The main employee at 0 5 rates. Is it possible to hire a part-time employee if this will be his only place of work


Employment at 0.5 rate at the main place of work is a process that requires additional knowledge from the employer and personnel specialists. An employee who agrees to work part-time must be issued without errors, otherwise it can result in serious consequences. Employment at 0.5 rates requires separate preparation and differently executed documents.

Part-time recruitment - what is it

If the boss needs to apply for a part-time job at the main place of work, then he needs to focus on the principles of labor legislation. Information about such a process is contained in articles 93 and 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It talks about two main features of the requirements if you need to arrange a part-time job:

  • Half-time work can be fixed in a variety of ways. It can be noted that the employee works part-time in production or, if it is more convenient, part-time week.
  • If full agreement is reached between the employer and the employee, then in this case it is possible to set him a part-time job not only at the time of signing the employment contract, but also if he has been working in production for some time.

Also, the employee has the opportunity to write an application for his transfer to part-time. And in some cases, the employer is obliged to satisfy the requirement of the employee by registering him for a part-time job:

  • If the application is written by an employee who is expecting a child;
  • If the application is written by an employee who has children under the age of fourteen. Also, a parent or guardian of a child with a disability can write such a statement. If he has not reached the age of eighteen, then the employer must also transfer this employee to a part-time job;
  • If the employee who wrote the application is currently caring for a sick relative. This application must be accompanied by a medical certificate confirming the fact of the disease.

All the reasons mentioned above make it mandatory for the employer to comply with the employee's request to renew the employment contract for part-time work. If he refuses to do this, then the worker has the right to apply first to a special commission, and if an agreement is not reached as a result of a labor dispute, then to the court.

It must be remembered that an employee who works part-time is subject to all the laws prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And they apply to the employee in full. This applies to both leave and other rights and privileges that are guaranteed to the employee by law.

Employment contract for part-time employment

If the head of the enterprise needs to arrange a part-time job at the main place of work, an entry in the work book is carried out on a general basis, as well as about any other full-fledged employment. A different procedure is provided for, which in itself cannot imply full-time work.

When an employee is employed on a part-time basis, there are no restrictions on, for example, the duration of paid leave. The right to rest is still reserved for the employee, regardless of the fact that such a person works fewer hours than expected. It is also impossible to limit the employee in receiving, as stated in Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In order to register a person for a part-time job, it is necessary to conclude a special one with him. When writing it, a free form is used, which, however, should include the following items:

It is worth noting that the points above are mandatory, but not final. If the parties agreed that the terms of the employment contract require additional clauses, then they can be easily entered there. There are no restrictions here. The main thing is that these clauses correspond to the specifics of labor activity and introduce additional details into the terms of the contract without violating the basic rights and obligations of the parties regulated by labor legislation.

A person who takes a part-time job at the main place of work retains the right to take advantage of a shortened working day. It must be assumed in terms of the production calendar. And if an employee is hired for a part-time job, then it is necessary to stipulate the standards of working hours. This is done so that the employee can count on overtime and all payments that are associated with them. This is stated in Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A part-time part-time shift must be established in the employment contract, which is concluded between the employee and superiors. There you can specify both part-time work and part-time work.

  1. In the first case, the employee will work 4 hours a day with a five-day work week.
  2. The second concept is somewhat more complex, and in this case, the employee can work on different schedules.

For example - four days a week and five hours a day - the main thing is that his working time is actually half of the standard working hours. And it is very important in the text of the contract to accurately reflect the number of hours that the employee will have to spend on the shift.

If an employment contract is concluded with an employee for full shifts, then working hours can not be prescribed, but only indicate the number of such full shifts per week or month in accordance with the schedule with half the working time.

Also, in addition to clear hours of rest, there is another part of the schedule that must be prescribed without fail. This is the period during which the employee can count on rest. In addition, it is necessary to separately stipulate such a clause of the labor agreement as the subject of the contract, in which it is necessary to describe the general functions that the employee will have to perform.

