball from the hoop, runs across the bench, passes the ball to the second and gets up last. The second one runs along the bench, puts the ball in the hoop and runs "snake" between the objects. He passes the baton with a clap on the shoulder and gets up last.

well-aimed throw
Jump "snake" on two legs between objects to the bench. Crawl on your stomach on a bench. Take the ball from the basket and hit the ring. 

State budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 117 of the Vyborgsky district

St. Petersburg

Topic: "Relay games as a means of physical development of the child, the formation of his emotional sphere"

Target : Physical development child and the formation of his emotional sphere.



to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children;

promote the development of the musculoskeletal system;

create conditions for satisfying the natural need of children to move.


Develop children's understanding of healthy way life;

develop expressiveness motor actions;

to form in children elementary knowledge and ideas about different types movements and how to perform them;

· to form and improve motor skills in relay races, outdoor games and basic movements.


Develop children's interest in relay games and exercise using different items;

the formation in children of the ability to play together, coordinating their actions with the actions of others; encourage children to be independent and be active in games and exercises.

When organizing game relay races, it is important to observe the following rules:

1) the number of players in teams must be equal (including boys and girls);

2) in front of the columns should be children of smaller stature, behind - larger ones;

3) races in teams are carried out strictly in turn, which no one misses;

4) ahead of time it is not allowed to run out of the start line (take over the baton);

5) the relay race in the team always ends with the player who started it;

6) regardless of the end of the game by one team, it continues until all the players of the team complete the tasks;

7) the result is summed up by the number of points earned;

8) for each mistake during the game, a penalty point is awarded;

9) the team with the most points wins (not necessarily the first to finish the relay), but FRIENDSHIP most often wins.

(5 – 6 years old)

"From bump to bump"

Equipment: hoops.

The players line up in three columns at the starting line. In front of each, at a distance of 10 m, they draw or lay flat hoops (6–8 pieces) - these are bumps. At the command of the teacher, the first players begin to jump from hoop to hoop. Having reached the finish line, they run back. Jumping starts the next participant. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.


Equipment : sandbags, hoops.

The players are built at the starting line in two or three columns. The first players have one bag of sand. At the signal of the teacher, they clamp the bags between their knees and jump on two legs to the hoop, then take the bags in their hands, run back to their column and pass them on to the next players. They themselves stand at the end of their column.

"Who is faster to the flag"

Target: exercise in running, jumping on two legs.

Equipment: cubes, skittles.

The players line up in two columns. Opposite each, at a distance of 5 m, they put one object (cube, skittle). At the signal of the teacher, the players standing first in the column jump on two legs to the object, go around it and run back to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end of their column.

"School of the ball"

Equipment: balls.

Children are divided into three or four columns. In the hands of the first players standing in the column, the ball. At the signal of the teacher, the first player hits the ball into the hoop, catches it with both hands and passes it to the next, and he runs to the end of his column. The column that completes the task faster wins.

"Don't hit the object"

Equipment: objects (cubes, skittles) placed in a row.

Children are built in two columns at the starting line. In front of each column, objects are placed in a row at a distance of 0.5 m. At the signal of the teacher, the children jump one after another on two legs between objects (snake) and return to their place. The column that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.


Equipment: 5 small circles, buckets with small cubes or pebbles, sand buckets, watering cans, empty buckets.

Children are built in 2 - 3 columns of 6 people behind the line on one side of the site. Those standing first in the columns hold in their hands 5 small circles, cut out of cardboard or made of wicker. The second children have buckets with small cubes or pebbles in their hands, the third have buckets of sand, the fourth have watering cans, the fifth have empty buckets, the sixth have no inventory.

At a distance of 5 - 6 m from the line behind which the children stand, another line is drawn. At a signal from an adult, those standing in the column are the first to run to the second line, lay out circles behind it - as if making holes - at a step distance from one another. Quickly returning then to the end of their column, on the move they touch with their hands those standing second. The second players run behind the line and put a cube or a pebble in each circle (plant potatoes). Those standing third run and pour a handful of sand into each circle (fertilize the plantings). The fourth players run up with watering cans and make imitation movements, as if watering each planting. Fifths run with buckets, harvest (put cubes in buckets) and return to the end of the column. And finally, the latter quickly collect mugs.

