Draw the name Zhenya with a font. Tattoo names: whose name to choose? Drawing options for simple images


Today, tattoo names are more popular than ever. If you are just planning to get yourself such a tattoo, it's time to think about its location and font.

Many people choose the names of their children, parents, lovers or a nickname. Less common are tattoos in the names of pets, in particular dogs.

Tattoo names

If you already have tattoos somewhere on your body, you can arrange the name so that it harmonizes with the overall design. If you are still thinking about the first tattoo, then here are the most common places where people usually get name tattoos. Places for tattoo names: the inside of the arm, outer side arms (mainly biceps), wrist; less often - lower back, feet, ankle.

Tattoo names: whose name to choose?

Think twice before choosing the name you will wake up with for the rest of your life. You must be 100% sure of your choice, and not just succumb to the opinion of your friends or a fleeting desire. Tattoo names always remind us of the people we need to take care of and love. For this reason, the most common choice is the names of children or parents. The name of the spouse or spouse is also not a bad option, confirming your desire to be with your chosen one to the end.

Tattoo names: choose a font

Tattoos in the form of a name can be applied as a separate word, or you can create a whole work of art by including additional elements with your composition. More on this later. If you settled on a simple tattoo in the form of one word, then very important role the font plays here, with which, in fact, she will be tattooed. Here are the most common fonts when choosing a name tattoo.

It is not uncommon for young people to choose to convey the meaning of their name.


Tattoo names: ideas

Do you want to make your tattoo original and different from others? Here are some ideas to help you choose your design.

Tattoo names and heart

Probably the most common design for this tattoo is the name and heart. You can either place the name inside the heart or next to it. A very funny option for girls is a heart with wings. No less beautiful looks and a lot of small hearts around the name.


Tattoo names: flowers

As a rule, such a tattoo is made by men. And, of course, the name of their beloved is placed next to the flower.

rose flower lotus two roses

Tattoo names: baby

Loving parents can get tattoos in the form of the names of their children. Here the imagination for design is simply limitless. It can be a handprint, a baby's dummy, a key to the heart, or a cartoon character.

handprint key to the heart baby pacifier

Tattoo names: wedding rings

AT recent times among newlyweds, tattoos in the form of wedding rings. One of the varieties of such a tattoo is a ring of spouses' names. The wife chooses the name of the husband, the husband - the wife. Very romantic and promising.

Have you heard of calligraphy? it ancient art originated with the advent of the alphabet. The first of them appeared more than three thousand years ago. In essence, calligraphy is the skill of beautiful and neat writing, which manifests itself in the design of signs and symbols.

Why do you need calligraphy

Why is calligraphy necessary? Everyday life? it applied art can be seen as a way of self-expression and mental relaxation. You can beautifully write a name or quote with the so-called "calligraphic handwriting" and enjoy your work.

It may seem that calligraphy skills were in demand in past centuries, when there were no printers, typewriters, etc. in a person's life. However, this is not so. If you look around, you can see that calligraphy surrounds us everywhere: graphic design sites, modern graffiti, brand logos emblazoned on advertising posters, names written beautiful font in fancy postcards. This list is endless.

So how do you get to know the great art of calligraphy? Let's start simple: let's figure out how to write a name beautifully.

Posture and calligraphy

So, first of all, pay attention to your posture. Correct posture has a positive effect on many aspects of life, including handwriting. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Make sure that the body does not lean forward, and the chest does not rest on the table. Bend your legs at a right angle and touch the floor with your feet. Elbows should not lie on the desk. At first, this posture will seem uncomfortable and even tense, but over time you will get used to it and appreciate all the benefits of an even posture.

back to school

Remember how your parents and teachers taught you how to hold a pen from a young age? It's time to remember those lessons. Correct position handles - on the middle finger, holding it from below and above with a large and index finger respectively. The fingers should not be too relaxed or tense. When writing, rest your hand on your little finger.