This paragraph also indicates the duration of the probationary period and the place where the employee will work. If the contract is urgent, then it is necessary to clarify the period during which the employee will be at his workplace. At this point, it is important to indicate that part-time work in this position is the main one for the employee.

The recruitment process for a part-time job

When hiring an employee for a part-time job, it is necessary to issue an order where his acceptance to the position will be recorded. And when compiling this document, as well as when compiling others relating to an employee working part-time, it is worth considering some features:

  • In the section called "Conditions of Admission", it is worth fixing the conditions for admission to part-time work;
  • In the line where his salary is indicated, it is necessary to fix the employee's rate. It is set at 50% of the salary, which is indicated for the same position in the staffing table;

An order that speaks of hiring a part-time employee must be signed within three days. The term begins to run from the moment the employee begins direct labor activity at his workplace.

If an employee wants to switch to a part-time job of his own free will, then he needs to write an appropriate application. In the header of this document, he must indicate the first person of the organization where he works. It is also necessary to indicate the full name of the company and the name of the production manager, in full.

The employee must indicate in the application his initials and the address indicated in the appropriate column in the passport. The document must indicate the essence of the request - hiring part-time. Also, there must be indicated the reason why the employee wants to get a part-time job. The employee needs to write down the name of his department and the title of the position.

An entry to be made in the employee's work book. Makes a personnel employee of the enterprise. The document must indicate the very fact of acceptance for the position, as well as note the full name of the organization and the structural unit where the employee got a job.

It is not worth mentioning that the employee was hired on a part-time basis. An entry in the work book must be made according to standard rules that do not differ from the entries of other employees. There you need to specify only the salary that is set for this employee.

If an employee leaves his position, then he needs to make exactly the same entry in, as well as any other employee. There should be no indication that he worked part-time and received half the rate.

The nuances of hiring for 0.5 rates

Violation of the rules established in the state for the registration of part-time workers can result in severe penalties. If an employee turns to a special commission to start a labor dispute, then any mistake made by the employer will play into his hands.

It is important to monitor the level of wages that are set for part-time employees. Their salary is assigned in the amount of 50% of the salary fixed for this position in the staff list. And if an employee works in a position where the minimum wage is set, then it can also be reduced by 50%. This will not be a violation of labor standards.

It is worth remembering that a part-time employee should not have restrictions on receiving .

All documents that an employee needs to provide in order to draw up an employment contract, both standard and part-time, are specified in the legislation. This is stated in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The only thing that needs to be clearly monitored by both the employer and the employee himself is job descriptions. If part-time work means that the employee needs to perform a smaller amount of work, then this should be reflected in this clause of the employment contract.

It is worth distinguishing between such concepts as part-time work and reduced working time. They reflect different situations. In the first case, an employment contract is concluded between the employee and the manager by mutual agreement of both parties. In the second case, the worker is left with no choice but to submit to the will of his employer. Of course, if he has critical objections, and a suspicion that he is doing this contrary to the law, then he can apply to a special commission to start a labor dispute.

It should be noted that many state-owned enterprises operate around the clock. Such a work schedule implies that a shift type of work schedule has been introduced in production. And if there are harmful factors in the workplace that directly affect the health of the employee, then a smaller amount of working time should be established there.

All of these factors must be considered if an employer decides to hire a part-time worker.

If an employee has been working on a regular working day for some time, and it was decided to transfer him to a part-time shift, then this must be reflected in the documentation. This is done with the help of an additional agreement concluded between the employee and the employer. There it is necessary to indicate all the working conditions that have been changed as a result of such a decision, namely:

  • New working hours for the employee;
  • The period during which the employee will work part-time;
  • Changes related to the terms of payment for work and job descriptions;

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation should be applied separately to each part-time employment contract, and not to all part-time employment contracts concluded by the employee in the aggregate. In other words, a part-time worker cannot work under one contract, for example, for 6 hours every day, but can conclude two contracts for work for 4 hours and 2 hours a day, respectively. This point of view is also shared by specialists of regulatory authorities (see, for example, answers from the information portal of Rostrud “Onlineinspektsiya.RF” to the questions “I work officially: 1) company A is the main place of work full-time with an 8-hour working day; 2) company B - an external part-time job for 0.5 rates with a 4-hour working day; 3) company B - an external part-time job for 0.5 rates with a 4-hour working day.

