How the sun affects the earth. The effect of sunlight on the human body


The sun can be both a friend and an enemy to us. With a competent approach, it can be used to strengthen your health, increase immunity and improve mood. And, on the contrary, the unreasonable use of its capabilities can cause serious health problems. In this short article, we will consider the positive and negative effects of the Sun on the human body.

Benefits of the sun for human health

Regular sunbathing has a positive effect on our body. They help improve metabolism and blood composition, increase overall tone.

The positive influence of the Sun on the human body was noticed already in ancient times. Sick and weakened people were prescribed outdoor walks and sunbathing. This contributed to the improvement of their health.

It has long been proven that sunlight can kill pathogens of many diseases, including such serious ones as skin tuberculosis. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the human body, vitamin D is produced, on which the strength of our bones and teeth depends. With a deficiency of this vitamin in children, rickets occurs.

An overdose of even the most useful medicine is harmful. The same can be said about the sun's rays. Excessive exposure to the sun entails a lot of unpleasant consequences. This is definitely worth knowing for those who like to sunbathe for hours on the beaches.

Ultraviolet light can have a damaging effect on the skin. Too much sunbathing can cause premature aging of the skin and early appearance of wrinkles. In addition, excessive sun exposure increases the risk of melanoma and other dangerous diseases. In order to avoid these consequences, you should sunbathe between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., when UV rays are at their weakest. Going outside, be sure to use protective equipment for the skin and hair to reduce the negative impact of the sun on the human body.

It is necessary to protect not only the head and body, but also the eyes, since ultraviolet destroys the retina. To avoid this, you should wear sunglasses. Their choice should be approached very responsibly. Poor quality glasses can only increase the destructive power of UV rays. So you should buy this important accessory only in opticians, and not in underground passages and other dubious places.

Traces of various cosmic influences can be found in any geophysical phenomenon.
But if the cosmos affects such grandiose processes as terrestrial magnetism, weather, and even mountain building, then the biosphere, i.e., the animal and plant world of the Earth, including man, cannot avoid this influence.

At the beginning of this century, a curious incident occurred in the small French resort town of Nice. Strange interruptions arose in the local telephone network, all the more incomprehensible since no faults could be found in the telephone industry. But the most surprising thing was that it was during the same periods that many patients who were resting at the resort complained of a deterioration in their well-being ...

What connection can exist between the operation of telephone sets and the state of people's health? It is clear that none. But at the same time, it is quite possible that both of these phenomena can be consequences of the same cause. What if the Sun is the cause?

Influence of space on the Earth

There are reasons for such an assumption, and quite convincing. The influence of solar activity on biological processes has been noted by many researchers. At the end of the last century, the Russian scientist N. Shvedov discovered a connection between the thickness of annual rings in trees and the activity cycles of our daylight. Other scientists have established a connection between solar activity and the growth of sea corals, the reproduction of fish and rodents, and locust raids. A number of phenomena of the same kind were noticed by such eminent scientists as the famous polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen and the Swedish chemist and cosmogonist Svante Arrhenius.
Finally, more strange coincidences have been found. It was during those periods when volcanic activity intensified in nature, earthquakes became more frequent, hurricanes and storms raged - entire continents were covered by epidemics of plague, cholera and other terrible diseases. Our distant ancestors drew attention to this strange dependence. They called her "worldwide sympathy".

Yes, we know that in nature there really is a universal interconnection of phenomena. But, as with the telephones in Nice, this connection need not be direct. It is difficult, in fact, to find a direct relationship between hurricanes and an epidemic of plague. Universal sympathy is a common cause that has produced diverse effects. And everything suggests that this reason is solar activity.
Of course, the greatest interest is the question of the influence of our daylight on living organisms, on humans. Cases like the one at Nice are not enough to draw a valid scientific conclusion. These can be simple coincidences. We needed special wide-ranging observations and experiments.

The effect of the sun on the earth

Such an experiment was started in 1934 on the initiative of the Soviet scientist prof. A. L. Chizhevsky. For a number of years, the International Institute for the Study of Solar, Terrestrial and Cosmic Radiations, of which he was honorary chairman, sent out special notices to French hospitals and hospitals about upcoming periods of increased solar activity. During these periods, doctors had to pay special attention to various deviations in the condition of patients, changes in blood pressure, fluctuations in temperature, and the appearance of pain.
This information was sent to the Institute of Radiation and compared with astronomical data on fluctuations in solar activity.

