Essay on physical education on the topic "jumping. The importance of jumping for the physical development of preschoolers


Jumping is widely used in human motor activity. Jumping exercises strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus of the legs, torso, train the eye, and coordination of movements.

Jumping, as well as walking, running, throwing, climbing, balance exercises, a person uses in many life situations from ancient times. Along with the history of the development of human society, varieties of jumps developed and improved, results in jumps increased.

Exists different kinds and ways to perform high jumps from a run - “stepping over”, “wave”, “horain” (roll), “flip”, “fosbury-flob”; in length from a running start - “bending legs”, “bending over” and “scissors”; as well as the "triple" vault and pole vault.

At present, methods are considered the most appropriate (for example, * high jumps), during which the ~ path of the center of gravity of the human body passes under the bar, and not above it. Thanks to this, it became possible to overcome heights higher than the height of the jumper by 30-35 cm. To such ways relate“flip-flop” and “fosbury-flob”. In long jumps with a running start, the “bending legs” method was used, then “bending”, and now most athletes use “scissors”.

Of all the listed methods of jumping into kindergarten high jumps are used with a direct run-up “bending legs” and long jumps “bending legs”, which end with a landing that is safe for children, excluding touching the ground with hands and back. At the same time, for older preschoolers, a high jump is also available from a side take-off using the “step over” method.

Jumps are among the basic movements and are dynamic in nature. All varieties of jumping from a place, except for jumping rope, are movements of the acyclic type, running jumps are of a mixed type. Each type of jump consists of four phases, successively replacing each other: preparatory, two main and final. The first phase is the adoption of the starting position when jumping from a place and the run when jumping from a run, the second is repulsion, the third is flight, the fourth is landing

When performing jumps, it is involved in work big number muscle groups, which stimulates the functioning of all body systems and has a positive effect on the physical development of the child. Jumping accelerates the growth of the bones of the lower extremities, provides them with the greatest strength, increases the range of motion, which in turn leads to an improvement in the shape of the articular surfaces. In the process of performing jumps, children develop speed, strength, agility, coordination abilities, orientation in space, and an eye. Mastering various jumps requires a certain level of tension of mental processes: thinking, attention, memory, perception, ideas, imagination.

Jumping is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral qualities, aesthetic perception. So, for example, in the games "Hares and the Wolf", "The Wolf in the Moat", "We are funny" guys, jumping is associated with the manifestation of courage, honesty, organization, discipline; in the games "Frogs and Heron", "Sparrows and the car "- with the manifestation of endurance, will; in the variants of the games "Two Frosts", "Homeless Hare" - with the manifestation of mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Mastering a variety of jumps, children gain confidence in their own forces, learn to apply them in various life situations.

A variety of jumping exercises mastered by children preschool age, their frequent repetition in various conditions, including in dances and round dances with musical accompaniment, help the child acquire plasticity, grace, rhythm. When jumping, especially in the environment of nature, children have positive emotions.

The studies of A.I. Bykova, E.G., Levi-Gorinevskaya (1955), T.I. Osokina (1960), I.I. they, in particular, note that in the period from 3 to 7 years, the results of high and long jumps increase by more than 2 times. This becomes possible due to the development of the child's physical qualities - the speed and strength of the lower extremities, the increase in jumping ability, which is a speed-strength quality.

The motor regime in groups of children of early and preschool age has a decisive influence on the improvement of jumps. How more baby purposefully moves, the more he has. motor experience, the higher level it reaches when performing jumping exercises.

Used in kindergarten various kinds jumps: jumps (jumps), deep jumps (jumps), high jumps and long jumps from the run-up point, various jumps through short and long ropes. Their implementation by children of different ages has its own characteristics associated with the anatomical, physiological and psychological development younger and older preschoolers. The methodology for teaching various jumps is based on general didactic principles and taking into account individual and age features children.

Jumping take great place in the motor activity of a preschool child. They help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop the muscles of the legs, back, abdominals, develop complex coordination of movements (6)

When teaching children to jump, the main attention should be paid to mastering the basic technique of movement, while avoiding excessive detail. For example, in long jumps with a running start, one should achieve a good combination and unified run-up with a repulsion with one leg, followed by a landing on both legs at the same time, elastically bending the legs at the knees. Less attention is paid to the length of running steps, to the accuracy of placing the foot in the place of repulsion, allowing given jump at a natural rhythm and pace for each child



Varieties of jumps


Nikishova Arina



Alukrieva Ella Leonidovna




1. High jump

2. Pole vault

3. Long jump

4. Triple jump


Jumping is an integral part of the Olympic Games and athletics.

