Museum of Military Equipment on Poklonnaya Hill.


The museum collection includes exhibits that acquaint visitors with the history of the Air Defense Forces, as well as their contribution to the victory of the USSR in World War II. In addition, the exposition tells about the participation of air defense soldiers in local conflicts at different times in different regions of the world.

    Moscow region, Balashikha city district, Zarya microdistrict, Lenin street, 6

The exposition presents aircraft, helicopters, aircraft engines, weapons, rescue equipment, covering the entire history of domestic aviation - from 1909 to the present. Visitors can get acquainted with the structure of aircraft, as well as learn more about the history of aviation from photographs and rare documents. The museum is located on the territory of the military air base.

    Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, pos. Monino, st. Museum, 1.

The unique museum and memorial complex is dedicated to the pride of the domestic tank industry - the T-34 tank. The exposition presents documents and materials about the history of the creation and development of the tank, artifacts about the combat use of equipment during the Great Patriotic War, as well as eight tanks and a self-propelled artillery mount.

    Moscow region, Sholokhov village, 89A, Mytishchi district, p / o Marfino

The exposition of the open-air museum complex includes: the submarine B-396, the ekranoplan "Eaglet", the hovercraft "Skat", as well as a large exhibition of the navy. It is noteworthy that an independent visit to the exhibition is free.

    Park "Northern Tushino", st. Freedom, possession 50-56

The museum's collection includes more than 350 units of armored weapons and equipment from 14 countries of the world. About 60 exhibits of the museum exist in a single copy. The exposition covers an area of ​​more than 12 hectares and is one of the largest in the world on this topic.

    Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Kubinka-1.

The collection of the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum contains more than 1000 exhibits. This includes military equipment, and rare cars and motorcycles, and aircraft of both domestic and foreign production. The exposition occupies three floors and an alley, with a total area of ​​6,000 square meters. The museum is the largest private collection of technology not only in the capital, but also in Russia.

    Moscow region, pos. Arkhangelskoe, Ilinskoe highway, building 9

The famous Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War is part of the Victory Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Hill in the capital. In the museum part of the ensemble there are Halls of Memory and Glory, an art gallery, six dioramas, halls of historical exposition, a film lecture hall, a meeting hall for veterans and other premises.

The military-historical exposition includes five sections covering the period of the country's life on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, three stages during the war and the historical significance of the Great Victory.

The museum is constantly growing, lectures, film screenings, meetings and thematic exhibitions are regularly held on its territory.

    st. Brothers Fonchenko, 10. Address

    Moscow region, Khimki, square of Maria Rubtsova

    5th Kotelnichesky lane, 11

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In Moscow, everyone can discover a huge number of attractions for themselves. Military equipment is of great interest to visitors. Exhibits from the time of the Great Patriotic War to the present day are presented.

Moscow Museum of Military Equipment

It will be interesting to visit this place for any person, regardless of age and life views. There are so many exhibits that everyone can discover something interesting for themselves. Not only children will enjoy, but also parents.

What is the famous tank of the Second World War - the T-34, which has become one of the most sought after, because it was easy to manufacture. For one "royal tiger" of Germany, there were 4 T-34 tanks. The Katyusha rocket launcher will also be very memorable, which made a huge impression on the German army, as it hit enemy troops at a fairly large distance, while it rumbled and sparkled very strongly. At that time, people had not seen anything like it. Everyone will be interested not only to look at the exhibits, but also to listen to the history of these machines. The guide will tell you everything in detail.

Military equipment is located both in the open air and in numerous halls. Many different models of equipment, including the well-known Katyusha and ending with third-generation fighters, will be remembered for a long time. What else will be interesting about military equipment in the open air is a place that is definitely worth a visit in the summer.

The exposition is most often dedicated directly to the Russian army. However, the Museum of Modern Military Equipment in Moscow will also be of interest. The exhibits that are on display are exact layouts. All military equipment in the museums of Moscow is located behind the fence, but this in no way affects the overview of these exhibits. This is a precautionary measure to keep the equipment in good condition.