The results of the observations turned out to be very curious. So, for example, 40 thousand acute heart attacks were registered. And when the doctors drew a curve showing how these attacks were distributed over time, it turned out that it is an almost exact copy of the graph of changes in solar activity over the same period, compiled by astronomers. It was on those days when the activity of the daylight reached its maximum that the number of heart diseases increased sharply.
Already in our time, the Leningrad researcher B. Rybkin, having analyzed a large amount of material, confirmed that the number of myocardial infarction diseases increases significantly on days of increased solar activity.

Another group of doctors found that 84% of exacerbations of various chronic diseases coincide with the passage of sunspots through the central part of the solar disk.
Along with this, prof. Chizhevsky began to test a possible connection between fluctuations in solar activity and plague epidemics. He managed to compile a chronological table of epidemics, starting from 430 BC and ending in 1839. Comparison of this table with the graph of solar activity fully confirmed the assumption of the scientist. Plague outbreaks coincide with the appearance of a large number of sunspots on the Sun. A similar relationship was found for other diseases: cholera, influenza, diphtheria, relapsing fever, etc.

Observations carried out by Soviet scientists in the Far East showed that large outbreaks of encephalitis diseases coincided with the maximum solar activity in 1947 and 1957.
There is also evidence of a connection between fluctuations in solar activity and the emergence of new variants of the influenza virus.

But after all, epidemic diseases are among the infectious diseases - they arise as a result of the impact on the human body of various microbes and bacteria. Consequently, solar activity must have some effect on the vital activity of the Earth's microorganisms. Indeed, Prof. Chizhevsky managed to discover that some bacteria are extremely sensitive to fluctuations in solar activity. A few days before the spots appear, they dramatically change their color. Further study of the relationship between solar activity and microorganisms is of great interest not only for medicine. After all, bacteria play a huge role in the circulation of matter on Earth.
The relationship between fluctuations in solar activity and some of the biological processes in question is one of the so-called statistical relationships. Establishing an undoubted connection between two natural processes, they at the same time say nothing about the mechanism of this connection. But, on the other hand, behind every statistical regularity, a very real chain of causes and effects is necessarily hidden. The further task of science is to discover, one by one, the links of this, for the time being, invisible chain.

What links of the mysterious chain linking solar activity and biological processes are already known to us? In 1941, the Japanese scientist Maki Tokata noticed that the properties of human blood depend on solar radiation. Tokata studied the reaction of protein flocculation in blood serum when certain reagents were added. It turned out that its intensity depends on the height of the Sun above the horizon: it gradually increases by noon and decreases by evening, and the daily course of this reaction does not depend on where the person is located - on the street or indoors, nor on the state weather. The man turned out to be like a living sundial.
In recent years, the Soviet hematologist I. Schultz, working in Sochi, for the first time managed to establish that fluctuations in solar activity lead to changes in blood composition. With increasing activity, the number of red blood cells increases and the number of white cells decreases. The influence of solar activity on the human cardiovascular system is beginning to be taken into account in the treatment of sanatorium patients.

Another important link in the solar-terrestrial connection was discovered by the Italian scientist prof. Giorgio Piccardi. Prof. Piccardi drew attention to one curious circumstance, which for some reason had not interested anyone before. Chemists have repeatedly encountered the fact that if the same experiment is repeated several times, then it is never possible to obtain exactly the same results. It would seem that all the conditions are the same: the same reagents, the same temperature, the same sequence of actions of the experimenter, but the result is somewhat different. Chemists said: random deviations, chance ...
But if the case stubbornly repeats itself from time to time, this is no longer an accident, but a pattern. Incomprehensible deviations must have some reason. Perhaps the whole point, Piccardi suggested, is that different experiments were performed at different times. At the same time, the "cosmic situation" and, above all, the level of solar activity could change. In this case, one has only to regret that the colossal and invaluable material of many so-called "unsuccessful experiments" disappeared without a trace and without any benefit to science. And in general, when registering the results of their experiments, chemists in most cases did not record exactly when this or that experiment was carried out. But different years, months, hours and even minutes are different physical conditions in near-Earth outer space.