There are 4 types of jumps in athletics: high jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump.

1. high jump

The so-called royal jump over several nearby horses was popular among the ancient Germans. And for some tribes inhabiting Central Africa, from time immemorial to this day, the main event of folk festivities remains competitions in high jumps from a running start. At the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, Olympians ran, threw a discus, jumped in length, wrestled, competed in chariots, held fisticuffs, but never in all 293 Olympiads did they jump high. The first mention of sports competitions in high jump refers to XIX century.

High jumps owe their origin not so much to athletics as to gymnastics. In German gymnastic societies, athletes included in the program of their performances along with such apparatus as rings, bars, horse, crossbar, and high jumps. And then they jumped from a straight run with two feet forward.

In the chronicles of the 19th century, the name of the jumper Karl Müller from Berlin is mentioned. According to eyewitnesses, he was a strong, dexterous man and easily jumped over a height that reached his chin. The only pity is that no one bothered to measure at what height was the chin of Karl Muller.

The high jump quickly spread throughout Europe. Especially a lot of their fans turned out to be in England. And there, at the first official competition in 1864, the winner Robert Meich jumped 1m high. 67.4 cm.

However, another result is considered the first world record. A medical student from London Robert Gooch in 1859 overcame the bar at a height of 1m. 70 cm. But the point here is not even the height, but the way Robert jumped. Unlike other athletes, he did not run at a right angle to the bar, but at a sharp, sideways one, and in the air his legs moved like scissors.

"Fosbury Flop" or "Fosbury Flop"

The run begins with the fly leg. It should take place at a fast pace and in an arcuate line. This line is most bent on the last 3 steps of the run. After repulsion, the push leg straightens very quickly, and vertically upwards. At this stage of repulsion, the back has not yet turned to the bar. The fly leg swings up. She is bent at the knee joint, the jumper directs her forward, up and inward. Thanks to this, the jumper begins to turn his back to the bar. The head is turned over the shoulder from the side of the fly leg, against the direction of movement. After repulsion, the relaxed fly leg is brought to the push leg, which is also not tense. The body straightens and thanks to this, it quickly turns its back to the bar, taking the desired position. With a sharp movement, the body rushes forward. After that, the shoulders of the jumper are behind the bar and the jumper performs a deflection over the bar - a bridge. When the pelvis also passes over the bar, the hip joints quickly flex and the legs straighten. The jumper falls on his back, legs are straight.

This method was invented by an American athlete named Dick Fosbury when he was 16 years old. In 1968 at the Summer Olympic Games ah in Mexico, Dick Fosbury won the Olympic gold medal using a new method, setting a new Olympic record (2.24 meters). Almost all modern high jumpers use the Fosbury flop.

2. Pole vault

Pole vault is an athletics discipline in which athletes compete in the height of the jump, using long flexible poles (currently poles are made of fiberglass or carbon fiber) to overcome a horizontal bar fixed on two masts at a considerable height (up to 6 m and above) . Competitions in pole vaulting were already held in Ancient Greece, as well as by the Celts and the inhabitants of ancient Crete. Pole vault has been an Olympic sport for men since the First Summer Olympics in 1896, and for women since the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.

The world record in the men's pole vault belongs to Sergei Bubka, who on July 31, 1994 conquered a height of 6 meters 14 centimeters. The world record in the women's pole vault belongs to Elena Isinbayeva, who on July 11, 2008 conquered a height of 5 meters 3 centimeters.

In 2004, our girls had two medals - the gold of Elena Isimbayeva and the silver of Svetlana Feofanova.

3. Long jump

At the beginning of the 20th century, standing long jumps were also held.

Long jump is a discipline related to horizontal jumps of technical types of track and field athletics program. Requires jumping ability, sprint qualities from athletes. The long jump was part of the competitive program of the ancient Olympic Games. It is the modern Olympic discipline of athletics for men since 1896, for women since 1948. Included in the athletics all-around.

The task of the athlete is to achieve the greatest horizontal length of the running jump. Long jumps are held in the sector for horizontal jumps along general rules established for this variety of technical types. When performing a jump, athletes in the first stage take a run along the track, then push off with one foot from a special board and jump into a sand pit. The jump distance is calculated as the distance from a special mark on the take-off board to the start of the hole from landing in the sand.