The museum also transports equipment to various exhibitions and city squares, to other cities in Russia and abroad. Thanks to this, many people manage to get acquainted with unique exhibits.

How to find?

The Museum of military equipment is located at the address: Moscow, st. Soviet Army, 2. You can get there both by metro and by trolleybus No. 69. The stop is called the Central Museum of the Armed Forces. You can walk from the metro stop to your destination, it will take about 15 minutes if you walk slowly along Seleznevskaya Street, on the left side of the road, to Suvorovskaya Square and Soviet Army Street. On the right side there will be a museum - a chic building with huge columns and a gray facade. The legendary tank of the Second World War T-34 can serve as a reference point.

A bit of history

Back in 1921, Commander-in-Chief S. Kamenev announced the museum, and in the near future they were moved to Prechistenka in an old mansion. After five years, the institution had to move. Over the years, about 9000 small copies have already accumulated, as well as many large ones, such as L. Trotsky's RVSR train. One can only imagine how much space is needed for such a huge number of exhibits. Yet such a place has been found. It was one of the premises of the Military Academy on Vozdvizhenka.

In the winter of 1926, the museum moved to the building of the Central House of the Red Army. A new attraction has appeared for residents of the capital and visitors. Museums of military equipment in Moscow and the Moscow region are considered the most visited.

What will interest the museum?

The huge area allotted in 1927 allowed the museum to develop not only in the field of exhibiting military equipment, but also in other areas, such as cinema, photographic materials, painting, small arms fund and much more. Even closed archives have access to visitors, for this you need to register in advance and have an identity card.

The museum is constantly being improved and developed. Employees visit the scenes of clashes during the Second World War, as well as other military events. According to visitors, it is these studies of the museum that touch the feelings of many visitors, as they are authentic and as accurate as possible. Military equipment in the museums of Moscow is described to the smallest detail.

Opening hours, ticket prices

There are branches of the institution both in Moscow and in cities near Moscow. In the building of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the museum occupies several halls and is open from ten in the morning to five in the evening, except Monday and Tuesday.

Ticket price:

  • For students - 600 rubles.
  • For adults - 800 rubles.
  • For people of retirement age - 300 rubles.
  • For foreigners - 350 rubles.

The guide accompanies groups of 15-20 people, citizens of other countries - from 5 people.

In Monino on Museum Street, 1, there is the Central Russian Federation. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. The facility is closed on weekends and holidays. You can get there by train to the Monino station or from the metro station "Perovo" by fixed-route taxi No. 587.

You will have to pay for tickets:

  • Adults - 150 rubles.
  • People who have benefits - 60 rubles. (if there is a corresponding document)
  • Multi-plan excursions for 25-30 people - 1500 rubles. for residents of Russia and 2000 rubles. for foreigners.

The Museum of Air Defense (air defense) will arouse interest. It is located on Lenina Street, 6, working hours - from ten to five in the evening. There is a lunch break. Monday and Tuesday are days off. It can be reached by train from the Kursk railway station. The tour should be booked in advance upon request. The group can include no more than 25 people.

Ticket price:

  • For adults - 100 rubles.
  • Students, children and pensioners - 70 rubles.

You can also arrange a photo session of the exhibits. It will cost 300 rubles.

Museum of the Strategic Missile Forces, which is located 20 km from Moscow in the village of Vlasikha, the area is closed. Opening hours - from 9:00 to 18:00, from 13:00 to 14:00 lunch break. To get on the tour, you need to apply in advance.

There is another amazing place - Stalin's bunker. You can get there by train from the Partizanskaya metro station to the Izmailovo sports and recreation complex. Excursions by appointment only and only for groups.

Ticket price:

  • For adults - 600 rubles.
  • For students and people of retirement age - 200 rubles. For beneficiaries, the minimum groups are from 10 to 24 people.
  • The cost for foreigners from 1 to 10 or more people - from 490 to 1200 rubles. from a person.


