Nastya Kamensky personal life Television projects and radio


Not everyone is sent by fate such trials as the singer Nastya Kamensky two years ago. “Sometimes I think that this tragedy was a cruel price to pay for my success on stage,” says the soloist of the duet “Potap and Nastya”

"We must reconcile ourselves and move on"

We drove by car from Kyiv to Nikolaev to celebrate the birthday of Marusya, my sister. young man Volodya. She turned 15 that day. We are me, Vova, his mom, dad and younger sisters Sonya and Marusya… Shortly before that, Vovin's father bought a trailer - he was going to travel with his family in the summer. The trailer was driven from behind on a trailer, and we were not driving fast. Suddenly the car shook violently. At that moment, the car veered sharply to the right. For some reason, the ears were blocked, the blue of the sky flashed before my eyes, then the grass, again the sky ... In the cinema, such scenes are shown for a long time and in detail. And in life everything happens at lightning speed. Just now we were calmly driving along an empty highway, suddenly a huge truck met us, and ... the air flow from it was so strong that the trailer led into a ditch, and it dragged the car along with it ... Five times we spun. I lost consciousness.

I came to my senses, and I don’t understand where I am, what happened? I am lying in the grass, my mouth is filled with sand, and my leg is unbearably itchy. I decided to see what I have. I got up, and what I saw made me shudder all over: a terrible open wound, my whole leg was torn. I look around, I see a mangled car to the side, people are lying around without signs of life. Vova, the only one who was on his feet and could do something (fortunately, he managed to grab the door handle and stay in the car), makes Sonya artificial respiration. As it turned out, he saved his sister, because at that moment the girl was not breathing. There was nowhere to wait for help: where are our Cell phones, it is unclear, to Nikolaev - 100 km, the highway is empty. Volodya came up to me and put his jacket under my head. I had a broken head, and blood was coming from the wound. Under the scorching sun, I soon passed out. I woke up from jolts - an ambulance arrived, and they put me on a stretcher. And then I got hysterical. I started laughing and couldn't stop until something was injected into me. When the doctors tried to cut off my hair (they prevented me from getting stitches), I almost got into a fight. She raged, cursed: “What else? I have been raising them for so many years. How will I sing on stage? By the way, they sewed me inaccurately. A huge scar remained on the leg for a long time, and the wound on the head did not heal in any way. But I still got off easy and I can celebrate this day - June 8 - my second birth. But Volodya's dad did not even have time to take him to intensive care. Mom, although they were taken by helicopter to Kyiv, was not saved. She was gone after 9 days. And 9 days later, without regaining consciousness, Marusya died. Only Sonya recovered quickly, she is a very strong girl. But we didn't know how to tell her the truth. Still, she was only 10 years old, and for almost three months she was told that her parents and sister were in the hospital ...

- How did you manage to survive such a disaster?

For three months I came to my senses, came to my senses. My parents took care of me, my friends visited me. And then I knew that I needed to get back on my feet faster. We had just started working with Potap then. But Sonya, it seems to me, guessed everything. Vova endured the tragedy courageously. I asked, "How are you holding up?" And he answered: “I can’t change anything, so I have to put up with it and live on.” Volodya seemed to cut off from himself the whole past happy life. They had a very friendly family. Volodya did not cry either when his father was buried, or when he said goodbye to Marusya. Only at the grave of his mother, tears welled up in his eyes, but he quickly pulled himself together. He still has two grandmothers, a great-grandmother… He simply could not afford to relax in front of them… After the funeral, Volodya stayed in Nikolaev. His family had a business there, an agricultural firm, and now he had to deal with all the affairs. Besides, Sonya had to be taken care of. Nikolaev is a few hundred kilometers from Kyiv, but I went there every free day. Once I arrived, and Vova fell ill. Went down with bronchitis. And at night, when I soldered him with various drugs, he suddenly burst into tears ... He is not iron. But that was the only time.

“Potap and I are artists No. 1 in Ukraine”

- After what you and Volodya went through, people sometimes part only because by their very existence they remind each other of what happened.

