KVN on the history of team names mottos of greeting. Squad name


Squad name:220 volt
We can't move without moving
We are always energized
Let's quickly ignite the spark
Let's recharge everyone around.
If you need to do something!
We turn on 220!

Squad name: Keds
For those in sneakers, age is not a hindrance,
Sneakers, sneakers are the key to success!

At least in one we will be sneakers,
All the same, we will come to victory.

Even if there is a hole in the sneaker,
We are still running to win!

Squad Name: Lightning
We are fast as lightning
Used to win
And this time we'll try
Replay all of you!

Order name: Veniki
Eneki, Beniki,
Everyone will be beaten by brooms!

Squad Name: Athletes
We come to win
We're going to practice.
Do you want to get ahead of us -
Don't chase us!

Squad Name: Dynamite
We are great athletes
We are explosive
Who will win today?
Well, of course DYNAMITE!

Squad name: Extreme
We guys are extreme
One victory is not enough for us!
Both on land and in water
We will be the first everywhere !

Squad name: Pirates.
We, pirates, well done - smart, athletic!
Jack of all trades and, of course, strong!

Team name: Rescuers
Our motto is four words:
Drown yourself - save another!

Squad Name: Sailors
We are not afraid of storms, storms.
We are heroes by nature.

Squad Name: Danceland
Our dancing is a sport
And sport is a healthy mind and body,
Let's all dance without worries
Let's go through life boldly.

Squad Name: Samurai
Uki-muki, zyaki-zyaki, murakami and miyaki,
Yamamoto and kinzo, we are in the "good" squad.
We live do not lose heart
Because we follow the code of honor of the samurai.

Squad Name: Musketeers
Know the enemy is our flag,
Clash of swords, honor!
Any Musketeers?

Order name: Kipish
Hey dude, are you listening?
- We are a team - KIPISH!

Squad Name: Assets
Active at night, active during the day
Active always, everywhere and in everything!

Squad name: BEMS

Team Name: New Age Youth
We are the youth of the new age
Always and everywhere we will succeed!
We flew from an ordinary planet,
There is nothing supernatural in us,
But we will be the best, we will win,
We will never forget everyone who helped with this!

Squad Name: Nonstop
No matter what happens -
NonStop always goes ahead!

Squad Name: Adrenaline
We are the ADRENALINE squad
We will win everyone in the world.
We will never give in
We will always be the first!

Squad Name: Brave
We are brave guys
We stand up for ourselves.
We all know, we all see
We will protect the weak too!

Order name: Elephants
Elephants are the strongest!
Elephants are the most powerful!
"Elephants" all obstacles
Will overcome!

Squad Name: Fly
We are a flying team
It's always fun with us!
We are cool guys
We never get bored!
Get the machine gun
A detachment of Ulyo-o-o-o-t is coming to you !!!

Squad Name: Black Hearts
We are the Black Hearts team
Though our hearts are black
But the spirit in them is fighting,
We will fight back any team!

Squad name: Red Bull
We fly above the sky
We are Red Bull and we are victory!
You guys are afraid of us
Our team is stronger than you!

Squad Name: Major League
Squad - Major League!
And our motto is
More action, less words!

Squad Name: Stalker
Obstacles along the way are not a hindrance to us -
Always and everywhere we will succeed!

Squad name: Dolphin
The dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad: SHOCK
Shock! Hooray! We will always be the first!
We have a hit
We have a throw
We will grind everyone to powder!

Squad: Sailors
We are a mountain for each other
This is our maritime custom.
Greet every morning with a smile
If a friend is in trouble - help out!

Gomel State Regional Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth


to help educators, counselors

summer health camps


The proposed material includes practical recommendations for the counselor: names, mottos, chants, songs of the detachments.

This is the experience of the teaching staff of the children's sanatorium "Forest Dali" of the Gomel branch of the Belarusian Railway, students of the Gomel Pedagogical College. L.S. Vygotsky, who underwent summer teaching practice in health camps in the Gomel region: “Raton”, “Oressa”, “Forest Tale”, “Jubilee”, “Young Chemist”, “Cornflower”, “Junga”, “Friendship”, "Romance".

The material was summarized by the staff of the methodological department of the Gomel Regional Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth and can be used by counselors, educators of health camps.