The column that quickly plants vegetables and harvests wins. During this game, children must follow the rules - start the game at the signal of an adult, do not run if the previous player has not yet touched it, lay out items carefully

(6 – 7 years old)

Relay with hoops

Equipment: hoops

The players line up in two columns (a line is drawn in front of each). At a distance of 6–8 m from the columns, one hoop is placed. At the command of the teacher, the players standing first in the column run to the hoops, lift them up, climb through them, put them in place and run to their column, touch the next child’s hand and stand at the end of the column. Each subsequent performs the same task. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

"Fast on the ball"

Equipment: cord, balls.

Players line up in front of a stretched net (cord) at a distance of 0.5 m. Throwing a ball through it, they quickly pass under the net and catch it after bouncing off the ground. Then the task is performed by the second line of players. The team that completed the task with fewer penalty points (for a missed ball) wins.

"Pass the ball"

Purpose: to develop the ability to control the ball, to develop agility.

Equipment: balls, dice.

The players stand in two columns, each in the hands of one ball.

Cubes (5–6 pieces) are placed parallel to each other along the site at a distance of 1.5 m.

At the signal of the teacher, the first players begin to dribble between objects. As soon as they pass two or three items, the next guys join the game, etc. Everyone who completes the task stands at the end of his column.

relay race with rope

Equipment: jump ropes.

The teams are built in a column one at a time, in the hands of the guides there are short ropes. On a signal, the first numbers begin to move, jumping over the rope in a conditioned way and, having rounded the rack located at a distance of 8-10 m, come back, passing the rope to the second numbers, etc. During the movement, taking into account the distance, you must do at least 10– 12 turns of the rope. The jumping methods can be as follows: one rotation of the rope for two steps; for each running step one rotation of the rope; jumps on two legs with intermediate jumps; jumps on two legs without intermediate jumps.

With a jump rope in pairs

Purpose: to consolidate and develop the skill of owning a rope.

Equipment: jump ropes, cubes.

The players of the two teams are divided into pairs and stand in columns in front of the start line. Cubes or stuffed balls are placed 10-12 meters in front of the teams, indicating a turn. Players in pairs stand close to each other. One of them is holding a short rope. On a signal, both players rush forward, jumping over the rope.

Having reached the turning point (rack, cube), they return back, however, the rope is rotated by another participant in the game. After crossing the starting line by the first pair, the exercise is performed new couple. The game ends after the end of the last pair.

Grasshopper Relay

Purpose: to practice jumping.

Two or three teams line up in front of the starting line. On a signal, the first numbers jump over the established distance of 10–15 m back and forth, always stepping over the line on the opposite side of the site. As soon as the first participant, having landed behind the starting line, touches the next participant with his hand, he starts jumping, etc.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. In the relay race, the following tasks can be performed: jumping on two legs, jumping on right leg, jumping on the left foot, there - on the right foot, from there - on the left or vice versa.

Relay option. Each participant tries to overcome the distance in fewer jumps.

The winner is determined by the smallest amount of jumps spent by all team members. With this option, long jumps from foot to foot can be used, and the relay race itself is held in one direction with a gradual transition of the participants to the opposite side of the site.


In the same way, you can conduct cross-country relay races:

carry the ball without hitting the pin;

obstacle course;

who is faster through the obstacles to the flag;

whose team will score more goals in the basket;

running on all fours; running with an apple on your head;

running backwards;

running jumping sideways;

running on one leg;

frog run (hands in front on the ground, jump from a squatting position);

running with two glasses: one with water, the other empty, we pour water on the run;

running with a spoon containing a potato;

running together embracing;

bag run.



State budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 117 of the Vyborgsky district

St. Petersburg

Methodological development of outdoor games for children on a walk.

Relay games for children 5-7 years old.