Employment at 0.5 rate at the main place of work

Is full-time external part-time work allowed, is it possible to reflect this in the employment contract? As can be understood from what was said in the previous section, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not imply part-time work for a full time, limiting the time of additional labor activity of an employee. The exit of the employee for the whole shift at an additional place of work with an external part-time job is allowed only on a day free from work at the main employer (Art.
284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, a situation is possible when work on the aircraft is paid in the amount of the full rate provided for in the organization's staffing table.



This means that the employment contract should indicate the salary in the amount that is paid when working out the entire norm of working time established for this category of employees (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Employees with part-time work do not work out a monthly rate, therefore they are paid only a part of the salary established in the employment contract for the month.

This part is determined in proportion to the hours worked or depending on the amount of work performed. This is stated in Part 2 of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and explained in a letter from Rostrud dated June 8, 2007 No.

No. 1619-6. Thus, for an employee working part-time, the salary in the employment contract is reflected in full, and paid in part upon actual working.

External part-time job for a full or 0.5 rate

Moscow 03/31/2010 In accordance with Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ORDER: 1. Install the Chief Accountant A.S. Gleb mode of part-time working week from 01.04.2010: - the beginning of the working week - Monday; - the end of the working week - Thursday.
Opening hours: - start of work - 9.00; - end of work - 18.00; - break for meals and rest - 13.00-14.00. 2. Accountants wages A.S. Glebovoy to produce in proportion to the hours worked (0.8 rates).

Reason: statement by A.S. Glebovoy from 31.03.2010. Director A.V. Lvov ... The unified form No. T-1 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia on January 5, 2004.

0.5 stake and 0.5 stake

On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation ”of 17.01.1992 No. 2202-1 limits the possibilities of combining prosecutorial employees). When hiring a part-time job, the head of the organization is obliged to conclude an employment contract with him with the obligatory indication of the fact of the Armed Forces (part 4 of article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). One of the main conditions, necessarily included in the contract, is an indication of the amount of payment for the work performed by the part-time worker, as well as allowances and bonuses (p.

4 hours 2 tbsp. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In particular, this paragraph should reflect the amount of the salary, taking into account the coefficient of 0.5 of the size of the full tariff rate, and in cases established by law, the percentage of district allowances and other payments (part 3 of article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is also worth noting that, at the initiative of the employee, the employer can write down in his work book information about the place of work performed by the Armed Forces (part 5 of article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

2 employees work at 05 rates how to take into account in the number

And if an employee is hired for a part-time job, then it is necessary to stipulate the standards of working hours. This is done so that the employee can count on overtime and all payments that are associated with them. This is stated in Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A part-time part-time shift must be established in the employment contract, which is concluded between the employee and superiors. There you can specify both part-time work and part-time work.

  1. In the first case, the employee will work 4 hours a day with a five-day work week.
  2. The second concept is somewhat more complex, and in this case, the employee can work on different schedules.

For example - four days a week and five hours a day - the main thing is that his working time is actually half of the standard working hours.

How to accept an employee for 0.5 rate?

It is set at 50% of the salary, which is indicated for the same position in the staff list; An order that speaks of hiring an employee for a part-time job must be signed within three days. The term begins to run from the moment the employee begins direct labor activity at his workplace.

If an employee wants to switch to a part-time job of his own free will, then he needs to write an appropriate application. In the header of this document, he must indicate the first person of the organization where he works.

It is also necessary to indicate the full name of the company and the name of the production manager, in full. The employee must indicate in the application his initials and the address indicated in the appropriate column in the passport. The document must indicate the essence of the request - hiring part-time.
Home → Accounting advice → Working hours Actual as of August 28, 2017 External part-time employment involves the employee performing another regular paid job with another employer on the terms of an employment contract in his free time from the main job (Art. 60.1, 282

TC RF). But for some categories of employees, part-time work is prohibited. Working hours when working part-time As mentioned, part-time work is work outside working hours at the main place of work.