I am sure that even if we ever break up, we will still not be able to become strangers. This accident tied our destinies very tightly. Now I treat Vova not only as a loved one. He is my brother, and son, and husband, and father ...

We didn't have love at first sight. We went to university together Faculty of Economics. We were just friends for two years. And after some kind of disco, they realized that they fell in love with each other ... You know, I mostly talked with men older than me. And I was always strained by their patronizing, like a little girl, attitude towards me. And the feeling that I am a beautiful addition to his car. With Volodya, everything is not so with us. We are the same age and communicate on an equal footing. It is very good, clean, absolutely unspoiled. I used to think like this: “I will never cook, wash, clean. What for? You can hire a servant." But Vova is different. I want to get up early and cook breakfast for him. I don't yell at him when I pick up things he's scattered. Although, of course, poor Vova gets it from me. Because I am a decent ulcer.

- And how does he feel about your popularity?

When we started dating three years ago, I wasn't that popular yet. This is my job, and Vova treats it with respect. He hates social events, so we appear on them with Potap.

- Do you call your partner Alexei Potapenko in life Potap?

It seems to me that if I call Potap Lesha, he simply will not understand that I am addressing him. Everyone calls him Potap. When I was in school, Potap had already performed with the group "Entrance in changeable shoes." The guys were very cool, they rapped, and the youth went crazy for them. I could not even imagine that I would sing with him in a duet. I did start solo career. I was looking for a repertoire for a long time, they even recorded an album. But one day I came to my producer Ruslan on business. I was standing, waiting at the office, and then Potap came up. He looked me up and down and asked: “Is that you, or what, Kamensky? Well, wow, such a ... "Here, I think, impudent! Then Ruslan freed himself, and I, seething with righteous anger, went into the office. And imagine, he offers me from the threshold: “I have an idea. Do you want to try to sing with Potap? I agreed. Duet is always interesting. Already after our second song "Not a couple" we became very popular in Ukraine. Just artists number one, after Verka Serduchka, of course. By the way, I didn't like this song at first. I categorically stated: “I won’t sing such a thing!” And Potap said that I didn’t understand anything, because it was a hit. And he turned out to be right. We still sometimes argue stupidly, it happens, and send each other very far. I directly hate him at this moment - according to the horoscope, we are two Taurus, it seems that we gore each other ... I treat Potap not even as a partner, but rather as a relative, or something. I don’t see him for several days, and it seems that I don’t have something very familiar and at the same time important nearby. And he treats me the same way.

- Last year in Sochi for the Five Stars festival you came to no one famous artists, and left victorious ...

For Potap and me, it was like an exit to outer space. A huge platform, thousands of spectators, the jury is full of bison. Nobody seemed to like us. And an hour later, on the contrary, there was confidence that we would take the Grand Prix. I did not expect a warm welcome from the Russian show business. But in the show "Two Stars" we existed as one big family. Natasha Koroleva shared the pancakes that she brought from home, everyone teased each other ... But Pugacheva struck me the most. When Garik Kharlamov and I last time went on stage, I cried. Not because we took only fifth place, but I just became unbearably sad because this would not happen again in my life. Alla Borisovna hugged me, consoled me, called me a baby. I was so touched.

"If it wasn't for Mom..."

- Probably, your parents are most happy about your success ...

Still would. Especially mom. She had a program for my upbringing: from the age of 4 I studied English language, studied ballet for eight years, went to music school sang in the choir. Somehow we gathered with her for an exam. I am smartly dressed, my mother tied a red bow for me and no longer yells at me. I sit down at the piano - to rehearse one more time - and get lost with excitement. Then Mom, without saying a word, forcefully tilts my head down and - bam bam blah - face on the keys. It hurts me, it hurts, but I can’t cry: how can I go to the exam crying ... Honestly, if it weren’t for my mother’s upbringing, nothing would have come of me. I would sit now somewhere with a shabby manicure and drink beer.