Educator: Garbuz Larisa Alekseevna

Topic: "Relay games as a means of physical development of the child, the formation of his emotional sphere"

Target : The physical development of the child and the formation of his emotional sphere.



  • to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children;
  • promote the development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • create conditions to meet the natural need of children to move.


  • to form in children an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;
  • develop expressiveness of motor actions;
  • to form in children elementary knowledge and ideas about different types of movements and how to perform them;
  • to form and improve motor skills in relay games, outdoor games and basic movements.


  • develop children's interest in relay games and physical exercises using different objects;
  • the formation in children of the ability to play together, coordinating their actions with the actions of others; encourage children to be independent and be active in games and exercises.

When organizing game relay races, it is important to observe the following rules:

1) the number of players in teams must be equal (including boys and girls);

2) in front of the columns should be children of smaller stature, behind - larger ones;

3) races in teams are carried out strictly in turn, which no one misses;

4) ahead of time it is not allowed to run out of the start line (take over the baton);

5) the relay race in the team always ends with the player who started it;

6) regardless of the end of the game by one team, it continues until all the players of the team complete the tasks;

7) the result is summed up by the number of points earned;

8) for each mistake during the game, a penalty point is awarded;

9) the team with the most points wins (not necessarily the first to finish the relay), but FRIENDSHIP most often wins.

Games - relay races for children of senior preschool age.

(5 – 6 years old)

"From bump to bump"

Purpose: to develop the ability to control your body.

Equipment: hoops.

The players line up in three columns at the starting line. In front of each, at a distance of 10 m, they draw or lay flat hoops (6–8 pieces) - these are bumps. At the command of the teacher, the first players begin to jump from hoop to hoop. Having reached the finish line, they run back. Jumping starts the next participant. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.


Purpose: to develop coordination of movements.

Equipment : sandbags, hoops.

The players are built at the starting line in two or three columns. The first players have one bag of sand. At the signal of the teacher, they clamp the bags between their knees and jump on two legs to the hoop, then take the bags in their hands, run back to their column and pass them on to the next players. They themselves stand at the end of their column.

"Who is faster to the flag"

Purpose: to exercise in running, jumping on two legs.

Equipment: cubes, skittles.

The players line up in two columns. Opposite each, at a distance of 5 m, they put one object (cube, skittle). At the signal of the teacher, the players standing first in the column jump on two legs to the object, go around it and run back to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end of their column.

"School of the ball"

Purpose: to practice hitting the ball.

Equipment: balls.

Children are divided into three or four columns. In the hands of the first players standing in the column, the ball. At the signal of the teacher, the first player hits the ball into the hoop, catches it with both hands and passes it to the next, and he runs to the end of his column. The column that completes the task faster wins.

"Don't hit the object"

Purpose: to develop the ability to control your body, exercise in jumping on two legs.

Equipment: objects (cubes, skittles) placed in a row.

Children are built in two columns at the starting line. In front of each column, objects are placed in a row at a distance of 0.5 m. At the signal of the teacher, the children jump one after another on two legs between objects (snake) and return to their place. The column that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.


Purpose: to exercise in running with objects, clearly following the rules of the game.

Equipment: 5 small circles, buckets with small cubes or pebbles, sand buckets, watering cans, empty buckets.

Children are built in 2 - 3 columns of 6 people behind the line on one side of the site. Those standing first in the columns hold in their hands 5 small circles, cut out of cardboard or made of wicker. The second children have buckets with small cubes or pebbles in their hands, the third have buckets of sand, the fourth have watering cans, the fifth have empty buckets, the sixth have no inventory.

At a distance of 5 - 6 m from the line behind which the children stand, another line is drawn. At a signal from an adult, those standing in the column are the first to run to the second line, lay out circles behind it - as if making holes - at a step distance from one another. Quickly returning then to the end of their column, on the move they touch with their hands those standing second. The second players run behind the line and put a cube or a pebble in each circle (plant potatoes). Those standing third run and pour a handful of sand into each circle (fertilize the plantings). The fourth players run up with watering cans and make imitation movements, as if watering each planting. Fifths run with buckets, harvest (put cubes in buckets) and return to the end of the column. And finally, the latter quickly collect mugs.