Therefore, in the general case, the daily working hours of a part-time worker should be no more than 4 hours. And on those days when a part-time worker does not have to work at his main place of work, he can work full-time (shift) at a part-time job.

2 employees work for 0 5 rates

TK RF. At the same time, this circumstance, together with other factors, may indicate the dishonesty of the employer as an insured. When it is proved that part-time employment existed only on paper, in fact, work under an employment contract was not performed or could not be performed, because the total working time exceeded a reasonable limit, there was no physical opportunity to perform the amount of work under all contracts, the court takes the side of representatives of social insurance (see for example, resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of July 19, 2011 N 282/11, FAS of the West Siberian District of March 27, 2012 N F04-1045 / 12, FAS of the Volga-Vyatka District of May 5, 2012 N F01-864 / 12).

Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and for workers employed in harmful or dangerous working conditions, part-time work in the same conditions is completely prohibited (part five of article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)). Consequently, employees have the right to conclude several employment contracts on part-time work, both with their own and with other employers. At the same time, the restrictions on the duration of working hours when working part-time, established by the first part of Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the law does not allow to unambiguously determine whether these restrictions must be observed within the framework of each part-time agreement, under all such agreements with one employer, or in general under all agreements on external and internal part-time work. Based on the definition of combination, given in Art.

3 art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In our opinion, only those days in which the employee was actually employed under these conditions for at least half of the working day established for employees of a given production, workshop, profession or position are counted towards the established time. When determining the number of considered months of work with harmful working conditions, the total number of days of work during the year is divided by the average monthly number of working days.

Duration of additional leave for part-time workers

Part-time workers work on a part-time basis, since the duration of their work is less than normal (part one, article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Guarantees and compensations provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations, with the exception of guarantees and compensations to persons combining work with education, as well as persons working in the Far North and equivalent to them areas, are provided to part-time workers in full (Art.

Leave of an employee working at 0.5 rate

An employee is time-sheeted for 20 days for 0.5 days (that is, it is put in the time sheet for 4 hours instead of 8) Thank you for your answers! Lyudmila Higher mind (167908) 5 years ago Vacation pay is accrued as if he worked full-time. Based on average earnings for hours worked. is not provided in proportion to the hours worked, you will provide it in advance for 28 days.

Employee worked full time, then moved to 0.5 rate

Since Regulation No. 922 does not require excluding from the billing period the time not worked during part-time work, it follows that the month is considered fully worked (despite the fact that, for example, only three days worked out of five possible according to the usual schedule are noted in the time sheet, as well as weekends and holidays). And the earnings accrued for this month and the average monthly number of calendar days (29.3) are taken into account. The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Chief Accountant System 1. Article.

Vacation of an employee working at 0 5 rates

286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to persons working part-time, annual paid are provided simultaneously with the main job. If the employee has not worked for six months at a part-time job, then leave is granted in advance. In the event that at a part-time job the duration of the annual paid employee is less than at the main place of work, the employer, at the request of the employee, grants him leave without pay for the corresponding duration.

How many vacation days should we provide an internal part-time worker working at 0.5 rates? Should we pay him such leave if he is paid for his main job?

Employees are provided with an annual basic paid period of 28 calendar days. lasting more than 28 calendar days (extended basic leave) is provided to employees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By virtue of Art. 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to persons working part-time, annual paid are provided simultaneously with the main job.

Part-time vacation will not halve

It includes actual hours worked.

By this time, it is also equated when the employee did not work, but, according to the law or the collective agreement, the previous job and salary were retained, or the state social insurance benefit was paid, with the exception of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 3 years. If the sum of the periods included in the working year in accordance with Art.

Enter the site

The right to basic leave Employees, regardless of who their employer is, the type of employment contract they have concluded, the form of organization and remuneration of labor, have the right to basic leave, unless otherwise provided by legislative acts. Article 155. Duration of the main vacation The duration of the main vacation cannot be less than 24 calendar days. Lists of organizations and positions, as well as categories of employees with a main duration of more than 24 calendar days, the conditions for granting and the specific duration of this leave are established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus in agreement with the President of the Republic of Belarus. The duration of the main vacation is mandatory for all employers. Article 291

You will need

  • - labor legislation;
  • - company documents;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - staffing;
  • - employee's documents;
  • - an employment contract with an employee;
  • - order form;
  • - application form.


