How to predict your future. How easy it is to predict the future


To begin with, we will consider how it is possible to predict fate? After all, a predictor, in fact, can be considered everyone who in any way predicts future events. This also includes scientific forecasting. This method of prediction has nothing to do with the supernatural abilities of a person, but only with the unique abilities of the human mind to see patterns and the smallest hints in ongoing events or those that happened a long time ago. Moreover, many are sure that all the predictions (especially the ancient soothsayers) were based precisely on this.

Another way to predict is falling into ecstasy. This method is still used in some tribes by shamans. With the help of various techniques and rituals, they could fall into a trance, where they communicated with the spirits of their ancestors, who told them the future. Of course, the shamans knew a lot, they were good healers and spiritual leaders of the tribe. They have been trained in this art since childhood.

For some soothsayers, the gift manifested itself in a dream. It was there that they could see a piece of a future event or someone's future fate. And, of course, you can predict with the help of objects - cards, crystal balls, candle flames, mirrors, etc. It should be noted that for maps, for example, there are already compiled interpreters, so it is easier to get an answer to a question with them. But with magic balls or a candle flame it will be more difficult. It really takes skill.

Some can make predictions with the inner eye, seeing pictures of the future in front of them. Very often, such a gift is developed in blind people (for example, in the Bulgarian seer Vanga). Such a gift can also be trained by developing a certain chakra, which is responsible for foresight.

How to learn divination with various subjects

As mentioned above, you can predict fate and events in completely different ways. For example, using Tarot cards, looking into a crystal ball or seeing fate in coffee grounds. However, even the use of objects suggests the presence of personal power. Next, we will talk in more detail about working with several objects.

So, how to learn divination using tarot cards or runes? In many ways, these two methods are similar, because you need to decipher the drop-down characters correctly. Of course, for this you need the cards or runes themselves and an interpreter for them. The first time, while you are studying, you will need it to clarify for the characters that have fallen out. In order to improve your understanding of the signs, you must conduct sessions every day, deciphering the symbols that have fallen and checking how accurate your predictions are. After a while, you will have intuition in working with runes or cards. Predictions will become more accurate.

Predicting the future with crystal is much more difficult. To begin with, you must purchase a good ball of real rock crystal. But if you haven’t found one, then a simple transparent glass ball without extraneous inclusions will do. To conduct a session, the ball must be placed on a table covered with a dark tablecloth. It is advisable to close the curtains and light candles. Sit at the table and relax. Look at the glass ball, a little detached, not forcibly trying to see something.

Each such session should be no more than half an hour, three times a week. After a while, you will be able to see haze or fog in the ball. This is a sign that everything is working out for you. After a while, you will be able to see clear pictures in it. Remember that prediction with this subject takes a lot of strength, so if you feel any discomfort, immediately stop exercising.

Another way to get a prediction is a prophetic dream. Some people can actually see future events in their dreams. The most important thing here is to remember in the morning what you dreamed about. To do this, put a pen and a piece of paper near the bed. Every time you wake up, be sure to write down everything you see. Then you can start interpreting. For example, turning to dream books, of which there are now many, or, trusting intuition, try to decipher it yourself.

Of course, these are not all ways to get predictions. There are many more. But all of them require not only abilities, but also their development, but also great knowledge. Almost each of the methods involves the appearance of a symbol that needs to be interpreted. And for this you need to know what they mean.

Third eye training

One way to look into the future is with the inner eye. It should be noted that with a developed "third eye" one can be not only a good seer, but also a psychic, bioenergetics, and also a healer. The development of the Ajna Chakra presupposes the appearance of various abilities in a person.

How can it be trained? The simplest exercise is considered eye work. This technique is described in detail in one of the articles on our website. In addition, you can include yoga, meditation, various image visualizations in your workouts. Concentration is also important in this matter.

A very useful initial relaxation and concentration exercise with a candle. In the evening, light a candle and sit next to it at a distance of 10-30 centimeters. Look at the flame for five to ten minutes. Try not to blink. After the specified time, you need to close your eyes and blow out the candle. Various colors will appear before your inner eye, perhaps pictures. Be focused while doing this, but don't stress yourself out.

Learning to predict with the help of specialists

Like any knowledge or ability, the gift of divination can be learned from specialists. And it will be the most correct option, especially for beginners. To get decent knowledge, you should find a good school or courses where an experienced teacher can pass on their knowledge to you, warn you against mistakes and direct you along the right path.

Here it should be noted that, even after going through school, you should not stop there. Training should be continued, abilities should be developed, because they can be easily lost, especially for those whose personal strength is already small.

