Pavel Georgievich Golovin. Pavel Golovin


    Golovin Pavel Georgievich Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Golovin Pavel Georgievich- P. G. Golovin Pavel Georgievich Golovin (19091940) Soviet polar pilot, colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union (1937). He graduated from the Osoaviakhim flight school in Tushino (1930), worked as an instructor there. Since 1934 in polar aviation. ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    GOLOVIN Pavel Georgievich- (1909 40), Russian polar pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1937). In the 1930s participated in a number of polar expeditions, the landing of the drifting station "North Pole 1" (1937). Killed while testing an aircraft ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    GOLOVIN Pavel Georgievich- (1909 40) Russian polar pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1937). In the 1930s participated in a number of polar expeditions, the landing of the drifting station North Pole 1 (1937). Killed while testing an aircraft ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Golovin Pavel Georgievich- (1909 1940) Soviet polar pilot, colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union (1937). He graduated from the Osoaviakhim flight school in Tushino (1930), worked as an instructor there. Since 1934 in polar aviation. Participated in ice reconnaissance and escort of ships in the Arctic, in ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    Golovin, Pavel Georgievich- (04/26/1909 04/27/1940) polar pilot and test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1937), colonel. He worked as an instructor at the Tushino Aviation School of Osoaviahima. Since 1934 in polar aviation. On May 5, 1937, the first of the Soviet pilots flew over ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Golovin Pavel Georgievich- ... Wikipedia

    Pavel Georgievich Golovin

    Pavel Golovin- Pavel Georgievich Golovin Hero of the Soviet Union 04/26/1909 04/27/1940 Pavel Georgievich Golovin pilot of the Polar Aviation Directorate of the Main Northern Sea Route, the first Soviet pilot to fly over the North Pole. Born April 13 (26), 1909 in ... ... Wikipedia

    Golovin- Golovin is a common Russian surname. Known carriers: Golovin, Avtonom Mikhailovich or Golovin, Artamon Mikhailovich (1667 1720) colonel, then general of infantry. Golovin, Alexander Vasilyevich (born 1949) ... ... Wikipedia

(1909-04-26 ) Date of death:


In the future, P. G. Golovin mastered new Arctic routes.

Since October 1938 - at test work at the Moscow Aircraft Plant No. 22. He tested serial bombers.

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. Site "Heroes of the Country".

An excerpt characterizing Golovin, Pavel Georgievich

The sovereigns sat on horseback and left. The Preobrazhenians, upsetting their ranks, mingled with the French guards and sat down at the tables prepared for them.
Lazarev was sitting in a place of honor; he was embraced, congratulated and shook hands by Russian and French officers. Crowds of officers and people came up just to look at Lazarev. The buzz of Russian French and laughter stood in the square around the tables. Two officers with flushed faces, cheerful and happy, walked past Rostov.
- What, brother, treats? Everything is in silver,” said one. Have you seen Lazarev?
- Saw.
- Tomorrow, they say, the Preobrazhensky people will treat them.
- No, Lazarev is so lucky! 10 francs for life pension.
- That's the hat, guys! shouted the Preobrazhensky, putting on a Frenchman's shaggy hat.
- A miracle, how good, lovely!
Did you hear the feedback? said the Guards officer to another. The third day was Napoleon, France, bravoure; [Napoleon, France, courage;] yesterday Alexandre, Russie, grandeur; [Alexander, Russia, greatness;] one day our sovereign gives a review, and the other day Napoleon. Tomorrow the sovereign will send George to the bravest of the French guards. It's impossible! Should answer the same.
Boris and his comrade Zhilinsky also came to see the Preobrazhensky banquet. Returning back, Boris noticed Rostov, who was standing at the corner of the house.
- Rostov! Hello; we didn’t see each other,” he told him, and could not help asking him what had happened to him: Rostov’s face was so strangely gloomy and upset.
“Nothing, nothing,” replied Rostov.
– Will you come?
- Yes, I will.
Rostov stood at the corner for a long time, looking at the feasters from afar. A painful work was going on in his mind, which he could not bring to the end. Terrible doubts arose in my heart. Then he remembered Denisov with his changed expression, with his humility, and the whole hospital with those torn off arms and legs, with this dirt and disease. It seemed to him so vividly that he now felt this hospital smell of a dead body that he looked around to understand where this smell could come from. Then he remembered this self-satisfied Bonaparte with his white pen, who was now the emperor, whom the emperor Alexander loves and respects. What are the severed arms, legs, murdered people for? Then he remembered the awarded Lazarev and Denisov, punished and unforgiven. He found himself thinking such strange thoughts that he was afraid of them.
The smell of Preobrazhensky food and hunger brought him out of this state: he had to eat something before leaving. He went to the hotel he had seen in the morning. In the hotel, he found so many people, officers, who, like him, arrived in civilian clothes, that he hardly managed to get dinner. Two officers from the same division as him joined him. The conversation naturally turned to the world. The officers, comrades of Rostov, like most of the army, were dissatisfied with the peace concluded after Friedland. They said that if they could hold on, Napoleon would have disappeared, that he had no crackers or charges in his troops. Nicholas ate in silence and mostly drank. He drank one or two bottles of wine. The inner work that arose in him, not being resolved, still tormented him. He was afraid to indulge in his thoughts and could not get behind them. Suddenly, at the words of one of the officers that it was insulting to look at the French, Rostov began to shout with fervor, which was not justified in any way, and therefore greatly surprised the officers.