Ask worker write a statement addressed to the sole executive body of the company. In it, he should write down his request for an additional payment in the amount of half the rate for his position. The application is dated and signed by the employee. The director needs to endorse the document in the upper left corner.

Based on the application of the specialist, draw up an agreement to his employment contract. In it, indicate that the employee should be assigned an additional payment in the amount of half the rate (provided that he works at the whole rate of the salary). Moreover, you need to refer to Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the conditions for increasing the volume of work. Certify the additional agreement with the signature of an authorized person, the seal of the company. The document is signed by the specialist with whom the agreement is concluded. Number and date the document, and the number of the employment contract does not need to be changed.

The basis for issuing the order is an additional agreement. The "header" of the document contains the name of the enterprise, number, date, city of location of your organization. The subject of the order in this case will correspond to the establishment of the surcharge. The reason for compiling the document should be indicated as follows: "due to an increase in the amount of work." In the administrative part, write down personal data worker, the position he occupies, the personnel number, as well as the amount of the additional payment that you set for him, that is, half the rate of the salary. For an employee, this is quite profitable, since he needs to accrue the amount of the salary and additional payments, that is, one and a half rates. Certify the order with the signature of the director or other authorized person, the seal of the company. Familiarize the specialist with the document. In the familiarization line, he puts his signature and date.


  • Hiring for 1.5 rates

Registration of a new employee in the state includes writing an application for employment, concluding an employment contract with him, issuing an appropriate order and making an entry in the work book worker.

You will need

  • - forms of documents;
  • - computer;
  • - Printer;
  • - paper;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - seal;
  • - work book of the employee (if available) or its blank form.


Formally, the procedure begins with the fact that the employee writes an application addressed to the head of the organization. It must contain the title of the position of the first person of the company, the organization itself, the surname and initials of the head, surname, name and patronymic worker in full and a request for admission indicating the position and unit, if it is mentioned in the labor. For example: “I ask you to accept me for the position of a sales manager in the direct sales department of a commercial service.” The manager applies a resolution to the application, for example, “to accept from such and such a date (the date is indicated in full)”. But only a signature may be enough.

The employment contract is credited on the day the application is written, but a later date can be agreed upon from which he must take office. In this document, the recruited specialist must indicate his last name, first name and patronymic, passport details, TIN, PFR insurance certificate number, registration address, if available, stay or actual residence. If it is transferred to a bank account, its number and other details are also entered into the contract. The contract is drawn up in two copies, both must be signed by the employee and the head of the organization and certified by its seal.

After the preparation of these documents, the head issues an order for employment. It indicates the full surname, name and patronymic worker, position and, if necessary, division, date from which a person is enrolled in the state. For example: “I order to hire Petr Ivanovich Sidorov as a sales manager of the direct sales department of a commercial service from 08/01/2011.” The order is assigned a number and date of publication, the finished document is certified by the signature of the head of the company or a person replacing him and the seal of the organization.

The hiring order serves as the basis for the corresponding entry in the new employee. First, in the 3rd column in the information section, after the most recent entry, the full and, if available, the abbreviated name of the organization are written. Then, in the first column, the serial number of the entry (strictly one more than the previous one), in the second - the date from which the employee is admitted to the state according to the documents. The third column reflects the fact of admission to the state, indicating the position and unit, if it is mentioned in the employment contract. For example: "Employed as a sales manager in the direct sales department of a commercial service." In the fourth column, the name of the order is written (you can: “Ex.”), its number and release date.


If the employee enters into an employment relationship for the first time and does not have a work book, the employer must purchase a blank form, fill out the title page and make the first entry in the “Employment information” section.
During the initial employment, the employee will also most likely not have a certificate of compulsory pension insurance. This document can be issued by the employer.