Some nuances in receiving the gift of divination

In addition to training, developing intuition and other techniques that you can use to develop your gift, you need to adhere to a certain lifestyle. For example, everyone must have heard about the perspicacious elders in Christianity or monks from other faiths who had the gift of seeing the future. They received it thanks to fervent prayer, constant fasting and a modest monastic life. Often this happened due to an illness that was miraculously cured.

It should be noted that many people who prayed to God to give them the gift of divination actually received it. Sometimes it was inherited if a person lived in the world and had children. This is how tribal soothsayers appeared, and the power of the gift for each was not the same.

The gift of divination can be obtained as a result of an accident, clinical death. There is a lot of evidence when people got unusual abilities this way. However, this should not be done on purpose. Another gift to see the future can be acquired after wanderings and long pilgrimages, but this method will not work if a person does not work spiritually.


So, now you know what you need to do to learn how to predict various events. At the very end, it should be mentioned that any person, even one who does not suspect the gift of divination, can get an answer to his question. It is only necessary to formulate it precisely, and then, if a person is a believer, then pray, if not, then just know what the answer will be. And indeed it is. You will get an answer, the main thing is to be careful. The words of a grandmother on a bench or a phrase you accidentally read may be exactly what you are waiting for.

You can read more about various interesting human abilities, as well as energy-informational influences and ways to resist them.

People can see the future, according to Mark Changizi, a scientist at New York's Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The researcher claims that our brain gives us the ability to see things one-tenth of a second before they occur. And the mechanism behind this can explain the phenomenon of optical illusions to us.

Cognitive scientist Mark Changizi (cognitology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge in which theories of the human brain are developed) studied the phenomenon of the so-called "neuronal response delay". We all experience this delay when we wake up from sleep. When we open our eyes and light falls on the retina of our eye for the first time, a fraction of a second passes before the brain translates the signal into a visual perception of the world.

Scientists are not yet able to explain how our visual system compensates for these delays. It is generally accepted that the motor system of our brain somehow corrects our movements to increase the speed of reaction.

But Mark Changizi came up with his own theory, writes the popular science journal LiveScience. According to his research, our vision has evolved to the point where it can create images of what will appear one-tenth of a second into the future. This foresight allows us to be alert when a ball is flying our way, it gives us time to react and catch it. With this ability, we can also, for example, confidently maneuver in the crowd.

Liberation from illusions

The same property of the brain can explain the phenomenon of optical illusions, Chingizi believes. "Illusions appear when our brain tries to comprehend the future. But its predictions do not necessarily coincide with reality," says the scientist. Here is an example of how "theory of foresight" explains common visual geometric illusions.

Take the so-called Hering illusion. We see vertical lines that bend slightly around the central spot, the so-called "receding point". Looking at the drawing, it seems to us that we are moving forward, and the figure is getting closer. This is where our ability to "foresee" the future comes into play. Our brain "tells" us that the lines are curved, when in fact they are straight and the figure is static.

elusive beauty

“In the process of evolution, our brain has learned how the image (more precisely, our vision) of a particular geometric figure changes in the process of approaching it,” Chingizi explains. “Lines converging at a vanishing point deceive our perception, forcing it to think that we move forward - as if we are in the real world, where the door frame (two vertical lines) sort of deviates when we pass through the door. So our brain tries to guess what picture will appear before us in the next moment.

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

When you move forward, not only the shape of objects changes, the scientist says. There are other non-constant visual objects: angular extent (i.e. a measure of how much of your visual field is occupied by an object), speed, contrast between the object and the background. We also see all this in different ways, moving in space. For example, if two objects are at the same distance from you, and you are approaching one of these objects, as you move it will accelerate, appear larger, lose contrast (objects blur at speed), and eventually be closer to you. compared to other objects.

grand unified theory

Changizi found that the phenomenon of "foresight" could explain different types of illusions. The scientist distributed 50 types of illusions into 28 categories. Each of them explains how non-permanent visual objects will be perceived by the eye. Most other scientific attempts to explain the phenomenon of illusions have been applicable to only one or a few of their types. Finding a theory that fits so many illusions is "a theorist's dream," Chingizi says. And it seems that in his case this dream came true.

There is a difference between what we say and what we do. This is called reality.

We talk a lot:

"I don't want to be the guy who can't climb two flights of stairs."
"I want to have a friendly family."
"I want to help and inspire people."
"I want to buy a house for my parents."
There is nothing wrong. Most of us have NOTHING but good intentions.

However, good intentions mean nothing. You can't buy food with good intentions. But we know that life is hard, and living a great life is even harder.

So every day we hustle, work hard and do our best to get closer to our dreams.

But how do you know that you are on the right track? How do you know you're not wasting your time?

I'm not a fortune teller, but I have a simple tip for you that accurately predicts the future.