We analyze handwriting

Now let's move on to the practice of writing in order to know and understand how to beautifully write a name or even a whole sentence. Write a couple of lines. Any. Write without focusing on your handwriting. Now evaluate: what do you dislike about the written text? Incline? Height or width of letters? Maybe your handwriting is too broad or, on the contrary, too tight? Compare this to the handwriting you would like to have. Analyze what exactly you need to work on.

Recipes for adults

As with any other skill, learning calligraphy has to start small. Do you remember how you started learning to write? That's right, with prescriptions. Borrow some prescriptions from your child. And if there were no copybooks or a baby nearby, then they can always be purchased at any bookstore or even downloaded on the Internet. Engage in concentration, control the writing of all elements.

Calligraphy tools

What about tools? How beautiful to write a name? Pencil, pen or pen? Fortunately, calligraphy is not an expensive hobby at all, but you can easily get lost in the variety of writing utensils.

Classical calligraphy involves the use of pen, ink and paper. However, it is difficult for a beginner to cope with the pen, so we recommend that you try out simple ones first. gel pens. A little later, when you master the basics of calligraphy, you can purchase pens and ink.

Ability to notice details

Notice the details. In such a precise and painstaking hobby, analysis is indispensable. Pay attention to everything: the accuracy and sequence of movements, the pressure on the paper, the smoothness of the lines, their bends, thickness, and so on. This is important, because these little things add up to a magnificent even handwriting.

Take a piece of paper and try the following:

First, just sign (draw your name!) as you normally would.

Now put the paper aside for a moment and look at the row of signatures below. The name is the same in each case, so as not to confuse. (I made up my first and last name by simply pointing twice at the phone book with my eyes closed.)

How to make lines speak

What do you think of David Jacoby? Is he an introvert or an extrovert? What colors does he like? What car does he drive? Would you lend him money? Would he be a good friend? Would you trust him? Does he save his own and other people's time - say, does he remember appointments? Do you think he likes to read late? What books?

Now, with this person in mind, who is the next David Jacoby like?

This man is different from the first David Jacoby, isn't he? Is he an introvert or an extrovert? What colors does he like? What car does he drive? Would you lend him money? Would he give? What about time: does he show up on time for meetings? What is his favorite TV program?

Now the third David Jacoby:

Again, is he an introvert or an extrovert? What kind of work does he do? What are his favorite colors? What car does he have? (When looking at this caption, my students sometimes respond, “He drives a bus.”) Favorite TV program? How about time? Would you lend him money? Would he be a reliable friend?

Now the fourth one:

The painter Wassily Kandinsky, who left his academic career in Russia in 1896 to become a painter in Germany, attempted to compile a grammar of visual language. In 1947 he wrote:

“The point is peace. A line is an inward-directed tension generated by movement. These two elements - their alternation and their combinations - create their own "language", which cannot be comprehended by words.

Now my question to you is: "How do you know so much about these imaginary characters?" The answer, I think (to echo Polanyi's dictum), is that you know more than you know you know. Signatures like the pictures are very informative, and you intuitively read the information contained in them. You grab instantly, and it does not require special training. And your intuition about the character of the person hidden behind the signature may be correct to some extent, because character traits affect handwriting.


Think about which version of your name you want to write if your name has a short and long form.

Decide what font is best for writing your name. In graffiti, there are various fonts: classic more rounded, angular, deliberately difficult to read, printed, italic, uppercase. The choice of fonts is not limited to the existing options. It will be much more interesting to come up with your own font that will become your personal style.
Coming up with your own style is very difficult. Beginners can navigate through the already created works of other graffiti.

Choose the fonts that are closest to you. Try to imagine what your name would look like written by them. Decide which font suits you best. In the future, when writing a name, you can copy it completely or modify it a little.

Take a sheet of paper (preferably A4) and a simple pencil.
Start drawing your name in the chosen font, with light strokes, removing the blemishes with the eraser.
Take your time, get the best result. Play a little with the font, make it more round or, conversely, angular, change the size of the letters and their individual elements.
Pay special attention to the connection of letters or the transition of one letter to another. Use your imagination, and then the inscription will be creative.
With each you will get better, because in order to learn, it is very important in graffiti.
When pencil sketch is ready, circle it with a pen and erase the pencil strokes with an eraser.