My mother wanted me to grow up as an independent girl. So at the age of five I was sent to France on a family exchange program. How I cried. I was so scared to go to a foreign country. I was madly bored, and besides, I did not have a relationship with that family. Some of them were greedy, boring, unkind people. Their three sons mocked me, teased me, pulled my hair. When she finally returned to Kyiv, she said: “I will never leave home again in my life.” And my mother says: “Try again, go to Italy. If you don’t like it, we’ll finish with the trips. ” And at the age of 6 I went to Naples. It was with this city that I fell in love. I liked everything: the city, the sea, the food, very helpful and friendly people. A week later I started speaking Italian. I was quickly accepted as one of their own. For 7 years, I lived in the same family for six months a year, went to a local school, ran around the shops, helped my foster mother cook pasta. Now we communicate with her only by phone ...

- Have you tried to rebel against the dictates of your parents?

I may have been offended by my mother, but I felt that she was right. And then, I myself wanted to achieve something in life ... I love my mother very much, but I have always been closer and more frank with my dad. For me, dad is like mom. Now I can discuss everything with him - even the most intimate things. Dad is always very calm, imperturbable. Mom, on the contrary, is emotional, noisy. She is the main one in our family, or rather, dad allows her to think so. When she gets too mad, we make fun of her. I ask: “Dad, where did you even find such a thing?” She sang in a very famous Ukrainian choir. Mom is still a very beautiful woman, and in her youth a crowd of suitors followed her. And then dad came to the choir - he worked in the KGB, and he was appointed concert director. The choir often toured abroad, so dad had to supervise something there. And he fell in love with his mother, but for three years no one knew about their relationship. In public, dad called mom only “you” - for conspiracy. They got married only when I was three years old. I remember crawling under a huge table and playing around at their wedding. My parents met rather late, but still live in love. They still arrange romantic dates, they say tenderness, they are even jealous ... Although my mother is now 52 years old, and my father is 69. I dream that Vova and I would have the same family.

Nastya Kamensky became popular because of the grandiose performance in the duet "Potap and Nastya", they were so humorous and cheerful that it attracted attention. The Ukrainian pop singer sang hooligan songs, and they instantly flew around all the charts and became popular. The husband of Nastya Kamensky still sings today, but the girl decided to start a solo career and she does it well.

Kamensky was born in Kyiv, in a family where they preferred to play sports and music, her mother was in the choir, and Nastya's father was the captain of the Dynamo volleyball team. She is only child in a family that received maximum attention. Mom's surname is very consonant, that's why she took her for a pseudonym.

Husband of Nastya Kamensky photo

Even during her student years, Nastya Kamensky had no end to the guys, but among all this abundance, she tried to choose the one who was older. At a certain moment, she realized that she could not be under constant patronage, she felt like an expensive watch on someone else's hand. A classmate of Nastya Kamensky, Volodya Dyatlov, showed a lot of attention to her. They were friends for about two years, but soon she felt something more than friendship. But the guy did not become the husband of Nastya Kamensky.

The young man had a fatal accident and he transferred to study in Nikolaev and settled with his grandmother, these kilometers were not an obstacle and they continued to meet. He came to Kyiv on weekends, and Nastya rushed to Nikolaev on any free day. The relationship did not pass the test, and personal life did not work out together. Kamensky became more popular and the young man began to have zealous suspicions.

Work and personal

Alexey Potapenko, with whom Nastya Kamensky performed in a duet, is also from Ukraine, but he gained popularity both in Russia and at home. His mother is a champion swimmer and his father is a military man. Parents were able to discipline the child and instill firmness of character, he led active image life since early childhood. He composed poems and songs himself, even tried to type the first composition at the age of 13.

From the very beginning of the joint work, Nastya Kamensky began to attribute a relationship with Potap, but at that time he was married. Even if there was some kind of romance from the outside, this is only for the image on stage. Years of work brought them close enough, they became related and did not hide anything from each other. Nastya and Potap even had fake children when one fan created a page and posted a photo of a two-month-old baby. In the life of Nastya Kamensky, the family comes first and she constantly thinks about motherhood.