The distance from the take-off board to the far edge of the landing pit must be at least 10 m. The take-off line itself must be located at a distance of 1 to 3 m from the near edge of the landing pit.

The long jump is one of the most conservative sports. So the 8-meter line (8.13) for men was first overcome by Jesse Owens back in 1935, and to this day, major international Grand Prix competitions can be won with this result.

Bob Beamon jumped 8.90 meters at the 1968 Mexico Olympics. Before that, an unknown athlete surpassed the previous world record by 55 cm at once. This record was broken by Mike Powell in 1991 at the World Championships in Tokyo and remains unsurpassed to this day.

An absolute, but unconfirmed record in the history of the long jump was Mike Powell (USA), in one of the attempts at the 1991 World Championship final in Tokyo, at 8.99 meters. Cuban Ivan Pedroso also jumped 8.96 meters. These jumps were not ratified by the IAAF as world records, due to the fact that the wind speed was above 2 m / s or the wind speed measurement itself was made with violations.

In 2004, at the Olympics, the entire pedestal for women in this discipline was ours! Tatyana Lebedeva, Irina Simagina and Tatyana Kotova listened Russian anthem- one for three.

great success at the Olympics in Athens, the Ryazan athlete Irina Simagina achieved. She won the silver medal in the long jump with a score of 7 meters 5 centimeters, losing to compatriot Tatyana Lebedeva. The athlete is coached by Oleg Konstantinovich Kapatsinsky.

4. Triple jump

The triple jump for men has belonged to the modern Olympic program since the very beginning of the Olympic Games in 1896, and in the Olympic Games of 1900 and 1904, competitions were also held in the triple jump from a place. The first modern Olympic champion in the men's triple jump was James Connolly. Since 1996, the triple jump has also become an Olympic sport for women.

The best triple jumpers achieve results of about 18 m (for men) and about 15 m for women. World records for this moment belong to Jonathan Edwards (18.29 m) and Inessa Kravets (15.50 m).

Technically, the triple jump consists of three elements:




The jumper runs along a special lane or path to a mark that serves to repel when jumping. This mark is the beginning of the jump when measuring its length, and from this mark the execution of the jump begins. First, the first element is performed - a jump, while the first touch behind the mark must occur with the same foot with which the jumper started to jump. Then follows the second element of the jump - a step (touching the ground must occur with the other foot). The final element is the actual jump, and the jumper lands in a sand pit as in a long jump.

In practice, there are two ways to perform the jump: from the right foot - “right, right, left” and from the left foot - “left, left, right”. The mark for repulsion during the jump is at least 11 m away from the sand-filled pit. Each jumper is allowed 6 attempts to complete the triple jump.


Abstract on the topic:

Characteristics and types of jumps

Prepared by Olkhovskaya Julia, 11c


1. High jump

2. Pole vault

3. Long jump

4. Triple jump

5. Fundamentals of jumping technique


Jumping is an integral part of the Olympic Games and athletics.

There are 4 types of jumps in athletics: high jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump.

1. High jump

The so-called royal jump over several nearby horses was popular among the ancient Germans. And for some tribes inhabiting Central Africa, from time immemorial to this day, the main event of folk festivities remains competitions in high jumps from a running start. At the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, the Olympians ran, threw the discus, long jumped, wrestled, competed in chariots, held fisticuffs, but never in all 293 Olympiads did they jump high. The first mention of sports competitions in high jump dates back to the 19th century.

High jumps owe their origin not so much to athletics as to gymnastics. In German gymnastic societies, athletes included in the program of their performances along with such apparatus as rings, bars, horse, crossbar, and high jumps. And then they jumped from a straight run with two feet forward.

In the chronicles of the 19th century, the name of the jumper Karl Müller from Berlin is mentioned. According to eyewitnesses, he was a strong, dexterous man and easily jumped over a height that reached his chin. The only pity is that no one bothered to measure at what height was the chin of Karl Muller.

The high jump quickly spread throughout Europe. Especially a lot of their fans turned out to be in England. And there, at the first official competition in 1864, the winner Robert Meich jumped 1m high. 67.4 cm.

However, another result is considered the first world record. A medical student from London Robert Gooch in 1859 overcame the bar at a height of 1m. 70 cm. But the point here is not even the height, but the way Robert jumped. Unlike other athletes, he did not run at a right angle to the bar, but at a sharp, sideways one, and in the air his legs moved like scissors.