  • how to hire a new employee in 2019

The current legislation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) allows the employer to reward the best employees of the enterprise, determining the amount and timing of payments based on the Regulations on bonuses adopted by the enterprise. For clearance orders should be guided by the approved forms No. T-11 and No. T-11a of the GSK of Russia dated January 5, 2004. In accordance with the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of March 24, 1999, additional details can be entered into the unified forms, while deleting the mandatory ones (form number, code and title of the document) is strictly prohibited.


Follow the link indicated at the end of the article and download the unified bonus form provided by the specified site. Here is a link to No. T11a - designed to create an order to encourage two or more persons. Form No. T11 (for one person), if necessary, you can find on the same site.
Please fill in the blank fields on the form provided. First, write the full name of your organization. Specify the registration number of the document and the date of its publication.

In the content orders describe the motive, reasons for submitting a bonus. Specify the type of promotion. It can be gratitude or a valuable gift.
Next, fill out the tabular part, where in a convenient form you just have to enter the names and initials of distinguished employees. Indicate their personnel number (if any), structural unit (which submitted them for promotion), position and amount (separately for each) in the appropriate columns of the table.

In the final part of the order, refer to the grounds for drawing up orders(representation for promotion or Regulation on bonuses in force at the enterprise).
At the very end, indicate the position and decoding of the signature or other responsible person authorized to sign documents.

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Pay attention to the fact that in order to issue an order on bonuses, the State Statistics Committee of Russia approved two unified forms. The first of them is filled out as an order to encourage one employee (No. T11). And form No. T11a for bonuses for two or more people.

Helpful advice

After filling in all the required fields, the order should be signed by the head and familiarized against signature (in the tabular part) of all persons who are presented for promotion.


  • unified form T11a of the order on bonuses

Quite often this happens when you need to get a person to work on the floor of the working rates. And also often personnel officers have questions: how to register such an employee? How should he calculate his salary?


making out worker on the floor rates, remember that it is drawn up according to two documents: the staffing table and the employment contract. And in the first case worker must be taken to the full with a salary determined according to this, and in the employment contract it must be indicated that the employee has certain conditions (specify which ones), but will receive wages based on the number of hours worked. This provision is described in article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Also, in the employment contract, you must specify the exact one, both in days. There is another option how you can arrange an employee on the floor rates. To do this, you hire him as a regular full-time staff member with an appropriate salary. In the order for admission, indicate the same numbers. And then you conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract, in which you state that the employee works only on the floor rates and receives a salary proportional to the number of hours he actually worked.

Just do not forget to attach to such a document a personal statement from the employee, in which he will indicate his desire to work not all day, but only a certain part. As a rule, an application before transferring to a light version

In the section on the question What does it mean to get a 0.5 rate? given by the author Yulia Peryakina the best answer is Correctly you understand. Working at 0.5 rate is part-time work. Labor is paid in proportion to the time worked, respectively, and all contributions to the insurance funds of the FSS, FFOMS, TFOMS and PFR will be made from your earnings at the expense of the employer. Only 13% income tax is withheld from your salary.
For your information, according to Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time work does not entail any restrictions for employees on the duration of the annual basic paid leave, the calculation of seniority and other labor rights.

Answer from Lyubov Sukhorukova[active]
If the working day is 8 hours. Then at 0.5 rates a working day is 4 hours. And deductions to the tax 13% of the salary. as an everywhere.

Answer from Loratus[guru]
Part-time work is usually a part-time job. That is, you do not work full time, and you receive a salary less than that provided by a full-time job. Taxes are based on the amount you actually receive.

Answer from IN[guru]
I managed to work a month for 10 hours a day for 0.5 rates. Do good to the employer, and he will shit on his head. He didn't pay a dime more than his official salary.

Answer from Victoria[newbie]
deductions will be exactly from 0.5 rates + from the official salary

Answer from Џna Dishun[active]
Yes. You understood everything correctly.

Answer from Yoer Bamboo[guru]
You work half the day and still pay taxes

Answer from impression[guru]
Half a liter will pay))

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