How to draw identical eyes with a pencil. How to learn to draw eyes, draw a realistic eye


Hello dear friends!

Today we have a very interesting and important topic, we will learn how to draw a human eye. The eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul, the most eloquent and attractive part of a person's face.


First, let's define the terminology, and for this, let's look at the general simplified structure of the eye:

This scheme is not for studying anatomy, but for understanding the drawing technique, all the most important parts are indicated here.

How to draw an eye

Steps to create a pencil sketch

At the beginning of the lesson, let's just try to make a light sketch, step by step. We use a pencil.

Now we will not delve into the nuances and features of the structure of the eyes.

How to draw eyes with a pencil:

  1. We designate the shape of the eye, enclosing it in the framework of an angular figure. We will also show the folds above the upper and lower eyelids.
  2. Weft shape, make the lines smoother, smooth the corners. We outline the eyebrow pupil and iris. Let's slightly denote the thickness of the eyelid and teardrop.
  3. We specify the thickness of the eyelids, designate a highlight on the iris, obscure the dark pupil, easily show the shadow under the upper eyelid on the sclera. Refine the brow a bit.
  4. We give color and pattern to the iris, opposite the glare, a reflex light spot is formed on the iris. Add shadows on the rounded shape of the eyeball. With the help of strokes, we shade the upper eyelid, select and refine the crease above it.
  5. We detail, refine the shadows and light, add eyelashes.

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The eyeball is shaped like a ball, which is attached inside the eye socket. We see only a part of this ball, covered with eyelids. When drawing an eye in any technique, you need to remember and understand that we show light and shadow on a spherical shape.

The lidded eyes are almond-shaped, this nut is the most accurate for comparison. In fact, the eye is an oval whose outer corner is pointed, the inner is rounded. This oval, like the almond nut, is not symmetrical, this is their main similarity. Look, if the eye is divided by a horizontal line, and find the widest place in the upper and lower parts, then we will see that these points are in different parts of the oval.

In the upper part, the highest point will be closer to the lacrimal gland, and in the lower part, to the outer corner.

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The eyelids are not flat, they have quite a noticeable thickness, enveloping the rounded shape of the eyeball. If you look at the face in profile, the thickness of the eyelids is clearly visible. The lower eyelid is deeper set than the upper.

thickness is indicated in orange

The upper eyelid and eyelashes cast a shadow on the eyeball.

Eyeball without eyeshadow and with shadow

The thickness of the lower eyelid is lighter than the upper one, since more light enters this part.


Above the upper eyelid there is always a fold of skin that covers part of it. In different people, this fold forms in different ways, sometimes hanging over the inner or outer part of the eye, and in Asians it completely covers the teardrop and completely the entire upper eyelid.

The direction and shape of this fold will help you draw the eyes more correctly and accurately.


In the inner corner of the eye is the lacrimal caruncle - an elongated convex semi-oval. There is no special attention or any nuances in the image of this part of the eye, but without a teardrop, your drawing will look implausible. You can mark it with a slight hint, or you can draw it to the details and veins, depending on the task, but in no case do not forget about this important part of the eyes.

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Pupil and iris

The direction of gaze can be determined by the position of the pupil, and with it the iris. The pupil is a perfect dark circle, it is always in the center of the circle of the iris.

In a resting position, the eyelids cover about 30 percent of the iris, sometimes part of the pupil.

  • To show wide eyes, open most of the iris (more than 30%) or draw it completely.
  • Covered squinted eyelids open only a small part of the iris and pupil.

If you look closely, look at the eye in profile, we will see that:

The iris has a convex shape similar to a bowl. The pupil is a completely flat black spot inside, it has no volume.

The illustration shows what the eye looks like in profile, the shape of the iris and the pupil. If you wear contact lenses, then you know perfectly well what is at stake. Do not draw the pupil at the edge of the iris.

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Glare and reflex

The glare will lie down in a rounded shape, a reflex is formed opposite the glare - a spot of scattered light. The glare is formed on the side where the light falls, and the reflex is on the opposite side.