The unit name and motto must:

    match the age of the children;

    be easy to pronounce;

    do not violate the traditions of the camp, if any;

    reflect the common interests of the children of the detachment, their common feature or their aspirations.

Squad "Orange".

Motto: We are all one now,

Like orange slices.

Who is behind7 - Do not fall behind!

Who is tired? - Cheer up!

Who goes and looks down? - Hey comrade,

pull up!

Do not bend, youth? - We are not by force

Maybe already tired? - We are with such on

Can we sit down and rest? - We'd better sing a song.

Squad "Ants".

Motto: Girls and boys

We are all ants.

We dance and sing -

We live happily!

Squad "Seagull"

Motto. The seagull flies, the seagull curls,

Our team will achieve everything.

Speech: One, two - we go,

Let's start the song in chorus.

And we will sing to you about

What a friendly, fun way to live.

"Seagull" we call ourselves.

Party "Party".

Motto. Our party is the best in the world.

We are not afraid

Even holes in the cheese.

Squad "Dill"

Motto: Where we want, we stick out there!

Dills stuck out in the field,

The green ones were in the field.

Lyuli, lyuli stuck out,

Lyuli, lyuli stuck out.

I'll go, I'll go for a walk

I'll pick dill from the garden,

Lyuli, lyuli, I collect,

Lyuli, lyuli, I collect.

Detachment "Oba-na".

Motto: Without detachment "Oba-on" the Khan's sanatorium.

Speech: We are both a team,

Our guys anywhere.

And the girls are just class

Look at us!

Squad "Reluctant".

Motto: Do ​​not cry, do not squeak,

Don't miss mom.

Speech: Go against the wind

Don't stand still

Understand it doesn't happen

The roads are easy!

Squad "Sunshine"

Motto: Don't cry, don't squeak.

Keep your head up.

Squad "Sunshine".

Motto: Shine always, shine everywhere,

Be ahead and period!

Squad "Dandelion".

Motto: Stick together so you don't get blown away.

Squad "Merry"

Motto: We are mischievous guys

We guys are not a trifle

Our songs, our dances -

It's not just for you.

Speech: We love to scream, laugh.

Have fun, have fun.

And today at this hour

We will show the highest class.

Squad "Musketeers.

Motto: Not for the sake of battle, we crossed swords,

And for the sake of useful deeds in our detachment.

Speech: Who are we?


We are a cheerful, inquisitive people

and bold, and perky, and skillful.

In our squad it has long been known -

One for all and all for one.

Squad "Musketeers"

Motto: Let's cross our swords

Not for courage

And for the sake of order

And friendship in the detachment.

Speech: The main thing is together, the main thing is together

The main thing is with a hot heart in the chest.

We don't need indifferent people, we don't need them.

Drive boredom and laziness from the detachment.

Squad "Smile"

Motto: Life without a smile is a mistake!

Long live laughter and smiles!

Three, four we are friends with him.

Let's leave it under the pillow

Capturing enthusiasm and laughter

We will be the best team

Let's leave everyone behind.

Squad "Friendship"

Motto: Music, song and laughter.

Enough smiles for everyone.

Three, four, one, two.

Who walks together in a row?

This is our friendly team.

friendly, skillful,

Cunning and bold

Both on land and in water

We will help you in trouble.

Squad "Friendship"

Motto: Our strength is the friendship of the team.

Speech: One, two, three, four.

Three, four, one, two.

Who walks together in a row?

Our friendliest group.

Everyone needs friendship in the world.

Be friendly all the kids.

Team Friendship.

Motto: We will fly to the sun when we grow up.

The “Friendship” detachment doesn’t care.

Squad "Phantom"

Motto: Our phantom flies fast

In the sky blue and clear.

Squad "Rescuers"

Motto: Our motto is 4 words:

You drown yourself - save another,

And 4 more words.

Don't let him drown.

Speech: We will always save

Let's save everywhere

Save on land

Squad "Lightning"

Motto: Long T-shirts

Wide pants,

Out of the box thinking -

It's all of us!

Speech: Thunder rumbles, the earth is shaking -

This lightning is rushing.

We run the fastest.

We will ensure your success.

Detachment "Altair"

Motto: Dream, dare, conquer the world of stars,

Touch the star Altair with your hand.

Speech: We are the only ones in the world

We live in Altair

We are knee-deep in the sea.

We and the mountains on the shoulder.

Give me your friendship

I'll take it with me.