Nastya Kamensky and her husband Potap got married in 2017, and the marriage was a secret, not much is said about him in the press today. Even after that, they did not stop working together, not only as hosts, but also on various events. At secular parties, they can safely present themselves as a couple.

Kamensky's husband is proud of Nastya, she is strong and punchy, she was able to achieve a lot. The wedding rumors turned into real event And the fans are very happy about it. A lot of time is spent by the young and outside of work, posting photo reports on Instagram, the most last news 2018 about your songs and videos. Nastya Kamensky, as before, is fooling around and grimacing, hugging her loved one.

Potap's mother considers Nastya the creative muse of her son, and the girl likes this definition much more than just a friend or colleague. After an irregular schedule, Kamensky became very fat, but after sitting on a diet, she lost weight.

Of course, Potap's divorce followed before marriage. The public was very excited about the news, but after all, they had not lived together with their wife for several years, although Potap was listed official husband, and this step had to happen, after all. At first they planned a wedding for 2016, but after the unopened parachute, the girl underwent many operations and simply settled on an outpatient basis.

Personal life, sports, diets, difficult periods in life. Nastya admitted that for a long time she was insecure and even turned to a psychologist for help, because she "jammed" her experiences with food. The singer managed to overcome the complexes - the artist pulled herself together, went in for sports, changed her lifestyle and changed both externally and internally. So, from 78 kilograms Nastya managed to lose weight to 62.

The artist does not hide - she is a very soft, kind and trouble-free person. And the most important thing in life for her is love.

“The most important thing for me is love. She conquers everything. And I will endure, suffer, suffer, but for the sake of love I am ready for anything. A million percent. This is stupid, perhaps, but for some reason it seems to me that this is such a cool feeling that, in principle, you can do anything for it. I am for love. And ready to go to the end. I'm crazy in this regard, ”admitted Nastya.

The artist also spoke about her personal life. The singer admits that she does not like to talk about her relationship, because in the past she had a bad experience. However, at the meeting, Nastya nevertheless said that now her heart is not free and she is happy in a relationship.

“When I had an accident, I met with the guy Vova. Now I adore him, I love him, he is my friend. Then I put my relationship on display. She showed and told everything. And we broke up with him. There were, of course, different reasons, but then one person told me that happiness loves silence. When you have a family, you want children, it is better that no one knows this. Now I advise everyone that not only publicly, but even girlfriends and friends do not need to tell. Now I am a very loving person, very happy. I'm fine with this. I think that over time you will learn everything about my personal life, but for now I want to take care of it and drag myself away from it myself, ”the artist admits.

Nastya also told about the duet with Potap. The singer noted that at the beginning of their career they often quarreled, but for 10 years they have learned to accept each other as they are.

“The duet was created by the universe. By chance we started to sing a song and everyone liked it madly. But we had confrontations at the very beginning. We are both very similar: we are both Taurus, both are very creative. It was like that for two months we went on tour every day and did not talk to each other, we lived in different hotels so as not to catch each other's eyes. Behind the scenes we literally words sent each other. But at some point we realized that people really like our work. And we have to do it for the people, not for ourselves. And we started to work. And the most important thing is that we are still talking about it, we are proud of our achievements. Everyone has their own place: Potap is smart, Nastya is beautiful. We sing merry, merry songs. Now this is really our pride,” said the singer.

Anastasia Alekseevna Kamenskikh- singer, TV presenter, actress, soloist of the duet Potap and Nastya.

Nastya Kamenskikh was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, on May 4, 1987. Father - Zhmur Alexei Iosifovich, in the past - captain of the Dynamo volleyball team, concert director of the choir named after Grigory Veryovka. Mother - Lidia Petrovna Kamenskikh, singer of the National Academic folk choir them. Grigory Veryovka. Nastya is the only child in the family.

Since childhood, Nastya has been traveling and living in Europe: at the age of 5 she went on a child exchange program to France, however, having stayed there for a short time, she returned back. And from the age of seven, for 7 years, every six months, the girl lived in Italy, also under a child exchange program.

