Summaries of classes in children's physical education. according to RO motor action


Improving task: strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, the development of synchronous movements of the arms and legs,

educational task: mastering combatant commands, learning to jump rope,

The educational task is the formation of the need for systematic studies, education volitional qualities(courage, determination, endurance, perseverance)
Sports equipment: jump rope

In other words, the goals of implementation exercise. They were relatively different from the socio-economic and political education to another, but the essence has always remained the same. Sport is a sports activity, consisting of all sports branches, which is aimed at developing the physical and mental state of a person, in order to achieve results in competitions at all levels. Physical education and sports develop a complex area of ​​interests, needs, motivations. He teaches ambition, courage, imitation, distribution of attention, determination, firmness, perseverance, calmness, modesty, honesty, multiplicity of traits of will and character.

Introductory part:

· Formation in a line, instructor's team: Stand in one line!

· Actions on the spot: Level up! Attention! (combat stance - the participant stands straight, heels together, socks apart for the width of the foot 45)

Walking on toes, on heels, on outside feet, on the inside of the foot, heels together, toes apart, toes together, heels apart,

Side step right side, step march

Side step left side


Easy run 1 min.,

ORU complex with a skipping rope (repeat exercises 5-6 times)

I.p. - fold the rope four times down, feet shoulder-width apart

1-rope in front of you, up, lower down

2-rope up - springy jerks overhead,

3 jump rope in front of you - turn the body to the right to return to the starting position, also to the left side,

3-hold the rope in front of you, bend your right leg at the knee, lower your hands down, also with your left foot,

4-legs shoulder-width apart, rope below, lift the rope up, lunge the right leg forward, return to and. Continue alternating left leg

5-ip feet shoulder-width apart, torso forward, arms forward with a rope,

6-legs wider than shoulders, tilt down to straight legs, return to sp.

7-put the rope on the floor - jumping on two legs through the rope, back and forth, (jump on toes)

Restoration of breathing: raise your hands through the sides up, then lower them down under the count.

Main part: learning to jump rope

The rope is lowered down, hold the handles with your hands, then move the rope forward and step over it, or jump over it, etc.

Hold the rope at waist level. Jump or step over gently.

Put the rope on the floor. Jumping in place without a rope, imitate the rotation of the rope with your hands. (10r.) It is possible to alternate jumping with a rope and jumping in place (imitation of movement) without a rope. Duration of jumping rope (2x10 sec.)

The final part: holding the game "In the fisherman and the fish"

Building in a line, summing up the results for the lesson, praise the children for their efforts in the lesson.

Plan summary of physical education classes (for preschoolers of the preparatory, senior group)

Improving task: strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, the development of synchronous movements of the arms and legs, the development of dexterity, coordination,

Educational task: mastering combat teams, learning to throw a bag at a distance,

The educational task is the formation of the need for systematic studies, the education of volitional qualities (courage, determination, endurance, perseverance), organization,
Sports equipment: throwing bag

Venue: gym

Introductory part: Line up, instructor's team: Stand in one line! Shows the direction of construction with an outstretched hand

· Actions on the spot: Group - Match up! Attention! (combat stance - the participant stands straight, heels together, toes apart to the width of the foot 45, with the command Get equal! - turn the head to the right, with the command Attention! Head turned straight!)

The instructor announces the task of the lesson,

· Team to the right! Step march! children go in a column one after another. (20s.)

Walking on toes (hands on the belt), on heels (arms bent at the elbows), walking with one foot on the heel, the other on the toe, heels together, socks apart, socks together, heels apart,

· Gallop right side, step march

gallop left side


Easy run 1 min.,

Walking with breath recovery.

ORU complex with a medium-sized ball (repeat exercises 5-6 times)

1. I.p.: o.s., hands with the ball below. Turn your head to the right, left, raise up, lower down, etc.

2. I.p.: o.s., the ball is in the hands below. Lift it up with both hands, stand on your toes and rotate the ball with your fingers.

3. I.p.: o.s., feet shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball below. Raise your arms up, put one leg back, return to ip. Also the other leg.