Piccardi decided to fill this gap and traced the influence of cosmic phenomena on chemical processes. Why chemical? Because chemical reactions are extremely sensitive to external influences. As an indicator, the Italian scientist chose a very simple "chemical test" - the rate of the reaction of precipitation in an aqueous solution of bismuth chloride.
During the International Geophysical Year, chemists from all over the world joined the observations under the "Piccardi program". Every day at the same hours at different points on the globe on different meridians and parallels, the same experiment was carried out and the rate of sedimentation was recorded. The results were extremely interesting. In whatever regions of the planet the experiments were carried out, they simultaneously, as if on command, gave exactly the same deviations. But such consistency indicates that changes in the course of the control reaction cause causes on a cosmic, or at least planetary scale.

Sun and Earth's geomagnetism

The chief of these causes was not so difficult to discover. The curves on the graphs, depicting deviations in the course of the control reaction depending on time, were a fairly accurate copy of the graph of changes in solar activity over the same periods. But the main question is whether solar radiation affects aqueous solutions directly or through some intermediate physical processes?
You can make the following experiment: prepare the same solutions of bismuth chloride in two test tubes and monitor the rate of precipitation. If both solutions are under the same conditions, then when the experiment is repeated many times, the number of cases when the precipitate falls out in the first test tube earlier than in the second will be approximately equal to the number of opposite cases. This indicates the random nature of such deviations. But if we change the conditions of the experiment and place one of the test tubes under a metal cap, then the “balance” of the deviations will be disturbed. In 70% of cases, the precipitate will precipitate earlier in a shielded tube.
This result suggests that the rate of precipitation depends on the state of the Earth's electromagnetic field; after all, the metal screen serves as an obstacle precisely for electromagnetic influences. Such a conclusion is in good agreement with the existing theory of water, according to which the molecules of this liquid form a regular spatial structure, similar to a crystalline one. But, unlike ordinary crystals, water molecules are connected to each other by elastic hydrogen bonds, which can easily be deformed: compressed or stretched under the influence of electromagnetic fields. In all likelihood, it is precisely such changes in the arrangement of molecules that explain the deviations in the rate of the precipitation reaction during fluctuations in solar activity.
Such a hypothesis is all the more plausible since the increase in solar activity is usually accompanied by bursts of radio emission, including those with a wavelength of 3 cm, which are well absorbed by water.
But water is the main life solvent, which is directly involved in all biological processes. Suffice it to say that the human body is 71% water. And since Piccardi's experiments have convincingly shown that solar activity affects the state of aqueous solutions, it should also affect living organisms. From this point of view, the correlation (i.e., dependence) of biological and solar phenomena, which was discussed above, becomes understandable.

However, the very mechanism of the interrelation of these processes is still unclear. It is curious that it is not so much a high but constant level of solar activity that has an unfavorable physiological effect, but rather its sharp increase. This circumstance also speaks in favor of the assumption of the biological role of electromagnetic fields. The fact is that, as is known from physics, the magnitude of the magnetic field that occurs when the electric field fluctuates depends on the rate of change of the latter, and, conversely, the electric field strength is determined by the rate of change of the magnetic field.
But be that as it may, the very fact of a close relationship between the processes occurring on the surface of our daylight and in the human body is beyond doubt. And it is very likely that even before all the regularities of this connection are clarified, screened wards will appear in hospitals for heart patients, protecting patients from harmful fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field.
The sun is the closest star to us, and therefore its influence on aqueous solutions is especially noticeable. But the possibility is not ruled out that in addition to solar activity, there may be other, albeit weaker, cosmic influences. They, according to Prof. Pic-cardi may be associated with changes in the position of the solar system in the Galaxy, as well as the effects of interstellar force fields. Italian scientists came to this conclusion after a thorough analysis of the results of numerous experiments with aqueous solutions.
Space surrounds us everywhere, - says prof. Pik-cardi.- To be in it, it is not at all necessary to go on an interplanetary journey. You don't even have to leave your own home.
The connection between solar activity and terrestrial phenomena is indisputable. But so far, all dependences of the "Sun-biosphere" type are of a statistical nature. In other words, a number of coincidences in time between fluctuations in solar activity and biological phenomena have been registered.
However, conclusions about causal relationships drawn on a statistical basis may also be erroneous. Therefore, the primary task facing scientists working in this field is to reveal the specific mechanism of the impact of solar activity on the biosphere.