The column that quickly plants vegetables and harvests wins. During this game, children must follow the rules - start the game at the signal of an adult, do not run if the previous player has not yet touched it, lay out items carefully

Games - relay races for children in the preparatory group for school.

(6 – 7 years old)

Relay with hoops

Purpose: to consolidate the skill of climbing through the hoop.

Equipment: hoops

The players line up in two columns (a line is drawn in front of each). At a distance of 6–8 m from the columns, one hoop is placed. At the command of the teacher, the players standing first in the column run to the hoops, lift them up, climb through them, put them in place and run to their column, touch the next child’s hand and stand at the end of the column. Each subsequent performs the same task. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

"Fast on the ball"

Purpose: to develop the ability to control the ball, to develop agility.

Equipment: cord, balls.

Players line up in front of a stretched net (cord) at a distance of 0.5 m. Throwing a ball through it, they quickly pass under the net and catch it after bouncing off the ground. Then the task is performed by the second line of players. The team that completed the task with fewer penalty points (for a missed ball) wins.

"Pass the ball"

Purpose: to develop the ability to control the ball, to develop agility.

Equipment: balls, cubes.

The players stand in two columns, each in the hands of one ball.

Cubes (5–6 pieces) are placed parallel to each other along the site at a distance of 1.5 m.

At the signal of the teacher, the first players begin to dribble between objects. As soon as they pass two or three items, the next guys join the game, etc. Everyone who completes the task stands at the end of his column.

relay race with rope

Purpose: to consolidate and develop the skill of owning a rope.

Equipment: skipping ropes.

The teams are built in a column one at a time, in the hands of the guides there are short ropes. On a signal, the first numbers begin to move, jumping over the rope in a conditioned way and, having rounded the rack located at a distance of 8-10 m, come back, passing the rope to the second numbers, etc. During the movement, taking into account the distance, you must do at least 10– 12 turns of the rope. The jumping methods can be as follows: one rotation of the rope for two steps; for each running step one rotation of the rope; jumps on two legs with intermediate jumps; jumps on two legs without intermediate jumps.

With a jump rope in pairs

Purpose: to consolidate and develop the skill of owning a rope.

Equipment: skipping ropes, cubes.

The players of the two teams are divided into pairs and stand in columns in front of the start line. Cubes or stuffed balls are placed 10-12 meters in front of the teams, indicating a turn. Players in pairs stand close to each other. One of them is holding a short rope. On a signal, both players rush forward, jumping over the rope.

Having reached the turning point (rack, cube), they return back, however, the rope is rotated by another participant in the game. After crossing the starting line by the first pair, the exercise is performed by a new pair. The game ends after the end of the last pair.

Grasshopper Relay

Purpose: to practice jumping.

Two or three teams line up in front of the starting line. On a signal, the first numbers jump over the established distance of 10–15 m back and forth, always stepping over the line on the opposite side of the site. As soon as the first participant, having landed behind the starting line, touches the next participant with his hand, he starts jumping, etc.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. The following tasks can be performed in the relay race: jumps on two legs, jumps on the right leg, jumps on the left leg, there - on the right leg, from there - on the left, or vice versa.

Relay option. Each participant tries to overcome the distance in fewer jumps.

The winner is determined by the smallest amount of jumps spent by all team members. With this option, long jumps from foot to foot can be used, and the relay race itself is held in one direction with a gradual transition of the participants to the opposite side of the site.


In the same way, you can conduct cross-country relay races:

carry the ball without hitting the pin;

obstacle course;

who is faster through the obstacles to the flag;

whose team will score more goals in the basket;

running on all fours; running with an apple on your head;

running backwards;

running jumping sideways;

running on one leg;

frog run (hands in front on the ground, jump from a squatting position);

running with two glasses: one with water, the other empty, we pour water on the run;

running with a spoon containing a potato;

running together embracing;

bag run.

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