Thanks to a large number of interesting museums, everyone has the opportunity to get acquainted with the military technicians of the Russian Federation. Truly unique exhibits make it clear that the people are really safe. And no enemy is terrible!

You should definitely visit the Museum of Military Equipment in Moscow. Photos of the most popular exhibits are presented above.

Now it is often said that it is not necessary to encourage the interest of boys in weapons, as this develops aggressiveness. It is necessary, they say, to inspire the boys that weapons are bad. But do not educate, but the children have always had a craving for military affairs and probably will.

And I am no exception here, so from childhood, whenever possible, I visited places where military equipment was presented with interest.

Particularly interested in enemy military equipment. I wanted to see it with my own eyes, compare and try to understand whose is better. And how did it happen that the Germans first reached Moscow and even the Volga, and the war still ended in Berlin and the Elbe. And is the “thirty-four” really “the best tank of the Second World War”, as it was written in history books in Soviet times. And yet, are the tanks and planes of our enemies good or bad? Yes, and different things were written about the technique of the "allies". Especially when you consider that these same allies became the most important opponents during the Cold War.

It is known that an excellent collection of equipment is located in Kubinka near Moscow. But haven't gotten there yet.

And now you don’t have to travel long from Moscow, but you can take the metro and get to the Park Pobedy station.

There, next to the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War in the open air, there is an excellent exhibition of military equipment, which presents a variety of weapons and equipment from the Second World War. In the near future there will be an exhibition of modern weapons. The exhibits have already been placed, only access there is still closed.

currently inaccessible exposition of modern technology

The ticket costs 250 rubles. For this money, you can still see the equipment and weapons of the Second World War. Maybe over time, weapons from earlier times will be added to this. I hope so.

First, after presenting tickets, we get to an exhibition of German tanks, self-propelled guns and guns deployed against our fortifications. From some German tanks, only skeletons remained. Clearly, this is the beginning of the war.

The German t-3 and t-4 are very interesting, as well as the Czechoslovak t-38. After the occupation of Czechoslovakia, her equipment regularly served the Nazis. It is immediately clear that the notorious Rezun-“Suvorov” laughed in vain at the backwardness of German and Czech cars. They look menacing. And if we take into account the well-known German and Czech quality, then much becomes more understandable.

Czechoslovak t-38

the most massive German t-4

The enemy is opposed by our tanks, cannons and fortifications of the initial period of the war. They also look impressive.

t-26 about two heads

t-26, our most massive tank at the beginning of the war

"one and a half"

The role of transport in the war, when it was necessary to deliver an incredible amount of ammunition, equipment and food, deliver millions of soldiers to the front and take back millions of the wounded, is clear to everyone.

A lot of space is occupied by artillery exposition.

"gods of war"

The armored vehicles of the end of the war are presented separately. Ours and allies. It's a pity there are no German "panthers" and "tigers", there is nothing to compare with.

Soviet heavy tanks are impressive, but has the quality always matched the appearance? After all, the professional workers who went to the front were replaced by women and children at the factories. Were they skilled enough to produce sophisticated technology?

is-2, "St. John's wort"

is-3, unfortunately did not have time to participate in the war

Isu-152 self-propelled gun attracts attention. I don’t know how she showed herself on the fronts, but she looks truly intimidating.

Both the American Sherman and the English Matilda are impressive. Maybe the "Matilda" gun caliber is small. But not everything is determined by caliber. And by the end of the war, it was increased to the corresponding time of 75 mm.

american sherman

deadly messer

After passing through a recreated partisan area with dugouts, between which cafes with visitors peacefully drinking beer hid, you find yourself at an exhibition of the navy.

"guerrilla camp"

There are mines and torpedo tubes, ship guns, submarines and even a couple of warships.