The influence of the Sun on a person is enormous, because it is not only the central luminary of the solar system, but also a particular manifestation of cosmic universal light. Thus, the position of the Sun in the natal chart of a person shows his spiritual level and symbolizes an entity that passes from incarnation to incarnation, whose will controls fate.

Every person wants to find happiness and often does not know how to come to it, looking outside for a replacement. However, the energy of happiness comes just from the Sun, and if a person wants to get access to it, then one should change one's lifestyle so that deeds and thoughts enhance the favorable influence of the Sun. This becomes possible only when a person begins to properly build his relationship with the world. The desire to live for the sake of others and fulfill our duties to all opens the way for us to the source of happiness.

Sun in ignorance

The sun in ignorance manifests itself in the character of a person as a hostile attitude towards the world, laziness, claims to others, unwillingness and inability to work for the benefit of others - since it is solar energy that gives us the joy of creativity and the ability to experience pleasure from activity. After all, when you give someone light and happiness, you yourself have a feeling of happiness inside.

Inability to get up early and go to bed early, vanity, great selfishness, lethargy of mind, complete irresponsibility, unwillingness and inability to keep promises, hostility to the world, painful dependence on the opinions of others, prolonged anger, arrogance, disrespectful attitude towards father and government, aimless life and the desire to use all methods to achieve a high post.

Sun in passion

A huge false ego, excessive pride, arrogance, an insatiable desire for power, dependence on flattery, a desire to manipulate other people - these are bright indicators of the Sun in passion. Great activity in the pursuit of their goals, the desire to take responsibility, only when it is beneficial. Respect for authorities only if "there is a reason." Feels happy, being in the center of everyone's attention, the desire to save everyone.

A person with the Sun in passion sees only what he wants to see. He becomes very impulsive and overwhelmed by exorbitant selfish desires. Extravagance, desire to stand out, increased irritability, low vitality.

Sun in goodness

The sun in goodness gives a person a great sense of responsibility - for himself, his actions and words, his family, generosity, nobility, generosity, great self-esteem, generosity, determination, generosity. Such a person is purposeful, disciplined, able to lead, using minimal punishments, great willpower, self-respect, independence from the opinions of others, sincerity, regular early rise. The ability to quickly grasp the essence and think clearly.

Harmonizing the Influence of the Sun

The strongest impact and improvement of the energy of the Sun occurs when a person purifies his consciousness, believes in God, strives to live by spiritual interests. You should wish happiness to all living beings, cultivate in yourself everything that brings joy to you and those around you. It is useful to participate in charity and make donations to spiritual people and religious organizations. It is necessary to develop the qualities of responsibility, purposefulness, determination, optimism, humanity, firmness, generosity, willpower, self-esteem, nobility, generosity.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The bulk of sunlight is rays with very short wavelengths, which are measured in nanometers (nm), 1 nm is equal to 0.001 microns.

Within the optical part of sunlight are: ultraviolet invisible rays (280-400 nm), light rays (400-760 nm) and infrared invisible rays (760-2800 nm).

Visible rays, giving the sensation of white, when refracted through a trihedral prism, decompose into the following colors: violet (the shortest), blue, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (these are the colors of the rainbow).

Ultraviolet radiation causes mainly a photochemical effect, and infrared radiation causes a thermal one.

Near the earth's surface, 59% of solar radiation is infrared, 40% is light, and about 1% is ultraviolet.

When passing through the earth's atmosphere, about 60% of solar radiation is absorbed in the stratosphere and dispersed in space with the help of water vapor and the ozone layer. Near the earth, radiation is delayed mainly due to pollution of the atmosphere with dust, smoke and gases, with clouds and fogs. Most of all, ultraviolet rays are retained. In large industrial cities with a lot of smoke and gas pollution, the loss of ultraviolet radiation reaches 40%, and the general illumination is sharply reduced.

The amount of direct solar radiation decreases with distance from the equator, as the angle of incidence of the sun's rays decreases. The largest amount of radiation in the middle latitudes occurs in May, during the day - at noon.

There are more ultraviolet rays in the south than in the north. In addition to direct solar radiation, diffuse radiation is of some importance. In a clear sky, the short-wavelength bluish-blue part of the spectrum is predominantly scattered, which causes the blue color of the sky. The activity of scattered radiation is small, but a large amount of ultraviolet rays makes it biologically very useful. Therefore, you can sunbathe while in the shade.