Detachment "Chepushata".

Motto: We are fun guys.

We are fluff guys.

Speech: One, two, three, four.

Three, four, one, two.

Who walks together in a row?

Our 12th squad!

Who is walking in step?

Make way for us!

Detachment "Freaks".

Motto: Don't hang your nose, don't be discouraged

Go ahead and win!

Speech: One, two - we're going

We lead everyone

Don't joke with weirdos

And don't get in the way

Life in "Dali" -

Not life, but heaven.

But don't forget the routine!

Squad "Red Cat".

Motto: Tail for tail, eye for eye

Here is our motto.

Speech: One, two - who's coming?

Three, four - red cat.

They say it won't work

You do not believe - luck awaits.

Good friend do not be afraid of us,

We will help in difficult times.

Squad "Jolly Guys"

Motto: Be cheerful everywhere and on land and in water!

Detachment "Yeralash".

Motto: Songs, jokes, dances, noise for the whole floor

You will see, hear in the Yeralash detachment.

Detachment "Yeralash".

Motto: Longing and boredom will announce the Sabbath.

Let's turn life into a complete mess.

Speech: One, two, we love laughter.

Three, four we are friends with him.

Let's leave sadness under the pillow

Capturing fun and laughter.

We will be the best squad

Let's leave everyone behind!

Squad "Romance".

Motto: We will reach the moon on the roofs,

The world will hear about us!

Detachment "Scarlet Sails".

Motto: Courage, dexterity and courage are with us.

We go forward under scarlet sails.

Speech: One, two we go,

We lead everyone.

Don't mess with sails

And don't stand in the way

It's not easy to deceive us

It's hard to beat us

We are faster than all the detachments,

Don't try to be stronger!!!

Detachment "Danko".

Motto: Take your heart

Carry it boldly

Give it to the people

To burn forever!

Speech: Where are you Danko?

Into the forest distance.

What do you bring people?

I'll give my heart.

What will you keep as a memento?

The right to be the first in the game and the fight!

Squad "Angels"

Motto: We are holy angels

You are not allowed to sleep at night.

Speech: Angels are power.

Angels are class.

Angels do not know barriers

After all, our finest hour has come.

Squad "Night Ghosts".

Motto: Let's not sleep at night

We won't let you sleep.

Speech: One, two, three, four, five

The ghosts came out to walk.

Six seven eight nine ten

We always walk together.

And in the dark night

And in the rain and in the storm

I am the ghost of the night

I am doing my service.

Country “Entertainment”

Rights and obligations of the inhabitants of the country.

    Smile in any weather and time of day. And let your smile see your friends!

    Say what I think and think what to say.

    And before you say bad things, see if there is a counselor nearby.

    Be the first to help a friend if he needs it.

    Do not wake up the counselor during the quiet hour.

    Protect nature - our mother!

    Protect and increase the property of the country!

National anthem “What is a camp?”

What is a camp? This grief:

Crying children on the charge.

Their tears and suffering turn into puddles.

I haven't been to camp for a long time.

Chorus: Camp - grief in the early days.

Where the mosquitoes ate us.

Where friendship gave strength,

The camp is our dream.

What is a camp? This is happiness!

This is the air, the sun, the sound of the surf.

Camp, you reminded us

Now about the most important thing.

Camp, I'm deprived of peace again!

Who is the boss? It's a demon!

Again scolds us for slovenliness!

Camp, we will be with you instead of a long, long time.

Camp, we'll be back here.

Squad "laces"

Motto: Even Adidas

Can't do without us.

Speech: So as not to shuffle your heels

Back and forth on asphalt.

Remember: you need laces Mandatory care.

Taking on the lacing.

Be ready! Always ready!

Show your dexterity

In lacing.

Detachment "Clean".

Motto: We work in the morning

Our bedrooms are clean.

For diligence and work we are called “Cleaners”.

We have come here to the land of wonders.

Near the river, near the forest.

We'll have fun here.

Detachment "Galchata"

Motto: We are jackdaws, even though they are small,

But cool and funny..

Speech: 1.2 - 3.4

Hey guys, wide step.

No, probably in the whole world

Cheerful, friendly guys. We walk together.

We don't need a babysitter.

Hey buddy, don't be discouraged.

Sing our song.

Country “Holidays in Prostokvashino”


The law of purity.