"how it stinks"

How, with such powerful weapons, did our fleet almost show itself as a fleet during the war years? For example, the Germans evacuated from the Crimea without much loss.

It cannot be considered that the navy should be a supplier of marines and serve to support ground operations? Sailors removed from ships, not trained in land combat and not even dressed in protective uniforms, do not become full-fledged infantry, despite all their heroism and naval chic.

Very interesting collection of Japanese technology. Thank God, our army took a lot of it as trophies: both during the surrender of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, and during the liberation of the Kuril Islands. Maybe in Japan itself there is no such complete collection.

Japanese aircraft corresponded to the requirements of the time.

But the tanks looked inferior to European ones and were at the level of the mid-30s. Which is not surprising. Well, the Japanese did not have a worthy opponent in China and Southeast Asia. There was no one to compete with, so to speak. But after all, the Japanese tank builders lagged behind by only 5-7 years, but is that a lot?

The Ka-Mi floating tank is good.

amphibious tank "Ka-Mi"

Its buoyancy was provided by 2 pontoons, which were dropped after going ashore. And again, Rezun-"Suvorov" is remembered, who laughed a lot at this Japanese invention. “Here, they say,” he wrote, “comrade. Stalin were floating tanks without any pontoons. They swam on their own, while the stupid Japanese only had pontoons. Japanese nonsense." And after all, I believed Rezun. But I'm not a specialist, but Rezun is a professional military man. And he must know that the tank should not swim. Boats and submarines should sail. The tank has completely different tasks. He can even stay on the battlefield not on his own, but on a tractor. Like smart Israelis. Well, or sail on pontoons, and drop them before the battle, like the Japanese. And not to drive all over Europe on wheels, as our strategists assumed before the 2nd World War.

Our weapons are presented at the exhibition quite fully. In addition to the weapons that participated in the battles, there are many prototypes, which, as follows from the inscriptions on the explanatory plates, have never been in service. About many types of tanks and guns, it is indicated how many of them were produced. Frankly speaking, we made a lot of military equipment. And a variety of samples and modifications. The party and the government, and Comrade Stalin personally, spared no money for the army. Our equipment looks very worthy, especially the one that was produced towards the end of the war.

Today, Poklonnaya Hill and the Victory Park founded near it in 1958 are considered the main attraction of the Russian capital. For WWII veterans, it is a symbolic place. Here the heroes gather annually on May 9th. Millions of tourists have visited Poklonnaya Hill, and each of them has left a whole storm of inexpressible emotions and trembling memories with the historical area.

How to get there

In whatever part of Moscow the mini-hotel where travelers are staying is located, getting to the famous Poklonnaya Hill is quite simple. Memorial Park is located between Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Minskaya Street. You can get to the historical area by metro, landing at the station of the same name. Then by bus to the Poklonnaya Gora stop.

Victory Park has several entrances. One is located at the intersection of Kutuzovsky Avenue and Minskaya Street. The second is on the side of the bypass road. Free parking is available at each entrance. Entrance to the park is possible along Generala Yermolov Street through the Bypass Road.

Variety of exposure

The exhibition of military equipment in the park on Poklonnaya Gora is located directly under the open sky. The grandiose, impressive in its scope, the exposition includes at least 300 samples of military equipment. Some exhibits are presented in the form of dimensional, skillfully made models. However, for visitors, this fact does not matter much, because the founders of the museum still managed to convey the disturbing, exciting atmosphere of the Second World War.

The unique exhibition presents not only all samples of heavy Russian equipment, but also Germany and other countries directly involved in the bloody war.

  • For the exhibits of the armament of the navy, an artificial reservoir was specially created. On its territory there are huge models of ships. Artillery ship towers, torpedoes and other guns were placed along the banks of the reservoir.
  • Not far from the second entrance to the museum, Japanese technology is on display. She was received as a trophy. Among the expositions there are artillery mounts, aircraft models recreated with maximum accuracy, a reconstruction of a machine-gun bunker, several tanks.
  • Super-heavy, colossal artillery system on a conveyor. It was captured by the Finns. Returned after the armistice and successfully used in Baltiysk for defense.
  • Partisan field. Unique structures have been recreated here - soldiers' dugouts, a front-line command post, an observation tower, and trenches. All of them were used during the war by partisans.
  • The main exposition of the museum is presented on a long alley. Several artillery mounts are shown.