Choose in which your name looks good. Colors must match with each other. Let's say you want to make a transition from one color, which will be the first character, to another, which will be the last character. Then it will be especially important to have primary colors of the same intensity and lighter ones for the transition. You will spray them on each other.
think over color scheme very important. If you have a font, do not overload the inscription with complex color combinations. A simple font will only benefit from bright, creative coloring.
Color the name according to the intended option with markers.

When the desired sketch is on paper, transfer it to the concrete wall. Choose walls with slightly rough surfaces to minimize paint bleeds.


  • how to draw graffiti named nastya

Own style is a manifestation of individuality. In it you can display personal experience, character traits that you are proud of or just flaunt, show imagination. Availability individual style demonstrates your willingness to express personal opinion different from most people. For creating own style you need to develop an aesthetic taste in yourself, which will tell you what is best combined with what.

How to write your name beautifully?

Many people try to emphasize their individuality even in small details. So, for example, some people try to write their name in some original way. If you also want to somehow highlight your name, portray it in a special way, then we will now tell you how to write a name beautifully.

Beautiful name in electronic form

It is very popular now to write down names with unusual fonts and characters, and then use them to social networks. How can you write your name beautifully in electronic version? Let's consider the ways.

  • The easiest way is to open a text program, find the "Font" column, click on it and choose the one you like among the proposed fonts, and then write down your name to them.
  • If you have a Windows system, then you can easily use the character set. The path to the symbol table is as follows: Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Symbol table. You can use some of them to replace letters in your name or to beautiful design name at the beginning and end.
  • Beautiful characters for name design can be obtained in another way. To do this, press the NumLock key, this will activate the number pad on the right side of the keyboard. Now you need to simultaneously press the Alt key and one of the numbers on the right side of the keyboard. You will get a beautiful symbol. So you can check the possible characters by pressing Alt and the number keys in turn in order, and then choose the most beautiful characters from the received characters for decorating your name.
  • You can write your name in an original and quick way for social networks, for example, for Odnoklassniki, if you type "symbols for classmates" in the search. Then click on any of the first links and you will get a big list beautiful characters. All you have to do is copy the ones you like and use them to write your name.
  • There are also services with which you can beautifully write your name using several elements at once: font, color, letter thickness, size, presence / absence of a shadow, and so on. You can use any of these services, such as this one.

Beautifully write a name on paper

Sometimes you need to draw your name beautifully on paper, but what if you don’t have beautiful handwriting?

So, you can try to slowly, trying to make the letters smooth and rounded, write down your name. To decorate the line on the first and last letters (for example, in the name "Anastasia" these are the letters "a" and "z"), you can round it even more, draw it in the form of flagella or loops.

If you want to write your name in an unusual font, then you can find on the Internet and, if you wish, download a list of fonts with examples, find the one you like and, having studied how the necessary letters are written in it, draw them on paper, making up your name from them. You will find examples of some fonts. you will find examples of calligraphic fonts that you can also use when writing your name. And if you just need to write a name in ordinary beautiful Russian letters, then you will find a sample of writing the alphabet

You can also write your name in the form of graffiti. Consider one of the easiest graffiti in which you can depict a name.

  1. First on the sheet paper light straight lines (draw for now with a simple pencil) write down your name.
  2. Then you need to make the letters voluminous. Small rectangles should be used instead of line sketches, so we draw lines in the form of such rectangles on top of the sketches.
  3. The name turned out to be more voluminous. The lines with which it is written need to be made clearer, and then small notches should be added at the ends of the letters.
  4. Now the contours of the name are completely ready. It is necessary to clearly circle them and erase the auxiliary lines. After that, with a marker (it can be black, it can be colored) you need to circle the name.
  5. At the very end, you need to make a contour around the name with a marker.

To make it clearer how you can write a name in the form of graffiti, look at these drawings. Also on this site you can find other graffiti, use them as examples to beautifully write your name.

Unusual ways to write a name beautifully

We told you several ways to write your name beautifully and unusually. Choose any suitable and experiment!

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