Green is the highlight, and orange is the reflex.


A beautiful expressive eye can be depicted without eyelashes, although this will be a little unnatural. Eyelashes are a detail that needs to be added at the very end of the work, when everything is ready and looks pretty decent without them.

Let's see how it is, and how not to mark eyelashes.

Eyelashes are thicker, at the base of the eyelid, it is more noticeable than at the tips. Eyelashes have different lengths, and next to a long eyelash are short ones. Naturally, in different people they are of different lengths and thicknesses, twisted up or directed straight. If you want to highlight the eyelashes, don't draw them in the same length and thickness.

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Directions and Landmarks

Superciliary arches and eyebrows protect our organ of vision from various external stimuli, so they always rise above the eye, which is located in depth.

The eyebrow is always located above the eye, moves forward. The lower eyelid is slightly deeper than the upper. These directions must be observed, they are shown in the picture with red lines.

Proportions relative to the head

It is important not only to show the eyes beautifully, but also to place them correctly, observing the basic proportions of the human head.

We have already studied many rules in the previous lesson: how to draw a face. For example, how to find the line of the eye and determine their size.

How to draw human eyes:

Line of eyes in the middle of the head, wings of the nose on the same vertical axis with teardrops

  • To correctly place the eyes, draw a horizontal axis in the center of the head.
  • The inner corners of the eyes are always in the same vertical line with the wings of the nose, no closer and no further (second part of the illustration).

Some people think that transferring an image to a sheet of paper is a higher art that is not available to the layman. Knowing the little tricks of skilled artists, everyone will know how to draw eyes with a pencil. The human visual organ consists of the eyeball, upper and lower eyelids. The eye is drawn in the form of an elongated ellipse, with slight bends in the form of a drop near the nose.

The drawing technique is to create additional lines on the basis of which each part of the organ will be drawn. First you need to draw 3 concentric circles. The first one should have a radius that is 3 times the radius of the middle circle.

The small circle is the pupil, the second is the iris, and the third will limit the eyelid and eyebrow line. We draw a line of the upper and lower eyelids in the form of an elongated ellipse. The upper part should slightly cover the moving part of the eye. Just below the upper arc of the large circle, draw a line of the overhanging edge of the eyelid.

Let's draw some lines a little.

Draw a parallel line of the lower eyelid, on which the eyelashes grow. Select the pupil with black, leaving a highlight near it. Decorate the iris: draw lines of different lengths in the middle of the eye, shade them.

The turn of the century zone has come. Shade each line with light strokes.

Draw a row of eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

We do the same with the bottom.

It remains to draw the eyebrow. It should start at the level of the nose and make a slight bend a little further than half of the eye. At the beginning of the line, several hairs are depicted, shade the area, carefully separating the hairs in some places.

And when entering special institutions associated with the profession of a painter, these skills are required.

And of course, the eyes are considered the most important element of the portrait, because the general atmosphere of the picture depends on how you portray them.

Through the look you can guess the mood of a person, his character. It reflects what we think and care about, what intentions we have. That is why, if you want to start working with images of people, you need to pay great attention to the eyes.

Despite the fact that the images of any object and object are the better, the more you have it, knowledge of the device and anatomy will help to simplify the task.

In this article we will look at how to learn how to draw eyes step by step quickly and beautifully.

Structure: how to draw eyes?

So, as mentioned earlier, in order to draw beautifully in stages, it is necessary to follow all the anatomical subtleties keep proportions.

The eye is a small sphere placed in the eye socket and covered with eyelids, which, in turn, are framed by eyelashes. The space between the eyelids is called the palpebral fissure. You should also pay attention to the third fold above the eye, located on the upper eyelid.

The part that is visible to us if the eyelids are raised is the protein coat, which turns into a slightly convex and transparent cornea. But already under the cornea is the iris. Iris has a curious structure: it is made of muscles, and this is where all the pigment contained in the eye is located.

As everyone knows, the hole in the middle of the iris is called pupil. Since muscle fibers tend to narrow, the pupil can change its size depending on how much light hits it. Therefore, be extremely careful, because if you depict a character’s face flooded with light or, on the contrary, he is in pitch darkness, the size of the pupil will vary.