It's simple: look at your actions.

That's the whole exercise. Let me explain.

No matter what you want to achieve in life, your words must be backed up by actions. If not, then you will never achieve anything.

For example, I want to always work for myself so that I always have enough money to support my lifestyle. Simply put: I want to remain independent. Financially, spiritually, mentally. And besides, I want to stay in shape.

All I have to do is look at my actions. And I ask myself: “So you want to be independent, right? What does it mean?"

Do you create things that people need?
Are you improving your skills?
Are you adding value to other people's lives?
Are you saving at least 10% of your income?
Are you investing your money?
Are you working hard enough?
Do you read enough books?
Are you investing in yourself?

I could go on, but you get the point. I question my habits here and now. It's not about what you want - it's about what you do.

And not in the future, but right now.

I can look at myself in the mirror and answer “Yes” to all of these questions. But I have to be honest. I didn't always live like this. I didn't take training seriously for many years. I didn't invest in my skills. I didn't exercise enough. I didn't value my money. And so on and so forth…

And yet, I am constantly adding new things to my daily habits. For example, I have only recently begun to keep track of what I have pleased loved ones over the past month. And I see that there are many other things that I can do better.

You need to realize as quickly as possible that you can only focus on one thing at a time. So do it today and move on to other tasks tomorrow.

And what you do today affects your future.

Look at your day.

Are you eating junk food?
I'll tell you this: in 10 years you'll be fatter and unhealthier.
Are you complaining?
I'll tell you this: in 10 years, the situation in your life will be exactly the same.
Do you relax in the office all day and watch YouTube videos instead of doing difficult things?
I'll tell you this: you'll stay in the same job. Or worse, you get fired.
Are you spending more than you earn?
I'll tell you what: in 10 years, you'll be worrying about money every day.

Yes, I'm not a fortune teller, but it turns out that predicting your future is very easy. Anyone with a little common sense in their head can do it. And it works.

What useful and necessary things have you done today?

The point is that all those little useful things like reading books, taking courses, making calls, sending email, walking, talking to the people you love add up to building the building blocks of your future.

But when you do useless things, they add nothing. You do not trust me?

What does it mean to watch Game of Thrones, eat a box of sweet cookies a day, or complain about your day? Well, let me tell you, it's not good.

You get the point. Let's do something useful every day. That's all I advise.

This article has become one of the useful things I have done today. What do you have?

A person is curious from birth. And everything that concerns the future and fate excites him most strongly. How to predict the future? We have learned to predict the future for a long time. Real magicians use a variety of methods and rituals to see and tell a person about significant events in his life. What are the main methods of divination?

What you will learn from the article:

How to predict the future - the most popular ways

Card reading

Fortune telling on cards is one of the most popular and truthful methods of fortune telling. Of course, we are not talking about an ordinary playing deck, but about the famous Tarot cards. There are several decks. There are classic tarot cards that magicians and soothsayers use most often. But if the client's question is rather specific and specific, then the fortuneteller will take a different deck.

At professional The magician prepared Tarot cards for all occasions. The layouts are also different and depend on the situations. You can tell fortunes for one day, month, next year or for a specific life event.

Rune divination

An inexperienced magician is unlikely to be able to make a true prediction on the runes. These ancient symbols are quite difficult to learn. Each letter of the ancient alphabet is not just a sign, but a charged, nourished symbol that has a deep meaning. Each combination of specific runes can answer almost any question. But this divination is complex, it requires special and long preparation.


If an individual horoscope is compiled by a competent astrologer, then he will be able to predict the most accurate future of a person. Astrology is an exact science that tells us about the influence of celestial bodies on the fate of people. Many life events are closely related to the positions of the stars and planets. The location of space objects is changing, and our future is changing along with them. Of course , mass public horoscopes have nothing to do with truthful divination .

We learn to predict the future using the most effective methods of futurology.

Kondratieff cycles

It is possible to predict the economic situation “for years to come” using the so-called “Kondratiev cycles” - our compatriot, who back in the 20s of the 20th century predicted all the major economic crises, up to 2010: the crisis of the mid-19th century, the Great Depression and current problems with the economy. In fact, we are now in the fifth cycle, which began in 1973. Its peak - the turning point came in the mid-90s, and the end is expected in 2015-2018.

The main idea behind the “Kondratiev waves” is that the economy is cyclical. As in any other system, it has a rise, a peak, a recession, a crisis, a depression, and a rise again. For the driving force of the cycle, Kondratiev took the renewal of infrastructure, the emergence of new technologies and, as a result, the change in society as a whole. Such a cycle according to Kondratiev lasts an average of 40-60 years.