Part of the solar radiation is reflected from the surfaces on which it falls. For example, snow reflects up to 85% of the total radiant energy, yellow quartz sand - 35% of solar radiation, river sand - 29%, green grass - 26%, black earth - 14%, the water surface with a sheer fall of sunlight - only 2%. This information should be taken into account when choosing a place for sunbathing in different climatic conditions.

In addition to the thermal effect and significance for vision, the radiant energy of the sun has a beneficial therapeutic effect on the entire body. Acting through the visual analyzer, light energy affects metabolism, general tone, sleep rhythm, etc. Light also serves as a signal thermal stimulus that can cause a feeling of warmth and reduce metabolism even in the absence of real heating by solar or artificial light rays.

When the skin is irradiated, photochemical reactions occur in the body, causing complex chemical transformations in tissues and having a serious effect on metabolism. The strongest biological properties are ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 290 to 315 nm.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is formed in the skin. Direct sunlight kills tuberculosis bacteria in a few minutes, staphylococci in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in 60 minutes. There are observations that in clear sunny weather, the prevalence and duration of epidemics of influenza, diphtheria, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases transmitted through the air are much less and shorter.

And with the so-called light starvation, which is observed in people who are deprived of the opportunity to use daylight to a sufficient extent (those who live in the North during the polar night, those who work in mines, in the subway), numerous disturbances occur in the vital activity of the body. Rickets develop in children, the number of cases of dental caries increases, bone strength decreases, functional disorders of the nervous system appear, and the course of tuberculosis worsens. However, with too long exposure to sunlight without a regular change of day and night (Arctic), fatigue of the nervous system and changes in human reflex activity are possible. Even "white nights" can cause irritation and fatigue of the nervous system.

The human body has mechanisms that protect it from sharp fluctuations in air temperature, humidity, wind speed, changes in atmospheric pressure. But sometimes this protection does not work. The increased humidity of the air at its high temperature can cause a general overheating of the body. This painful condition is called hyperthermia, or heatstroke.

The cause of heat stroke is a violation of the thermoregulation of the body, which is expressed in increased heat generation with insufficient heat transfer. The heat accumulated in the body negatively affects the function of the central nervous system. Oxygen starvation develops. The viscosity of the blood increases, blood circulation is disturbed.

Heat stroke can occur when working in stuffy, poorly ventilated areas, especially if high air temperature is combined with high humidity. The cause of this condition may be tight, poorly breathable clothing.

Heatstroke can also occur outdoors: during high physical activity in a humid, stuffy atmosphere (even in the absence of sun), in calm weather, and if the rules for sunbathing are not followed.

In infants, heat stroke can often be caused by being in an overheated room, in a crib placed near radiators and central heating pipes.

When overheated, patients develop headache, dizziness, tinnitus. They experience intense thirst and nausea. Worried about weakness, drowsiness. Initially, there is reddening of the skin, their moisture; then the skin becomes dry, pale, cold. There may be fainting. Breathing becomes more frequent, tachycardia develops, blood pressure drops. Vomiting, nosebleeds may occur.

In severe cases, delayed reactions or agitation, severe headaches, loss of consciousness, convulsions, rise in body temperature to 39 ° -41 ° C, respiratory depression are noted. Infants develop severe vomiting, diarrhea. In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed. But first, the patient must be placed in a cool place, in the shade, provide access to fresh air, free from tight, restrictive clothing, give cold water to drink, put a cold compress, and, if possible, ice on the head, in the axillary and inguinal regions (large blood vessels pass there). vessels). Water procedures have a good effect: in mild cases, a shower with a temperature of 26-27 ° C for 5-8 minutes, in more serious cases, a bath at a temperature of 20 ° C for up to 8 minutes. After the water procedure, a mandatory rest in a supine position and drinking plenty of water. Unlike heat stroke, there may not be general overheating in sunstroke. It can be caused by direct exposure to sunlight on an uncovered head. In this case, there is no pronounced change in thermoregulation. However, the complaints of patients are similar.

Prevention of heat and sunstroke:

To avoid overheating, it is necessary to maintain the microclimate in residential and industrial premises, observe the optimal drinking regime, and also use rational clothing.

It is recommended to wear clothes made of porous fabrics (cotton, linen, etc.), through which air can easily be exchanged. This is especially true for clothing in the warm season. In summer, even without taking a special air bath, try to get rid of excess clothes: for example, when working in the garden, take off your shirt, T-shirt.