Right hand law.

Border law.

The Law of Friendship.

Mutual Aid Law.

The law of the green friend.

The law of precision.

The law of knocking on the door.


How does summer come to us?

With bird song ringing.

We ask dads and moms to buy tickets for us.

In the country where there is no melancholy, grief and sadness.

We have never seen a better place in our lives!


Hello, camp "Young chemist"!

We came here

Relax and have fun and get up with the dawn.

The river, forest and fresh air are very useful to us.

From physical education, the muscles are iron.

Here, the leaders of the detachments are kind and gentle.

Very friendly we get up in the morning to exercise.

Legs wider, arms up, and then squatting.

Work up an appetite and run to dinner.

Try the dishes of our chefs as soon as possible.

Disco and concert, games and trips.

Nowhere in the world you will find more cheerful people.

We live as one family and do not know worries.

We dance and sing together, we have a nice rest.

Song "Young chemist".

"Young chemist" - blue sky.

"Young Chemist" - summer all year round.

“Young chemist” - lives happily.

"Young chemist" sings a song.

Miracle camp, miracle camp

Living here is easy and simple for us.

Miracle camp.

Our happiness is constant -

Chips, porridge and bananas.

We don't want to go back to mom.

Cool camp!!!

Detachment "MU"(men's university)

Motto: MU is power and sounds beautiful.

Speech: We were born with mummies

And we will die like mummies.

We marry mummies

And we'll breed the mummies.

Detachment “Ghosts of Prostokvashino”

Motto: The sun in the palm of your hand.

Sun in the chest.

Ghosts of Prostokvashino

Always ahead.

Speech: We are brave ghosts,

Cheerful, wonderful.

We will entertain you during the day.

Well, sleep soundly at night.

Detachment “Children of Matroskin”

Motto: Dexterous, skillful,

Cheerful and bold.

We must always be friends

To live happier.

Speech: Who walks together in a row?

Our squad is a squad of kittens.

Everyone! Everyone!

Good day!

Get out of the way of our laziness!

Don't let us have fun

Don't let us work!


If it's a long, long, long time

If for a long time on the track,

If long on the path

Stomp, ride and run.

That's probably right, right

You will get into the “Young Chemist”.

There you will see friendly, faithful,

Goodness, little kittens.

Aaah, we are kittens of such a height.

A-ah-ah, we are kittens of this width

Ahh, striped, furry.

Ah-ah-ah, and tailed, mustachioed.

Ahh, such kindness.

Ahh, such kindness.

Squad "Tourist".

Motto: Tourists are always with you.

They won't leave a friend

And then they will come to the rescue,

When it gets tough.

Speech: - What is your mood? - In!

Is everyone of this opinion? - All without exception!


Early sunny morning

Mother accompanied us

From parental severity

Brought to rest.

"Rest, my dear,

Light up, don't be sad.

Well, if you're bored -

Call, write."

Not even a minute passed

Everyone rushed to call.

What kind of jokes are here -

Be friends with mosquitoes.

But we got together and thought:

You need to live - do not grieve.

After all, the main thing is not in difficulties,

And be friends with friends.

Squad "Tomboys".

Motto: We guys are top class

The tomboys have nicknamed us.

Speech: One, two - tomboys,

Three, four - well done,

Five, six - our detachment is a class!

Everything will work out for us.

Squad "Tomboys".

Motto: We guys are great.

We were nicknamed "Tomboys".

We love to run and play.

But we do not like only to sleep

The song "Bonfire".

What are legends to us about God,

If the gods we are with you.

Our gods are all roads

that lead us.

Chorus: The drum is trying.

The trumpeter plays the collection.

And there are no white hands among us.

You burn, burn, our fire,

You burn, burn, our fire,

Our comrade, our friend, our companion.

Who goes where, but we're all right.

Through the darkness into the firelight.

Hello, Yubileiny camp.

Hello summer time.

Squad "Prometheus".

Motto: Light a fire in the hearts of people,

How Prometheus did it.

Speech: The main thing is together.

The main thing is together.

The main thing - with a hot heart in the chest.

The main thing is to shake hands with each other.,

If a friend is having a hard time on the road.


The camp again opened the doors to us with you, with you.

Will the counselors have enough strength to fight, to fight.

Sleep and hear a piercing scream,

But we get up so painfully.

Rise, rise and we rise.