4. I.p.: o.s., arms spread apart, the ball lies on one of the hands. Arms extended forward, transfer the ball to the other hand, spread your arms to the sides,

5. I.p.: o.s., the ball is in bent arms in front of the chest. Spin the ball in front of you with your fingers,

6. I.p.: o.s., the ball is in the hands below. Throw the ball up with both hands and catch it.

7. I.p.: o.s. , the ball is in arms bent in front of the chest, turn the torso to the sides,

8. I.p.: o.s., feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hands below. Tilt down, roll the ball between the legs from heel to heel,

9.I.p .: standing, the ball is sandwiched between the knees. Jump on two legs in place, switch to walking (ball in hand).

Main part: learning to throw a pouch for a distance

Line up in one line outstretched arms to the sides. The instructor shows and tells how to perform bag throwing at a distance.

Perform a throwing movement for a distance from a place (without a bag in the hands) If the child is right-handed, then put the left foot forward, and the right foot is retracted back. Extend the left foot so that the toe is turned forward - to the right. Slowly turn the torso straight, while leaning on the front leg. right hand turn up from the chest, elbow at shoulder level and whip forward with the hand, direct the flight of the bag with the brush. When performing a whip, the arm straightens forward. The throw itself is played sharply. A throw is also performed with the left hand, the leg in front of the right standing.

From the line we reorganize into a column in twos, on the move. The first pair stands near the throw line, and the second pair stands at the end of the hall against the players, and after throwing at a distance, takes the bags and stands in the place of the throw to the line. thus we change. The one who throws the bag gets up last.

The final part: conducting an outdoor game "funny dogs"

Children become in a circle. According to the counting rhyme, the driver is selected - "dog". The counting "And you soldiers went bats ...", or at the choice of the children.

We got together to play.

Well, who should start?

One two Three,

You start!

One of the children standing in a circle is given a large inflatable ball. At the command of the instructor, the children throw the ball to each other.

The driver - "dog" must, bouncing high, catch the ball. Having caught him, the driver becomes in a circle. The next driver is the child who made it possible for the "dog" to catch the ball.

The game is repeated several times.

Building in a line, summarizing the lesson.

Evstakhova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Lesson topic: Outdoor games

The purpose of the lesson:

Conduct method: frontal, game.

Location: gym

No. p / p


Preparatory part

10 min

Listen carefully and clearly follow the instructions of the teacher; - take sports equipment and do exercises with the permission of the teacher; - while moving, look ahead, keep sufficient interval and distance, avoid collisions; - perform exercises with serviceable inventory and engage in serviceable equipment. Students are not allowed to: - leave the venue of the lesson without the permission of the teacher; - push, put steps in the ranks and movement; - climb onto basketball uniforms, hang on the rings; - chew chewing gum; - interfere and distract when explaining tasks and performing exercises; - perform exercises with wet palms; - sharply change the direction of its movement.

b) checking students;

c) rebuilding in two lines

Stay where you are, twice!

1. I.p- hands on the belt

5-8- right

2. I.p-O.s

1-arms to shoulders

2-arms to the sides

3-hands on the belt

4-hands down

3.I.P-legs apart, hands on the belt

1-torso turn to the left

3-torso turns to the right

4.I.P-legs apart, hands on the belt

5.I.P- hands to the side

6.I.P- Feet together, arms forward

Squat 10 times


1-jumps on the right leg 5 times

2 jumps on the left leg 5 times

3-prizhki on two legs 5 times

Watch your posture, do not bend your knees

O2 - main part

1. "Fishing rod"

2. "Cats and Mice"

The cat to catch up with the mouse.

3. "Empty place"

Take the empty space.

The driver goes in a circle, he has no place, he must find a place for himself, by touching any player, he chooses a place for himself, after that the players must run to different sides who will reach the fastest empty space, he took it, and not in time - the driver.

Final part

5 minutes

Attention game.

a) the balls are put away;

b) building in one line;

Brief analysis lesson.

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"Summary of a lesson in physical education"

Outline of a physical education lesson in grade 2

Lesson topic: "Safety briefing at gymnastics lessons with elements of acrobatics."

Lesson topic: Outdoor games

The purpose of the lesson: creation of sustainable motivation for the development of outdoor games

1.Develop physical strength, coordination of movements.

2. To bring up activity, interest in the subject, feelings of collectivism.

3. Improving skills and abilities in performing drills

4. Carry out an outdoor switchgear complex on site without items;

Conduct method: frontal, game.

Location: gym

Equipment and inventory:, balls, mats.