The indentation in the corner is called the tear lake, which is designed to moisten the eye when you blink. Its inner part is always rounded, while the outer one has a sharper end. You should also pay attention to how the eyelid is placed and how it fits the eyeball. The extent to which it hangs over the eye can add a significant number of years to a person.

How to draw human eyes?

Drawing an eye with a pencil is not so difficult. To start drawing the following tools are required:

And now let's get to work. How to draw eyes correctly? Remember that the first time no one in life will ever be able to do this job well and correctly, so be patient and don’t give up! The more training and practice you have, the faster and better you will get every time.

  • Very easy and sketch without too much pressure eyeball, which is a regular circle.
  • Then draw it for centuries, while covering about one third of the eyeball with the upper eyelid and the same amount with the lower eyelid. The upper eyelid, or rather, its area should be slightly concave.
  • Note that the outer corner of the eyelid is slightly raised in relation to the inner one (the one closer to the nose).
  • Add to drawing lacrimal sac.
  • Now move on to creating the iris and pupil. Do not place the iris exactly in the middle of the eye, because this will make the look look aggressive. And also do not lower it too low to the middle eyelid. This part of the eye should be very slightly covered by the upper eyelid.
  • Adding highlights. This should be done not just like that, but based on which side the light falls on. Don't make the highlights too big, as this can reduce the expression of the eye.
  • Moving on to shaping. We start hatching from the most pigmented, and, consequently, rather dark part of the eye - the iris. It is important to know that its upper part is the darkest, slightly lighter on the sides, and the lower part is the lightest.
  • When hatching, it is important to draw the "rays" that come from the pupil. You don’t need to highlight them too strongly with a pencil: there should be a lot of them, but they should not be very noticeable.
  • Highlights can be left unshaded if you have already drawn them, or created with the tip of the eraser after the entire iris has been hatched.
  • To give more liveliness to the eyes, again, with the help of an eraser, several light rays should be depicted.
  • It is important not to repeat the mistake that many make, leaving the protein completely white. In nature, this does not happen, and therefore, the drawing will come out unrealistic. That's why add some gray shadows in the corners, as well as near the border with the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Let's start shaping the eyelids. The crease of the upper eyelid is the darkest place. After drawing it, slightly blend to lighter areas.
  • Let's move on to eyelashes.. They can be very different: short, long, fluffy and not very. All this is at your discretion. However, do not forget that each eyelash differs from the other in size and in nature they are not absolutely identical. The ciliary row begins from the very corner of the upper eyelid and ends closer to its border with the lower one.

How to draw eyes the same?

So, with how to draw one eye, we figured it out. But many artists who have worked out the drawing of all the small details perfectly have a problem in order to depict the second one as well. It should not mow, should not be more or less, corners, irises - everything should be the same. The task is undoubtedly difficult, but quite feasible. We recommend drawing two eyes at the same time.

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We really hope that our lessons will help you in drawing human eyes with a pencil step by step. Experiment and develop your own painting method, find the best ways to achieve a specific texture or effect.

How to draw a realistic eye with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    1. Draw a line drawing with a hard pencil:
    2. See where the darkest areas should be (and darken them):

  • Step 2

    3. Look again where the darkest parts of the iris should be:
    4. Carefully examine the eye and begin to work out the shape with shadows, trying to create depth:

  • Step 3

    5. Blend the iris:
    6. Repeat shading several times:

  • Step 4

    7. With a nag (fashioning a sharp tip), try to wipe a few bright lines so that the iris does not look "empty":
    8. Work a little more with the nag until the result satisfies you:

  • Step 5

    9. The white of the eye is not so white, try sketching light and shadow, highlighting the shape:
    10. Blend Using Tortillon:

  • Step 6

    11. Since the last step looks too dark, use a nag to highlight:
    12. Let's start with the upper eyelid, drawing the darkest area:

  • Step 7

    13. Basically, drawing an eye is a matter of realistic light and shadow:
    14. Use a paper towel to blend your eyelids. It still looks a little flat, but we'll draw the eyelashes before we add highlights to the eyelids:

  • Step 8

    15. Before drawing eyelashes, decide where they grow from:
    16. Try to draw the upper eyelashes curved like bows. And remember - they are of different lengths:

  • Step 9

    17. Start working on the bottom lashes. While they may not be too realistic:
    18. With light strokes, we begin to work on the area between the eye and the eyebrow:

  • Step 10

    19. Use paper towel to blend:
    20. Repeat the blending process a few times and don't be afraid to shade:

  • Step 11

    21. Starting to work on the eyebrow, mark the most noticeable lines:
    22. Darken the areas that you see fit and lightly blend. When shading, try different tools and choose the one that suits you best:

  • Step 12

    23. At this point, I'm starting to darken (and shade) everything that seems "flat" and "empty":
    24. Starting to work with the lower eyelid:

  • Step 13

    25. Work out and blend the most visible lines and areas:
    26. You can add some "realism" by drawing some wrinkles with pencil lines over the feathering:

  • Step 14

    27. Repeat the last step several times. I also added shadows where the nose is supposed to be:
    28. We continue to work:

  • Step 15

    29. Blend using a paper towel:
    30. Work is over!

Video: how to draw a human eye with a pencil

How to draw a girl's eye with a pencil

How to draw a realistic girl's eye

  • Step 1


  • Step 2

    Take a soft brush and dip it in graphite powder (you can get it by sharpening a 5H pencil). Then we will cover our sketch with two or three layers of tone. The brush should gently shade, smooth the image. Try to avoid getting tone in the highlights on the iris. If graphite still gets on the highlight, clean this area with an eraser (nag).

  • Step 3

    Repeat the previous step using a smaller brush. Start shaping the outline of the eye by shading the areas that should be darker.

  • Step 4

    With a nag, clean the places that should be light.

  • Step 5

    Use the 2B pencil to mark the darkest areas, like the pupil, to darken the top of the iris and the crease of the upper eyelid.

  • Step 6

    Use light pressure to draw the iris around the pupil (5H pencil).

  • Step 7

    Darken the iris with a 2B pencil.

  • Step 8

    Use a nag to work on the iris to soften the contrast. Add graphite as needed to create the desired tone. Let's move on to the white of the eye (pencil 2B). We draw eye shadow on the squirrel.

  • Step 9

    Now we start working on the skin. We use an HB pencil. Add tones in the upper eyelid and in the area under the eyebrow with light circular motions. Start with areas that should be darker (in this case, the skin near the crease of the upper eyelid) and work your way up to lighter areas. Use a paper napkin and a brush to smooth out roughness, specks.

  • Step 10

    Add skin tones in the lower eyelid area.

  • Step 11

    While we continue to work with a HB pencil. Add shadows on the skin. Use the 5H and 2B pencils to show the thickness of the lower eyelid and darken it.

  • Step 12

    Use an HB pencil. To show wrinkles, draw thin lines on the skin, and then use a nag to create light lines next to the dark ones. Blend the paper using the brush to soften the lines. We use the same method on the highlight in the corner of the eye (Third eyelid). We draw an eyebrow. When drawing an eyebrow, it is necessary that the pencil is sharply sharpened.

  • Step 13

    Draw eyelashes (pencil 2B). First, let's show the eyelashes on the outer edge of the upper eyelid. Start drawing from the root of each hair. Follow the direction of the hair growth and reduce the pressure on the pencil so that each hair is thicker at the root, and seems to be pointed towards the end. Show the reflection of the eyelashes on the highlight of the iris.

  • Step 14

    Now let's show the eyelashes on the outer edge of the lower eyelid. Note that the eyebrow and eyelashes located on the outer edge of the lower eyelid should be lighter than the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

  • Step 15

    The work is ready.

Video: how to draw a realistic girl's eye

How to draw female eyes step by step

  • Step 1

    First, outline the boundaries of the future drawing. This will greatly facilitate the further drawing process.