Separately, on the site there is a real Li-2, which is a famous military transport aircraft. It was on this model that on May 9 the Victory Banner was transported from Berlin to the Russian capital, as well as the act of surrender of Germany. Behind the artillery platform, visitors to the museum will see several huge hangars. It also exhibits equipment from the Second World War. Dozens of types of artillery are presented in the first hangar, and the second is given over exclusively for aircraft. Among them are not only Soviet cars, but also foreign aircraft.

Unique exhibits

Having familiarized themselves with the exposition offered in the sheds, the guests of the museum find themselves in an open area. Several types of anti-aircraft artillery installations, tanks and self-propelled guns are presented on a vast territory. Of course, the legendary T-34 and the Katyusha multiple launch rocket system were also included. By the way, the latter can be found not in every museum.
No less interesting for the guests of the museum is the exposition of special formations of the NKPS, railway troops. There are many unique exhibits on display. Among them there is a part of the famous Krasnovostochnik armored train, made in 1917, a platform for transporting weapons, cargo and ambulance cars.

Separately, the museum collection presents "Hook" - a German track destroyer. It is designed specifically for the rapid, efficient destruction of the railway track. The Germans used it back in 1943 in its second half. Nearby is a spectacular installation called the Destroyed Railway Bridge.
Next is the military road. It also contains historical equipment from the war. Then visitors enter the Engineering and Fortifications sector. One of the most touching exhibits of the open-air museum is a monument to a front-line dog.

A T-46-1 flamethrower tank is located next to the brave dog. It can rightfully be called the rarest specimen. Only 4 of these models were produced. Visitors can see the remains of one of the two surviving tanks. The sector where captured German artillery and armored vehicles are located deserves special attention.

A small part of the exhibits of the museum of military equipment in Kubinka is located in the open air. Directly outside the entrance gate, on a small platform, are the tanks of the victorious countries in World War II.

Nearby stands with photographs of tank heroes, participants in the Great Patriotic War.

The first exhibit on the site - Soviet light tank T-50

Only three combat vehicles have survived to this day. In addition to the two located in Kubinka, there is another one stored in the Finnish tank museum in Parola: during the fighting in the Petrozavodsk direction, the T-50 was captured by the Finnish army and was used until 1954.

The T-50 was created on the basis of the T-126SP developed in the 1930s. The new tank was made in metal in January 1941, and a month later, after successfully passing factory and state tests, it was adopted by the Red Army under the T-50 index.

The combat vehicles were part of the 1st Tank Division, stationed in the Leningrad Military District and taking part in the battles in the Kingisepp area in August 1941, and in the fall of 1941, several T-50s were in the troops of the 7th Army, defending on Petrozavodsk direction. In 1943, one T-50 was listed as part of the 5th Guards Tank Brigade. Until 1943, a total of 75 light tanks of this modification were produced.

Next to T-50 - Soviet medium tank T-34 "Stalinets" model 1941. This is one of the few tanks of this modification that have survived to this day, manufactured by plant No. 183 in Kharkov in 1941.

Here is the legendary T-34-85 in winter coloring. "Dmitry Donskoy" - a tank column, created on the initiative of the Russian Orthodox Church on the donations of believers and transferred in 1944 to the tank troops of the USSR. It consisted of 19 T-34-85 tanks and 21 OT-34 flamethrower tanks.