Pavel Georgievich Golovin(April 13 (26), 1909 - April 27, 1940) - Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot of the Polar Aviation Administration of the Glavsevmorput, the first of the Soviet pilots to fly over the North Pole.


Born on April 13 (26), 1909 in the city of Naro-Fominsk, now the Moscow Region, in the family of an employee. Russian. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1939. In 1930 he graduated from the Moscow Sports College, and in 1933 - from the Tushino Flying Club. From 1934 he worked as a pilot of the Polar Aviation Directorate of the Glavsevmorput.

On May 5, 1937, P. G. Golovin, on a twin-engine reconnaissance aircraft R-6 (ANT-7), became the world's first aircraft pilot to reach the northernmost point of the globe. The data he delivered made it possible to successfully land a detachment of heavy transport aircraft at the North Pole and create the North Pole-1 drifting polar station there.

In the future, P. G. Golovin mastered new Arctic routes.

Member of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940.

Since October 1938 - at test work at the Moscow Aircraft Plant No. 22. He tested serial bombers.

On April 27, 1940, Colonel P. G. Golovin died with the entire crew while testing the first production aircraft - the SPB bomber (serial number No. 2-1) designed by N. N. Polikarpov.


  • Order of the Red Star (02/25/1937)
  • Hero of the Soviet Union - by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1937 "for the exemplary fulfillment of the tasks of the government and the heroism shown during the landing and work of the northern expedition", medal "Gold Star" No. 40.
  • Order of Lenin (06/27/1937 along with the title Hero of the Soviet Union).
  • Order of the Red Banner (04/21/1940).


A street in the city of Naro-Fominsk was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union P. Golovin.

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Pavel Georgievich Golovin

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Name at birth:

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Date of Birth:

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Date of death:


In the future, P. G. Golovin mastered new Arctic routes.

Since October 1938 - at test work at the Moscow Aircraft Plant No. 22. He tested serial bombers.

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An excerpt characterizing Golovin, Pavel Georgievich

I just happily nodded my head, already fully perked up again and ready for any "exploits", just because I was no longer alone, and that was enough to instantly forget all the bad things and the world again seemed fascinating and beautiful.
"But you said you've never been here, did you?" I asked boldly.
“But I’m not here right now,” the girl answered calmly. “My essence is with you, but my body never lived there. I never knew my real home... – her huge eyes were filled with deep, not at all childish sadness.
- Can I ask you - how old are you? .. Of course, if you don’t want to, don’t answer, - I asked a little embarrassed.
“By earthly calculation, it will probably be about two million years,” the “baby” answered thoughtfully.
For some reason, my legs suddenly became completely cottony from this answer ... This simply could not be! .. No creature is able to live so long! Or, depending on what kind of creature? ..
"Then why do you look so small?" We only have children like that... But you know that, of course.
- This is how I remember myself. And I feel it's right. So that's how it should be. We live for a very long time. I'm probably the little one...
All this news made me dizzy... But Veya, as usual, was surprisingly calm, and this gave me the strength to ask further.
- And who do you call an adult? .. If there are such, of course.
- Well, of course! The girl laughed sincerely. - Want to see?
I just nodded, because my throat was suddenly completely seized with fright, and my “fluttering” conversational gift was lost somewhere ... I perfectly understood that right now I would see a real “star” creature! .. And, despite the fact that, as far as I could remember, I had been waiting for this all my conscious life, now all of a sudden all my courage for some reason quickly “went to the heels” ...
Veya waved her hand - the terrain has changed. Instead of golden mountains and a stream, we found ourselves in a marvelous, moving, transparent "city" (in any case, it looked like a city). And right towards us, along a wide, wet, silver-shiny “road”, an amazing man was slowly walking ... He was a tall, proud old man, who could not be called anything else but majestic! sometimes very correct and wise - and pure, like crystal, thoughts (which for some reason I heard very clearly); and long silvery hair covering him with a shimmering cloak; and the same, surprisingly kind, huge violet "Vaina" eyes ... And on his high forehead shone, wonderfully sparkling with gold, a diamond "star".
“Rest to you, Father,” Veya said softly, touching her forehead with her fingers.
“And you, the departed one,” the old man answered sadly.
From him emanated endless kindness and affection. And I suddenly really wanted, like a small child, to bury my head in his knees and hide from everything for at least a few seconds, breathing in the deep peace emanating from him, and not think about the fact that I'm scared ... that I don't know where my house... and that I don't know at all - where I am, and what is really happening to me at the moment...

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