Rise, rise and we rise.

They drive us to the dining room to cover again, again.

After a stormy night, we want to sleep, sleep.

Eyes sparkle wickedly.

And we read a lot in them.

What to wait, no one will wait.

We hope for the chef with you, with you.

And in the dining room we run again in a crowd, a crowd.

The smell beckons us so sweetly.

The heart is light and joyful.

And howl: "Do not touch my bread, do not touch."

Squad "Joke"

Motto. Where the ship will not sail,

And where the car will not rush.

"Joke" on the belly will crawl

And nothing will happen to him.

Speech: One, two - we love laughter.

Three, four - we are friends with him.

Let's leave sadness under the pillow

Capturing fun and laughter.

We will be the best squad

Let's leave everyone behind!

Squad "Pranksters"

Motto: Don't be discouraged

Don't forget about friends.

And we are always ahead

Don't put your finger in our mouth.

Speech: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Who walks together in a row:

Pranksters our squad!

Who is walking in step?

Give way to pranksters!

Fast, skillful, agile and bold

Never, nowhere, nothing

We won't let our friends down.

Squad "Star"

Motto: Through thorns to the stars.

Speech: Our squad is marching in step.

Make way for us

Wherever you are on the way

We are always ahead here.

We walk together.

We don't need to be sad.

Open your mouth wider

Sing our song.

Detachment "Saturn".

Motto: Even if you burst, even if you crack,

Our Saturn comes first.

Speech: 1.2. The speed of light.

3, 4. We are flying.

To distant planets

We want to get there as soon as possible.

All over the globe

We have mapped out the route.

And not for nothing, no, not for nothing

Our detachment "Saturn" is called.

Toryad "Meteor".

Motto: We will reach the moon on the roofs.

The world will hear about us.

Detachment "Star Age".

Motto: Flickering brighter than the stars,

Those who make their way afar off.

Let it be our will

The stellar age of the Earth will come.

Speech: 2003 is coming.

And we follow him

All over our universe.

Squad "Khokhotun"

Motto: Even if you burst.

Even if you crack

Hooker comes first.

Speech: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Who walks together in a row:

Squad of laughers!

Who steps ahead?

Let's skip us.

Who is walking in step?

Make way for us.

Squad "Zhmotik"

Motto: Fight and seek

Find and hide.

Speech: param-pareyram-hey


Param-pareyram-hey, hey, hey.

Who walks together in a row:

It's a bug squad!

Who is walking in step?

Make way for us.

Who is tired?

Cheer up.

Who is behind?

Keep up.

Let's sing a song together.

Hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooray!

Hip-hip-hooray, hooray, hooray!

Squad "Orange".

Motto: We are all one now,

Like orange slices.

Who walks together in a row?

Our 13th squad!


You are one.

Who is behind7

Keep up!

Who is tired?

Cheer up!

Who goes and looks down?

Hey comrade, pull yourself up!

Do not bend, youth?

You can't take us by force!

Maybe already tired?

We didn't take them with us!

Can we sit down and rest?

Let's sing the song better.

Orange song.

It's been two days in a row

I'm sitting drawing.

I have a lot of colors -

Choose any.

I will color the whole world

In your favorite color.

orange sky

orange sea

orange greens

orange camel

orange moms

Orange guys

orange songs

They sing orange.

This song with me

I carry everywhere

I'll be an adult, anyway

I will sing it.

Even if you are big

Seeing is very good.

Detachment "Youth"

Motto: Youth knows no rest

Youth succeeds everywhere

In study, in work and in battle

We will prove our loyalty.

Speech: Become a detachment in the ranks!

Smile to the sun, smile to the wind

Have fun, youth!

Make way difficulty!

Brighter sun, louder song!

Our team is number one!

In the young month of June

We have arrived here.

Breakfast will not be flour for us

And dinner is no nonsense.

Our cooks cook

Meat, porridge and compote,

For the children to get better

We lived for a month without worries.

We have checks every day.

Everyone and everything is checked:

Bedside tables, wardrobes, beds,

Even outerwear.

We go in formation for charging,

procedures every day.

In general, everything is fine with us

We are not too lazy to have fun! .

Squad "Gnomes"

Motto: Don't cry, don't moan.

Keep your head up.

Who walks together in a row?

This is a squad of gnomes!

Who is walking in step?

Give the kids a way!