  • Step 2

    Mark the position of the eyes with two ovals.

  • Step 3

    How to draw eyes depends on your personal preference. Therefore, with light lines, outline the cut that you like.

  • Step 4

    Now on to the rest of the details. Mark the contours of the bridge of the nose.

  • Step 5

    An important role in how to draw eyes is played by the image of the direction of the gaze. Therefore, designate the irises so that the expression of the eyes is meaningful.

  • Step 6

    Then draw the pupils. Their size depends on the lighting: the brighter the light, the more they narrow.

  • Step 7

    The eyeball has a rounded shape, which is why it is visible above the cut of the eyes.

  • Step 8

    Also, the role of eyebrows should not be underestimated. Draw them and give the look expressiveness / audacity / joy or more.

  • Step 9

    Correct the resulting irregularities with a softer pencil, paint over the pupils.

  • Step 10

    Draw beautiful, thick eyelashes if the eyes belong to a woman. If you are drawing male eyes, you can skip this step.

  • Step 11

    Now draw the bottom lashes.

  • Step 12

    Draw more specific eyebrows, specify the shape of the irises.

  • Step 13

    With a hard-soft pencil, you can shade the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper eyelid.

  • Step 14

The eyes are the mirror of the human soul. To draw them realistically is a very delicate matter. That is what we will talk about in this article. You will learn how to draw

It is necessary to pay attention to every detail, otherwise the result will be unnatural. Prepare all the necessary tools: a sharp pencil, a thin-tipped eraser and a piece of paper. Now consider how to draw realistic eyes.

In order to get the desired result, the artist must understand. It is a small sphere that is located in the eye socket and is covered by the eyelids, the gap between them is the palpebral fissure. The inner corner, closer to the nose, is always rounded and has a sharp end. External - the one closer to the ear should be pointed. The upper eyelid should be at or slightly above the pupil, it slightly covers. If you draw the pupil and in the center of the palpebral fissure, the eyes will look bulging, the drawing will turn out to be unnatural.

How to draw eyes with a pencil

So, let's get to work. The visual organ as a whole is a bit like an ellipse. We perform the following actions:

1. With very light strokes, we begin to sketch the eyes as shown in the figure.

If you are interested in the question of how to draw a girl's eyes, follow the instructions below:

  • the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye and the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the visual organ are straight, equal to about 1/3 of the length of the visual organ;
  • if you draw a horizontal line in the center of the eye, then the outer corner of the eyelid will be slightly raised, which is not necessary in drawing, but can give the look a slight cunning;
  • the area of ​​​​the upper eyelid from the inner corner should be slightly concave, which will add sophistication to the pattern.

2. Considering all of the above, we create the outline of the iris, pupil and highlights. Shade as shown in the picture below.

3. Now you need to paint over the darkest parts of the eye. First of all, this is the pupil. Don't forget to leave a highlight on it! Look at the original drawing and darken the necessary places in your work.

4. Create dark rays by drawing thin lines with a sharp pencil.

5. Lightly blend the iris with your finger, but do it very carefully.

6. Now take the eraser. With its sharp end, add some natural light rays on the iris.

7. An artist who knows how to draw realistic eyes with a pencil must understand that the white of the eye cannot be completely snow-white! Add some grey.

8. Now work with the eyelids: add dark and light tones to them, then blend them.

9. Now draw the upper eyelashes. They should be slightly arched and necessarily have different lengths. They grow from the upper eyelid and end just above the lower one.

10. Lightly create thin lower eyelashes. If you are wondering how to draw eyes with a pencil so that they turn out natural, it is important to know the following: eyelashes cannot be perfectly even. They are somewhere more bent, somewhere carelessly lie. Therein lies a piece of natural beauty.

How to draw eyes with a pencil. Brows

1. Outline the eyebrows.

2. Shade and blend the area under them up to the upper eyelid. By the same principle, the area under the lower eyelid is processed.

3. Draw the main hairs, then add some small ones.

4. Slightly blend the eyebrows.

Now you know one way to create realistic eyes. You will definitely succeed!

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