Self-determination. Meaning-education

Regulatory: . Correlation between the known and the unknown. Planning Evaluation. Ability to willpower

Formulation of the goal 2. Highlighting the necessary information 3. Structuring 4. Choosing effective ways to solve the educational problem 5. Reflection 6. Analysis and synthesis 7. Comparison 8. Classification 9. Actions for setting and solving the problem

Communicative. Build productive interaction between peers and teachers. Statement of questions. Conflict resolution.



Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part

10 min

Familiarize yourself with the rules of TB in physical education classes.

Listen carefully and clearly follow the instructions of the teacher;
- take sports equipment and do exercises with the permission of the teacher;
- while moving, look ahead, keep sufficient interval and distance, avoid collisions;
- perform exercises with serviceable inventory and engage in serviceable equipment.
Students cannot:
- leave the place of the lesson without the permission of the teacher;
- push, put steps in the ranks and movement;
- climb onto basketball uniforms, hang on the rings;
- chew chewing gum;
- interfere and distract when explaining tasks and performing exercises;
- perform exercises with wet palms;
- sharply change the direction of its movement.

2. A conversation about the importance of physical education.

3. A conversation about the rules of hygiene, about clothes, about behavior when changing clothes.

Familiarize yourself with TB in the classroom physical education. To bring to the consciousness of children the importance of physical education.

4. Building in one line: Class ... Stand in one line!

a) greeting; Hello, my name is Ilona Vrezhevna and today I will teach you a lesson.

b) checking students;

c) rebuilding in two lines

Class! Calculate the first second! Second two steps forward

Pay attention to the presence of sportswear.

5. Right! bypass step march! On toes, hands forward to the castle with palms outward march! (15s) On the heels, hands behind the head march! (15s). Run march!

Performing breathing exercises

Stay where you are, twice!

Count on the first or second! Class, line up in two lines!

Can you rearrange so as not to interfere with each other?

Running around the hall, do not overtake each other.

Repeat rebuilding in two lines. (complication of the task: students have a hoop in their hands).

Praise students for handling hoops carefully.

1. I.p- hands on the belt

1-4 circular movements of the head to the left

5-8- right

2. I.p-O.s

1-arms to shoulders

2-arms to the sides

3-hands on the belt

4-hands down

3.I.P-legs apart, hands on the belt

1-torso turn to the left

3-torso turns to the right

4.I.P-legs apart, hands on the belt

1-4 circular movements of the pelvis to the right

5-8 circular movements of the pelvis to the left

5.I.P- hands to the side

1-swing left foot forward, clap under it

3-swing right foot forward, clap under it

6.I.P- Feet together, hands forward

Squat 10 times

7.I.P-stand legs together, hands on the belt

1-jumps on the right leg 5 times

2 jumps on the left leg 5 times

3-prizhki on two legs 5 times

Follow the posture, the technique of performing the exercise.

follow right position hands, posture, keep your head straight.

Watch your posture and breathing. Do exercises at the same time

Watch your posture, do not bend your knees

Watch your posture, do not bend your knees

Keep track of your posture, do exercises at the same time

Follow the correct position of the hands, safety precautions

O2 - main part

1. "Fishing rod"

The driver, standing in the middle of the circle, rotates the rope so that the bag, sliding along the floor, sweeps under the feet of the bouncing players.

The one who hits the bag or rope with his feet is out. Three players win, the one that never hooked the rope. The game is played three times. The teacher must be the leader

2. "Cats and Mice"

The cat to catch up with the mouse.

Children hold hands, help the mouse run away from the cat, raising their hands up, launch the mouse, lower their hands down, preventing the coke from running into the circle behind the mouse.

3. "Empty place"

Take the empty space.

The driver goes in a circle, he has no place, he must find a place for himself, by touching any player, he chooses a place for himself, after that the players must run in different directions, whoever runs to an empty place faster, he took it, and not in time - leading.

Mindfulness and the ability to harness will help you to be the best in this game and never fall for the bait. Watch your rod closely!

Final part

5 minutes

Attention game.

The teacher invites the children to play a game.

She will call different exercises and have the children repeat after her. The meaning of the game is that the teacher says one exercise and does another, but the children must repeat exactly the exercise that the teacher said.

a) the balls are put away;

b) building in one line;

c) performing breathing exercises;

summarizing the lesson and the game.

Announce the best in performing exercises.

Brief analysis of the lesson.

buy children's wall bars

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