It is sometimes believed that the more tightly the head is wrapped, the better it is protected from the sun's rays. Often, for this, they tie their heads with thick towels, build high caps from newspapers. But all these "headgear" prevent normal heat transfer. A light white panama, a small light cap with a visor, a cotton scarf, a straw hat will perfectly protect your head from the sun.

Thermoregulation is adversely affected by the subcutaneous fat layer, which is poor in blood vessels. Therefore, overweight people need to be especially careful about overheating.

Sunlight treatment, or heliotherapy, is one of the most accessible methods of using sunlight to improve the health of the human body. Experts recommend getting healthy at least once a year, but if you have the opportunity, then try to get healthy in the winter. So let's see what is the effect of sunlight on the human body.

Influence of sunlight

With a lack of sunlight, health problems can occur, for example, with the joints or the lymphatic system. But it is worth remembering about side effects - with its excess, allergic reactions may occur or an exacerbation of all chronic processes, including hormonal ones, may occur.

What effect does sunlight have on the human body?

Thanks to sunlight, the human body produces the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a large number of processes occurring in the body, it is also called the hormone of joy. The absence of this hormone causes winter depression.
When taking sunbathing, vitamin D is produced, which restores bone tissue. The daily intake of this vitamin should be at least 400 units. If you expose your face to direct sunlight for just 15 minutes, your body will receive the daily requirement of vitamin D.
The main benefit of heliotherapy is the restoration of the body - the skin becomes more elastic, smooth and shiny, it takes on a healthier appearance due to increased blood flow. But such an effect is possible only if the procedures are carried out correctly. Otherwise, the skin will become more wrinkled, it will get burned, which will cause you a lot of trouble, in the most extreme case, melanoma (skin cancer) may develop.
Heliotherapy is recommended for both healthy people and those who suffer from skin diseases: acne, psoriasis, some types of tuberculosis.
It was also discovered that the sun's rays improve the process of sperm production.

Contraindications for the use of heliotherapy.

Despite all the positive properties of heliotherapy, it must be remembered that it is contraindicated in certain diseases. These include: acute inflammation, tumors, bone and lung tuberculosis in an advanced stage, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, diseases of the circulatory and endocrine systems, organic lesions of the central nervous system, circulatory disorders, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, disorders in the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland , mastopathy, fibroids, diseases of the reproductive system, as well as the postoperative period and pregnancy.
Keep in mind that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause sunstroke. It is characterized by: headache, lethargy and vomiting, in extreme cases, a person can fall into a coma. People with heart and vascular diseases, increased thyroid function, obesity and vegetovascular dystonia are most susceptible to sunstroke.

Rules for Sunlight Treatment

There are a number of rules for conducting treatment with sunlight to reduce the risk of this or that harm:

  1. Before you start using heliotherapy, your body must go through acclimatization and get used to new circumstances, regimen and nutrition. A quick change of environment and a rapid “entry” into it can lead the body to a stressful state.
  2. Don't rush to sunbathe. On the first day, you should be under the sun for no longer than 10 minutes, each subsequent day this time can be increased by 5 minutes. After reaching the mark of 60 minutes, it is advisable not to cross it.
  3. It is highly not recommended to be treated with the sun's rays at noon, since at this time the sun is at the peak of its activity. Do not leave your head open, and protect your eyes with glasses from the sun.
  4. Pale-skinned people are advised to sunbathe, alternating back and chest, for 5 minutes each. This dose can be gradually increased over 5 minutes until the 30-minute mark is reached. People with dark skin have an easier time in this situation, they can immediately start with 15 minutes and increase this dosage by the same number of minutes every day.
  5. Do not sunbathe an hour before and after meals, as this can lead to digestive disorders.
  6. In case of insufficient tanning, do not stay in the sun for more than an hour. Also, don't sleep while under it or you could get big burns.
  7. Don't underestimate cloudy weather. On such a day, you can get sunburned, just like on a sunny day.
  8. During heliotherapy, you should not look at the sun, as you can get serious vision problems due to damage to the retina, or completely lose your eyesight.
  9. Choose a sunscreen that will protect you from sunburn. Be sure to pay attention to the level of its protection, otherwise, when purchasing such a product, you may not get the desired tan.
  10. Protect your eyes and face with masks and goggles when the sun's rays are highly reflected, for example from snow cover.

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