"Fosbury Flop" or "Fosbury Flop"

The run begins with the fly leg. It should take place at a fast pace and in an arcuate line. This line is most bent on the last 3 steps of the run. After repulsion, the push leg straightens very quickly, and vertically upwards. At this stage of repulsion, the back has not yet turned to the bar. The fly leg swings up. She is bent at the knee joint, the jumper directs her forward, up and inward. Thanks to this, the jumper begins to turn his back to the bar. The head is turned over the shoulder from the side of the fly leg, against the direction of movement. After repulsion, the relaxed fly leg is brought to the push leg, which is also not tense. The body straightens and thanks to this, it quickly turns its back to the bar, taking the desired position. With a sharp movement, the body rushes forward. After that, the shoulders of the jumper are behind the bar and the jumper performs a deflection over the bar - a bridge. When the pelvis also passes over the bar, the hip joints quickly flex and the legs straighten. The jumper falls on his back, legs are straight.

This method was invented by an American athlete named Dick Fosbury when he was 16 years old. In 1968, at the Summer Olympics in Mexico, Dick Fosbury won the Olympic gold medal using a new method, setting a new Olympic record (2.24 meters). Almost all modern high jumpers use the Fosbury flop.

2. Pole vault

Pole vault is an athletics discipline in which athletes compete in the height of the jump, using long flexible poles (currently poles are made of fiberglass or carbon fiber) to overcome a horizontal bar fixed on two masts at a significant height (up to 6 m and above) . Competitions in pole vaulting were already held in Ancient Greece, as well as by the Celts and the inhabitants of ancient Crete. Pole vault has been an Olympic sport for men since the First Summer Olympics in 1896, and for women since the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.

The world record in the men's pole vault belongs to Sergei Bubka, who on July 31, 1994 conquered a height of 6 meters 14 centimeters. The world record in the women's pole vault belongs to Elena Isinbayeva, who on July 11, 2008 conquered a height of 5 meters 3 centimeters.

In 2004, our girls had two medals - the gold of Elena Isimbayeva and the silver of Svetlana Feofanova.

3. Long jump

At the beginning of the 20th century, standing long jumps were also held.

Long jump is a discipline related to horizontal jumps of technical types of track and field athletics program. Requires jumping ability, sprint qualities from athletes. The long jump was part of the competitive program of the ancient Olympic Games. It is the modern Olympic discipline of athletics for men since 1896, for women since 1948. Included in the athletics all-around.

The task of the athlete is to achieve the greatest horizontal length of the running jump. Long jumps are held in the sector for horizontal jumps according to the general rules established for this variety of technical events. When performing a jump, athletes in the first stage take a run along the track, then push off with one foot from a special board and jump into a sand pit. The jump distance is calculated as the distance from a special mark on the take-off board to the start of the hole from landing in the sand.

The distance from the take-off board to the far edge of the landing pit must be at least 10 m. The take-off line itself must be located at a distance of 1 to 3 m from the near edge of the landing pit.

The long jump is one of the most conservative sports. So the 8-meter line (8.13) for men was first overcome by Jesse Owens back in 1935, and to this day, major international Grand Prix competitions can be won with this result.

Bob Beamon jumped 8.90 meters at the 1968 Mexico Olympics. Before that, an unknown athlete surpassed the previous world record by 55 cm at once. This record was broken by Mike Powell in 1991 at the World Championships in Tokyo and remains unsurpassed to this day.

An absolute, but unconfirmed record in the history of the long jump was Mike Powell (USA), in one of the attempts at the 1991 World Championship final in Tokyo, at 8.99 meters. Cuban Ivan Pedroso also jumped 8.96 meters. These jumps were not ratified by the IAAF as world records, due to the fact that the wind speed was above 2 m / s or the wind speed measurement itself was made with violations.

In 2004, at the Olympics, the entire pedestal for women in this discipline was ours! Tatyana Lebedeva, Irina Simagina and Tatyana Kotova listened to the Russian anthem - one for three.

Ryazan athlete Irina Simagina achieved great success at the Athens Olympics. She won the silver medal in the long jump with a score of 7 meters 5 centimeters, losing to compatriot Tatyana Lebedeva. The athlete is coached by Oleg Konstantinovich Kapatsinsky.

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