In total, the church collected over 8 million rubles, which went to the construction of 40 tanks. Built at the Nizhny Tagil Tank Plant, the combat vehicles were transferred to the village of Gorelki in the Tula Region, where on March 7, 1944, they were solemnly handed over to the Army. Metropolitan Nikolai of Krutitsy and Kolomna delivered a parting speech to the soldiers of the Red Army. This was the first official meeting of a church hierarch with soldiers during the war years.

Transfer of the column of tanks "Dmitry Donskoy" by Metropolitan Nikolai of Krutitsky and Kolomna, March 7, 1944

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the surviving cars of the Dmitry Donskoy column are kept in the museums of Moscow, Leningrad and Tula. In 2005, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, one of the tanks was installed in Moscow's Donskoy Monastery in memory of the parishioners and clergy, on whose donations the combat vehicles were built.

In 1943, in response to the emergence of German "cats" - heavy tanks "Tiger" and "Panther", the IS-2 tank was created. The abbreviation IS means "Joseph Stalin", index 2 corresponds to the second serial model of the tank of this family.

Heavy tank IS-2, 1943

IS-2s were universal combat vehicles: they participated in tank battles, supported infantry, and destroyed fortifications. Tanks of this type played a big role in the battles of 1944-1945, especially distinguishing themselves during the assault on Königsberg, Vienna, Prague and Berlin. The upgraded IS-2s were in service with the Soviet and Russian armies until 1995.

We are approaching the next tank - a Soviet heavy self-propelled artillery mount (ACS).

SU-152 ("St. John's wort"), 1943

The SU-152 self-propelled gun (index 152 means the caliber of the main gun of the vehicle), put into service on February 14, 1943, was an unpleasant surprise for the Germans in the Battle of Kursk. An armor-piercing 152-mm projectile weighing half a centner tore off the Tiger's turret and broke through the Panther's armor, for which the tank received the nickname "St. John's wort". The SU-152 was in serial production until early 1944.

"Valentines", or "Valya-Tanya", as the tankers called them, were supplied to the Soviet army under Lend-Lease, and first entered the battle in the Mozhaisk direction.

Tank MARK III (Valentine VI), 1938

A light British infantry tank, designed in 1938 by Vickers-Armstrong, was used until 1945 on almost all fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

American "Stuart" (M5A1), 1943

Pay attention to the tracks "Stuart".

The light tank M5A1 "Stuart" ("Stuart"), manufactured by Cadillac, is named after US Civil War General Jeb Stuart. The main difference from the previous model M3A1 is the presence of two carburetor engines instead of one aircraft. Only 5 of these tanks were delivered to the USSR under Lend-Lease.

Not far from the victorious tanks in a small square, a memorial stele was erected on the mass grave of four soldiers of the 119th breakthrough tank regiment who died near the village of Gnezdilovo in the Spas-Demensky district of the Kaluga region on August 8, 1943 during the Smolensk operation. The following is written about this day in the reports: "On August 8, 1943, the tanks of the regiment, together with the infantry of the 22nd Guards Rifle Division, in a stubborn battle, captured the Bezymyanny farm, the village of Veselukha, and by 10.00 reached the northern slopes of height 233.3. In this battle tanks destroyed: 4 machine-gun pillboxes, 8 cannons, up to an enemy infantry battalion, 12 machine guns, 5 vehicles, 6 motorcycles.

The remains of the fighters were found by search engines and reburied on the territory of the museum. When you stand next to the monument, you hear a ringing, reminiscent of a bell - it is from gusts of wind that the models of tank shells suspended from the stele hit each other.

Next to the stele is a marble slab with the text engraved on it: "Here lie the remains of the driver of the T-34 "Moscow Pioneer" tank, Sergeant Sergei Lukoyanov, 215th Tank Regiment. He died on December 7, 1942 while crossing Lake Boz-Lazava, Velikoluksky District, Pskovskaya area".

The Moscow Pioneer tanks and Sergeant Lukoyanov are another story. With 5 million rubles collected by the pioneers of Moscow and the Moscow region, a tank column "Moscow Pioneer" was built. In the autumn of 1942, 18 vehicles were transferred to the 215th tank regiment.