Under the influence of her mother, Nastya has been singing since early childhood, from the age of 6 she begins to attend a music school, where she learns to play the piano, and graduates at the age of 14.

1994, Nastya goes to the first grade of the Kyiv school No. 56, which in-depth study foreign languages. In addition to studying at school, Nastya manages to professionally practice ballet, tennis, and also attend various school circles. She still marvels at how she did it all. Nastya is sure that she owes her success to her parents, who from childhood taught her in iron discipline, to be able to properly allocate time and constantly study and study.

In 2004, Nastya Kamenskikh graduated from high school and immediately entered the Ukrainian-American humanitarian Institute, at the Faculty of Foreign Economic Activity. In this institute, all lecturers give lectures only in English.

Also in 2004, Kamensky participated in the Black Sea Games festival, where he won the Grand Prix.

2005 Anastasia in London receives the Discovery of the Year award from the UBN Awards.

Since 2006, Kamensky has been a member of the Potap and Nastya duet, in which her work brought her immense and rapid popularity, numerous prizes and awards.

In 2007, at the Five Stars competition in Sochi, the Potap and Nastya group became the absolute winner.

In 2008, Anastasia, together with Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov, takes part in the TV project "Two Stars" of Channel One, but the couple quickly dropped out of the competition, according to the results of the audience voting.

In 2009, Nastya starred in leading role New Year's musical"Red Riding Hood". In the same year, Kamensky, according to the readers of the magazine "Viva!" recognized as the most beautiful woman Ukraine.

From 2009 to 2010, Nastya Kamensky on the M1 channel was the host of the Guten Morgen! paired with his producer and colleague Potap (Aleksey Potapenko).

In 2010, Kamenskikh, together with Maria Berseneva, took part in the Zirka + Zirka show project, but the girls did not reach the final quite a bit.

2011, Nastya Kamensky is still a constant member of the Potap and Nastya duet. In one year, the duo, in addition to numerous tours and concerts, manages to shoot several video clips: “Freaks”, “We are canceling K.S.”, “Crazy Spring” and “If suddenly”. In the same year, the duo received the Golden Gramophone award.

Personal life of Nastya Kamensky has always been shrouded in mystery, and the singer reacts extremely negatively to all questions from journalists regarding her life outside the stage. Such secrecy causes a lot of rumors and gossip, most of which have nothing to do with the truth. They say that keeping the details of her personality secret is one of the conditions of the contract concluded by Nastya with her producers, which the singer honestly fulfills. Nastya began to study music very early - at the age of six she entered a music school, and at fourteen she graduated in piano. Another serious hobby of Kamensky was ballet, to which she devoted several years of her life. Despite the fact that her hobbies predicted her creative career, after school, Nastya entered the Ukrainian branch of Wisconsin international university USA" at the Faculty of Foreign Economics.

In the photo - Nastya and Potap

But she could not part with creativity for good, and after receiving the Grand Prix of the Black Sea Games festival, she decided to start a serious musical career. The singer gained real popularity after meeting Alexei Potapenko, with whom she organized the Potap and Nastya group. Possessing great feeling Potap is not averse to intriguing the public by telling the details of Nastya Kamenskaya's personal life, but you should not take them seriously, because many of them are a figment of his imagination.

Around the charming singer there are always a lot of fans who are not averse to offering her a hand and heart, but she tries to translate everything into a joke, because she does not want to tie the knot yet. But one romance in Kamenskaya's personal life was serious enough, and could well lead to a wedding. She had a young man from the city of Nikolaev - Vladimir Dyatlov. They met while Nastya was studying at the university. Young people were classmates and immediately after they met they began to meet.

Later, Vladimir had to transfer from a Kyiv university to National University shipbuilding them. Makarov in Nikolaev, but the relationship of half a thousand kilometers of distance did not prove to be an obstacle. From Kyiv, where she lived with her parents, Nastya went to Nikolaev, and Vladimir came to her every weekend. True, over time, both got tired of these travels, the relationship gradually faded away, and the love between Nastya and Vladimir gradually turned into friendship. They still communicate and remain close people.

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