According to economists, in 2008 the Western economy entered the last phase, the phase of depression, which may end in the next few years. The next, sixth cycle will last until 2060.

Demographic cycles of Kuznets

At the beginning of the 20th century, the American economist Simon Smith Kuznets (before emigrating, Semyon Kuznets) discovered that there are intermediate, medium-term cycles of 12-25 years between long Kondratiev cycles and short business cycles. They are connected mainly with demographic problems - mass migration, construction. During this time, according to Kuznets, there is a massive renewal of the infrastructure.

Elliot Wave Theory

The 20s of the XX century became the "golden age" of the theory and practice of exchange trading. And if there is demand, there is supply. Numerous theories, with which analysts tried to predict the change in market trends, multiplied like "mushrooms after the rain." One of the most popular was Ralph Elliot's Wave Theory.

Elliot considered his concept to be part of the laws of nature that govern all areas of human life. According to his theory, the constantly changing price creates a certain pattern that reflects the harmony found in nature. Based on this statement, Elliot developed a rational system of market analysis. He identified 13 patterns of movement or waves that constantly occur in the flow of market prices and repeat in form, but not necessarily in time or amplitude. Elliot illustrated each model, giving it a name and definition. Thus, the wave catalog is a catalog of price changes and an explanation of where these patterns are most likely to appear on the path of the market. Descriptions are empirically derived rules and guidelines on how to predict market behavior. His works found their final reflection in the book "The Law of Nature - the Secret of the Universe." In it, Elliot applies his theory not only to changes in stock prices, but to all processes associated with mass psychology, including the history of the development of human society in general. His theory is often associated with the theory of the golden section.

Chizhevsky cycles

Crises and cycles are not only economic. In the 70s, the Soviet biophysicist Chizhevsky put forward a hypothesis about the causes of social crises (strike, war, revolution). After analyzing the history of more than 50 states from the early centuries of existence, Chizhevsky came to the conclusion that all the most important wars, upheavals, riots and revolutions were directly dependent on solar activity, or rather on its consequences: crop failures, natural disasters, and effects on the human nervous system. He considered such cycles to be 11-year periods (and sometimes more), where the first 3 years account for 5% of events, the next 2 years - 20% of events, the next 3 years - 60% of events and, finally, the last 3 years. years - 15% of events.

Today, Chizhevsky's cycles, so criticized in the past, are of increasing interest. Psychologists analyzed the period from 1700 to 1985 and noted that during this time more than 2000 moments associated with the violation of social stability were noted. They, according to the researchers, are clearly concentrated near the maxima of solar activity.

Mandelbrot set

Year after year, fractal market analysis continues to gain popularity. The main difference of this method is that according to it, it is impossible to predict the future, due to the fact that any situation, even the slightest change, depends on the initial conditions. It is hardly possible to draw up a complete picture of these conditions, so it is important to build not so much highly accurate forecasts as to anticipate errors. For the first time, fractal theory in economics was developed and applied by Benoit Mandelbrot, the author of the term "fractal", the creator of the famous Mandelbrot fractal, known for color visualizations. Edgar Peters developed this theory in relation to economics. Market fractals keep a memory of their initial conditions and have a unique reproducible pattern on charts. All events are highly dependent on each other.

Catastrophe theory

The theory of catastrophes, the author of which was the mathematician Rene Thom, takes into account the smallest changes that can become a trigger for large-scale, sometimes catastrophic changes. Any economic system, like society as a whole, while developing, goes through the stages of restructuring, destruction of the harmony of the former system, which is accompanied by abrupt changes of a catastrophic nature. Economic indicators, sociological ratios, political background - all this can turn routine market actions into the most immediate causes of the crisis. The ability to manage assets or people in times of crisis is a task that requires not only talent, but also a solid knowledge of catastrophe theory.

web bot

Today, the future is predicted on the Internet. Only instead of fortunetellers - the Web Bot program, which makes forecasts from the state of the market, the political situation to some specific events. The technology and algorithm of the program is a secret with seven seals, known only to the creator of the web bot - Cliff Hay and his colleague Georg Ure. But in general terms, the principle is known.

According to the creator himself, the Internet is a large collective mind that contains millions and millions of thoughts, emotions and ideas. All this makes up the content of sites, blogs and chats, which are replenished daily, 24 hours a day. From all this information, the web bot first takes keywords - nouns, then adjectives that describe them. Particular attention is paid to slang, since it expresses the subjective position of the author more. He remembers all this, and then reacts to changes, compares all this and makes a forecast of how society will behave in a given situation.

According to Cliff High, the web bot does not literally predict the future, it calculates people's reactions to certain events. And it can lead to anything: from changes in the stock exchange to disasters in which the human factor is involved.

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