We are little gnomes

All together we live

And fun and fun

We dance and sing.

One two Three.

One two Three.

Look at us.

If you need to work

Let's work with passion

If we have fun

We'll fall down laughing!

Whoever considers himself defeated in advance is actually half defeated before the struggle itself begins.(D.I. Pisarev)

Courage is the beginning of victory.(Plutarch)

All victories begin with a victory over oneself.(L. M. Leonov)

In this section of the site you can find a suitable motto and emblem of the team to prepare for any sports or intellectual competition.

Motto(French devise) - a word or short phrase that defines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization. In heraldry, a coat of arms figure or saying on a coat of arms. The motto can be in any language, but in the Western world, the language used is mostly Latin. (Wikipedia)

Emblem(from other Greek ἔμβλημα "insert") - a conditional image of an idea in drawing and plastic, which is assigned one meaning or another. The emblems must certainly be clear and simple, the viewer must see in them what they wanted to say to him.

Friends! We wish that sports competitions and intellectual contests help you expand your circle of friends!

Give the world good every day.
Give people smiles every day!
Let everyone be comfortable and light,
Forgive your family for all mistakes.
And the world will suddenly become kinder from good,
And people in the world will all be open,
Evil will disappear, and the world will become brighter,
Then he will not be bloody - unsteady.
There will be no wars and tears, there will be no evil,
There will be no troubles, losses or outrages,
Let souls be like mirrors
May peace, friendship and unity win!

Team names and slogans


We are great athletes
We are explosive
Who will win today?
Well, of course, "Dynamite"!

We are a fun team
'Cause we're B-A-N-D-A!
No step back! Not a step in place!
But only forward! And only all together!

Our motto: Don't give up!
Go through everything and find out everything!

You, enemy, wipe your nose,
Let's do one, two, three
Listen, be afraid and look -
Heroes go to battle!
We are ready as always
Defeat you easily.
We will fight for victory
You will have to try!

A team is not a gang!
The team is not a pack!
The team is not a place for squabbles and strife!

Sport is power, sport is life!
Let's win! Rival, hold on!

We are penguins - just a class
Win try us!

Though our light is weak and we are small,
But we are friendly, and that's why we are strong.

The comet is in the sky, and we are on the ground!
Long live happiness always and everywhere!
Fly forward and win!
We help everyone who is behind!
The comet has a motto:
"Never fall down"

Cheburashka is a true friend,
Helps everyone around!

Motto 1:
The wind blows in the sails
Youth believes in miracles.
Motto 2:
Swim always, swim everywhere
And you will find the way to your dream!

Camelot - always forward
Always been first, Camelot!

We are like rainbow colors
Never inseparable!

We are like orange slices
We are friendly and inseparable.

Motto 1:
We are a team - no matter where!
In sports, we are all masters.
Let's run, chase the ball,
Fight for victory
Motto 2:
If a friend gives a word,
Will never let you down!

Life without a smile is a mistake
Long live laughter and smiles!

Captain at the helm
Never gives up!

Often, slogans for sports competitions are created in order to raise the spirit of competition, cheer and set the team to achieve a certain goal. The most striking and famous throughout the world is the motto of the Olympic Games "Faster, higher, stronger!" It is the best of its kind, and has collected the following features of a good slogan:

  • Sportiness and spirit are emphasized. Such a motto sets up a player or team for victory, at the same time it raises morale;
  • Brief, and in all three words the essence of a sporting event is displayed. Long mottos tend to look unattractive and unmemorable;
  • The rhythm and dynamics are observed. Good chants should be pronounced without hesitation, quickly, clearly and rhythmically.

A team whose slogan is designed according to all of the above criteria can stand out from the rest in competitions, thereby attracting support from fans and spectators. However, bands do not always have good slogans, although it is not so difficult to come up with them.

Is it difficult to come up with a motto for sports competitions?

As Wikipedia.org says:

A motto is a word or short phrase that defines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization.

In life, this happens when it turns out to be composed quite by accident, for example, as a result of insight into some successful events. However, thousands of different slogans have already been invented in our time, and perhaps the one you created quite by accident is not unique, and someone has already come up with it before.
And yet, a unique motto for a team for sports competitions can be made even today, and in order to make it better than others, you need to be guided by the following:

  • Study the history of the team, if any, and make a chant based on this;
  • Analyze previously created mottos and select some words, individual phrases in them or replace them with synonyms;
  • To give clarity to the slogan, you should use verbs that encourage action;
  • The speech should not be long. Brevity is the soul of wit.