In December, the regiment was sent to the Kalinin Front in the Velikiye Luki region. On the route Toropets - Kuznetsovo on a snowy night on December 7, the crew of the tank lost its way and fell through the ice on Lake Bor-Lazava, 40 meters from the shore. The crew of the tank, except for the driver, managed to escape. The car went under the ice and remained at the bottom of the lake for many years.

In the summer of 1997, Pskov search engines, according to local residents, found the place where the tank sank. In March 2000, the tank was lifted, cleaned and the inscription "Moscow Pioneer" was found on board. The remains of the mechanic Lukoyanov were buried near the chapel of the museum.

Renovated tank T-34 "Moscow Pioneer" took his place in Kubinka.

Next to the "Moscow Pioneer" is installed T-34 "Polyarnik".

Walking along the central alley, between hangars 6 and 7, you can see another memorial stone.

Nearby is a monument to anti-aircraft gunners.

At the entrance to pavilion 4, there is an armored car, which I have already talked about. Having gone deep into the territory, behind the 7th hangar you will see a monstrous-looking colossus - a motorized armored wagon.

Motobronevagon MBV, 1936-1937

The front turrets of the armored car.

The central tower of the armored car.

The MBV was developed in 1935-1936 at the Kirov Plant in Leningrad. When creating a combat vehicle, components, assemblies and gun turrets of the T-28 medium tank were used. In total, two copies of the armored wagon were assembled, which were actively used by the railway troops of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. The advantage of the armored wagon was speed, maneuverability and the absence of smoke, which made it difficult for the enemy to detect its location. The museum exhibits the only surviving copy of the BIE.

At the very end of the alley, two miniature tanks from the 1920s are hidden under the birch trees. T-18 (MS-1 - "small escort") - the first domestic light infantry tank of the 1920s was developed by the tank bureau at the GUVP in 1927. He received his baptism of fire during the conflict on the CER.

T-18 "Rabkrinovets", 1929

The tank was created on the basis of the French tank Renault FT-17 and its Italian version Fiat 3000. In total, from 1928 to 1931, 959 tanks of this type were produced, not counting the prototype. In 1938-1939, the obsolete and worn-out T-18s were withdrawn from service or used as fixed firing points. In small quantities were used at the initial stage of the Great Patriotic War.

Installed on a nearby pedestal model of the tank "Freedom Fighter Comrade Lenin". This is a type M or KS tank, short for Krasnoe Sormovo.

The close infantry support light tank is also known as the "Renault Russian": it was an almost complete copy of the French Renault FT-17 light tank. In total, 15 cars were assembled at the Sormovo plant. Machines took part in the civil war. Not a single copy of the KS tank has survived to this day.

On the site behind hangars 2 and 3 there is an unusual specimen - model of the tank NI Odessa Machine-Building Plant them. January uprising. "NI" stands for "Fright".

In fact, this is an armored tractor. During the defense of Odessa in 1941, the defenders of the city experienced a huge need for armored vehicles. In order to somehow alleviate the situation, the chief engineer of the Odessa Machine-Building Plant P.K. Romanov proposed to make ersatz tanks by sheathing the existing STZ-5 tractors with armor and installing light weapons. The proposal was accepted, and the plant was allocated three STZ-NATI tractors, materials and weapons. Later, with an increase in the number of armored tractors produced (about 60 units), a tank battalion was created from NI under the command of Senior Lieutenant N. I. Yudin.

On October 2, 1941, the tank battalion of N. I. Yudin participated in the attack on the positions of the 4th Romanian army, as a result of which the Romanian units that did not expect an attack were defeated, and the tankers captured 24 artillery pieces, mortars and machine guns.

And finally. The organizers of the museum are not devoid of a sense of humor. On the brick toilet of the "hole in the floor" modification, a sign is nailed:

Let's leave this museum object and return to the inspection of military vehicles in the hangars.

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