If you still can't come up with a motto, don't worry! Perhaps you can find something suitable here.

The best mottos and emblems for a sports team


Run in the morning, jump in the afternoon

What could be better than sports and lifting

Always be ready for any obstacles,

Everyone needs a sports drive.

The youth

Our team is very young.

You can't take it without pressure.

Very fast and smart

We are a youth team!


Run, hurry and jump

Ready all day

To win a cup in sports

We are not too lazy to work!


You don't need to fight at all

Let friendship reign in the world!


We have the best team in the world

We are ready to play every moment

You don't need luck to win us

No one will ever defeat us!


We came to the stadium

Let's kick the ball now.

We are the champion team!

We will confirm this.


Our team is always ready

Luck will never leave us

We are marching with a firm gait to victories,

And we will definitely take the first place!

fast and furious

Let's move forward to victory

Our whole squad is invincible,

We are not lazy to train -

We definitely won't miss the prize.


Head up, stand up straight

We entered the ring, it means to hold!

The Bears

So fearless

So dangerous.

That we will defeat everyone in a row without fear.


Forward, forward to victory

We say no to defeat!

To us young athletes -

There are no barriers to victory.


Our team is brave

Always ready to fight

And the most skillful

Any area.


Go forward and don't give up.

Our motto: "Compete to the end"!


To be healthy and strong

Everyone needs to love sports

Swim, jump, temper -

Squat and push up!


Sport is power, sport is life

For champions, victory makes sense

The main thing is to be ahead of the rest

Work hard to be better than others.


We don't stand still

Driving progress -

After all, in a sports theme,

There are no delays!


Bad weather is not a problem

There is always time for sports

Hormones in the blood play

The snipers are predicting victory.


We start the relay:

Step forward and two jumps

Everyone will know about it -

We are a team anywhere!


Sports brigade

- a word or short phrase that defines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization. Previously, the emblem was originally called the Motto, which was placed on top of other images on the shield and served as a memory of some outstanding event. Today, this term is a short saying that has something to do with the coat of arms.

The motto is placed in the coat of arms at the bottom of the shield or on a ribbon. The color of the ribbon and letters must be the same as the enamels and metals of the coat of arms. - this is a conditional image of an idea in drawing and plastic art, to which this or that meaning is assigned.

In dictionary V. I. Dalia interpreted as a symbol, an allegorical image; representation, allegory, and A. N. Chudinov in the Dictionary of Foreign Words Included in the Russian Language (1910) explains: “ emblem- a real image of some abstract concept; symbol".

In this article, you can find the name, motto and emblem for your team, which will be great for sports competitions.

Play, win! Get sick, hold on! We wish you good luck and victories!

Emblems and slogans of teams

Team "Friendship"

Our friendly team

Faster than everyone, stronger than everyone

She wins today

Take the trophy with you.

Team "Cool Peppers"

cool boys

Came to win

And will be today

The whole room to surprise.

Team "Star"

May the stars illuminate the path to victory brighter,

The guiding star of good luck shines on us,

And our motto: keep up,

Go ahead and win!

Team "Gang"

Our friendly team

It bears the name: "Gang!" "Gang!".

Meet. We go out to fight.

Who is against? Stop and be afraid!

Team "Winner"

Winners are not judged, winners are all honored,

That's why our whole team is here in full force.

We will fight for victory, we will fight to the end,

And our motto: do not give up, do not bend, do not break,

Let our hearts beat in unison.

Team "Champion"

Who will fight the champion?

There are probably none here.

Let's take the trophy calmly

We are a team just tin!

Team "Sport"

We are sports guys!

Are you all rooting for us?

We are good guys!

And show the highest class.

The Falcon team

Falcons are always first

Falcons are always brave

Falcons are always burning,

Fast and powerful.

Team "Adrenaline"

Adrenaline rushes through the body

After all, our team is invincible.

We need a drive now

We only want to be the first!

Team "Forsage"

Speed ​​is us

Speed ​​is ours

We are the furious!

The best and prettier.

Team "Positive"

We are always positive

All adversity is nothing.

All is well in the team

No problem, we'll take the trophy.

The Cool Team

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